Examview - Biology 1st Semester Exam With Standards W-O Anws

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________


Biology 1st Semester Benchmark

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. The basic unit of life is
a. the cell.
b. an atom.
c. DNA.
d. a species

7. Unlike a eukaryotic cell, a prokaryotic cell does not

a. DNA.
b. a cell membrane.
c. cytoplasm.
d. a nucleus.

2. Cell theory establishes which of the following

conclusions about cells?
a. All cells have the same size and shape.
b. All cells form by free-cell formation.
c. All cells are produced by other living cells.
d. All cells have a cell wall.

8. One of the most visible differences between

prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the
a. lack of chlorophyll in eukaryotes
b. larger size of prokaryotes
c. presence of a cell wall in prokaryotes
d. presence of a nucleus in eukaryotes

3. Which cells have a cell membrane, cytoplasm,

ribosomes, and DNA?
a. only animal cells
b. only prokaryotic cells
c. only eukaryotic cells
d. all cells

9. Which of the following is an example of a

prokaryotic cell?
a. chloroplast
b. fungus
c. bacterium
d. muscle cell

4. What are the main differences between plant and

animal cells?
a. Animal cells are eukaryotes and plant cells are
b. Plant cells are eukaryotes and animal cells are
c. Animal cells have cell walls and chloroplasts;
plant cells do not.
d. Plant cells have cell walls and chloroplasts;
animal cells do not.

10. What level of organization is the liver?

a. cell
b. tissue
c. organ
d. organ system
11. An organized group of related parts that interact to
form a whole is a(n)
a. adaptation.
b. system.
c. arrangement.
d. theory.

5. Which phrase best describes rough ER?

a. studded with ribosomes
b. protected by vesicles
c. connected to the Golgi apparatus
d. stored in the central vacuole

12. In order to maintain homeostasis, all organisms

a. take in oxygen.
b. be chemosynthetic.
c. capture sunlight.
d. use chemical energy.

6. Which organelles contain enzymes that break down

old cell parts?
a. centrosomes
b. lysosomes
c. vacuoles
d. chloroplasts

Name: ________________________


13. Which phrase best describes passive transport?

a. requires transport proteins
b. requires no energy from the cell
c. requires an isotonic solution
d. requires facilitation by enzymes

20. One difference between a cancer cell and a normal

cell is that
a. cancer cells divide uncontrollably.
b. normal cells divide uncontrollably.
c. cancer cells cannot make copies of DNA.
d. normal cells cannot make copies of DNA.

14. Which of the following phrases best describes

active transport?
a. moves substance against concentration gradient
b. does not use chemical energy
c. forms a vesicle around a large particle
d. relies on diffusion of materials

21. If a tumor is malignant, then cancer cells from the

a. are harmless.
b. remain clustered together.
c. can form more tumors.
d. create more carcinogens.

15. Which phrase best describes the process of

facilitated diffusion?
a. moves molecules against a concentration
b. requires ATP
c. moves only nonpolar molecules
d. requires no energy from the cell

22. Acidic solutions have a pH that is

a. less than 7.
b. between 7 and 14.
c. a negative number.
d. more than 7.
23. Which phrase best describes the effect of a catalyst
on a chemical reaction?
a. increases the temperature
b. increases the volume of reactants
c. decreases the reaction rate
d. decreases the activation energy

16. Multicellular organisms use mitosis for growth,

development, and
a. apoptosis.
b. repair.
c. reproduction.
d. interphase.

24. Enzymes affect chemical reactions in living

organisms by
a. changing the direction of a reaction.
b. breaking down molecules into starch.
c. increasing the temperature range.
d. weakening bonds in reactants.

17. Which of the following shows the correct sequence

of the cell cycle?
a. cytokinesis mitosis G1 S G2
b. S G1 G2 mitosis cytokinesis
c. G1 S G2 mitosis cytokinesis
d. mitosis G1 S G2 cytokinesis

25. The main light-absorbing molecules found in plant

leaves are called
a. chloroplasts.
b. thylakoids
c. chlorophyll.
d. grana.

18. The synthesis (S) phase is characterized by

a. DNA replication.
b. cell division.
c. replication of mitochondria and other
d. the division of cytoplasm.

26. Which process is best represented by the following

chemical equation?
carbon dioxide + water sugars + oxygen
a. cellular respiration
b. photosynthesis
c. glycolysis
d. fermentation

19. What is the first thing that happens when a healthy

cell detects damage to DNA?
a. It stops the cell cycle.
b. It becomes cancerous.
c. It dies.
d. It divides quickly.

Name: ________________________


27. Most of the energy used by life on Earth comes

from the
a. sun.
b. rotation of Earth.
c. moon.
d. weather.

32. Which of the following directly provides the energy

needed for cell functions?
a. A phosphate group is removed from ATP.
b. ADP loses a phosphate group.
c. Electrons are passed to proteins.
d. Oxygen picks up electrons.

28. Which process is best represented by the following

chemical equation?
sugars + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
a. cellular respiration
b. photosynthesis
c. glycolysis
d. fermentation

33. When cells break down food molecules, energy is

a. released quickly.
b. released entirely as body heat into the
c. stored temporarily in ATP molecules.
d. stored permanently in ATP molecules.
34. Fats have many more calories than carbohydrates
because they
a. are smaller than carbohydrates.
b. are lipids.
c. have more bonds from which to extract energy.
d. produce much more ATP in glycolysis.

29. Which of the following is the best explanation for

the presence of both chloroplasts and mitochondria
in plant cells?
a. In the light, plants make their own glucose, but
in the dark, photosynthesis stops and
mitochondria make glucose.
b. If plants cannot produce enough ATP in the
process of photosynthesis to meet their energy
needs, they can produce it in aerobic
c. Sugars are produced in chloroplasts. These
sugars can be stored and used by the
mitochondria to produce ATP.
d. The leaves and sometimes the stems of plants
contain chloroplasts, which produce ATP to
meet the energy needs of these plant parts. The
roots of plants contain mitochondria, which
produce ATP to meet the energy needs of these
plant parts.

35. Which pair of organic molecules has the same

calorie value?
a. Fats and Carbohydrates
b. Fats and Proteins
c. Carbohydrates and Proteins
d. None of the organic molecules have the same
calorie value
36. Which one of the following molecules is a
a. C51H98O6
b. C45H84O8PN
c. C60H100O50
d. C25H43O

30. Which of the following types of organisms uses

cellular respiration for their cellular energy needs?
a. eukaryotes
b. plants only
c. animals only
d. prokaryotes

37. Which statement correctly compares a function of

fats to a function of proteins in the body?
a. Fats cushion the organs, and proteins insulate
the body.
b. Fats insulate the body, and proteins control
c. Fats store energy, and proteins provide the
primary fuel for respiration.
d. Fats coordinate body activities, and proteins
provide monosaccharides.

31. What molecule carries chemical energy that cells

use for their functions?
a. ADP
b. ATP
c. NAD

Name: ________________________


38. Polysaccharides are

a. carbohydrates.
b. lipids.
c. proteins.
d. nucleic acids.

44. Hair color and eye color are examples of a person's

a. recessive traits.
b. dominant alleles.
c. genotype.
d. phenotype.

39. Lipids are

a. soluble in water.
b. made of chains of amino acids.
c. linked together with peptide bonds.
d. used by the body for storing energy.

45. Recessive alleles may not be expressed because

they are
a. masked by a dominant allele.
b. the least common allele in a population.
c. the most common allele in a population.
d. less likely to have crossing over.

40. Meiosis produces cells with how many

a. 44
b. 22
c. 46
d. 23

46. In humans, the male determines the sex of the child

because males have
a. two X chromosomes.
b. one X and one Y chromosome.
c. two Y chromosomes.
d. 46 chromosomes.
47. Since the allele for colorblindness is located on the
X chromosome, colorblindness
a. cannot be inherited.
b. occurs only in adults.
c. is sex-linked.
d. occurs only in females.
48. The pedigree below shows the occurrence of tongue
rolling in three generations of a family (T = the
ability to roll the tongue; t is the inability to roll the

Refer to the illustration above. The process shown
a. mitosis.
b. chromosomal mutation.
c. meiosis.
d. dominance.
42. When crossing-over takes place, chromosomes
a. mutate in the first division.
b. produce new genes.
c. decrease in number.
d. exchange corresponding segments of DNA.

What are the most likely genotypes of the parents

in the second (II) generation?
a. mother tt, father Tt
b. mother tt, father TT
c. mother Tt, father tt
d. mother TT, father tt

43. Which of the following is an example of a

biological trait?
a. personality
b. hair style
c. eye color
d. regional accent

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