14-15 Syllabus

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North Fayette Valley High School Course Syllabus

Course Name: Unified Science

Semester/Year: 2014-2015
Classroom: 349

Course Info

Instructor Info

Phone Ext:
Email Address:
Online Code:
Prep Period:
Course Description:

Megan Boyer
[email protected]
3rd Period
Unified Science This is an introductory course for freshman that is based on a
lecture/hands-on format. In this course students will learn about the physical
world around them, from the ground they stand on to the farthest stars that they
can see. This course will also discuss the forces that provide change underneath
the Earth's crust, keep the planets in balance, and the forces that they experience
in everyday life. Be prepared to also encounter the crosscutting concepts of
mathematics and chemistry.

Course Objectives:

Course Objectives align with the Iowa CORE and the National Science Standards.

Required Materials:

You will be issued a textbook and are responsible for the care of your textbook.

(Including textbook and any other materials or supplies required for the class)

Holt Science Spectrum: A Physical Approach. National Academy Press: Austin, Texas. 2001

You are also required to have and use your own materials. Please bring the
following to class every day:
1. Something to write with (pencil is best)
2. Something to write on (notebook is best)
3. Something to organize your work (folder or binder)
* You also need to bring your textbook and laptop to class every day.


1. Enter quietly.
2. Get materials ready.
3. Look at the Agenda.

4. Stay focused on your work.
5. Give your best effort.
6. Cooperate with others.

7. Pack up quietly.
8. Wait to be dismissed.
9. Push in your chair.



Formative assessments (Classwork)

Formative assessments are used to check for understanding of skills and concepts in this
class. Examples of formative assessments in Unified Science are:

Schoology Checks

Section Reviews


Chapter Quiz*

Other classwork

Methods of

Summative assessments (Tests and Projects)

Summative assessments allow you to demonstrate your mastery of the skills and concepts of
this class. Examples of summative assessments in Unified Science are:


Unit Test


Lab Report

Research Paper


Laboratory work (Labs) and Lab Reports

Labs help reinforce understanding of concepts and build skills in following directions,
carrying out appropriate procedures, experience recall, prediction, and writing. You will be
assigned to a lab group to carryout all lab work.

Grading Scale and


The grading scale is consistent with the standard letter grading system that is used
throughout the high school. See the NFV Handbook.
Summative Assessments are worth 70% of your grade.
Formative Assessments are worth 30% of your grade.

Course Schedule:

The following is a tentative schedule and is subject to change.


Intro. to Science
Atoms and the Periodic
The Structure of Matter

2. Changes in Matter

Chemical Reactions
Acids, bases, and pH
Solutions, Acids, and Bases
Nuclear Changes

Course Policies

3. Motion and Energy Motion and Forces

Work and Energy


4. Waves and Wave


Sound and Light

5. Space Exploration

The Universe
Planet Earth
The Atmosphere
Using Natural Resources


Semester 1
Quarter 1

Semester 1
Quarter 2
Weeks 10-14

Motion Graphs
Air Resistance

Semester 1
Quarter 2
Weeks 15-18

Laser demo
Wood block demo

Semester 2
Quarter 3
Weeks 1-5
Semester 2
Quarter 3-4
Weeks 6-18

Formative assessments
Assignments will be announced in class and posted on the white board in the front
of the classroom. This will be updated on a daily basis, but is subject to change.
The Online Planner will also be updated daily.
All formative assessments are due by the due date and may be graded. There will
be time in class for you to complete your work, but if not, you will be expected to
complete the work outside of class (*chapter quizzes are an exception). Students
may NOT redo formative work for a better grade.


Lab (rough list)

1. The Nature of

Summative assessments

Assignments will be announced in advance in class and posted on the white board
in the front of the classroom. This will be updated daily, but is subject to change.
The Online Planner will also be updated daily.

Late Work:

All summative assessments are due by the due date. If you are absent, you must
schedule a time outside of the school day (either 7:30AM or after 3:30PM). If you
do not finish the assessment by the end of class, you must stay until you are
finished, or have discussed it with me.
All formative work must be turned in before the summative assessment covering
that material. For late work, there is a 10% grade reduction on that assignment
and it will be flagged as Late.


Missing formative assessments will be entered in the grade book as I

(incomplete) if excused and M (missing) if unexcused. You do have the
opportunity to complete missing work for credit until the summative assessment.
See Late Work above.
Missing summative assessments will be entered in the grade book as I
(incomplete). After the summative assessment has been completed, the score will
be entered in the grade book. You must complete all summative assessments
before the end of each Semester.

Second Chance

Makeup Work:

You have the opportunity to retake a summative assessment. It is your

responsibility to carry through with the following checklist in order to retake-redo
the summative assessment.
Communicate. Let me know you want to retake.
Schedule. I will announce in class when the remediation time will be.
Prepare. Know what you want to ask/discuss/go over that you missed the
first time.
Show up. Come to the remediation for questions/discussion/etc.
Remediate. Follow further instruction to successfully retake the test.
Schedule. I will announce when the retake will be.
SHOW UP TO Retake the summative assessment.
You may NOT redo a formative assessment.
You may NOT retake a Semester Final.
If you are absent (excused) on the due date of any formative assessment, it is your
responsibility to check the online planner for assignments due so that you do not
fall behind. You have 2 school days to complete the work when you return.
If you are absent on the day of a summative assessment, you must schedule a time
to makeup that assessment.
If you are absent during any part of a lab, you will take an alternative assessment.
It is your responsibility to talk to the teacher and schedule a time to come in and
complete that alternative assessment. You will then be able complete your lab
report for credit. Each student must submit his/her own lab report.

Cell Phone/Text
Messaging Use:


If you bring your cell phone to class, it must be OFF or SILENT. This includes other
personal electronic devices. During class, cell phones and other electronic devices
must not become a distraction or disruption. If a cell phone becomes a distraction
or disruption, the teacher will confiscate the device and hold it to the end of the
class period, notify the principal, and turn it into the office.
A student may use his/her cell phone for a calculator, stopwatch, timer and the
like after permission from the teacher has been given.

Classroom Conduct

Laptop Use:

Tape Recording:
Students are responsible to know
Policies and Procedures in
the Student Handbook

You must have permission to record video or audio.

Classroom rules and procedures are posted. You will be reminded of the rules and
procedures if you are off-task. Usually, students will be reminded twice. The
third reminder will come with consequences which include but are not limited to:
A call home.
Serve time after school.



Bring your NFV laptop daily. Students will be prompted to use laptops when needed
in class.

Serve a detention.

Emergency procedures are posted above the classroom door in case of fire and
In the event of an injury in class, notify the teacher immediately and follow
directions exactly.


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