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Lesson Plan Design Form11

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11255 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037-1011 Phone (858) 642-8320 Fax (858) 642-8724 www.nu.edu

Lesson Plan Design

Subject: Advanced Art

Grade: 10-12

Lesson Topic: Collage and Graphic Perspective

Candidates Name: Heather Swanson

ID #: 022701895

Site Supervisor: Miriam Haughey

NU Supervisor:

Diana Adams

Date: 10/5/2014
1. Introduction: (Identify Grade Level K12 Academic Content Standard(s), rationale, focus learner,
create bridges from past learning, behavior expectations)
Advanced Art Placement is for students who have

taken the prerequisites of beginning art. Grade level

ranges from 10th to 12th grade.
1.0 Develop Perceptual Skills and Visual Arts
1.1 Analyze and discuss complex ideas, such
as distortion, color theory, arbitrary color,
scale, expressive content, and real versus
virtual in works of art.
1.2 Discuss a series of their original works of
art, using the appropriate vocabulary of art.
1.3 Analyze their works of art as to personal
direction and style.
Students will be able to create a graphic style work of
art through collage and perspective painting. Behavior
norms are set in place from the syllabus and are also
represented in daily ritual.

All of these students have taken an art

course before, therefore they
understand the fundamentals of art.
This class is based around developing
complex ideas and focusing on the
efficiency of the use of techniques in
the representations of their ideas.
Because this is an advanced art class,
students are choosing to take the
course and are therefor better behaved
to begin with.

2. Learner Outcome(s)/Objecti ve(s): (What will students learn from this lesson? How will you
measure mastery of the outcome?)

Students learner outcomes will be to learn how to

observe and analyze colors through collage in cutting
strips of magazines and placing them in an
aesthetically pleasing way. Students will create an
interesting composition using the a variety of medias
with cardboard, stencils, paints, magazines and ink.
The students will be able to decide what they think
looks like a complete are piece with multi media
artwork. Students will be measured based on a rubric
scale. This includes their effort, technique, and their
finished product.

Learner Outcomes and Objectives are

based around the California State
Rubric scale is presented for the
students to assess and understand their
Before they decide they are finished,
the students will look to the rubric to
assess whether they have not met the
expectations, average expectations, or
exceeds expectations.
This encourages the students to
analyze their own and peers work.

3. Pre-assessment Activity: (Determine students abilities to achieve the Learner Outcome and
prescribe instruction accordingly. Consider: linguistic background, academic language abilities,
content knowledge, cultural and health considerations, interests and aspirations, physical
development, social development, emotional development. )

All of these students have been pre-assessed from the

previous school year. I am familiar with their abilities
and differences through skill, technique used and
Pre assessment activity will take place through
discussion and group work Students will practice
drawing simple shapes using perspective. After a day
of practice I will assess and figure a plan for reteaching and review.


Students will be assessed based on

their "before" instruction for 30
minutes of class. Both the students
and I will be able to assess the
difference with their "before" and
"after" instruction drawings of
I will be able to see the differences
and assess my instruction from the
student's final product. And this will
give students a chance to familiarize
with the medias and style.

4. Differentiation, Adaptation & Accommodation Strategies: (Based on the pre-assessments, modify

Learning Activities based on learner characteristics to meet the needs of ELL & special needs
students, highly achieving students and low achieving students)
Challenges will be applied for the students who

Students who exceed the skill level or

expectations will be asked to make
their assignment slightly more
challenging. This will make sure the
students are still learning something
new, practicing different skills, and
overall, making sure they are not
Students who need more assistance
will need extra technique skills.
ELL students will be given a translation worksheet
Providing one on ones or small groups
providing their native language with the assignment.
This will also be modified to a simpler version for any will help strengthen the understanding
and skill.
SPED students to accommodate to their learning
ELL and SPED students will need
assistance connecting the vocabulary
to the assignments. Providing a cheat
sheet will help them understand their
lesson. It will also help the ELL
students to learn the English
translations. SPED students modified
lesson will help them understand the
content and give them something that
isn't too challenging to their abilities.
exceed the expectations and will be asked to use more
difficult medias and theory of the magazine stripes
they incorporate into their final. Students who need
more assistance will be given more time to work on
their finalized project. These students may need more
one on one instruction and will be based on need
basis. I will provide more instruction to smaller
groups if needed.

5. Resources: (Identify materials needed for this lesson accounting for varying degrees of skill level)
Advanced : Use Charcoal or Watercolor

Proficient: Pencil, Colored Pencil

Assisting: Pencil with additional one on ones and or
group instruction
Any level can use worksheets and view the video

Each level of skill will be challenged

in their own way. Challenging a
novice student over their ability will
be discouraging and they will have a
hard time learning the tools and
techniques. However, not challenging
the advanced students will make them
bored and will more likely create
classroom management issues and it
doesn't strengthen their skills.

6. Learning Activities: Explicit Teacher Instruction - (Explain, Model, Demonstrate, Check for
Understandi ng)
First students will attempt at their best ability in a pre- Rationale:

assessment drawing sketches prior to lesson.

I will present a PowerPoint with some examples.

Visuals in art is everything. Students

can't be expected to know how to
draw or display techniques before it is
taught or practiced.

I will also have the students participate in demos,

explaining and watching me first hand on the skill and
Going over the rubric in a class
Students will be given their rubric and access to
discussion lets the students
tutorials online if needed.
acknowledge what is expected of
Check for Understandi ng:
Asking for understanding is crucial
I will be asking verbal questions as a class discussion. for every lesson. Individual checks
will be important to assess each
And I will be asking students if they understand and
student's progress and understanding.
check on their individual progress through one on
ones walking around the room.
7. Learning Activities: Guided Practice/ Collaborati ve Practice (Check for understanding and
provide feedback and re-teaching)
The student learning activities will be to watch demos Rationale:

and have small class discussion/practice.

Students will draw quick little thumbnails and discuss
with their partner which composition is the most
successful and discuss why.
Students will also be able to practice throughout
several days after instruction has been given. Reteaching will be provided if needed based on each
individual student and or small groups.

Most students need to practice before

the submit a final drawing. When the
students observe the PowerPoint,
Video and Demo they will have a
better understanding of the tools and
Small discussion of the thumbnails
will help the students create better
compositions. It will give them a
chance to re assess their objects and

Check for Understandi ng:

Through out the week I will be checking each

students progress, asking them questions and
encouraging them to think in a more creative and
advanced manner. I will provide feedback for
students who need to improve their skill and or

Re-teaching will be provided to

strengthen learning and fix any
Checking for understanding, walking
around the room and observing the
progress and allows the students to
feel comfortable to ask questions and
get more assistance if needed.

8. Independent Practice: (Provide practice that supports the learning outcome. Note: Independent
activities are assigned assuming that students understand the concept well enough to work on their
Students draw on their own for the final assignment.

They will sketch ideas, and begin developing a strong

composition and technique to drawing realistic glass.
Check for Understandi ng:

After providing the students with the rubric, I will be

having a class discussion asking for volunteers to read
the expectations to the whole class. I will then go
around the room and check for individual
understanding when the class starts their drawings.

Individual practice is a huge part of

art. Observing what the students have
learned through individual practice in
multimedia and in other drawing

This will provide extra assistance to

the SPED and ELL learnings who
may not strong reading skills.
9. Assessment and Evaluation: (Describe how you will assess and/or evaluate the students learning.
Describe differentiating assessment strategies you will use for ELL, special needs students, highly
achieving students and low achieving students.)

I will be assessing my students in two different ways.

the rubric will provide the students with expectations
and descriptions with what the final product will be
graded on. There are 5 different grades separated with
categories to each grade. Craftsmanship, effort,
composition, detail are all categories graded. The
second part of their assessment will be through
critique as a class and participation. Students will
discuss their final projects what they like and what
could be improved.


Some students are more skilled than

other when it comes to drawing and or
understanding and producing the same
quality work. By creating a rubric and
incorporating effort and participation,
it gives those less gifted students an
equal opportunity for success. Class
discussions are also a great way to
assess what the students know and to
encourage the use of the art
vocabulary. I will be modifying the
rubric to meet the abilities of my EL
and SPED students.

10. Closure: (Describe how students will reflect on what they have learned.)

The students will write a self critique and participate

in a group critique. We will then review and start
beginning new projects that will use the skills they
have learned. They will put their work in a portfolio


The self critique and class critique is a

great way for the students to see and
reflect on their work and their peers
work. The portfolio is so they can see
the progress and skills they have
learned through out the year.

11. Lesson Reflection/Assessment: (Collect student learning data to determine: What went well?
What needs to be changed? Were learning outcomes met? What activities will you add, change,
modify in the future? What can be done to follow up on the learning from this lesson? Who needs
additional help? Who needs enrichment or higher level work?)

Revised: 09-07-2014

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