Gold Rush Lesson Plan
Gold Rush Lesson Plan
Gold Rush Lesson Plan
Unit Essential Question: How did Westward Expansion affect American, Native American, and
Mexican societies?
Lesson Topic: The California and Colorado Gold Rushes
Content: History 1.2
The key concepts of
continuity and change, cause
and effect, complexity, unity
and diversity over time
Democracy and
21st Century Skills:
Creativity and Innovation
Democracy and
21st Century Skills:
SWBAT develop new
connections where none
previously existed for the
purpose of understanding
how the California and
Colorado Gold Rush affected
SWBAT evaluate the key
concepts of continuity and
change, cause and effect,
complexity, unity and
diversity over time by
collaborating with a partner
to determine what the effect
ASSESSMENTS What is your evidence of achieving each objective? How will students know
and demonstrate what they have learned in each of the areas, all of the objectives?
Literacy and Numeracy:
1. Students will be
1. Students will be assessed
formatively assessed
through observation
during the lecture by using
during the worksheet
quick assess questions
built into the PowerPoint. 2. The sources the students
2. Students will be asked to
provide will be assessed
complete a worksheet on
for credibility.
Colorado and California
cities and what affect the
Gold Rush had on them.
Democracy and
21st Century Skills:
1. The worksheet will ask a
question about what the
students think Fort Collins
would look like if there
had been no Gold Rush.
This will demonstrate new
connections being made
between the city they live
in and the content being
Oregon-California Trail
Democracy and
21st Century Skills
Democracy and
21st Century Skills
Why is it important to make
new connections?
This is the actual planning of the lesson activities.
Pre-assessment will be my asking the students to recall what Manifest Destiny is
and what was acquired from Mexico at the end of the Mexican-American War.
Building Background
Link to Experience:
Students have been going over the Westward Expansion of the U.S. and the idea
of Manifest Destiny. They just completed a lesson on the Mexican-American War
where the U.S. acquired California and Colorado.
Link to Learning:
Students will learn today about the California and Colorado Gold Rush and how it
affects them today.
Activity Name
The Real 49ers
Anticipatory Set
Show images of 49ers. Have the students tell me what they think is going on in
the picture and what questions the images might have aroused.
Instructional Input
Students will receive a brief lecture and PPT where they will be asked to take
notes. Students will be asked to collaborate with a partner in order to research
information for the Gold Rush worksheet.
I will model what a good source looks like for this project as well as how I would
Review and Assessments of All Objectives How will you and how will the
students know they have achieved the objectives of the lesson?
Both the students and I will know that we achieved our content objective by the
content of their completed worksheet and how well they work with a partner.
Quick assessments during the lecture will also help me assess their understanding
during the lecture.
Literacy and Numeracy:
Students will be assessed through observation during the worksheet activity.
The sources the students provide will be assessed for credibility, as well.
Democracy and 21st Century Skills:
The worksheet will ask a question about what the students think Fort Collins
would look like if there had been no Gold Rush. This will demonstrate new
connections being made between the city they live in and the content being
covered. The content of their answer to this question and the ability to
collaborate cooperatively with a partner is how I will assess this objective.
Students will collaborate to determine the origin, output, and outcome of
Colorado and California mining towns.
Next Step
Students have a test review Mr.Schle wants them to start.
Names: ________________________________________
All of these cities were impacted in one way or another by the gold and silver booms. Tell me
in paragraph form what influence the California and Colorado Gold Rushes and the Colorado
Silver Boom had on these cities and what these cities have done since to continue to prosper.
Only use reliable sources and cite them, please. For example, if I am looking for information on
Telluride, CO and I used information off their official website it would look like thisBy the mid1870s, the Sheridan Mine was the first in a string of local claims and a tent camp was
established in the valley below (
Denver, CO
San Francisco, CA
Black Hawk, CO
Fort Collins, CO
Sacramento, CA
Boulder, CO
What would Fort Collins look like if the Colorado Gold Rush hadnt influenced it?
How do you think the gold rushes affected U.S. society as a whole?
Do you have any experiences or family lineage tied to the Gold Rushes? If so, feel free to put
them here. For example, your great-great-great grandfather was a miner or you have been to a
mine before.