Animal Welfare Guidelines For Horses, Ponies and Donkeys: F A W A C

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Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

For further information please contact:

The Secretary
Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council
Animal Health and Welfare Division
Agriculture House
Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: 01-607 2049
Email: [email protected]

Animal Welfare
Guidelines for
Horses, Ponies
and Donkeys

Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

Animal Welfare

Horses, Donkeys
and Ponies


The Five Freedoms Concept

Responsibility of Ownership

Housing and Facilities

General Management Considerations

Health/Good Husbandry


Appendix 1: Condition scoring


Appendix 2: Legislation


Appendix 3: DAF Guidelines


Appendix 4: Registered Farriers


Appendix 5: Notifiable Diseases in Equines


Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies

Chairperson of the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council
The Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council was set up to allow representative groups with
a variety of perspectives on animal welfare, meet and exchange views, seek consensus on
various issues and developments relevant to the care of farm animals. These guidelines
are the product of this consensus and have been adopted unanimously by the Council.
Horses, ponies and donkeys have long been part of the Irish way of life and not only in
rural areas. There is no doubt that horses and ponies make a significant contribution to
the economy as well as to sport and recreation. The equine industry is a significant
contributor to economic activity and a source of employment in the countryside.
The welfare guidelines have been produced to promote sound welfare and management
practices and contains recommendations to assist horse owners, keepers and others to
achieve high standards of animal welfare.
Having reviewed existing guidelines within the European Union, the Council has
developed these with the intention of encouraging owners of horses, ponies and donkeys
to adopt and maintain the highest standards of husbandry.
The Council acknowledges that good farm animal welfare has been an integral part of
Irish livestock farming which is largely grass based and extensive by nature.
The Council has adopted the best farm animal husbandry practices and welfare
standards, which take account of the five basic needs:
1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
2. Freedom from discomfort
3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease
4. Freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour
5. Freedom from fear and distress
In maintaining these guidelines, horse, pony and donkey owners can demonstrate
Irelands prominence in the practice of farm animal welfare standards.

Professor Patrick Fottrell


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council


Welfare codes usually list five basic freedoms that should underpin animal welfare best
practice at farm level. The five freedoms are listed below and provide an overall concept
of animal welfare.
1. Freedom from thirst, hunger and malnutrition
2. Freedom from discomfort
3. Freedom from pain, injury and disease
4. Freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour
5. Freedom from fear and distress
The five freedoms concept can be summarised for horses* as follows:

Access to fresh water and an appropriate diet to maintain health and vigour

Adequate comfort and shelter, freedom from stress or fear

The prevention of vice** injury, parasitic infestation and disease

Freedom of movement and the opportunity to exercise normal patterns of behaviour

The company of other animals (particularly of like kind)

This guide does not address the issue of the transport of horses.
Horses require calm, sympathetic handling by competent and experienced people.
Horses respond best to a firm but gentle approach and to rewards for correct responses.
Handlers should think ahead to ensure that horses are not panicked by unexpected

When considering horse ownership, the following points should be included before
making a decision:

The Right Owner

Should have a basic knowledge of horses and have the availability of experienced
stable/horse management

** The term horses in this guide is used to include all domestic equine species; horses, ponies, asses (donkeys),
hinnies and mules. Reference is generally made to horses, but should be similarly construed for other equids.
Specific reference is only made to donkeys where considered necessary.
** stereotypy/abnormal behaviour
Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies

Should have financial resources and time to ensure good care and management of a

The Costs Include

buying a suitable type of horse

having the horse examined by a Veterinary

Surgeon before purchase

renting grazing/stabling

feeding and other fixed costs

(assuming no illness or injury)

foot care every six to eight weeks

worming the horse every six to eight weeks

annual vaccinations and teeth check/rasp

extra food and bedding over winter

the extra cost associated with unexpected veterinary attention, treatment, even

taking out annual horse insurance

the basic equipment, such as head collars, grooming kit, etc.

providing a stable or field shelter

appropriate safe fencing for horses (not barbed wire)

proper care of the retired horse and appropriate disposal (humane destruction, when

The Time Commitment is Significant and Involves

daily inspections

mucking out/feeding/exercising the horse

making time available to allow your veterinary surgeon or farrier to visit


Effective shelter will afford protection against cold winds and driving rain. During the
summer months it will provide shade and protection from the sun. Shelter may be
provided by any of the following:

shelter belts


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council



purpose-built shelters (open fronted shelters and windbreaks)

rugs (waterproof turnout rugs)

The lack of adequate shelter and feeding can result in cold stress, discomfort, weight loss
(loss of body condition) and increased susceptibility to diseases. Waterproof rugs can also
be used to protect horses from inclement weather. If horses wear rugs they should be
properly secured and be the appropriate size for the animal concerned. The rug should
be removed and replaced daily and checked regularly to ensure that it is not causing
injury or discomfort from rubbing or slipping. Donkeys can reasonably withstand cold
weather conditions, but are intolerant of heavy rain. Very young and very old animals will
be more susceptible to climatic extremes and require extra consideration.

Housing facilities should be designed and constructed to provide for the horses welfare.
(See Appendix 3: S156, Department of Agriculture and Food, Minimum Specifications for
Horse Facilities and Fencing). Horses should be provided with a clean, dry area for lying
down. In all types of housing systems horses should be free to stand up or lie down
comfortably at all times. Housing facilities should provide for enough height to permit
horses to have a full range of head and neck motion without touching the ceiling when
standing with four feet on the floor. Flooring should be properly designed, constructed
and maintained to provide good traction, proper drainage, comfort and prevent injury.
The design of housing facilities and the materials used in their construction should permit
thorough cleaning and disinfection from time to time.
Loose boxes (or traditional stables) are the most common form of stabling individual
Groups of horses can be out-wintered together in communal barns. This form of loose
housing is often the most practical system for managing young-stock or brood mares that
have already formed social groups whilst at grass during the summer. Loose housing is
economical and labour saving but care must be taken to ensure that all horses fare
equally well.

The introduction of a new horse or horses to an existing group can result in bullying. This
may be alleviated by increasing the space allowance or penning the new animal adjacent
to the existing group for a short period. The shy horse not getting sufficient food or being
bullied, must be removed and given individual attention. A horse that is aggressive to
others, should also be removed.
Segregation of incompatible animals is particularly important where communal or loose
housing systems are used. Horses should not be hind-shod in these systems.
*A horse box does not constitute appropriate permanent housing.
Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies

In a loose box, the horse must have sufficient room to lie down, readily rise and turn
around in comfort, without the risk of injury. The recommended minimum box sizes are
3.66m x 3.66m (12ft x 12ft) for horses and 3.05m x 3.05m (10ft x 10ft) for ponies. Boxes for
foaling, and for mares with a foal at foot, should be a minimum of 4.6m x 4.6m (15ft x 15ft).
Loose boxes constructed smaller than these minimums may increase the risk of injury to
both the horse and its handler.
Any aisles or passageways should be of sufficient width to enable horses to be led safely
past other horses and provide sufficient room to enable a horse to be comfortably turned

Ventilation systems in horse stables/housing should be capable of maintaining an air
change rate to prevent excessive heat and moisture levels and to remove major dust and
gas contaminants that can be damaging to the respiratory system of horses and humans.
Mechanically ventilated stables should be equipped to introduce and uniformly distribute
fresh air/or to exhaust foul, moisture-laden air. Stables may be adequately ventilated
through the use of air intakes and exhaust openings to give reasonable air exchange
without creating draughts. The use of a half door solely as a means of ventilation is not
adequate. Air movement should not cause discomfort to horses in stables.

Horse stables/housing should be well lit to permit proper observation of all horses. Any
light source within a stable should be positioned so that it is inaccessible to the reach of
horses. It should be fitted with waterproof protective covering, as required under
National Rules for electrical insulation. Natural light sources should be utilised as much
as possible in the design of the facility. (See Appendix 3: S156, Point 4 of Department of
Agriculture and Food, Minimum Specifications for Horse Facilities and Fencing).

Adequate suitable bedding material is necessary to provide warmth and protection from
draughts, to prevent injury and jarring of the legs, to enable the horse to lie down in
comfort, to reduce the risk of the horse becoming cast and to encourage the horse to
stale (urinate). Bedding material must be non-toxic and provide effective drainage
(and/or be absorbent), to maintain a dry bed and to keep the air free from dust and
Various types of bedding material are available, such as straw, wood shavings, paper, and
hemp. Whichever bedding material is used, it must be of good quality and well managed.
The effectiveness of all bedding material diminishes if they are poorly maintained or if
insufficient quantities are used.

Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

All fields and buildings should be kept clear of debris such as wire, rope, baler twine,
plastic or other similar materials, which could be harmful to horses. All animals should be
able to rest in comfort and have protection from extremes of heat and cold and wet
weather, as appropriate for the species.


Horse owners and keepers should make advance plans for dealing with emergencies such
as fire, flood or disruption of supplies and should ensure that staff are familiar with the
appropriate emergency action. Where horses are housed, knowledge of fire precautions
by the owner/keeper and all staff is essential.


Owners of an equidae, which are horses, donkeys, ponies, should be aware of new
regulations entitled: European Communities (Equine Stud-book and Competition)
Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 399 of 2004) now in place on the identification of equidae in
These Regulations implement EU Decision 2000/68, and mean that:

from 4th October 2004, all equidae when they are being moved out of a holding must
be accompanied by an identity document. Such movements will include movement
between premises, entering competitions, for the purpose of breeding, leaving
Ireland, being sold or being presented for slaughter.

from 1st January 2005, all equidae being presented for slaughter for human
consumption must be accompanied by a passport which was issued at least six
months before being presented for slaughter. This is to ensure that the maximum
withdrawal period after the administration of a drug has been observed.

from 1st July 2004, certain medication given to equidae that are intended for human
consumption must be entered in the identity document by the veterinary surgeon
administering the medication. The horse owner or keeper will need to declare in the
passport whether the horse is ultimately intended for human consumption. If it is, the
details of veterinary medicines used will have to be recorded by the veterinary
surgeon in the passport.

The owner of a horse has to ensure that the horse passport is given to the keeper or
person in charge of the horse. The keeper of a horse has to ensure that the horse is
accompanied by its horse passport. Micro-chipping is the preferred form of horse

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies

It should be noted that the identification provisions have been in force for all horses which
are registered with approved studbooks or organisations since 1993. Since January 2004,
all horses being presented for slaughter that are intended for the food chain have to be
accompanied by an identity document. This Regulation extends the requirements to all
The registration authority for the issue of the identity documents for equidae that are not
eligible for entry into a studbook or approved organisation, is the Irish Horse Board (IHB),
which can be contacted at (01) 5053584.

Horses should be handled quietly, with care and patience, to avoid injury, pain or distress.
Handling and restraining devices must be used humanely by experienced operatives and
with regard to the horses natural movement, temperament and physical capabilities. All
halters, head collars and other equipment used to restrain or handle horses should be
fitted with a method of quick release in case a horse becomes entangled in the
equipment. Where animals are kept in a semi-feral state and are not halter broken (such
as those used in conservation grazing), special handling facilities may be required for
routine management (e.g. worming or hoof trimming) and treatment of minor ailments.
These should be built for the purpose and designed to induce the least amount of stress
to the animal and to avoid danger to either animals or handlers.


All tack and equipment used to handle, drive, or ride horses should be well fitted without
causing the horse pain, discomfort or fear and should be maintained in good functional
condition. All horse clothing should be fitted correctly, to minimise slipping or rubbing
and causing discomfort and the risk of entanglement. All equipment must be used
humanely and with regard to the horses natural movement, temperament and physical

Yards and pastures should be properly fenced to confine horses. The suitability of fencing
varies according to the disposition of the horses, as well as stocking density and
paddock/pasture size. As a general rule, a horse requires a minimum of one to one and
a half acres of average to good grassland to provide for grazing. Rotational grazing using
cattle or sheep is recommended to ensure maintenance of quality grass.
Other points to consider are:

Control grazing levels and do not over-graze pasture

Maintain existing drainage systems by keeping ditches clear from debris

Cut and remove tall ungrazed grass where dung soiled areas are forming

Control weeds by mechanical control or spot-treatment with herbicides

Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

Remove noxious weeds/poisonous plants and trees

Pick up dung regularly and rest and rotate grazing areas to help with parasite control

Where possible, remove horses when the ground is very wet to prevent poaching of
the ground and possible health problems such as mud fever.

Fences should form both a physical and visible barrier to minimise the potential for
injuries. Fences should be maintained in good repair. Fences and gates should be
maintained to prevent horses from gaining access to roadways; perimeter gates should
be kept closed and preferably locked. Barbed wire and narrow gauge high tensile steel
wire, because of their cutting, non-stretching and non-breaking properties, can cause
severe injury to horses. Horses should be introduced to unfamiliar fenced areas during
daylight hours to reduce the risk of injury. Electric fencing units should be installed and
maintained according to the manufacturers specification. Only electric fencing that is
designed for use with horses should be used. All power units for electric fences must be
effectively grounded to prevent short circuits and/or electricity being conducted to
unwanted places, i.e. gates and water troughs. Horses should be supervised when first
introduced to electric fencing.
Conventional horse fencing includes timber, wire, various types of chainwire or weldmesh,
and vinyl or pvc.
(See Appendix 3: S156, Department of Agriculture and Food, Minimum Specifications for
Horse Facilities and Fencing and S157, Department of Agriculture and Food list of
Accepted Proprietary Horse Facilities.).

One of the basic rules concerning horse ownership is that horses cannot be maintained
in good health just on any old block of vacant land. Paddock horses must have adequate
grass to maintain condition. If pasture is inadequate, they should be fed at least once
daily or moved to a larger area with better grazing. In a good season and where stocking
rates are appropriate, horses will do as well on grass as on handfeeding.

The Noxious Weeds Act 1936 (See Appendix 2) empowers the Department of Agriculture
and Food Inspectors and/or members of the Garda Sochna to investigate complaints
where land in agricultural production (which includes farms that have diversified into
equine activities) is threatened by injurious weeds spreading from land nearby.
Ragwort is a common poisonous plant of horse pasture, particularly where pasture is
poorly managed. The toxins in ragwort are cumulative, and result in irreversible liver
damage and digestive disorders. Ragwort poisoning is fatal. Therefore, this weed must
be removed from land to which horses have access. Ragwort remains toxic and becomes
more palatable when dried, and is particularly dangerous in hay or haylage. Any plants
Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies

should be pulled up, removed from the pasture and destroyed by burning. Ragwort is
equally poisonous to humans, therefore protective gloves should always be worn when
removing ragwort. Extreme care should be taken to dispose of the plant safely and

Tethering can be defined as securing an animal by an appropriately attached chain or
rope, to a secure point or anchorage, causing it to be confined to a desired area. Horses
are commonly tied up in a housed (confined) environment either in stables as a temporary
method of restraint, in stalls as a means of containment or whilst travelling (being
Tethering in an open environment at grass or whilst grazing should not be practiced as it
restricts the animals freedom to exercise to find food and water, or to escape from either
predators or the extremes of hot and cold weather. It also risks an animal becoming
entangled, or injuring itself, on tethering equipment.
Tethering of horses on the roadside is a completely unacceptable practice.
The twitch should only be used by skilled and experienced personnel and when
necessary for safety purposes. The twitch should be constructed of suitable material to
avoid damage to the animal. The horse must be relieved from the twitch at regular
intervals to avoid restriction of blood supply.

Under the Control of Horses Act 1996 it is an offence to allow horses to stray. If your horse
strays onto someone elses land you are liable for any damage it causes. It is the
responsibility of your Local Authority to enforce the Control Of Horses Act. (See
Appendix 2)


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

Those undertaking the clipping of horses should be experienced, competent and have
received training in clipping techniques. A suitably competent person should supervise
inexperienced operators. When clipping, care should be taken not to cut the skin of the
horse. Where a wound does occur immediate treatment should be given. A safety plug
should be used on an extension lead when clipping in case horse stands on live wire.
Clipping operators should clean and disinfect their equipment between horses to
minimise the risk of spreading disease. Horses that are clipped need to have adequate
protection from the weather by housing and the use of field and stable rugs. The removal
of protection (housing and/or rugs) should be done gradually as the climate improves.

The guidance contents cannot be exhaustive and is not intended as a substitute for expert
advice. If further advice is required it should be sought from your veterinary surgeon.
The most significant single influence on the health and welfare of the horse is the care
and management given by the owner or keeper of the horse. All horse owners and
keepers should be aware of the health and welfare needs of their horses and be capable
of safeguarding them under all foreseeable conditions. People working with horses
should understand and accept responsibility for the health and welfare of the horses in
their care. Employers have an obligation to train employees with respect to humane
handling and animal care.
Every person responsible for the supervision of horses must be able to recognise early
signs of distress or ill health and have a knowledge of basic equine first aid. They should
also have access to a veterinary surgeon for diagnosis and treatment of any serious illness
or injury. Records of routine worming and/or vaccinations should be kept.
Management practices should accommodate the natural behaviour of horses, such as
their need to graze, their need for exercise and to socialise. Long-term stabling, without
exercise is unacceptable.
Every horse must have free access to a supply of fresh, clean drinking water to meet its
individual maintenance and activity requirements. The exception being when access to
water may need to be withdrawn for short periods of time during exercise and transport.
A horses daily water requirements may range from 20 to 70 litres, depending on air
temperature and humidity, bodyweight, level of activity and health. Every horse must be
offered daily an appropriate ration of food, to maintain its body condition at between
Body Condition Score 2 and 4 (See Appendix 1).
Every horses daily forage/ration must take into account type and size of animal,
maintenance and activity needs and other factors considered relevant to the individual
animal and its environment. Horses are trickle feeders and should have access to
forage feed during most of their non-active hours. This may be fresh grass, hay, haylage
or straw as appropriate or preferred. Excess consumption of straw bedding can lead to
colic and must be curtailed.
Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


Horses kept in stables and yards should be inspected for signs of injury and ill health at
least twice a day. Horses turned out in paddocks should be inspected for body condition,
signs of injury, ill health, ill-fitting halters and rugs and the availability of food and water
at least once a day.
Mares in late pregnancy should be checked at least twice daily for signs of impending
foaling and far more frequently as the time of foaling approaches.
Horses with halters and/or rugs should not be grazed extensively unless they can be
inspected every day.
A veterinary surgeon should be consulted urgently by the owner or person in charge of
the horse if there are any signs of *:

acute abdominal pain or colic

serious injury involving deep wounds, severe haemorrhage, suspected bone fractures
or damage to the eyes

evidence of straining for more than 30 minutes by a mare due to foal

inability to rise or stand

inability or abnormal reluctance to move

severe diarrhoea

prolonged/abnormal sweating

high temperature, anxiety, restlessness, loss of appetite

any other signs of acute pain or injury

respiratory distress

However, a veterinary surgeon should in any event be consulted where there is sign of ill
health or injury, in order to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering.

A horses body condition should be maintained between Body Condition Score 2 and 4
on a scale of 0 Very Poor to 5 Very Fat (Reference: Carroll, C. L. & Huntington, P. J. (1988)
Body Condition Scoring and Weight Estimation in Horses. Equine Veterinary Journal
20(1), pp 42-45). (See Appendix 1)
For any horse not under veterinary direction, a condition score below 2 is unacceptable.
The horse should not be worked and should be placed on a sufficient and appropriate
feeding programme to raise its condition score to a minimum of 2. Horses should not be
permitted to reach a condition score of 5. Where identified, they should be placed on an
appropriate less-than maintenance diet.

* Please note that this list is a guide only and is not exhaustive.


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

Lameness is usually an indication of pain and if not promptly diagnosed and treated may
lead to unnecessary suffering. Advice from a veterinary surgeon should be sought and
acted upon at the earliest opportunity.

Hooves should be trimmed as often as is necessary to maintain the health of the foot. The
frequency of hoof trimming will depend on such factors as age, season, nutrition,
management and injury. There are fundamental differences in the structure and treatment
of donkeys hooves and specialist advice should be sought if the attending farrier or
veterinary surgeon is not experienced in donkey foot care. As a guide, hooves should be
checked, trimmed and shoes renewed if present, by a registered farrier every 4-8 weeks.
The Irish Farriery Authority maintains a register of Farriers. (See Appendix 4).

Horses teeth should be examined at least annually. Uneven wear and abnormalities of
teeth should not be allowed to interfere with normal eating habits. Dental care will
depend on such factors as nutrition and management system.

Internal parasites should be controlled by grazing management and anthelmintic
treatment administered at appropriate times based upon the lifecycle of the parasite.
Advice on appropriate treatment, timing and steps to avoid the development of
anthelmintic resistant worms should be sought from a veterinary surgeon or specialist
adviser. Not all horse anthelmintics are licenced for use in donkeys. Veterinary advice
must be sought before introducing donkeys to horses to avoid a dangerous lungworm

Where external parasites occur, such as lice or mites, prompt diagnosis and treatment
should be undertaken in consultation with a veterinary surgeon.

Before embarking on vaccination, consultation should be made with a veterinary surgeon
with regard to establishing an appropriate vaccination programme. Horse handlers
should also consult their doctors to ensure that their personal tetanus vaccinations are
kept up to date.
There are four diseases of horses for which vaccination is currently available: Tetanus,
Equine Influenza (flu), Equine Herpes Virus (EHV) and Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA).

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


Tetanus, otherwise known as lockjaw, is a fatal disease of horses caused by toxins

produced when spores of the bacteria, Clostridium tetani, multiply within deep
penetration wounds. The toxins produce paralysing muscle spasm and cause death by
respiratory arrest. All horses are at risk from tetanus and should be vaccinated. There are
various vaccination regimes, which vary according to the make of vaccine used. They all
recommend a primary course of 2 injections 4-5 weeks apart followed by boosters at
intervals varying from 1 to 3 years depending on the particular brand of vaccine and the
risk circumstances. In situations where there is a risk of a horse developing tetanus, and
there is any doubt about the tetanus vaccination history or if inadequate immunity has
developed, Tetanus antitoxin (TAT) should be given to provide emergency protection
against the disease.
The Equine Influenza Virus causes clinical signs of depression including fever, severe
coughing and nasal discharge due to additional infection with bacteria. It may
occasionally be fatal. All horses are at risk from Equine Influenza and should receive a
primary course of two vaccinations 4-6 weeks apart and a booster 6 months after the
primary course and at least every 12 months thereafter.
Equine Herpes Virus affects all ages and types of horses but causes problems especially
in breeding mares. Equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) can cause serious disease of newborn
foals, abortion in pregnant mares, respiratory disease and paralysis that frequently results
in affected horses having to be destroyed. Infection with another strain, EHV-4, commonly
causes respiratory disease in young horses and, less frequently than EHV-1, can be the
cause of abortion. EHV vaccination is an important consideration as a disease control
measure, particularly in groups of competition or breeding horses. Veterinary advice
should be sought regarding the need for and benefits of vaccination. Vaccination regime
consists of a primary course of 2 injections, 4-5 weeks apart; thereafter 6 monthly booster
vaccinations should be administered.
Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA) can cause fever, depression, inflammation in and around the
eyes (pink eye), swelling of the legs, head and genitals, and abortion and disease of
new-born foals. The EVA vaccination is targeted at stallions to prevent them becoming
shedders (a potential source of infection whilst showing no clinical symptoms).

If it is suspected that any animal may be suffering from a Notifiable Disease, then there
is a legal requirement to notify the District Veterinary Office. (See Appendix 5, List of
Notifiable Diseases in Equines).
The Common Codes of Practice for the Control of Equine Diseases is updated annually
and the current version can be obtained from Animal Health Division, Department of
Agriculture & Food, (Telephone 01-6072466). This document contains the following

Code of Practice for venereally transmitted diseases, e.g. Contagious Equine Metritis

Code of Practice for Equine Viral Arteritis (E.V.A.)


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

Code of Practice for Equine Herpes Virus (E.H.V.)

Guidelines on Strangles

Any of the above diseases can compromise horse and pony welfare. The
recommendations in these Codes of Practice are common to France, Germany, Britain,
Italy and Ireland.


Breeding of horses requires specialist knowledge. Advice and training should be sought
before embarking on a breeding programme.

Humane destruction may be necessary due to old age and infirmity or because of
suffering from an ailment or condition where it is no longer humane to keep the animal
alive. A veterinary surgeon may be consulted and can advise when the time has come and
on the most appropriate method of euthanasia.
An injured/ill horse may be transported only if it is being taken for veterinary
treatment/diagnosis and then only provided it is transported in a way which is not going
to cause it further suffering, under veterinary supervision. (See Appendix 2: The Diseases
of Animals (Protection of Animals During Transport) Order, 1995 (S.I. 98 of 1995) states:
Section 4 (3)

No person shall cause or permit the transport of any animal that is unfit
by reason of it being newborn, aged, diseased, infirm, ill, injured or
fatigued or that has given birth within the preceding 48 hours or likely
to give birth during transport. However, this provision shall not apply to:

animals that are slightly injured or ill whose transport would

not cause unnecessary suffering.

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


(Based on the Carroll and Huntington Method)
To obtain the condition score for any horse, first score the pelvis, then adjust the pelvis
score up or down by 0.5 if it differs by 1 or more points from the back or neck score.


0 Very Poor
Angular, skin tight
Very sunken rump
Deep cavity under tail
Back and Ribs
Skin tight over ribs
Very prominent and sharp backbone
Marked ewe neck
Narrow and slack at base

1 Poor
Prominent pelvis & croup
Sunken rump but skin supple
Deep cavity under tail
Back and Ribs
Ribs easily visible
Prominent backbone with skin
sunken on either side
Ewe neck, narrow & slack at base


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

2 Moderate
Rump flat either side of backbone
Croup well-defined, some fat
Slight cavity under tail
Back and Ribs
Ribs just visible
Backbone covered but spines can be felt
Narrow but firm

3 Good
Covered by fat and rounded
No gutter
Pelvis easily felt
Back and Ribs
Ribs just covered & easily felt
No gutter along back
Backbone well covered but spines can be felt
No crest (except for stallions) firm neck

4 Fat
Gutter to root of tail
Pelvis covered by soft fat
Need firm pressure to feel
Back and Ribs
Ribs well covered need pressure to feel
Slight crest
Wide & firm

5 Very fat
Deep gutter to root of tail
Skin distended
Pelvis buried, cannot be felt
Back and Ribs
Ribs buried, cannot be felt
Deep gutter along back
Back broad & flat
Marked crest
Very wide & firm
Folds of fat
Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies



Basic Donkey Health Care Manual (The Donkey Sanctuary)
0 Very Poor
Very sunken rump
Deep cavity under tail
Skin tight over bones
Very prominent pelvis
Back and Ribs
Very prominent backbone
Marked ewe (thin, concave) neck

1 Poor
Sunken rump
Cavity under tail
Back and Ribs
Ribs easily visible
Prominent backbone and croup
Ewe (thin, concave) neck, narrow & slack

2 Moderate
Rump flat either side of the backbone
Back and Ribs
Ribs just visible
Backbone well covered
Narrow but firm neck


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

3 Good
Rounder rump
Back and Ribs
Ribs covered but easily felt
Slight crest, neck firm

4 Fat
Rump well-rounded
Back and Ribs
Gutter along back
Ribs hard to feel
Neck thick with hard crest

5 Very Fat
Very bulging rump with tail
set between buttocks
Back and Ribs
Deep gutter along back
Ribs buried
Heavy neck with thick crest probably
fallen to one side
Folds and lumps of fat on body

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


There is a considerable body of National and EU Regulations governing equine health,
husbandry and welfare issues. A current list of relevant legislation is available from the
Animal Health and Welfare Division of the Department of Agriculture and Food, Kildare
Street, Dublin 2, Tel: 01-607 2000, Lo-call: 1890 200 510.


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

References to Department specifications can be found on the following website: under the heading farm buildings.





The following diagrams are inserted here as visual aid, further details of which are
detailed in the above specifications.

Figure 1 Cross-Sections of Typical Boxes

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


Figure 2 American Barn Plan

Figure 3 American Barn - Section

Figure 4 Horse Stock


Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Council

The Irish Farriery Authority maintains an up to date register of Farriers, which can be
found at
Telephone: 045-520765


Epizootic Lymphangitis
African Horse Sickness
Equine Encephalomyelitis
Infectious Equine Anaemia
Vesicular Stomatitis
Contagious Equine Metritis
Equine Viral Arteritis

Animal Welfare Guidelines for Horses, Donkeys and Ponies


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