Beekeeping Basics

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The document provides an overview of beekeeping including information on bee biology, equipment, obtaining bees, honey production and pollination services.

The main parts of a bee colony include the queen, drones, workers and brood.

The basic equipment needed for beekeeping includes the hive, hive bodies, frames, foundation, supers, bottom board, inner and outer covers and protective clothing.


MAAREC: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia, and the USDA cooperating
Beekeeping Basics ................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Introduction .......................................................................2 Diseases of Adult Bees.................................................. 46
The Colony and Its Organization ..................................3 Parasitic Mites ............................................................... 48
Queen................................................................................ 3 Pests................................................................................ 54
Drones............................................................................... 4 Protecting Honey Bees from Pesticides..................... 61
Workers............................................................................. 5
Honey Production and Processing ............................ 62
Laying Workers............................................................... 5
Forms of Honey............................................................. 62
Bee Development........................................................... 5
Honey Removal and Processing................................. 66
Brood................................................................................. 6
Marketing....................................................................... 72
Beekeeping Equipment ...................................................7 Pollination ....................................................................... 73
The Hive .......................................................................... 7 Moving Bees................................................................... 73
Ancillary Equipment.................................................... 11 When to Move Bees on to the Crop............................ 74
Protective Clothing....................................................... 12 Colony Strength............................................................. 74
Number of Colonies Needed....................................... 75
Starting with Bees .......................................................... 13
Competitive Plants........................................................ 75
Package Bees.................................................................. 13
Colony Distribution...................................................... 75
Nucleus Colonies.......................................................... 16
Effect of Weather........................................................... 75
Buying Established Colonies....................................... 17
Crop Characteristics and Needs................................. 75
Collecting Swarms........................................................ 17
Pollination Contracts.................................................... 77
Taking Bees out of Walls and Buildings..................... 18
Selecting the Right Type of Bee for Handling Beeswax and Pollen Trapping ................... 78
Your Operation.......................................................... 19 Rendering Beeswax....................................................... 78
Apiary Location............................................................. 20 Trapping Pollen from Colonies................................... 79
Beekeeping in the Urban/Suburban
Setting......................................................................... 21 Floral Sources ................................................................. 80
Handling Bees................................................................ 23
Glossary ............................................................................ 82
Colony Management ...................................................... 25 Appendix ......................................................................... 89
Early Spring Management of A. Summary of Current Best Management
Overwintered Colonies............................................ 25 Practices.................................................................... 89
Swarm Management..................................................... 27 B. Apiary Inspection and Extension Services
Late Spring and Summer Management..................... 30 in the Mid-Atlantic.................................................. 90
Fall Management........................................................... 31 C. Chemicals Approved for Legal Use in
Summary of Management Practices Honey Bee Colonies ............................................... 91
throughout the Year.................................................. 39 D. Sources of Information and
Assistance for Beekeepers...................................... 94
Managing Maladies ........................................................ 41 E. Beekeeping Supply Companies............................. 98
Diseases, Parasites, and Pests and
Their Control.............................................................. 41
Brood Diseases............................................................... 41

Original guide prepared by Clarence H. Collison, former extension entomologist.

Major updates and revisions prepared by Maryann Frazier, senior extension associate,
Penn State, and Dewey Caron, professor of entomology and applied ecology/extension
entomologist, University of Delaware.
Contributions made by Ann Harmon and Dennis VanEnglesdorp. Mid-Atlantic Apiculture
Research and Extension
Front cover photos courtesy of Maryann Frazier; back cover photo courtesy of Steve Williams. Consortium
Beekeeping Basics .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Beekeeping can be a fascinating hobby, a profitable
sideline, or a full-time occupation. You may want to
keep bees for the delicious fresh honey they pro-
duce, for the benefits of their valuable services as
pollinators, or perhaps simply for the enjoyment of
learning more about one of nature’s most interesting
Almost anyone can keep bees. Honey bees
normally only sting to defend themselves or their
colony; when colonies are handled properly and
precautions are taken, stinging is not a major
problem. Most beekeepers develop a tolerance for
bee venom over time and have reduced sensitivity
to pain and swelling. However, the few people who
react strongly to bee stings and pollen or who are
unable to get over fears of stings should avoid
contact with bees.
Most beekeepers in the Mid-Atlantic region are
hobbyists. Beekeeping is generally considered a
minor industry. However, because of its interrela-
tionship with agriculture and dependency of grow-
ers of several commodities on honey bee pollination,
beekeeping is much more important than merely the
value of the beeswax and honey produced annually.
This manual is all about beekeeping—under-
standing honey bee biology, getting started, man-
aging bee colonies for fun and/or profit—and is
designed to help you become a successful beekeeper.
Welcome to the world of beekeeping.
The Colony and Its Organization.......................................................................................................................................... 3

The Colony and Its Organization

Honey bees are social insects, which means that stores, and the size of the worker force. As the size of
they live together in large, well-organized family the colony increases up to a maximum of about
groups. Social insects are highly evolved insects that 60,000 workers, so does the efficiency of the colony.
engage in a variety of complex tasks not practiced
by the multitude of solitary insects. Communication,
complex nest construction, environmental control, Queen
defense, and division of the labor are just some of Each colony has only one queen, except during and
the behaviors that honey bees have developed to a varying period following swarming preparations
exist successfully in social colonies. These fascinat- or supersedure. Because she is the only sexually
ing behaviors make social insects in general, and developed female, her primary function is reproduc-
honey bees in particular, among the most fascinating tion. She produces both fertilized and unfertilized
creatures on earth. eggs. Queens lay the greatest number of eggs in the
A honey bee colony typically consists of three spring and early summer. During peak production,
kinds of adult bees: workers, drones, and a queen queens may lay up to 1,500 eggs per day. They
(Figure 1). Several thousand worker bees cooperate gradually cease laying eggs in early October and
in nest building, food collection, and brood rearing. produce few or no eggs until early next spring
Each worker has a definite task to perform, related (January). One queen may produce up to 250,000
to its adult age. But surviving and reproducing take eggs per year and possibly more than a million in
the combined efforts of the entire colony. Individual her lifetime.
bees (workers, drones, and queens) cannot survive A queen is easily distinguished from other
without the support of the colony. members of the colony. Her body is normally much
In addition to thousands of worker adults, a longer than either the drone’s or worker’s, especially
colony normally has a single queen and several during the egg-laying period when her abdomen is
hundred drones during late spring and summer. greatly elongated. Her wings cover only about two-
The social structure of the colony is maintained by thirds of the abdomen, whereas the wings of both
the presence of the queen and workers and depends workers and drones nearly reach the tip of the
on an effective system of communication. The abdomen when folded. A queen’s thorax is slightly
distribution of chemical pheromones among mem- larger than that of a worker, and she has neither
bers and communicative “dances” are responsible pollen baskets nor functional wax glands. Her
for controlling the activities necessary for colony stinger is curved and longer than that of the worker,
survival. Labor activities among worker bees depend but it has fewer and shorter barbs. The queen can
primarily on the age of the bee but vary with the live for several years—sometimes for as long as 5,
needs of the colony. Reproduction and colony but average productive life span is 2 to 3 years.
strength depend on the queen, the quantity of food The second major function of a queen is produc-
ing pheromones that serve as a social “glue” unify-
ing and helping to give individual identity to a bee
colony (Figure 2, next page). One major phero-
mone—termed queen substance—is produced by
her mandibular glands, but others are also impor-
tant. The characteristics of the colony depend largely
on the egg-laying and chemical production capabili-
ties of the queen. Her genetic makeup—along with
that of the drones she has mated with—contributes
significantly to the quality, size, temperament, and
productivity of the colony.
Figure 1. Three types of honey bees normally found in a About one week after emerging from a queen
honey bee colony: worker, queen, and drone. (Courtesy cell, the queen leaves the hive to mate with several
of the U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Beekeeping Basics .................................................................................................................................................................. 4

or swarming. When an old queen is accidentally

killed, lost, or removed, the worker bees select
younger worker larvae to produce emergency
queens. These queens are raised in worker cells
modified to hang vertically on the comb surface
(Figure 3). When an older queen begins to fail
(decreased production of queen substance), the
colony prepares to raise a new queen. Queens
produced as a result of supersedure are usually
better than emergency queens since they receive
larger quantities of food (royal jelly) during devel-
opment. Like emergency queen cells, supersedure
Figure 2. Queen surrounded by attendant workers. queen cells typically are raised on the comb surface.
Although unique in shape and size, the queen is recog- In comparison, queen cells produced in preparation
nized by works and drones, not by the way she looks, for swarming are found along the bottom margins
but by her “chemical signature” or pheromone called of the frames or in gaps in the beeswax combs
queen substance.
within the brood area.

drones in flight. Because she must fly some distance

from her colony to mate (nature’s way of avoiding Drones
inbreeding), she first circles the hive to orient herself Drones (male bees) are the largest bees in the colony.
to its location. She leaves the hive by herself and is They are generally present only during late spring
gone approximately 13 minutes. The queen mates, and summer. The drone’s head is much larger than
usually in the afternoon, with seven to fifteen drones that of either the queen or worker, and its compound
at an altitude above 20 feet. Drones are able to find eyes meet at the top of its head. Drones have no
and recognize the queen by her chemical odor stinger, pollen baskets, or wax glands. Their main
(pheromone). If bad weather delays the queen’s function is to fertilize the virgin queen during her
mating flight for more than 20 days, she loses the
mating flight, but only a small number of drones
ability to mate and will only be able to lay unfertil-
perform this function. Drones become sexually ma-
ized eggs, which result in drones.
ture about a week after emerging and die instantly
After mating, the queen returns to the hive and
upon mating. Although drones perform no useful
begins laying eggs in about 48 hours. She releases
work for the hive, their presence is believed to be
several sperm from the spermatheca each time she
lays an egg destined to become either a worker or important for normal colony functioning.
queen. If her egg is laid in a larger drone-sized cell,
she normally does not release sperm, and the
resulting individual becomes a drone. The queen is
constantly attended and fed royal jelly by the
colony’s worker bees. The number of eggs the queen
lays depends on the amount of food she receives and
the size of the worker force capable of preparing
beeswax cells for her eggs and caring for the larva
that will hatch from the eggs in 3 days. When the
queen substance secreted by the queen is no longer
adequate, the workers prepare to replace (super-
sede) her. The old queen and her new daughter may
both be present in the hive for some time following
New (virgin) queens develop from fertilized
eggs or from young worker larvae not more than
Figure 3. Emergency queen cell built by workers by
3 days old. New queens are raised under three modifying an existing worker cell to accommodate the
different circumstances: emergency, supersedure, larger size of the queen. (Courtesy Maryann Frazier)
The Colony and Its Organization.......................................................................................................................................... 5

While drones normally rely on workers for food,

they can feed themselves within the hive after they Laying Workers
are 4 days old. Since drones eat three times as much When a colony becomes queenless, the ovaries of
food as workers, an excessive number of drones may several workers develop and workers begin to lay
place an added stress on the colony’s food supply. unfertilized eggs. Normally, development of the
Drones stay in the hive until they are about 8 days workers’ ovaries is inhibited by the presence of
old, after which they begin to take orientation flights. brood and the queen and her chemicals. The pres-
Flight from the hive normally occurs between noon ence of laying workers in a colony usually means
and 4:00 p.m. Drones have never been observed tak- the colony has been queenless for several weeks.
ing food from flowers. However, laying workers also may be found in
When cold weather begins in the fall and normal “queenright” colonies during the swarming
pollen/nectar resources become scarce, drones
season and when the colony is headed by a poor
usually are forced out into the cold and left to starve.
queen. Colonies with laying workers are recognized
Queenless colonies, however, allow them to stay in
easily: there may be anywhere from five to fifteen
the hive indefinitely.
eggs per cell (Figure 4) and small-bodied drones
are reared in worker-sized cells. In addition, laying
Workers workers scatter their eggs more randomly over the
Workers are the smallest bodied adults and consti- brood combs, and eggs can be found on the sides of
tute the majority of bees occupying the colony. They the cell instead of at the base, where they are placed
are sexually undeveloped females and under normal by a queen. Some of these eggs do not hatch, and
hive conditions do not lay eggs. Workers have many of the drone larvae that do hatch do not
specialized structures, such as brood food glands, survive to maturity in the smaller cells.
scent glands, wax glands, and pollen baskets, which
allow them to perform all the labors of the hive. They
clean and polish the cells, feed the brood, care for Bee Development
the queen, remove debris, handle incoming nectar, All three types of adult honey bees pass through
build beeswax combs, guard the entrance, and air- three developmental stages before emerging as
condition and ventilate the hive during their initial adults: egg, larva, and pupa. The three stages are
few weeks as adults. Later as field bees they forage collectively labeled brood. While the developmental
for nectar, pollen, water, and propolis (plant sap). stages are similar, they do differ in duration (see
The life span of the worker during summer is Table 1). Unfertilized eggs become drones, while
about 6 weeks. Workers reared in the fall may live as fertilized eggs become either workers or queens.
long as 6 months, allowing the colony to survive the Nutrition plays an important part in caste develop-
winter and assisting in the rearing of new genera- ment of female bees; larvae destined to become
tions in the spring before they die. workers receive less royal jelly and more a mixture
of honey and pollen compared to the copious
amounts of royal jelly that a queen larva receives.

Table 1. Developmental stages of the three castes of bees.


Egg 3 3 3
Larval stage 5 ½ 6 6 ½
Pupal stage 7 ½ 12 14 ½

Figure 4. Eggs laid by workers (laying workers) in a developmental time 16 21 24
queenless colony. (Courtesy Scott Camazine)
Beekeeping Basics .................................................................................................................................................................. 6

Brood Healthy brood patterns are easily recognized when
EGGS looking at capped brood. Frames of healthy capped
Honey bee eggs are normally laid one per cell by the worker brood normally have a solid pattern with few
queen. Each egg is attached to the cell bottom and cells missed by the queen in her egg laying. Cappings
looks like a tiny grain of rice (Figure 5). When first are medium brown in color, convex, and without
laid, the egg stands straight up on end. However, punctures (Figure 8). Because of developmental time,
during the 3-day development period the egg begins the ratio should be four times as many pupae as eggs
to bend over. On the third day, the egg develops into and twice as many as larvae; drone brood is usually
a tiny grub and the larval stage begins. in patches around the margins of brood nest.

Healthy larvae are pearly white in color with a
glistening appearance. They are curled in a “C” larva
shape on the bottom of the cell (Figure 6). Worker,
queen, and drone cells are capped after larvae are
approximately 6, 5½, and 6½ days old, respectively.
During the larval stage, they are fed by adult worker
(nurse) bees while still inside their beeswax cells.
The period just after the cell is capped is called the Figure 6. Cells
prepupal stage. During this stage the larva is still with healthy
grub-like in appearance but stretches itself out worker larvae.
lengthwise in the cell and spins a thin silken cocoon. (Courtesy
Dewey Caron)
Larvae remain pearly white, plump, and glistening
during the prepupal stage.

Within the individual cells capped with a beeswax
cover constructed by adult worker bees, the prepupae
begin to change from their larval form to adult bees
(Figure 7). Healthy pupae remain white and glisten-
ing during the initial stages of development, even
though their bodies begin to take on adult forms.
Compound eyes are the first feature that begin to take
on color; chang-
ing from white to Figure 7. Honey bee pupae changing from the larval to
brownish-purple. adult form. (Courtesy Scott Camazine)
Soon after this,
the rest of the
body begins to
take on the color
of an adult bee.
New workers,
queens, and
drones emerge
12, 7½, and 14½
days, respectively,
after their cells
Figure 5. Cells with fertilized eggs are capped.
laid by the queen. (Courtesy Figure 8. Comb of sealed worker brood with drone cells
Maryann Frazier) in the lower corners. (Courtesy Maryann Frazier)
Beekeeping Equipment........................................................................................................................................................... 7

Beekeeping Equipment
Equipment needs vary with the size of your opera- HIVE BODIES
tion, number of colonies, and the type of honey you The standard ten-frame hive body is available in
plan to produce. The basic equipment you need are four common depths or heights. The full-depth hive
the components of the hive, protective gear, smoker body, 9 5⁄8 inches high, is most often used for brood
and hive tool, and the equipment you need for rearing. These large units provide adequate space
handling the honey crop. with minimum interruption for large solid brood
The hive is the man-made structure in which areas. They also are suitable for honey supers.
the honey bee colony lives. Over the years a wide However, when filled with honey, they weigh over
variety of hives have been developed. Today most 60 pounds and are heavy to handle.
beekeepers in the United States use the Langstroth The medium-depth super, sometimes called the
or modern ten-frame hive. A typical hive consists of Dadant or Illinois super, is 65 ⁄8 inches high. While
a hive stand, a bottom board with entrance cleat or this is the most convenient size for honey supers, it
reducer, a series of boxes or hive bodies with sus- cannot be cut efficiently from standard-sized lumber.
pended frames containing foundation or comb, and An intermediate size (7 5⁄8 inches) between the
inner and outer covers (Figure 9, next page, includes full- and medium-depth super is preferred by some
dimensions for those wishing to construct their own beekeepers, especially those who make their own
hives). The hive bodies that contain the brood nest boxes.
may be separated from the honey supers (where the The shallow-depth super, 5 1⁄16 inches high, is the
surplus honey is stored) with a queen excluder. lightest unit to manipulate (about 35 pounds when
filled with honey). This size has the greatest cost of
assembly per square inch of usable comb space.
The Hive Section comb honey supers, 45 ⁄8 inches high,
HIVE STAND hold either basswood section boxes or plastic rings
The hive stand, actually an optional piece of equip- and section holders. Section comb honey production
ment, elevates the bottom board (floor) of the hive is a specialized art requiring intense management
off the ground. In principle, this support reduces and generally is not recommended for beginners.
dampness in the hive, extends the life of the bottom Some beekeepers prefer eight-frame hive bodies.
board, and helps keep the front entrance free of These were mostly homemade, but one U.S. bee
grass and weeds. Hive stands may be concrete supplier is now selling eight-frame boxes as English
blocks, bricks, railroad ties, pallets, logs, or a com- garden hive boxes. Beekeepers rearing queens and/
mercially produced hive stand. A hive stand may or selling small starter colonies (nucs) prefer to use a
support a single colony, two colonies, or a row of three- or five-frame nuc box usually with standard
several colonies. deep frames. These can be purchased from bee
supply dealers and are constructed from wood or
BOTTOM BOARD cardboard, the latter for temporary use only.
The bottom board serves as the floor of the colony Different management schemes are used accord-
and as a takeoff and landing platform for foraging ing to the depth of hive bodies utilized for the brood
bees. Since the bottom board is open in the front, the area of the hive. One scheme is to use a single full-
colony should be tilted forward slightly to prevent depth hive body, which theoretically would give the
rainwater from running into the hive. Bottom boards queen all the room she needs for egg laying. How-
available from many bee supply dealers are revers- ever, additional space is needed for food storage and
ible, providing either a 7⁄8 - or 3 ⁄8 -inch opening in front. maximum brood nest expansion. Normally a single
full-depth brood chamber is used when beekeepers
want to crowd bees for comb honey production,
when a package is installed, or when a nucleus
colony or division is first established. Most beekeep-
ers elect to use either two full-depth hive bodies or a
Beekeeping Basics .................................................................................................................................................................. 8

Outer Telescoping Cover

3 pieces 71/4" X 3/4" X 181/8" (top)
2 pieces 213/4" X 3/4" X 2" (sides)
2 pieces 163/8" X 3/4" X 2" (ends)
213/4" 16 5/8"
Inner Cover

2 pieces 1/2" X 3/4" X 161/8"

2 pieces 1/2" X 3/4" X 181/4"
193/4" 16 1/8"
2 pieces 6" X 3/8" X 19 3/4"
1 piece 41/8" X 3/8" X 19 3/4"
4 5/8"
Section Comb Super

2 pieces 19 3/4" X 3/4" X 45/8" (sides)

193/4" 145/8" 2 pieces 145/8" X 3/4" X 45/8" (ends)

Shallow Extracting Super

5 3/4"
2 pieces 19 3/4" X 3/4" X 53/4" (sides)
2 pieces 145/8" X 3/4" X 53/4" (ends)

193/4" 14 5/8"

1/2" Queen Excluder

2 pieces 19 3/4" X 3/4" X 53/4" (sides)

2 pieces 145/8" X 3/4" X 53/4" (ends)
193/4" 14 5/8"

9 5/8" Full Depth Hive Body

2 pieces 19 3/4" X 3/4" X 95/8" (sides)

2 pieces 145/8" X 3/4" X 95/8" (ends)

193/4" 14 5/8"

Bottom Board
2 3/8"
3 pieces 71/8" X 3/4" X 153/8" (floor)
2 pieces 23/8" X 3/4" X 22" (sides)
1 piece 23/8" X 3/4" X 145/8" (end)

14 5/8"
22" 15 3/8"

Hive Stand
513/16" 1 piece 3" X 3/4" X 145/8" (back end)
2 pieces 3" X 3/4" X 251/16" (sides)
1 piece 53/16" X 3/4" X 161/8" (front end)



illustration by peter kauffman

Figure 9. Equipment and dimensions for a standard Langstroth hive.

Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences research and extension programs are funded in part by Pennsylvania counties, the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

This publication is available from the Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Build-
ing, University Park, PA 16802. For information telephone 814-865-6713.

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This publication is available in alternative media on request.

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