Cal Unit Plan
Cal Unit Plan
Cal Unit Plan
Essential Question(s)
What essential questions will be considered in this unit?
Do all students receive equal opportunity for education? How do equality and privilege relate to education?
Does racism still exist? If so, how and where?
How do we talk about race?
What issues face Native Americans today? What is life like on reservations?
Does the protagonist, Junior, change throughout the course of the novel? If so, how?
Measurable Objectives:
Students will know (What key knowledge will students acquire as a result of this unit?)
Students will be able to (What key skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?)
Objectives should:
Be clear and manageable and written in measurable terms
Be connected to the standards and the curriculum
Consider student ability, interests, and backgrounds
Students will know language to describe race and will be able to apply it to critical discussions of the
text through supportive and structured community-building exercises.
Students will know and be able to use critical lenses of literary theory and apply it to texts used inside
and outside of class.
Students will know and be able to discuss critical issues in the text through extended group work and
individual projects.
Your assessment plan should outline how you will:
Link standards and objectives with corresponding assessment tools
Use appropriate tools and get valid results
Provide feedback to students
Monitor student progress toward meeting objectives and use data to inform instruction
Use differentiated/modified forms of assessment
What evidence will show that students understand? How will you assess students at various points in time?
Students will be evaluated on their in-class activities and participation in group and whole-class discussions.
Students will be given opportunities to choose from a list of (or individualized) final projects. Students will
also present their final projects and complete/receive peer evaluations.
I will assess my students through conversations in class, respond to their journals, check in with base groups,
monitor progress on individual projects and provide summative assessment through the submitted final project
and presentation evaluation.
Initial journal entries
Entry/exit cards
Formative Assessment(s):
Teacher & Peer responses to journals
Whole class and base group discussions
Individual and group presentations
Group log sheets
Summative Assessment(s):
Final Project (students will be able to choose from a list of options including an essay, poster, newspaper
article/response, etc.)
Final Presentation Students will each share what they have prepared for their project and evaluate their peers.
Reflection activity & letter to Sherman Alexie
Your learning plan should:
Include activities related to standards and objectives
Include activities that are engaging and purposeful
Include activities that are differentiated based on students needs
Include an appropriate time line that is linked to Pre-Assessment and Formative Assessment
Learning Activities:
What learning experiences and instruction will enable students to achieve the standards/objectives?
Students will receive direct instruction of daily content/assessments and the application of outside sources to the
novel will integrate the modalities of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Base groups will be assigned and heterogeneous. I will check in with base groups, individual students and help
facilitate class discussions.
Students will have some class time to read, journal, and work on their final projects. I will check in with
students and monitor their progress as well as providing final feedback on their presentation.
Use the calendar below to outline your learning plan. Highlight the day that you will videotape.
Week 1
Mon Day 1 Community Building
Personal Illustrations
Identity card activity
Journaling: Who are you? The power of autobiography and reactions to in-class activity
Journal check-in
Setting the scene: Movie about life on reservations
Fluency mini-lesson & dialogue
Introduction and read-aloud of the first chapter
HW: Begin novel
Literary Lenses: reader response, social power/Marxist, archetypal, gender criticism, new criticism.
Content: What are the lenses of critical theory we will use and how do we apply them?
Base Groups Assigned, 5 groups of 6 each assigned 1 lens.
Analysis of Jacklight by Louise Erdrich
HW: Read & Journal (students will select from a list of questions or write independent response).
Explain Literature Circle Roles: summarizer, discussion director, connector, illustrator, travel tracer,
word wizard.
Students will be assigned literature circle roles and will have 15-20 minutes of in class work time.
During this time the teacher will check in with students and scaffold if necessary.
What a good listener looks & sounds like
Discussion Circle 1
RACE Paragraph mini lesson
HW: Read & RACE paragraph in journal
Fri- Reading & Journals Due (1st 1/3 of novel)
Base group meeting & Discussion Circle 2
RACE paragraphs due
Mini lesson: Giving an effective speech