The Effect of A Two-Week Sensory Diet On Fussy Infants With Regulatory Sens

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The effect of a two-week sensory diet on fussy infants with regulatory

sensory processing disorder
Jacqueline Jorge B OccTher (Pret) MSc OT (Wits)

Postgraduate Student Occupational Therapy Department, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health
Science, University of Witwatersrand
Paediatric Occupational Therapy Practice: Sensory Matters Inc.

Patricia Ann de Witt Dip OT (Pret) MSc OT (Wits)

Adjunct Professor and Head, Dept of Occupational Therapy Department, School of Therapeutic Sciences,
Faculty of Health Science, University of the Witwatersrand

Denise Franzsen B Sc OT (Wits) MSc OT (Wits) DHT (Pret)

Senior Lecturer, Occupational Therapy Department, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health
Science, University of the Witwatersrand



This study investigated the effectiveness of a two-week programme of parent education and a sensory diet to reduce signs of fussiness
in infants identified with Regulatory Sensory Processing Disorder (RSPD). The sensory diet was viewed as a complementary programme
and was based on the Sensory Integration theory of Jean Ayers. The sample consisted of twelve infants who met the diagnostic criteria for
RSPD. Data were gathered using the Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist and a parent interview. Infants were divided into two combined
age bands as prescribed for the administration of the Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist. One group fell into the age band of 7-12
months of age and the other into the 13-24 months age band. Pre and post intervention measures allowed for comparison of data to
determine the effect of the programme.
Findings for this sample indicated a significant reduction in signs of fussiness in both groups (p0.00), with a greater change evident
in the 7-12 month group. The most significant changes were seen in self-regulatory and attachment behaviours. Difficulties with tactile,
vestibular and auditory sensitivities related to sensory processing persisted indicating the need for further sensory integrative therapy.
Parents reported a lack of knowledge and recognition of Regulatory Sensory Processing Disorder in infants by health professionals and
as a result, there had been no referral to occupational therapists for sensory integration therapy in this sample group. Despite the small
sample size, the results contribute to the emerging understanding of the influence of sensory modulation on dysfunctional infant behaviour.
Key words: Regulatory Sensory Processing Disorder, Sensory Integration, Sensory diet, Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist, Fussy infants


During normal development, self-regulation develops as infants

learn to take interest in their surroundings, while at the same time
regulating their level of arousal in response to sensory stimulation1.
This self-regulation is described as an interaction between physiological maturation; the parents sensitivity to the infants needs
as well as the infants adaptation to the environmental demands.
The foundation for self-regulation is the infants ability to develop
homeostasis during the early months of life. This process continues
to develop during the first two years of life2. Homeostasis refers to
the ability of the infant to regulate and develop sleep-wake cycles,
to digest food, to self soothe in response to changing stimuli from
the environment and to respond appropriately to social stimuli3.
For some infants this natural process of self-regulation does
not develop typically. As a result they may have difficulties in transitioning between arousal states, become overwhelmed quickly
and avoid self soothing behaviours such as sucking their fingers or
dummies. They often dislike swaddling and move into extension
patterns when crying and irritable. This impacts homeostatic functions such as being able to feed and sleep adequately4. Some infants
demonstrating these behaviours have been described as meeting the
criteria for Regulation Sensory Processing Disorder (RSPD). This

disorder is evident early in life5 and it has been reported in infants

older than six months who appear to be fussy, irritable, with poor
self-calming behaviours and who show intolerance to change6,7.
This set of behaviours affects daily adaptation, interactions and
relationships7. While the causes of RSPD are unclear it appears
to be linked to accentuated neurological thresholds for sensory,
motor, psychological and behaviour processes7. Suggestions of an
overlap with difficult temperament, atypical central nervous system function and genetic factors have been reported6. Problems
with physiological maturation, caregiver response or the infants
adaptation to environmental demands may also play a role in the
development of RSPD8,9.


Sensory Integration was described by Ayers in 1972 as the neurological processes that organises sensation from ones own body
and from the environment and makes is possible to use the body
effectively within the environment10:103.
Sensory integration intervention has been said to emphasise
an approach which addresses the sensory needs of the child in
order for the child to make adaptive and organised responses to a
variety of circumstances and environments11:17. Ayers theory of
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Sensory Integration is well recognised within occupational therapy

and has been the departure point for later research and theory
development by other occupational therapists, such as de Gangi
and colleagues in 1993 and 19952,3. To differentiate Ayers original
theory and body of knowledge from further expanded research,
assessment protocols and intervention models, it was trademarked
as Ayers Sensory Integration in 200712.
The programme described in this paper was based on the
principles of Ayers theory of Sensory Integration10 together with
complementary programmes as provided through of a sensory
diet13 and parent education. Through this it was hoped to increase
understanding of the infants behaviour and facilitate change.
A sensory diet refers to a planned and scheduled activity
programme which draws on the principles of Ayers theory10 and is
designed by an occupational therapist to meet a childs specific and
unique sensory needs14. Sensory diets are described by Wilbarger15
and Faure4,16,17.. However there is limited published research on
sensory diets for infants. Sensory diets are viewed as being complementary to sensory integration based on Ayers theory15. The
principles guiding the design of sensory diets are organised around
everyday activities and routines such as when an infant is touched,
dressed, fed or bathed4,6. It includes modifying daily routines, changing the environment and using individualised sensory stimulation to
normalise specific sensory responses13.

The development of self regulation

The process of self-regulation at each stage of development refers
to an infants ability to perceive and modulate sensory information
and is dependent on the infants ability to maintain the four As18.
The four As are inter-related concepts which together result in self
regulation. They refer to the infants ability to maintain an appropriate level of arousal (the ability to maintain alertness and transition
smoothly between states of being asleep and awake); the infants
ability to attend selectively to a task; an affective or emotional response and lastly an action or an adaptive goal-directed behaviour.
In the early months, an infant is unable to effectively apply
self-regulatory behaviours and is reliant on his/her parents and the
environment to provide appropriate sensory modulation. The infant
then begins to learn to modulate sensory stimuli and self-regulate
through parent-infant interactions using tactile, vestibular, auditory
and visual experiences6. Sensory integration therefore occurs as he/
she learns to modify his/her actions in relation to the environment.
Self-control begins to emerge from 18 months of age as the child
is able to use language and play to internalise routines and instructions from others6.
The diagnosis of RSPD is made during infancy when selfregulatory or sensory modulation difficulties disrupt daily routines
and activities such as sleep, feeding, and play. It may also result in
emotional or behavioural challenges such as frequent emotional
outbursts and poor adaptability to change5. Lane confirmed that
RSPD is identified only in infancy, although these infants may possibly present later with a sensory processing disorder if their difficulties persist19.
In investigating the effectiveness of a programme to alleviate
RSPD, it was important to explore the level of understanding and
awareness of the condition amongst health professionals in South
Africa. The disorder was first described in 2006 in the USA and
has not been classified in either the International Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10)20 or
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual - Text Revised (DSM IV TR)21.
Regulatory Sensory Processing Disorders are only described in the
Diagnostic Manual for Infancy and Early Childhood Mental Health,
Developmental, Regulatory-Sensory Processing, Language and
Learning Disorders (ICDL-DMIC) of the Interdisciplinary Council
on Developmental and Learning Disorders22. This manual is not yet
in common use in South Africa, therefore, the diagnosis of RSPD is
infrequently made in South Africa.
The tools that may be used to assess RSPD in infants are the
Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist (ITSC)2 and the Test of Sensory
Functions in Infants (TSFI)23. The ITSC used in this study is a valuable
tool for occupational therapists as it focusses on the occupational

performance areas of sleeping, eating/feeding, dressing and bathing.

The items on this test allow parents to observe and report on their
experience of their infants fussiness. The test has been standardised
and assesses a range of behavioural and sensory domains including:
self-regulation, attention, touch, movement, listening and language,
looking and sight as well as attachment.
The ITSC was designed to assess infants in the 7 to 30 months
age range, with six checklists that cover the following age bands: 7
to 9 months; 10 to 12 months; 13 to 18 months; 19 to 24 months;
and 25 to 30 months. At risk scores which indicate regulatory and
sensory disorders are provided for each age band2.
The ITSC was initially developed in 1987 by DeGangi et al
with 57 items organised into nine behavioural domains2. In the
standardising procedure and to establish norms, the items were
tested on a sample of predominantly middle-class Caucasian
infants in the USA2. Thirty infants who were developing typically
and 15 infants with RSPD were included in the pilot study. After
analysis and revision of items, data collection was conducted over
a three year period. The test was then validated on two samples
of infants between 7 and 30 months of whom 154 were developing typically and 67 who had been identified with RSPD. To date
reliability of the test has not been reported. Construct validity
was established by comparing the scores of the sample of infants
with regulatory disorders to that of infants whose parents were
not concerned about their infants behaviour2. Results indicated
that the majority of infants whose parents were concerned about
their childs behaviour met the criteria for being at risk for RSPD
while all those whose parents were not concerned did not meet
the criteria set to indentify this disorder. The authors report that
78% of infants identified by the ITSC as having problems were
later diagnosed with developmental or behavioural problems when
assessed with the Child Behavior Checklist2. The inclusion criteria
reported in this paper are the same as those used in the reported
studies, which were used to determine whether infants could be
identified as having RSPD2.

Intervention approaches for RSPD

An integrated, family-centred treatment model has been identified
by Gomez, Baird and Jung24 and DeGangi13 as being valuable in
planning intervention. DeGangi suggests three formal approaches
including parent guidance, child-centred interactions which are
based on developmental individual differences, and thirdly, Ayers
Sensory Integration13. No published research could be found on the
long-term prevention of developmental, learning, sensory integrative, behaviour and emotional difficulties by providing intervention
in infancy for RSPD. It has also not been determined what duration,
frequency and type of intervention would work best25.
The activities for the intervention programme described in this
paper were based on the work of Williamson and Anzalone1 and
Faure17 who specify the alerting or calming stimuli which can be
used for infants and toddlers.
Calming vestibular stimuli that include rhythmic activities, such
as rocking and swaying as well as proprioceptive stimuli that include
resistive activities and deep pressure to the joints and muscles were
identified as being of particular importance26. Other calming sensory stimuli used included tactile stimuli through deep, firm touch,
such as holding the infant firmly for a hug or rhythmic patting; oral
stimuli like sucking a dummy; and auditory stimuli in the form of
music with a steady, slow rhythm1.
Sensory strategies for feeding difficulties were based on the
baby-led weaning approach, developed by Rapley and Murkett27. In
addition, scheduling feeding at a relaxed time, the development of a
predictable routine, or sequence of events, and the slow introduction of different food textures were advocated28.
Intervention for sleep difficulties were based on studies of
normal sleep patterns in infants that incorporated principles related to night time sleep patterns and the ability to self-soothe.
Burnham et al.29 described infants spending most of their sleep time
in their own cots and parents waiting before responding to infant
awakenings as the two main indicators of improved self-soothing
in infants at 12 months of age. They reported that an infants ability
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to fall and stay asleep was influenced by specific sensory modulation difficulties related to auditory, tactile or vestibular processing.


The aim of this study was to explore whether 7 to 24 months old

infants with fussy behaviour would respond to an intervention
programme consisting of a two-week sensory diet and parent
The objectives of the study were:
to assess selected infants with fussy behaviour to establish if
they met the diagnostic criteria for RSPD;
to administer pre-and post parent-reported checklists of infants
to implement and evaluate a two week programme of parent
education and a sensory diet for the infants;
to establish the effectiveness of the intervention through statistical analysis of the comparison of the pre and post checklists;
to establish what the parents of infants with RSPD knew about
the condition and what advice they had previously obtained from
health professionals in dealing with the condition.


This study design was a quantitative, descriptive study using a

pre- and post-intervention checklist to determine the effect of a
programme of a sensory diet and parent education on infants who
met the diagnostic criteria for RSPD. A survey design was used
to determine the parents knowledge about RSPD and what help
they had received in dealing with their infants problems and the
effectiveness of this help. The research procedure followed a preintervention, intervention and post-intervention process.

Study population and sample


Interested clinic sisters at six private baby clinics in the Ekurhuleni

Metropolitan area of South Africa were provided with research
flyers and checklist with inclusion criteria so they could identify
possible participants. Infant participants were included in the study
if they met at least two the following inclusion criteria:
Sleep disturbances where the infant takes more than 20 minutes
to fall asleep or wakes more than twice a night;
Difficulties in self-consoling where the parent spends two to
four hours a day attempting to calm the infant;
Feeding disorders not related to allergies or intolerance including refusal to eat, regurgitation and difficulties establishing a
regular feeding routine;
Hyper-arousal where the infant appears overwhelmed by
sensory input, avert gaze to avoid contact and appear intense,
wide-eyed or hyper-active.
The clinic sisters were requested to inform the parents if the
infants that met these criteria about the research and to give them
the researchers contact details. This selection method allowed for
voluntary participation as parents could decide whether or not to
contact the researcher and participate in the study. Infants were
excluded if they were medically unhealthy or had a medical condition which explained excessive fussy behaviour, for example, soft
cleft palate affecting feeding.
The study sample consisted of 12 infants, between the ages
of 7 and 24 months, identified by their parents as fussy. Of the 12
participants included in the study, seven of participants were male
and five were female. Six participants were aged between 7 and 12
months and six were between 13 and 24 months. Infants aged six
months or younger were not included, as fussiness at this age can
be associated with the high incidence of colic and reflux3. Toddlers
from 24-36 months were also excluded as fussiness in this age group
is to be considered developmentally appropriate2.

Research procedure
A telephonic screening interview was carried out with the parent
that contacted the researcher to ensure that infants met the inclusion criteria and to obtain informed consent for participation in the

study. If this was the case the parent was invited to participate in the
study. Appointments were made at their convenience at their home,
work or the researchers private practice for interview purposes.
Three data collection tools were used to collect the preintervention data. Firstly a questionnaire was completed by the
parent that detailed demographic information, medical details of
the pregnancy and birth of the child.
The researcher interviewed the parent to explore the infants
history and symptoms of fussiness. Survey questions about the
parents knowledge of RSPD, what help the parent had sought
regarding their childs fussiness and the effectiveness of this help
were included in the interview. Finally the parent was asked to
complete the parent self-report Infant-Toddler Symptom Checklist
(ITSC)2, which was then scored and reviewed by the researcher.
The ITSC assesses self-regulation, attention, touch, movement,
listening and language, looking and sight as well as attachment and
is a valuable tool for occupational therapy as it focuses on occupational performance areas like sleep, eating or feeding, dressing,
bathing, in which the parents experience their infants fussiness.
The ITSC was designed for the 7- to 30-month age range, with six
checklists that cover five different age bands, 7 to 9 months, 10 to
12 months, 13 to 18 months, 19 to 24 months, and 25 to 30 months.
Cut off scores which indicate regulatory and sensory disorders are
provided for each age band2.
The intervention consisted of two parts namely parent education and the provision of the sensory diet. Parents were educated
about RSPD and sensory modulation. The impact of the condition
on occupational performance in sleep, feeding and attachment were
presented verbally using supporting diagrams.
The two-week sensory diet home programme was prescribed
for each infant and designed to address each infant participants
specific sensory and behavioural dysfunction based on information
obtained from the ITSC and the interview questionnaire.
Following the intervention, the parent completed the second
ITSC and provided feedback on the effects of the implemented
sensory diet. The ITSC was scored by the researcher and the parents progress report was reviewed.
For analysis purposes the sample was divided into two groups
(7 - 12 months and 13 - 24 months) due to the clustering of the
behavioural domains assessed and the at-risk criteria for dysfunction which differ for the age bands on the ITSC2.
The pre and post-intervention total ITSC scores were compared
to the RSPD criteria indicating dysfunction2. Non-parametric statistics were employed due to the small sample size (n= 12) and the
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to analyse whether change
had occurred30.


Clinic sisters and paediatricians interviewed prior to this study were

unaware of this relatively new diagnostic manual and attributed
symptoms associated with RSPD or fussy behaviour in infants to
colic and/or reflux. This was true even when symptoms presented
after the age of six months, although it is recognised that colic typically resolves by six months of age through natural maturation3. If
symptoms persist after the age of six months, a referral is recommended by the researcher to establish if the behaviours are related
to RSPD and whether early intervention is indicated.

Effectiveness of the intervention programme

Results of the ITSC total sample analysis revealed a significant
decrease in the mean ITSC behavioural domains of the test and
total scores for the entire sample at the end of the two-week
intervention period (p 0.00). A large effect size of 1.47, according to Cohens d calculation was found post intervention which
indicates a 73.1% improvement within the group and places the
difference between the pre and post intervention scores on the
93rd percentile.
There was a varying change in the different behavioural domains
assessed by the ITSC with the scores decreasing in all domains
indicating improvement, except for the vestibular and auditory
stimuli which show that the scores increased (Table 1).
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Table 1: Initial and post intervention scores on the Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist for the total sample (n=12)

Initial Scores
Post Intervention Scores
Mean(SD) Mean (SD)
Self Regulation
Tactile stimuli
Vestibular stimuli
Auditory stimuli
Visual stimuli

p value

Effect size




Figure 1: Change in total scores on the Infant Toddler Symptom Checklist for 7-12 month old participants (n=6)
compared to the 13-24 month old participants (n=6)
Significant improvement was found for self-regulation (p 0.01)
and attachment (p 0.005). Effect size for self-regulation after the
intervention was 1.59.

Results for two age groups: 7-12 months age

group and 13-24 months age group

Figure 1 indicates that there was a significant change (p 0.025)

in the total mean scores for the 7-12 months age group after the
two-week intervention period, with an overall effect size of 2.15.
The self-regulation (p 0.05) domain showed significant change
with a medium effect size of 0.5 or a 33% improvement. The tactile
and auditory domains scores increased after intervention.
The total mean scores for the ITSC for the infants between 13
and 24 showed a large effect size of 1.11 after the intervention.
When the various domains of the ITSC were analysed for the 13-24
month old infants none of the domains showed significant change
although there was improvement in four domains (Figure 1). The
scores for the vestibular and auditory domains increased and the
visual domain was unchanged.
A small effect size was found for attachment (0.87), selfregulation (0.64) and concentration (0.68).

Parent perceptions and actions

Parents were asked to identify when signs of RSPD were first noted
in their infant. Six reported that their infant was fussy from birth

and three from six weeks old. Another two reported the fussiness
starting between four and six months and one parent stated that
the fussiness was only noted from 7 months. When asked to rate
their greatest concerns in relation to RSPD, parents were most
concerned about sleep (35%), self-regulation and feeding (13%),
followed by attachment (8%).
The parents sought advice from multiple sources to deal with
their infant with all parents having sought advice from their paediatricians and clinic sisters (Figure 2 on page 32).
Only one parent reported that they had heard of RSPD and
nine other parents felt that knowledge about the condition and the
possibility of intervention would have resulted in relief and a more
positive response. Three sets of parents preferred that their infant
not be given a specific diagnosis.
None of the infants in the study had been referred for occupational therapy but three parents had heard of Sensory Integration from colleagues or experienced it in therapy with their older


Parents reported observing signs of fussiness in their infants earlier

than six months of age, with 50% reporting fussiness from birth
and 25% from six weeks. Further research would be needed in a
younger age group to establish how the fussiness relates to colic
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Figure 2: Sources of advice used by parents to deal with infants fussiness


and whether the symptoms of RSPD were present and contributing

to problems before the age of six months.
The concerns parents had about their infants sleep, selfregulation, feeding attachment and general fussiness led them to
approach clinic sisters, paediatricians and other sources for help.
However, parents reported that the advice given, along with information from books and the internet did not adequately equip
them to deal with their infants problems31,32.. The lack of referral
to occupational therapists appears to confirm a lack of awareness of RSPD amongst health professionals dealing with infants.
Furthermore, there appears to be a lack of knowledge of sensory
integration- based intervention in treating this condition. Thus more
teamwork between disciplines and education about regulatory
disorders for other professionals is required.
From the inclusion criteria designed to identify infants for this
study, it appeared that the criteria provided an accurate, quick
screening method, as all the identified infants obtained at risk scores
on the ITSC2. By implication, the criteria could be used by other
health professionals to identify possible cases of RSPD, for referral
to a Sensory Integration trained occupational therapist. However,
these findings will need to be confirmed in future research on a
larger sample size.
The assessment of the infants behaviour and the description
of their fussiness in the study relied strongly on parental perceptions during pre and post-testing. This method was chosen as the
researcher felt that the parents would be in the best position to
indicate a reduction in signs of RSPD as they had the most contact with the child. The reliability of this method of assessment in
determining change could thus not be confirmed. Therefore, the
researcher ensured that the parents had a sound understanding of
the condition and understood how to implement the sensory diet
appropriately. Parent education empowered them to be able to
judge if change had occurred.
The researcher felt that educating the parents on RSPD provided an opportunity for parents to interact with their infants in
different ways. The importance of parent education on addressing their infants dysfunction is supported by two studies which
specifically assessed the parents perspectives on the benefits
of education as part of the therapeutic process31,32. This may
suggest that, in some cases, rather than the infants improving,
changes reported were due to the change in parental knowledge
and understanding of RSPD and not necessarily in objective
changes in infants symptoms. This variable can be addressed in
future research by the addition of the Test of Sensory Functions
in Infants23 which is completed by an occupational therapist and
not the parents.

The use of a sensory diet home programme for a two-week

period appeared to have empowered parents with strategies
which they could incorporate into everyday tasks in their busy
lives. This form of indirect therapeutic intervention allowed parents
to implement the programme and fit it into their daily schedules.
However, these results need to be confirmed in a study with a
larger sample size and for a longer period of intervention, across
a variety of age bands.
A tentative conclusion was that the sensory diet home programme was beneficial to the infants with a significant improvement
in the mean total score on the ITSC after the two-week intervention
period. All infants displayed a reduction in signs of RSPD with seven
of the 12 infants moving to within the normal range and were to
deemed no longer be at risk for RSPD. Although five of the infants
remained at risk for RSPD, four of the five showed a six or more
point improvement on the ITSC with an effect size of 1.47. It would
be beneficial to reassess the infants at 36 months, to determine
the long-term effects of the intervention. This would have allowed
a comparison with other studies which were conducted over a
longer period3,33.
In analysing the specific changes for all the infants in the behaviour and sensory domains assessed by the ITSC, self-regulation and
attachment showed significant improvement. These two constructs
of the ITSC deal with infant interaction with others, such as being
able to self-soothe independently, the amount of sensory stimuli
tolerated before becoming overwhelmed, time spent calming the
infant and separation anxiety. Positive changes in these areas, therefore, affect interaction between the parent and infant.
Although improvements in sleep were reported, the changes
were not found to be statistically significant. This may be accredited to the ITSC sleep item taking only into consideration infants
with a wake frequency of above three times per night as well as
difficulty returning to sleep. Sleep problems found in this study,
which included aspects like an inconsistent sleep routine, taking a
long time to fall asleep but once asleep either sleeping through or
waking once a night, were not assessed. Thus the ITSC was not
always sensitive to improvements in the problems reported.
When considering the results of the two age groups separately,
the 7-12 month group showed the greatest difference in regulation
and the most significant change, with a large effect size of 2.15
between pre and post-testing on total ITSC scores. In this group,
there was a significant improvement in self-regulation difficulties,
improvement in sleep and attachment difficulties but a slight increase in tactile and auditory difficulties.
The 13-24 month group also showed a large effect size of
1.11 between pre and post-testing on total ITSC scores, even
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though the initial assessment identified less dysfunction. In this

group the vestibular and auditory difficulties increased slightly
indicating, as with the 7-12 month old group, that the sensory
integrative-based treatment may require individualised sensory
integration intervention. The sensory diet home programme
improved only the behavioural and emotional components
as assessed on the ITSC. These results are similar to those of
DeGangi et al.25 who found improvements in behaviour and
emotional regulation in 36 month old children who received
12 weeks of intervention during infancy. Vestibular and tactile
sensitivities persisted in their sample, as in this study. These
findings were not unexpected as the sensory diet was based on
sensory strategies used to manage behaviour in occupational
performance areas of dressing, bathing, feeding and sleeping1,6.
The intervention activities focussed on providing calming and
organising vestibular, proprioceptive and deep pressure stimuli.
Sensory processing and underlying modulation difficulties in the
infants were not addressed in this study. The greater improvement seen in the younger group could also be attributed to the
habit-formation around the behaviours being less established
and the parents of the older infants being less willing to follow
through with some strategies.


In quantitative research using statistical analysis, a large sample

size usually provides confidence in the generalisability of the
results. In this study, both the sample size and the short period
of intervention limit the confidence of interpretation. The results
are therefore should be interpreted with caution.
As the sample size of this study was only 12 infants increasing
the possibility of a Type II error30 effect size was used to determine
changes in both groups of infants. Cohens d effect size analysis
was used to determine the size of difference between the total,
pre and post-intervention scores30. An effect size of more than 1
standard deviation was considered significant for this study, while
an effect size of 0.5 standard deviation was seen as a moderate


Although this study was conducted on a small sample, it demonstrated a significant change after the two-week intervention
period. It also provided valuable information for current practice in
South Africa regarding the lack of awareness of RSPD and knowledge of Ayres Sensory Integration based occupational therapy
as a therapeutic intervention to assist in managing this condition.
This study obtained valuable information pertaining to RSPD
in infant participants, regardless of the small sample size. The
study showed that parents recognised children as being unusually fussy within a very short period after birth (75% before 6
weeks), but they did not recognise it as a condition which might
require intervention. This might be because these infants were
confirmed by paediatricians as being medically healthy. Other
health professionals did not recognise that unusual fussiness may
be indicative of RSPD and therefore did not know how to advise
parents or refer them to an occupational therapist. The fact that
the diagnostic manual describing RSPD is not commonly used in
South Africa contributes to this problem.
The results of this study contribute to the emerging understanding of the potential benefits of a sensory diet as an early
intervention to reduce fussiness in infants. Despite the fact that
the results cannot be generalised before further research with a
large sample, it may guide occupational therapy Sensory Integration practice to explore the use of similar strategies required
for infants presenting with RSPD in clinical practice. The study
suggested that infants presenting with high attachment and poor
self-regulation scores may benefit from parent education and a
sensory diet home programme to manage RSPD. Those presenting
with specific and severe sensory-based processing difficulties may
require individualised Sensory Integration therapy by a certified
occupational therapist.


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2. DeGangi G, Poisson S, Sickel R, Wiener A. Infant/Toddler Symptom
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3. DeGangi G, Porgess S, Sickel R, Greenspan S. Four year follow up
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4. Faure M. Your sensory baby. Harlow: Dorling Kindersley Limited;
5. Miller L, Anzalone M, Lane S, Cermak S, Odten E. Concept evolution
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6. DeGangi G. Pediatric Disorders of Regulation in Affect and Behavior: a Therapists guide to assessment and treatment San Diego:
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7. Reebye P, Stalker A. Understanding regulation disorders of sensory
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Corresponding Author
Jacqueline Jorge
[email protected]

The sensory profile: Comparative analysis of children with specific

language impairment, ADHD and autism
Janine van der Linde B Occ Ther (UFS), MSc OT (Wits)
Postgraduate Student, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Witwatersrand

Denise Franzsen BSc OT (Wits), MSc OT (Wits)

Senior Lecturer, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
the Witwatersrand

Paula Barnard-Ashton, BSc OT (Wits), MSc OT (Wits)

E Learning Co-ordinator, School of Therapeutic Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand



The Sensory Profile is useful in assisting with diagnosis of certain conditions which present with different sensory processing patterns.
The purpose of this study was to compare the Sensory Profile for children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (n=22) to a typical
pattern, as well as the reported profiles of samples with autism and Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). The SLI sample
had significantly more sensory processing difficulties than the typical population in all aspects. The Sensory Profile for both the autism
and ADHD samples differed significantly from that of the SLI sample for H. Modulation Related to Body Position and Movement and
Factor 6: Poor Registration. The SLI sample showed fewer sensory processing problems except for J. Modulation of Sensory Input Affecting
Emotional Responses, M. Behavioural Outcomes of Sensory Processing and Factor 9: Fine motor/perceptual indicating that this small
sample of children with SLI did present with a unique Sensory Profile pattern.


The Sensory Profile developed by Winnie Dunn is a measure of

sensory processing and has been widely used both clinically and
in research to gain information on how children process sensory
information from the body and the environment1. The information gained from the Sensory Profile provides information on the
contribution of sensory processing to a childs daily performance. It
provides information regarding behavioural tendencies in response
to stimuli and identifies which sensory systems are likely to contribute to, or create barriers during functional activities2. Studies using
the Sensory Profile propose that children with certain dysfunctions
respond differently to sensory stimuli than children without dysfunctions2-5. It is assumed that children with certain dysfunctions
process sensory information differently.
Research indicates that there are specific patterns of sensory
processing consistent with the diagnostic criteria for children with
autism and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD)2,3,6,7. It is however not known whether a similar consistent
pattern of sensory processing is present in other dysfunctions, like
Specific Language Impairment (SLI), where behaviours similar to
those associated with autism and ADHD are also observed8,9.

Literature review
The development of the Sensory Profile progressed from the
ground breaking work that was initially done by Jean Ayres on

sensory integration10. Sensory integration results from the brains

ability to process and integrate sensory information received from
the environment and from the body10. The main contributors to
sensory integration as described in the work of Ayres are the tactile,
vestibular and proprioceptive systems, but does not exclude the
visual, auditory, olfactory and taste senses10. There is an ongoing
debate on the use of terminology but this article describes sensory
processing according to Dunns research and published work on
this concept11.
Thus for the purposes of this research the processing of sensory
input refers to the functions the nervous system used to receive,
regulate, and organise sensory input according to the neurological
threshold of a child12. Sensory modulation is the ability to regulate
sensory information and to generate an appropriate response that
matches the demands and expectations of the environment12. It
further plays a role in regulating the habituation and sensitisation of
the persons responses to sensory information from the body and
the environment13. Dunn further proposed that, in order to produce
functional behaviour, modulation of information needs to create an
interchange along a continuum of habituation and sensitisation1.
When a child has difficulty modulating between habituation and
sensitization, they present with maladaptive behaviours, for e.g.
they can present as being over excitable, hyperactive or overly
lethargic10. However when the impact of neurological thresholds
on the behavioural responses is considered, a range of possible
SA Journal of Occupational Therapy

South African Journal of Occupational Therapy Volume 43, Number 3, December 2013

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