Ot Guidelines Child Specific
Ot Guidelines Child Specific
Ot Guidelines Child Specific
Clinical Guidelines of
Occupational Therapy to
Children with Specific
Learning Disabilities
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
List of contributors:
Statement of Intent
This guideline is not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of medical care. Standards of
care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available for an individual case and are subject to
change as scientific knowledge and technology advance and patterns of care evolve.
These parameters of practice should be considered guidelines only. Adherence to them will not
ensure a successful outcome in every case, nor should they be construed as including all proper
methods of care or excluding other acceptable methods aimed at the same results. The ultimate
judgment regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made in light of the
clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment options available. However it
is advised that significant departures from any local guidelines derived from it should be fully
documented in the patient's case notes at the time the relevant decision is taken.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Occupational therapists are concerned with the role performance of the children and its related
dysfunction. Children with SLD interfere the most basic and familiar tasks in writing, reading,
playing and activities of daily living. These domains of occupational performance are the scope of
practice of occupational therapy. Specifically, children with DCD are not only unable to complete
some tasks, but also have difficulties in quality of motor production and task completion (Coster and
Haley 1992).
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Activities of Daily Living
Children with DCD, in particular, may also have self care development and associated problems
in use of chopsticks in eating and the motor clumsiness may also affect the child’s organization of
work in performing other self care activities such as buttoning, zipping, shoe tying and cutting nails.
In managing school work, children with SLD will have difficulties in packing school bags and
maintaining a well organized place for study. Thus, they need help to maintain notebooks for
assignments, records of their work and drafts of their assignments (Cermak and Larkin 2002).
Play Skills
DCD children were reported to have poor performance of various gross motor skills such as
balancing, throwing and catching a ball, skipping, hopping, or jumping. They also found to have
difficulties in engaging ball games and group sports such as soccer, basketball, and baseball. Some
of these children were unable to maintain their own personal body space and as a result, they bump
into other people and objects easily.
One study by Puderbaugh and Fisher (1992) examined play skills of children with
developmental dyspraxia between the ages of 12 and 54 months. They examined the qualitative
aspects of play and found that the children with motor coordination delays had poorer play skills
than typical peers in the areas of motor skills (including skills such as reaching, moving, and
manipulating objects) and in process skills (including skills such as sequencing, organizing and
investigating objects and actions). Clifford (1985) noticed that they often have history of quitting
community-sponsored physical activity programs. May-Benson (1999) found that 50 % of children
with dyspraxia had problems riding a bicycle, 67 % had poor ball skills and 71 % had difficulty with
Social Skills
Social skills was defined as a child’s ability to develop and maintain appropriate peer
relationships is considered to be an important predictor of positive adult adjustment and behavior
(Cowen, Pederson, Babigan, Izzo and Trost, 1973). Research documented that children with SLD
exhibited deficits in social skills. Factors contributing to the social skills deficits included social
perception, behavioral problems, problem solving ability, and verbal communication (Cermak &
Aberson ,1997). McConaughty and Ritter (1986) examined the social competence and behavioral
problems of boys with SLD ages 6-11 by using CBCL. Parental reports indicated that boys with SLD
displayed significantly more behavioral problems in comparison to the normative sample.
LaGreca and Stone (1990) concluded that children with SLD had significantly lower peer
acceptance, fewer positive nominations, lower feelings of self worth and more negative self
perceptions regarding social acceptance.
Other literature also indicated that children with SLD had been found to have deficits in social
perception and are less attuned to nonverbal communication than typical peers (Axelrod, 1982;
Jackson et al., 1987; Sisterhern & Gerber, 1989). Studies also showed that a child’s difficulty in social
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
skills may relate to problems reading non-verbal cues, which were due to visual perceptual problems
(Harnadek & Rourke, 1994).
Self-esteem /Emotion control
O’Dwyer (1987) found that 11-year-old boys with motor coordination problems were less
outgoing, less emotionally stable, less tough-minded and self-reliant, less shrewd and calculating,
less self-assured, and more introverted, and had lower self-esteem and poorer peer acceptance than
their more coordinated peers. Schoemaker and Kalverboer (1994) also found that clumsy children
were more anxious, had low self-concept, were more insecure and isolated, and were less competent
in social and physical skills than their peers.
Koomar (1996) found that anxiety co-occurred with dyspraxia for 5- and 13- year-old children,
with a greater degree of anxiety manifesting with more severe dyspraxia.
In addition, a variety of disorders may co-exist in a significant percentage of children with SLD
such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). SLD was present in 70% of children
with ADHD and children with such co-morbidity had more severe learning problems than children
with SLD but no ADHD (Mayes,Calhoun & Crowell, 2000).
Furthermore, among the children with disabilities, children with SLD had more problems in
perceived competence than those with physical or visual impairment. They tended to perceive
themselves as lacking in competence and consider failure as an indication of their own lack of
competence and thus as threat to their self-esteem (Weisz & Stipek, 1982). They either hid their
emotions, or reacted aggressively in achievement situations and following failure.
According to Child behavioral checklist (CBCL) and Teachers report form (TRF), the dyslexic
group had significantly more behavioral problems than the control group. They had higher scores on
total behavioral problems, internalizing and externalizing sub-domains and the subscales attention
problem (Heiergang, Stevenson, Lund & Hugdahl, 2001).
For adolescents who were diagnosed with DCD at younger age, research indicated that reading
problems were associated with some increases in disruptive behavior in their teenagers.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
SLD affects the children in many aspects. Outcome studies showed that the problem affects the
children’s educational attainment, mental health and adult social functioning. Lam (1999)
commented that these negative outcomes were the result of inadequate effective help and
intervention in early years of the children. She suggested that early identification and intervention
against the negative effects of SLD were therefore essential.
A survey done in paediatric and child psychiatric settings in Hospital Authority in 2003 found
that it was among the five most common diagnoses referred to occupational therapy service (Child
and Adolescent Working Group, OTCOC, 2003). Occupational therapists provide individual and/or
group treatment in children in day and out patient services aiming at improving their functional skills
in learning and coping with daily activities.
This clinical guidelines aim at streamlining occupational therapy service provision for children
in SLD within different settings in Hospital Authority so as to improve the quality of service to these
children and ensure maximal independence in their daily lives.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
In treating children with SLD, the model of practice frequently adopted by occupational
therapists is the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP). Under this model, it
defines “occupational performance” of a person as the result of a dynamic relationship between
persons, environment, and occupation over a person’s lifespan. It refers to the ability to choose,
organize and satisfactorily perform meaningful occupations that are culturally defined and age
appropriate for looking after one’s self, enjoying life, and contributing to the social and economic
fabric of a community (Canadian Association of Occupational Therapy 1997). Specifically, we may
consider playing and learning being the major occupations of children. Occupational therapists
introduce environmental change aiming at enhancing occupational performance, or enabling persons
to restore, develop, maintain, or discover their occupational potential in their environment.
The process of occupational therapy practice is divided into seven stages:
Stage 1: Name, validate and prioritize occupational performance issues related to self-care,
productivity and leisure
Stage 2: Select theoretical approach(es)
Stage 3: Identify occupational performance components and environmental conditions
Stage 4: Identify strengths and resources
Stage 5: Develop action plan with clients
Stage 6: Implement plans through occupation
Stage 7: Evaluate occupational performance outcomes (Canadian Association of Occupational
Therapy 1997).
There are a number of treatment approaches in which occupational therapists will adopt during
the treatment of children with SLD. These approaches assist in focusing the core problems of
children for remedial therapy and adaptation to daily life activities.
Biomechanical Approach
Biomechanics is a system of assumptions about forces affecting the human body. It is based
primarily on the mechanics of musculoskeletal system with the use of direct strengthening
techniques involving the application of resistance. It is commonly applied to impairments of the
musculoskeletal, cardio-pulmonary, integumentary, and nervous systems with its goal to increase
strength, endurance, and joint range of motion. In treating children with SLD, the application of
biomechanical approach mainly concerns the ergonomic of the children and the related
compensatory techniques in writing. The treatment considerations include: stabilities of posture,
shoulder and wrist and the environmental adaptations in the furniture arrangements and the
development of the pencil grip. In addition, the strength and endurance of the child’s
musculoskeletal function of the hand will also be emphasized.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Other Approaches
During the treatment intervention, there are numerous treatment approaches which the therapist
may apply. These include developmental approach, cognitive approach, compensatory approach,
adaptive approach, functional approach and behavioural approach. Developmental and cognitive
approaches are always fundamental to the treatment to children. Therapists will consider the
developmental sequences and establish their performance skills the children have or can develop at
their current level of function. Cognitive approach focuses on examining the underlying cognitive
deficits of the children. The investigation of the cognitive deficits in relation to the children with
SLD and plan related training activities is very essential. Therapists need to update themselves with
recent neurological studies and the relationship with these children’s problems. Compensatory and
adaptive approaches need to be considered as the children still show residual symptoms after an
intensive course of training. When adopting these approaches, therapists may consider the
prescription of aids and adaptive devices together with the other human and non-human
environmental considerations. Throughout the process, the therapist will also apply the
biomechanical approach to ensure that the decisions made are practical to the children.
Very often, the treatment intervention involves teaching learning, thus, the incorporation of
behavioral approach is common. The behavioral theory based on the premise that most behaviors are
learned and the interaction between the human beings and the environment attributed to the learning
of behavior. Thus change of behaviors can be resulted by monitoring the environment through the
application of various learning principles.
The techniques based on operant conditioning had been widely adopted for treating children
with SLD. Shaping which included breaking down the target behavior such as hopping in sequence
into steps and reinforce for achieving certain step of the target such as imitate hopping for once only
or reinforce for approximation to the target behavior such as praising for touching a throwing ball
instead of really able to catch the ball. Children with SLD often faced frustration when performing
tasks which they had difficulties in doing. Shaping lowered the level of the tasks and thus effectively
set a more achievable target for the children. Positive reinforcement is also a frequently used
technique to increase or maintain the desired behaviors. The reinforcers used may include either
immediate positive feedback from the therapist or through a token system. Behavioral contract and
token economy can be designed to increase the compliance and motivation of home program
prescribed during training. Time out and response cost procedures are designed to decrease or
eliminate undesirable behaviors by removing reinforcing events from the child’s environment. In
particular, the children with SLD comorbid with ADHD may need these procedures in order to
maintain the disciplines and group orders so as to ensure effective treatment. Therapist could remove
the child from the activities to time out in a corner when the child is overly impulsive,
non-compliance, temper tantrum during training. In response cost, therapist could give tokens to
specific behaviors such as remain seated, asked permission before acting out and child would lose
the token once he or she cannot achieve the specific behaviors. In addition, inappropriate behaviors
such as hyperactivity or tantrum could also be reduced by stimulus control, that is by avoiding
situations that produce conflict, by avoiding the over stimulating activities and by engaging the child
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
in individual training instead of group training.
All in all, occupational therapists always consider the functional level of the children in daily
lives. Thus, the functional deficits at school, home and play, the three major areas of the children are
essential to the formulation of treatment plan of these children.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Occupational therapy intervention to children with SLD mainly related to three sets of training
activities based on perceptual motor approach, sensory integrative approach and the functional skills
training. Occupational therapists will first identify the child’s major problems in the daily activities,
mostly related to their academic difficulties. Then, therapists will assess the related performance
components of the problems. For detail of the assessments done to the children, please refer to
Appendix 1. The treatment programs given will either be in individual or group format or both.
Parent involvement is very important throughout the treatment.
Handwriting is a complex skill encompassing visual motor co-ordination, cognitive, perceptual
skills as well as tactile and kinesthetic sensitivities (Maeland, 1992). Handwriting problems in SLD
children are often the contribution of more than one of these components. As a starting point,
occupational therapists will deal with these core component skills first. Sensorimotor and perceptual
skills are the two major focused areas. These include postural control, shoulder stability, ulnar
stability, power and pinch strength, in-hand manipulation and dexterity, bilateral integration,
oculomotor control, kinesthetic and proprioception awareness, visual discrimination, position in
space, spatial relationship, visual memory, form constancy etc.. Throughout the training,
biomechanical, perceptual motor and sensory integration activities are incorporated.
Generalization of these core skills in functional handwriting is the key of efficient writing.
Treatment plan will follow the developmental sequence of children. Skills like pencil grip and pencil
control, pressure of stroke are addressed through multisensory feedback and perceptual motor
activities. Sometimes assistive writing grip will be used to facilitate a functional pencil grip.
Besides the mechanical aspect, writing also involves stroke control, stroke and form identification.
As mentioned in last session, Chinese characters are a combination of different strokes and radicals,
putting together in a specific spatial alignment. So learning of component strokes and radicals is the
pre-requisite of writing. Next is the general rule of spatial alignment in Chinese characters. Visual
scanning training and strategies are also included in training program. These training will facilitate
Chinese characters identification as well as writing legibility, which in turn enhancing accuracy and
Environmental modification is another strategy that occupational therapist usually employs in
handwriting treatment. Examples are ergonomic factors of chair, table with reference to the body
position and use of slope table. Besides, human environment modifications such as adjustment of
school demand like homework load and examination time should be made. Liaison with school and
parents are crucial for the successful integration in daily living.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Individuals with SLD may need occupational therapy treatment in different age range ever since
they start to learn reading and writing. Thus, specific focuses of these individuals who receive
treatment at preschool age, school age and adolescence stage will be discussed below.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
The major elements in implementation of the treatment programs under different approaches
are as follows:
Perceptual Motor Approach
- Use individualized treatment program in a structured and graded way to remedy
perceptual-motor deficits
- e.g. fine motor skills training, visual perceptual training and functional skills training such as
reading, writing
Sensory Integration Therapy
- Use multi-sensory approach such as visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic or vestibular modes to
reinforce learning and facilitate the process of motor planning
Biomechanical Approach
- Apply this approach on muscle strengthening for motor learning and processing, and
compensate deficits on functional tasks such as writing.
Functional skills training for the school age children, in addition to those in pre-school age,
will involve more coping skills training in dealing with the academic work at school and at home.
These may include strategies in packing school bags, planning homework schedule and general
organization in work at home and at school. Sometimes, compensatory approach is needed where
occupational therapists will advice the teachers in the amount of homework assigned and the need in
lengthening the examination time for the children.
As the children often comorbid with ADHD and other emotional problems, treatment provided
will also emphasize the application of behavioral principles to increase motivation and facilitate
learning especially on academic skills and deficits area.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Assessment for the Adolescents with SLD
Comprehensive assessment should be done and recorded (App.1) in order to provide important
clues to designing effective treatment intervention. Additional screening and assessment may be
necessary to assess the clients’ self esteem and problem solving abilities since they have been
exposed to the SLD dysfunctions for a prolonged period.
Intervention for the Adolescents with SLD
The treatment goal for the adolescents with SLD is minimizing disability and maximizing
potential. Both individual and group treatment sessions can be held. Home program will be provided
as well. As it is mentioned before, SLD is a life long problem to the clients from childhood to
adulthood. Their learning skills may reach a plateau in the adolescent stage. As a result, their ability
may not able to meet the demand of a complex society. Their self-esteem and self confidence may be
affected. In order to maximize their residual ability and prepare for the social and vocational life in
future, the intervention for the adolescents with SLD should not only be focused on special teaching
technique, skill training, but also emphasized more on the compensatory technique. Furthermore, the
intervention on psychosocial aspect of the clients e.g. social skill, life goal / expectation adjustment,
self-confidence development etc. will be addressed to as well. The following recommendations are
listed as reference:
1. Skills training:
- Fine-motor training, transfer of skill training, problem solving skill training can be provided to
adolescents with writing, mathematics problems.
2. Adaptive / compensatory intervention:
- Extend exam time limit, use type writers / computers to lessen the stress caused by fine motor
- Use aids like ruler or bookmark as a place holder to focus attention
3. Advice parents/teachers in the teaching techniques to the adolescents:
- Teach concepts or comprehension skills through direct instruction
- Provide specific intensive courses / tutors in reading, arithmetic and writing etc.
- Improve memory skills by teaching through repetition, cue cards etc.
- Tape recording of lectures to allow slow learners to have repeated revises on the lectures
- Goal / expectation adjustment to both the client and parents if necessary
4. Evaluation on the need for pre-vocational skill development by vocational assessments and
vocational exploration assessments. Advices on the vocational choice or areas for further studies can
also be given
5. Self-confidence, motivation and self-esteem establishment through the successful experience gain
from the treatment session
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Birth/Medical History (only applicable for cases with history with very low birth weight)
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
School name Grade Hx of repeat
Academic performance (performance in Chinese, English & other major subjects)
Peer relationship
Special Service
• At school • At Special Education • Educational Manpower • Other rehabilitation
Dept Bureau services
Postural Stability
Muscle tone:
Sitting tolerance:
Bilateral coordination:
Pencil grip:
Pencil control: (Tension on pencil, pressure on paper, pencil manipulation)
Self Care
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Manual Dexterity
Ball Skills
Static and Dynamic Balance
Total Impairment Score
* Remarks : < 5 percentile = severe; 5-15 percentile = borderline; > 15 percentile = no problem
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Complete Battery
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales
Total score
Age equivalent
Total score
Age equivalent
Remarks: <-1.5 SD= sever deficit; -1 to –1.5 S.D. = moderate deficit; >-1 S.D. = no deficit
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Subtest Percentile
(mean = 10; S.D. =3)
1.Eye-hand coordination
2.Position in space
5.Spatial relations
6.Visual closure
7.Visual-motor speed
8.Form constancy
Composite Quotients
(mean = 100, S.D. =15)
General visual perception
Motor-reduced visual
Visual motor integration
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Sensory Integrative Function
Sensory Modulation:
Sensory Processing
Motor planning
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
V. Interpretation of Result
Occupational Therapist
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Key References:
American Psychiatric Association .(1994). Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-IV. Washington, DC:
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Amundson, S.J. & Weil, M. (1996). Prewriting and handwriting skills. In J. Case-Smith, A. Allen
and P. Pratt (Ed.), Occupational Therapy for Children. Chicago: Mosey.
Bundy, A.C., Lane, S.J., & Murray, E.A. (2002). Sensory integration: Theory and practice. (2nd
ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Cantell, M., Smyth, M., & Ahonen, T. (1994). Clumsiness in adolescence: Educational, motor, and
social outcomes of motor delay detected at 5 years. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 11,
Case-Smith, J. (1995). The relationships among sensorimotor components, fine motor skill, and
functional performance in preschool children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49,
Cermak, S.A., & Aberson, J.R. (1997). Social skills in children with learning disabilities.
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Cermak, S.A., & Larkin, D. (2002). Developmental coordination disorder. Albany: Delmar
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Feldman, L.B. and Siok, W.W.T. (1997). The Role of Component Function in Visual Recognition
of Chinese Characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 23, 3, 776-781.
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Frostig, M. (1973). Frostig program for the Development of Visual Perception: Teacher’s Guide.
Chicago: Follett
Henderson, A. & Pehoski, C. (1995). Hand Function in the Child. Foundations for remediation. St.
Louis, Missouri: Mosby-Year.
Hong, C.S. (1984). Occupational Therapy for children with perceptual motor disorder. A Literature
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Mandich, A.D., Polatajko, H.J., Macnab, J.J., & Miller, L.T. (2001). Treatment of children with
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Pediatrics, 20, 2-3, 51-68.
Scientific Committee of the Working Party on SLD (1999). Definition of Specific Learning
Disabilities: Position Statement. The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental
Paediatrics Specific Learning Disabilities, Position Statement and Papers. Hong Kong: The Hong
Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics
Tseng, M. H. & Cermak, S. A. (1993). The Influence of Ergonomic Factors and Perceptual-Motor
Abilities on Handwriting Performance. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 47, 10,
Child and Adolescent Working Group, Occupational Therapy Coordinating Committee, HAHO
Vargas, S., & Camilli, G. (1999). A meta-analysis of research on sensory integration treatment.
American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53, 2, 189-198.
World Health Organization (1992). The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders.
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