Bulletin Mar 7-2015

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Special Music.Windsor

Song Service.....Western Adventist Student Association (WASA)

Speaker ....(15 mins)...Repentance............. Pastor Junior

Garcia (Windsor)

Opening SongWonderful Words of Life.#286

Closing HymnHe Hideth My Soul..#520

Scripture Reading...John 3:16-18.........Githa Lumbangaol

(BREAK - 30 Minutes for a Light SOUP - Resume 1:30)

Opening Prayer...Olivia Wang

Praise Team.WASA

Welcome & Opening Remarks................Candice Jennings &

Keiana Wilson
Thought Focus.... WASA

Season of Prayer. Unity among Youth/Young Adult

Activity & Discussion...Angelina Polihronva (West London)

Mission StoryADRAs S.M.I.L.E Project...........Shannon

Adams & Sabrina Barich
Lesson Study.........Behind the Mask...Classes
Closing Remarks ...Shannon Adams
Closing Hymn....Fiil My Cup Lord..#493

Praise & Worship...WASA
Hymn of Praise......Sweet Hour of Prayer..#537
Intercessory Prayer ................................North London
Mission to Southwestern Ontario, Women & girls in our church,
Ohio Conference

Childrens Story...............................Raphael Gyamfi (London)

Special Music....................................................St. Thomas

Speaker..(15 mins)..Gods Forgiveness..Daniel Golovenko
Season of Prayer.Pray for Endowment of Gods Strength
General Prayer on Area of Focus. ...........
...Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio (St. Thomas)
Special Music.........Alisha Sealy (London)
Program Wrap Up (15 mins)..Sustaining and Maintaining
a Relationship with God.....Pastor Alex Golovenko (London)
Closing Hymn......I Must Tell Jesus.......#485
Closing Prayer..................Pastor Alex Golovenko (London)

OfferingChurch Budget..Kamron Bancroft (W. London)

(Special Music during offering Virginia Polihronova)

Scripture...Hebrews 4:12-16....Keenan Bancroft (W. London)


Special Music.........London
Speaker....(15mins)....Sin........Elder Kirmane Allen (London)
Special MusicNorth London
Speaker(15 mins).. Acknowledgement and Confession
.... Elder Kemi Ola (North London Church)

1. Please pray for the members who have

made a commitment to a church plant
in West London. They worship each
Sabbath at the Mount Zion United
Church, located at 471 Ridgewood
Cres, off Berkshire, near Springbank
and Wonderland.

2. Pathfinders Club meets tomorrow

Sunday, March 8th for regular activities..
3. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 7
pm. "Experiencing the Fruit of the
Spirit". Come and be blessed!
4. Youth Bible Study Group meets
Thursdays from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. @
785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreiras
5. Monthly Open House Community
Service Wednesday, March 11th,
from 4 to 7 pm. Setting up is done
on Tuesday evening starting at 5
pm. Volunteers are needed for both
dates. Please speak to Teresa
Ferreira or any member of the Community Services
Team for more details.
6. On-line giving option is available
via church website. Please
provide your email and then
respond to a validation email
sent to you. Once the account
details are set up you could
make direct donations, pay tithe, and make
contributions to the church Budget without writing
cheques, by direct deposits from your card. This is the
QR code for your mobile devices to access the site.
7. London South Adventurer Club meetings this
month: March 14th and 28th from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30
p.m. Type B uniform.
8. The next general church potluck will be
held on Sabbath, March 14th. Please
bring an item from the section of the first
letter of your last name. Feel free to bring
additional items from any category.
A-C Salad/Raw vegetables, D-F Vegetarian Chili/Stew,
G-I Drink/Juice, J-M Bread/Bun, N-R Main
course/Casserole, S-Z Dessert/Fruit.
If you are bringing a tossed salad, dessert/ fruit the
kitchen staff would appreciate if you could bring it

already prepared and cut up (since our crew often does

not have enough time to do this during the worship
service). Please bring a dressing for the salad if it is
normally served that way.
9. London South Adventurer Club will be attending the
Adventurer Camporee from July 22-26. Please see Lucy
Simoes if you wish to make a donation of food
or funds to cover costs of the event.
10. An Adventist World Radio listener in South America wrote
I go to bed listening to the radio. I wake up
with a strengthened spirit. I am sad when
your stations are not transmitting here.
People from Middle East, Vietnam, Kenya
are listening and responding to the
Gospel Message. By generously
supporting the AWR annual offering next week, March 14,
you will be a partner in bringing Gods peace and comfort
to those who need it most.

11. If you are over 55, you are invited to join our Golden
Agers. We are planning a mall walk at Westmount mall
on Sunday March 22nd, at 10 AM sharp at the Sears
inside upper level door. The mall has a secure area for
coats and boots or you may choose to park underground
and lock your coat in your car. This is a great
opportunity to visit while walking in a safe and warm
environment. Please see Don Topper, Adrien Intering or
any members of the Senior's Ministry for more information.
12. Are you in grade 8-11 and still deciding on
what high school to go to in September?
Join us on April 17-19, 2015 for a campus
tour, a showcase of our touring groups, and
the opportunity to mingle with our students,
faculty and staff! Food and lodging is free
and travel expense reimbursement is
available, where conditions apply. You must have a
parent/adult guardian with you for the weekend. To
register, contact 905-433-1144 ext. 211 or
[email protected].

13. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada office is

seeking resumes from those interested in applying for
the following position.
IT Support Specialist responsibilities to include:
1. Installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of
office computers.
2. End-user support, including application support and
3. Software and database development
4. Support of print devices
5. Assisting IT Manager in maintaining overall IT
Interested applicants should send a resume to Joyce Jones
(email [email protected], fax (905) 433-1409, mail
to 1148 King St. East, Oshawa, ON L1H 1H8. Application
deadline is March 31, 2015. Applicants should be Seventhday Adventists in good standing. Position job description is
posted on the website www.adventist.ca/employment

Birthday Wishes for March

Mar 1 Charlotte
Mar 4 Clara Baptiste
Mar 6 Steve Beckles
Mar 10 Rafael Gaspar
Mar 10 Mary-Jane
Mar 11 Adrian Carter

Mar 11 Lee Topper

Mar 12 Malcom Beckles
Mar 13 Barbra Kasule
Mar 15 Daliborka Maletic
Mar 16 Marka Stajfer
Mar 17 Robert Danquah
Mar 18 Neil Elliott
Mar 21 Nevaeh Beckles

Mar 22 Dayna Munro

Mar 23 Raphael Gyamfi
Mar 25 Jenny Jonker
Mar 27 Marko Maletic
Mar 27 Isabel Rusek
Mar 29 Nathan Dowdell
Mar 29 Simone Shepherd


Please send all bulletin related information by

WEDNESDAY 9:00 p.m. to [email protected]

Sunset Today: 6:20 p.m. Next Friday: 7:28 p.m.


South-western Ontario
District Seventh-day
Adventist Church Youth
and Young Adult Prayer
and Fasting Hosted by
London Seventh-day
Adventist Church

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