Newsletter 4

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Issue #

Big Run


Upcoming Events


Issue Date

by Pastor Lanette

February, March, and April

Feb 15th Annual Valentines Day Lunch 1:00 pm @ Youngs Cafeteria
Page 3

Feb 18th Community Ash Wednesday Service 7:00 pm CANCELLED

Mar 1st Board Meeting following church
April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service 7:00 pm @ First Christian Church
April 3rd Cross walk 10:30 am beings at St. Martins Catholic Church and
will end at Blue and Gold center
April 3rd Following Cross Walk at noon will be the service at Big Run
Christian Church (service followed by a covered dish dinner)

Bible Study and Choir practice will also be resuming soon. Location and
time TBA!

You shall love the Lord your God with

all your heart, with all your soul, and
with all your strength. Deuteronomy
Page 6


From the Pastors

by Pastor Lanette Rodgers

In the middle of Taylor Swift

blaring on my radio, stopping
at every rest stop I could find,
and staying awake for the five
hour trek to Lexington, I
found myself a ball of
gratefulnessand nerves. A
million and one questions ran
through my mind: Would I
like Lexington? What would it
be like being in a classroom
again? What are my
classmates like? Will they like
me? And probably the
biggest one of all: Am I even
capable of doing this? Am. I.
Good. Enough?
Anxiety over took me in the
last hour of my trip. God has
certainly led me to this place
that I was sure, but its not
like God was whispering the
answers to difficult
theological questions to me
over my shoulder!

Or supplying me the answers to

difficult essay questions!
I am 26 years old! I kept
repeating over and over, How can
you expect me to compete with the
intelligence of my classmates,
God? How will I ever measure up to
their years of experience?
But in the final quiet moments in
my hotel room before my
roommate arrived and my first oncampus class was about to begin,
God supplied me with the
confidence I needed. I realized that
God would not have called me to
this place if God had not thought
that I could do it and do it well. I
had the confidence of God on my
side and the only thing I was
lacking was confidence in myself. I
looked over my last two years and
seminary, over my progress I had
made, over all that I had
accomplished in that time, and
realized the key fact that got me
through the most intense week of
my life: I am capable of more than I
know. And guess what my friends,
you are too!
Life presents us with interesting
challengesno scratch that, GOD
presents us with interesting
challenges. When I first heard the
call to ministry, the first thing I said

was, You want me to do what, God?! But God does

not present these challenges to us and expect us to
walk through them alone. God is with us every step of
the way. God will not do the hard work for us, but God
will be there to cheer us on! I underestimate myself a
lot in life. I think I am too young or too nave or too
unintelligent to accomplish anything grand in the name
of God. Maybe you are like me in this thinking, but we
can be reassured that some of the obstacles we feel
holds us back are actually some of our greatest assets.
Through these obstacles we have MUCH to offer and
makes us more capable than we know. We are never
too young or old or too much of ANYTHING to serve
God and make God proud!
Yours in Christ, Lanette
Pastor Lanette attends Lexington
Theological Seminary and is on the track
towards ordination.

Cell: (304) 639-4835

A Big Thank You!

(Better Late Than Never!)
by Pastor Lanette Rodgers

A big thank you to all those who helped with or participated in the Advent Bible
Study, Church Choir, and Christmas Eve Service! You all did WONDERFUL work
and I am beyond pleased with the turn out and participation! If you have any
suggestions, comments, concerns, or ideas for next years Advent season be sure
to send me an e-mail at [email protected] or call me at 304-639-4835. OR
send it to us on our Facebook page!



Observing Lent for Families

by Pastor Lanette Rodgers

Did you know?

The word Lent comes from an old Anglo-Saxon word
lengthen meaning springtime named for the time of
year in which it takes place.

So maybe youre like me and you want to

start new family traditions around the
time of Lent. Or maybe youre kids are
starting the ask questions about Lent that
you dont know the answers to (like why
DO we give up stuff anyway???) Either
way, if you find yourself looking for ways
to practice the season of Lent at home
with your family, weve got you covered.
Here are some easy ways to start some
new family traditions and maybe learn a
new thing or two as well!

something new!

Ready for more of a challenge?

Start Small

A Lenten Quote
"Lent is the Church's springtime.
Out of the darkness of sin's winter
emerges a people the Church-reborn through baptism into their
Lord's death and resurrection from
the grave."

Of American adults will give something up for Lent

Of Catholics plan on fasting


Want more sugestions of how to observe Lent
with your family? Go to: for a free Lenten
Family Calendar!

Start with saying a prayer together

each morning or try some
interactive devotions.

Start collecting your loose change

each day of Lent and then give it to
a local charity on Easter!

Not sure why people give up stuff

on Lent? Then dont! Try adding
things instead each day like a
hobby or activity the family can do
together each evening. Or add
good manners and encourage your
children to do a good deed for the
whole 40 days of Lent (dont forget
to do your good deeds as well! ;) )

Is simple more your style?

I understand how busy you are! Between
running the kids in every direction,
maintaining your households, and going to
work each day, I get that maybe Lent is not
on the top of your priority list of things to
do and THATS OK! Lenten practices dont
have to last for hours on end or even have
to take place at home! Try praying together
in the car before soccer practice or at
nighttime before bed. Or on those rare
evenings when you all get to sit down at the
family table for dinner, why not try a little
after dinner Lenten trivia game? (I did
Lenten Jeopardy for my youth group once
and it was killer! Questions are easily found
with a quick google search and everybody
learns stuff!)
But Lent should never feel forced so pick
activities that you know your family will find
enjoyable and never be afraid to try

Plan a short and simple five week

study of Lent (some examples can
be learning the history of Mardi
Gra-you could decorate your own
Mardi Gra Mask and have a mini
parade around the house! Or how
about learning more about fasting
and why early Christians (and our
main man JC!) practiced this
spiritual discipline.
Set up a mini prayer station (or
more than one!) around your house
so that your family always has a
quiet place to go and reflect upon
their Lenten journey. Encourage
your family to spend at least five
minute a day in quiet prayer and
Read the Bible together! Why not
substitute your childs favorite
bedtime story with a different
Lenten verse of the bible. Lots of
Holy Conversations can be started
with that!
Find a church that hosts weekly
Lenten services and attend them
together as a family.

And maybe most importantly, find time

within these next forty days to rest. This is
one spiritual discipline that I personally
struggle with. It is one that we all could
definitely practice more of! Find some
moments in your day to be still and be in the
presence of God. Read a daily devotional on
your lunch break. Read a different poem
each day until Easter. Or just simply take a
few moments from your day to say Thank
you God.
Any way you practice Lent with your
families, you are doing a great job at it! Keep
feeding your children those important
spiritual nuggets that will make them into
the future of the church that we all can be
proud of! Parents and guardians, you are
doing great! I thank God for all the great
work you are doing at home with your kids!
God bless you this season of Lent!


by Pastor Lanette Rodgers

Missed church last week and need to know

all the current happenings going on in our
faith community? Check us out and like us on
Facebook at!


Just a Dose of the Funnies


A Matter of Love

transcends anything we

By: Julie Ackerman Source: Our Daily Bread


could imagine or our

Where intellect and

emotion clash, the
heart often has the
greater wisdom wrote
the authors of A
General Theory of
Love. In the past, they
say, people believed
that the mind should
rule the heart, but
discovered the opposite
to be true. Who we are
and who we become
depends, in part, on
whom we love.
Those familiar with
Scripture recognize this as
an ancient truth, not a new
discovery. The most
important commandment
God gave to His people
gives the heart the
prominent place. You

shall love the Lord your

strength could achieve.

God with all your heart,

When our desire for God

with all your soul, and with

dominates our hearts, our

all your strength (Deut.

minds will stay focused on

6:5). Not until the gospels

ways to serve Him, and our

of Mark and Luke do we

actions will further His

learn that Jesus added the

kingdom on earth and in

word mind (Mark 12:30;


Luke 10:27). So, what

scientists are just now
discovering, the Bible
taught all along.

Those of us who follow

Christ also know the
importance of whom we
love. When we obey the
greatest commandment and
make God the object of our
love, we can be assured of
having a purpose that

Lord, we long to make You

the supreme desire of our
heart. As You taught Your
disciples to pray,
so too we ask You to teach us
how to love.
Guide us today.




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