Relnewslettermarapril 2015 Final

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Robert E.


USS Robert E Lee March/April 2015

Newsletter of the
USS Robert E. Lee
a Chapter of
International Star
Trek Fan Club

Attention All Hands,

This is the Captain Speaking
Well another newsletter is being formed and in one month the Robert E. Lee has exciting news. We were able
to find two new members to join the crew of the Lee and they are Stringfellow Cassiopiea Hawke aka Cassie
and Steven Worth from the USS Abraham Lincoln. Cassie had been in SFI before, but has agreed to return to
Starfleet as a member of our Correspondence Chapter and will serve the Lee as our Chief of Security. Steven
Worth comes to us to lead our Marine Strike Group the 797th MSG Lees Tigers. With support from our
former OIC, LTC Shaun Scott, and our senior NCO, SGM Russell Selkirk, I believe that the Marine unit will
develop into the most active unit in the 7th Battalion.
With new blood joining our ranks and our active XO, CMDR Neal Buster, already putting his creative
juices to work, I feel that we will achieve our goal of providing members of the Lee, Region 7, and SFI itself
with an active chapter that actually has material for everyone to sink their teeth into.
This month we will be working on the fictional mission and purpose of our ship. With the help of
Cassie, we will final have a webpage that others could go to and see what we have to offer. I do want to
return to our online gaming scenario but after we have more of a chapter structure and more external
activities in place that can support what we do in the game. What this means is a section of our fictional
manual will be used for all members to know the layout of our ship and a listing of the command structure of
the Lee and who is in charge of where. Finally for this period of time I was hoping that we will be able to put
together a welcoming kit of items that we can give and distribute to all of the Lees members and to new
future members of the USS Robert E. Lee. NCC-1915.
In conclusion, I ask all the current members of the Lee to speak out or speak up regarding what
direction the Lee should take in these coming months. Let me or the Command Staff members know what
you have on your mind either by mail, email, Facebook or in person. We would like to know.

Captain Thomas M. Gorman, CO


Captain Thomas M. Gorman,



USS Robert E. Lee (SSBN 601)

- later SSN 601 - decommissioned

USS ROBERT E. LEE was the fourth GEORGE WASHINGTON - class nuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarine
and the first ship in the Navy to bear the name. The ROBERT E. LEE was built using components initially assembled for a
SKIPJACK - class nuclear attack submarine. In the early 1980s, the ROBERT E. LEE was redesignated as SSN 601 and
her missile launch capability was disabled to comply with the SALT I treaty. The ROBERT E. LEE mainly conducted
training exercises in her new role before she was decommissioned on December 1, 1983. The submarine spent the
following years berthed at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard awaiting her turn in the Navy's Nuclear Powered Ship and
Submarine Recycling Program. Recycling of the ROBERT E. LEE was finished on September 30, 1991.
General Characteristics: Awarded: July 30, 1958
Keel laid: August 25, 1958
Launched: December 18, 1959
Commissioned: September 16, 1960
Decommissioned: December 1, 1983
Builder: Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, Va.
Propulsion system: one S5W nuclear reactor
Propellers: one
Length: 381.6 feet (116.3 meters)
Beam: 33.1 feet (10.1 meters)
Draft: 28.9 feet (8.8 meters)
Displacement: approx. 6,700 tons submerged
Speed:Surfaced: 15 knots
Submerged: 20 knots
Armament: 16 vertical tubes for Polaris missiles, six 21" torpedo tubes
Crew: 12 Officers and 128 Enlisted (two crews)





Robert Edward Lee, born at Stratford, Va., on 19 January 1807, entered the U.S. Military Academy in 1825;

graduated second in his class; and was commissioned second lieutenant in the Engineer Corps on 1 July 1829.
Advanced to the rank of captain by 1838, he served as chief engineer under General Wool and General Scott
during the Mexican War. According to General Scott the fall of Veracruz was due in part to Lee's "skill, valor, and
undaunted energy." By the end of the war he had risen to the rank of colonel.
After serving as Superintendent of West Point from 1852 to 1855, Lee was assigned to duty in Texas. He refused
to aid the rebellion and returned to Virginia. After Fort Sumter was fired upon, Lee was offered command of the
Federal Army. He declined, and following Virginia's secession on 19 April 1861, resigned his commission the
After organizing and equipping the troops of his State, he served as adviser to President Jefferson Davis.
Succeeding to command of the Army of Northern Virginia when General Joseph E. Johnston was seriously
wounded, Lee, with inferior forces, forced MeClellan to retreat from the outskirts of Richmond, then marched
north to push Union forces toward the Potomac. General Lee's advance ended in the Battle of Antietam on 17
September 1862. He repulsed northern thrusts at Fredericksburg on 13 December 1862 and at Chancellorsville 2
to 4 May 1863, then marched north again until forced to turn back after the battle of Gettysburg.
In March 1864, General Grant, appointed to the supreme command of the Federal Armies, engaged Lee several
times in an advance from the Rappahannock to Petersburg. On 2 April 1865, Lee abandoned his lines around
Richmond in hope of uniting with Johnston in North Carolina but Grant pursued the retreating Southern Army and
Noble in peace as in war, Lee devoted his remaining years to rebuilding Washington College (now Washington
and Lee) at Lexington, Va., where he died on 12 October 1870.
ROBERT E. LEE was laid down 25 August 1958 by the Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Newport
News, Va.; launched 18 December 1959; sponsored by Mrs. Hanson E. Ely II; and commissioned 16 September
1960, Comdr. Reuben F. Woodal (Blue Crew) and Comdr. Joseph Williams, Jr. (Gold Crew) in command.
The third nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine to join the fleet, and the first nuclear-powered ship built in
the South, ROBERT E. LEE operated in and out of Newport News until 2 December 1960, when she got
underway for the Narragansett Bay Operating Area for torpedo firing tests. Following the successful firing of five
torpedoes on 6 December ROBERT E. LEE sailed for Cane Kennedy, arriving on the 12th. The submarine then
loaded Polaris test missiles and 10 days later conducted her first missile launch. The Polaris ran "hot and true."
In January 1961, she conducted additional simulated missile launches and on the 15th departed for the Bermuda
Operating Area. There, joined by TORSK (SS 423) on the 25th, she engaged in antisubmarine training.
Returning to Norfolk on 30 January, ROBERT E. LEE entered the Newport News drydock on 3 February for a
month of yardwork. She departed Newport News on 17 March, loaded torpedoes at Yorktown on the 25th, and got
The nuclear-powered submarine conducted "special operations" out of Cape Kennedy during May and June, and in
late June sailed for Holy Loch, Scotland, where she joined Submarine Squadron 14 on 10 July. She conducted
practice torpedo firing during the first week of August and departed Holy Loch 9 August on her first deterrent
During the next 2 years ROBERT E. LEE completed nine more deterrent patrols. On 10 September 1963, the
submarine entered the floating drydock LOS ALAMOS (AFDB 7) and on 4 October resumed her normal patrol
schedule. Continuing to operate out of Holy Loch into 1964, the ballistic missile submarine got underway on 27
November for her 16th patrol which terminated on 28 January 1965 at Mare Island, Calif.
On 22 February, ROBERT E. LEE entered the Mare Island Division of the San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard for
her first overhaul. Major items of work included refueling the reactor, reengineering of many ship systems to
provide greater safety and reliability, modernization of the navigation system, and modification to the weapons
system to give the submarine the capability of launching the improved MK 3 Polaris missile.
Emerging from overhaul after nearly a year and a half of work, ROBERT E. LEE got underway for sea trials on 12
July 1966. Sound trials and weapons system accuracy trials were conducted during the latter half of July, and on 5
August she entered San Diego harbor for a 5-day visit. Underway for the east coast on 10 August, ROBERT E.

LEE transited the Panama Canal 20 August and arrived at Charleston, S.C., on 4 September.
During the remainder of September and the first week of October, the fleet ballistic submarine conducted
shakedown operations off Cape Kennedy, Fla. On 10 October, with the Under Secretary of the Navy on board as
an observer, ROBERT E. LEE successfully fired a nontactical Polaris A-3 missile. She returned to Charleston
to commence a predeployment upkeep period at the Cooper River Site. On 4 December, she sailed from
Charleston on her 17th deterrent patrol, which terminated at Holy Loch on 30 January 1967.
By 4 October, ROBERT E. LEE had completed three more patrols. Then drydocked in LOS ALAMOS for
minor repairs and hull surveillance, she resumed her patrol schedule on 1 November; completed her 21st patrol
before entering drydock on 22 November for 2 weeks of repairs. She departed Holy Loch on 26 December for
ROBERT E. LEE remained attached to Submarine Squadron 14 throughout 1969 and 70. Continuing to operate
ROBERT E. LEE was drydocked for her second overhaul 27 January 1971 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. She
did not leave the drydock until 11 December and, afterward remained berthed at Puget Sound for the remainder of
1971. For the first seven months of 1972, ROBERT E. LEE was engaged in post-overhaul trials and exercises on
the west coast. In mid-August she transited the Panama Canal and arrived in Charleston, S.C., 14 September.
She continued normal operations, this time on the east coast, throughout 1972 and for the first seven months of
1973. Transiting the Panama Canal early in August, she arrived in San Diego on the 17th and then moved on to
Pearl Harbor, arriving 5 September. After a month in Hawaii, she sailed for Apra, Guam, and continued
operations in that area into 1974.

A Letter from the new executive officer.

Commander Neil Buster

I would like to thank the current captain of the Lee, for this wondrous opportunity. We must relies that
the Lee is in a period of transition and new growth. Over this past year we have seen crewmen depart for
different reasons as well as new assignments within star fleet. With that being said its time to start fresh
with a new vision. It is now time to make our current captains vision for this chapter a reality. One, that
will set the bar. For all correspondence chapters in the fleet.
At this time I would like to talk about visions or the three types of clubs. 1) The broad based vision. Very
general its more like more like paint by numbers without any sort of parameters to it. 2) The controlled
vision, a rule whores favorite. If anyone or anything takes even the slightest step away from cannon. You
are to be drawn shot and quartered on the spot. 3) The dynamic vision. Here are the basic guidelines for
the vision. Now its up to you to fill in the blanks. How you do it, is based on your beliefs and
experience. With the basic concept that no idea is to far out there if it makes since to the core story and
basic goals of that universe that we operate in. That is what we have on the Lee now a dynamic vision.
With every one working together for the common goal and free flow of information. Where the only
dumb idea is one that isnt shared. Where we all have our own individual purpose even if its comic relief
according to our gifts.
In conclusion I would encourage everyone to come up with a list of things that you want to see happen,
and a basic plan to make it happen. Lets pull together as a crew to make the ROBERT E LEE the best
ship in the region but in all of star fleet. I would like to add two phrases that not only echo through time
as a call to arms but as a challenge for us to achieve greatness not only in our star trek lives. But most of
all in our personal lives 1) Gung ho!, by the second marine raider battalion meaning to work together and
my favorite by the 442nd regimental combat team Go for Broke!!. We are a crew and team if there is
any problem that one of us faces. Then that person and the problem should realize the whole ships crew
is standing by to encourage and support the person in trouble. We are the best and brightest in the fleet!!
Together we are unstoppable Showtiki!!! which is Japanese for it!!
Thank you for the opportunity to be your new executive officer.


Page Six Girl


'Cloud' over Mars leaves scientists baffled

Mars with the plume at limb identified within the yellow circle, and at right, augmented views of the changing plume morphology in
images taken by W. Jaeschke and D. Parker on March 21, 2012. On the background an area on Terra Cimmeria on Mars (longitude
207 and latitude -32) where the plume formed (Image source NOAA). Credit: Grupo Ciencias Planetarias (GCP) - UPV/EHU

Plumes seen reaching high above the surface of Mars are causing a stir among scientists studying the atmosphere on the
Red Planet.
On two separate occasions in March and April 2012, amateur astronomers reported definite plume-like features
developing on the planet.
The plumes were seen rising to altitudes of over 250 km above the same region of Mars on both occasions. By
comparison, similar features seen in the past have not exceeded 100 km.
"At about 250 km, the division between the atmosphere and outer space is very thin, so the reported plumes are extremely
unexpected," says Agustin Sanchez-Lavega of the Universidad del Pas Vasco in Spain, lead author of the paper reporting
the results in the journal Nature.
The features developed in less than 10 hours, covering an area of up to 1000 x 500 km, and remained visible for around 10
days, changing their structure from day to day.
None of the spacecraft orbiting Mars saw the features because of their viewing geometries and illumination conditions at
the time.
However, checking archived Hubble Space Telescope images taken between 1995 and 1999 and of databases of amateur
images spanning 2001 to 2014 revealed occasional clouds at the limb of Mars, albeit usually only up to 100 km in altitude.
But one set of Hubble images from 17 May 1997 revealed an abnormally high plume, similar to that spotted by the
amateur astronomers in 2012.

A curious plume-like feature was observed on Mars on

17 May 1997 by the Hubble Space Telescope. It is similar
to the features detected by amateur astronomers in
2012, although appeared in a different location. Credit:
Scientists are now working on determining the nature
and cause of the plumes by using the Hubble data in
combination with the images taken by amateurs.
"One idea we've discussed is that the features are
caused by a reflective cloud of water-ice, carbon
dioxide-ice or dust particles, but this would require
exceptional deviations from standard atmospheric
circulation models to explain cloud formations at such
high altitudes," says Agustin.
"Another idea is that they are related to an auroral
emission, and indeed auroras have been previously
observed at these locations, linked to a known region on
the surface where there is a large anomaly in the crustal
magnetic field," adds Antonio Garcia Munoz, a research
fellow at ESA's ESTEC and co-author of the study.
The jury is still out on the nature and genesis of these
curious high-altitude martian plumes. Further insights
should be possible following the arrival of ESA's
ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter at the Red Planet, scheduled
for launch in 2016.
Read more at:


J. Jeffrey Blaauboer Jr.


Personal log, lt. Commander Ryan Francis, stardate 01542 mark 778
The skirmishes with Cardassia have begun to escalate. The Dominion, controlled by the
untrusting shape shifters have formed an alliance with Cardassians to annex and control the whole sector
surrounding the wormhole. Bajor welcomes the Federations presence in the quadrant mainly because
Cardassians are almost as brutal to prisoners as Jemhadar soldiers are on a good day. Their engineered
people, controlled with drugs. Ruthless, brutal, savage, kept in check due mainly by a tenacious thread.
The Federation has been able to gather precious little intelligence where this border is concerned.
The Breen and Orion syndicate have been known associates of Cardassia and cannot be trusted. The only
real positive at the moment is that the Borg seem to have shifted their attention elsewhere.
From initial scans provided by the border patrol vessel PENDELTON, the asteroid field held
much promise in the way of hiding places for a long range observation post. The precious metals
detected could be a very profitable mining endeavor for a Ferengi, but this vessel, the LOOKOUT, has
another objective. We are an observation post, watching the backwater border of Cardassian space where
it intersects with the Breen alliance. If anything goes through this corridor, Starfleet needs to know. This
little assignment may just drive me nuts.
We arrived at asteroid alpha seven zero eight gamma one this morning on schedule and found an
ideal spot to nestle this new class of ship into. I have been given command of this small ship, an updated
Sydney class ship that the federation has outfitted with sensors and communications that can cut through
subspace using a new form of quantum tunneling, making this vessel a very effective watch dog.
The weapons system is not very aggressive so we will have to hide well, and with the cloak
provided, we can be virtually invisible. A watch dog with no real teeth although. The Federation has
learned so much about cloaking technology and how to mask our power signature that we could
effectively set down in the middle of a Romulan town square and still go undetected.
The scout vessels that mapped this rock did their job well and provided us a very deep crevasse we
were able to settle into. We are situated perfectly to look directly into the interior of Cardassian and
Breen space. There couldn't be a better place to have an observation post, now to the task of hiding us
Weve come equipped with a CAT brute suit in the hold and its main objective is to build a
bunker over the vessel to further our camouflage. Lt. Michaels has been on the asteroids surface moving
what rocks he can to build a canopy to further our camouflage and is progressing well. He has built a

false bluff that hides most of our aft section, further diminishing our silhouette. I am confident that with
the work he is doing and with our cloak, we will be invisible when the need arises. I am pleased with the
progress for the day. Zero gravity work in the CAT is slow going even with the best of operators.
Lt. Davies has been working with the sensors all day calibrating them for deep space scans and
setting up the subspace routing for communications back to Starfleet command and his progress is
efficient. He has also set up a backup computer core in the center of the asteroid. Using the transporters,
he excavated a small cavern in the direct center of this rock and placed one of our spare units in it. His
system will record and backup everything from this ship in case of a catastrophic failure of our cloak or
hiding place. If we are detected and have to bug out or are destroyed, any Federation vessel coming to
salvage whats left of us will know where to find our backup systems. As a secondary safety measure, I am
having Henry create enough space for us to use as a secondary bolt hole in case of propulsion failure. If
done right and masked properly, and if you were not looking for it, you would never find it. The low
yield power supply will last for years without replacement, but being such a low powered unit it cannot be
detected using normal scans as deep in this rock as we have placed it. I have set myself to replicate
components for a communications console and a portable atmosphere scrubber in case we need to spend
extended time in our bolt hole. I have already begun replicating meal supplements that could last three
people six months in confinement. Last on that list will be a small replicator for water and essentials.
Ships log, supplemental
Lt. Davies is either bored out of his mind or his mind never stops. He has been working with the
transporters, backing up Lt. Michaels on his forays outside on his continuing build of the cavern. Using
the transporters, he is able to reform the rock he has excavated into almost puzzle like pieces, which Mr.
Michaels then takes and places them within the canopy to make an almost seamless structure. When Mr.
Michaels has a piece set in place, Mr. Davies then hones in on the seam of the two rocks, and with the
transporter set to its narrowest field, he transports the touching stone fields, and within an instant,
rematerializes the stone in place, creating a sort of natural weld. The results are unbelievable and almost
like a natural cavern. We launched one of our probes and focused it on our hiding spot and had trouble
finding ourselves. I had no issue's allowing them to finish their work.

Personal log, supplemental

We have been on site for just over a month and we are bored out of our minds. With much of the
scanning on automatic, we read a lot of old books that have been loaded into the ships entertainment
programs. Its funny to read the old tome's and see the way they thought back in the early 20th and 21st
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century. Some of the favorite stories that we like to poke fun at are what they called science fiction. It
seems like they just made things up with no real rhyme or reasons. Its funny to look back and read about
this though and get lost in a novel. One author, a Douglas Addams, was a riot.
Michaels has found some old games and replicated the boards and dice. The strategy is pretty
good and you can pick the game up a day or two later and not feel lost. As of today, we have received no
word on our reports to Starfleet, but we were not expecting any. I cannot wait until they send a ship to
either pick us up or we are ordered to abandon this post. Nothing is happening that we can tell.
Commander Ryan woke up early for duty, and with a quick shower he was dressed and ready in no
time. Coming out of the small sleeping quarters, he looked for Davies. He was not on the
bridge. "Computer, locate Davies."
"Davies is in the holodeck."
He crossed to the small holodeck and entered. A holographic bridge was set up and in the middle
of it all was a work bench with Davies bent over it, a torpedo casing open on the table. He looked up as
Ryan walked in.
"Youre finally up. Come look at this. I got bored last night and started looking at the differences
between the cargo transporters and biological transporters and found some interesting things, and I had
an idea."
"I love when you do this Henry, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" Francis asked.
"I began looking at the in's and outs of the transporter and looked at the maximum range of this
ships systems. I have built a transporter repeater into this torpedo casing. Basically, we take this unit and
beam it to our maximum transporter range, it's linked with our transporter system, and what we do is
when transporting a non biological thing, this compact unit buffers it through and transports it further
out. I suspect we can add another ten thousand kilometers to any transport. It would give a
communications beacon torpedo a longer range and an easier time of getting away in case of an attack."
"I like it. Have you tested it yet?" Ryan asked
"Only on the holodeck, and when that was positive, I began building the repeater unit, which is
basically a stripped down version of a normal transporter. As you can see, there is only one buffer and
only one back up system, and I had the room to incorporate a pattern enhancer. Once I close this baby
up, we can transport it out of here and test it."
"Terrific. I'm going to get some breakfast. How much longer will you be?" Commander Francis
"Fifteen minutes before I can transport it out." Davies estimated.
Fifteen minutes later, there was a long range transport and the relay unit was placed at the very
edge of transporter range. Next, the three grabbed a chunk of rock from the surface of the asteroid and
affixed a transponder to it. They then transported it to the relay unit and focused scanners on the area
that the rock should materialize. The rock appeared ten thousand one kilometers from the relay.
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"Davies, that is terrific. Prepare a report and send it to the design division of Starfleet. Lets not
sit on this one. Also, see if you can send to any of the other lookout posts, this could be very
helpful. Whats wrong?
Davies looked up from the sensors. The repeater burned itself out. It looks like its a one shot
deal, sort of a last ditch Hail Mary play. But thats not a big problem, I put the specifications into the
engineering replicator and can place another unit out there in a minute.
Thats good news, but hold on second. You look like you could use some sleep. Your relieved,
hit the rack." ordered Frank.
"Two minutes. I am gonna get another unit out there and hit the rack. See you later then."

Personal log, supplemental

We have been on this rock for just over 2 months and it is a dismal place to say the least. We are
starting to get on each others nerves and its for some of the silliest reasons. Henry has begun calling it
space madness. What ever it is, it's tiring. The ship is a small vessel and with the three of us aboard,
there are not many hiding places to go. It's a good thing we have a holosuite or we would have killed each
other weeks ago.
The communications blackout is still troubling us. We are unable to receive transmissions nor
does it appear that our communiqus are reaching Federation ears. Fortunately there has been nothing of
importance to report. Nothing has passed by us except asteroids and meteorites. There have been no
ships, and no sensor ghosts.
I think I would like to have pizza for dinner tonight.
Ships log, supplemental
Mr. Michaels was outside refining our canopy and carrying out normal maintenance when his
subconscious picked up on something unusual. We had all missed it until now. He had been watching
the skies, making a visual check to be sure he was not being observed when his eye caught on a passing
object. It turned out to be an asteroid. After he noted it in his report, he remarked several minutes later
that there were other asteroids passing through his field of vision and that something was odd with it.
The movement or speed seemed to be off. After some consideration, the odd thing that he was picking
up on was that they were all traveling at the same exact speed. His visual observation picked up on the
pattern that was otherwise missed. The sentient eye is most defiantly preferred over strict computer
automation. It became quickly evident that this was not a coincidence. We shall investigate further as we
have sent off a burst transmission to Starfleet in hopes of it getting through for analysis.

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Mr. Michaels ended his time out on the surface and parked the CAT brute suit in its berth.
Tabbing his communicator, he called to Lt. Commander. Hey Ryan, did you look at the data stream I
sent to you?
I did Thomas, and while I was preparing a burst transmission to Starfleet, I had a thought. We
took a second look back in the sensor logs. These asteroids have been flowing through here like this for
almost three weeks now. There have been a lot of them too. Henry and I are working on something now
so when you finish parking the CAT, clear a spot in the cargo bay. Give me as much room as you can.
When youre done, we can use your input up here.
Aye Ryan. I am on my way to the cargo hold now.
Thomas walked into the bridge and saw Ryan and Henry hunched over the sensor desk. They
were watching incoming asteroids and tracking their trajectory. They were also picking up on slight
power signatures from the rocks, something that should have not been occurring.
Whats the scoop boss? Thomas asked leaning on the arm pads of the work console.
Ryan looked up. Thomas, check this out. Henry noticed some more anomalies once we checked
the sensor logs. There is a slight power signature, but its so slight that it has been categorized by the
computer as background galactic radiation. Were looking at all the objects traveling at the particular
speed you noticed and all those objects display the same type of power signature. Man the transporters,
see if you can transport one of the smaller asteroids to that space you cleared in the cargo bay.
Finally, after two months of mundaneness, there was something to do. Crossing to the
tractor/transporter station, he sat and began scanning ahead. He found a suitably sized rock to grab. He
reversed the polarity of tractor array one to make a repulsor beam and hit his target. It slowed, but not
enough. It passed overhead slowly enough and he grabbed the rock with tractor array two. He didnt
need to use the tractors, but he enjoyed the practice. He locked on with the transporter and beamed the
object to the cargo bay.
Having a little fun with it I see. Commented Henry.
Thomas just nodded.

Ship's log, supplemental

Although we have grabbed several asteroids from space that displayed that unusual energy
signature, we are unable to figure out what exactly is producing it. Our scans show some unusual
materials in the rock, but nothing is clearly detectable as an energy source. We have run every scan we can
think of, but nothing. We are continuing on with our studies of them although.
On another note, Henry and Thomas have finally gotten our canopy finished and although it looks
solid from orbit and we are invisible without the cloak, I feel much safer with the cloak engaged. Our
little hide out is secure. There are several openings at key positions to allow sensor antennae deployment
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but they are on a bias that allows for quick retrieval if need be. They are also very difficult to pick out
from normal asteroid depressions.
We still have had no contact with any federation sources and we are continuing to monitor the
unusual asteroid activity. We are seeing on average fifty one asteroids per hour of various sizes going at
exactly the same speed. Davies is continuing to tune the long range sensors to track deeper into the
corridor, but we are still unable to see any source for the objects.
We have grabbed some that have had a detectable power source but have come up with no real
explanation for it. We are sure its not a natural phenomenon. As good as we are at the science station,
none of us are specialists in this science. Were guessing when it comes to this.
On a different note, the holosuite works perfectly but none of us seem to be utilizing it very often
these days. Thomas found rules for a role playing game in the archives called Caverns & Creatures. It's
similar to some holodeck simulations due to the fact that you create an imaginary character on a padd
anyway you see fit and lose yourself in that person for a short time. We have had several marathon
sessions when our work was done and the equipment was in high automatic mode. One such session
lasted for twenty two hours. First night watch was brutal and we have agreed to not let that happen

Ships Log Supplemental

Lt. Davies may be on to something. He is in our cargo hold now going over some of the asteroids
we grabbed. None of the rocks seemed to be anything special or noteworthy except for the energy
signature we still cannot identify. We utilized a stellar cartography program in the halo suit and projected
the asteroids course. We have tracked their trajectory and they seem to be heading for an empty portion
of space on the edge of the Beta quadrant outside of Orion controlled space. We still cannot identify
where they are originating from. I am joining Henry in the cargo bay to see how he is progressing.
The cargo bay held our latest grab from the passing asteroids. Its bigger than the others we
grabbed previously. We have transported the earlier specimens to a crevasse several kilometers away. I
want to be able to retrieve them in case we need a second look.
Hey Ryan, grab the phaser rifle on the workbench there, will ya. I have it set for cutting. Whack
me off a hunk, right here. He said pointing to a protruding horn of rock.
Grabbing the rifle, I double checked the setting and went to work. It only took a few seconds to
cut through the rock. What are you thinking Henry? Have you come up with a new experiment?
Not yet. I set up a new lab in the holo suite with a larger scanner. I have been wondering if were
missing something on the molecular level. Its weird, but I woke up last night with a thought and came
here. I have to run it down. It may lead to nothing though so dont get your hopes up. Davies said.
Point taken. Can I help?
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If you have nothing else pressing, I could surely use the company. I get tired of talking to my
other self trying to work out a problem. Im no fun to argue with it appears. He responded.
We got the sample to the halo suite and began routing power to the electron scanner. What we
saw was rock, and rock formation, and more rock. Nothing. But we were still picking up on that power
signature. How is that possible?
Henry was upset and locked onto the sample with the transporter. He energized the system in
order to get the rock off the ship when he paused. He was glued to the screen.
What have you got Henry? I asked.
Henry shook his head. I dont know. I noticed something in the matter stream buffer while I
was setting the destination, it almost looked like some sort of interference, but it also has a pattern, almost
a binary pattern. Here, look at this and tell me what you think.
The buffer was displaying some strange patterns to it, and I was totally perplexed. What are we
Henry shrugged his shoulders and tabbed the comm button. Thomas, where are you? he asked.
Having lunch in the galley, found a really good recipe for perogies. Whats up? Came the reply.
I need your eyes in the halo suite. Can you get here now? he asked.
Give me two minutes to clean up.
Lt. Michaels entered the halo suite and joined us at the transporter. What have you locked
onto? he asked.
We brought a sample in from the cargo bay but I got frustrated with it because I got bupkis. I
was transporting it out of here when I noticed something unusual about the matter stream. Right now, I
got the transporter cycling through a diagnostic to hold everything in there, but what do you see? Henry
Michaels leaned in, Clouds, theres a four leaf clover, steam, and, wait a tick, theres a pattern
there. Is the diagnostic running a pattern specific program?
Nope, its just a normal everyday diagnostic. The pattern is repeating itself over and over but
nothing special is running. What do you think it means? he asked.
I dont know, but its strange for sure. I want to say there is a pattern, and I am seeing
reoccurring things here, but it makes no sense. Its almost like binary. Tell you what, drop your sample
in the cargo hold and lets grab the first rock we got from a few weeks ago. Thomas suggested.
Henry nodded and grabbed the first rock we snatched and kept it in the same matter stream. The
patterns were the same. We all were shaking our head. What does it mean? we all seemed to ask at the
same time.
Henry deposited the rock in the transport stream back to its starting place. I dont know about
you guys, but I was just craving perogies for lunch. I wonder if we have that in the replicator.
Thomas did a double take. I told you five minutes ago I was having that for lunch. Dont you
Henry looked at Thomas, I dont listen to you very closely as a general rule, sorry. But you can
join me for perogies, and a stout!
I hid a smile, Thomas looked abashed. Fine! he said and stormed out.
Davies laughed. I
have a feeling my character will suffer when we pick up our game again.
No bet there, perogies sound pretty good right about now.
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We had lunch and ate perogies and drank some synth-ale Stout. We all seemed to be deep in
thought. Davies was shaking his head as he ate, almost working through an issue he was having. Finally
he vocalized his thoughts.
You know, this puzzle with the rocks is strange. Its right on the tip of my tongue but I cant
seem to coax it out.
I shrugged my shoulders. Lets put it on the table, argue it out to the final decimal point so to
speak. Maybe with the three of us here, we can figure something out that we cant see. What do we
know about these things so far? Ryan asked.
Thomas started. Well, they vary in size and shape but are travelling at the same rate of speed.
They have an energy signature we cannot identify and their heading for the same point in space we know
not where. That is what we know.
Plus, the pattern of the rock in the transporter buffer, something is there in the pattern but its like
binary in an alien script and we cant identify what language it is. Henry added.
I was starting to realize something. Computer, access the transporter logs from one hour ago in
the halo-suite. Cross reference machine code from all known alien language and computer code data bases
and compare that to the sample in the diagnostic buffer.
The computer began working and you could almost hear the chatter of relays as it did so. The

diagnostic pattern shares a binary representation of an ancient Xindi Avian computer binary code along
with similarities with early Bajorian binary code, Orion binary code, Cardassian binary code, Tholian
binary code, First Federation binary code, Vulcan binary code, Gorn Binary code, Remus binary code and
Federation standard binary code.
Binary, combined like that? No wonder we cant break it on our own, its a cipher. Computer,
can you re-modulate the transporter emitters to decode the ciphered message and show us the finished
product? Henry asked.
After some seconds and what seemed an hour, Affirmative.
We all looked at each other, stood and almost overturned the table heading in a rush for the
In the holosuite, the transporter console was waiting with a blinking light, signaling a ready
transport beam. I energized the beam. The matter stream formed, but the transport took nearly twelve
minutes to work through the cipher. The console energized and re-energized seventeen times, but in the
end, what appeared to us was unmistakable, once we scanned it with a tricorder. It was a Tholian warp
reactor, at least portions of it.
I turned to Thomas. Prepare a communiqu.
Oh you betcha! Thom said as he left the deck.

Ships log Supplemental

We have tried everything we could think of to get a message to Starfleet but the dampening field
surrounding this area of space is making it impossible to get anything out. We are strategizing now trying
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to mark out our next actions. Henry is in the halo-suite with the samples, ready to fire up the
Henry, lets pull in those rocks we have secreted on the surface. Lets run them through that
program and see what we come up with. Thomas, how many Mark Z drones do we have in our arsenal?
I asked.
Michaels looked up in the manifest and turned to me. We have a total of seven. What are you
We need to get a message out but I dont want to abandon our post yet. Lets do this, get
everything loaded in a communiqu and lets load it into a drone. For covert purposes, I want to try and
transport it off the ship as far as we can get it and fire it remotely with a heading back to occupied
federation space. Set a hail up for when it hits federation set borders. Hopefully, a patrol vessel will pick
it up and relay it all to headquarters.
Ill get right on it. Do you want to use Davies transporter repeater? asked Michaels.
No, lets reserve that for when were in trouble. Just get it out and set it on automatic back to our
side of the line.
Ryans communicator beeped. I have all the rocks working through the buffers now Ryan, Im
gonna shut down everything but the cloak for the moment including environmental control and give all
the power to the transporters. He reported as the lights blinked out and the emergency lamps flickered
into being. I want to get this done quick. I have a strange feeling about this.
I agreed with that, But give Thomas his console back. He has a probe to make ready.
Michaels console flickered back to life. Done, I have the doors offline also so when I return
power to the whole ship it means I am done and if you dont mind, can you come back to the holodeck?
I wouldnt miss it. Im just as curious as you. I said. The asteroid we are parked on is large
enough to generate its own gravity field, fairly low but we didnt float off the deck. I hooked my feet in
the chairs support and waited out the power outage. When it came back on, I moved with all haste to
the halo-suite. What greeted me was weird, unusual, unexpected, and I dont know what else.
What the hell?! was all I could say.
Henry started pointing. Stand by fusion reactor from a Federation shuttle, transporter console
from a Ferengi Marauder, plasma generator from an ancient Romulan bird of prey, over in the corner is a
Gorn replicator. There is tech from all over the Federation being smuggled to I dont know where, and
we dont know by whom.
Whomever its for doesnt matter, where its coming from does. Its coming from the corridor
were here to watch. This needs to get back to headquarters. Thomas, you got that drone ready to go?
I do, and you need to get out here now! We seem to have company coming in. reported
Perform a computer dump Tom, now. Transport that drone out of here and now I want you to
use the repeater, you should have all of Henrys info. Im on my way.
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The core was dumped and copied to our secondary backup deep in the center of the asteroid as we
damped down all our power and checked the cloak. The drone was ready and transported out to the
repeater and beyond. We monitored it as it as it flew its trajectory back to Federation safe territory, the
cloak was up and running. On our screen appeared a Cardassian war ship flanked by a half dozen
Jemhadar fighters. They were right on top of us. We were running silent, all alarms were silenced, and
all non essential systems were damped down. We are watching the fighters criss cross the surface of the
asteroid we are interred upon, waiting, hoping for them to leave. Thomas, open a channel to our
secondary backup. I need to record a log.

Ships Log, Supplemental

This is possibly the final log of this mission. Cardassian and Jemhadar war vessels have been
searching the asteroid for what I believe is the asteroids we have been gathering. They must have been
watching them leave their territory on their trip across the quadrant and noted some disappearances. We
have loaded a emergency communications drone with everything we know about this and sent it on its
way. We are in hopes that they did not detect the transport of it. Hopefully, our cloak is enough to keep
us hidden. I am setting the internal sensors to automatic and recording to our secondary back up. With
any luck, we will survive this encounter.
The Cardassian War Ship KLOVORS hovered over the asteroid, scanning with its forward
sensors as the Jemhadar ships criss-crossed over the surface looking for the missing pieces of the puzzles.
Gul Gudrole, the scans are inconclusive, but the surface of this asteroid has changed. Earlier scans
show a fairly deep crevasse thats been filled in, but there is no sign of recent seismic activity. Reported
the sensor officer.
The Gul turned, Show me the earliest scans we have of the spot. He ordered.
On the screen, a grid appeared, overlaid on the asteroids image. The sensor officer magnified the
area to show the crevasse. The rock that has filled in the depression appears to be natural, but we know
this asteroid is too small to have any activity that would cause this. Sensors show what also appears to be
a cavern of sorts that was absent on the original field reports.
On the bridge, there were three Jemhadar troops, a Vorta and a Founder. The Founder turned to
Donj, the Vorta. Outfit these three troops for vacuum maneuvers and transport them to the cavern. I
have a feeling we will find something of interest in there.
As you wish. The Vorta said as he bowed deeply. The three Jemhadar turned and stalked out
with weapons ready and made there way to the transporter room.
The Gul turned to the Founder. What do you feel, what do you think is in that cavern? He
I do not need to inform you of that Gul Gudrole, you just need to follow my orders. Responded
the Founder.
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I have no intention of disputing your orders Founder, but I am curious. This is my ship to
command, and I would know your thoughts please. The Gul was smart enough to know that he needed
to walk a very fine line when it came to the Founders and how he treated them.
Very well. The cavern your sensor officer has detected is obviously an artificial construct. I
believe we will find a ship hiding there. If I am wrong, the loss of three soldiers is acceptable.
Responded the Founder haughtily.
Gudrole smirked and nodded his acknowledgment.
The Battleship hung over them, motionless. They watched. They waited. They were sitting
ducks. They heard the transporter beams. They scrambled for cover but the bridge of this ship had no
hiding places, nothing to get behind, and with all the power damped down, they couldnt get through the
doors fast enough. Jemhadar, seasoned fighters from almost birth, were ready. They wore only rebreathers thinking they would be transported into empty space. The three Jemhadar snapped around.
The three seasoned soldiers found their targets fleeing for cover, and fired. Starfleet personnel fell hard,
smoldering holes marred their uniform backs.
Three Starfleet officers awoke in a cell, and knew they were in trouble. They could feel by the
vibration of the deck plates that they were at warp and by the lighting and color they were on a
Cardassian war ship. At the force field entrance, was a Cardassian Gul.
He spoke, disdain marred his voice. The ship you are on is of no concern to you. Where you are
going is of no concern for you will never see the light of day again, but you will know. You are deemed
prisoners of war, enemies of the Cardassian Empire and have been sentenced to imprisonment on Celtris
III where you will stay for the remainder of your lives. There is an established dampening field in this
asteroid belt so any calls or reports you tried to transmit were halted. Your ship was destroyed and your
cloaking device was impounded. The cavern you built was crushed. There is no escape, no reprieve. He
turned to leave but looked over his shoulder. Enjoy your stay.
The border cruiser VANGUARD had taken up station keeping along the Cardassian border,
guarding the Federation from incursions. In the center seat was the captain of this new Akira class ship,
Captain Thane Ransom. He had come up the ranks fairly quickly, top of his cycle at the academy with
high honors in the sciences and command portions of his training. This was his first appointment as
Captain. And he was bored. Guard duty. Really?
Captain, I have an incoming object from straight ahead. Travelling at warp three. Its a
Federation probe, coming out of Cardassian held space. his security chief reported.
Hit it with the shut down code when it gets within range and bring it aboard. Were you aware of
any operations in this area? he asked.
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No sir. It is within range, transmitting the shutdown code now. Successful sir, transporting it
aboard. The bird is in bay two. Reported the chief.
Lets see what we have down there shall we. Sulu, you have the bridge.
Mikasu Sulu took the center seat of the bridge.
The probe was on the floor of the cargo bay being attended to by two engineering techs. They
stepped aside when Ransom came in. What have we got?
Sir, its one of the Federations new MARK Z long range probes. There seems to be an added
padd loaded with data tucked into a small space. We were about to retrieve it and bring it to you, should
only take a moment.
Proceed. Ordered Ransom.
They produced the padd and handed it over to Ransom. He tabbed it with his clearance code and
it responded to him. He began to read. As he read, he began to pace, with the engineering techs
watching. He read for two minutes, but then stiffened. Good work. Stow the probe safely and resume
normal operations. He said as he exited the bay.
He made his way to the bridge. Harper, open a secure, encrypted channel to Starfleet command.
Transmit this right away. He said handing the padd to her.
Aye sir.
Stepping past the command chair to the helm, Ransom inputted a set of coordinates. "Get us to
these coordinates as fast as possible, yesterday even." he ordered the helm. Turning, he called out "Red
Alert! All hands to battle stations, I repeat, all hands to battle stations."
Lights dimmed as the strobe of the red alert beacon flashed. Ransom sat waiting, anxious for the
: Starfleet note: The VANGUARD found the wreckage of the LOOKOUT. The manufactured cavern was destroyed but the bolt hole had
been undiscovered. With the information provided in the probe, they were able to recover the backup computer core.
: The deposition and composition of the asteroids with the energy signature travelling at the precise speed as detailed in their report were
sought after and located. With the LOOKOUT'S reports of when the activity started, computer simulations were then able to estimate their
probable trajectory and location. Going through the sensor logs, ninety nine percent of the asteroids that passed through that corridor
were recovered. Running them through a transporter in the fashion pioneered by Henry Davies, we uncovered enough equipment and
material to have put together a fighting vessel of severe proportions. It would have employed several alien technologies that would have
brought together several shield and weapons systems variations that have proven themselves in computer simulation to be a severe threat
to any starship in the field.
: The crew of the LOOKOUT was awarded the Federations NEBULA STAR Medal along with the Federation MEDAL OF VALOR posthumously
in their absence. They are listed as lost in the line of duty at the time of the awards ceremony.
: As a final note, an uprising on Celtris III allowed Commander Francis, Lt. Michaels and Lt. Davies to escape on a Cardassian border fighter
and were able to make their way back to Federation space. They were prisoners for seven years, three months and thirteen days. Up until
their return to Federation territory, their whereabouts were unknown and they were listed as lost in the line of duty. Using their time in a
Cardassian prison, they had gathered much information about Cardassian penal practices. Not surprising, none of the three requested
space duty again.

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This past February, Star Trek fans lost another two icons from the Star Trek universe.

It's the sad duty of to report the passing of another towering Star Trek figure, Harve Bennett. The veteran
writer and producer passed away on Wednesday, February 25, at the age of 84, two days before the death of Leonard
Nimoy, with whom his career intersected -- to the everlasting benefit of both men. He retired to Oregon years ago and
died there following a long illness.
Bennett, of course, produced and co-wrote the story for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, which was a hit financially,
critically and with Trek fans and is widely credited with saving the franchise, as Paramount Pictures had serious doubts
about Star Trek as a viable entity following the costly Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Bennett subsequently produced and
co-wrote the stories for The Search for Spock, The Voyage Home and The Final Frontier. Bennett also made a memorable
cameo appearance in The Final Frontier, playing Starfleet Chief of Staff Admiral Robert Bennett.
Bennett turned down the opportunity to produce Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country because he favored a prequel
script he'd written called Star Trek: The Academy Years. He "had an eye on" John Cusack for Spock and thought Ethan
Hawke could have been Kirk, and there would have been roles for all the Original Series actors as well. "All the
possibilities were open, the script was beautiful, and the love story was haunting," Bennett told in 2010.
"But it didn't happen."
The Chicago-born Bennett was already a successful writer-producer by the time he beamed into the Star Trek universe.
Among his credits were Mod Squad, The Invisible Man (1975 version), Rich Man, Poor Man, The Gemini Man, The Six
Million Dollar Man, The Bionic Woman and Salvage 1. During and after his run with Trek, Bennett wrote and/or
produced A Woman Called Golda (with Leonard Nimoy co-starring opposite Ingrid Berman), The Jesse Owens Story,
Time Trax and Invasion America., in our 2010 interview with Bennett, asked him what he thought his most significant contributions
to the franchise were. He replied candidly and in detail, saying. "I resurrected the franchise (at the time). That
would be my contribution. There might not have been another Star Trek and certainly there would not have
been spin had not Star Trek II been such a very viable hit. "When I first took the Star Trek assignment, one of
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the problems was that Leonard Nimoy had already written his book I Am Not Spock. He had publically put it out
there that hed never do Spock again. And one of my first challenges was to convince Leonard that he should
come back, because it wouldnt be Star Trek without him. I finally convinced him with a very simple, actorproof argument. I said, Leonard, if you come back, Im going to give you the greatest death scene since Janet
Leigh in Psycho. One third of the way into the picture, were going to kill you. The audience will be shocked. It
will be the end of your problems with Spock and we will go on to complete the story. He said, Thats good. I
like that. So he signed on. For a variety of reasons, including Gene (Roddenberry) and the 100,000 letters the
studio received from fans after it got out that we were going to kill off Spock, we couldnt do it the way we
planned. Hence a rewrite and when Nick Meyer, God bless him, came on board we found a way to extend
Spocks role. And it was much better, because I think Wrath of Khan might have been a failure if Spock had
died one third of the way through it. So we got Wrath of Khan done, Nick Meyer was brilliant, and the rest is
Please join in offering our condolences to Bennett's family, friends and colleagues.

Leonard Nimoy, the sonorous, gaunt-faced actor who won a worshipful global following as Mr. Spock, the
resolutely logical human-alien first officer of the Starship Enterprise in the television and movie juggernaut
Star Trek, died on Friday morning at his home in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. He was 83.
His wife, Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed his death, saying the cause was end-stage chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease.
Mr. Nimoy announced last year that he had the disease, attributing it to years of smoking, a habit he had given
up three decades earlier. He had been hospitalized earlier in the week.
His artistic pursuits poetry, photography and music in addition to acting ranged far beyond the United
Federation of Planets, but it was as Mr. Spock that Mr. Nimoy became a folk hero, bringing to life one of the
most indelible characters of the last half century: a cerebral, unflappable, pointy-eared Vulcan with a signature
salute and blessing: Live long and prosper (from the Vulcan Dif-tor heh smusma).
Mr. Nimoy, who was teaching Method acting at his own studio when he was cast in the original Star Trek
television series in the mid-1960s, relished playing outsiders, and he developed what he later admitted was a
mystical identification with Spock, the lone alien on the starships bridge.
Yet he also acknowledged ambivalence about being tethered to the character, expressing it most plainly in the
titles of two autobiographies: I Am Not Spock, published in 1975, and I Am Spock, published in 1995.
In the first, he wrote, In Spock, I finally found the best of both worlds: to be widely accepted in public
approval and yet be able to continue to play the insulated alien through the Vulcan character.
Star Trek, which had its premiere on NBC on Sept. 8, 1966, made Mr. Nimoy a star. Gene Roddenberry, the
creator of the franchise, called him the conscience of Star Trek an often earnest, sometimes campy show
that employed the distant future (as well as some special effects that appear primitive by todays standards) to
take on social issues of the 1960s.
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His stardom would endure. Though the series was canceled after three seasons because of low ratings, a cultlike
following the conference-holding, costume-wearing Trekkies, or Trekkers (the designation Mr. Nimoy
preferred) coalesced soon after Star Trek went into syndication.
The fans devotion only deepened when Star Trek was spun off into an animated show, various new series
and an uneven parade of movies starring much of the original television cast, including besides Mr. Nimoy
William Shatner (as Captain Kirk), DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), George Takei (the helmsman, Sulu),
James Doohan (the chief engineer, Scott), Nichelle Nichols (the chief communications officer, Uhura) and
Walter Koenig (the navigator, Chekov).
When the director J. J. Abrams revived the Star Trek film franchise in 2009, with an all-new cast including
Zachary Quinto as Spock, he included a cameo part for Mr. Nimoy, as an older version of the same character.
Mr. Nimoy also appeared in the 2013 follow-up, Star Trek Into Darkness.
His zeal to entertain and enlighten reached beyond Star Trek and crossed genres. He had a starring role in the
dramatic television series Mission: Impossible and frequently performed onstage, notably as Tevye in
Fiddler on the Roof. His poetry was voluminous, and he published books of his photography.
He also directed movies, including two from the Star Trek franchise, and television shows. And he made
records, singing pop songs as well as original songs about Star Trek, and gave spoken-word performances
to the delight of his fans and the bewilderment of critics.
But all that was subsidiary to Mr. Spock, the most complex member of the Enterprise crew, who was both one
of the gang and a creature apart, engaged at times in a lonely struggle with his warring racial halves.
In one of his most memorable Star Trek performances, Mr. Nimoy tried to follow in the tradition of two
actors he admired, Charles Laughton and Boris Karloff, who each played a monstrous character Quasimodo
and the Frankenstein monster who is transformed by love.
Born in Boston on March 26, 1931, Leonard Simon Nimoy was the second son of Max and Dora Nimoy,
Ukrainian immigrants and Orthodox Jews. His father worked as a barber.
From the age of 8, Leonard acted in local productions, winning parts at a community college, where he
performed through his high school years. In 1949, after taking a summer course at Boston College, he traveled
to Hollywood, though it wasnt until 1951 that he landed small parts in two movies, Queen for a Day and
Mr. Nimoy served in the Army for two years, rising to sergeant and spending 18 months at Fort McPherson in
Georgia, where he presided over shows for the Armys Special Services branch. He also directed and starred as
Stanley in the Atlanta Theater Guilds production of A Streetcar Named Desire before receiving his final
discharge in November 1955.
He then returned to California, where he worked as a soda jerk, movie usher and cabdriver while studying
acting at the Pasadena Playhouse. He achieved wide visibility in the late 1950s and early 1960s on television
shows like Wagon Train, Rawhide and Perry Mason. Then came Star Trek.

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Mr. Nimoy returned to college in his 40s and earned a masters degree in Spanish from Antioch University
Austin, an affiliate of Antioch College in Ohio, in 1978. Antioch University later awarded Mr. Nimoy an
honorary doctorate.
Mr. Nimoy directed the movies Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) and Star Trek IV: The Voyage
Home (1986), which he helped write. In 1991, the same year that he resurrected Mr. Spock on two episodes of
Star Trek: The Next Generation, Mr. Nimoy was also the executive producer and a writer of the movie Star
Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
From 1977 to 1982, Mr. Nimoy hosted the syndicated series In Search Of ..., which explored mysteries like
the Loch Ness monster and U.F.O.s. He also narrated Ancient Mysteries on the History Channel and appeared
in commercials, including two with Mr. Shatner for He provided the voice for animated
characters in Transformers: The Movie, in 1986, and The Pagemaster, in 1994.
In 2001 he voiced the king of Atlantis in the Disney animated movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and in 2005
he furnished voice-overs for the computer game Civilization IV. More recently, he had a recurring role on the
science-fiction series Fringe and was heard, as the voice of Spock, in an episode of the hit sitcom The Big
Bang Theory.
Mr. Nimoy was an active supporter of the arts as well. The Thalia, a venerable movie theater on the Upper West
Side of Manhattan, now a multi-use hall that is part of Symphony Space, was renamed the Leonard Nimoy
Thalia in 2002.
He also found his voice as a writer. Besides his autobiographies, he published A Lifetime of Love: Poems on
the Passages of Life in 2002. Typical of Mr. Nimoys simple free verse are these lines: In my heart/Is the seed
of the tree/Which will be me.
In later years, he rediscovered his Jewish heritage, and in 1991 he produced and starred in Never Forget, a
television movie based on the story of a Holocaust survivor who sued a neo-Nazi organization of Holocaust
In 2002, having illustrated his books of poetry with his photographs, Mr. Nimoy published Shekhina, a book
devoted to photography with a Jewish theme, that of the feminine aspect of God. His black-and-white
photographs of nude and seminude women struck some Orthodox Jewish leaders as heretical, but Mr. Nimoy
asserted that his work was consistent with the teachings of the kabbalah.
His religious upbringing also influenced the characterization of Spock. The characters split-fingered salute, he
often explained, had been his idea: He based it on the kohanic blessing, a manual approximation of the Hebrew
letter shin, which is the first letter in Shaddai, one of the Hebrew names for God.
To this day, I sense Vulcan speech patterns, Vulcan social attitudes and even Vulcan patterns of logic and
emotional suppression in my behavior, Mr. Nimoy wrote years after the original series ended.
But that wasnt such a bad thing, he discovered. Given the choice, he wrote, if I had to be someone else, I
would be Spock.

24 | P a g e

KIRK: Star Trek: Wrath of Khan

It is a far far better thing I do
than I have ever done before...
A far better resting place I go to
than I have ever known...

25 | P a g e

Captain Tom Gorman

Executive Officer Neal Buster

[email protected]

[email protected]



Chief of Operations Keith DeLollo

Second Officer Vacant

[email protected]

[email protected]



Chief Medical Charles Fisher

Intelligence Peter Carr

[email protected]

[email protected]



Security Chief Chistine Harper

Chief Engineer Jeffrey Blaaboer

[email protected]

[email protected]



Chief Tactical Officer Keith DeLollo

Chief of Communications David Sladky

[email protected]

[email protected]



Marine Officer in Charge Steven Worth

Yeoman Marybeth Simkins

[email protected]

[email protected]



Senior Non Commissioned Officer Russ Selkirk

[email protected]
Phone Private
26 | P a g e

Chief of Communications
Commander David Sladky
[email protected]

Haling Frequencies Open!

Until the REL gets someone who is interested
in putting out the ships newsletter and running
its media sites, I will be pitching in as needed. I
am already the CO of the USS Storm, but the
need to get your ships information out to the
public is a vital one and you cant get new
members if no one knows what you did.

Now this Newsletter is published every month,

this give the crew an outlet to be creative and
promote the ship or the individual member. Post
a picture or a bio, tell the crew about yourself or
the things that you like and enjoy, it does not
have to be Star Trek related all of the time, this
little bit of heaven is for you to enjoy as well as
If you are not good at writing then locate content
online, just make sure the information for the
article is listed or a url to the original document
is available. You never want to be accused of
Plagiarism, but most times information can be
sure or collected with the proper references and
all it takes is a few moments of your time to do
Another great way to promote your ship is to
print out the newsletter and use it as a hand out
at events, this is a great way to get the name of
the ship out and promote it to people. A
STARFLEET chapter is always growing and
new people help that growth, this is why it is so
important to get the word out about you and your
..end transmission.

27 | P a g e

The Robert E. Lee Quartermaster

Polo Shirts

Ships Polo (Red)

Ships Polo (Black)

797th MSG (Black)


797th MSG Hat

Ship Hat


Robert E. Lee NCC-1915

797th MSG Lees Tigers

*Contact the CO, Thomas M. Gorman at [email protected] for prices.

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*Contact the CO, Thomas M. Gorman at [email protected] for prices.


Ships Red T-Shirt

Marine Strike Group T-Shirt

*Contact the CO, Thomas M. Gorman at [email protected] for prices.

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For over 35 years, STARFLEET has provided Star Trek fans

a way to meet each other, make friends, have fun, give
back to their communities, and show that the dream of
Gene Roddenberry can live long and prosper. On the
local level, members can gather with other fans for a
variety of enjoyable activities. On the international level,
STARFLEET offers our members a wealth of resources that
you wont find in any other Star Trek fan clubs. In
addition to a great set of membership materials and our
regularly-published newsletter, STARFLEET offers
members the chance to get involved with STARFLEET
Academy, the STARFLEET Marine Corps, the Department
of Technical Services, and much, much more. We even
have a group of academic monetary scholarships that are
awarded to deserving STARFLEET members each year.
STARFLEET is divided into hundreds of local Chapters,
each named as a different starship or space station.
Chapters are where the members of STARFLEET get
together locally to make friends, meet, and have a fun
time. Our many Chapters are spread out across the
United States and also in foreign countries all over the
STARFLEET Chapters range in size from 10 members to
several dozen. Some get together and meet in person
while others are correspondence Chapters where
members who live far away from each other can still
exchange messages via e-mail, telephone, and even good,
old-fashioned postal mail.

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