Coast Artillery Journal - May 1930

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Published as the J()U;f'na.l . S. Artillery U STEWART S. GIFFIN, C. A. C

from 189~ to 1911




A. C

.Editor Business Manager Number 5

Yolume 72

May, 1930




By MAJ. G. B. ROBISON, A. C. 424 C. _ 429

Chief of Gomt Artillery affe-nm du.ner git-en by Governor of New York---Cooperation-School details for the year 19$Q-$1-Mmer Sergeant MapC3 retiru-Th.e Coati Artillery School-Harbor Dejemelf of Long Ilfland Sound-Ha-riJor Defemelf of Balboa-Harbor Defenus of Honolulu-The 1Sth Ooast Artillery (HD)-T1e 61st Coalft Artillery (AA)-Th.e 6tnd. !;~th C0CI8t I'lrtillery (AA)-Th.e 18th S. R. Battery I -The R. O. T. O. University of DellI'Ware.


Antiaircraft-8ignaI tow-target release


Air and Terrestrial Spotting-Training Srhedllles--Jn.pallese Corpl! det'elops new type of field trire for the Army-Seu: mechanism tested.


Lieutenant makes UXJ1I.fierfuldiscoverv-It sale-Maneuvers.

__ __

__ _ _ .. _ _

454 456

we'll hare to read it-For


Introduction to Military

__ _

__ _

__ __ ..




of Empire----Commando.

Authors alone. are resptm8ible for statements in oontributed articles

The CouT .Arrn.I.E&Y JOOUlAL pays for original articles upon pubIlcation. Published montbIy under the supervision of the Chief of Coos!: Artillery for the infonnaUon of the COOBt Artillery persoonel af the ~ar Army. National Guard, and Organized ReMnes. Terms: United States. $&.lHI It year; single copies, ~o cents. Canada, $S.:~a year' slngie COPies. 55 ceniB. Foreign. $&.50 a year; Bingle copies, 40 cents . Entered as second class matter at the Post; 0tIiea 8!!: Washington. D. C. ACCptance for maIling at spec:iaI rate of poetage provided for in Sedion HII Act of October " 11117' authorned May 8. 11120 Copyright. IllllO, by the CoAST ArrIL~Y Jot.'L'i'AL. Address: The Cour .Arrn.LEItY JotIIUlAL. 111~ 17th St N. W WB8lrlngioo. D. C. PriKted by Hayworth Prim ... Companv, Wa:rhingtolt, D. C.





GCllcral, Chicf

of Coast




In assuming the duties of Chief of Coast Artillery I do so with a keen appreciation of the honor conferred upon me and of the responsibilities of the office. It shall be my purpose to continue the program so ably initiated by my predecessor and friend, Ueneral Hero, and to maintain the best traditions of the Coast Artillery. Within the policies established by higher authorit~., I shall devote m;rself to the i:qiprovementof the general condition, morale and efficiencyof the Coast Artillery, and I shall do all in my power to secure for the Coast Artillery its proper pla<.'e the Army of the United States, of which it is in a most important element. As long as navies exist, and ships carrying guns navigate the seas or the air, an efficient and effective Coast Artillery is essential. Under the recent reorganization of the Coast Artiller;r we have a hroad and varied peace-time mission demanding personnel of the highest standards, training and efficiency. The magnitude of our mobilization mission is such as to demand that every officer be a potential commander, and that every enlisted man be a potential officer,noncommissioned officer or key man ill the new organizations. This is a high ideal and is a challenge to the officersand enlisted men of the Coast Artillery. I desire to maintain the closest contact with the Coast Artillery organizations of the National Guard, the Organized Reserves and the R. O. T. C., and to cooperate with them to our mutual advantage. I consider duty with the civilian components of first importance, and warranting the assignment to this duty of our best and most efficientofficers. I plan to visit ever;}" Coast Artillery station in the United States, the Insular Departments and the Panama Canal at the earliest practicable date, and to examine into their problems on the ground. When this initial survey is completed I shall be pleased to inform you from time to time in more detail of my impressions and ideas as to the training and other matters of interest through the medium of the COAST RTILLERY A JOURNAL. The Coast Artillery has no place for pessimists. As I see it, we have every reason to view the future with confidence.


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Volume 72 May, 1930 Number 5

Major General John W. Gulick

Chief of Coast Artillery
Goldsboro,North GENERAL GULICK was born in and high schoolin Carolina, November 8, 1874. He attended grade Goldsboro,afterwards attending engineering courses at various institutions. His first military experience was obtained in the National Guard of North Carolina in whieh he enlisted in 1894, serving in the grades of private, sergeant, first sergeant, and first lieutenant. On April 27, 1898, upon the outbreak of the 8panish-Ameriean ,Yar, he entered the service of the rnited 8tates as a first lieutenant, Xorth Carolina Infantry, and served as sueh in Florida and Cuba during the \var. ,Yhen he was mustered out of the service in 1899 he was appointed first lieutenant, 47th U. S. Volunteers, then eommandedby CoJ.Walter Howe (major, 4th Artillery) and ordered to tbe Philippines. En route, he was promoted and served in the grade of captain during the Philippine campaign. He W8$ acting quartermaster for General Kobbe's expedition to open the Hemp Ports, he partieipated in the actions at C'albayog and Catbalogan on Janual',\' 25 and 26, 1900, and in the various actions and skirmishes in and around Gubat, June 1 to Kovember30, 1900. For gallantry in action near Bulusan, August 10, 1900, he was recommended for the brevet rank of major, L. S. Volunteers. Captain Guliek returned to the United States July 1, 1901, and was mustered out of the serviee the following day. He entered the Regular Army as a first lieutenant, Artillery Corps, on August 1, 1901. He served in this grade at Charleston, South Carolina, Havana and Cienfuegos,Cuba, from 1901 to 1903, and in the Artillery District of Portland, Maine, 1903 to 1904. In August, 1904, Lieutenant Gulick was ordered to duty as a student officerat the Artillery School, Fort 11onroo. He was retained as an instructor the next year and remained on this duty until Xovember11, 1911. During this period (February 16, 1906) he was promoted to the grade of captain. In November, 1911, Captain Gulick was detailed milita1")'attache in Chile and on 11ay 31, 1912,under authority of the "Tar Department and a special Act of Congress,approved 11ay 11, 1911,he accepted the position of instructor and advisor on coast defense with the Chilian Government




with rank of major in the Chilean Army. He sened in this capacity until June, 1915. During this detail he established and conducted a gunnery school for the training of Chilean coast artillery troops and carried out a program for the reorganization and rearmament of the coast defenses of that country. The coast artillery gunnery school in Chile is still in operation under the supervision of Chilean officers who attended the Coast Artillery School at Fort Monroe, 1913-1915. Captain Gulick returned from Chile and was assigned to duty at Fort .Monroewhere he commanded a battery and served as a member of the Coast Artillery Board. In April, 1916, he was ordered to Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, and commanded a battalion or Coast Artillery, assisting in the operation of an officers' training camp. On May 10, 1916, he, with two companies of Coast Artiller~,.,was detached and proceeded to EI Paso, Texas, for emergency duty on the Mexican border. He was promoted major, July 1, 1916, and assigned to the 5th Provisional Regiment, Coast Artiller~TCorps, and sent to Del Rio, Texas, remaining until August 25, when he again returned to Fort l\Ionroe. He was assigned to duty with the Coast ArtilleQTHchoolas Director, Department of Artillery, and served as such until he ,vas relieved on June 4, 1917, shortly after the United States entered the World War. Lpon his relief from Fort ::V[onroe, Major Uulick was detailed to the General Staff Corps and assigned to dut~Twith the "Tar College Division in "Washington. On August 5, 1917, he was appointed lieutenant colonel, Field Artillery, National Army, and ordered to Camp Kearne~T, alifornia, C as Chi'Cfof Staff, 40th Division. On May 18, 1918, he was promoted colonel,National Army, and in July, 1918, accompanied the Division headquarters, 40th Division, to France. On arrival in France, Colonel Gulick was detached from the 40th Division and assigned to headquarters, Arm~-Artillery, First Army. He served in that capacit~-during the operations of the First Army in France and was awarded the Distinguished Service ~Iedal, the citation for which reads as follows: "For exceptionall~-meritorious and conspicuous services. As Assistant Chief of the Operations Section and later as Chief of Staff of the Army ArtilleQ- of the First Army, he demonstrated a keen conception of all of the tactical situations which confronted the artillerv of the First Army. B~rhis high professional attainments and sound ~ilitaQ- judgment he handled the many complex problems of the First Arm~- Artiller~-, with marked skill, and thereby contributed, in no small degree, to the success of this unit in the St. lImiel and ~feuse-Argonne offensives." He was also awarded a citation in the Legion of Honor in the grade of officer. Colonel Gulick returned to the L'llited States in JanuaQ-, 1919, and was assigned to duty in the ,Yar Plans Division, War Department General



Staff. He reached the grade of lieutenant-colonel in the Regular establishment on July 1, 1920. He was relieved from the General Staff in July, 1924, to become a student in the Army War College. Upon completion of the course in 1925, he was assigned to duty at Fort Hancock, New Jersey, where he served until March, 1926, being promoted to the grade of colonel August 19, 1925, during this assignment. He again served in Washington as Executive officer in the Militia (Bureau) during the period March 15, 1926, to March 15, 1930, immediately preceding his appointment as Chief of Coast Artillery. Like his predecessor, the greater part of General Gulick's service has been with the Artillery arm of the service. His high reputation wellknown in the Corps that to do more than mention it would appear presumptuous. He ascends to the highest position of leadership in the Coast Artillery Corps with a well-founded conception of its past progress and accomplishments. His well-defined ideas for the future will be placed in effect without shock or rupture of the smooth course of adyancement which is characteristic of the Coast Artillery today. The JOURNAL feels obliged to cater to the awrage reader who prefers the personal note. To gratify this desire it may be said that General Gulick's schedule of official journeys for the near future indicates that he intends to make frequent yisits to the yarious Coast Artillery posts and activities and observe for himself. He ~as expressed a desire that there be a free expression of opinion by the officersof the Coast Artiller;y Corps on matters which concern the Coast Artillery Corps. His outstanding aspiration is to increase the prestige of the Coast Artiller)T-a prestige not to be obtained by unworthy methods but based upon actual achievement. He believes that this may be accomplished by a unity of effort not only by the Regular officersbut also by the National Guard and Organilied Reserve. On behalf of the Coast Artillery Corps the COAST ARTILLERY JOl:RNAL congratulates its new Chief an? pledges its continued 10yalt~T and cooperation in the accomplishment of its sewral missions.

Comments on the Revision of T. R. 435-55, Coast Artillery Target Practice

THE COAST ARTILI,ERY BOARD EDITOR'S NOTE: In the March number the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL published Parts 1and 11 of the above article which concerned certain changes in Coast Artille.ry Target Practice Regulations pertaining to seacoast armament. Parts 111and IV, concerning antiaircraft firing, are published below. As in the preceding parts no attempt is made to include all changes which have been made in the Target Practice Regulations. The most important changes occur' in Parag.raph.s 34., 35, 87, and 89. The discussion (Part IV) which has been prep<vredby the Boar'd is not included in the revised regulations but will make clearer the treasons necessitating such changes as were made. The ret'ised T.R. 1,.'15-55 should be isslled by the War Department about June 1.


34. Officials and their duties. Each Regimental Commander will, in conformity with these regulations, prescribe the character of the practices and the time for holding same. He will, if practicable, be present at all record practices and will act as umpire and decide any points of controversy that may arise, either as to the conduct of a practice, the analysis of same, or the :figuringof the score. In cases of unavoidable absence he will appoint a qualified officerto act as umpire for him. He will detail such officialsas may be required to insure the proper conduct of all record practices and the keeping and authentication of the necessary records. Prior to the commencementof the practice the Regimental Commander,or officerdetailed to act for him, will assure himself that his assistants are well instructed in their duties, and that they are properly equipped to carry out these instructioll.';;, the end that accurate records will be availto able for the plotting of hits and computation of the score. These officials and the duties performed by each are enumerated below: a. Timekeepers.
(l) (2) x x x x x x

(3) The assistant timekeepers will keep an accurate record of the time oI action of the gun, or machine gun, to which assigned. In case of a gt1IIl out of action prior to the command cease firing, the assistant timekeeper assigned to that gun will record the time of action and the time out of action, and the circumstancespertaining thereto. This information will be authenticated and given to the timekeeper immediately after the practice. "Time out" will pe allowed only when the field of :fireis ull.'>a1eecause: b (a) Target has left safe :field. (b) Obstruction in field. (c) Any _gun pointed at or ahead of plane. (d) Assistant safety officer cannot see plane and hence cannot elear any particular gun.





Materiel failures, misfires, maladjustments, to sights and dials, will not be considered as allowable "time out." The chief safety officercan, however, stop firing when he considers it unsafe to prol'eed, but if the cause thereof is determined to be a personnel errol', or materiel failure, the time which the guns were 110tfiring will be charged against the battery. (4) Time of action will begin with the command cornmence firing except when firing is suspended when the field of fire is unsafe as enumerated in subparagraph (3) above, and investigation shows that such suspension was not the fault of the battery personnel or materiel. Time considered on each course wiII be that of all the guns of the battery independent of the number of guns firing. Any course having a clearance of at least 30 secouds will be considered as a course in computing the score whether or not the battery has fired. For machine guns a course of at least 20 seconds will be counted as a course. If a course is fired on, it will count as a course regardless of the duration of the clearance. (5) Time of flick. The time from the command "in action" until the target is flicked by any of the searchlight beams. If this does not occur within the first five seconds it is not recorded. A' 'flick" is any illumination of the target of less than five (5) seconds' duration. (6) Time of pick-up. The time from the command "in action" until the target plane is illuminated. A "pick-up" is a continuous illumination of the target for at least five (5) seconds' duration. (7) Time of illumination. The total corrected time that the plane is illuminated from the pick-up to the proper bomb-release point. 35. Guns. a. x x x b. x x x c. x x x d. x x x c. Number of service practices. The annual ammunition allowances for antiaircraft guns are laid down in Army Regulations. At least 50 per cent of all antiaircraft gun ammunition expended in preliminary service practices will be fired at a towed aerial target. Instructions issued annually b;ythe 'Val' Department will give the apportionment of ammunition between preliminar;r and record practices, and the number of such practices. f. Rate of fire. In the reeord service practices, state of training and safety precautions permitting, a rate of 15 rounds per gun per minute or better will be maintained for 1I1918 guns, and 25 rounds per gun per minute for 11191711-1,and ~I1917 MIl, and ~r-l, 11-2,~r-3, and 1f-4 guns. For 75-mm. guns a rate of 10 rounds per gun per minute or better will be maintained.







or regular

Materiel to be manned. 'Whenever possible, record service practices antiaircraft gun batteries will be conducted with 4 guns.

k. LTnits firing AA guns as additional assignment. Units of harbor defense artillery, or oth('rs who fire antiaircraft gun practices, will fire not less than one l)reliminal'Y and at least one record service practice. The provisions governing these practices will be the same as for regular antiaircraft units. If two or more record service practices are held, one may be a night practice.

i. x

j. Target courses. In the preliminary firings the targets may be towed for safety purposes on straight courses at a constant altitude and constant speed. For all record service practices the target will make such maneuvers as could be expected from a loaded bomber and as are consistent with safety regulations. The following courses will be flown at least once at some time during record service practices. (1) (2) (3) k. x 90 angle of approach (crossing). 45 angle of approach. 0 angle of approach (coming). x x

practices. The following score has been adopted as a means by which the relative standing of antiaircraft gun batteries may be determined. It is based on hits per battery per minute, and on percentage of hitting as a function of the slant range, on angular velocity of the target, and on the ability to obtain hits on each course. (1) For all 3-inch antiaircraft guns with 3-inch antiaircraft and lHk III Scovil Fuze. For each course the score is: shrapnel

1. x x x' m. x x x n. Score for 3-inch antiaircraft

C1=Bh (BD+~ + Br
and the value of each component is: 10h2/3 10h' !~ Bh= S = -S(See table for values of h')

, :BD=D2+DR
\b -]"') \' -\ \1<:

20t ( Sg - 50) B~= X , D Sg


Br= 30 _

10 {~)2 N 1'1

and the total score is




Where C1 = Score for first course. C2 = Score for second course, etc. Bh = Hitting component. BD = Range component. B:s = Angular veloeit;r component. Br = Rate of fire component. h' = Hit value in score. h = Number of hits. S = Total number of rounds in entire practice. This should neyer be taken as less than 50 unless the target was shot down after this number of rounds has been fired. See Notes, paragraph

35 n (4).
d = .001 average slant range of course in yards. R = .001 average horizontal range of course in yards. t = Average time of flight of course to nearest tenth of second. Sg = Average ground speed of plane for course to nearest mile per hour. N = Total number of courses in practice. l' = Normal rate of fire of materiel per gun per minute. This is for 75-mm. guns, 10 rounds; for 3-inch M1918 guns, 15 rounds; for 3-inch M19l7 and Ml, and other similar mobile guns, 25 rounds; and for l05-mm. guns, 15 rounds. 1'1 Developed rate of fire per gun per minute.of course to two decimal places.


Additional nwdification for 75-mln. AA guns. 14t Sg-50 BD=2 (D2+DR) B:S=n Sg

(3) Additional modifications for 105-mm. AA guns and Guns M1917 Jl1 and l!ill; M-l, M-2, M-3, and M-4 mobile glms with M..:2 mechanical fuze.

When the target is shot down, these rounds which burst afterwards may be disregarded in computing the score. No other shots will be disregarded in computing the swre. Attention is called to the provision which requires firing on each course for which a clearance of 30 seconds or more is given. Kot less than two or more than four courses will be flown during a record practice. A record practice begins when the Battery Commander reports himself ready. He is then given the opportunity to fire 30 rounds. Should he not fire on four courses for which he has been eleared he will be considered to have completed a record practice and his score will, of course, be zero. He may fire all his ammunition on two successive courses in which case the practice ends. When, however, he has not fired all his ammunition at the end of four courses the practice also ends. Should he allow the target to pass, when clear~d by the safety officers as





stated above, his score for that course is zero and he continues until four courses have been flown or unless he has shot all his ammunition. It is to be noted part.ic:ularly that the Battery Commander will be given the opportunity for each rewrd practice to fire on not more than four courses. The value of S used in the score will be taken as not less than 50 unless the target was shot down after more than 50 rounds have been fired, in which case those rounds in the air after the target was shot off may be disregarded. This is the only case in which a value of S less than 50 may be used. The Battery Commander after he has fired on anyone course may terminate that course so that he may fire on the remaining courses if he so desires. He may, however, if he so desires, fire as long as the field of fire is safe, provided that he so regulates his ammunition that he can fire on at least two courses. Where he has missed three courses he may fire all possible on the fourth. (5) The value of the factor h' may be obtained from the table below: h 1
2 h' 1.00 1.59 2.08 2.52 2.92 3.30 3.66 4.00 4.33 4.64 4.95 5.24 5.53

3 4 5

7 8


12 13 14



The score will be computed to two decimal places. For additional values of hits compute h 2/3.
37. a. b. c. d. e. Itlachine guns. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

f. Materiel to be manned. Each prelimmary and record service practice at a towed aerial target will be fired by a platoon of four caliber .50 machine guns. There will be two such platoons organized in each antiaircraft machine gun batterJT. "There caliber .50 guns are not at hand, caliber .30 guns may be USl;d,but the conduct of fire will be the same for each.



g. Conduct of fire. No time out will be allowed for any cause whatever, except for those periods when the safety officer or his assistant stops firing. Guns may be loaded at start of practice. Each service record practice will consist of five courses. The target will be replaced with a new one after each course. Only four guns may be fired. Crews will not be shifted to other guns during anyone record practice. h. Targets. The scoring target is taken as a truncated cone 10 feet long, 5 feet wide at the mouth, and 3.5 feet wide at the tail. The standard target is the B-9 or B-9-A. The multiplier for the B-9 or B-9-A target is 0.788 times the number of holes. i. Hits. The target given above as the scoring standard is of such dimensions that the number of hits to be counted would be the number of holes multiplied by two. The standard sleeve, however (B-9 or B-9-A), is of such dimensions that the number of hits shall be the number of holes multiplied by 0.788. Where non-standard targets are used the multiplier will have to be computed. The umpire or his representative will count holes and will deliver this information to the Battery Commander. In ease a nonstandard target is used the umpire or his representative will determine the proper multiplier. j. Target eoursefl. For preliminary practices the target ma;\T towed be on a straight line at a constant speed and altitude; for record service practiel'S the towing plane will make such maneuvers as are consistent with safety. Efforts will be made to fire at least once during the series of record service practices on each of the following courses: (1) 90 approach (crossing). (2) 45 approach. (3) 0 approach (coming).

The range for each course will be averaged. The range for the practice will be the weighted awrage slant range of that five course. k. x x x l. x x x rn. x x x n. Score for machine guns. The following score has been adopted as a means by which the relative standing of antiaircraft machine gun batteries may be determined. It is based on hits per gun per minute, on perce.ntage of hitting as a function of slant range, on angular velocity of target, and the abilit~- to obtain hits on each course. For each course the score is: C1 = Bb (BD

+ B~ytBr

and the value of each component is




OF T.R ..



Bh = _!500

S Bo=D2+DR

(~)2/3 100
S~ 10 (500)2


1500 h' (See table for value of h') S

B:=4D (S~-50)
D = 30 _

. ~e!l.






and the total score is: Score = c, Where

+ c, + Ca + C + C

C, = Score fOI' first course. C, = Score fOI' second course, etc. Bh = Hitting component. Bo = R.ange com ponen t. B2; = Angular yelocity component. Br = Rate of fire component. h = Kumber of hits. h' = Hit value in score. S = Total numbel' of rounds in cntire practicc. This will neyer be taken as less than 2000 rounds. D = .01 ayerage slant range of course in yards. R. = .01 average horizontal range of course in yarc1s. l\ = Average ground speed of plane for COUIose nearest mile per to hour. ~= Total number of courses in pl'Hetice. This is alwa~'s 5. )', De\'eloped ratc of fire of materiel. =



3 (1) Sotes.

__ B

It is to be noted that a machine gun practice will consist of fhe courses. The Batter~' Commander ma~' allocate his ammunition as he desires. Kormally the safety officer will not clear the field unless 30 seconds of firing time is available; when, howeyer, a clearance for 20 seconds or more has been given the Battery Commander must fire. If he does not do so, the flight will be considered a course and the score for that particular course is zero. 'Vhen the Battery Commander permits five courses to be flown for which he has been cleared and has not fired, he will be considered to have completed a record practice and his score will be zero. Hence, it can be seen that the Batter~- Commander has the opportunit~. to

('()~I ~lF.N'I'::; OF 'I'll E REVISION

OF 'I'.R . [,?:j.:j:j

fh'e on five courses on each of which he is seorcu anu to each of which he may allocate such part of his ammunition as he desires. No more than fiye cleared courses will be flown on any record practice. (2) A praetiee will begin when the Batlcr.,' CommHlldel' I'eports his battery ready. Attention is called to the provision which I'equil'es that the minimum value of S shall be 2000. Since the practice consists of five courses, the value of N is always 5 and no allowance is made for missed courses. (3) The score will be computeu to two uecimal places. The factor H' may be obtail,ed by interpolation from the table below. When more hits are made than the table shows the value h 2/3 should be C'omputed. h 5 .. ]0 .. ] 5.. 20 .. 25 . 30 .. 35 .. .W .. -!5.. 50 .. 55 .. ~ 65 .. 70 .. 75 .. 80 .. 85 .. 90 .. 95 .. h' 14 22 28 3-1 .40 45 50 h 100. 110. 120. 130. 140. 150. 160. 170. 180. 190. 200. 300. 400. 500. 600. 700. 800. 900. 1000.

1.00 1.07 1.13 1.19 1.25 1.31 1.37 1.42 1.48 1.53 1.59 ~M 2.:;2 2.92 3.30 3.66 4.00 4.33 4.6-1

59 63 67 ~I 75 79 83 86 90 93 97


-----.--- -----

st) -

-~:3---- -4


39-1 39. x x c. x d. x e. x f. x g. x a.





x x x x x x x x x x x x


x x h. Score. The following score has been adopted as a means by which the relative standing of antiaircraft searchlight batteries may be determined. It is bascd on the time of effective illumination and 011 the elapsed time from" in action" to "illumination." The score for each course will be valued as follows: (1) One-half (2) point for cach second of time that the plane is illuminated during any part of the two-minute travel time of the plane immediately prior to the proper bomb release point. 'l'he time for whieh the credit is allowed need not be continuous and is computed on the corrEcted course [see paragraph 39 d (2) (g).] Maximum 60. (2) One-fourth (%) point for each second of time that the plane is illuminated during any part of the eighty (80) second travel time of the plane immediately prior to the two (2) minute travcl time of the plane described in (1) above. The time for which this credit is allowed necd not be continuous and is computed on the corrccted cOlll~e [Sce paragraph 39 d (2) (g).] Maximum 20. (NOTE: One-half (2) or one-quarter (%) point credits are computcd from the timc the plane is illuminated. No credit will be given unless a pick-up is made [See paragraph 34 (/ (6).]

Br; 30 M.V."1.S'25 B


14t(S;- SO) D S,

...... ,.... o.

o ---------to




OF THE REVr:;;rox

OF T.R. 435-55


For quick pick-ups

thc following

bonuses are allowed:

Points : 1'imc frum "In

20 1fi 10 5

lIe/iun" /0 ., Illumina/ioll" 10 seconds or less Oyer 10 and including' 20 seconds. Oyer 20 and including 30 seconds. Oyer 30 and including 45 seconds. Over 45 seconds.

This credit will be allowed for only one pick-up on each course and the plane must be continuously illuminated fOl' at least fiye s('(.onds. (4) 'l'en (10) points for a fliek obseryed by the Hegilllental Commander, or his representative, at the gun position, 01' for a pick-up; provided, t hat the flick or the pick-up occurs within the first five seconds afte,' "in action" .and prior to the plane reaching the correct point of bomb release .

. ,

. ..


(5) For scoring purposes only 8000 feet altitude will be considered as the standard altitude for a bombing plane flying on a bombing mission. (a) If the target plane is lower than this altitude on any course the score for that course will be multiplied by the following factor:


. 8000 {All. (Ft)


Ii the altitude of the target plane is above 8000 feet the score (b) for that course will be multiplied by t he following factor: {Altitude (c) Altitude of the target at the instant of illumination. of plane in feet)2 (8000)2 plane will be the altitude of the plane





JOUR:-;.\ L


The !;eore fOI' a course will oe multiplied f:round speed of plane (in milcs

by the following



(I) .Add thc seorcs of the indi,'idual eomscs and diyide the sum by the numbcr of CO\ll'scs in an~' onc pxcl'pisc to ohtain the scorc fOl' thc rccord exerCIse, Thc minimum score fOl' any coursc is zero. (8) The abovc score will be multiplied by 1...1 to obtain thc final score if an observation planc (such as 0-11) is uscd as the targct planc. If a bombing planc (such as an XB2-Curtis Condor) is used thc score will not be multiplicd by this factor. (9) Four courscs flown ovcr differcnt constitute an cxcrcisc . parts of the dcfcndcd arca will


8 Z



3 lto








THE REV1~1O:-; OF T.R. -135-55



In prescribing the conditions under which antiaircraft target practices are to be conducted, one principle was adhered to-the practices must be conducted under service conditions. This rule led to two new featnres in the regulations: (1) no "time out" will be allowed for any materiel or personnel failnre whatever; (2) for all record service practices the target will make such maneuvers as could be expected from a loaded bomber and as arc consistent with safety regulations. An immediate objection to these

IlG 105




~ eo


COMPONENT It:t..Q.g 1>





~S. '0 0

.~ SO




requirements, particularly to the second, is that man~' antiaircraft batteries are not equipped with the latest fire control apparatus and will therefore suffer in comparison with batteries having better equipment. The consideration that prevaUed may be stated as follows: It is true that many antiaircraft battel'ies will ue poorly eqnipped but the score should measUJ'e the condition of the materiel as well as the degrce of training of the pcrsonnel. Furthermore, it is to be hoped that the materiel situution is only a temporary one. It is possible that for the next few years there may be man~' low scores in antiaircraft target practices but this is to be expected.




The Score. Guns. The scoring formula for antiaircraft guns is entirel;y new. The formula is based upon a careful analysis of the several elements affecting gun fire. In the new formula an attempt was made to have the score decrease as the angular height increased and increase with an increase in the number of hits, slant range, time of flight and angular velocity. The hitting component 10 h 2/3 Bh=--swas chosen so that distributing the hits over all courses would produce a greater score than a large number of hits on one course and few hits on the others. Thus, two hits on each of four courses will give a higher score than eight hits on one course and none on the others. As the formula stands, the smaller number of rounds will, other things being equal, secure the larger score. In order to prevent undue advantage on this account the restriction is imposed that S (the number of shots) will never be taken as less than 50, exc!lpt in the case in which 50 or more rounds have been fired, it is found that the target had been shot down on, e. g., the 45th round. In this case S would be taken as 45 in computing the score. The slant range component BD=D2+DR includes slant range and angular height. This can be seen b;y writing the formula as

Thus, the score increases as D increases, and decreases as the angular height increases. Par score for this component is 50. If the slant range is 5000 ~-ards,the angular height would have to be 0 to attain par. Henee for greater than 0 it is necessary to fire at slant ranges greater than 5000 ~-ards in order to get a score equal to par or better.
E 0 ,

The angular Yelocit~-component Bv =2Ot(Sg-JO) D Sg


may be written



OF T.R .. (35-55


50 I S -S .. IIIcreases WIt I ~. The angular velocit~. varies ~ 50 direetly as S~ and inversely as the slant range. Hence 1 - S~ is a measure

. Th c expressIOn 1 -

of the angular velocity. Hcnce B~ increascs timc of flight. Thc ratc, 01' timc eomponcnt, is B,= Pal' scorc for this pomponent 30

with angular



N is 20.

10 (

I' )~

"Whcn thc dcvcloped

ratc of fire

is equal to thc normal rate, i. e., whcn 1\ = I', Br =


For an infinite

ratc of fire, the SCOl'e for this component will bc 50 pel' eent abovc pal'. That. is, for rates of fire greatcr than normal, thc spore increascs rather slowly; all the other hand, 1'01' rates of fire below normal, the sporc deCI'eaSt'S more l'apidly and may becomc negative. III othcr words, the formula does not gi\'c n1\wh reward fOl' high rates of fire; fOl' rates of fire mueh below thr normal rate, the formula imposes a substantial penalty. Cun'es for the various romponents have been prepared and may be used in computing the score.




= 4D(-$~50)







.1$ . I












The ncw regulations are ,'ery specific as to what constitutes a "course." A practice begins when the Battery Commander reports himself ready, After the Battery Commander has reported himself ready, any flight upon which a clearance of 30 seconds or more is given will constitute a course. Also any flight upon which one or more shots have been fired will constitute a course even though less than 30 seconds clearance is given. If no shots are fired on thc course, the score for the course is





7.<'1'0. Bach timc thc targct passcs thc battcl'y will count. as a ('OUl'SCprovidcd thc hattcry has hccn c1earcd for at Icast ao seconds or fired upon. Aftcr four courscs thc wartiee cnds. Thus, if thc hattcry fails to firc on thc fit'St. three coursrs and fircs all its allowanec an the fourth coursc, the scorc will hc zero for thrcc courscs. 1 r, howcver, the hattery fircs 80 rounds on thc fil'st two courscs thc practicc cnds. That is, thc hattery will not bc pcnalized for failing to fire on a coursc aftcr thc allowancc of ammunition is cxhaustcd, although, in gcncral, a bcttcr scorc should 'bc obtaincd by firing on morc than two courses. On the othcr hand, thc battery must firc on at Icast two COUl'SCS. If the battcry should exhaust its cntire







Br ~ 30-10(- ;:,-)2



allowance on the first course it will scorc a zero for the second course, but not on the third and fourth courses. This rule may be readily understood when one considers that the intent of the rule is to emphasize the necessity for firing on a plane as soon as it comes within range.

Jlachine Guns.
The foregoing remarks pertammg to the score for antiaircraft guns apply also to the score for antiaircraft machine guns. There are, of course, some differences in formulae and in the restrictions as to courses, but the principles of scoring are the same in both guns and machine guns. A machine gun practice consists of five courses. The target will be dropped after each course. During the past year, reports of antiaircraft machine gun practices indicate that few Battery Commanders understood the method of comput-



ing the multiplier for non-standard targets. The standard "scoring target" is defined as a truncated cone 10 feet long, 5 feet wide at the mouth and 3.5 feet wide at the tail. This target is of such size that the number of hits must be multiplied by two. The cross sectional or presented area of this target is 42.5 feet. Since each hole in the target is counted, and the count multiplied by two to find the number of hits, it is apparent that the h)'pothetical target may be taken as a surface of ill sqnare feet in which earh hole is a hit. This surface is assumed to be approximately equal to the vulnerable area of a hostile airplane. The multiplier for the B-9 or B-9-A target is .788. The regulations require that when a target other than the B-9 or B-9-A is used, the multiplier must be computed. To compute this multiplier the area the longitudinal cross section of ~he non-standar9. target must be computed. The multiplier is inversely proportional to this area. The longitudinal cross section is a trapezoid, and the area is equal to one-half the product of the altitude into the sum of the bases. Thus in the case of the standard scoring target mentioned above, the area in question is Y2 X 10 X (5 3.5) or,42.5 square feet


The corresponding area for the B-9 target is 107.8 square feet. If we let x be the multiplier 9.esired,we have x : 2=42.5 : 107.8 or
2 X 42.5 x=----


=.788 which is the multiplier specified for the B-9 target. For any other target, e. g., a B-9 target from which the tail has been shot away, the multiplier is computed in the same way.


J oint Antiaircraft-Air Corps Exercises

at Aberdeen Proving Ground
to be at Aberdeen THE Joint Antiaircraft-Air Corps exercisesno senseheld be considered during the period May 12-17, 1930, are in to a contest between these two arms of the service. The War Department directive for the exercisesstates that the objective for the exerciseswill be: The development of tactics and technique of the joint defense of an airdrome by the Air Corps and Antiaircraft Artillery; to test the soundness of the organization and equipment for the Antiaircraft Brigade Intelligence Battery, Coast Artillery Corps, is shown in the attached table, by organizing a provisional intelligence battery from troops designated to take part in these exercises. This same directive appointed a board of officersto draw up plans for the exercises. The board consisted of the following members: Lieut. Co1.John M. Dunn, 62nd C. A. (AA) Maj. George L. Van Deusen, S. C. }'1aj. Fred H. Coleman, A. C. The board met shortly after January 1 and after careful consideration submitted (February 26, 1930) a plan for the exercises. Aberdeen Proving Ground was ~elected as the hypothetical airdrome to be defended. The terrain to be covered is clearly indicated in the accompanying sketch map. The board realized that the air defense of any localit;y must be an all-around defense. However, the necessary ground troops for an all-around defense were not available, necessitating the limiting of the exercises to the :Peculiarlyshaped area inclosed within the heavy lines on the sketch map. The defensive organization, therefore, will be only a part of that which would he necessary under actual service conditions. The sector to which the exercises are limited is approximately forty degrees. The 62nd Coast Artillery, under command of Lieut. CoI. J. M. Dunn, arrived at Aberdeen on April 11 and was available for the exercises. The 69th Coast Artillery, Lieut. Co1.J. B. Taylor, commanding, was organized at Aberdeen in Februa~' and was likewise available. Both of these regiments will participate in the defense. In addition the 1st Signal Compan;r, Fort JIonmouth, was de:"ignatedto participate. These permanent organizations make up the ground defense forces. From these will be drawn the personnel to form the Provisional Antiaircraft Brigade Intelligence Battery. The personnel of the 69th C. A. (A.A.) will he used freely in its organization. (Although a provisional table of organization for this battery was mentioned in the directive it is not reproduced in this article due to its very tentative nature and the certaint;r that it will be greatly changed during the conduct of the exercises.)



The use and disposition of the intelligence battery is one of the most important considerations of the exercises. Observation posts will be established in three belts as shown on the sketch map at distances (from Aberdeen) of forty-five, seventy, and one hundred miles. While there are other observation posts nearer to Aberdeen these will be manned by the antiaircraft regiments. It will be the duty of the personnel of the intelligence battery to report any hostile planes entering the terrain to be covered. To ensure exact information as to the movementsof hostile planes within this terrain the board has prescribed that observation posts be established at intervals of five miles, 'approximately, along the three belts. This interval cannot be maintained exactly due to variations in the terrain such as the Potomac River. It is estimated that the forty-five-mile belt will require six stations; the seventy-milebelt, nine; and the one hundredmile belt, fourteen. Each station will be manned by one or two observers. Two observers will be required where communicationto the intelligence center is by radio. Radio will be used for communication from posts located on the seventyand one hundred-mile belts. Not all stations on these belts will be provided with radio. One radio set will serve several stations. Communication will be established between the radio observation post and the other stations 'served by it, by means of field telephones and telephone wire. About fifteen radio sets will be proviaed for the radio net. Communication from stations on the forty-five-milebelt and from those nearer Aberdeen will be made by leased commercialtelephone lines. The distances-forty-five, seventy, and one hundred miles-selected by the board for the observation belt are somewhat arbitrary. They may be considered experimental distances selected to determine the proper distances from the defended area at which observation posts should be loeated in order that the defense forces may be warned of approaching hostile air forces and be given sufficient time in which to meet the hostile attack at sufficientdistance from its objective. These distances depend upon several factors. It can be roughly estimated by considering the time consumed in transmitting the warning, alerting and issuing ordent to defending air forces, warming of motors, taking off, assuming formation, climbing to the altitude of the hostile planes and covering the distance in order to meet the attack well beyond the limits of the defended area. Having properly estimated the total time needed to place the defending pursuit in position, the distance at which the warning sho.uldbe given can also be estimated, knowing the probable rate o.f movement of the hostile attacking foree. The distances assumed are tentative and will be more accurately known during the progress of the exercises .. In addition to the personnel of the Provisional Intelligence Battery, the Co.rpsArea Commander and commanding officersof exempted stations vdll arrange to transmit by radio. information concerning hostile planes





entering the secto.rwhich may be disco.veredby o.bservatio.n statio.ns operated by them during the hours when the phases are held. These reports will be made to the central net co.ntro.I station of the exercises. Arrangements will made to secure the cooperation of amateur radio stations in the transmission of information concerning hostile planes. The air forces assigned to. the defense will consist of twenty pursuit planes. The attacking (Red) force will consist of nine attack planes and nine bombardment planes. The officer in command of the defensive (Blue) organization will be an Air Corps officerwho will be assisted by a tactical staff 'consisting of the following: Operations officer Assistant operations officer Intelligence officer Assistant intelligence officer Signal officer Assistant Signal officer In order to provide a frame work for conducting the exercisesthe board prepared a problem extending over the entire period of the exercises and which will be solved in phases. Each phase was so designed as to develop a principle pertaining to the joint air defense of an THE PROBLEM General Maps. U. S. GeologicalSurvey, one to five hundred tho.usand. State of Virginia and States of Maryland and Delaware. Geological Survey, one to one hundred and twenty-five thousand. To.lchester, Choptank, St. Mary's, Patapseo, Patuxent, Nomini, Mt. Vernon, Fredericksburg, Harpers Ferry, Warrenton, Spotsylvania, Winchester, Luray, and Gordonsville, Quadrangles.


THE POTOMAC RIVER TOrIDS the boundar;;' between two small states-BLUE (north) and RED (south). War has been declared recently and both sides are mobilizing. RED was known, prior to the .declaration of war, to have a predominance of air forces. The ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND, in BLUE territory, is known by RED to. be the locatio.n of the nearest important BLUE airdrome and air depot to the frontier. Upon the outbreak of war RED leaI"nedfrom sympathizers in BLUE territory that heavy consignments of airplane stocks and materials were being shipped into ABERDEEN PROVING GROD1\'Ddepot and it was definitely determined that among other material received were a considerable number of fuselages and partially assembled planes. RED further learned that immediately prior to the declaration of war certain antiaircraft artillery troops had arrived in the vicinity of ABERDEEX The





exact number of troops was not learned. Up to and including midnight 10-11May, 1930 no RED or BLUE airplanes had been observed by either side crossing the frontier. BLUE GHQ was in possessionof the general knowledge that the RED air forces included pursuit, bombardment, and attack planes. SPECIAL SITUATION (BLUE)-At 11:00 p. m. 11 May, 30, the BLUE Commander of the ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND airdrome and supply depot received the followinginstructions from BLUE GJIQ: Reliable information has been received that RED air force completed its concentration in the vinicity of RICHMOND late on 11 May, 30. Indications of preparations for early offensiveair action have been observed. It is essential that planes and material now being processed by the ABERDEEN depot be supplied and delivered to points covered by previous instructions not later than midnight 17-18 May, 30. SPECIAL SITUATION (RED)-At 11:00 p. m. 11 May, 30, the RED Air Force Commanderreceived the foHowinginstructions from RED GHQ: Reliable information indicated increased activit~yat BLUE airdrome and supply depot at ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, ~IARYLAND. It is important that utilities and stocks located at that point be destroyed at earliest date. The use of the airdrome, as a base of operations for the BLUE air force should be effectively neutralized until midnight 17-18 May, 30. 1STPHASE-8 :30-11:00 a. m., Monday, 12 May, 30 Opposmg Forees Blue-Defense to be fully manned. Red-Flights of bombardment and attack flying straight courses toward objective in various parts of the sector.

a. To test alertness and funetioning of the observation net. b. To test desirability of observation posts in belts at stated intervals with and without observation posts in between. c. To determine the proper density of observers as a function of the distance from the defended airdrome. d. To test the ability of antiaircraft artillery observation posts to receive and transmit to antiaircraft artillery defense alerting warnings of approaching planes. e. To determine the time hostile planes would be under fire of antiaircraft artillery guns and machine guns. f. To determine the efficiencyof the code system used for transmitting intelligence information. g. To test the organization and functioning of the airdrome command post, its staff, and intelligence center. h. To determine time or distance from the target, when or where aircraft should cease attack and antiaircraft artillery begin firing. I. To determine the best system of evaluating intelligence information furnished by the intelligence battery.



j. To determine what air force agencies or activities should he incorporated in the permanent features of an airdrome in order to render most practicable a joint A. C.-A. A. defense. k. To determine the best. location, relative to each other, of various agencies emplored in command functions, receiving, transmitting, evaluating intelligence, etc. 1. To determine the minimum distance from a defended area at which observations can be made and still be of value for interception purposes. 2NDPHASE-l :30-4:00 p. m., Monday, 12 May, 30
Opposing lJ'01WS Objects

Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Same as 1st.


Same as 1st.

3RDPHASE-I :30-10:00 p. m., Monday, 12 May, 30


Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Single bombardment planes fl:ring straight courses in various parts of sector.

a. To test alertness and ability of the observation net to function at night in the detection of planes. b. To test the ability of the antiaircraft artillery to locate and illuminate bombing planes. Co To develop and test fire control methods in the antiaircraft artillery in the handling of the searchlight platoons and gun batteries, when two, three or more planes simultaneously approach an objective from different avenues of approach. d. To determine the best method to approach a target in order to make illuminations by searchlight most difficult. e. To determine the extent to which ground observers can see airplanes at night. f. To investigate the possibility of planes flying so as to render observation intelligence materially incomplete. 4THPHASE-8:30-n :00 a. m., Tuesday, 13 )'Iay, 30
Opposing lJ'orces Objects

Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Same as 1st.

Opposing lJ'orce.s

Same as 1st.

5THPHASE-1:30-4:00 p. m., Tuesday, 13 }fay, 30


Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Same as 1st.

Opposing Force.s

Same as 1st.

6THPHASE-7 :30-10:00 p. m., Tuesday, 13 May, 30


Blue-Same as 3rd. Red-Same as 3rd.

Same as 3rd.




7TH PHASE-8:30-11 :00 a. m., Wednesday, 14 May, 30 Opposing Forces Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Same as 1st, except Red planes to approach objectives flying irregular courses. Objects To test objectives of preceding where applicable and in addition: a. To determine the best method of getting intelligence to pursuit already on patrol. b. '1'0 determine altitude at which daJ~light.ground observation ii:lmost difficult. c. To determine altitude at which daylight ground observat.ion is eaRiest. 8THPHASE-l :30-4 :00 p. m., Wednesday, 14 May, 30 Opposing Forces Objects Blue-Same as 1st. Same as in preceding. Red-Same as 7th. 9THPHASE-7 :30-1 :00 p. m., .Wednesday,14 :Ma;y, 0 3 Opposing Forces Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Same as 3rd, except attacking planes to approac:h objective fl.ving irregular course. Objects Same as in preceding. 10TH PHASE-8 :30-11 :00 a. m., Thursda;y, 15 l\Iay, 30 Opposing Forces Objects Blue-Same as 1st. Bame as in preceding. Red-Same as 7th.


11THPHASE-l:30-4:00 p. m., Thursday, 15 }IaJ', 30 Opposing Forces Objects Blue-Same as 7th. Bame as preceding. Red-Same as 7th. 12THPHASE-I :30-10 :00 p. m., Thursday, 15 l\Ia;y,30 Opposing Forces Blue-Same as 3rd. Red-Same as 3rd, except attacking planes to approach objectives fiJ"ing irregular courses. Objects Same as preceding. 13THPHASE-8 :30-11 :00 a. m., Friday, 16 :Uay, 30 Opposing Forces Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Attacking force to launch a coordinated air attack against defended area. Objects Same as 7th with the following additional: To test system of local observation posts for alerting machine gun batteries of antiaircraft artiller.r defense upon the approach of attack planes.





14THPHASE-1 :30-4 :00 p. m., Friday, 16 May, 30

Opposing Forcos Objects

Blue-Same as 13th. Red-Same as 13th.


Same as 13th.

15THPHASFr-7:30-10 :00 p. m., Friday, 10 May, 30


Blue-Same as 1st. Red-Attacking force:;to launch night bombing attacks of single planes simultaneously at varying altitudes.

To te:;t preceding objectives where applicable and the following additional: a. To determine and test a system for the use of fire units of machine gun batteries of antiaircraft artillery against night operations of attack planes. 16THPHASE-8 :30-11:00 a. m., Saturday, 17 May, 30
Opposing Forces Objects

Blue-Same as 13th. Red-Same as 13th.

Opposing Forces

Same as 13th.

17THPHASE-1:30-4:00 p. m., Saturday, 17 May, 30


Blue-Same as 13th. Red-Same as 13th.

Same as 13th.

Perhaps some zealous Coast Artilleryman may wish to argue with the placing of an Air Corps officer in command of the defense. The board considered this to be a natural condition where the defended locality happened to be an airdrome which is the case under the assumptions of the problem. To insure better coordination the board prescribed that for the defense the Air Corps officercommanding will direct the disposition of the air forces, the officercommanding the 62nd Coast Artillery will direct the disposition of the antiaircraft artillery, and the board will decide the disposition of the Provisional Antiaircraft Intelligence Battery. So far as simulated combat is concerned there will be little permitted. It is desired to em:{?hasize fact that the exercises are for the principai the purpose of perfecting intelligence agencies. Therefore, there will be no blank ammunition fired, no smoke screens laid, nor ",ill there be any simulated air combats except b~' special authorization of the board. The personnel (and materiel to some extent) will be placed in the correct tactical locations and all operations carried out with the exception of actual or simulated firing. Emphasis will be placed on communications and command post operation. In air defense exercises time is of the greatest importance. For this reason it will be necessar;r to pay particular attention to the s~'"Ilchronization of watches. Journals will be kept at all posts and stations in which



all incidents pertaining to' the exercises will be recorded. The keeping af journals, diaries, ar message bvaks is ane af the bugbears vf aur jaint Seacaast-Navy exercises. Hawever, there appears to' be nO'ather equally effective methad af recanstructing events taking place during such exercises. N'Odaubt the baard will impress an all participating the impvrtance af canducting the exercises as nearly under service canditians as passible in arder that such recarding as will be necessary will nat impede the rapidity af actian desired. In the area selected cammercialflying is very camman. Far this reason the baard has seen fit to' prescribe (far daylight phases) that the Red farces will mave in flights af nat less than three planes each in arder that they may be identified by the defense abservers. In prescribing flight farmatians far the Red farces the baard has called attentivn to' ane af the principal difficulties af antiaircraft abservation. TO'distinguish hastile planes fram friendly planes a very great familiarity and knawledge af planes af all types are required. The exercises shauld add tv the knawledge an the subject af identificatian af aircraft and will affer a means of determining the accuracy which may be expected fram the average abserver. The great amaunt af energy which the baard expended in preparatian far these exercises is nat apparent fram the reading af this article. A great deal af equipment will be required in additian to' that already in the hands af the arganizatians participating. RadiO'sets, field wire, autpost wire fram the Signal Carps; field~lasses, compasses,and watches fram the Ordnance Department; maps fram the Engineers; stativnery and affice supplies fram the Quartermaster Carps: are all very necessary far the aperatian vf the net. Additianal funds were estimated and requested far the leasing af commercial telephvne lines. Mare funds were needed far cammutatian af quarters and ratians far the abservers in the auter belts whO'necessarily will have nO' appartunity to' ratian at a regular mess. Funds were alsO'required to' bring planes fram Fart Crackett, Selfridge Field, and Langley Field. The amaunts required were small in camparisan to' the value af the exercises but required the baard's careful cansideratian in each instance. The jaint exercisesat Aberdeen are bJ~far mare elabarate and carefull~l planned than any previausly held in this countrJ~. During the past few years the British have devated much attentian to' air defense exercises and have made cansiderable progres'''!. The exercises at Aberdeen shauld remave the criticism, sametimes heard, that this cauntry is lagging behind in the develapment af air defense tactics. They shauld have much af interest far visiting afficersof all camponents. The canvenient lvcativn of Aberdeen Proving Gro1IDd favors the attendance of a considerable number of militarJTvisitors whO' ill be amply repaid by the first-hand knawledge w gained,





The visitor, attending with the idea of viewing something spectacular, will probably be disappointed. The board has taken every precaution to avoid the appearance of a contest-an idea which is always uppermost in the popular mind. Air defense exercises are very apt to give a false impression to' the casual and unprofessional observer. Even if combats were authorized it would be very difficult to determine the outcomes. It is even more difficult than in joint exercises with the Navy because the rulings and decisionsof umpires can not becomeeffectiveuntil the completion of a phase. Air formations ruled out many miles from their objectives might proceed merrily on their way and be unaware that they were out of it until after the return to their landing field. It will be difficult for the visitor to obtain a complete perspectiye of the operations in the sector due to the extent of the terrain. Although there will be many locations where interesting events are taking place it is very probable that the central command post of the defending forces will be the most popular place for the visitor. Here he may see the nerve center of the s:rstem operate and may visualize what is taking place a'l over the area. Those who are able to do so should take advantage of an opportunity which has been infrequent in the past but will be more common in the future.



The Secretary of War has directed the immediate transfer of the 19th Ordnance Company from Watertown Arsenal, Watervliet, New York, to Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, 'for station. This company wiIl be used at the Proving Ground to restore and to care for railway and other material at that post.

Mechanized Machine Guns

By MAJ. G. M. BARNES, Ord. Dept. to how M1L1T toauthorities are very much concerned as aircraft it will be possible protect moving troops from low-flying in future

wars. Practical tests have clearly demonstrated that low-flying aircraft carrying fragmentation bombs and machine guns can cause great destruction by swooping down upon organizations marching along roads. A long column of marching troops makes an almost ideal target for the airplane if the latter can fire from 'a low altitude directly overhead, spraying machine gun bullets and dropping bombs as it flies at a great speed along the road. At the present time the only possible defense is for the men to scatter into the fields off the road, firing at the airplanes with shoulder rifles and using machine guns mounted on tripods placed on trucks or on brackets aJ;tached to artillery limbers and on other improvised mountings. The machine guns carried in airplanes have no fire-control instruments and are aimed only by pointing, as one would direct a stream of water upon a target; but very crude aiming can accomplish results, since the target presented to the aviator is a long band laid directly below him. On the other hand, the airplane presents a very elusive target to the machine gunners on the ground, who are also attempting to aim their guns by pointing them at the airplanes as free guns, i. e., without elevating and traversing mechanisms. The ground machine gunner must hit a very small target traveling at a high rate of speed. He has the advantage that his gun and mount are on solid ground, and he can aim with greater precision than the machine gunner in the airplane. But the difference in the sizes of the targets, i. e., the marching column as compared to the airplane, throws the balance decidedly in the favor of the latter. At the present time the only methods of controlling the fire of these ground machine guns is by using vanous types of ring sights, or by adjusting the fire, using traeer ammunition, or both. The protection furnished by these ground machine guns is of such questionable value that it is doubtful whether troops can march in the presence of hostile aircraft. Probably most movements along roads will have to be carried out under cover of darkness. It was in the hopes of providing a suitable weapon to meet this situation that the automatic machine gun mechanism, which ",in be briefly described, was designed and built. In general, it was desired to produce a highlJ- mobile unit which would form a complete battery haTIng an the refinements of fire control necessary for delivering a great volume of machine gun fire upon any airplanes which might approach. Instead of approximatel~rpointing the m1!chineguns at the on-coming airplanes, it 412





,,"as desired to accuratcl~- train these guns upon the target, using telesropic sights and arcuratelr cut gearing so that an!rles of at least one al,tillery mil could he measured and set off. MOJ'e than this, it was desired that an accurate antiaircraft director, together with the latest. type of stereoscopic range and height finder, be mounted on the same platform as the guns and interconnected with them and each other, so that the guns could be caused automatically to lead the target in azimuth and angular height by amounts mathematically correct fOl' the conditons of firc. Thus the machine guns could quickly bring an accurate and destructive fire upon on-coming ail" planes. NaturallJ., the question immediately arises as to how it would be


possible to fight off a number of planes by such a weapon, having in mind only one unit. Of course, there must be many of these weapons. ",Yhy not approximately as many as there are airplanes Y ",Yith this very general picture in mind let us examine this new weapon in somewhat more detail, starting with truck upon which the unit has been mounted. Description of the Chassis. ~Iost officers from personal experiences are familiar with the great improvements in pleasure automobiles since the war. Think back to the days of 1917 and remember the many diffi. culties of keeping the automobile of those days in I'luming order. Xow, few people spend any tjme tinkering with their machines, which run month after month with ,-ery little attention. Corresponding improycments have





been made in t l'\Icks wh ieh now ca IT.'" hell ,".,. loads of freight /'cglllill'lr hetween eitics separated b)' great distances. A model'l\ six-wheel t rnek was selected /'01' mounting t he machine gun unit. The six-wheeler, due to the fact that the load is distributed o\'er three axles instead of two, is capable of crossing terrain which the fourwheel truck would be unable to negotiate. In the well-designed, six-wheel truck the two rear axles arc driyen, and the mechanical arrangement is such that a.ny one wheel may lea\'e the ground about one foot withont lifting the other wheels off the ground. This charactcristic is especially important when the truck chassis is used as a support for a gun platforlJl.


With thc six-whcel unit, if one wheel drops into a rut in the road the firing platform will not be materially affected. (Sec Figure 1 showing truck wheel being run oyer a tcn-inch block and note how little the firing platform is thrown out of le\'el.) In order to giye increased flotation to the truck on soft ground, dual pneumatc tires are used on the two real' axles and also on the front axle. The outside wheels and tires on the front axle are of smaller diameter, so that these tires will not come into play unless the wheels penetrate into the soft ground. By using dual pneumatic tires on all axles the ground pressures under the front tires for a six-inch penetration is fiye and three-tenths pounds per square inch and 1h'c and one-tenth pounds per square inch at the rear wheels under the same conditions. This low ground pressure, which is about the same as the ground pressure for the Ford cross-country car, insures cross-country mobility.





Furthermore, the six-wheel type of truck permits the use of a light steel track between the wheels of the two rear axles, which can be quickly put in place when soft ground or snow is to be negotiated; thus converting the unit into a half-track vehicle. (See Figure 3.) A light steel track has been developed at Watertown Arsenal for the six-wheel vehicle, which can be put in place in about five minutes. Tests indicate that this track will have a reasonable life if used only on soft terrain which the vehicle could not otherwise cross. These tracks weigh two hundred pounds each, and are carried on the truck ready for use when required. Another feature is the method of carrying the two spare wheels and tires for the front inside wheels. These spares are mounted on an axle bolted to the truck frame at a point over the gear box of the truck, or the point of minimum road clearance. \Vhen crossing rough country this spare wheel comesinto play, lifting the front wheels off the ground. When leaving the road or passing over rough ground, it is surprising how often these wheels are brought into play. Placing this axle in this position in effeet shortens the wheel base of the truck from one hundred and seventysix inches to one hundred and one inches. The general characteristics of the truck which weighs nine thousand eight hundred pounds without cab or pay load, and which has a speed of about fort,? miles per hour on the level are as follows: Engine: 6 cJ'linder, 93.5 h: p., Hercules 4%'1 bore x 4%" stroke. Transmission: 7-speed type. Brakes: 4-wheel hJ'draulic with vacuum booster. Rear end, Timken Detroit (6-wheel type): 4-wheel drive. Gasoline capacity: 50 gallonli, Wheel base: 176 inches. TiresRear 36 x 6, dump type, pneumatic duals. Front, inner-36 x 8, pneumatic. Front, outer-32 x 6, pneumatic. AU tires have non-puncturable inner tubes. The cab, fenders and hood are constructed of duralumin plates. Comfortable seats are provided for a crew of sixteen men as follows: 2 men in cab. 4 men on seat diNctly in rear of cab facing rearward. 4 men on folding seat on firing platform facing fonmrd. 2 men on seat on firing platform near director facing forward. 4 men on seat in rear of mount facing rearward.
Machine Gll1l, Jlollnt. 'rhe base of the machine gun mount is bolted to the truck frame at a point selected to give the best weight distribution on the truck axles. The firing platform, which carries four caliber .50 machine guns, all the necessarJ"firing control instruments and operating personnel, is rotatiwl:r attached to the base. All parts of the machine gun mount.





except the mnchinc guns, machine gun cradle, armor plate, and gearing, nnd n few other parts, arc made of heat-treated aluminum alloy. This unit would not be practical if made of steel on account of the weight. B~' using strong aluminum alloys, the weight of the entire structure placed on the truck chassis, including the weight of the cab, is but fiye thousand seyen hundred and fifty pounds. From the accompanying pictures it would appear that the unit was somewhat top heayy. As a matter of inct, due to the use of aluminum aIlo~", the vertical center of gl"a\"it~. of thc unit is only about ten inches abo\"e the top of the truck fnune. This insures great lateral stability and the Illlit is cnpnhlc of negotiating side slopes as steep as thirty-th'c degTc<'s. On ;lI't-ollnt of the low rentcr of grayity the


truck is as stahle on sharp curyes at high speed as the ordinar~" pleasure automobile. Lel'clillg, .\ leveling mechanism is built into the mount hase, so designed that the firing platform can be cros.'i-Ieyeled pIllS or minus ten degrees. (Figure 2.) Suitable shafting and gearing are pro\"ided so that the platform can he cross-Ie\'eled b~' an operator seated in the cab opposite the drivel'. He has before him a gear case supported on a bracket attached to the truck floor. haying two handwheels and a small vertical shaft carr~-ing two level vials at its upper end. This vertical shaft is geared so as to always remain parallel to the vertical axis of the machine gun mount. The leveler operates these two handwheels until the level vials indicate that the mount is leyel. Keeping the firing platform level insures easy tra\"(~l'Sil1g of the mount when the latter is on steep grades.





It is also necessary that the height finder, which is carried on the firing platform, be level in order to accurately measure the height of the target. (See Figure J which shows the mount in the firing position on the side of a hill.) ,


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Machine Guns. Four (4) caliber .50 machine guns are mounted in a cradle so that all the guns elevate together. Each gun can, however, be independently adjusted in azimuth or elevation. These adjustments are best made by firing at a large panel target placed at a range of one thousand yards and then adjusting each gun separately so that the four guns will distribute the bullets uniformly over the panel target. The number of bullets per square foot of panel cau thus be regulated to any desired





amount. (Figure 6 shows such a target, which has been fired upon by four caliber .50 guns at a range of one thousand :rards.) The guns are trained in azimuth by mrans of a geared merhanism, whirh traverses the guns and the entire platform, and are elevatrd by a similar mrchanism. Ammunition Peed. The ammunition belts are placed in long bins located on the firing platform under and in front of the guns. (Figure 2.) Each bin holds six hundred rounds in belt form. Additional belts call be added as the firing proceeds, thus making continuous fire practical. As far as is known to the writer, this unit is the first continuous fire weapon in existence. As the gun feed mechanism could not raise this ammunition up to the gun breech at different angles of elevation, it is necessary to have an auxiliary feeding mechanism for this purpose. This mechanism has been so designed that the force of recoil of the gun is utilized to raise the ammunition to each gun as it fires. A hand-operated mechanism is added to assist the automatic lifting device and to feed the ammunition in case the recoil operated device should fail. Ammunition belts in the bins are carried in light aluminum boxes, two hundred rounds per box. The box is so arranged that it can be dropped into the bin, the bottom released, and the ammunition left in the bin in an orderly arrangement, when the box is removed. The ammunition rests on the bottom of the box, which in turn is supported on rollers at the bottom of the ammunition bin. The bottom of the bin is slightly inclined so that the ammunition belts will move towards the guns as the belt pla;ys out of the bin when the gun is fired. When a new belt of ammunition is added, it is connected to the end of the belt already in the bin. Provisions are made for carrying a total of five thousand rounds on the truck. Cooling System. As the four guns can continuously deliver six hundred rounds per minute each of fire, an adequate cooling s~'stem is necessary. For this purpose, a twenty-gallon aluminum water tank is placed under the firing platform in a position to counter-balance the weight of the director, which will be described later. This tank is connected with piping which leads throngh a flexible joint at the cradle trunnions to each of the four guns. (Figure 2.) A hand-driven centrifugal pump having a capacity of two hundred gallons per minute circulates the water. For a burst of tWDhundred to three hundred rounds per gun, it is unnecessary to operate the hand pump while the guns are firing. Croille Shield. A small shield of armor plate is mounted on the gun cradle. (Figure 4.) This shield furnishes some protectiDn from enemy machine gun bullets for the operating personnel, but is also an excellent blast shield SD that the height finder observer directly in rear of the guns is scarcely aware when the guns are fired. This shield, when traveling, folds down and forms a cover for the protection of the machine guns and ammunition feed mechanism from the weather.





All four guns can be fired by a foot pedal operated by the stereoseopic observer in rear of the guns. A small hydraulic pump to which the foot pedal is attached, is eonnected by flexible tubing to four small hydraulic cylinders mounted on the machine guns. When the operator steps on the foot pedal of the hydraulic pump, the four pistons of the cylinders move out against the triggers of the machine guns. The guns fire until the pressure on the foot pedal is removed. Anyone gun can be thrown out of action by tipping the hydraulic cylinder for that gun out of line with the trigger. Ammtnition Disposal. One of the difficult problems encountered in the design of this weapon was to obtain a satisfactory method for taking care of the empty cartridge eases and clips. With the four guns firing at a rata \}ftwo thousand four hundred rounds per minute, the empty cases and clips occupy a great deal of space unless disposed of as fired. In previous designs these empties have been allowed to fly around, getting into the elevating a.nd traversing gearing of the mount, and sometimes stopping or interfering with their operation. In this new unit the empty cartridge cases are caused to drop into shoots and led off the mount by means of gravity feeds. The clips are similarly caused to move in line in curved shoots and eventually also led off the mount. Thus the guns are automatically kept clear of empty cartridge cases and clips. Fire Control Apparatus. This weapon has been designed on the basis that the most accurate fire control instruments available must he used to control the fire of machine guns when firing at airplanes. For this type of fire there can be no compromise with accuracy. It is futile and a waste of ammunition to shoot at airplanes moving at high speed through space unless the guns are controlled by fire control instruments capable of directing the guns with sufficient accuracy to keep the airplane target within the pattern of the four machine guns. (See pattern made by three machine guns at one thousand yards, Figure 6.) An unusual arrangement has been employed in order to permit of the mounting of these fire control instruments, i. e., the director and the 3-meter range and height finder, on the firing platform. The Director. An antiaircraft director is mounted on a bracket, boIted to the side frame of the gun mount so that it also moves in azimuth as the mount is traversed. (Figure 2.) When the mount traversing handwheel is turned, present azimuth is set into the director by means of gearing and shafting. Similarly, when the gun elevating handwheel is turned, the present angular height of the target is set into the director. Two operators are required to set data into the machine. One operator follows the proper height reading, thus setting time of flight. The second operator follows the height cUr\'e and sets super-elevation into the director. Two rate setters are required. BJT matching rates in the vertical and horizontal planes, these operators generate lateral and vertical deflections. The lateral
Firing M echanisrn.





deflection is added to the mount t rayersing gearing s~'stem by means of a differential. The height finder is at the same time tumed iu a horizontal plane on its hase hy meaus of gearing and shafting, in au opposite direction by an amount equal to thc lateral dcflection. Thus the ohsener at the height finder is not disturbcd or thrown off the target when the latera] deflection is tlll'own into the s.rstem. The ycrtica] deflection plus superelevation arc added to the eleyating gearing system of the guns by means or a diffcrential, resulting in lowering or raising the muzzle of the gun by thc alllount of this deflection. The director thus furnishes, automaticall~', mechanically computed YCI.tical and ]atcral deflections for the altitude,


range, angle of approach and ground speed of thc target. A wind correction device is included so that corrections arc automatically made within the director for the direction an"d yc]ocity of the wind. \rind azimuth is taken with reference to the longitudina] axis of the truck. The 1/eight Finder . \ 3-meter stereoscopic range and height finder haying the optical type of conversion mechanism has been mounted direct]~. in rear of the four guns on a special base which is bolted to brackets extending rearward from the side frames of the gun mount. (Figure 4.) A three-power right angle telescope is mounted at the left end of this height finder. An observer, sitting on a folding seat facing the end of the height finder, observes the target, and turns the traversing hand whee] to keep this telescope trained upon the target. The entire firing platform is thus moved in azimuth, carrying the guns, the height finder and the director. Similarly, there is a second right angle telescope at the right hand





end of the hcight finder. The gearing is so arranged that when this operator tums his handwheel and follows the targct in angular hcight, the guns and the height finder elevate or depress in llnison. At thc samc timc all movements of the firing platform in azimuth, and of the guns and height findcr in angular hcight, arc transmitted to the director by mcans of gearing and shafting as J)!'c\'iously explained. The stereoscopic observer at the height finder keeps his instrument set by tuming the range or height dial, and the readcl' standing bcsidc him tclcphones thesc readings to the opcrators at the director, scttin~ altitudc into that instrument. If firing at a


ground target he throws a lever on the height finder and reads the range of the target. This range is, in this ease, set off at the director as will be explained later. As the height reader and altitude setters at the director are separated b~' not more than eight feet, a throat t~'pe of transmitter is used for this purpose. The time of flight and superele\'ation setters at the director should wear close-fitting helmets so that they can hear the altitude called, while the guns fire.

Adjll.~tllle/lt of F1're by Observatir>n. This type of machine gun mount with built-in fire control system is unique in the arrangement for making adjustments when firing. Corrections based on the observation of tracer fire from the guns or by using field glasses are too much in error to he of \'alue. The writer has witnessed man~' firings with machine guns at targets



towed by airplanes in which the guns were directed upon the target b;yobserving the paths of the tracer bullets. These firings usually appear successful, but when the holes in the sleeve targets are counted, the results are disappointing. It is impossible to aim machine guns accurately in this manner because the gunners see the tracers at an unknown point along the tra.jectory and can, therefore, not know how much they should lead the target. By using a stereoscopic telescope, an observer can, however, determine when the tracers are passing the target and is therefore able to know where the bullets are going with reference to the target. In other words, he is observing the tracer at a known point on the trajectory, i. e., when the bullets pass the. vertical plane containing the longitudinal axis of the target. Time of flight is therefore eliminated from the problem. By using stereoscopic observation for directing automatic guns, the percentage of hits can be greatly increased. It is difficult, if not impossible, to accomplish accurate fire, even with stereoscopic observation, unless a director is used for computing the lateral deflections, and vertical deflections plus superelevation. The plots of these deflections are curves, which are different for every course taken by the airpla;ne. Those who have witnessed firings in which guns are trained upon the target using director fire, know the machine-like accuracy with which the streams of fire follow the course of the airplane. The shots may be too much ahead or behind the target, but their position relative to the target. remains constant along the course. This regularity can only be obtained by using a computing machine capable of solving the four-dimensional problem involved, which can never be done by a single gunner by simply pointing the gun at the target and guessing at the proper deflections, which are constantly changing in value. This design has been so arranged that the stereoscopic observer has two knobs, one of which introduces a lateral and the other a vertical spotting deflection into the system. Thus this operator, as firing starts, can observe where the tracers are going relative to the target, as they pass it. If the streams of fire are following behind, he can introduce a lateral deflection sufficient to bring the tracers on to the target; if too low 8. vertical deflection spot will raise the streams of fire up to the target. This is the first antiaircraft weapon and fire control sJTstemfor automatic guns, which permits spotting corrections based on stereoscopic ob servations to be introduced instantaneously into the system. Orientation of Ji'ire Conlf"OlInstrument. Orientation between the guns, the height finder and the director is secured by bore sighting one of the four guns on the sun, a star or other distant point. With all deflection scales set at zero, the height finder is directed at the same point. Couplings are arranged in the shafting to permit orientation. The angular height telescope has been left on the director so that it can also be trained upon the same point. Adjustable couplings are placed for this purpose in the





gear trains. After the guns have once been oriented with the director and height finder and the couplings tightened, there should be no further necessity for future orientation. With this system, the instruments are geared and thus locked together, and to the guns. The guns and fire control instruments are always oriented and readJ for fire as soon as the height finder can be trained upon the target. Methods of F'ire. The method of firing at airplanes with this combination of machine guns and fire control instruments has already been described. It is believed that this automatic weapon with its great volume of accuratelJ controlled fire, will be found effective when used to combat tanks, armored cars, or other high speed moving targets on the ground. The range of the object on the ground to be attacked can be measured using the 3-meter stereoscopicrange and height finder.. A range scale for firing at objects on the ground is provided on the vertical deflection dial of the director. The vertical rate setter has only to place the pointer at the indicated range by turning the vertical rate handwheel. If the height finder is then pointed at the target, the gun will be laid automatically at the proper quadrant elevation. The present director is not designed for use 'against terrestrial targets. But such a director can be produced, which will be equally suitable for firing at targets on the ground or in the air. 'Vith the present arrangement the horizontal deflections for ground targets can be estimated and introduced into the system as a lateral spot by the height finder operator. By firing a. short burst, the height finder observer will know where his bullets are going relative to the target, and can correct the lateral deflection accordingly. Tank guns fire without the aid of any fire control instruments. To the tank gunner the ranges are unknown. Therefore, the multiple machine gun mount should be able to deliver a great volume of accurate fire against the tank and outfight it, e~pecially at the longer ranges. The modern light tank carries one-half inch of armor, which can be penetrated by the caliber .50 armor-piercing bullet at a range of one thousand yards. This weapon should be very effectivewhen used for attacking organizations marching on roads. For Militia, ~ational Guard, and the Organized Reserve,it would seem to be an almost ideal weapon giving a highly mobile unit, which could be used for repelling attacks by forces on the ground or in the air. The Coast Artillery Corps should also find this weapon of value outside of its antiaircraft uses for repelling a.ttacks of landing parties in small boats,as the mobility of the weapon would permit rapid concentration at threatened points along the coast. The new weapon combin,eg high speed, cross-country mobility with great fire-power, which can be accurately controlled. It can deliver accurate fire upon moving targets on 'he gronnd or in the air. It should, therefore, find a wide field of usefulness among the mechauized weapons which will he required in future conflicts.

Filters and Sound Locators

By MAJ. G. B.

C. A. C.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ah wahl Ah wahl and just what we looking for. For sometime we haw been looking f.or someone to rise to this Oozlefinch bait. P.rivate Oozlefinch, we think, is suffering from an ingrowing pessimism, which is not shared by the bird from which he takes his name. Major Robison has undertaken to set him right in language not too technicalr-another "adventure in science." At the same time the major gets considerable riled. See what he says in his letter: "I hope I don't mind criticism if it comes from a critic who knowg what he is talking about even if it is severe. But I sur(Jj get peeved when it is! couched in terms which arrean insult to my intelligence and at the same time indicate the abysmal ignorance of the criti~ on that particular subject. What ami I talking about? Pardon me, sir, I am referring tQlthe remarks of the Oozlefinch in the April issue, anent using with sound locators. Personally, I feel that no good purpose is served by printing such short-sighted stuff. The JOURN,AJ.. has a lot of readers 'who are too inexperienced in the variOUS' echnicalities of t our work to understand the fallacies set fo.rth. They are quite apt to get the suboonBcious idea that the Corps is BUch a bunch of bunglers, hidebound and lazy, that even its JOURNAL recognizes it officially. Don't tell me that the value of publishing such stuff is proved by my submission of a.n article elucidating one of the points in question. The possible damage is too great to be offset by occasional replies. There are other points (in Oozlefinch's lette.r) etc. etc." With the latter p&rt of this statement we do not agree. The Editor of the JOURNAL is looking for informative articles, it is true. We intend to hat'e them, by hook or c.rook-even to the extent of using a "filter." Who knows? Perhaps we may learn something after awhile. Private Oozlefinch is still at St. Elizabeth and recently sent us a scheme of his own to improve the general situation. Due to the obsession u'hich is principally responsible for his confinement he does not register normal sensitivity. We expect to publish othe.r exudations of his.

his perch in St. with THE Oozlefinchfrom independence, fretsElizabeth's, failurea todate line flavored with foolish about our use the pretty filters with our sound locators. (See You Tell Em, April issue, the COAST ARTILLERY JOLTRXAL). "Whilewe will admit that our locator che-itd ain't quite the prodigy 'wewould like to have him, we must spring to his defense against such a widely circulated, unjust criticism. The idea is such a bee)'outiful one that it could easily spread beyond the walls of St. Lizz)' and infect a lot of innocent women and children. Now gather around close and hear the lowdovtn. I'll make it as low as possible and let him curse, who will, the resulting inaccuracies of expression. Once upon a time (1922), the Chief's officedecided that ~omething should and might be done to develop better locators for the detection of aircraft. They erred, perhap8, in not consulting the Oozlefinch right awa;.\'. They contented themselvesinstead 'with sending two officers to study at the cniversity of Iowa under Dr. G. "Y. Stewart, head of the Physics Department and a famous expert in the field of acoustics (fancy name for sound). These officerswere later joined there by one officer (each) from the Field, the Ordnance, the liignal Corps, ~nd the Kavy. They studied acoustics theoretical and acoutics practical, radio amplification, pertinent articles in technical journals for the preceding twenty-five




(count them) years, wartime acoustic devices,subaqueous listening developments and (can you believe it) filters, acoustic and electrical. Isn't that mean' Do ;youknow what a filter is~ Well, if you don't, it's a gadget that takes something out of something else. I'm afraid that definition is a bit loose, as the saying goes, because it might apply to mama's hand in papa's wallet. One type of filter is called an acoustic filter because it filters out certain of the audible sound frequencies. It has no wires or condensers or tricks like that. If ;rou took a pasteboard tube and tried to talk through it, J"our words would probably sound as though you had mush in your mouth because the tube would act as an acoustic filter and prevent some of the frequencies from passing through. Dr. Stewart has done an immense amount of work on the acoustic filters. In general, they consist of a tube with holes in the wall. Around the first tube is a second which is divided into compartments into which the holes in the first tube open. Of course there are a number of different kinds and the whole thing is rather complicated. Another type of filter is the electrical filter. It filters currents of certain frequencies out of others. Instead of using holes and enclosedvolumes as in the acoustic type, 'condensers and inductance coils are used. You know, a great many radio stations broadcast at the same time. When you want a particular station you turn a knob which (usually) turns the movable plates of a condenser, thus var;ying its effective size. 'When you have set the proper number you will get the station which ;rou want and no other if, 1, your set is in proper working order; 2, the station is broadcasting; 3, the station strength is great enough to reach your set with effective volume; 4, no other station on a nearbJ"frequency drowns it out; and 5, if the static-meteorological and man-machine made-is not too bad. There may be some other ifs, perhaps the kid is just getting to sleep or J'ou and she can not agree as to whether jazz or symphony is better, but we have enough. 'Ve will return to this subject-just remember that your radio station control knob adjusts the moving element of one t;ype of electrical filter. Filters of electrical or acoustical frequencies may be and are also classified as high frequency pass, low frequency pass, and band pass filter. 'Yhen the filter passes all frequencies above some definite high frequency, it belongsto the first class mentioned. When it passes all frequencies below a certain chosen low frequency, it belongs to the second class. If it passes nothing below one given frequency and nothing above another higher given frequency, and passes only the band of frequencies between those two values, it is a band pass filter. This band may be wide or narrow. To tune in a certain radio station and keep out the others, a good and very narrow band pass filtel' is neeessar;r. 1Ian,yof these filters are highly com-




plicated and costly and some of them are quite bulky. They involve the use of tubes and a source of electrical power. These are somewhat objectionable for field use but we will consider later the real nigger in the woodpile. Strange as it may seem to the Oozlefillch, he locator itself is an acoustic t filter of the high frequency pass type, only the lower frequency limit is designedly away down around forty cycles per second. If the horns were -shortenedit would raise the cutoff point. This was tried in order to reduce the bulk of the horns but so much of the sound energy was cut out that the horns of the latest model have been restored to practically the original length. In caseyou have never seen a locator, it consistsof four aluminum horns very much alike. They are called exponential horns because of their shape and they are -exponentially shaped because that allows the maximum amount of the sound energy received to pass to the ear, other things being equal. Two of the horns are used for elevation and two for azimuth, each pair effecting the other. These horns are most effectivein the direction in which they are pointed and subdue sounds which are off to the side. While this effect is somewhat similar, it is not true filtering. Are you all set now to think about the sound source, namely, the airplane! Suppose it is coming at the locator, full tilt, with engines roaring. The explosions from the cylinders make quite a racket and a good big portion -of the sound energy from the engine lies among the lower and intermediate audible frequencies. Naturally we want to use these frequencies when they are available and it would not be so hot to filter them out when they come from other bothersome sources because those from the target would be the first to go with the rest following. Not long ago mufflerswere put on the engine but they were not very effective. In fact, the locators carried the target farther than when it wasn't muffled. It probably can and will be done, however, and then what will happen! \Vell, the aviator can mufflehis engine now by gaining his greatest altitude and, when he nears the maximum range of the locators, throttling his engine down very low and gliding in, losing altitude. This really does more tha-n merely mufflethe engine, it eliminates the biggest part of the noise entirely. But his propeller is still turning slowly and making some noise and, as the v.ings and struts and other surfaces of the plane slip through the air at high speed, whistling noises.are produced similar to those heard around a building in a gale. These noises range from the intermediate to the high frequencies. They do not carry as far as ~theengine noises but their range is usually not inconsiderable. Since they are all that is left when the engine is shut off, we must not -put ourselves entirely out of action by filtering out intermediate and high frequencies coming from bothersome sources. Enter the woodpile coou, large as life and twice as




natural. Tell me what frequencies we can filter out without weakening the effectiveness of the locator. Those parasitic noises, the singing of the Oozlefinch,the noises from truck engines, from other planes, from railroad trains, from humming telephone wire, from chickens and dogs-they all extend over part or all of the frequencies which we try so hard to get from the proper target. Friend Oozlefinch's suggestion amounts to killing the patient to cure the measles. Perhaps this may sound fairly convincing and yet you still have a feeling that radio does it pretty successfully and there ought to be some way to do it here. It's rather tough to explain that end of it simply with any degree of accuracy but here is a try. Each radio station is supposed to broadcast on a certain fixed and very definite frequency. This frequency is that of the carrier wave which you never hear. The program put into the microphone is composedof a wide range of audible frequencies but they only modify-modulate-put wiggles on-the carrier wave without changing its fundamental frequency. You filter out (more or less) the carrier waves of other stations because you want only one frequency, let that one you want into your set, and said set obligingly turns the wiggles back to audible frequencies. Now, if there were parasitic noises in the program room your filter wouldn't help to eliminate that. There is the rub. Our "program room" is at the la.rge end of the locator horn and all the noises are in the room. If we could put a microphone in the attacking plane all would be well.. A way to do this is still to be devised. Or, you can look at the matter another way. Suppose two equany powerful stations (as mea..c;uredy your set) were broadcasting at the same b time on practically the same frequency. Could you filter out one and not the other1 "\Vell, uppose there were several stations and they were an the s same frequency f All planes and most of the bothersome parasitic noises have practically the same frequencies. How can you tune or filter out Qnewithout dQingthe same thing to the other 1 Will your radio filter Qut all static 1 If YQU near a very powerful station the vQ~ume are level will be high enQughto free you from its annoyance but it has nQt been filtered out, it has been drQVollled out. These filters are wonderful affairs but they are not without limitations. Oh, mister, ain't there no hope a-tall ~ "\Von some brave cowboy on 't a PQnywith a white nose ride over the hill and save QUI' ell' 'There is N Rin Tin Tin! Ain't the GUVllQr ot no pardons left! g Tush, tush and pish, pish. Have you never heard of the magnificent inventive genius Qf the American peepul! What of the lexicQn (what in health is a lexicQn,anyway) of the bright youth who had no can't! Com"age, mQnbrave! All joking aside, although the problem is a werry, werry nasty one, it is not tQtally impossible that a sQlutionmight be found. Something more might be dQne with shielding. And there is a filter which distinguishes



between two sounds of the same frequency even when they are doing their stuff at the same time, even when they are about equally loud, even when one is considerably louder than the other and the weaker sound is the one desired. But ;youwill be disappointed when I tell ~'ou what it is because we have had it a long time and always use it with the locators. To end your suspense, it is the human ear. The eye can not see the colors of the rainbow in the white light of the sun without artificial aid. But the ear can pick out the sound of a violin in an orchestra, or concentrate on the pip:ing of the piccolo, or the boom of the drum. In a room of fifty talking women (redundant expression) each one can listen to what she is saying in spite of all the others. Yes, dear friends, the ear as a filter knocks the spots off all the others. If it can be discovered how such a mechanism works or even if some means can be devised to intensify this effect, it will go far to increase the usefulness of our locators and a lot of other things. But it might be simpler to invent a totally new t~'pe of locator. Now go on with the story.



It is noti:Eed in an Army Order that, as the index :Egure for the cost of living, as published by the Ministry of Labour, was 66 on January 1, 1930, the rates of marriage allowance for soldiers for the marriage allowance year, April, 1930, to March, 1931, will be those shown under the :Egure 70 in the sliding scale contained in the Regulations for the Allowances of the Army. These are the same rates as are at present in force.-From the Army, Navy and Air Force Gazette .


Office of Chief of Coast Artillery
Chief of Coast Artillery

Executive CoL. H. L. STEELE Organization and Training Section MAJ. S. JARMAN MAJ. E. W. PuTNEY MAJ. J. B. CRAWFORD CAPT. J. H. WILSON Plans, Finance, and Materiel Section MAJ. J. H. COCHRAN

Peroonnel Section LT. COL. H. T. BURGIN CAPT. H. N. HERRICK

Intelligence MAJ. S. S.





Chief of Coast Artillery Attends Dinner Given by New York's Governor

At the invitation of Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt of Kew York, the Chief of Coast Artiller~", Maj. Gen. John W. Gulick, attended a testimonial dinner given in Albany on April 5 in honor of Adjt. Gen. Franklin W...'Yard. Former Governors 'Whitman, Miller, and Smith were also present to do honor to General 'Yard. General 'Yard was a member of the Coast Artillery National Guard of ~ew York for a number of years and \vas elosel~ associated with .. General Gulick \vhen both served on the 'Val' Department General Staff in Washington.

Cooperation It has been said very' often that in the Army, the various arms and departments spend an their time fighting with each other. The old system of promotion (by branch) was blamed for this condition to a great extent and many believed that the single promotion list would go far towards eliminating branch hostility. There seems to be no way to discon>r who throws the monkey wrench of discord into the machiner~' of cooperation. Everyone who speaks of it regrets it. Then who does it? In the Coast Artillery Corps there is more oppo~unity for friction to develop than in some of the other arms due to its contacts with both the NaVJ' and the Air Corps. Joint exercises bring the Coast Artillery- in close contact "ith both. Contacts may act either for great-er cooperation





and understanding or they may be the means of widening a breach. It all depends on the attitude of mind of those participating. The Chief of Coast Artillery and the personnel of his officeare anxious to preserve the cordiality of relations which exist at present and in increasing the goodwill which is conducive to our progressive development. It is interesting to note that when tactics are considered, the Coast Artillery stands in the same relationship to both the Air Corps and the Navy. Sea Coast Artillery defends certain important estabHshmentsalong our coast line from attack by hostile naval forces, leaving our main naval forces foot-looseand free to seek out the hostile naval forces far from our shores and defeat them. Antiaircraft artillery defends certain important estabHshments from attacks from the air leaving our main air forces free to seek out the hostile air forces and defeat them before they can be launched against our most vital and sensitive areas. If we should be so unfortunate as to suffer defeat on the sea or in the air then the Coast Artillery is the ace in the hole which will beat off the hostile attacks or furnish coyer behind which our Nayy or Air Forces may be reformed and await a fayorable opportunity to again as.<;ume offensive. Joint action to be the successful requires cooperation-not a lackadaisieal cooperation given halfheartedly, but, in addition, a mental sympathy, appreciatio~, and respect on all sides. Much of the apparent hostility which existed a fe,,, years ago is disappearing. It probably did not exist to as great an extent as it seemed. Much of it resulted from banter and an excusablepride in accomplishment. Probably there was a little boasting on both sides. Very Hkely some of it was bolony. In the present stage of air defense development there is no need for camouflageor deception. The Air Corps has arrived and so has the antiaircraft artillery. They might have laughed once but not now. Having the tools to work with, the outlines of a definite system of air defense tactics is taking form. Both the Air Corps and Coast Artillery Corps should be interested in the joint exercises to be held at Aberdeen. These exercises have been most carefully planned and are more extensive than any eyer held before. In order that they ma)- be of the greatest possible value to both arms a spirit of cooperation of the highest order should exist. The Coast Artille1J.-has enjoyed the pleasantest of relations with the Navy. Joint Army-Kavy exercises in Panama haye become a regular feature of the annual visit of the fleet to those waters, of recent years. A number of the lecturers before the Coast Artillery School have been naval officersWhliinformed the students of l!aval tactics, gunnery methods, and other technical matters pertaining to the Nay;\'. During the past winter, Capt. A. C. Stott, U. S, X., lectured before the school on Xaval Tactics, and Lieut. Comdr. H. A. Flanagan, C S. x., spoke on Kaval Gunnery. In Panama and other places the Navy has been very generous in pe1'-




mitting Coast Artillery officersto accompany them maneuvers and battle practices. When it is realized that space aboard a naval vessel is generally at a premium it can he realized that these invitations were extended in the real spirit of hospitality. Within the last few months the Navy has again taken up the development of a high speed Coast Artillery target. Capt. H. S. Howard of the Construction and Repair Division of the Navy Department has been experimenting with models of the target. Early in April Major Putney, Major Crawford, and Captain Wilson of the office,Chief of Coast Artillery, witnessed the test of a model which was towed in the Tidal Basin, Washington. Captain Howard has taken much interest in the experiments which give promise of producing a target for the Coast Artillery which can be towed 'at both high and low speeds. Several office~ on duty at the Coast Artillery School were guests of the Navy during February and made the trip to Guantanamo with the Scouting Fleet where they witnessed the battle practices held there. In appreeiation of the courtesy shown these officersthe following letter was prepared and forwarded to the Navy Department:



Fort Monroe, Virginia. March 10, 1930. Subject: Report of Detail of Officersto Witness Naval Target Practice. To: ' Chief of Coast Artillery. 1. Captains John T. Lewis, Herbert F. E. Bultman, Douglas M. Griggs, and 1st Lieut. Isaac H. Ritchie, C. A. C., returned from a trip of observation of target practices Yviththe Scouting ]'leet on March 5, 1930. A report on details of this trip which are of interest to the Coast Artillery is under preparation and will be forwarded for your information. 2. The above-mentionedofficerswere enthusiastic about the great value of this experience professionall:'yand highly praised the courtesy of the Navy in doing everything possible to provide for their comfort. Every effort was made to make all materiel and information thereon accessible to all the observers. Arrangements were made to enable these officers to witness the maximum possible number of practices during their stay with the fleet. 3. It is recommended that the Commanding Officer, Scouting Fleet, be thanked, through the 'Kavy Department, for the courtesy shown the above-mentionedofficerson their recent trip and for the interest displa:red in making all possible information available to them.
H. D. TODD, JR., Major General, U. S. Army, Oom1nandant.



1st Ind. War Department, O. C. C. A., March 15, 1930-To the Adjutant General. The Chief of Coast Artillery appreciates the whole-hearted cooperation exhibited by the Navy Department and the Commanding Officer,Scouting Fleet, in the matter covered in the basic letter, and is thoroughly in accord with the recommendation made in Paragraph 3.
HERO, JR., Majm' General, Chief of Coast Artillery. ANDREW

School Details for the Year 1930-31 Although the school details for next school year have not been completed, orders have been issued designating students for the various schools and courses as shown below. A few vacancies exist at this writing (April 9) which may be filled before this list appears in print. The recommendations for school details are prepared by the personnel officer, office of Chief of Coast Artillery, as nearly everyone knows. It is not so simple as it ma;y appear to some who glance at the list. Various recommendations are received, officiallyand gratuitously. The Commandant, Coast Artillery School, makes recommendations for the selection of students for certain Advanced Courses. The regulating War Department policies must be consulted in all school details. The foreign service roster has its innings. In addition there are many personal requests made for this dut;y and that or some other. These requests may be made officially or informally, by letter or in person. Each request is given consideration and an effort made to compl;ywith it, when practicable. The personnel officeis run on the theory that an officer does his best work on the detail in which he is most interested. This increases the personnel officer's difficulties but he does his best to satisfy ever:rone-an impossible goal but one which is attempted. One would think that little Johnnie could go to school almost anywhere. He is only eight and bright for his age. But no. So the machinery begins to creak and groan to discover what can be done about it. Frequently something is done.
COMMAND ANDGEJ\'ERAL STAFF ScHOOL Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Maj. Frank Drake Ward E. Duvall John H. Hood Edwin C. Mead James C. Ruddell Capt. Henry F. Grimm Capt. Vernon W. Hall Capt. William Sackville Capt. John L. Scott Capt. Evan C. Seaman Maj. Gordon deL. Carrington

Maj. Barrington

QMC MOTORTRANSPORT SCHOOL 2nd Lieut. Bienvenido M. Alba (P. S.) Am CORPSTACTICALScHOOL L. Flanigen Maj. Charles A. French






Maj. Eugene Villaret




Advanced Course
Maj. Carl S. Doney Capt. Maj. Martin J. O'Brien Capt. Maj. Edgar H. Underwood Capt. Capt. Carl R. Adams Capt. Capt. Ernest R. Barrows Capt. Capt. Thomas R. Bartlett Capt. Capt. Louis J. Bowler Capt. Capt. Albert C. Chesledon Capt. Capt. Valentine P. Foster Capt. Capt. Russell T. George Capt. Capt. Arthur V. Winton

Byron T. Ipock Frederick Lofquist William R. Maris Bryan L. Milburn Adrin B. Smith Lessley E. Spencer Joseph C. Stephens Edmund H. Stillman Frederick L. Topping James R. Townsend

Battery Course
.Capt. Harold G. Archibald Capt. John T. deCamp 1st Lieut. William J. Brady 1st Lieut. Lathrop R. Bullene 1st Lieut. James Boyce Carroll 1st Lieut. John F. Cassidy 1st Lieut. Robert W. Crichlow 1st Lieut. Frederick B. Dodge, Jr. 1st Lieut. James L. Harbaugh, Jr. 1st Lieut. John I. Hincke 1st Lieut. James L. Hogan 1st Lieut. William G. Holder 1st Lieut. David Hottenstein 1st Lieut. Charles 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st M. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Lieut. Wolff James F. Howell, Jr. Frederick R. Keeler George J. Kelley Lyman L. Lenmitzer James E. McGraw Ernest A. Merkle Ola A. Nelson Arthur B. Nicholson Douglass G. Pamplin James G. RennoWilliam L. Richardson Logan O. Shutt William H. Webb


Advanced Gunnery CO'lf.rse

Capt. Eugene T. Conway Capt. Leonard L. Davis 1st Lieut. Robin B. Pape

Advanced Engineering Course

Capt. Frank A. Hollingshead 1st Lieut. Edward Barber 1st Lieut. David B. Latimer 1st Lieut. Everett C. Wallace

Advanced f,fotor Transport Course

Capt. Norman E. Hartman Capt. Parry W. Lewis Capt. Harry E. Pendleton 1st Lieut. Joe D. Moss



COASTARTII,LERYJOUR~AI, Sergeant Mapes Retires


~IaJ1Y readers of the CO.\8T ARTILLERY JOUR1'>ALwill recognize the features of the old-timer shown above. On the morning of April 16, 1930, the Chief of Coast Artillery, ~Iaj. Gen. John \". Gulick, shook him warmly by the hand and congratulated him upon the completion of o\'er thirt~. years' active service. General Gulick expressed regret at the ending of an active career as outstanding as has been that of ~Iaster Sgt. "William E. ~Iapes. Sergeant )Iapes first entcred the sen-ice on ~Iay 18, 1898, and with the exception of the first year has sel'Yed with the Coast Artillery Corps. He has been a noncommissioned staff officer since 1903 and for the past nine years has been on duty in the office of the Chief of Coast Artillery. Sergeant ~Iapes' service has been highly commendable in all respects. He has performed his various duties with great intelligence, with that lo)'alty and devotion to duty which are characteristic of the traditional high standards of the Coast Artillery non-commissioned staff. It is hard to lose thc services of such men as Sergeant ~Iapes. \Ye wish to express




to him for the entire Coast Artillery Corps our good wishes and appreciation of the service he has rendered and to assure him of our warmest interest in his future health and prosperity.

The Coast Artillery School


Little sigma and big sigma become the "sine qua non," the pampered pet, the "nulli secundus" of the Coast Artillery School. The invariable greeting of the Assistant Commandant to Department Directors is "We must have another hour (day or week) out of your course for antiaircraft instruction. " Directors and instructors weep as their pet courses are slashed and belittled by ruthless antiaircraft-minded authorities. Here.withan example of the air-conscientiousnessof the school staff; Capt. John T. Lewis, antiaircraft instructor, recently found, on starting his conference on the Director T-IV, hidden among the students, two instructors from the Department of Tactics, two from the Department of Engineering, one from the Department of Extension Courses, and one from the Department of Enlisted Specialists, all surreptitiously seeking words of wisdom. An unprecedented event. Epsilon sub P has its day.

Students of the Battery Officers' and Advanced Courses are becoming more enthusiastic over the various special courses offered at the Coast Artillery School and elsewhere which are open to them upon graduation. Competition for these courses has been especially keen this year, the number of applications indicating a growing desire for officersboth to improve their mind and possibly to get an extra line 0' type under their names in the Army Direetory. Nor does the absence of examinations and equitation detract from these "gentlemen's courses." The Advanced Gunnery Course, better known as the "Gypsy" course on account of the wanderings of the students, both mental and physical, has among other attractions the annual observation trip with the Navy to Cuba, a period of calculus ana ballistics at Aberdeen, and an opportunity to get acquainted with the high command in Washington. The majority selected for this course are in the grade of captain in order that they may be available as gunnery officers on District Staffs and instructors in the Department of Artillery. The Advanced Motor Transportation Course has a particular appeal to the officerwho as a boy was wont to take clocks apart. The best evidence of the value and practicability of this course is an officer who, believe it or not, is now an esteemed regimental motor transport officer, and who had never driven an automobile before his motor transport course at the Coast Artillery School. The Advanced Engineering Course, consisting of advanced electrical



practice, duties of Artillery Engineer, telephony, searchlights, radio, Diesel power, etc., has its share of applicants. _ It is hard to understand that peculiar turn of mind which makes certain men revel in vectors, complex algebra, Kirchof's law and such foolishness. Nevertheless we have them. This course includes a pilgrimage to New York City and way points where, among other things, these students try their hands as critics of the stage. A selected few who have proved their metal for scientific punishment proceed with enthusiasm and a quick step each J'ear to pursue the special communications course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After a year or more of seminar, calculus, transients, thesis, etc., he "homeward plods his weary way" with a B. S. or M. S. to a better understanding of why 1 = EjR. The Communications Course at the Signal Corps School, Fort Monmouth, is available for those officerswho have a penchant for telephony and radio. This course is especially valuable to those who desire a detail with the Signal Corps. A recent policy restricts detail with the Air Corps Tactical School at Langley Field, Virginia, to officersof the field grade who are graduates of the Advanced Course (field officers) of the Coast Artillery School or the Command and General Staff School. Flying pay has its attraction in this course. Officersattending this school must accept rental allowance in lieu of quarters.

Harbor Defenses of Long Island Sound, Fort H. G. Wright

Minor Joint Army and Navy Exercises will be held in the Harbor Defenses of Long Island Sound on May 26, 27 and 28. Special emphasis is to be placed on the coordination of air forces and the antiaircraft defense, and on the support of army forces by naval coast defense forces. The Scouting Fleet will constitute the BLACK forces. The BLUE army force will consist of the Harbor Defenses of Long Island Sound, with all armament and accessories manned by sufficient personnel to represent its operation, and an attached air force consisting of one bombardment squadron, one pursuit squadron, and one observation squadron. Due to the lack of available vessels, the Kaval District Offshore Patrol will be assumed, and during the first phase of the exercises its intelligence functions will be represented by reports made directly from the BLACK forces. The exercises will be conducted in a series of short phases and not as a continuous operation. There will be no umpires, no penalties will be imposed, and no decisions as to the results of the operations will be made eithe'r-during the exercises or after their termination. A BLACK observer will be stationed with the BLUE forces, and a BLUE observer will accompany the BLACK force. These observers will conduct a critique at Fort H. G. Wright after the completion of the exercises. The tactieal situation will be such that the .Army forces have paramount



interest under the provisions of Joint Action of the Arm)' and the Navy. The exercises are expected to afford an excellent test of organization, interchange of intelligence, and tactical employment of the combined arms in coast defense.

Harbor Defehses of Balboa

Since we last heard from our correspondent at Amador the most important events which have taken place on the Pacific side were the battle practice and the annual affair with the Navy. For the battle practice the 1st and 2nd Coast Artillery came over from the Atlantic side and assisted in defending the Canal. Col. Robert E. Wyllie commanded the defenses during the practice. This year the problem, briefly, consisted of an attempt on the part of the theoretical enemy to sink block ships in the prism or the Canal. This nefarious plot was properly thwarted by the big gun men. Following the battle practice the Harbor Defense 'Var Plans were dusted off and given their annual workout against the real ships which form our Battle Fleet. Again the Atlantic Siders came to the rescue of the Pacific side. Opposing air forces were also engaged, faking realistic dog fights all over the place and being downed by the antiaircraft men. The period of the joint exercises extended over forty-eight hours, a grand attack by the entire fleet being the closing incident of the very instructive session. The impressive spectacle of the entire fleet at anchor in Panama Bay under the guns of Flamenco is one that is not easily forgotten. It is especially striking at night under a Panama moon that seems as large asbut we must be getting on. Following the maneuvers the 4th Coast Artillery batteries began on their preparations for secondary practices with the .155 guns. Further deponent sayeth not.

Harbor Defenses of Honolulu, Fort Ruger

'Ye have an interesting letter from Col. H. E. Cloke, commanding the Harbor Defenses of Balboa, in which he laments the lack of news which exists in the Paradise of the Pacific. However, there are some gleanings which we assa;r as of interest, hoping our readers will agree. Even the name of the Harbor Defense Commander is of interest. Recentl;r several people who haven't kept in close touch with personal affairs have said, "Where is Colonel Cloke nowf" In reply we inform them that he is in the general vicinity of Waikiki Beach and informs us that brass shining is going on as usuaL He further informs us that ',aikiki Beach is not washing away and even if it were Fort DeRussy has the finest beach in Hawaii. Like every place else a strong bull market in antiaircraft stock has had its effect on Diamond Head. They have a couple of guns for drill and a complete fire control set up. Captain Schoonmaker, recentl;v or Fort





Monroe and the 61st, finds his antiaircraft experience very useful and is now senior antiaircraft instructor. ColonelClokesays that interest in antiaircraft is running high and that firings will begin shortly. In the seacoast line one battalion of the 55th stationed at Ruger will soonhold its service practices, and is said to be in a high state of efficiency. Maj. Rodney Smith commands this battalion. The 16th Coast Artillery held its preliminary practice on March 19 and its record practice 00. April #10. The Harbor Defense Commander was pleased with the results and the general conduct of the practice. He mentions the following: The order designated 8 :30 a. m.; no interference by small boats; no trouble with targets; no trouble with radio communications. The Harbor Defense Commanderbeing an old hand at target practices had taken his lunch with him but threw it away and went home to lunch. On March 27th the regiment was reviewed by the Coast Defense commander who invited 1st Sgt. Martin F. Melia to "stand up" with him. The occasion: Sergeant Melia's last review after twenty-nine years' service, twenty-eight of which were in the Coast Artillery. Sergeant Melia served overseaswith the Coast Artillery and participated in the St. Mihiel and Baccava drives. The Hlarbor Defense commanqer writes of him: "Such fine men in the service are hard to replace. The whole command regrets his leaving."

The 13th Coast Artillery (HD),

Fort Barrancas

Our correspondent informs us that he is now 1st Lieut. Felix N. Parsons, officiallydesignated by Lieut. Co1.Hartman L. Butler, the Commanding Officer,as publicity officerfor the Harbor Defenses of Pensacola. We note that the Honorable Tom Yon, the member in the House of Representatives from the 3rd Florida Congressional district, has again -visitedFort Barrancas. Mr. Yon is much interested in the Army, including the welfare of the personnel and the upkeep of fortifications and materiel. During his last visit he investigated the condition of Battery Langdon and the need for a new dock and railroad. The old dock and railroad were destroyed dnring a storm in 1926 and have never been replaced. This battery is at present inaccessible for service due to lack of transportation facilities. It is one of the most modern of the installations in the Harbor Defenses of Pensacola. The personnel at Barrancas is always glad to see Mr. Yon and give him first-hand information on the defenses. The Coast Artillery everywhere is glad to receive visits from representatives in Congress. When such interest is displayed it gives us an op:l>ortunity showthat it is "not all done with mirrors. " to Battery "B" has not waited until July 1 to begin its antiaircraft training. Capt. J. D. Brown has held machine gun firings on balloons and qualified one hundred per cent of the sixteen men firing. He found the Forward Area sight (which is the one generally lIsed although not adopted as standard) rather unsatisfactory, so improvised a sight from the descrip-



tion of one published in the Infantry Journal (November). This improvised sight is the work of Maj. Leonard R. Boyd and 1st Lieut. Joseph 1. Greene, Infantry. These officers voice objections to the Forward Area, Pe:rcru, 1925E, and similar sights and find them wanting in the following respects: "Their low position on the water jacket causes the firer's aim to be obscured by the smokeof firing. This low position also makes the firer's necessary position of aim at high angles of fire extremely awkward and sometimesimpossible to assume. Furthermore, the theory and maIDler of use of these sights is in general so complex that experienced gunners become confused even during peace-time firing. Continued estimations of target speed and slant range with corresponding applications either by adjustment of the sight or by complete change of aim are necessary to insure accuracy of fire. To make these mental estimates and to apply them requires a time period of several seconds." Captain Brown found the Boyd-Green sight more satisfactory than the P(;ycru. The present statu~ of the development of the antiaircraft machine gun sight is discussed in Section XXVI, Gunnery Fire Control and PositiO'IlFinding for Antiaircraft Artillery. None of the present sights or systems now in use have been adopted as standard. It is hoped that during the fiscal year 1931 funds will be available for further development of a standard fire control system and sight f01;antiaircraft machine guns. In this connection it should be understood that the Coast Artillery is concerned with the development of a suitable sight and fire control system for the .50 caliber machine gun and not the .30 caliber gun with which Coast ArtillerJ. troops are provided at present and with which the Infantry is armed: The greatly increased range of the .50 caliber gun introduces a fire control problem more difficult than that of the .30 caliber gun. It is hardly necessaJ'Y call attention to the fact that the .50 caliber gun (or to larger) is the standard machine gun for antiaircraft troops. Battery "B" followed balloon firing with firing on the towed sleeve target. Preliminary and record practices were held using the modifh~d Boyd-Green sight in connection with tracers. The sight was very useful in obtaining the initial lead, which resulted in a saving of time in "getting on" the sleeve with tracers. Due to the limited time available for perfecting and experimenting with this sight the Battery Commander decided to use tracer for the adjustment of fire. The score of the :firstrecord practice was :fifty-one,that of the second, thirty-three. An extension on the shoulder rest of the tripod mount was installed which fitted over the shoulder of the guIDler thus assisting him in aiming his gun. The U. S. S. Pensacola was in Pensacola Harbor from March 31st to April 4th. During its stay the officersof the post were given an opportunity to visit the ship and see the modern fire control installation. It may be of interest to note that Capt. Alfred G. Howe, 'D. S. N., Commanding Officerof the r. S. S. Pensacola, was a former resident of Fort



Barrancas. More than twenty years ago, Captain Howe's father, Col. 'Valter Howe, n. S. Army, retired, was Commanding Officer at Fort Barrancas. Master Sgt. William F. Cooper, Hq. Btry., 13th C. A., retired April 5th, 1930, after thirty years' service. Master Sergeant Cooper enlisted in the 15th Co., C. A. Corps, on March 14th, 1900, and has spent his entire service with the Coast Artillery. His last five years were served at Fort Barrancas with the Artillery Engineer. We would be unappreciative if we did not acknowledge our correspondent's favorable remarks concerning the COAST ARTILIRY JOURNAL. The Commanding Officer, Colonel Butler, began his subscription in 1902 and has a real interest in the JOURNAL'S welfare. 'rVeare pleased to learn that it is increasing its good will at Barrancas. Let us hope that the arts of alchemy ,vill be practiced and that an intangible asset will be transmuted into one more negotiable.

The 18th Sound Ranging Battery, Fort H. G. "\Vright

This battery is the "hush, hush" outfit of the Coast Artillery. It is charged with the development of the subaqueous sound ranging project, the details of which are not to be published. However, subaqueous sound ranging is not unknown in other countries who likewise carryon development and research work along this line. Recently the battery reached a stage in which this development work can be carried on by fewer personnel. In accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Coast Artillery the 18th Sound Ranging Battery (less the 1st platoon) has been rendered inactive and the surplus personnel transferred to the 11th Coast Artillery for absorption. The remaining personnel consists of twenty-nine enlisted men in the following grades: four electrical sergeants, one sergeant major, one master gunner, five fourth grade, four fifth grade, ten sixth grade, and four seventh grade. The officerson duty with the battery are: Maj. R. B. Colton, Capt. R C. Mabbott, 1st Lieut. W. J. Wolfe. The;y have been assigned to the Submarine Mine Depot, Fort Totten, but will remain on detached service at Fort H. G. Wright.

The 61st Coast Artillery (AA), Fort :;Uonroe

Our correspondent from the 61st has not comethrough for this number. From this we conclude that everyone in the regiment is extremely busy preparing for the long trip to Fort Sheridan. In the eorrespondencewhich passes between Fort }Ionroe and the Chief's office,we notice considerable refereIlfle to such matters as "prime movers." The 61st is getting set to make the jump off. If present plans materialize the regiment will begin its march on }fay 14 in accordance with the following itinerary:



0 30 90 142 157 189 211 251 267 303 315 342 352 382 423 467 497 517

Fort Monroe, Va. Fort Eustis, Va. Richmond, Va. Burkeville, Va. Farmville, Va. Appomattox, Va. Lynchburg, Va. Natural Bridge, Va. Lexington, Va. Clifton Forge, Va. Covington, Va. White Sulphur Sprs., W. Ya. Lewisburg, ,V. Va. Rainelle, W. Va. Gauley Bridge, ,Y. Va. Charleston, W. Va. Milton, W. Va. Huntington, ,Y. Va.

May May May May May 14 (Start) 14 15 16 19

May 20 ]\I(ay 21 May May May May May 22 23 26 27 28

540 565 610 652 687 727 742 785 830 875 923 979 1045 1093

Camp Knox Detachment Splits Off Here Ironton, O. Portsmouth, O. May Chillicothe, O. May June ,Vest Lancaster, O. June Dayton, O. Richmond, Ind. June Cambridge City, Ind. June Indianapolis, Ind. June Crawfordsville, Ind. June Danville, Ill. June ,Vatseka, Ill. June Chicago Heights, Ill. June Geneva, Ill. June F'Ort Sheridan, Ill.

30 31 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14

517 533 574 595 631 647 666 686 709 741 773

Camp Knox Detachment Place

Huntington, ,Yo Va. Ashland, K)~. Olive Hill, K;r. Morehead, Ky. !oft. Sterling, K)-. Winchester, Ky. Lexington, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Shelbyville, K)-. Louisville,Ky. Camp Knox, K)'.

Jfaj' 28 l.fay 29 Jlrfay 30 June June June 2 3



The officers who will accompany the regiment on the march are: Maj. James H. Cunningham, Comdg. Capt. Raymond B. Bottom Capt. Robert T. Chaplin Capt. William F. Marquat 1st Lieut. Paul C. Howe 1st Lieut. Donald McLean 1st Lieut. Wilmer B. Merritt 1st Lieut. Isaac H. Ritchie 1st Lieut. Fred J. Woods 2nd Lieut. Paul D. Perry The route selected was given careful consideration and has been previously reconnoitered, at least for the eastern section. Several possible routes were available across the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny mountains. In Virginia, besides the one selected, the passage might have been made through Winchester or farther north either by the National Highway or the Lincoln Highway. Major Cunningham considered the White Sulphur Springs pass the most direct. This route has become available only in the past few years. The section of the country covered is intimately associated with some of the most important events in the history of our. country. Capt. John Smith covered a part of the route many times (most often by water). General MacClellan started to march along the same route several times and finally made it as far as. Seven Pines. General Grant followed it from a point a few miles below Richmond and continued on to Appomattox where the ghost of the Confederacy represented by Lee's Army gave up the unequal struggle. An apportunity will be offered the personnel to visit the famous Natural Bridge of Virginia, one of the wonders of nature without which the pages of the old geography book would not be the same. Chillicothe, Ohio, is an old town for that state. It was not only the first capital of the state but was the ancient Indian capital of the Six Nations, the strongest Indian confederacy ever having a semblance of organization -reminiscent of Tecumseh and his brother, The Prophet. Chicago is ver~. properly skirted-on account of traffic conditions rather than the one which will occur to the facetious. It has been necessary to speed up the march slightly to permit"the 61st to take part in the Military Carnival and Exposition which is to be held in Chicago the latter part of June. Maj. Gen. Frank Parker, the Corps Area Commander, is much interested in the success of this exposition and is anxious that the antiaircraft regiment arrive in Chicago in ample time to take part. Major Cunningham has made a preliminary visit to Fort Sheridan to obtain first-hand information of conditions and to confer with the Post Commander in regard to the settling of the regiment. Fort Sheridan is a real summer resort. Accustomed as they are to Fort Monroe summer weather the 61st is advised to keep their overcoats out of storage. Antiaircraft firing can be condu.ctedover Lake :M:ichigan. The landing



fields at the post and at Great Lakes Naval Training station are suitable for emergency lands only. An excellent civilian field is in operation only about five miles from Sheridan. Details as to the performance of towtarget missions are not known to this writer but no doubt will be worked out satisfactorily after the regiment's arrival. The JOURNAL wishes the regiments bon voyage.

The 62nd Coast Artillery (AA) The 69th Coast Artillery (AA) Aberdeen Proving Ground, l\1d.
As you read this these two antiaircraft regiments ma;y be found at Aberdeen busily engaged in preparations for the forthcoming joint exercises with the Air Corps. The 69th sent a detail of fifty-fivemen to Aberdeen, under 2nd Lieut. K. E. Rasmussen, on March 12. This detail set to work on the building of kitchens, mess halls, latrines, and tent floors in preparation for the arrival of the entire regiment about a month later. Indoor instruction was completedin March, and the first part of April was devoted to practice in road marching with especial reference to traffic conditions to be met on the trip from Fort Totten to Aberdeen. Traffic conditions through the m.etropolitandistrict are unusual and the most skillful driving is required. During the latter part of March the Ninth Observation Group from l\Iitchell Field participated in cooperative missions with the regiment. Planes flew on prearranged courses at six thousand feet for guns and one thousand five hundred feet for machine guns. The entire regimental setup, including the radio and telephone nets and panel detachments, operated for four days. A detachment of the regiment took part in the Army Day (April 5) parade in New York City and made a very creditable appearance. The movement to Aberdee.nwas made in two columns, beginning on April 8 and 9, respectively. Overnight stops were made at Raritan Arsenal and Frankford Arsenal. The entire regiment arrived at Aberdeen on April 11. When the 62nd arrived at Aberdeen it found the 69th on the ground and already a full-fledged outfit. Antiaircraft firings had been going on for a month which shows that the newest regiment is on its toes and full of pep. We suspect that they wanted to pull off these firings before the arrival of the 62nd so there would be no chance for the 62nd to high-hat them. The progress that the 69th has made since its organization has been remarkable. We say this on the highest authority. In substantiation we offer the followingletter, written b)- the Chief of Coast Artillery after his visit at Aberdeen earlJ- in April.



Officeof the Chief of Coast Artillery Washington April 4, 1930. Lieut. Col. James B. Taylor, 69th Coast Artillery (AA), Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. .Mydear Colonel Taylor: In confirmation of our conversation on April 2, I desire to express to you my complete satisfaction with the progress that has been made in the organization and training of :rour regiment as revealed by the review and inspection on the above date. I was very much pleased to note the enthusiasm and interest of the officersof the regiment in their work. This is as it should be. I was also pleased with the soldierl:r appearance of the enlisted personnel of the regiment. You are very fortunate in having such an excellent personnel, which reflects credit on the Coast Artillery as a whole. It was a pleasure to know such an outstanding soldier as my orderly for the day, 1st Sgt. Hugh A. Britt. You will have an excellent opportunity in the training season of 1930 to complete the organization and training of the regiment. I shall be at Aberdeen frequently and shall look forward to seeing your regiment ma'll)' times during the training season. Please convey to the officersof the regiment m)" congratulations on the work alread)" accomplished. Sincerely )"ours,



Major General, Chief of Coast Artillery.

Reserve Officers Training Corps Uniyersity of Delaware, X ewark, Delavi'are

Our correspondent at the Universit)" of Delaware, after some persm~sion,has enabled us to turn our searchlight on the R. O. T. C. unit located there. This unit began its existence as an Infantry unit but became Coast Artillery in 1927 when ~Iaj. Robert p. Glassburn, C. A. C., became its first Coast Artillery P1IS and T. In this short time it has becomeone of the outstanding Coast Artillery units and has been rated "excellent" every year, beginning with 1928. Our correspondent (modestly) declares that this success is due to the spirit of the student body, the earnest support given b)" the facult~"and the cordial relations which exist between the entire personnel of the lTniversit~"and the Regular officers on duty with the unit.




Now for a short paragraph of figures to prove the statement that it is really an up and coming unit. Two hundred and fift~'-onestudents are enrolled in the unit. Of the present senior class fort~. per cent are taking the Advanced Course. Fifty P(,I' c('nt of the memhership of Phi Kappa Phi, the scholastic honor fraternity, are also enrolled in the R. O. T. C. unit. Thirty-seven per cent of the two upper classes are enrolled in the R. O. T. C. and succeeded in winning forty:five per cent of the honors awarded in those cJasses for the year 1929-a positive indieation that R. O. T. C. students do not lose interest in their other courses. Nor do the R. O. T. C. students at Delaware excel only in scholarship. Military training developsleadership and so we find that the team captains in the three major sports are also taking the advanced R. O. T. C. course. One R. O. T. C.-er is team captain in a minor sport, two are members of the student council, six are on the staff of the student weekly, two (out of the three) are major sport team managers, and two are fraternity presidents. Sixty-five per cent of the letter men in the senior class are R. O. T. C. men-almost twice their normal share. The annual dramatic competition was won this year by an original play written by an advanced course man. Although this unit is young as a Coast ArtillerJ' unit its progress has been rapid. As soon as he undertook the duties of Pl\:IS & T, Major Glassburn insisted that the R. O. T. C. course should be on the same level as all other curricula; that the same serious effort should be required of the student. In consequence he felt justified in asking for it the same credits as for any other course requiring equal application. As a result, the Advanced Course was raised to full elective standing by the University authorities beginning with the college year 1929 and with an increase of one-third in credits given for the course. The officers on duty at the L'niversity of Dela-ware,::\Iaj. Robert P. Glassburn, 1st Lieut. Ephraim P. Jolls and Charles M. Myers, believe that Delaware has proved that the R. O. T. C. men can take the lead in everJ' phase of college activity-intellectual, athletic, or social. The secret, if there is one, in the opinion of }Iajor Glassburn, is constant intimate contact with the student body, coupled with equally constant insistence upon the dignity of the Arm)' and of the R. O. T. C. He gives generous credit to the Regular Army enlisted assistants, Sgts. 'Walter J. 'Watters and Thomas H. Kessinger, of the Coast Artillery Corps, and Staff Sgt. Edward A. Davis, of the Infantry, who by their devotion to duty and in the fine spirit of their dail)- relations with the student bod)', are a splendid advertisement for that fine body of men, the noncommissionedofficers of the Regular Arm)'. The Chief of Coast Artillery, Jlaj. Gen. John W. Gulick, has accepted an invitation to be present at the graduation exercises to be held on Jfay 27 and will present the commissionsto the ne\vly-appointed graduates.

Air and Terrestrial Spotting Much argument and discussion has taken place in past years as to the relative value of air and terrestrial spotting in target praetice and in action. Each system has its adherents who point to the good results obtained with one or the other during practices. If the entire mission of Seacoast Artillery could be accomplished by the firing of target practices this writer would be inclined to favor the aerial system of spotting. It has many advantages, not the least being the celerity with which aerial spotting can be conducted. However, the aerial observer must be trained and have acquired a sufficientamount of skill and technique in order that his reports of deviations may be of suffieient accuracy to be useful. In recent years through the hearty cooperation of the Air Corps, aerial observation has been greatly improved. But there are other considerations which could be taken into account before aerial observation should be adopted as standard. These considerations have to do with conditions which will exist at the time a seacoast engagement is under way. It seems reasonable to suppose that no hostile nation will undertake the landing of an overseas expeditionary for.ce on our shores until it has gained control of the sea. Such control would be necessary to insure the security of its lines of communication and supplies of all kinds. When our enemy has gained such control it would mean that our fleet has been defeated, contained, or otherwise rendered ineffective. Under such conditions an expeditionary force could be embarked and favorable points of debarkation selected. In any attack against this country it is unthinkable that an invasion would be undertaken with any force except a large one. A large force of all arms necessitates the acquisition of a base for future operations. A base to be suitable for a large force is to be found only at one of our seacoast eities. At these points only would the necessary harbor, dock facilities, railroads, etc., be found. The War Department, years ago, anticipated the desirability of our principal harbors as bases for hostile operations and provided fortifications for them designed to furnish the necessary defense against enemy naval forces. Against hostile naval vessels our Coast Artillery Corps is the principal arm of our service to furnish this defense. Some may be found who will dispute this last statement and call attention to our Air Corps as another arm of the service which may be used against hostile naval forces approaching our coast line. There is no lack of appreciation of the capabilities of air forces. Within certain limits, say. two hundred-three hundred miles off the coast, there is no




doubt but that air forces will operate against hostile naval forces and that, if unopposed, they will be able to cause considerable damage to the enemy expedition, particularly its transports and supply ships. This brings us to another phase in this discussion. If it is correct to assume that a hostile expeditionary force will not approach our shores until we have lost control of the sea it is also reasonable to assume that an expeditionary force will arrive prepared to secure command of the air-at least locally or in the area selected for the landing. It would be inconsistent to make any other assumption. There may be a possible argument as to effectiveness of aerial bombardment against battleships but certainly transports, landing boats, and the area of congestion which would exist during a debarkation would be easy targets for the bombers. Therefore it would be necessary that the h.ostileexpeditionary force control the air, at least during the close approach and debarkation and ~vithin the selected area of operations. No attempt will be made in this artide to discuss the manner in which hostile air supremacy might be obtained. Perhaps the hostile air force will secure a land base within striking distance of our coast. It may be possible to carry a sufficient force in carriers. However, it is believed that control of the air will be necessary for the debarkation of an expedition of any size. If such is the case how will it be possible for oui" Air Corps to furnish aerial observation for seacoast artillery' (The same difficulty will be met in the operation of any system of aerial position finding for long range firing). Even if a hostile naval force were so foolish as to approach within striking distance, lacking command of the air, our observation aviation would still be limited in its freedom of action by the antiaircraft guns which will be found on all naval vessels in the future. It probably will not be possible for our aerial observers to remain directly over the target and report deviations to the seacoast batteries. If unable to obtain this favorable position the accuracy of observation will suffer. It is not the intention of this article to convinceanyone that aerial observation is useless and should be abandoned. On the contrary it is believed that, when conditions are favorable, it is equally as good as any terrestrial s:rstemand that it should be used when the situation will permit. ]-fany of our target practices have been with both systems of observation and from the reports of practices on file in the officeof the Chief of Coast Artillery it has been possible to compare the two m.ethods for accuracy. Maj. James B. Crawford has tabulated the. results of many practices. This tabulation is reproduced here for examination by those who are interested in the relative m.erits of the two systems. The Chief of Coast Artillery has recently conveyedto the Chief of Air Corps his appreciation of the interest and cooperation given by Air Corps officersduring seacoast artillery target practices and has expressed his satisfaction




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with the excellent work of the aerial observers. The preceding chart presents an excellent basis for analysis and is so well prepared that it needs no explanation. Training Schedules This is a dry subject. Perhaps we shouldn't have attempted it. But it was suggested by an article by Capt. Andrew H. Harriss, Jr., Adjutant of the 252nd Coast Artillery (NC. NG.) which appears in an early number of the JOURNAL it is a subject which deserves some consideration by and Regular officersof Coast Artillery. Not so many years ago training schedules were not used. 'Ve say this advisedly. Some time before the war if you were a new second lieutenant your battery commander was apt to be a grizzled veteran of the SpanishAmerican War who had been a battery commander since 1901. They had been battery commandersso long that they didn't need a training schedule. Perhaps they had them but we can't recall that they bothered to show them to new, green second lieutenants who wouldn't have known what they were anyway. Perhaps we are wrong but there seemed to be lots of individuality in a battery's training in those days. One battery commander would be very strong for small arms firing so he would spend much time on that. Another would be such a strong booster of the "Queen of Battles" that he would spend hours and hours on infantry drill. And if your battery commander had just returned from Leavenworth you could be sure that the "company" would become by the help' of his excellent imagination a division or even an army corps defending against a landing in force at some point nearby which for the moment it pleased him to consider important. Sometimes much instruction was obtained through the individual qualifications of the battery commanders of those days. Then came the war. To be rather blunt, the battery commanders of war times, at first, didn't know what it was all about and the training schedule came into its own. But after the war individuality began to make its appearance again and battery commanderSwere inclined to try out their own ideas as to what instruction should be given their battery. But they weren't allowed to get away with this. The War Department, the Corps Area, and commandingofficersall the way down insisted that a schedule or program should be submitted to higher headquarters for approvaL It is amusing to recall some of the subterfqges used to escape the schedule. Some battery commanders would be dilatory in getting it in, hoping that, we suppose, that the regimental plans and training officer would finally be worn down and cease to call for it. Others would submit it but made no attempt to follow it. Just went serenely ahead with their own ideas as to how the training should be given. There was much argument that "you can't work on a schedule," that an inspection by "rank" "threw the schedule all out," that rain and inclement weather caused ir-




regularities. The answer to all these arguments is that if the schedule won't work then it isn't a good schedule and more effort should be expended on formulating a workable one. To anticipate and plan ahead is one of the principal duties of the commander of any organization. It is very nccessar;r that a battery cemmander should plan his work ahead so that he has a clear idea of what he is going to do. If he is compelled to submit a schedule for approval he 'i'nust plan his battery training in advance, otherwise he will not know what to put in the schedule. The schedule compels him to be forehanded and anticipate the important periods in the year's training, such as target practice, etc. Each phase of training should and does culminate in a definite objective. In gunners' instruction it is the examination. In small arms it is record .practice. With mobile units it is the annual road march. A. certain fixed period of time is allotted for each kind of training. It should be progressive. A.nd suballotments should be made in accordance with the importance of each phase coming under that particular subject. How can this progress and proportional allotment be made unless the battery commander's solution is submitted in the form of a schedule~ But schedules are useful to the higher commanders, too. The higher commander may be a regimental commander and as such he is responsible for the training of his battaliong (batteries). He ca.nnotproperly inspect the training given in the batteries unless it is uniform, unless he has a clear idea of what training is being given and by constant contact can keep informed of its progress. For the commander not in contact with the troops it is even more difficult and unsatisfactory. There is a still more important consideration in the use of training schedules and that is the men themselves. Some of our artillery drill used to be "dumb" (as it would be said nowadays). To the men in the observing stations, the B. C. station, or perhaps the gun pointer, it might not appear so bad. But what of the men shoving a shot truck or sweating over a monotonous job in the plotting room. All of us can recall hot days in a mortar pit when an egg could be fried on the concrete, or when the sweat ran down the arm setters' noses and dripped on the plotting board. Some of us can recall entire mornings given over to "home ram"-a useful but highly monotonous and laborious operation. If the battery schedule is properly planned every effort will be made to vary the drill and training so that the monotonous drills are short and interspersed with others that are different and less monotonous. Battery commanders who haye been most successful have had marked ability in accomplishing team work. The greatest factor in developing team. work is interest. In the Coast Artillery many of our men perform only small operations which contribute to the successful operation of the battery. It is easy for a man under such conditions to imagine that he is only a cog in a machine and to exhibit about as much interest in the work




or the machine as the cog does. Instead, he should consider himself a member or a team. In other words, his interest must be captured and held. If this can be done then he will be on his toes, mentally alert and anxious to give his rullest attentioo and cooperation in the business at hand. 'The imaginative battery commander will accomplish this result. But he must have a clear understanding and carerully thought out plan or the instruction to be given. This, when reduced to paper, is nothing more than the battery training schedule for the week. Japanese Antiaircraft Our Japanese correspondent, 1st Lieut. E. Carl Engelhart, C. A. C., now serving a "language" detail in Japan, sends the JOURNAL interesting bits or information from time to time. Lieutenant Engelhart was present as an observer during the Japanese Grand Maneuvers which were held last November. He will be detailed with a Japanese antiaicraft regiment for a period of six months, beginning in June. In this connection it is interesting to note that there is but one Japanese antiaircrart regiment. This regiment has two battalions or two batteries each and is equipped with eight searchlights, similar to our Cadillac unit and provided with the exponential type of sound locator. Each battery has three platoons. One platoon mans 105-mm. guns and the other two platoons man 75-mm. guns. Each platoon has two guns and two machine guns. The general characteristics of the two guns are as follows: 75-mm.gun 105-mm.gun Muzzle velocity 1836 3000 fls Maximum elevation 85 degrees 85 degrees Traverse 360 degrees 360 degrees Maximum horizontal range 10,900 yds. 17,500 yds. Maximum vertical range 6,550 yds. 13,100 yds. Rate of fire 20 rounds per min. 15 rounds per min.
.mnm m n nn. '.n ... n'n ..... mm.nm mnnm. m.n n

Both guns are mounted on two-wheeled trailers, the two wheels and axle being removed when emplaced. 'Ve expect Lieutenant Engelhart to produce an interesting article for the JOURNAL connection ".-ith his tour with the Japanese antiaircraft in regiment. Signal Corps Develops New Type of Field Wire for the Army After a number of years of study and experiment, the Signal Corps technical staff has recently completed the design, development and preliminary test of a new type of wire for portable field nse that, it is hoped, will take the place of both the heavy and light tj}les now issued and provide a better all around wire for field telephone and telegraph communication.





The Signal Corps supplies wire of different types to the Army for communication purposes. That supplied to the combat branches for laying quickly on the ground to provide communication within the division is, at present, of two types; a heavy insulated wire laid from horse or motordrawn vehicles and a lighter insulated wire laid by hand or from handdrawn vehicles. The new type of wire (called field wire, type W-llO) possesses high tensile strength and insulation, light weight and flexibility and when lying flat on the ground will successfully withstand considerable 'abrasion caused by passing vehicles, trampling by horses or men, or other abuse. Because of its lighter weight and decreased volume per mile, relatively larger amounts of the new type of wire can be transported and put on reels than was possible with the old type of heavy field wire. This new wire is generally considered to be a valuable improvement in the Signal equipment of the Army, and the Secretary of 'Val' has approved the. purchase of a qualltity of it that will permit extended field tests pending adoption as a standard of issue to the service. New Tow Target Release Mechanisms Tested In order that tow targets, after having been fired upon, may be dropped from planes and fresh ones substituted without rewinding the cable and manually attach~ng them, two new types of release mechanism have been designed for use with the standard B-9A target. One type was designed at Phillips Field, Md., and the other at Wright. Field, Dayton, Ohio. Preliminary tests have been run on each, but decision has not yet been made as to the one which will prove superior for adoption. The old mechanism had a release catch on the end of the cable. When it was desired to drop the target, a bell plunger was sent down the cable which unsnapped the catch. The new devices have no releases on the end of the cable. In the Phillips Field design, a plunger backs up against a knot tied in the cable. When the other plunger comes down with a fresh target and makes contact, it forces the first one open and the target drops. In one test, ten tow targets were successfully exchanged in flight with apparent ease of operation. The Materiel Division design consists of a steel bar with a latch at one end and a trip on the other. As the new target comes down the cable a ring is forced over the trip, depressing it. This action lifts the latch at the other end, releasing the old target. -Cpon release of the old target the latch springs back, acting as a catch for the new target. By releasing the target as each arm completes firing, the percentage of successful hits of each may be learned. -Front the Air Corps ~Ke'U'sLetter.


Communications relating to the development or improvement -in methods Ofr materiel for the Coast Artillery will be welcome from any member of the Corps or of the Service at Large. These communications, with models 0.1' drawings of devices proposed, may be sent direct to the. Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, Virginia, and will receive careful consideration. J. C. Ohnstad, Lieutenant Colonel, C. A. C., President.

Project No. 563 IE-Modified Stereoscope Lorgnette, M1926.-Completed March 31. Believed would be satisfactory with suggested modifications. Project No. 763-Cinematic Spotting Instrument, T-3.-Completed March 4. Antiaircraft test completed and preliminary report submitted. Recommended for adoption as standard and issue to service. Project No. 765-Design for Central Station Computor for Heavy Gun Batteries.-Completed March 26. Recommended no development pending test of Sperry S. C. Computor. Project No. 768-Comments on Provisional TR 435-440; Combined Training of Coast Artillery and Air Corps.-Completed March 4. Comments submitted. Project No. 77O-Zeiss 4-meter Stereoscopic Height Finder, T-7.Completed March 4. Recommended adoption as standa.rd and issue to service. Project No. 774-Shoulder Stock for Caliber .50, AA MG Mount 1'4-1. -Completed March 4. Recommended modification be applied on tripod to be purchased for issue to Regular Army and National Guard. Project No. 775-Comments on Technical Regulations 1305-155C,and 1405-155C.-Completed March 6. Comments submitted. Project No. 779.-Comments on Technical Regulations 1365-12A,Ammunition for 12-inch Guns, M1888-95 and 1900.-Completed ~Iarch 17. Comments submitted. PROJECTS UNDER CONSIDERATION Project No. 609-0omparative Test of Self-contained Range Finders. -Expect to hold test in April or May. Project No. 681-Test of Fast Towing Target (Navy Design) ,Awaiting result of study by Navy Department. Project No. 689-Special Seacoast Target Practice for Training of Aerial Observers.-Awaiting reports of practices. Project No. 6M-Test of Erosion Charts.-Final firings in Spring,

Project No. 700-Test of Stereoscopic Trainer, T1.-Test nearly completed. Report will be submitted about :Uay 31.



Project No. 701-Comments on Target Practice Reports, 1929.-Comments are submitted as reports are received. Project No. 712-Conduct and Adjustment of AA Fire.-Draft of bulletin prepared. Project No. 722-Two Chains for Tractor Artillery (C. A. B.).-Under test by 51st C. A. Project No. 723-Study of the Causes of Misfires (C. A. B.).-Under study. Project No. 726.-Dummy Projectile for 3-inch AA (C. A. B.).Test completed. Report in preparation. Project No. 727.-Standard Single Conductor Mine System.-A continuing study . . Project No. 731-Lighting Devices for Panoramic Sights, Scales, and Aiming Rules, Ry. Arty. (C. A. B.) .-Devices installed and tested. Undergoing further study and test. Project No. 743-Service Test of Ordnance Tractor, Caterpillar "20." -Test completed. Report will be submitted about 1\lay 1. Project No. 750-Faster Loading for Coast Artillery (C. A. B.).Under study. Project No. 752.-"Stephens" Xylonite Plotter for AA Target Practice.-Awaiting reports from testing organizations. Project No. 753-Test of 8-inch Howitzer Firing Platforms for Use ,as Semi-permanent Firing Position for 155-mm. Guns.-Under study. Project No. 758-Comments on Basic Field Manual, Transport, Vol. V.-Under study. Project No. 761-Test of Experimental Reel Cart, Type RL-23.-Test by 61st C. A. completed. Undergoing test by 51st C. A. Project No. 764-Reminder List for AA Target Practice.-Under study. Project No. 769-Gasoline Tank Truck (three hundred-gallon) for AA.-Report in preparation. Project No. 772-Test of Motor Vehicles as Prime Movers and Cargo Trucks, AA.-Test completed. Report dela~redpending receipt of report of dynamometer tests conducted at Aberdeen Proving Ground. Project No. 776-Supplementary Instructions, and Ammunition Allowances for Target Practice Year 1930-31.-Awaiting instructions reference change in ammunition allowances. Project No. 777--Oontinuous Graphic Method of Adjustment of Fire. -Under study. Project No. 77S-Comments on Technical Regulations No. 1370-D Drill Ammunition.-Under study. Project No. 78O-Gages for Seacoast and Railway Artillery Propelling Charges.-Under test.

Recently the Editor received a rather critical letter which belongs in this column but due to the wishes of the writer it will not be published. Although we have received a considerable number of letters in praise of the JOURNAL have received none so unfavorable as this one. 'Ve would we have been pleased to publish this one because we never intended to apply any censorship to this column. Furthermore, his letter contains some points well worth mentioning. He frankly tells us that he is subscribing (Yes, he subseribed, although he hasn't been a subscriber for over two years) because he thinks the JOURNAL should be supported. This spirit is appreciated. He further states that the Editor is up against an impossible jobimpossible because there is not enough of importance to publish in a monthly publication. He recommends an interval of two or three months between issues. On this point we beg to differ with him. The Editor's job is not impossible and there is plenty of material-at least in the minds of the officers of the Corps. There is plenty of material in foreign periodicals which are not generally read by our officersbecause they don't feel financially able to subscribe to them for the sake of reading an 0('casional article of interest. The COAST RTILLERY A JOURNAl, could be issued monthly simply as a digest of these periodicals. 'Ve have purposel)" kept the number of reprinted articles low because .webelieved that one of the important missions of the J01JRKAL to inform our officers of what our is own Coast Artillery Corps is doing. One part of his letter expresses his unfavorable opinion of this column. In particular he dislikes criticisms of former editors. The present Editor agrees with him in regard to criticism of the former editors. We take it that such criticism, when expressed, is not a personal one but intended to express disapproval of the rather somber and gloomy form which the JOURNAL formerly assumed. This is a criticism which can be applied to all strictl)" technical magazines regardless of whom the editor may be. It is our conception that serious-mindedness can be carried to excess, that gloominess is not necessary to the dissemination of information. At the same time we are convinced that the former JOL"'RNAL more of real had value in its pages-more real meat-than the present one. But our aim is to get it reai1 and to accomplish this we have to use some bait. We admit of an effort at finessein this and tell you frankly that you are being fooled but we can't stare a growing subscription list in the face and admit that it is a mistake. The development of esprit is one of the most important objectives which the JorRxAL has. One may search through all the text books (if



there are any) and find various methods recommended for accomplishing this. Nearly all depend upon the development of team work. Many times the criticism has been .made that the Coast Artillery Corps is lacking in esprit. This is not a general opinion and our personal opinion is that it is unmerited. The JOURNAl, intends to combat any indication of such a feeling. When the accomplishments of the Coast Artillery are reviewed there are no proper grounds for such pessimism. The Chief of Coast Artillery is interested in fostering a closer relationship between his office and the officersof the Corps. He wishes them to know his policies and, so far as practicable, the difficulties which confront the fullest development of the Coast Artillery Corps as one of the combat arms. He wishes a feeling of mutual understanding and effort to exist. The JOURNAL will do its part in fostering this spirit by making known his thoughts and plans for increasing the efficiencyof the Coast Artillery. On the other hand the thoughts and opinions of the various individuals in the Corps are not to be submerged but are to be given expression in the pages of the JOURNAL. Honest expression of opinion is never harmful and develops an initiative which is a gratifying indication of progress. The You Tell Em column, it was hoped, would furnish thx opportunity to blow off steam and tell the world where the "system" was all wrong. On the golf course it is called "locker room talk." In the day room, soldiers take it out on the mess sergeant. In the officers' club there is always some Moseswho knows that it is all wrong and can put it right. 'Ve wished to give these prophets a chance to make themselves heard. They may appear anonymously or otherwise (Remarkable how many of them wish to be anonymous). Here they are perfectly free to take a crack at the JOURNAL or to indicate where our present artillery methods are not making the grade. ,Yo would have been pleased to include our correspondent's letter in this column, because then we could have found out how much other readers agree with him. It would have done him good, too, for it relieves the pressure to get certain opinions off the chest. Unfortunately many of them do not seem to have the potency expected when they appear in print. Snipers are alwa;ysshooting them full of holes. Our subscriber's letter is appreciated not only for its unfavorable contents. He inclosed with it a short article and mentions others which he has in mind. This is real support. The Editor can make Ul'le this of kind. (Aside) What is worrying us is his statement that he subscribed out of a sense of duty, only. He hasn't been a subscriber since 1927 and he didn't support it for a year and a half before we came on the job with our tabloid methods. Maybe he likes it, after alL Just to take the curse off we'll throw in the one below in which



A Lieutenant Makes Wonderful Discovery The Editor, the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL Dear Sir: I received the March issue of the {JOAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL and was more than pleased with what I found within its covers. Had I realized what it contained I would probably have signed"up long before I did. More power to you, Major. Sincerely yours, CHARI~ES . GAIGE, H 2nd Lieut., CA.-Res.

It Won't
The Editor, the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAl, Dear Sir: I am tired of waiting for that raise in pay-one can hold out against temptation just so long and no longer. 'Ve will probably have to go without a few meals to make up for this, but you will have to send Mrs. Pohl The Saturday Evening Post for the coming year beginning April 19, and send me the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL for a like period beginning with the May issue. I have two dollars with which to pay for the Post and am inclosing same, but you'll have to bill me for the JOURNAL and hope the pay bill goes through before the bill gets to me. M. G. Pom"
2nd Lieut., 64th C. A.

Now We'll Have to Read It THE MACAULAYOMPANY C New York The Editor, the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL Dear Sir: " Thank you very much for sending us a copy of the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNALcontaining the review of "My" First 2000 Years." It is very interestingly handled and we are very pleased with it. Sincerely yours,

The MaeaUlay Company. New York. The Editor, the COAST ARTILLERY JOURNAL Dear Sir: 'Vill you be good enough to send me two copies of ~rour issue which contains the excellent review" of my book, "11y First Two Thousand Years," signed G. B. R. ~

NOTE: G. B. R. refers to 1Iaj. 0. B. Robison.






For Sale A correspondent sends us a copy of an ad said to have been inserted in a Baltimore paper by 1st Lieut. Horace Speed, Jr.

For sale. Marvelous example of early American Cadillac. A veritable museum piece. While documentary evidence is lacking, there is a wellfound tradition that General Washington slept on it. Collectors of America will be particularly interested in the sun vizor decoration, thought to represent ice floes in a river. Must be seen to be appreciated. This unnumbered article runs as well at (or with) a high speed (5' 11", Horace) as a low speed (5' 3", Minette). Its mechanical simplicity is such that it can be overhauled by an eight-year-old girl (on roller skates). Must be sacrificed because of foreign service. No reasonable offer refused. Bids of less than one dollar will be rejected. AppIJT: "Speed King," R. F. D. III (Aberdeen (P. G.)) Maneuvers (Corregidor, P. 1.-1924) By TENEYCK VAN DEUSEN The Stygian dark is stabbed with swords Of silver flaming light. The grey guns couehed, arise to speak, Shatt'ring the silent night. With blood red tongues of living flame They searched the rippling sea Where lifting, hissing, passed the shipsThe ships we could not see. The servants of the great grey guns In sleepless patience wait Until the warders of the lights Align their beams full straight. On grey ghosts coursing through the ~aves To force the seaward gate.


Brig. Gen. William E. Cole, from command 30th Brig., Fort Eustis, to command 1st C. A. District, Boston. Co!. John W. Gulick, appointed Chief of Coast Artillery. Co!. William H. Monroe, from Philippines, to 9th, Fort Preble. Co!. Archibald H. Sunderland, from 14th, Fort Worden, to General Staff and to Hawaii, sailing San Francisco, July 9. Lieut. Co!. Malcolm P. Andruss, to sail for Panama from New York, August 7, instead of June 12. Lieut. Co!. Francis J. Behr, from 8th, Fort Preble, to duty with Porto Rican Hurricane Relief Commission, San Juan, P. R., sailing New York, April 18. Lieut. Co!. William T. Carpenter, from instructor, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to 62nd, Fort Totten, at end of school year. Lieut. Col. Clifford Jones, from student, Naval War College, Newport, R. I., to General Staff and to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20.. Lieut. Col. William M. Colvin, from Org. Res., Schenectady, New York, to Org. Res., New York City. Lieut. Col. William A. Covington, from Hawaii, to 6th, Fort Winfield Scott. Lieut. Col. Jacob A. Mack, from 3rd, Fort Rosecrans, to home and await retirement, July 5; previous orders from Fort Rosecrans to Philippines revoked. Lieut. CoI. Lloyd B. Magruder, from 62nd, Fort Totten, to student, War College, August 14. Lieut. Col. John R. Musgrave, from Org. Res., Cincinnati, to Hawaii, sailing New York, June 18. Lieut. Col. Charles H. Patterson, from detail in Insp. Gen. Dept., and from Philippines to 52nd, Fort Hancock. Lieut. Col. Richard H. Williams, from detail on General Staff and Washington, June 30, to Hawaii, sailing New York, September 27. Lieut. Col. Philip H. Worcester, from General Staff and Washington, to Philippines, sailing New York, October 28. Maj. Herbert H. Acheson, from 55th, Fort Kamehameha, to student, War College, August 14. Maj. E. E. Bennett, from Org. Res., headquarters, 3rd C. A. District, Fort Monroe, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Maj. Robert D. Brown, from R. O. T. C., University of California, Berkeley, to duty in office, Chief of Staff, Washington, sailing San Francisco, June 25. Maj. Gordon deL. Carrington, from Hawaii, to 6th, Fort Winfield Scott; from 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. Willis McD. Chapin, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Panama, sailing New York, August 7. Maj. William P. Cherrington, from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to R. O. T. C., V. P. I., Blacksburg, Va., at end of present course. Maj. Albert D. Chipman, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 13th, Fort Barrancas, upon completion of present course. Maj. Donald M. Cole, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Hawaii, sailing New York, August 12. Maj. Clarence E. Cotter, from student C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to Coast Artillery Board, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. 460




Maj. Joseph F. Cottrell, from 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to pilgrimage of War Mothers, reporting New York, April 15. Maj. Raymond V. Cramer, from Hawaii, to office, Chief of Coast Artillery, Washington. Maj. Carl S. Doney, from instructor, N. G., San Francisco, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Maj. Richard Donovan, from 4th C. A. District Staff, Fort McPherson, to student, War College, August 14. Maj. Frank Drake, from Panama, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. Ward E. Duvall, from headquarters, Fourth Corps Area, Fort McPherson, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. George W. Easterday, from 91st, Fort Mills, to student, War College, August 14. Maj. William S. Fulton, from Hawaii, to Org. Res., Houston, Texas. Maj. Ferdinand P. Gallagher, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to headquarters, 1st C. A. District, Boston, upon completion of present course. Maj. Robert C. Garrett, from Philippines, to 6th, Fort Winfield Scott. Maj. Richmond T. Gibson, from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to 13th, Fort Moultrie, upon completion of present course. Maj. William C. Hanna, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 14th, 'Fort Worden, upon completion of present course. Maj. Francis A. Hause, from student, C. & G. S. School, F{)rt Leavenworth, to Org. Res., Pittsburgh, Pa., upon completion of present course. Maj. Henry B. Holmes, Jr., from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to Philippines, sailing San Francisco, September 10. Maj. John H. Hood, from Srd, Fort MacArthur, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. Frank L. Hoskins, from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to Hawaii, sailing San Francisco, August 9. Maj. George F. Humbert, from student, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., to Org. Res., Lansing, Mich., after refresher course at F{)rt Monroe beginning March 15. Maj. Thomas H. Jones, from instructor, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to student, War College, August 14. Maj. Edward L. Kelly, from West Point, to 7th, Fort Hancock. Maj. Delmar S. Lenzner, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 51st, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. Maj. James D. MacMullen, from Fort Monroe, to instructor, N. G., San Francisco, Cal., sailing New York, July. 18. Maj. John B. Martin, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to headquarters, 3rd C. A. District, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. Maj. Kenneth McCatty, from student, C. A. S., Fort MonrOe, to Panama, sailing New York, August 7. Maj. Edwin C. Mead, from 13th, FQrt Moultrie, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. Reinold Melberg, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 14th, Fort Worden, sailing New York, August 12. Maj. Earl H. Metzger, from student, A. C. T. S., Langley Field, to headquarters, 3rd C. A. District, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. Maj. Frederick A. Mountford, from instructor, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to student, War College, August 14.



Maj. Martin J. O'Brien, from R. O. T. C., Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, sailing San Francisco, July 30. Maj. Charles D. Y. Ostrom, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 12th, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. Maj. Robert E. Phillips, from Philippines, to 11th, Fort H. G. Wright. Maj. Edward W. Putney, from temporary duty, officeChief of CDast Artillery, to student, War CDllege,August 14. Maj. James C. Ruddell, from CDast Artillery BDard, FDrt MDnrDe,D stut dent, C. and G. S. SchDol,FDrt Leavenworth, August 20. Maj. Jesse L. Sinclair, frDm General Staff, WashingtDn, June 30, and tD Panama, sailing New York, September 11. Maj. Carl J. Smith, frDm student, C. and G. S. School, Fort LeavenwDrth, to Hawaii, sailing San FranciscD, July 9. Maj. JDhn P. Smith, frDm instructDr, C. and G. S. SchDol, 'Drt LeavenwDrth, F tD 10th, FDrt Adams, at end .of present school year. Maj. John S. Smylie, from student, C. and G. S. School, FDrt Leavenworth, tD Philippines, sailing San FranciscD, September 10. Maj. Edward A. Stockton, Jr., frDm 59th, FDrt Mills, to student, War CDllege, August 14. Maj. Edgar H. Underwood,frDm Hawaii, tD student, C. A. S., Fort MDnrDe, August 30. Maj. Eugene Villaret, frDm Q. M. C., Subsistence School, Chicago, to student, ECDlede Guerre, Paris, France, sailing New YDrk, June 18. Maj. Berthold Vogel, from student, C. A. S., Fort MonrDe,to Hawaii, sailing New YDrk, August 12. Maj. Lawrence B. Weeks, from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to 62nd, Fort Totten, upDncompletionof present CDurse. Maj. GordDnB. Welch, FrankfDrd Arsenal, transferred tD Ordnance Dept., March 19. Maj. Edward N. WDodbury,frDm 7th, Fort HancDck,to student, War CDIlege, August 14. Capt. Carl R. Adams, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., tD student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort MonrDe,August 30. Capt. Clare H. Armstrong, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, tD Philippines, sailing New YDrk, August 20. Capt. HarDld G. Archibald, frDm 14th, Fort Casey, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Elvin L. Barr, from student, C. A. S., Fort MDnroe,to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. Roy T. Barrett, to sail fur Hawaii, from San Francisco, September 3, instead of from New York, July 18, as previously .ordered. Capt. Ernest R. Barrows, from 10th, Furt Adams, to student, C. A. S., FDrt Munroe, August 30. Capt. Thomas R. Bartlett, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Adam J. Bennett, from 7th, Furt Hancock, to 52nd, Furt Hancock. Capt. ClTburnL. Berry, from 7th, Fort Hancock, to 52nd, Fort Hancock. Capt. Ben B. Blair, from 12th, Furt Monroe, to Panama, sailing New Yurk,
August 7.

Capt. George Blaney, from 9th, Fort Banks, to student, C. A. S., Fort Munroe, August 30.



Capt. Harold B. Bliss, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Panama, sailing New York, August 7. Capt. Louis J. Bowler, from Philippines, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. William C. Braly, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 12th, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. Capt. William J. Burke, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to R. O. T. C., University of Kansas, Lawrence, upon completion of present course. Capt. Alexander H. Campbell, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to R. O. T. C., University of California, Berkeley, sailing New York, June 18. Capt. William R. Carlson, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Hawaii, sailing New York, August 12. Capt. Albert C. Chesledon, from 3rd, Fort MacArthur, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, sailing San Francisco, July 30. Capt. Francis L. Christian, from Hawaii, to 52nd, Fort Monroe. Capt. Willis L. Claxton, from R. O. T. C., University of Cincinnati, to Panama, sailing New York, August 7. Capt. Eugene T. Conway, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Gunnery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Frederick W. Cook, from Philippines, to 7th, Fort DuPont. Capt. James L. Craig, from Panama, to 13th, Fort Barrancas. Capt. Leonard L. Davis, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Gunnery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. John T. deCamp, from Hawaii, to 12th, Fort Monroe, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Nelson Dingley, 3rd, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. George W. Dunn, Jr., from Panama, to 7th, Fort Hancock. Capt. William D. Evans, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. Valentine P. Foster, from instructor, N. G., Boston, to student, Fort Monroe, August 3o. Capt. Russell T. George, from Hawaii, to 12th, Fort Monroe; from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Chauncey A. Gillette, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 63rd, Fort MacArthur, upon completion of present course. Capt. Henry F. Grimm, from Philippines, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Capt. Vernon W. Hall, from R. O. T. C., Mass. Inst. Tech., Cambridge, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Capt. Philip W. Hardie, from R. O. T. C., Michigan State College, East Lansing, to 13th, Fort Barrancas, upon completion of present school year. Capt. Norman E. Hartman, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Motor Transport Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 80. Capt. William Hesketh, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to pilgrimage of War Mothers, reporting New York, April 15. Capt. Frank A. Hollingshead, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Engineering Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Byron T. Ipock, from Philippines, to 12th, Fort Monroe, instead. of to 9th, Fort Banks, as previously ordered; from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30.




Capt. Leslie W. Jefferson, now at Fitzsimmons Hospital, from 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to recruiting, Fort Logan, Col. Capt. Parry W. Lewis, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Motor Transport Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Frederick Lofquist, from 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Percy S. Lowe, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Hawaii, sailing New York, July 18. Capt. LeRoy Lutes, from student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, to Fort Totten upon completion of course. Capt. William R. Malis, from 7th, Fort DuPont, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Otta Marshall, from recl'uiting, New York, to 13th, Fort Barrancas, June 1. Capt. Edward B. McCarthy, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 9th, Fort Banks, upon completion of present course. Capt. Bryan L. Milburn, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Lawrence C. Mitchell, from 52nd, Fort Eustis, to Paris with pilgrimage of War Mothers, sailing New York, April 16. Capt. Marvel H. Parsons, from Fort Monroe, to West Point, July 1. Capt. Harry E. Pendleton, from student, Battery Course, to student, Advanced Motor Transport Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Frank Richards, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 61st, Fort Sheridan, upon completion of present course. Capt. Kenneth Rowntree, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. Paul W. Rutledge, from R. O. T. C., University of Alabama, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. William Sackville, from 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Capt. John L. Scott, from R. O. T. C., V. P. 1., Blacksburg, Va., to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Capt. Evan C. Seaman, from Philippines, to student, C. and G. S. School, Fort Leavenworth, August 20. Capt. Edward C. Seeds, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Panama, sailing New York, September 11. Capt. Adrin B. Smith, from 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, sailing San Francisco, July 30. Capt. Lessley E. Spencer, from 62nd, Fort Totten, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Joseph C. Stephens, from instructor, N. G., Monett, Mo., to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. Wilfred H. Steward, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 14th, Fort Worden, upon completion of present course. Capt. Edmund H. Stillman, from R. O. T. C., University of California, Berkeley, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, sailing San Francisco, July 30. Capt. Frederick L. Topping, from Panama, to student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. Capt. James R. Townsend, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30.





Capt. Lynn P. Vane, 8th, Fort Preble, to Panama, sailing New York, August

Capt. George W. Whybark, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Philip' pines, sailing New York, August 20. Capt. Arthur V. Winton, from instructor, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Edward Barber, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Engineering Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Orley D. Bowman, previous orders from 10th, Fort Adams, to 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground, revoked. 1st Lieut. William 1. Brady, from 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Howard E. C. Breitung, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Lathrop R. Bullene, from West Point, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. William H. Burns, from 13th, Fort Barrancas, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. 1st Lieut. W'alter H. Carlisle, from recruiting, Fort Sheridan, to 13th, Fort Crockett, June 25. 1st Lieut. James Bryce Carroll, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Martin C. Casey, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Hawaii, sailing New York, August 12. 1st Lieut. John F. Cassidy, from R, O. T. C., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Harold J. Conway (Ord. Dept.), from student, Ordnance School, Watertown Arsenal, to Fort Sam Houston. 1st Lieut. Robert W. Crichlow, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Frederick B. Dodge, Jr., from Hawaii, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Henry H. Duval, from 7th, Fort Hancock, to 52nd, Fort Hancock. 1st Lieut. Girville L. Field, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Karl C. Frank, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 63rd, Fort MacArthur, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Gerald G. Gibbs, from 7th, Fort Hancock, to 52nd, Fort Hancock. 1st Lieut. Edgar M. Gregory, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Hayi'aii, sailing New York, August 12. 1st Lieut. Porter T. Gregory, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to Paris with pilgrimage of War Mothers, sailing New York, April 16. 1st Lieut. James L. Harbaugh, Jr., from Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Donald B. Herron, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. John 1. Hincke, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. James L. Hogan, from recruiting, New York, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. William G. Holder, from Panama, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 31}.





1st Lieut. David Hottenstein, from 12th, Fort Story, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. James I. Howell, Jr., from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Frederick R. Keeler, to 12th, Fort Monroe, instead of 13th, Fort Barrancas, as previously ordered; from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. George J. Kelley, from 13th, Fort Barrancas, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. John O. Kelly, from Philippines, to headquarters, Ninth Corps Area, Presidio of San Francisco. 1st Lieut. David B. Latimer, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Engineering Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. William S. Lawton, from student, -C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 61st, Fort Sheridan, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, from West Point, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. George J. Loupret, from R. O. T. C., the Citadel, Charleston, S. C., to Hawaii, sailing New York, August 12. 1st Lieut. George W. MacMillan, from 18th Sound Ranging Battery, Fort H. G. Wright, to 11th, Fort H. G. Wright. 1st Lieut. Darwin D. Martin, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 61st, Fort Sheridan, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. James E. McGraw, from 51st, Fort Eustis, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Ernest A. Merkle, from Hawaii, to 12th, Fort Monroe; from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Samuel H. Morrow, from Panama, to 51st, Fort Monroe. 1st Lieut. Joe D. Moss, from student Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Motor Transport Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Ola A. Nelson, from 7th, FUrt Hancock, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. George F. Nichols, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 11th, Fort H. G. Wright, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Arthur B. Nicholson, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. George W. Palmer, from 8th, Fort Preble, detailed in Ord. Dept. and to student, Ordnance School, Watertown Arsenal, July 3. Previous orders revoked. 1st Lieut. Douglas G. Pamplin, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Robin B. Pape, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Gunnery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lient. John H. Pitzer, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 12th, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. James G. Renno, from student, Signal School, Fort Monmouth, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. William L. Richardson, from 12th, Fort Monroe, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Warren C. Rutter, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to recruiting, Denver, Colo., upon completion of course.




1st Lieut. Melicio M. Santos, P. S., from student, Q. M. C., Motor Transport School, Holabird, to Philippines, sailing New York, August 20. 1st Lieut. Clarence H. Schabacker, to sail New York September 27 for Hawaii, in.stead of July 18, as previously ordered. 1st Lieut. Lloyd Shepard, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Logan O. Shutt, from West Point, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Perry McC. Smith, from Fort Monroe, to West Point, August 25. 1st Lieut. Raymond Stone, Jr., from 12th, Fort Monroe, to West Point, August 25. 1st Lieut. Maxwell W. Tracy, previous orders to West Point revoked. 1st Lieut. Donald C. Tredennick, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to 51st, Fort Monroe, upon completion of present course. 1st Lieut. Gustave H. Vogel, detailed in Q. M. C. and to Q. M. C. Motor Transport School, Holabird. Previous orders revoked. 1st Lieut. Everett C. Wallace, from student, Battery Course, C. A. S., to student, Advanced Engineering Course, C. A. S., F-ort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. William H. Webb, from 9th, Fort Banks, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Charles W. West, from student, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, to Panama, sailing New York, August 7. 1st Lieut. Charles M. Wolff, from U. S. A. M. P., Schofield, to student, Battery Course, C. A. S., Fort Monroe, August 30. 1st Lieut. Michael H. Zwicker, from 6th, Fort Winfield Scott, to Paris with pilgrimage of War Mothers, sailing New York, April 16. 2nd Lieut. Harold A. Brusher, from Philippines, to 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground. 2nd Lieut. Clair M. Conzelman, from Philippines, to 11th, Fort H. G. Wright. 2nd Lieut. Carl A. Dutton, from detail in Ord. Dept., and from Watertown Arsenal, to West Point, August 25. 2nd Lieut. Edward C. Franklin (Ord. Dept.), from Aberdeen Proving Ground, to Ordnance School, Watertown Arsenal, June 30. 2nd Lieut. Carl W. Holcomb, from Philippines, to West Point, August 25, instead of to 14th, Fort Worden, as previously ordered. 2nd Lieut. Armand Hopkins, from student, Paris, France, to West Point, August 25. 2nd Lieut. William E. House (Ord. Dept.), from student, Ordnance School, Watertown Arsenal, to Raritan Arsenal for a course of instruction, thence to Aberdeen Proving Ground June 28. 2nd Lieut. John W. Huyssoon, from 14th, Fort Worden, to Hawaii, sailing San Francisco, July 9. 2nd Lieut. Paul A. Jaccard, from Hawaii, to 62nd, Fort Totten. 2nd Lieut. William F. McKee, from 13th, Fort Barrancas, detailed in Air Corps and to Brooks Field, July 1. 2nd Lieut. Jacob G. Reynolds, from 3rd, Fort MacArthur, detailed in Air Corps and to student, A. C. Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, July 1. Previous orders revoked. 2nd Lieut. Holger N. Toftoy, from Hawaii, to West Point, instead of as previously ordered.



Warrant Officer Louis R. Miranda, band leader, 1st C. A. Band, Fort deLesseps, retired. Mast. Sgt. William F. Cooper, 13th, Fort Barrancas, retired. Mast. Sgt. William Gartz, 64th, Fort Shafter, retired. Mast. Sgt. William E. Mapes, officeof Chief of Coast Artillery, retired. Mast. Sgt. John McGowan,59th, Fort Mills, retired. Tech. Sgt. Charles J. Dougherty, 62nd, Fort Totten, retired. 1st Sgt. Howard D. Anthony, 65th, Fort Amador, retired. 1st Sgt. George H. Bobden, 13th, Fort Barrancas, retired. 1st Sgt. Walter W. Garriss, 13th, Fort Barrancas, retired. 1st Sgt. Thomas P. Maher, 8th, Fort Preble, retired. 1st Sgt. Martin F. Melia, 16th, Fort Ruger, retired. 1st Sgt. Stanley Millard, 8th, Fort Preble, retired. Private Fred H. Dirks, from 13th, Fort Crockett, to 69th, Aberdeen Proving Ground. Private William J. ,Moulton,6th, Fort Baker, retired.





The senior units of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps will soon be provided with an improved uniform which has been approved by the Secretary of War. All of these uniforms, of sixteen-ounce olive drab melton, will be brand new, and are now being manufactured by the Quartermaster Corps from cloth purchased for this purpose. Effort is being made to effect complete delivery of these uniforms by September of 1930. Advanced students who are Cadet Oeicers will wear Sam Browne belt, service cap, leather leggins, etc., and basic students will wear uniforms similar to those of enlisted men of the Army, with service or overseas caps. The uniform of each basic student, however, will differ materially from the enlisted man's uniform and from that of the Advanced students, in that lapels of the coat will be faced with sky blue material. Various colors were considered for these lapels, but the color chosen was believed to present the best appearance.


to Military Risto?"]!. By Robert Greenhalgh Albion, Ph. D. New The Century Co. 1929. 5" x 6%". 429 pp. Ill. Maps. $2.25.

For yeare the Reserve Officers' Training Corps has included in its program a course of instruction in the military history and policy of the United States. For this course there has been no single volume which could be considered suitable as a text book upon which the instructor might base illustrative lectures. Instead, it has been necessary for the lecturer to attempt such an outline of the subject as would give to the student a synchronization of events upon which illustrative research could be based. In recognition of the unsatisfactoriness of such an arrangement, three books devoted to the subject of military history have recently appeared. Professor Albion, calling his work an "introduction" to military history, writes from the experience of three years of lectures before the R. O. T. C. Unlike the other authors, he recognizes the fact that an appreciation of military events requires a background. He therefore starts with an account of the development of arms and armies, tracing briefly the history and development of weapons from the pre-historic stick and stone to the long-range weapons of today. He traces armies from the tribal units of early days through the independent companies and mercenaries of later time to the huge units we saw in the recent war. Considerable space is devoted to a discussion of the "professional" army system of England and the United States, as contrasted with the "amateur" system of most European countries. The second section of the volume includes two chapters in which the American military policy is discussed. Six chapters cover, all too briefly, American wars and campaigns. An Appendix makes suggestions for campaign reports, gives an extensive bibliographical list, and reprints the National Defense Act of 1920. It is extremely difficult to compress into the time available an adequate discussion of the military history of the United States. It is extremely easy to criticize the material selected by anyone lecturer for use in such a brief course. The problem is largely one of elimination. There is ample source material and choice might range from a detailed discussion of a very limited number of battles or campaigns to an outline of our complete history with few or no detailed accounts. Professor Albion has selected the latter method as best serving the instructional program. In stating that our "usual inland forts have been western frontier posts built for protection against the Indians," Professor Albion overlooks such forts as Ontario, Niagara, Wayne, and Michillimaekinac. In correctly dating the "renaissance" of the Army as 1881, he mentions the establishment of the School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry as "the rudimentary beginning of the extensive system of army schools" maintained at present, neglecting the fact that the Artillery School, which had been established in 1824, had, in 1881, been in uninterrupted operation since the close of the Civil War, and overlooking the first Infantry School established in 1826. Genghis Khan is placed in the second rank among great military leaders, although he was the only one of the ''world conquerors" whose empire withstood the shoclli of his death. Tamerlane is not mentioned as aIllOng the great or near great. Grant is rated only as "good" and his strategical ability is not specifically mentioned. In the section devoted to battles and campaigns, Trenton and Princeton receive an entire chapter. These two battles mark 3, turning point, "second in importance only to Saratoga." They are emphasized as illustrating Washington's strategy at its best. The importance of this critical period in American 469





affairs justifies the emphasis. The revivifying effect upon American morale was probably all that made Saratoga and, ultimately, Yorktown possible. Concerning the Saratoga campaign, the author says: "The British, meanwhile, wanted to secure the line of the Hudson and so cut off New England." According to Professor Van Tyne, who is supported by Professor Channing, there is nothing in available documents to indicate that there was any thought of "cutting off" New England, although that would be the logical result of successful operations along the Hudson. The author. says further: "Many historians state that the British planned a threefold campaign in which Howe was to come up the Hudson, joining Burgoyne and St. Leger at Albany, with the colonies thus cut in two .. no such triple plan was ever adopted." In substance, except for cutting the colonies in two, this was the plan, but Howe went to Philadelphia instead of up the Hudson. So it should be made clear that when Clinton "failed to relieve Burgoyne" he made the attempt, although it was not altogether his place to do so with the small force available. It was Howe who failed to relieve Burgoyne, in that he failed even to make the attempt. Like the other recent authors, Professor Albion does not appear to consider the peace-time influence of the Army upon the economic development of the nation as a part of our military history. As a rule, nations are born and nations die through military operations. Whether for good or evil, the military exerts an influence in times of peace. This has been particularly true in our country and the "things the Army does besides fight" should be pointed out. Lest we should seem unduly critical, it should be repeated that these criticisms cover only minor points. Professor Albion has prepared an excellent introduction to American military history which should be of value in the general orientation of any student preparing to take up any phase of our campaigns and battles. Of great importance is the bibliographical list of military books and the analytical discussion accompanying it. Witb this volume as a starting point and a guide to future study no student need go astray nor waste his time on unimportant works.-R. A.

Dreamers of Empire.

By Achmed Abdullah and T. Compton Pakenham. trated by B. K. Morris. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co. 5~:" x 8%N. 368 pp. $3.50.


Adventure; glorious, romantic adventure in strange, out-of-the-way places, is told in a most colorful and entertaining manner by Achmed Abdullah and Mr. Pakenham. Most of the adve;tures are in the Orient, which guarantees a sympathetic and intelligent treatment from the first named collaborator, whose short stories in Oriental subjects are so widely read. The lives of six men are sketched in this book; five British-Cecil Rhodes, the Empire builder; Sir Richard Burton, the Orientalist; John Nicholson and Sir Henry Lawrence, heroes of the Indian Mutiny and "Chinese" Gordon-and one American, William Walker, the Central!rican filibuster. With the possible exception of Rhodes not one of these names is a household word in America, and even Rhodes is best known now for his Oxford scholarships, rather than for his own achievements. Yet all did great things. Perhaps some were not successful, judged by worldly standards, but all were essentially men of initiative and action, of independent thought and original ideas, who advanced the cause of civilization. Being adventurers, it is hardly surprising to find that only one of six ever married, and it was not until he was forty and had already achieved the great things of his life that Richard Burton led a wife to the altar. "He travels best who travels alone" was the motto of all.



Burton, Nicholson and Lawrence were all in the army of the old East India Company. Gordon was an engineer officer in the regular British establishment. Walker was a soldier of fortune in the true sense of that term. While never donning a uniform Rhodes accompanied many military expeditions during the British expansion in South Africa. Yet, with it all, Walker, the American, was the only one who could be properly characterized as a militarist. All five Englishmen were essentially men of peace, men who fought in order to make the world a better place in which to live, and who, while fighting, dreamed of peace. Those are the true pacifists. Rhodes dreamed of an Africa all colored red on the maps as British territory and a Cape to Cairo railway, yet he resorted to arms only when peaceful methods failed and his famous scholarships were founded for the purpose of securing a better international understanding to help the cause of peace. His dream has now come true. Probably the early career of Richard Burton was the most colorful and entertaining of the six. He is best known today from his inimitable translation of the Arabian Nights, the one always referred to in the advertisements as an "unexpurgated edition," but in his own day his fame rested principally on his wonderful trip, disguised as a Moslem Pathan, to the holy places of Islam. The first white man to set foot in the; Holy of Holies at Mecca, he literally carried his life in his hands for many months. This tale is told in such a vivid J;.llanner that one breathes the spirit of Islam as he reads and needs no imagination to hear the muezzin's daily call to prayer. Bullton "dreamed in seventeen languages," most of us have only nightmares in one. John Nicholson was a remarkable man. All who have lived in the Far East remember the Sikh police and watchmen with respect and admiration, but how many know that it was a lieutenant, twenty-eight years old, named John Nicholson, who turned the Sikhs from fierce, implacable enemies to a race "passionately loyal to the Union Jack-proving this loyalty over and over again." Nicholson was only thirty-six when he was killed in the Mutiny, while a temporary brigadier general. Sir Henry Lawrence was also killed in the Mutiny, during the famous siege of Lucknow, and the lives of Nicholson and Lawrence, as told in this book, will give the reader an excellent picture of the political condition of India in the days of the old John Company, a truly adventurous period. Gordon was above all else a Christian. A hard and stern disciplinarian, his dreams were of the Christ, whether in the Crimea, that shining example of Anglo-Saxon military inefficiency, in China at the head of his "ever-victorious army" or in the Soudan, where he met his death at Khartoum, a victim of "Little Englanders," whose counterparts are with us in America. Throughout his career Gordon suffered from "that sloppiness and unpreparedness which is the bane, and for some unknown psychological reason the pride and glory of Anglo-Saxon democracy-be it a democracy flattered and soft-soaped by a king or bullied by a president." It is a healthy sign when civilian authors can write such words. William Walker, the American, was a totally different character. Here shone the soldier of fortune in his brighest colors, fighting for fighting's sake was his motto. First he was intrigued by Lower California and endeavored to create it into an independent country, headed by William Walker. Then came Nicaragua. He engineered revolutions in that country, became its President, but was driven out. Back again and another failure. Then he turned to Honduras and tried the same tactics, but lost his life in the attempt. It is a pity





that his energy and talents could not have been employed to better advantage, but his story. is interesting and well told in this book. No lover of romance and adventure will regret reading this delightful volume.-R. E. W.

By Deneys Reitz. New York: Charles Boni. Paper, 50 cents. Cloth, $1.50.

4%," x 7%"'. 313 pp.

It is seldom that literary critics can agree as to the merits of a book; but the authors of the many reviews of "Commando" that have appeared recently unite in giving this book a place among the greatest stories of true personal adventure ever written. "Commando" is a journal of the Boer War; and although written in Madagascar in 1903, the year following the close of that war, when the' details of the tragedy were still vivid in the mind of the young soldier author, it was printed for the first time in January, 1930, as the choice of the "Paper Book of the Month Club" for the first month of the new year. That fact will explain why the price of the volume gives no indication of its worth. Gen. .Ian C. Smuts, under whom the author of "Commando" served during the latter part of the Boer War, has written the foreword; and in an eloquent paragraph he gives a just estimate of what the book must mean to any reader. To quote from General Smuts: "Here is the book of the Boer War for which I have been waiting for twenty-:liJ.>eears and more. Many military books have y been written on the Boer War-books full of interest and of valuable material for the future historian, but something more was wanted. The Boer War was more than a mere war. It was a vast tragedy in the life of a people whose human interest far surpassed its military interest. A book was wanted which would give us some insight into the human side of this epic struggle between the smallest and greatest of peoples. Here we have it at last. There is no strategy and little tactics in this plain, unvarnished tale. Wars pass, but the human soul endures; the interest is not so much in the war as in the human experience behind it." When Francis William Reitz, former President of the Orange Free State and Secretary of Sta~ under President Paul Kruger, sent an ultimatum to the British giving them two days to withdraw their troops from the frontiers of the Boer Republics, his son Deneys, author of "Commando," was seventeen years old. When England accepted the challenge and war was officially declared in October of 1899, Deneys Reitz and his brother, Joubert, eighteen years old, were with the picturesque army of seventy thousand horsemen that rode out to invade British Natal. From that day until the close of the war young Reitz was continually in the field, and every page of his journal gives an unforgettable picture of one of the most desperate struggles for freedom ever waged by a sturdy and liberty-loving people. Joined by two more brothers--Hjalmar, recalled from school in Europe, and Arnt, only sixteen years old, Deneys Reitz helped to drive the British into Ladysmith and took an active part in the siege. He was in the thick of the famous battle of Spion Kop; and when General Billler succeeded in relieving Ladysmith, broke the Tugela line of defense and pushed the Boers back, young Reitz rode with the handful of rear guard horsemen who day after day delayed the British advance by skirmish fighting in order to give the main. Boer army time to escape with the wagons. When the Boer retreat became a rout; when Johannesburg and Pretoria were captured and General Botha had only a few hundred troops left; when the British believed the Boer resistance at an end-



Deneys Reitz was with the Boers who escaped into the hills and carried on the war by the only possible method-guerrilla tactics. Of absorbing interest from the first page, this is the point in "Commando" where the narrative become~ so breath-taking, so filled with adventure and narrow escapes that it is difficult for the reader to put the book down. And in the face of this, General Smuts, who knows the facts, says in his preface: "It is a true story, and the facts are often understated rather than exaggerated. The exciting incidents, the hair-breadth escapes, the dare-devilry are literally true, and the dangers he passed through and courted are such as to make his unvarnished record read likfl one of pure romance." Operating in small units, swooping down from the wild hill country to attack British outposts or bodies of troops on the march, escaping back to the hills with their booty and living as best they could on what they could forage from the country, Deneys Reitz and his companions led hard and dangerous lives. At one time he remarks: "By this time my clothes had fallen from my body, owing to the rains, and my entire wardrobe consisted of a blanket and a pair of sandals, so that, as it was toward the end of March by now, with ",inter coming on, I felt the cold pretty severely." Hjalmar was captured and sent to India; Joubert, too, was taken by the British and sent to Bermuda. The elder Reitz was with the government laager which '.vas moved from place to place as the British advanced-literally a mobile administration. At last the British decided to march great numbers of troops across the country like a drag net; burning the farms, destroying the crops, killing the domestic animals and driving the non-combatants into concentration camps, where they were destined to die by the thousands of epidemic. The Boer troops, from the tops of the hills, watched this great drive and saw their country laid waste. As has been the case in all history, any attempt to terrorize a brave enemy only serves to stiffen their resistance. Deneys Reitz says, "This policy, instead of shortening the war, prolonged it by a year or more." But it i:;; a noteworthy fact that "Commando" is not written in a bitter vein. Young Reitz says that the English were always courteous and honorable. The Boers never hesitated to allow their sick and wounded to fall into the British hands, knowing they would be given care and food that they themselves were unable to give. In discussing an incident that occurred near the close of the war, young Reitz says of an English officer involved: "He was the only disagreeable Englishman whom I met in the war, for with this one exception I had no unpleasant word from officer or private in all the time we were out against them." In 1901, cut off from the commando of General de la Rey, with which he had been fighting, Deneys Reitz decided to ride south and attempt to cross over the border into Cape Colony, where he had heard that bands of Boers were still in the field. After almost incredible hardships and difficulties, he and his ten companions, all of whom were afterward either killed or captured, met up with a commando under Gen. Jan Smuts, bound for a flying raid into Cape Colony. With this band of three hundred heroic men young Reitz entered the Cape and for five months he lived in the saddle; cornered again and again but always escaping unhurt; riding sixty hours at a stretch in sleet that froze his rags of clothing to his body; cut off from General Smuts for several weeks and winning though by sheer fearlessness, hiding in the day time, traveling at night and "living as best he could. It is an historic fact that this little handful of resolute men nnder General Smuts routed several large detachments of British troops, captured camps and wagon trains and took over Cape Colony from the Olifants to the Orange River. They were investing the mining center of O'Okiep when a



dispatch hearer from Lord Kitchener came to General Smuts under a flag of truce, summoning him to a peace conference to he held in the North Free State. General Smuts took young Reitz with him and when the young soldier saw the representatives who had come in to the conference from the northern commandos he knew the war was over. "Nothing could have proved more clearly how nearly the Boer cause was spent than these starving, ragged men, clad in skins or sacking, their bodies covered with sores from lack of food and salt .... Their spirit was undaunted, but they had reached the limit of physical endurance .... Added to this was the heavy death toll among the women and children, of whom twenty-five thousand had already died in the concentration camps, and the universal ruin that had overtaken the country .... There was nothing left but to bow to the inevitable." The elder Reitz signed the peace treaty as Secretary of State of the Transvaal but not as a private citizen, so he was deported; and his sons, Deneys and Arnt, followed into self-imposed exile, going to Madagascar. It was while in exile there, "eking out a living convoying goods by ox-transport ... hard work in dank fever-stricken forests, and across mountains sodden with eternal rain" that "Commando" was written. A letter from Mrs. Smuts came to Deneys Reitz in Madagascar and made him realize that it was his duty to return to his own land and to serve his people under the new flag as his forefathers had served them under the flag of the Republics. "The loyalty of the Boer boy ripened into the broader loyalty of the South African," and General Smuts in his preface gives us interesting facts as to the later career of Deneys Reitz. "He served on my staff in the German West campaign (of the World War) just as he had done in the Boer War; in the German East campaign he rose to command a mounted regiment, and in the later stages of the Great War he commanded the First Royal Scots Fusiliers, one of the oldest regiments in the British Army. He was severely wounded early in 1918, but returned to France in time to lead his battalion in the fierce battles that closed the great drama and after the armistice he led his men to the Rhine . . Since the war he has been a Cabinet Minister and still is a Member of Parliament in which capacity he is serving under me as loyally as he did in the sterner days of which he writes." Notwithstanding the successes and honors that have come to Colonel Reitz ir. his later years, there can be nO'part of his career in which he may feel a more justifiable pride than in this splendidly written record of his young manhood's dt'votion to a lost cause. A discussion of "Commando" would not be complete without calling attention to the marked difference in the mental attitude toward war shown by the author of this book and the authors of most of the recent books dealing with personal experiences in the World War. In "Commando" there is no coarse jesting at tragedy; no bitter hatred of the enemy; and particularly none of that half-hysterical, wholly-morbid, selfpitying sentimentality that cannot be associated with a sane mind in a healthy body. Deneys Reitz, soldier-steadfast, quiet and brave, faced a man's job with determination; giving the best possible account of himself in every emergency, finding no time to moralize or sentimentalize. It is plain he felt it not only a duty but a privilege to serve his country with a high loyalty and a passionate devotion. The whole atmosphere of "Commando" is essentially wholesome. Deneys Reitz and his companions remind us of that breed of men who fought our own Revolution and tamed our own frontiers. One wonders if pink propaganda and Utopian dreams are making the breed e~inct. E. L. B.

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