IES CONV Mechanical Engineering 1989

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I.E.S. (Conv.) - 1989

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt any five questions
All questions carry equal marks
Answers must be written in English.








A reversible heat engine operates between 600 C and 40 C and drives a reversible refrigerator
operating between 40C and -18 C. Still there is a net output of work equal to 370 Id, while
the heat received by the engine is 2100 U. Determine the cooling effect.
A compressor takes in 500 kg/mm of air at 0.98 bar and 18 C and delivers it at 5.5 bar and 68
C. The diameters of inlet and delivery pipes are respectively 450 mm and 200 mm. The
power input is 1000 kW. Determine the rate and direction heat flow. (Cv = 1.005 Id/kg C).
A reversible cycle using an ideal gas as the working substance consists of a isentropic compression
from and initial temperature to 555K, a constant volume process from 555 to 835K, a reversible
adiabatic expansion to 555K, a constant pressure expansion from 555K to 835K followed by a
constant volume process to the initial temperature. Draw the cycle on p-v and the T.S. diagrams and
determine the initial temperature, (y = 1.40). Also compute the work done.
A 6-cylinder, four-stroke cycle, 10 cm 12.5 cm stroke, diesel engine develops 50 kW at 1000
r.p.m. The various efficiencies are mechanical 76%; volumetric 80% under room conditions;
indicated relative 88%; theoretical thermal 52%. The lower calorific value of the liquid fuel is 45000
Id. Compute (a) b.m.e.p.; (b) air fuel ratio; (c) specific fuel consumption. Assume air density as 0.12
kg/m2 under room conditions.
The nozzles of de Laval turbine deliver steam at the rate of 900 gm/sec with a velocity of 730 m/sec
to a set of blades revolving at the rate of 30000 r.p.m. The diameter of the wheelies 11.5 cm. The
nozzles are inclined at an angle of 20 to the plane of wheel rotation.
Calculate the (a) diagram efficiency; (b) power developed by the blades; (c) energy lost in the blades
per sec. Assume the blade velocity coefficient as 0.72 and outlet blade angle 25. (d) Also determine
the condition for the maximum efficiency of the turbine. Discuss the physical significance of
diagram efficiency.
Water is drawn from a river at 7C arid has to be heated to 64C. Calculate the advantage of using
the heat pump plant described below over direct heating of the water. The water drawn from the river
passes first through the Freon condenser and then through the steam condenser. Assume that a heat
source above 450C is available.
Freon-12 Heat Pump compressor is driven by stream turbine. Its condenser temperature 60C
and evaporator temperature -5C. Freon-12enters compressor as saturated vapour and enters throttle
value as saturated liquid.
Steam pressure and temperature leaving boiler 30 kg/cm2 and 450C respectively. Steam condenser
temperature 76C.
Enthalpy values of Freon- 12: At entry to compressor 187 KJ/kg, at discharge of compressor 221.5
kJ/kg and at exit condenser 90 kJ/kg. (418 kJ = 1 kcal),





Show that
= (0.622 pw ) / (p - pw)
where = absolute humidity of air
pw = partial pressure of water vapour
p = barometric pressure
A drying room is to be maintained at 32C and 30% R.H. The sensible heat gain to the room
is 150000 kJ/hr. The moisture to be evaporated from the objects during drying is 18 kg/hr. If
there is no direct heat source to provide for evaporation in the room, calculate the state and
rate of supply air at 15C d b.t.
A gate which is 2 m wide and 12 m high lies in a vertical plane and is hinged at the bottom. There is
a liquid on the upstream side of the gate which extends 1.5 m above the top of the gate and has a
specific gravity of 1.45. On the downstream side of the gate there is water up to the top of the gate.
Find (a) the resultant force acting on the gate, (b) the position on the centre of pressure and (c) the
least force acting horizontally at the top of the gate which is capable of opening it.
Explain briefly the significance of dimensional analysis in model testing.
Using a Buckingham- theorem show that the discharge Q through a centrifugal pump can be
expressed as

g H

Q ND 3 f 2 , ,
where = mass density of the fluid
N = pump rotational speed
D = diameter of the impoller
H = manometric head
= fluid viscosity
g = acceleration due to gravity.
I.E.S. (Conv.) - 1989

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 200

Candidates should attempt Question 1 in Section A, any TWO in Section B and any TWO in Section C.
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
Answers must be written in English








State the fundamental law of gearing.

What conditions must be specified for a pair of helical gears to mesh properly?
State Kennedys three-centre-in-line theorem.
Mention the factors necessary for the design of spur gears.
State dAlemberts principle and write down its importance.
Specify the important features of a reverted gear train and give connected equations.
What is the effect of inertia of reciprocating parts on the engine frame?
Differentiate between the main function of the fly-wheel and governor.
State the relation between Youngs Modulus, Rigidity Modulus and Poissons Ratio.
Explain what is meant by Hammer blow in a locomotive.
What is principle of Thermit welding? Give chemical reaction involved.
What is the principle involved in Laser Beam Welding?
What is the composition of mild steel? How do properties change with increase in carbon
content in steel?
What is the difference between a blind riser and an open riser? How do they function?
What is the difference between a bolt and a screw? Mention their applications in practice.
Differentiate between bending and drawing operation; and piercing and blanking operations.
Mention briefly various cutting tool materials and their applications.
How is time study related to wage incentives? Explain.
What is mean by methods study? Explain.
What is meant by value engineering? Explain.
2 20 = 40
A vertical shaft of 0.5 cm diameter is 20 cm long and is supported in long bearings at its
ends. A disc weighing 50 kgf is attached at the centre of the shaft, Neglecting any increase in
stiffness due to the attachment of the disc to the shaft, find the critical speed of rotation and
the maximum bending stress when the shaft is rotating at 75% of the critical speed. The
centre of the disc is 0.25 mm from the geometric axis of the shaft. E = 20 105 kgf/cm2.
Deduce an expression for the minimum number of teeth on the pinion of a mating spur gear
to avoid interference between the flanks of the pinion teeth and the tips of the gear teeth.
A shaft of 20 cm diameter has a speed of 2500 RPM and runs in a bearing which has a length
of 1.2 times the diameter. The bearing pressure is 7 kgf/cm2 and the coefficient of friction at







the bearing surface is 0.006. Calculate the horse power lost in friction. The oil flow through
the bearing controls the temperature of the bearing. If the difference between the outlet
temperature and that at inlet is 20C, obtain the quantity of oil required if the specific heat is
0.45 and specific gravity is 0.88. Determine the pipe size for (i) oil inlet if the maximum
velocity of flow is 1.25 m/sec and (ii) oil drain, the drain to run half full with a maximum oil
velocity of 0.15m/sec.
Determine the width of a 9.75 mm thick leather belt required to transmit 20 HP from a motor
running at 900 RPM Diameter of the driving pulley of the motor is 30 cm. The driven pulley
runs at 300 RPM and the distance between the centres of the two pulleys is 3 meters. The
weight of the leather is 1 10 kgf/cm2. Maximum allowable stress in the leather is 25
kgf/cm2. Coefficient of friction between leather and pulley is 0.3. Assume open belt drive and
neglect the sag and slip of the belt.
An overhanging pulley of 1 meter diameter and weighting 100 kgf transmits 45 HP at 140
RPM, the sides of the belt being vertical. The ratio of tensions is 2: 1 and if the maximum
tensile and shear stresses are limited to 200 and 600 kgf/cm2 respectively. Find the diameter
of the shaft. The centre of the pulley is 35 cm from the nearest bearing.
A truck weighing 2500 kgf and moving at 2.5 m/sec has to be brought to rest by a buffer.
Find how many springs each of 25 coils will be required to store energy of motion during
compression of 20 cm. The spring is made of 25 mm diameter steel rod coiled to a mean
diameter of 20 cm. (N = 1 106 kgf/cm2).
For each of the following mention briefly (i) principle of operation, (ii) field of application:








1. Electro-slag welding process

2. Submerged arc welding
3. Plasma arc welding
4. Ultrasonic welding.
Explain various high velocity forming methods and mention the principle involved in each
process with their application in practice.
What is the main function of risering in castings? Using fundamental principles of metal
solidification, explain any two methods of arriving at riser calculation for obtaining a sound
casting. 12
Explain the impact of hot machining, Rotary machining and High speed machining in metal
cutting field and mention their applications.
Distinguish between:
Counter sinking and counter borinng
Mandrel and arbor
Tap and die
Gear shaping and gear hobbing.
Discuss the following methods of surface finish evaluation stating their merits and demerits:
CLA Value
RMS Value
Rz Value.
Sketch an instrument capable of indicating the surface finish.




Consider two different types of foodstuffs say F1 and F2.

Assume that these foodstuffs contain vitamins V1, V2 vitamins are 1 mg of V1, 50 mg of V2
and 10 mg of V3 respectively. Suppose that the foodstuff F1 contains 1 mg of V1, 1 mg of V1,
100 mg of V2 and 10 mg of V2 and 100 mg of V3. Cost of one unit of foodstuff F1 is Rs. 2.0
and that of F2 is Rs. 2.5.
Find the minimum cost diet that would supply the body at least the minimum
requirement of each vitamin.
At a Railway Station, only one train is handled at a time. The railway yard is sufficient only
for two trains to wait while the other is given signal to leave the station. Trains arrive at the
station at an average rate of 6 per hour per hour. Assuming Poisson arrivals and Exponential
service distribution, find the steady state probabilities for the various number of trains in the
system. Also find the waiting time of a new train coming into the yard.
Explain with algorithm to solve LP problem using simplex method.

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