08cmre44 Thermodynamics-Iii Maximum Hours 3 Hours Total Marks 75 Section - A Answer All The Questions (10x2 20)

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08CMRE44 Maximum hours=3 hours

THERMODYNAMICS-III Total marks=75 Section A (10x2=20)

Answer all the questions

Define one dimensional steady flow. Define Mach number. What are the effects of friction on the flow through a steam nozzle? Explain the term 'critical pressure' as applied to steam nozzles. What is compounding of a turbine? Define 'degree of reaction' in a steam. turbine. Explain the diagram efficiency of steam turbine. What are the various types of steam turbines. Define stagnation state of a system.

What do you understand by open cycle and closed cycle gas turbine? Sketch the schematic arrangement of open cycle gas turbine plant and name the components. Draw the p-V and T-s diagram of Brayton cycle. Section B Answer all FIVE questions (5x5=25)
Dry saturated steam at 2.8 bar is expanded through a convergent nozzle to 1.7 bar. The exit area is 3 cm2. Calculate the exit velocity and the mass flow rate, assuming isentropic expansion Distinguish between incompressible flows, subsonic flows, transonic flows, supersonic flows, and hypersonic flows. Steam at 10.5 bar and 0.95 dryness is expanded through a convergent divergent nozzle. The pressure of steam leaving the nozzle is 0.85 bar. Find the velocity of steam at throat for maximum discharge. A convergent-divergent adiabatic steam nozzle is supplied with steam at 10 bar and 250C. The discharge pressure is 1.2 bar. Assuming that the nozzle efficiency is 100% and initial velocity of steam is 50 m/s, find the discharge velocity. Explain with sketches the working principle of a single stage reaction turbine.

Draw and explain the velocity diagram of a simple impulse turbine.

Draw a neat sketch of a Brayton cycle on P-V diagrams indicating the reheating, intercooling and regeneration process.
Air enters the compressor of a gas turbine at 100 kPa and 25 C. For a pressure ratio of 5 and a maximum temperature of 850 C determine the thermal efficiency using the Brayton cycle.

Section C Answer all TWO questions (2x15=30)

The inlet condition of steam to a convergent-divergent nozzle is 2.2 MN/m2 and 260C. The exit pressure is 0.4 MN/m2. Assuming frictionless flow up to the throat and a nozzle efficiency of 85 percent, determine (i) the flow rate for a throat area of 32.2 cm2; (ii) the exit area. Steam at a pressure of 15 bar with 50 C of superheat is allowed to expand through a convergent-divergent nozzle. The exit pressure is 1 bar. If the nozzle is required to supply 2 kg/sec. of steam to the turbine, then calculate (i) The velocities at throat and exit (ii) Areas at throat and exit Assume 10% frictional loss in divergent part only and percentage taken as % of total heat drop.

Steam enter the blade row of an impulse turbine with a velocity of 500 m/s at an angle of 30 to the plane of rotation of the blades. The mean blade speed is 285 m/s. The blade angle on the exit side is 35. The blade friction coefficient is 12%. Determine. (i) The angle of the blade on the entry side (ii) The work done per kg of steam (iii) The diagram efficiency and (iv) The axial thrust per kg of steam/second. The blade speed of a single ring of an impulse turbine is 300 m/s and the nozzle angle is 20. The isentropic heat drop is 473 kJ/kg and the nozzle efficiency is 0.85. Given that the blade velocity coefficient is 0.7 and the blades are symmetrical, draw the velocity diagrams and calculate for a mass flow of 1 kg/s : (i) Axial thrust on the blading (ii) Steam consumption per B.P. hour if the mechanical efficiency is 90 per cent Blade efficiency, stage efficiency and maximum blade efficiency

Sketch the Brayton cycle. Air enters the compressor of the cycle at 1 bar and 250C : Pressure after compression is 3 bar. Temperature at turbine inlet is 6500C. Determine per kg of air the cycle efficiency, heat supplied to air,

work available, heat rejected in the cooler and temperature of air leaving the turbine.
Consider a stationery power plant operating on an ideal Brayton cycle. The pressure ratio of the cycle is 8 and the gas temperature at the compressor inlet and turbine inlet are 27C & 1027C respectively. Determine the following: (i) Gas temperature at the compressor and turbine exit, (ii) back work ratio, and (iii) thermal efficiency Assume Pr1 = 1.386 and Pr3 = 330.9 Where Pr is the relative press

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