(If Applicable, If Not Explain Why) : (Demonstration of Learning)

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*DONT FORGET TO INCLUDE ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT throughout ~ choral response, whiteboards, signaling,

Savanah Lowe
and Grade Level: Math 7 Boockliff Middle School
Title of Lesson
Standards Addressed~ (Content Area, Grade Level,
Standard, Concepts and skills students master, Evidence

21st Century Skills/Workforce Readiness skill

embedded in lesson~ (critical thinking and reasoning,
information literacy, collaboration, self-direction, invention)

Set Up Classroom Management Expectations~

remember to wait until all students are quiet and listening
before you begin teaching. Praise students who are ready and
positively prompt students who need extra direction. 1. What
is your attention getting verbal cue and/or signal? 2. What is
your student response strategy to ensure all students answer
questions? 3. What is your transition strategy?

Pre-Assessment (if applicable, if not explain why)

~ how did you pre-assess and do you need to Differentiate for
any learners?

Anticipatory Set (Hook)/Background

Knowledge/Inquiry Question ~ introduces the lesson

Finding Missing Parts (4.3 Stretching and Shrinking)
4.1- Modeling geometric figures and relationships leads to informal
spatial reasoning and proof
1.1- Proportional reasoning involves comparisons and multiplicative
relationships among ratios
- Work effectively with others
- Acknowledge authority and take direction
- Cooperate for a common purpose
- Use teamwork and leadership skills effectively
1. When I stand at the front of the classroom with my hand up
students know that all eyes and ears should be on me.
2. I draw sticks to ensure all students are engaged and have equal
opportunity to respond. Sometimes I will ask the person
3. I explain my expectations and then say When I say go you are
going to Then I say ready go after I have explained what to
I did not have time for my formative exit ticket the day before so I will
give this to them as a warm-up when they first come in.
I do have some learners that are a little behind and I have purposefully
grouped them so that they may get the most out of each lesson.
Where can we use knowledge of similar triangles in the real world? I
made a question relating to a real life situation. (See attached)

in an engaging mannerconnects to the learner

Lesson Objectives/Learning Targets~ use kid

friendly language and tell students /display for students to

1. WHAT they will be learning?

2. WHY they need to learn it for the real world:
Purpose (relevance and application)?
3. HOW they will show their learning?
(Demonstration of Learning)

Input ~ always pair visual with auditory,

kinesthetic if possible

Learning Target: I can use ratios of corresponding sides or scale factors to

find missing lengths in similar triangles.
WHY: Todays topic is used in engineering, design, and design planning
HOW: The students will complete the beginning question that will be
turned in to me as they leave the class.

I have handouts so the students can write notes and keep track of their
work. (see attached)

movement, think/write pair share, learning partners. See Instruction for All textbook pgs. 88-89 for ideas.

Provide a handout with info/concept with space for

student to take notes, draw visual representations etc.

We are going to physically make the desks into similar shapes.

Active Engagement Strategies *~ how will you

Throughout the class I will have students raise their hands. If they have a
thumbs up the students understand fully. If their thumb is horizontal, the
student kind of understands. When the students have thumbs down they
do not understand the material at all.
I follow the GRR, or Gradual Release of Responsibility Model
15min Warm-upDescribe the criteria that are necessary for 2
parallelograms to be similar. Name two equivalent ratios and explain how
you know they are equivalent.
Go outside and make some similar human shapes.
15 min Launch (I do)Show the students a pair of similar triangles on the
document camera that also appear in their book. <Which sides are
Introduce labeling each angle so that finding corresponding sides is
easier. <How can you find the missing side length?>
Transition: Have the student work in pairs on the problems in the book.
25 min Explore (we do)Go to each group to make sure they are working
diligently and as a group. I have set expectations for each students that I
can attach to this document as well. (classroom expectations)
I expect finding corresponding sides could still be problematic. I will ask
them <Which side does this side correspond to in the other triangle? How
do you know? For more kinesthetic kids I will have them cut the triangles
out so that they can lay the triangles on top of each other to see which
sides and angles correspond.

use active engagement strategies to check for

understanding throughout the lesson?

Scaffold Instruction for Lesson

Procedure/Learning Plan: (see explicit instructions
graphic attached)

Review/Connect to previously learned information ~

List your Lesson Steps

I DO (Teacher models task: check for

WE DO (Guided practice: Teacher and students do
task together: check for understanding)
YOU DO (Independent practice: Student
tries/practices task independently)

Transition: I will stand at the front of the classroom so that students will
know they are supposed to have eyes on me.
15 min Summarize (you do)Students will come to the board with their
group and give their reasoning for each question. I will decide which
groups to come up by taking notes of each groups thinking during
explore. I will have different forms of thinking for each question and
different explanations from each student. The correct answer will not be
revealed right away. A much deeper level of thinking must occur before
the answer is revealed.
Check for Understanding: Finish the question presented at the beginning
of the class, and turn in to me as an exit ticket.
Consider Differentiation ~ The Learning Pyramid,

I have some students that will be accompanied by another teacher in the

Multiple Intelligences, Brain Based Learning, Universal

Design, Differentiating process, product or conduct (See
attached cheat sheets) State any accommodations or
modifications for students who; excel, struggle,
learn differently, identified as Gifted/Talented or
Special Education. If some students finish early, what
will they do?

I also have set up another question for a couple students that I know will
finish their exit tickets early.
Extra CFU: Show two similar rectangles with two side labels with
measures on one and the corresponding sides labeledone with a
measure and the other with a question mark. <What is the missing side
length? What is the area of the two rectangles? What is the perimeter of
the two rectangles?> If needed show another pair of similar triangles.

Lesson Closure~ Brings lesson to appropriate

conclusion, revisits the content and ensures
understanding and DEMONSTRATION OF
After the Lesson Student Achievement Data ~
Provide quantitative data on how students did on
the D.O.L. and comment on needs for re-teaching,
improving, and next steps.

I will have the students apply what they learned in the lesson to their exit
ticket. (also the question from the beginning of the lesson)
The students applied their learning pretty well for the most part. Some of
the students understood the concepts when I spoke with them about the
problems, but could not apply them. The next lessons topic is applying
similar triangles to shadows. I did this question to see how far they could
apply the material themselves and also to give them a little pre-teaching
for the next lesson.

ONE PAGE: Simple Lesson Plan with all components embedded:

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