Edi-Facilitator Guide

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Adapted for the use of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Bowling Green State


Facilitator Guide:
Awareness &
Inclusion Workshop
Created by: Tiffany LeDonne, Erika Orman, and Julie Palmer, 2014

Multicultural Awareness &

Inclusion Workshop Overview
Goal of workshop
To help fraternity men become aware of their own privileged and
marginalized social identities and get them to reflect on the systems and
structures within their organizations that perpetuate oppressive behaviors
and attitudes.

Time allotment
To complete this workshop and meet the learning outcomes addressed it is
ideal that 3.5 hours is the allotted time for the session. This amount of time
allots for one 15 minute break in the middle of the session and a 5 minute
break after the cross the line activity.

Intended audience
The intended audience for this workshop is 18-22 year old men who are
members of fraternities. The workshop is best designed for an audience of
15- 30 participants.

Ideal location for workshop

The workshop should ideally take place in a large classroom or meeting room
where the furniture can be easily moved, as there will be portions of the
program where participants will be asked to both write things down and
move around.

Materials needed
Materials needed for this workshop include: A/V capability, laptop, flipchart
paper or whiteboard, [dry erase] markers, pens, participant workbooks,
facilitator guide.


Introduction and overview of the day

Begin the program with introductions of the facilitators as well as
letting the participants introduce themselves to the facilitators
and general group. Explain to the group what will be covered
during the program and outline of the time frame for the
workshop so participants know what to expect. Share with the
participants the goals of the workshop:
The goal of this program is to help you discover ways to create a
more inclusive environment for your organization. Throughout
this workshop you will develop awareness about your own
privileged and marginalized identities and develop awareness
regarding gender roles in society and how the construction of
gender roles affects your identity as a fraternity man. We hope
by the end of this program you will see value in continuing
conversations about multicultural issues.


Group Expectations
Use the whiteboard or flipchart and markers to create group
expectations for the workshop. Let the participants come up with
some of their own expectations that they have for the session and
add any that they have not mentioned.
Important expectations include:
Take your cool cap off
Respect one another
What is said here stays here
Do not call people out or out someone- if they choose not to
identify, respect that privacy of the individual
If you are offended by a comment someone says ask what did
you mean by that


Cross the Line activity

Explain the purpose of the activity:
"This is a diverse organization, and you will spend the next few
hours learning new things, and completing some activities that
might be unfamiliar and even slightly uncomfortable. In this
exercise, you will begin by learning more about each other. We
begin with this activity because we want to acknowledge and
address the different identities that make up your fraternity. We
want to acknowledge and address those differences, and also
bring to the surface other differences that you may not recognize
or think about. This process might prove difficult at first, or a bit
awkward, but please be open minded and only share what you
are comfortable sharing.
Description of the Process
"I would like everyone to gather in a circle and face in toward
each other." (Wait for everyone to move.)
"I will call out specific categories/labels/descriptions. I will ask
that all those who fit this description cross the invisible line of
the circles edge by stepping into the circle.
For example, if the question was: You were born in the United
States of America, I would step into the circle because I identify
that way.
"I will allow you to observe who stepped into the circle and who
did not. Even if no one steps into the circle, that is still important
to note. After several seconds I will ask you to return to the
"Over the next half hour or so, we will share some of our
experiences and vulnerabilities with one another. This will
demand a safe atmosphere. To insure that we remain sensitive to
one another's feelings, we need to follow two critical guidelines."
"The first involves LISTENING. Let's have silence throughout the
exercise--no talking, snickering, giggling, etc. Silence will allow all
of us to participate fully. Silence will also enable us to experience
our personal thoughts and feelings more clearly.
"The second guideline is RESPECT. It is imperative that we respect
the dignity of each person who is here this evening. Everything
that is shared should remain confidential. Nothing that is offered
should leave this room. However, if--having gone through the

workshop--you truly need to talk to a particular individual about
something he or she has shared, be sure you ask that person's
I need a nod of the head to indicate that you understand the
importance of our keeping an atmosphere both silent and
"Before we begin there are several other guidelines that we need
to consider."
NO PRESSURE. "No one here is under any pressure to respond in
any particular way to any of the questions. If you have any doubts
about sharing some part of yourself, you should feel perfectly
comfortable with your decision not to walk across the room."
"One final point. Each of the categories I use will have some GRAY
AREAS. If you find yourself stuck in a gray area, simply define the
words from your own point of view. In other words, define the
terms as you yourself understand them when thinking of yourself.
For example, suppose the question asks everyone who is religious
to walk across the room. If you think of yourself as religious, then
the word fits, regardless of whether or not someone else would
use the word "religious in the same way, and regardless of other
meanings the word might have. If you have serious reservations
about the clarity or meaningfulness of any particular category,
then the best things to do is to not cross to the other side of the
"So that's it for the format and the guidelines to he followed. Any

Example Cross the Line Question

"To start, let's try a simple category. It will help me clarify the
Once we begin, please, no interruptions or clarifying questions,
there will be plenty of time for discussion after the activity.
Often during the process you may feel like you want to say
something. There will be plenty of time at the end for discussion
about the process."
REMINDER: No talking... (Consider issuing this and other

reminders as an ounce of prevention, even if a problem isn't
coming up at the moment.)
"I want to remind the group again of the guidelines. During this
discussion we must have the utmost respect. Again, no talking
while others speak, no side comments, giggling, etc. Also do not
call out people who chose not to step forward for something you
feel they should have, respect the privacy. I also want to remind
people that everything spoken in this room stays in the room."
All of these things you stepped in for are aspects of your
(The discussion should feel a bit confessional). If the exercise has
run well, people will be very introspective and quiet. FOCUS THE
"How are you feeling right now?"
"Is there anything you want to say to your fellow participants
about why you crossed the line on a particular questions?


Allow participants to have a 5 minute break to use the restroom/
get water. Cross the line might evoke some emotions so it is
crucial that you allow sometime for them to gather their thoughts
and emotions before you proceed with the workshop.


Identity Education
During this section participants will be educated on elements of

Follow along with the power point presentation (slides 5 and 6).
Define aspects of identity:
A persons conception and expression of their individuality or
group affiliations. This could be cultural identity, sexual
orientation identity etc.
Identity is important for ones sense of belonging because it
influences how you relate to others. Identity usually reflects
power relationship.
Feel free to look at the terms we provide or you on page 2 of your
workbook and ask any questions you have throughout the
presentation. As we mentioned earlier we want to talk about
things you want to learn so we will do our best to explain the
terms further.
Dos and Donts when talking about identity
When talking about identity it is important to use person first,
identity second language. DONT: colored person, disabled
person DO: person of color, person with a disability
Curiosity is okay!
o DONT: Assume based on appearance
o DO: Ask how they identify
African American vs. Black
Avoid Microaggressions
o DONT: What are you?
o DO: What is your cultural heritage?
Show article/pictures about micro-aggressions
Define intersectionality:
Refer to page #6 in the packet to help give a visual
Now you have several identities that make up who you are and
how you identify. Identity intersectionality is important to
understand because it refers to how your multiple identities
intersect with each other to make you unique.
At this point you will all take part in an activity that will help you
to evaluate the different parts of your identity and how much

weight you give to your different identities.
Have participants refer to page #3 in their packets for this
Take a few moments to list outside the pie chart all of the social
identities that you identify with. Once you have your identities
listed take a few moments to construct them within the pie chart,
giving larger pieces of the pie to the identities you identify with
the most and feel are the most salient parts of your overall
identity. Give smaller amounts of space to the aspects of your
identity with least.
If facilitator is comfortable with this, write your privileged and
marginalized identities on the board or flip chart and place them
in your pie chart, explaining why you give more or less weight to
certain identities.
Once everyone has finished, have people pair up and explain their
pie chart. Walk around and clarify any confusion about privileged
v. marginalized identities. Finally, bring the group back and ask if
anyone wants to share what they discussed with their partner.


Privileged and Marginalized Identity Education

Review page #5 of the participant packet on privileged and
marginalized identities and explain the differences between them
and why certain identities carry privilege and others dont.
Go over the Cycle of Oppression (page #3) explaining why certain
identities continue to be marginalized and oppressed.



Gender Roles Education/Awareness

Start this part of the presentation by differentiating between sex

and gender. Ask the group if they have any ideas about what the
difference is and clarify using the definitions below:

Sex refers to the biological makeup a person has at birth.

Indicators of sex include: genitalia, hormone levels, etc.
Gender is socially defined based on expectations of men and
women to perform certain roles.

What are Gender Roles? Ask participants for examples of gender

In the U.S., some examples are: women are expected to wear
dresses and raise children, men are expected to provide for the
family and not show emotions.

Once you have established the basic differences between sex and
gender, refer to the Genderbread Person (page #8 in packet) and
use this visual as a guide to explain the various continuums of
ones sexual and gender identity. Take some time to field
participants questions. This is not meant to be an exhaustive
description of all sexual and gender identities, but merely an
introduction to the concept of these identities as being fluid and
on a continuum.

Once you have finished discussing the Genderbread person,

transition to conversation about masculinity. You can lead with
something like:


Fraternities, by nature, are gendered organizations. However,

we dont usually spend much time talking about men and how
gender roles affect them. We/I think it is important for men to
have discussions about gender roles and masculinity, and today is
a great place to start.

Have the participants turn to page #7 in the packet and take

about 7 minutes to reflect and write responses to the questions.
Then have them get into small groups or pairs to debrief and
discuss their thoughts. Give them about 7 more minutes to
discuss. If you have time, have the groups share and do a largegroup debrief. During the debrief, you can have the men consider
whether they think these gender roles help or hurt men, how they
might affect mens behavior, and how this may be contributing to
their chapter.


Relevance to Fraternity/Organization

Now you will wrap up the workshop and tie everything together
from the experience.

At this point you will take what you have learned today and
create an action plan for the steps you can take to create a more
inclusive environment for your chapter and the larger BG

Put the participants into small groups or pairs and allow them 10
minutes to brainstorm ways they can be more inclusive.


Prompt participants by asking them to reflect on their current

policies and procedures and challenge them to think about the
intentional and unintentional messages they may be sending.
Is there anything your chapter does that you might not have
thought about before, but after today you recognize it as being
Do you use inclusive language?
What is the socio economic status of chapter members?
How does that affect participation, membership and events?
Are your events inclusive events?

After they have discussed in their small groups, bring them back
to the larger group to share what they have came up with.

Prompts and suggestions:

o Partner with NPHC/MGC groups?

Removing items from the house that could be

offensive or exclusive
Are people of all abilities able to participate/attend in


your events?

Why is it important to continue having conversations

about privilege and oppression? In what ways can you
ensure that these conversations happen?
Post Assessment
Administer the post assessment to the group of participants.


Can everyone access your recruitment events?

Ability, SES, race, etc. How does this affect your

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