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How To Prepare For Group Discussion & Personal Interview

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How to Prepare for Group Discussion & Personal Interview

In short, the GD panel is testing whether you know the topic well, are able to present your point of view
in a logical manner, are interested in understanding what others feel about the same subject and are
able to conduct yourself with grace in a group situation. 

Outlined are some tips and suggestions that will help you prepare well for

Group Discussion:  
2. Train yourself to be a good listener. Develop the patience to listen attentively.
3. Acknowledge that everyone has something valuable to say.
4. When speaking in a GD, your job is to articulate your point of view in a way that is easy for
others to comprehend.
5. Inculcate the good habit of structuring your thoughts and presenting them logically.
6. Writing essays on a variety of topics is good practice developing thought structure.
7. The only way to prepare is to read more, develop a keen interest in current affairs.
8. Seek opportunities to discuss these in groups.
9. Learn to respect others for what they are.
10. Learn to be open-minded and recognize the fact that people think differently about issues.
11. Train your mind to think analytically.
12. Your GD arguments should have ‘meat’.

Tips for Personal Interview


2. Don’t start with the phrase – Myself XYZ – there’s no better way to put the panel off.

3. Getting into details about siblings and cousins – especially the one who seem to have done
well. Panelists want to know about you, not about your extended family.

4. Don’t cite – ‘making friends’ or ‘meeting new people’ – as a hobby. Wonder how one pursues a
hobby like ‘meeting new people’!

Don’t say things like – I studied this in my first year – as an excuse for not knowing more basic
stuff related to their subject of study. The panel members study this about 20 years back – they still
remember about it.
Tips for Group Discussion
 On the day of GD, dress in comfortable clothes clothes that are
simply you
 Be confident but avoid being over confident
 Talk sense. Avoid superficial talk
 Listen carefully and speak only at the appropriate time
 Be very sure of what you are speaking
 Use easy-to-understand English
 Speak loudly and clearly
 Do not be deterred by other members aggressive or submissive
 Accommodate diverse view points
 Put forth your points without being aggressive
 Give due importance to other persons views. However, stick to the
point you have made. Try to support it with more view points.
 Do not allow yourself to be diverted by other peoples points
 Do not be distracted. Your concentration should be solely on the
 If you do not know something, do not speak
 Do not get excited or aggressive during the discussion. Try to
maintain a balanced tone through out
 Try to contribute throughout the discussion
 Try to be the first and the last to speak
 Read as much as possible. Have good and sound knowledge on
numerous topics. Watching documentaries on various topics will help
 Improve your vocabulary. This does not mean that you use heavy
and big words, but it means that you will be able to understand the topic
better and contribute effectively
Last but not the least, mentally visualize yourself as succeeding and you
will succeed. 
Best of luck.
Many companies and institutes are making group discussion as the
first criteria for screening the candidates for face-to-face
interviews. And there is reason too for giving huge importance for Group
Discussion. First thing Group Discussion is used for mass elimination! And
second thing group discussion selection criteria’s are based on actual
company requirements.

Communication and Group Discussion skill are two relevant soft skills that
are must for software testers.

Why group discussion should be the first criteria for selecting

software testers?
Software tester requires communication with different people like team
members, managers and customers. So interpersonal skill is very important
for tester.

Yesterday one of our readers mailed me about her problem. She is very
good at work but when it comes to taking credit for her work, someone else
is taking the credit.

Why this is happening? She is lagging in interpersonal skills. Lagging in

communication. She might be proficient in many skills, but what if she isn’t
able to communicate her thoughts in front of her seniors or evaluators?
Simply, she will lose the credits of her own work!

Making a good impression while speaking in meetings or interviews

is the basic skill every professional should have. Let’s see how you can
make this impression.

What skills are judged in group discussion?

 How good you are at communication with others.

 How you behave and interact with group.
 How open minded are you.
 Your listening skill.
 How you put forward your views.
 Your leadership and decision making skills.
 Your analysis skill and subject knowledge.
 Problem solving and critical thinking skill.
 Your attitude and confidence.

Do’s and Don’ts of Group discussion:

1) Keep eye contact while speaking:

Do not look at the evaluators only. Keep eye contact with every team
member while speaking.

2) Initiate the GD:

Initiating the GD is a big plus. But keep in mind – Initiate the group
discussion only when you understood the GD topic clearly and have some
topic knowledge. Speaking without proper subject knowledge is bad

3) Allow others to speak:

Do not interrupt anyone in-between while speaking. Even if you don’t agree
with his/her thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead make
some notes and clear the points when it’s your turn.

4) Speak clearly:
Speak politely and clearly. Use simple and understandable words while
speaking. Don’t be too aggressive if you are disagreeing with someone.
Express your feelings calmly and politely.

5) Make sure to bring the discussion on track:

If by any means group is distracting from the topic or goal then simply take
initiative to bring the discussion on the track. Make all group members
aware that you all need to come to some conclusion at the end of the
discussion. So stick to the topic.

6) Positive attitude:
Be confident. Do not try to dominate anyone. Keep positive body language.
Show interest in discussion.

7) Speak sensibly:
Do not speak just to increase your speaking time. Don’t worry even if you
speak less. Your thoughts should be sensible and relevant instead of
irrelevant speech.
What is Personality?
The Personality is way we think, feel and behave that is what makes all of use different. So
what is a good personality. It is combination to that you like in someone. There are some
treats that are universally liked, that is what we call a good personality.
As we all know that looks can take you to some level but to truly get success and liked by
people we have to have some good personality treats.

How To Develop Your Personality

For a long time it was believed that personality is permanent. What that mean is that we are
what we are and we cannot change. Because of William James, the famous Harvard
psychologist, wrote The Principles of Psychology, in which we said that, personality is “set in
plaster” by early adulthood. This view stayed for a long time by as time passed by we have
reason to believe that personality is more fluid. So now we control over which traits and
characteristics we want to develop or refine.

Having a good personality can help in your social life, in your home, your career and
guarantee a happier life in general. Some people have particularly magnetic and charismatic
personas, while other people are strong listeners and advice-givers. In cultivating and
nourishing an individual personality, it is important to have the ability to build on and
develop strengths, while at the same time acknowledging and working to improve on the
weak points in your personality. There are ways to build and develop a personality that truly
reflects who you would like to be.

Do you often wonder how to improve your personality? If you really want to improve your
personality, first of all you need to know why you want to improve ?You can accomplish
anything once you know why you want to do it. And how much it matter in your life.
Anyway, that’s totally a different topic.
Ways To Develop Your Personality :-

1. Become a Better Listener

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the world
because she cultivated the skill of being an exceptional listener. She was known for the way
she would look a person in the eyes, hang on their every word, and make them feel
important. There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you making you
feel like you’re the only person in the world.

2. Read More: Read Something Everyday

The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you become. In this
why you have more share with people and enjoy more interesting company.

3. Take a Genuine Interest In Others:

The more curiosity you have in other people and things, the more you will be able to learn
about the world, which can enhance your personality. Learn what makes other people tick
by asking a lot of open-ended questions about life goals, hobbies, favorite television shows
and movies, sports and other topics of interest. In this way you will have a lot good friends.

4. Have a Goal For Your Life:

Many strong personalities are shaped and molded by big visions and goals that they have
for there life. Determine what it is that you want to accomplish most with your time on
earth, whether it is to start up a charitable organization or become a successful painter.
Setting goals is a major step on the road to developing a more engaging and fascinating
This article can help you 6 SIMPLE TIPS TO SET AND ACHIEVE ANY GOAL with goal setting
and achievement.
5. Have an Opinion
There is nothing more tiresome than trying to talk to someone who has no opinion on
anything. A conversation has nowhere to go if you have nothing to expound on. If, however,
you have an uncommon point of view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and
stimulating to be with socially (unless you’re a know-it-all, of course). A unique outlook
expands everyone’s perspective.

6. Be An Active Listener:
Although most people are happy to discuss themselves but it’s refreshing to encounter a
person who is happy to listen with interest. Engage other people sincerely and do your best
to make them feel valued and special. The better you make other people feel about
themselves, the better they will probably feel about you.

7. Know Your Faults:

To identify and develop what it is good about you, it is important to first admit and
acknowledge your setbacks. Having the ability to say that you are not perfect can be
endearing because it is so rare — most people try to ignore and push away things that they
don’t like about themselves. But you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge. So discover
you faults and make them your strong point.

8. Expand Your Mind

Become a more intriguing and well-rounded person by widening your universe. Learn to
speak German, travel to Costa Rica to learn surfing, meditate, design your own clothing,
take cooking classes; if you are interested in something, pursue it. Avoid excuses such as not
having enough time — after all, you only have one life to live.

 9. Accept And Recognize Your Weak Points

You cannot develop your strengths without knowing your weaknesses. If you keep on living
in denial you will never be able to improve your personality. Once you know your
weaknesses you can work on them and improve them. So in order to improve your
personality first of all you have to accept and recognize your weak points.
10. Don’t Judge People All The Time
People with weak personality traits have this problem — they are constantly judging and
evaluating people and they are constantly worried what people think about them and how
people react to them. Worrying about others’ reaction is not going to solve your problem.
When you stop judging people you can be more relaxed and be yourself by doing that you
will be able to live your life more.

11. Learn To Like Others

People with great personalities love the company of other people. Don’t think that since
they already have great personalities people flock around them; that’s not the case.
Do something new everyday have fun. First like and accept what you are because if you
don’t like what you are now you will be not happy even after the change.
Why do companies or institutes conduct Group Discussion?

Companies or institutes conduct GD to find out the intelligent and smart candidates who have a sound
knowledge and personal skills to handle any situation.

What traits do they look for in a candidate during the Group Discussion?

During the GD the candidates are evaluated for the following traits:

 Knowledge base.
 Alertness and presence of mind
 Communication
 Confidence
 Leadership
 Listening Skills
 Team Skills
 Goal Orientation

How should I prepare for the Group Discussion?

Your preparation for GD has to be broken down into two parts:

Subject knowledge: Your subject knowledge during the GD can’t be replaced by anything else. Read
voraciously on all subjects to have good ideas. Following could be your sources of information:

 News Papers
 Magazines
 News Portals
 TV

As you read, keep taking down the points on different subjects.

Developing soft skills

Along side your subject knowledge you will have to develop your soft skills to carry yourself out properly
during the GD. This needs a work on your communication skills, listening skills, body gestures.

How do I improve my communication skills?

Good communication would ensure that you are able to put across your ideas in a short time during the
limited time. It will also ensure that the group remains supportive to you.
To improve your communication skills, read books on communication and general subjects. This will
improve your vocabulary and give you ideas to speak effectively. Pick up good phrases and use them in
your day to day discussion with friends and colleagues. Be polite in your conversation and let the other
person finish speaking before you take up. Disagreeing politely is an art which you must have. You can
use phrases like: 
I am sorry but I think I disagree with you a bit here, I have a slightly different opinion here, you have a
good point but I think there’s another facet also to it.

Read loudly at times to make your pronunciation and voice clear.

Can I speak in a regional language during the Group Discussion?

No. In a GD you are expected to speak in English only.

Group Discussion
During the Group Discussion

What should I do if I don’t understand the topic properly? Should I ask the evaluators
to explain?

If you do not understand or know the subject well, it is a better idea to let other start
speaking. As you understand the subject make an entry into the discussion. Don’t ask
evaluators to explain the subject.  

Can I raise my voice during the Group Discussion?

Avoid raising voice to a level where it can be treated as shouting. 

Should I take a stand during the Group Discussion?

Its better not to take a stand immediately as the discussion begins. Introduce the subject
and present some facts to begin the discussion. As the GD proceeds, you can take a
stand. If you are convinced with other’s point of views, there’s no harm in changing your
stand but do it in a proper way so that you don’t look fickle minded. 

Would presenting facts help during the Group Discussion?

Presenting facts does help but over adding the facts would be nauseating for the group
and a show off of your ego. Present the facts as accurately as possible. If you are asked
to name the Union territories in India, you should get them all right but at the same time if
you are asked about the turn over of IT industry in the country an error of 5% is
The other members have spoken all the points I want to speak. What should I do?

This can happen if you speak late in the GD. Try to speak within first five minutes of 20
minutes long GD If others have spoken all that you wanted to speak, all you can do is:

 Drop that point and think some thing else

 Add some elaboration to the already spoken point and broaden the scope of the

Should I encourage other members to speak?

Do not pressurize other members to speak if they are not willing to. By doing this you
might put them up in an embarrassing situation. If you see that a member is trying to
speak but is not able to than you can encourage and help him. 

I am not getting a chance to speak, what should I do?

Get into the discussion by politely saying that I think I have a different point of view here,
if you disagree with the speaker or by saying Yes, I think you have a point here. I would
like to add some further information here. 

Is it necessary to summarize the discussion?

It is a good idea to summarize the discussion as the goal of GD is that the group should
reach a conclusion. However, if the group has not been able to reach a conclusion, just
summarize all that has been discussed.

Group Discussion
Just before Group Discussion

What will be the duration of the Group Discussion? 

A GD normally lasts for 15-20 minutes.

How many members will be there in the Group Discussion?

A GD normally has 8-15 members.

Can we seek evaluator’s help during the Group Discussion?

No. It is for the group members to conduct the GD. The evaluators are spectators who are there to rate
you. You should not speak to the evaluators or look at them during the GD.
Can I carry a paper and a pen along with me?

Most of the times, you should be allowed to carry a paper and a pen with you. Check it with the
organizers before entering into the GD room.

Will we be given time to prepare on the subject before speaking?

Usually the group members are given 2-5 minutes to put their thoughts together on the announced
subject, before speaking.

Will initiating the discussion help?

Initiating the discussion would help if you know the subject well. Speaking just for the sake of speaking
would not help. If you don’t know the subject well, it is better to listen to others. When you have gathered
enough information about the subject, make an entry into the GD with your thoughts.

Would interrupting others to put my point across help?

Let the other person finish what they want to say before you put your point across. Over aggressiveness
can cost you negative.

How many times should I speak during the Group Discussion?

Quality matters more in a GD than quantity. Speak to the point and give others a chance to speak. A short
entry of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times during the discussion is enough.

Should I address other group member by name or number?

It will be difficult for you to remember the names of all the members correctly in a short time. Rather than
concentrating on remembering names, it will be good if you concentrate on the ideas you want to put
across. You can refer your group members by ‘You’, ‘He’, ‘Him’.

How is aggression rated in the Group Discussion?

Aggression to the extent that the group turns hostile is bad. Its always good to stay assertive and polite.

Are we expected to keep a track of time or the evaluators will do that?

Being aware of time won’t hurt but don’t let it distract your participation in the GD.

Are we expected to argue during the Group Discussion?

GD is a discussion and not a debate where you are expected to prove your point right. Avoid arguing in
the GD.

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