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English IV

Mr. Owen

Attachment 13
Name _______________________________
Middle Ages Quiz

Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank (4 points each)
1. A knight had to take a(n) ______________ of loyalty to his King.

1. ______________________

2. Caste system: GodPope_____________KnightsSerfs/Peasants

2. ______________________

3. A code of values/rules that knights had to follow in the Middle Ages

3. ______________________

4. The two things that the Green Knight carries with him

4. __________________ & __________________

5. The part of chivalry that is defined by the words do not lie,

demonstrate respect, and be generous and charitable

5. ______________________

6. The literary device used in graven in green with graceful designs

6. ______________________

7. The winning that Sir Gawain offers Lord Bercilak each night


8. A Medieval Romance is a long poem about a knight who goes on

a _____________.

8. ______________________

9. A Medieval Romance often has _____________ elements.

9. ______________________

Short Answer: Answer the following questions (15 points each)

1. List three of the five values/rules of chivalry

2. Besides alliteration, what is one other literary device used in the following lines? Explain your answer using
the definition of the literary device.
That a horseman and his horse should have such a color
As to grow green as grass, and greener yet, it seemed,
More gaudily glowing than green enamel on gold


English IV
Mr. Owen

Attachment 13

3. What value/rule of chivalry does Sir Gawain show in the following lines? Explain your answer.
She proffered him a rich ring wrought in red gold...
She offered it him urgently and he refused again,
Fast affirming his refusal on his faith as a knight

4. Based on the values/rules of chivalry, how can we explain the relationship between Sir Gawain and the lady
of the castle (Lady Bercilak?) Give proof for your answer.


English IV

Attachment 16
Name _______________________________
Middle Ages Test

Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank (2 points each)
1) The _________ system was a social ranking system based on divine right

1. ______________________

2) The modern slogan, StateFarm is there like a good neighbor, is an example

of what literary device?

2. ______________________

3) Just as Wiglaf shows this value/rule to his King in Beowulf, Sir Gawain
3. ______________________
shows _________ to his King when he takes Arthurs place in the Christmas game
4) When the Green Knight arrives at Arthurs castle, he carries an axe and
a holly branch. This serves as an example of a _________, in which two
things placed side by side seemingly contradict one another.

4. ______________________

5) Who FIRST volunteers to hit the Green Knight?

5. ______________________

6) Imagery is descriptive language that appeals to the __________.

6. ______________________

7) When Sir Gawain says to Lady Bercialk, And ever through hot and cold
I shall stay your devotee, what value/rule of chivalry does he show?

7. ______________________

8) The Green Knight picks up his head from the ground after Sir Gawain strikes
him. This shows that the Green Knight is a _________ character.

8. ______________________

9) The name of the place that Sir Gawain seeks on his quest

9. ______________________

10) Which of the following values/rules of Medieval chivalry best describes this
modern scenario: A high school student tells the truth about a fight in the
hallway, even though telling the truth could make her friends mad at her.

10. ______________________

11) The winning(s) that Sir Gawain gives to Lord Bercilak each night in
the castle

11. ______________________

Multiple choice: Circle the best answer for each question (2 points each)
12) During the Middle Ages, knights were judged mainly by the way that they followed ________.
a) the Bible
b) the Doomsday Book
c) the code of chivalry
d) Feudalism
e) Supernatural events


English IV

Attachment 16

13) Who does the Green Knight turn out to be?

a) Gringolet

d) Guinevere

b) Lady Bercilak

e) King Arthur

c) Lord Bercilak
14) What does Lady Bercilak successfully give to Sir Gawain?
a) sex

d) belt

b) jewelry

e) whistle

c) hair band
15) What is the main literary device (besides alliteration) used in the lines, On the bank beyond the brook, a
barbarous noise. What! It clattered amid the cliffs fit to cleave them apart...?
a) irony
b) imagery
c) rhyme
d) paradox
e) theme
16) Who is described in the line, Such a horseman, in the whole wide world was never seen or
observed by those assembled before, not one...?
a) Sir Gawain
b) Guinevere
c) The Green Knight
d) Lady Bercilak
e) King Arthur
17) Alliteration is most clearly shown in which of the following lines?
a) For Arthur sensed an exploit before the high days...
b) I was craven about our encounter...
c) You honor the trysts you owe...
d) Down in yonder green field there lies a knight slain...
e) First, a green gossamer, a golden one next...


English IV

Attachment 16

Short Answer: Answer the following questions

18) Based on the following passage, which value/rule of chivalry attracts the Green Knight to
King Arthurs castle? Explain your answer using the passage as well as the definition of the
value/rule you choose. (18 points)
But as your reputation, royal sir, is raised up so high,
And your castle and cavaliers (knights) are accounted the best,
The mightiest of mail-clad men in mounted fighting,
The most warlike, the worthiest the world has bred,
Most valiant to view with in virile contests
Value: _________________________

19) After the Green Knight strikes Sir Gawain, he explains his actions as examples of symbolism.
In the following chart, explain the TYPE of strike that the Green Knight gives to Sir Gawain each time.
Then, name AND specifically explain (in detail) what each strike symbolizes or represents. (15 points)


Type of strike

What does it symbolize?


English IV

Attachment 16

20) Complete the following steps. (18 points)

Step One: Name all five values/rules of chivalry.
Step Two: On a scale of 1-10 (10 being MOST chivalrous), rate Sir Gawains chivalry level.


Step Three: Using at least three of the five values/rules of chivalry and examples from the text, defend your rating.




English IV

Attachment 16

A Medieval Romance is a long, narrative poem. It often contains supernatural elements.

Identify the two parts missing from the Medieval Romance definition above. Then, use each missing part
and proof from the text to show that Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a Medieval Romance. (15 points)


Missing Part:

How the text fits this part of the definition:


Missing Part:

How the text fits this part of the definition:


English IV


Athlete Treatment Writing Assignment

In class, we watched a few clips concerning a recent news headline about UNCChapel Hill and what most are calling its academic scam. These clips revealed
the reasons that Mary Willingham came forward about what she considered to be
academic fraud at UNC.
In your essay, you must:
1. Follow the W-1 model
2. Write a 1 to 11/2 page essay on the following prompt.

Imagine that you are in charge of a school with a really strong
sports program. Would you allow special treatment or lower
standards for student athletes in the classrooms in order to help
them to be eligible to play their sport? Why or why not? Explain
with specific reasons.
You can access these clips again online through the following links:
**Or type into Google: businessweek fake scandal classes
**Or type into Google: cnn unc academic fraud
**Or type into Google: espn sham classes

Macbeth Quiz

Name __________________________

Act I
Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.
1. What country is the primary setting for the story?


2. Who is the tragic hero in the story?


3. In terms of the elements of the tragedy, the witches are

________ characters.


4. In Scene 1, the witches introduce a theme that shows up

throughout the play: _______ is _______, and foul is fair.


5. In Scene 3 the witches tell Macbeth that he will be

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and ________.


6. In Scene 3, the witches tell Banquo that _________ will

be Kings.


7. Who ultimately pushes Macbeth to plot the murder of King



Quote IDs: Name the character who says each of the following lines.
8. Her husbands to Aleppo gone, master o th Tiger: But in a sieve
Ill thither sail, and like a rat without a tail, Ill do, Ill do, and Ill do
9. So foul and fair a day I have not seen.


10. We will establish our estate upon our eldest, Malcom, whom
we name hereafter The Prince of Cumberland


11. Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and
fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty


12. First, I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed;
then, as his host, who should against the murderer shut the door, not
bear the knife myself


Answer the following questions.

13. Name the main literary device in the lines below:
King (arriving at Macbeths castle): This castle hath a pleasant
seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses.
14. What does Lady Macbeth mean in the following lines as she speaks to Macbeth in Scene 5? What
theme does this represent? What literary device is it an example of?
Look like th innocent flower, but be the serpent undert.

Theme: _________________________________________
Literary Device: __________________________________

Act II

Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.
1. In Scene 1, what image does Macbeth falsely see (as a


2. What element of the tragedy does Macbeths hallucination represent? __________________________

3. Who ultimately kills King Duncan?
4. What two opposing symbols do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth
discuss throughout the end of Scene 2?

_______________ & ________________

5. Lady Macbeth smears the faces of the guards with __________.


6. The unruly night, described by Lennox as being full of lamentings

heard i th air, strange screams of death... symbolizes what?


7. When Macduff discovers the body of King Duncan, he tells Lady

Macbeth that the news tis not for (her) to hear... the repetition, in a
womans ear, would murder as it fell. This is an example of what literary device?
8. When they hear about the death of their father, Malcom and Donalbain __________________________
9. Who foreshadows his disrespect for Macbeth by not attending his
crowning ceremony?


Quote IDs: Name the character who says each of the following lines.
10. I go, and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it
is a knell that summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
11. Go get some water, and wash this filthy witness from your hand...
a little water clears us of this deed. How easy is it then!



12. (upon finding the body of the King): O horror, horror, horror!
Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee.
Answer the following questions.
13. Macbeth explains to his wife that he thought he heard one of the guards say:
Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleepthe innocent sleep. What does this foreshadow?

14. What element of the tragedy does the Porter (doorman)

represent in Macbeth?


English IV

Name ____________________________________
Macbeth Quiz


Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.

1. In Act III, which character does Macbeth successfully have killed?


2. At the Macbeths feast, what supernatural figure appears at the table?


3. In #2 above, what other element of the tragedy (besides the supernatural ___________________________
element) does this figure represent?
4. Who has gone to ask for help to fight Macbeth, according to what
Lennox and the Lord discuss at the end of Act III?



Quote ID: Name the character who says each of the following.


Come on.
Gentle my lord, sleek oer your rugged looks,
Be bright and jovial among your guests tonight.



O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly fly fly!

Thou mayst revenge. O slave!



The tables full.



You lack the season of all natures, sleep.



I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go oer.



Answer the following questions.

10. We learn in Act III that Macbeth is a character who changes throughout the story. What kind of
character is he? (hint: literary device). Give proof for this, based on what unfolds in Act III.

Name ____________________________________

English IV

Macbeth: There the grown serpent lies; the worm thats fled
Hath nature that in time will venom breed...
a. Which characters is Macbeth talking about?

Grown serpent= ______________________

Worm thats fled= ____________________________

b. What literary device is used in this line?

c. Explain what the literary device reveals about Macbeths thoughts.

English IV

Name ____________________________________
Macbeth Quiz
Act IV


Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.

1. Which character does the first apparition (vision) warn Macbeth of?


2. 2nd apparition (vision): None of _______ born shall harm Macbeth.


3. Macbeth eventually sees a line of _______, followed by a smiling



4. Whose family does Macbeth murder in Act IV?


5. What literary device is shown in the following line:

Fathered he is, and yet hes fatherless.



Quote ID: Name the character who says each of the following.


Double, double, toil and trouble;

Fire burn and caldron bubble.



Tell me, if your art

Can tell so much: shall Banquos issue ever
Reign in this kingdom?



The very firstlings of my heart shall be

The firstlings of my hand



How does my wife?...

And all my children?



Black Macbeth
Will seem as pure as snow, and the poor state
Esteem him as a lamb, being compared
With my confineless harms


English IV

Name ____________________________________

Answer the following questions.

Third Apparition:
Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care
Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are:
Macbeth shall never vanquished be until
Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill
Shall come against him.
a. Explain the meaning of the third apparition (vision) shown to Macbeth.

b. What are the witches trying to do to Macbeth by telling him this?


Malcolm (to Macduff):

Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief
Convert to anger; blunt not the heart, enrage it.

a. Explain what Malcolm means when he says this to Macduff at the end of Act IV.

b. What element of the tragedy does Malcolm show here?

English IV

Name ____________________________________
Macbeth Quiz
Act V


Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.

1. At the beginning of Act V, the Gentlewoman and the Doctor watch

Lady Macbeth as she walks in her _______.


2. What literary device is used in the following line:

Now does he feel his title
Hang loose about him, like a giants robe
Upon a dwarfish thief?


3. Fair is foul, and foul is fair is a _________ seen throughout

Macbeth. (will accept two answers here)


4. Who is the confident tyrant that Malcolm and his soldiers refer to in
Scene IV of Act V?


5. Considering the elements of the tragedy, what does Macduff desire in ____________________________
Act V?


Quote ID: Name the character who says each of the following.


Yet who would have

thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?



My wife and childrens ghosts will haunt me still...

Either [you], Macbeth, Or else my sword,
With an unbattered edge, I sheathe again undeeded.



I will not be afraid of death and bane

Till Birnam Forest come to Dunsinane



My voice is in my sword, [you] bloodier villain

Than terms can give [you] out!



Final Speech of the play:

By the grace of Grace we will perform in measure,
time, and place: So thanks to all at once and to each one,
Whom we invite to see [me] crowned at Scone.


English IV

Name ____________________________________

Answer the following questions.

Lady Macbeth:
Heres the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes
of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!
a. Describe the two odd things that Lady Macbeth does as she says these words in Scene 1 of Act V.

b. How does this make Lady Macbeth a dynamic character?


Second Apparition (vision):

Be bloody, bold, and resolute! Laugh to scorn
The powr of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth

In Act V, we see this vision play a part in the defeat of Macbeth.

a. In Act V, which character says that he is not born of woman?

b. How do the witches use this apparition (vision) to trick Macbeth? Explain your answer by
describing what happens at the end of the play.

Macbeth Test


Fill in the blank: Using one or two words, put the correct answer in each blank.

1) ________ were people of Shakespeares time who paid a penny to

stand on the theatre floor and interactively watch the plays.


2) When Macbeth and Banquo first meet the witches, Macbeth is

predicted to be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and ________.


3) The witches predict that Banquo will have ________ who are


4) ________ is the tragic hero of the story.


5) In Act I, Macbeth says, So foul and fair a day I have not seen.
What main literary device is shown here?


6) Who pushes Macbeth to kill King Duncan?


7) What literary device is used here?

When talking about King Duncans visit, Lady Macbeth says,
O, never
Shall sun that morrow see!


8) Once Malcolm hears about his fathers death, he decides to

flee to which country?


9) What character decides not to go to Macbeths inauguration and

10) Macbeths toast to Banquo at his feast is an example of what
literary device?
I drink to th general joy o th whole table,
And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;
Would he were here!

Quote ID: Name the character who says each of the following.

When you durst do it, then you were a man;

And to be more than what you were, you would
Be so much more the man



When Duncan is asleep

Whereto the rather shall his days hard journey
Soundly invite himhis two chamberlains
Will I with wine and wassail so convince...



I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more ,
Returning were as tedious as go oer



Methought I heard a voice cry sleep no more!

Macbeth does murder sleepthe innocent sleep...



Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake:
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog...



Is this a dagger which I see before me,

The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee.
I have thee not, and yet I see thee still.



Tyrant, show thy face!

If thou best slain and with no stroke of mine,
My wife and childrens ghosts will haunt me still.


Multiple choice: Circle the best answer for each question

18) Shakespeares main theatre (where most of his plays were performed) was called:
a) The King James Theatre

d) Hamlet Theatre

b) Royal Theatre

e) Renaissance Theatre

c) Globe Theatre
19) What is the main literary device in the following line?
King Duncan (arriving at the castle of Macbeth):
This castle hath a pleasant seat; the air
Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself
Unto our gentle senses.
a) Dramatic Irony

d) Metaphor

b) Foreshadowing

e) Alliteration

c) Flashback

20) Macbeth becomes alarmed when he realizes that which character got away?
a) Banquo

d) King Duncan

b) Fleance

e) Lennox

c) Lady Macduff
21) The theme, Fair is foul, and foul is fair is NOT revealed in which passage?
a) Lady Macbeth:
Gentle my lord, sleek oer your [rough] looks,
be bright and jovial among your guests tonight.

d) Siward (English General):

Some must [die]; and yet, by these I see,
So great a day as this is cheaply bought

b) Macduff:
I know this is a joyful trouble to you
But yet tis one.

e) Malcolm:
Cousins, I hope the days are near at hand
That [homes] will be safe.

c) Lady Macduff:
But I remember now
I am in this earthy world, where to do harm
Is often [praise-worthy], to do good sometime
Accounted dangerous [stupidity/madness]
22) Macduff goes to get help from Malcolm and the English army. When he arrives, Malcolm tests him
a) Pretending to be Donalbain (his brother)

d) Asking him about Lady Macbeth

b) Asking him if he is a friend of King Duncan

e) Letting him have the dagger

c) Pretending to be a bad person

23) Macbeth does not kill (or hire someone to kill) which character?
a) Banquo

d) the Doctor

b) Lady Macduff

e) Macduffs son

c) King Duncan
24) According to many readers (as well as Malcolms suspicions), Lady Macbeth ultimately ends up:
a) Falling to her death

d) Killing herself

b) Being killed by Macbeth

e) Dying in battle

c) Being trampled by a horse

Short Answer: Answer the following questions

25) In a tragedy, there are supernatural events and comic relief scenes. Name the other three elements
of the tragedy.


Using the five elements of the tragedy (from above), prove that Macbeth (the play) fits the criteria for a
Shakespearian tragedy.



3. Supernatural events

4. Comic relief


Proof: how does Macbeth show the



Some of Lady Macbeths final lines in the play are shown below. Use these lines, as well as
your knowledge of the blood/water symbolism throughout the play, to answer the
following questions.

From Act V, Scene 1.

Lady Macbeth (rubbing her hands):
Out, damned spot! Out, I say! One: two: why,
then tis time to dot...
Yet who would have
thought the old man to have had so much
blood in him?
...What, will these hands never be clean?
Lady Macbeth:
Heres the smell of blood still. All the
perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little
hand. Oh, oh, oh!

a. Explain how the blood/water symbolism above reveals Lady Macbeths feelings about the murder of King

b. Explain how this makes Lady Macbeth a dynamic character.

27) In Act IV, the witches show Macbeth three apparitions (predictions; visions.)

a) The witches show these visions to build up what in Macbeth?

b) Describe what each vision says. Then, explain what these visions ultimately foreshadow (what
happens at the end of the play to make these visions come true?)

What does the vision say?

How does the vision come true at the end?

(Vision) 1

(Vision) 2

(Vision) 3


Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more.

a) In this statement, what does Macbeth reveal about his feelings at the end of the play? What shows this?

b) What literary device does Macbeth use to explain these feelings?

English IV

W ___

In class, we enacted the sociological blame story with the madman who murdered the wife
when she crossed the bridge. For this essay, you will have to give blame for a murder in
Shakespeares Macbeth.

Who is most to blame for King Duncans murder Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, or the Witches?

You must pick only one, and you cannot play both sides. Stick to your choice.
You must give evidence from the play.
I should see what you used as a basis for your opinion as I read the essay.
I should see that you are following our writing model (W-1).
Your essay must be 1 to 1 pages in length.

Brainstorm here:

Night Assessment
March 20th, 2015
(due at the end of the class period)
We have analyzed many themes in Elie Wiesels memoir, Night.
Your goal is to:
Choose a theme from the A Novel With Many Themes handout. Using the
constructed response format handouts as guides, type up a paragraph about the
theme you chose.
Be sure to use:

Honors: You must type up a

paragraph for two different themes.
[In total, you will have two
paragraphsone for each theme]

1) Your knowledge of the memoir

(including direct quotations/citations)

2) Your insight into the themes

in your analysis

**Remember to use proper MLA format for your responses.

-Your handout on lead-ins for quotations... will be helpful.
-You may also want to use the following website as a resource for MLA:

***In order to avoid late penalty, this assessment needs to be completed and turned
in by the end of the period.

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