9th. English II Term - FridayTest

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San



1. Write a text (at least 80 words) using these prepositions: on, over, behind, between, and at.

2. Circle the preposition that best complete each sentence, then write another sentence using
the other preposition.
a. We played an excellent match (for/ during) the light storm.

b. It’s necessary take care the body (on/ after) a surgery

c. I need to go back home (in/at) twelve o’clock.

d. Slavery period continued (for/in) many years.

e. The new cinema is (between/ in front of) the two pink buildings.


3. Choose the best option for these words (synonym)

a. Anxiously
-foolishly -nervously -thoughtfully -lovely

b. Stir
-call -think -move -dream

c. Toiled
-worked -wished -sang -dance

d. Savage
-beautiful -ugly -kind -wild

4. Write a complete description of your bedroom.

5. Write complex sentences using these phrasal verbs:

a. get away

b. get back

c. get in

d. get up

e. get together


6. Write a paragraph about what you think of the evolution.

7. Draw images explaining the evolution process in new specie.

8. Write true (t) or false (f) according to the information about human evolution, and then
correct the wrong ones.
a. Two of the four strands of the evolution are: environmental influences and selective processes.
b. Some scientific disciplines like physical, mathematicians and architecture try to describe the
changes occurred. (_____)
c. Homo erectus is the last hominines before the current human. (_____)
d. Australopithecines are considered as hominines. (_____)

9. Write a short biography of these biologists and explain in your words their theories:
a. Charles Darwin
b. Jean-Baptist Lamarck

10. Define these terms and paste images to represent them:

a. Ecosystem
b. Biome


11. Write a paragraph about what you think of USA

12. Complete the chart using the corresponding capital cities

State Capital City
South Carolina
New York
New Jersey

13. Complete the comparative chart between Colombia and USA


14. Complete the sentences according to Richard Nixon’ information. Use these words: party;
American; paranoid; Watergate; read.
a. Richard Nixon was an important character in the Republican _________________
b. The press remembered him for his ______________ personality.
c. He loves to ______________ science and fiction books.
d. He was an important _______________ President.
e. The press showed valuable information about ________________ case.

15. Write a paragraph about Richard Nixon: his life, his government, the Watergate scandal.


16. Answer. What are Even numbers?

17. Answer. What are Odd Numbers?

18. Write true (t) or false (f) according to the even and odd numbers, and then correct the
wrong ones.
a. The product of an even number and an odd number is always even. (_____)
b. 22.412 is an even number. (_____)
c. 97.368 is an odd number. (_____)
d. A number which is divisible by 2 is an odd number. (_____)

19. Fill the blanks according to the information.

a. odd + even = odd b. odd + odd = ______
_______ + _______ = 41 _______ + _______= _______
c. even – even = even d. odd – odd = _______
_______ + _______= _______ 73 - _______ = _______

20. Complete the sequences, and then invent another two sequences.
a. 2, 8, _____, _____, 26, ____, ____, ____, 50, ____, ____, ____
b. 12, 54, ____, ____, ____, ____, 264, ____, ____, ____
c. 74, ____, ____, ____, ____, 370, 444, ____, ____, 666, ____
d. ____, ____, 250, ____, 498, 622, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____
e. _____________________________________________________________________
f. _____________________________________________________________________

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