Nong 40-1

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Presented to
Perry Barton, Instructor
MGMT2215- Team Project

ThuyAn Nong

January 27, 2015


Everyone has a different personality and different behavior. Ordinarily, individuals

introduce no issue if we pass them in everyday life, in the market, or on the street. Conversely,
when we work in a team, maybe these conflicting personalities will become serious problems.
Every organization has regular matters with employees. At the point when managing tricky
staff's gainfulness diminishes, disappointments go up, assurance goes down and suppliers and
customers get annoyed. Normally, nobody wants to work with difficult people. When we need to
work with them, troublesome individuals can get to be real aggravations. In the workplace,
handling employee problems is a task that requires a manager have to have many good skills and
good techniques. In this paper, I will discuss about eight important steps for the managers in
dealing with employee problems.
Whether a company starts in early stage or a big organization, absolutely sure the
managers have deal with employee problems. These are most ten irritating workplace characters.
First, we may have an undecided employee. He takes days to settle on a choice and afterward,
after it is made, returns to it, then returns to it once more. At that point, when things go into
disrepair and he is considered in charge of his hesitation, he gets to be angry or equivocal.
Second, this is the ultra-competitor. The ultra-competitor no matter how a circumstance happens,
regardless of who gets hurt all the while, the ultra-competitor cannot let it go until he is
persuaded that he is won and all the more essentially, that another person has lost. Third, we have
a drama queen. He consequently transforms totally everything into a temper tantrum, loaded with
arouse, umbrage, and a large group of other French feelings. He appears to draw vitality from the
show, while draining vitality out of other people. Fourth, the iconoclast is one type of these. He
develops with the negative consideration that originates from social conventions. He misses due
dates just to demonstrate he doesn't need to accept the principles, and takes up reasons without
truly understanding the ramifications of his activities. The droner is the next character. He is
constantly prepared to give the manager a presentation, and it is typically one the manager heard
some time recently. He is got a rundown of visual cues and is going to pursue every last one to
the manager, or know the motivation behind why! Next, we may have the social network
butterfly. He is persuaded that it is beneficial for him to stay online throughout the day "building
connections" with all the clients. Indeed, he is simply adding to the normal blather that is such an
essential piece of the social system. The volcano is another character. He blasts at whatever
point things do not go the way he supposes they ought to. He shouts at meetings, hollers into the
phone, and gets in manager's face. While he may apologize later, the entire group winds up
unendingly strolling on eggshells. Next, we may have the procrastinator. He accepts everything
relates to projects but fails to complete. He cannot be discovered anywhere when the due dates
come up. At the point when the work is at last turned in, he will go on a small vacation to
"recover from the anxiety. Also, the creative genius is another character. He is a legend in his
own particular personality and makes sure that the manager thinks about it. He is continually
discussing the astonishing stuff he did in the past and his similarly astounding arrangements for
what is to come. Still, he occasional appears to really do anything today. The panic button is the
last character. Some individuals truly sparkle in an emergency and others not really. This fellow
tries to avoid panicking for day and weeks, yet then when an issue has arrived at its unavoidable
decision, he becomes really weak. Debates between staffs are normal and unavoidable. The
troublesome choice is when to venture in, according to Joseph F. Byrnes, educator of
administration at Bentley College Graduate School in Waltham, he says give the warring groups
an opportunity to determine it on their own. He also says the time to make a move is when things
escape from hand, and the issues are influencing their work or disturbing other individuals' work.


Therefore, how the directors can manage these bothering working environment issues? Despite
the fact that it might be difficult to change a troublesome worker into a warm, neighborly
associate, there are a few steps the manager can take to make it simpler for taking care of these
employees issues. (Patrick Pullen, John)
The first step in taking care of with the issue is to focus why it emerged. This may be the
hardest piece of the procedure, since things are pretty much never what they give off an
impression of being at first glance. It is essential to analyze the work circumstance impartially.
Worker issues identified with working conditions are the most straightforward to fathom.
Evacuation of a hindrance, once distinguished, for the most part dispenses with the issue. Once a
successful work structure is situated up, issues can be foreseen by checking changes in outside
elements influencing the employment. The best test of manager is in managing worker
motivational issues inconsequential to the working conditions. Determination of these issues will
differ as per the identities included. Each person goes to work with specific needs and desires.
These are frequently not dictated by the employment or association, yet rather by at various
times backgrounds. Family associates, and religious and instructive encounters are most
persuasive in deciding an individual's work demeanor. These demeanors will not be changed
effortlessly, yet in the event that perceived and comprehended, they can be utilized by an
accomplished and responsive manager to hierarchical preference. Understanding the matter is not
a surety against worker issues perpetually, yet it is important for suspecting and perceiving the
wellspring of issues when taking care of with individuals of specific demeanors. It is profitable
for a manager to contract the sort of persons with whom he or she can work agreeably. In this
step, a good manager should keep everything in secret as much as possible. We are working in
professional environment and we should act professionally. Specially, regardless of how
troublesome a person may be, great manager does not converse with different workers about that.
It makes a domain of doubt and double-crossing, it contaminates others' impression of the
individual, and it makes oversees look frail and amateurish.
The second step in handling employee problems is accepting all problems in any
situation. Confront with the problems is the managers' responsibility. Do not put them off. They
may be unfair, however they are critical an aspect of manager's responsibilities. They will not
alter their self. They can just deteriorate. The manager has arranged this conflict. Presently, they
have to execute. As the manager, he approaches ought to be to determine the circumstance
without culpable or distancing representative issues. Accepting that the worker gives quality to
the organization and has saving graces, there are approaches to manage troublesome workers.
Regularly, the manager will basically disregard risky staff members. Manager who lives by this
tenet trust the issue will simply go away; that these individuals will some way or another turn
themselves around or quit being troublesome. Avoiding the circumstance is the wrong answer for
what could likely turn into a growing issue. The manager ignores the tough employees is not
simply an administration faults, it can make legitimate inconvenience. That is on account of
workers who habitually knock heads with administration are likewise the ones well on the way to
record claims when they feel they are being dealt with unjustifiably. That is the reason, when
faced with workers who do not do what is asked, it is best to devise a methodology for making
the best of a possibly dangerous circumstance. A manager needs the certainty of his workers in
his capacity to manage them in a reasonable, open and consoling way. On the other hand, he will
not move trust on the off chance that he does not confide in himself. In the event that an
individual is uncomfortable with himself, adaptability and openness, the two most essential
attributes of a decent manager, will be troublesome if not difficult to accomplish. Overlook the


issue is regularly the sign of the individual uncertain he could call his own personality.
Preventive manager is frequently the reason for issues, since he has a tendency to
overcompensate and loses point of view when confronted with change, minor issues or clash. In
the event that, sometime during evaluation toward oneself, an individual finds he does not
generally like individuals, it would be best for him to keep away from supervisory obligations
through and through. In this step, a great manager ought to listen to the staff's issues precisely. As
the manager chat with the troublesome staff, effectively listen to what they say. Stay cool and
stay positive, however stay unbiased and non-judgmental. Ask driving inquiries that cannot be
replied in maybe a couple words. Do not intrude. At the point when the manager does react to the
troublesome worker, resist the urge to panic. Outline again to them what they simply said, so
they know the manager is really listening to them. In the event that the manager can discover
from the troublesome worker what the genuine wellspring of the unseemly conduct is, the
manager will have a greatly improved shot of discovering an answer. Frequently, when an issue
is turning out we attempt to quit paying consideration on what is really happening. We attempt to
conceal it and turn our consideration regarding different things. That is a mix of shirking and self
assurance. Anyhow the great manager gets exceptionally mindful when something or somebody
is not doing great. He knows this is a period for having the clearest understanding of the
circumstance, including knowing the troublesome worker's perspective. He may find out about a
genuine issue that is not the staff's blame that a manager can tackle, or he may find honest to
goodness issues that person has that need to be tended to.
The third step on this process is intervening to the problem as soon as possible. This is an
important step in the process because the problem will only escalate if the manager does not get
his hand on that. He should try his hand as soon as the problem becomes clearly. Throughout this
step, the manager should pay attention about what he says in front of employees. Everything he
says either positive or negative that can become a real problem. Great manager takes a
reasonable witness stance, verifying that what he says to his self in regards to the circumstance is
as exact as could reasonably be expected. Also, this is a basic skill which is a professional
manager should have. For example, "Her attitude is creating a serious problem for the team. I am
doing what I can to support her." That is accurate enough to make sure everyone trust the
managers, and it help to create a fair workplace for everyone. Good manager needs to talk to the
employees carefully. Sometimes, he may not understand his execution or conduct is unsuitable.
The manager can portray the issues impartial. Utilizing truths and cases to depict both what
workers are doing and why it is not adequate and guides them to where the manager need to see
them perform. Also, the manager needs to develop a plan. Great manager knows the benefit of
planning. This circumstance is the same. He has to plan the timing of the meeting. He has to
choose a calm, private spot where he will not be intruded. He has to choose whether he has to
have others, in the same way as a Human Resources delegate, display in the gathering. Plan the
encounter and afterward get it going. When he has set it up, is time to act. He does not have to
act incautiously, yet he must act rapidly. The more extended a wrong conduct is permitted to
proceed with the harder it will be to change it or stop it.
The fourth step in handling employee problems is researching the personally. To start, the
manager should inquire as to whether he is mindful of any progressing issues to figure out
whether the troublesome individual is mindful of the issues. The manager additionally needs to
permit that person to react to the claims. On the off chance that the troublesome person declines
to accept that the claims exist in spite of the proof, the most the manager can trust for is a savvy
acknowledgement of the likelihood that an issue happens. During this step, the main point which


the manager should do is recording all information. Whenever the manager is having serious
problems with an employee, he should take note all the main points. He could not manage his
employees in the event that he had no record of that person's awful conduct. Frequently, this
absence of documentation emerges out of lost cheerfulness that he would not like to be negative
about the workers. Professional manager knows when he needs to record information. That
document is not negative because it is prudent. Documentation is one of the important key to
help the good manager resolve the problem as soon as he can. Also, the manager needs to
remember that always act on facts. Do not build his activities in light of tattle or gossip. The
individual spreading the tattle is a troublesome worker in his or her own particular manner. On
the off chance that the manager has not seen the improper conduct his self, investigate it. He has
to ask the individuals apparently included and gather all the certainties he can before he acts.
Also, do not utilize the way that the manager has not seen the wrong conduct as a reason to
postpone doing something. It is imperative to act quickly. Verify the manager is not piece of the
issue. It will be considerably harder to try to avoid panicking and unprejudiced in standing up to
the troublesome conduct in the event that he is mostly responsible. If that is a situation, make
certain he recognizes his part in it, at any rate to his self. At times, the manager needs to bring a
rude awakening to the table. Regularly in an issue, individuals are so centered on particulars that
they dismiss the master plan and its suggestions. As the manager, he has to bring individuals
once more to reality by tweaking their consideration far from the grain of sand and having them
concentrate overall shoreline. Doing as such may help determination touch base at a startlingly
The fifth step in this process is helping the tricky employee to return on way. Once that
person starts to comprehend that these negative practices are genuine and experienced by others
in the association, the manager or somebody from human assets ought to start to mentor the
troublesome worker in showing more adequate and fitting practices. That person needs time and
practice in "attempting on" new, more suitable practices. Human Resources or the manager need
to give particular criticism to that person on the achievement or disappointment of his or her
endeavors in minimizing the negative activities and actualizing ones that are more positive.
During this step, the manager needs to be consistent with everything. The manager needs to sure
what they think and what they want from employees. If he says he does not accept with a
behavior, does not sometimes accept it. All staffs look to see what the managers accomplish
more than what they say. If, for example, the manager tells staffs that it is basic he submit a
certain report by a certain time, and afterward the manager in some cases agitates and at times
not furious when the staffs do not do it; the less-great staffs by and large will not do it. The
manager has to set standards he is really ready to hold to and then hold to them. Experienced
manager knows how to particular feelings from the work within reach when managing workers.
Instead of harping on a worker's contrary identity characteristics, intelligent manager
concentrates on errands, undertakings and results. He does not permit his individual emotions to
meddle, and he treats everybody the same way. But most of time, manager basically dismisses
from his least preferred. As opposed to interfacing with them, he keeps away from them. What is
more terrible, manager might simply discount the issue staffs and does the workers' employments
themselves. Also, giving clear, behavioral feedback is an important thing that the managers
should do. Most managers will spend months, even years, complaining about poor staffs and not
perpetually providing for them real feedback about what they have to be doing another way.
Unquestionably, giving intense input is a standout amongst the most uncomfortable things a
manager needs to do. In any case incredible manager figure out how to do to it sensibly well and


afterward he does it. The manager needs to verify his feedback does two key things: brings down
the other individuals protection, and provides for them the particular data they require so as to
move forward. Good manager needs to concentrate on particular positive results. Paint a picture
of what conduct he needs staffs to begin showing. For instance, "I need you to begin doing this,
because ..." The manager' methodology ought to cause as meager harm to his business with the
workers as could be expected under the circumstances. Manager ought to talk particularly,
underlining the issues with the staffs' activity and why it is inadmissible. When the activity is
rectified, the manager and workers relationship ought to be corrected. An individual responds
contrastingly to being told he has tumbled down at work than he does to being told he is
pointless and a loafer. All staffs despise minimizing went for them actually and will not overlook
it. Plus, manager ought to set clear desires. Desires about conduct and execution and a sensible
timetable are basic to remedy the issues relying upon the individual, employment and
deliverables, manager may need to give a week or two or even a couple of month
The sixth step in dealing employee problems is discipline if the established criteria are
not met. Manager ought to be arranged to complete fitting disciplinary activity for distinctive
circumstances. Disciplinary move made as an aftereffect of the talk ought to never be a shock. It
ought to be clear that if X proceeds with, Y will unquestionably happen. Albeit the greater part of
the writing on control stresses the need to regulate positive teach, the most well-known
translation of order is discipline, and that is pretty much never positive. Restraining a staff
dependably incites negative responses. Order is a last push to change the activities of a staff that
has not reacted to positive impetuses. At the point when manager makes disciplinary move or
issue a rebuke, the manager is conceding his inability to identify with the positive needs of that
person. There are certain results of legitimately regulated order. The way the manager handles
discipline will help to set the tone of the workplace. Abstaining from restraining workers that
oblige it disappoints the individuals who needn't bother with order to perform. Disappointment
does not prompt inspiration and benefit. Control ought to additionally be convenient. The
manager should not watch a repeating issue for quite a long time before pointing out it. Each one
time it is overlooked the manager, by his hush, is approving the activity. Deferred control might
likewise appear subjective and individual. The timing, tone and way utilized as a part of
regulating control are immeasurably critical. A period ought to be picked when the manager'
temper is controlled and he is distant from everyone else with the staffs. In the event that the
manager is excessively irate with the staff when the offense happens, that person ought to be
informed that he or she will be seen later, and this meeting ought to happen at the earliest
opportunity. As indicated by Dowling and Sayles, discipline performs a consolidation of a tenet
through implementation, an amending of the singular break of the principle, and a cautioning that
the individual must agree or face more genuine results. This goes about as an update to all
workers of a tenet's presence and the gravity with which it is respected, and additionally a
consolation for the lion's share who regard the standard out of positive inspiration to perform
well. While control can deliver positive results, the rehashed need to train a representative for
hardheaded, substandard execution will have an unfriendly impact on office confidence. Before
long the managers' moves won't be made genuinely. Each one time a person slips beneath
models, the norms themselves start to slip. Time spent managing an issue worker is time taken
from other authoritative obligations.
The next step in handling employee problems is termination if all else fails. This is a
tough step that I believe no managers want to do it. If a person keeps on denying his or her
improper conduct and declines to attempt to enhance the circumstance, the manager needs to


place this individual on the road to success towards end. Frequently this includes recording a
progression of decently recorded verbal and after that composed input about the conduct.
Entirely taking after organization convention, there ought to be a period for the worker to address
the faulty conduct. In the event that this trial period does not bring about enhanced conduct, then
the worker needs to be terminated. (Zillmer, Katy) In this final step, the manager needs to work
through the organization's procedures. Great manager holds out trust for development until the
moment that he really chooses to let an individual go. On the off chance that the manager right
now in his endeavors to address the circumstance, he should be having clear discussions with
Human Resources so he knows and are doing precisely what he has to do to clear the way to end,
if that ends up being essential. If the manager truly comprehends all staffs and their personality at
a deeper level, manager will enhance his capacity to impart and mentor his staffs through their
issues. Then again, if manager has attempted and does not see the amendment or advancement,
do not waver to "bail that person out of the organization." The more extended the manager holds
up to make a move, the more prominent the negative effect on the business. The capacity to
persuade workers relies on upon the manager's believability in taking care of circumstances that
work counter to authoritative objectives. On the off chance that control over the library staff is to
be kept up, either the issue or the issue worker must be disposed of. Division heads regularly
dither or oppose terminating unsuitable workers on the grounds that they feel it is excessively
troublesome. The strain and hatred which brings about them and whatever remains of the staff
will empty indispensable employment excitement. The whole work process will abate with the
drop in assurance. Manager should not be sufficiently foolish to imagine that he can disregard an
issue circumstance or that capacities around the issue will proceed ordinarily he will not.
Likewise, the manager needs to be brave. Terminating somebody is the hardest thing a manager
needs to do. On the off chance that it gets to that point, does it right, do not rationalize, do not put
it off, and do not make another person do it. The best manager does the extreme things perfectly.
Also if things turn around, be sufficiently gallant to acknowledge that; occasionally being
demonstrated wrong when we think somebody is not salvageable is pretty much as hard as being
demonstrated right. (Zillmer, Katy)
The last step in dealing employee problems is planning for the aftermath. After all
agonizing, settled on the choice to terminate a problem employee, the manager may have some
anxious about unclear things. Actually, this is a time to plan several important key problems
about the aftermath of the termination. Those problems can be what the manager should tell to
employees and everyone who related to the person got fired, or whether the manager can tell the
fired employee to continue health insurance. This step is very important because after the
termination, the role of manager is explaining to the fired employee all the issues are come up.
To resolve it, the manager has to plan ahead carefully about anything can be happened. (DelPo,
Amy, Lisa Guerin, and Janet Portman) In this sensitive step, the manager has to pick every single
word carefully when he speaks with that employee or with anyone who is related to that
employee. After a termination of an employee, the manager should double care about speaking.
If he does not think what he says, he can get into illegal issues. Understanding clearly the laws is
a knowledge that any manager has to have. Especially, laws are related to blacklisting and
defamation is the key things that the manager should collect. An example about defamation law,
a fired employee who feels that the manager has incorrectly insulted them to anyone can sue the
manager for defamation. This implies that the employee can sue the manager for what he tells his
or her coworkers about this termination. According to the law, to win a defamation issue against
the manager, the former employee will have to prove both of the following: the manager said


untrue things about that employee and these untrue things discredited the fired employee in
certain way. (DelPo, Amy, Lisa Guerin, and Janet Portman) So, to avoid these complex issues,
the manager needs to careful about anything he says and clearly understand about the defamation
law. He can talk about the truth and then prove it with the fact. Another example of blacklisting
law, the fired employee can sue a manager if he makes uninvited calls or send unexpected letters
to businesses where that former employee is looking for a job. The aim of these actions is to stop
the seeking employment of that employee. It may be strange, but recently, to protect an
employee's capability to look for a job, some states have passed blacklisting laws that confirm
terminated employee to sue anyone who try to defeat his or her effort to ensure new employment.
Honestly, the manager should do meaning comments or statement to prospective employers or to
the workforce may avoid these troubles. Also, understanding the laws is a necessary skill that the
manager has to have.
Most employees will perceive the negative conduct and will at any rate endeavor to turn
it around. This is particularly valid amid extreme monetary times when unemployment is high
and discovering another employment is troublesome. Regardless, the manager needs to take after
organization rules in perceiving the unsatisfactory conduct, giving direct input, giving info to
attempt to turn it around and at last making a move in a convenient way. Not doing as such is an
injury to the tricky employee, different employees and the accomplishment of the business. On
the off chance that we figure out how to utilize these 'great manager' approaches when we have
a troublesome employee, then regardless of how things turn out, we will wind up realizing that
we have tried our hardest in an intense circumstance. That may be the best stress reducer of all.


Work cited
DelPo, Amy, Lisa Guerin, and Janet Portman. Dealing With Problem Employees : A
Legal Guide. Berkeley, CA: Nolo, 2003.eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
PATRICK PULLEN, JOHN. "Problem Solved." Entrepreneur 42.11 (2014): 5460. Business Source Complete. Web.18 Feb. 2015.
Zillmer, Katy. "Termination Point." Collector (0010082X) 80.5 (2014): 32-34. Business
Source Complete. Web. 19 Feb. 2015.

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