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Bosses, Get Out of Your Employees’ Way

Workers are often most productive when their bosses leave them alone. Here’s what both bosses and
employees can do to make that happen.

Many bosses fail to recognize when their contributions are, at best, meaningless. PHOTO: RUTH GWILY

By Robert I. Sutton
Updated Oct. 27, 2019 10 06 pm ET

Wise bosses know that, sometimes, the best management is no management at all.

Unfortunately, most bosses aren’t that wise. They don’t understand that there are times to give
orders, dominate the conversation and express strong opinions. And there are times to be less
assertive, ask what others think, listen and watch in silence, and get out of the way.

Tommy Lasorda, the former Los Angeles Dodgers’ manager, captured this delicate balance well
when he said, “I believe that managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too
tightly, you kill it. But if you hold it too loosely, you lose it.”

When bosses get this balance wrong, team performance and creativity suffer, and employee
effort and commitment wanes. Get it right, and everybody wins.

The question, then, is what can both bosses and employees do to help the boss get it right—at
least most of the time?

The answer is threefold. First, bosses need to understand the damage they do by interfering
when they ought to stand aside. Second, bosses need to know when getting out of the way is
best and how to do it. And third, employees need to know how they can reduce the damage
when a stubborn or clueless boss continues to engage in misguided meddling.
The fundamental problem for bosses is that many fail to recognize when their interjections are,
at best, meaningless. In an experiment by Stanford’s Jeffrey Pfeffer and his colleagues, M.B.A.
students played “marketing managers” who believed they had a subordinate working on a
marketing campaign. Those managers who thought their advice shaped the final campaign
rated everything—the final marketing campaign, the subordinates and their own skills—as
higher than managers who weren’t given the opportunity to offer advice.

But, in fact, the final marketing campaigns rated by both groups of managers were identical in
every way—whether they offered advice or not.

In Prof. Pfeffer’s view, this experiment and related studies confirm that bosses are motivated to
believe that everything they do and work on, or are simply associated with, is better for their
having touched it. And the more effort that bosses put into creating something, the more they
will love it, even when they have no impact at all (or even have made it worse rather than

Similarly, even leaders who use the much-ballyhooed practice of management by walking
around—known as MBWA—who devote big chunks of time to observing front-line work and
asking employees to identify problems and solutions, may do more harm than good.

Anita Tucker, now a professor at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University, and
Sara Singer, now a professor of medicine at the Stanford University School of Medicine,
conducted an 18-month field experiment of MBWA in 56 work areas of 19 randomly selected
hospitals. They found that, on average, in work areas where leaders used MBWA, employees
reported less performance improvement compared with areas where MBWA wasn’t used.

Profs. Tucker and Singer discovered that MBWA was linked to perceived performance
improvement only when it was applied to easy-to-solve problems (for instance, moving nurses
from a small medication room to a larger one). In contrast, when leaders used MBWA for
complex and vexing problems (such as excessive lead times for lab test results), employees
reported that chats and meetings with bosses interfered with their productive work and rarely
solved the problems. On the contrary: These futile discussions had enduring negative
repercussions because they drew attention to their leaders’ failings.

Simply recognizing that their interventions may be counterproductive, of course, is only part of
the battle for bosses. The next step is even trickier: figuring out when it is best to get out of the

For starters, managers can try to understand what it actually feels like to work for them. Bosses
who are in tune with how employees feel about them are in a better position to understand
when they are seen as overbearing or squandering people’s time. One boss in a nonprofit
organization told me that she hones such self-awareness by seeking out and developing rapport
with local critics and complainers—people who are quick to criticize her and spread bad news
about her missteps. Although it is more comforting to talk with employees who flatter her and
deliver only the good news, these grumpy employees provide her with more useful information.
That includes tips about meetings she calls that ought to be eliminated or shortened, and about
times when she is seen as a micromanager rather than helpful coach. She believes that these
naysayers and critics make her a better boss.
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More in Leadership

My Stanford colleague Kathryn Segovia and I have recruited our students to help new managers
get out of their employees’ way. We arranged for student teams to attend meetings led by each
boss and record the percentage of time that each leader talked, as well as counting the number
of statements each leader made versus the number of questions that he or she asked. One
manager, for example, was surprised to learn that he talked almost the entire time during a 15-
minute meeting and asked only one question—and that his team viewed this standing meeting
as a complete waste of their time. This information, along with some coaching from our
students, helped this new boss learn to talk less and ask more questions. His people appreciated

Clearly, bosses can do this exercise themselves by recording meetings. It could be enlightening.

Another hallmark of skilled leaders is that they understand their people and the work they do
so well that they are masters of “flexing” the hierarchy to fit the situation. Lindred Greer, a
management professor at the University of Michigan, finds, that the best leaders don’t hesitate
to exert top-down control when quick decisions and immediate actions are essential. And they
switch gears and “flatten” hierarchy when they need to solicit everyone’s opinion, develop
employee buy-in, and make it safe to discuss uncomfortable truths, criticize others, and
generate half-baked and controversial solutions.

This all sounds great, of course. Unfortunately, too often bosses won’t dial down their scrutiny,
advice and demands, even when it undermines progress and drives people crazy. It isn’t that
they are being malicious, as was evident in Prof. Pfeffer’s experiments. Rather, they think
interfering is what being a good boss is all about.

And that brings us to the employees, who are often the only answer to the bosses-who-won’t-
stop-interfering puzzle. It isn’t always easy. But one or more of the following strategies can
help employees prod an overbearing boss to get out of the way.

• Honesty. Good bosses crave constructive feedback. Especially those who aren’t thin-skinned
or massively overconfident, and instead take pride in making it safe for people to speak up. One
male CEO I worked with was embarrassed when two female executive vice presidents gave him
their tallies of his interruptions during an executive team meeting. He interrupted each woman
at least six times, but never interrupted their four male peers. The CEO vowed to change his
ways and asked them to keep tracking his interruptions to ensure he kept his word.

• Token obedience. The CEO of a Silicon Valley software firm was besieged by a pompous and
pushy board member who insisted on an ever-expanding list of changes that the CEO thought
were terrible. The CEO ignored most of the board member’s ideas. Now and then, however, he
implemented one of the better (and less intrusive) demands to placate him. Sometimes, if a
boss can point to a couple of things that he or she initiated, that is enough.

• Foot dragging. This is a classic strategy for fending off powerful people who make
unreasonable demands and won’t back down. My Stanford colleague Prof. Pfeffer and I once
interviewed the manager of one of the most profitable branches of a huge bank. The manager
said he was successful, in part, because he resisted and delayed participating in the many
corporate programs that rained down from on high. When pressed to join a new program, his
go-to answer was that people in his branch were too busy right now. But they might have time
in four or five months. Foot dragging worked well in his company because senior executives had
short attention spans—after the first blush of excitement faded, most corporate programs
faded or disappeared in a few months.

• Constructive defiance. Brave underlings may simply refuse to comply with misguided
demands from superiors. This strategy requires precautions, as insecure and vindictive bosses
are prone to punish insubordinate underlings. But when employees believe they are right and
don’t fear their boss (or just don’t care), defiance can be best for all concerned. In “The HP Way:
How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company,” HP co-founder David Packard bragged about an
engineer named Chuck House who defied Packard’s direct order to stop work on a display

Mr. Packard wrote, “Instead he embarked on a vacation to California—stopping along the way
to show potential customers a prototype of the monitor.” Customers loved the display, and so
House “persuaded his R&D manager to rush the monitor into production, and as it turned out,
HP sold more than 17,000 display monitors representing sales revenue of $35 million for the
company.” Mr. Packard added, “Some years later, at a gathering of HP engineers, I presented
Chuck with a medal for ‘extraordinary contempt and defiance beyond the normal call of
engineering duty.’ ”

Chuck House was lucky to have a boss who realized, as Mr. Packard says in the book, “I really
just wanted a success for HP.” It’s tricky to use him as a role model, but I can assure you that
there are other bosses out there who won’t retaliate when employees have good reason to
ignore their commands.

• Malicious compliance. This sneaky strategy entails doing exactly what an incompetent and
demanding superior wants. The resulting failure is then used to humiliate, and perhaps bring
down, the clueless boss. As I reported in “Good Boss, Bad Boss,” a manager at a technology firm
wrote me about an ugly and cumbersome prototype his team built—which the CEO savaged.
The manager “explained (and documented) that his team had done exactly as the V.P. of
Engineering ordered, and although he voiced early and adamant objections to the V.P., he gave
up because “it was like talking to a brick wall.” The subsequent malicious compliance cost that
vice president his job because “we just said ‘Yes, sir,’ and followed his lousy orders precisely.”

These strategies vary widely, but the motivations of the employees who have used them are
similar. They elected to resist, ignore and undermine their bosses’ authority because they
wanted to do what was best for their organizations, colleagues, and customers. Not out of a
desire to sabotage their organizations or engage in mean-spirited revenge. But because they
understood what too many bosses don’t: For employees to do their best work, the best bosses
know when less management is better management.

Dr. Sutton is a professor in the department of management science and engineering at Stanford
University and co-author of “Scaling Up Excellence.” He can be reached at [email protected].


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