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Teacher Candidate:
Placement Dates:
Number of Days Completed:
Associate Teacher:
Associate Teacher Signature/Date:
District School Board:
Grade/Curriculum Areas:
Faculty Advisor:
Teacher Candidate Signature:

Kyla MacDonald
Start Date: 10/27/2014
Danielle Lazzarin

End Date: 11/14/2014

IE Weldon SS
Charles Wyszkowski

Guidelines for Levels of Assessment:

Level 1: Not Meeting

Level 2: Approaching

Level 3: Meeting

Level 4: Surpassing

unsatisfactory planning and
teaching practice and
commitment to students.
Requires considerable
support to respond to
suggestions for
improvement and makes
minimal if any modifications
to teaching practice as a
result of reflection. Does
not meet the expectation at
this stage of teacher

Demonstrates adequate
planning and teaching
practice and demonstrates
a general commitment to
learner needs. Responds
to suggestions for
improvement with
assistance. Makes modest
modifications to teaching
practice as a result of
reflection. Is approaching
the expectation at this
stage of teacher

Demonstrates consistent
and solid planning and
teaching practice and
commitment to learner
needs. Responds to
suggestions for
improvement and works to
implement strategies to
improve teaching practice
with minimum assistance.
Meets the expectation at
this stage of teacher

Demonstrates excellent
teaching practice, passion
insight and deep
commitment to students.
Plans and implements
highly effective lessons to
meet learner needs and
maintain a safe and
respectful learning
environment. Actively
seeks feedback and uses
personal reflection to grow
and enhance teaching
practice. Surpasses the
expectation at this stage of
teacher development.



Overall Comments: Kyla will be, and indeed already is, an effective educator. I strongly believe that if a teacher
can make a positive connection to her students, then she will be able to help them reach their
potential, and Kyla demonstrated this ability throughout her time with us. There is no doubt
that she will be greatly missed by both myself and our students. She was certainly a positive
addition to our group, and her future colleagues and students will be fortunate to work with her.

Planning and Preparation

Seeks out appropriate resources (eg. print, non-print, technological and human)
to enhance knowledge and teaching practice

Develops units using backwards design and sequencing lessons in a logical

Includes a variety of key questions in plans (including higher order questions)

Provides unit plans and lesson plans to Associate Teacher prior to teaching and
with adequate time for revision

Plans using specific expectations from the Ontario curriculum

Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter, curriculum and pedagogy

Incorporates appropriate assessment strategies and tracking into plans

Develops lesson plans based on learning goals and success criteria and
incorporates a variety of instructional and assessment strategies
Ensures resources and materials are prepared ahead of time and are readily
Includes accommodations and modifications to address individual student needs

Comments: (quality of preparation, organization of resources, suitability of strategies etc.)

Kyla was always enthusiastic about adding to her "toolbox" of strategies and resources. She came in prepared each morning
with a lesson plan, and used feedback before and after the lessons to adapt and refine her work. I was impressed by her ability
to select resources that suited the literacy level of the students, and as she took on more responsibility in the classroom she
became more adept at using backwards design and developing lessons with a clear and logical structure.

Articulates lesson expectations, demonstrating a solid understanding of subject
knowledge and skills related to the topic
Gives clear, logical instructions
Demonstrates effective pacing
Uses a range of effective questioning techniques to encourage higher level
thinking skills
Uses wait time to allow students to process information before responding
Builds on student responses to enhance and extend student learning
Integrates strategies to develop problem solving and critical thinking skills
Uses a balance of teacher directed, student centered, large group, small group and
individualized learning opportunities to engage all learners (differentiated instruction)
Adapts to emergent needs and situations
Uses resources and technologies effectively
Encourages student participation and dialogue

Comments: (clarity of learning goals, effective use and variety of teaching strategies, flexibility,
responsiveness to students etc.)
Learning goals and three part lessons were clearly communicated at the beginning of each lesson. Kyla created an inclusive and
safe space during lessons which enabled her to engage students in a variety of activities, including a "four corners" lesson where
students shared personal connections to the topics at hand of their own volition. I presented Kyla with many different teaching
strategies which she not only delivered effectively, she also adapted and used in different classes and contexts. Kyla included a
wide variety of relevant technology and resources to engage the students, such as social media and online surveys.

Classroom Management

Uses a variety of positive classroom management strategies to develop and maintain

a positive learning environment

Gains student attention before instruction and maintains it during instruction

Addresses disruptive behaviour in an appropriate manner, using a variety of

strategies (eg. hierarchical approach, verbal and non-verbal as appropriate)

Demonstrates commitment to student well-being

Encourages student responsibility
Develops positive rapport and trust with students

Uses a variety of strategies to ensure a smooth transition from one activity to another
Maintains class/school routines, code of conduct and expectations

Comments: (ability to connect with students in a respectful and nurturing manner, to anticipate and
respond to difficulties and maintain order without interrupting the flow of the lesson)
Kyla managed to develop a positive relationship with all of our students early on in her placement. She learned their names
quickly, and took an interest in them as individuals, and as a result was able to adapt lessons to suit each group's interests. As
the weeks progressed, she developed her presence in the classroom and gained confidence, and by the end of her placement
was able to efficiently redirect negative behaviour in order to maintain the pace of the lesson and a positive work environment.

Assessment and Evaluation

Makes observations of students to inform instruction
Tracks and monitors student progress
Utilizes a variety of assessment and evaluation strategies including assessment
for, assessment of and assessment as learning.
Uses assessment and evaluation of student learning to inform planning
Ensures assessment and evaluation are an integral part of planning

Comments: (ability to observe and document student learning and adapt teaching strategies, pacing etc. to
respond to student needs)
Although there was not much opportunity to work on a summative assessment due to the short time she was with us, she
contributed topics to a summative essay assignment and developed lessons to prepare students for the task. Kyla made a point
of monitoring each student's progress on a daily basis, and used a variety of strategies to assess and evaluate their

Diversity and Inclusion

Demonstrates an understanding of the diverse student population by using a
variety of strategies to reflect multiple abilities, interests, cultures, belief systems,
learning style preferences etc.

Selects resources to reflect the diversity of the class

Incorporates information from I.E.P.s into planning and implementation of lessons

Comments: (ability to engage and support all learners, demonstrate awareness and understanding of
students emotional and intellectual needs, practice inclusiveness and respond to issues of diversity and
All three of the courses that Kyla engaged with and taught have several students with IEP needs and represent a very wide
variety of learners. She carefully considered how to deliver lessons to best suit the group and learning goals at hand and applied
feedback to improve every lesson. Notably, she taught two very different classes of grade 10 Applied English students which
require very different teaching strategies. Kyla considered the nature of each group while planning, and even though she was
teaching the same lesson, adapted her delivery and activities to meet the demands of both classes. She also taught lessons to
these groups about potentially difficult subjects such as racism with a great deal of sensitivity that made our clas room an even
more accepting and inclusive space.

Professional Communication
Speaks with clarity (eg. tone, volume, articulation)
Uses correct oral conventions
Writes clearly and in a well-organized manner (eg. board/chart work, student
handouts etc)
Uses correct written conventions in materials for student and adult audiences
Uses effective and appropriate non-verbal communication
Uses vocabulary and sentence structure appropriate to the developmental stage
of the student

Comments: (ability to convey key information clearly and succinctly)

Kyla made great progress in adapting instructions for the students she was teaching. We continued to work on delivering clear
steps in small chunks to allow students to process information. She has also improved, and I am sure will keep improving, in
using appropriate vocabulary for the level of students she is teaching and recognizing and explaining vocabulary and terminology
that may be challenging. I encourage Kyla to further practice how to communicate a task prior to including it in a lesson.

Demonstrates appropriate dress and grooming

Arrives on time fully prepared at least 30 minutes prior to bell time is recommended

Remains until the job is done (eg. meeting with Associate Teacher to review next
days lessons, preparation of materials, assessment of student work, etc.)

Attends to duties with the Associate Teacher (eg. bus duty, lunch duty, yard duty, on
call duty)

Contributes to the school environment (eg. attendance at staff meetings, division

meetings and after school professional development activities)

Responds to suggestions and accepts and uses daily feedback and assessment
feedback in a positive manner

Interacts respectfully with staff, students and parents, maintaining professional

language and confidentiality

Adheres to required deadlines (eg. marking student work, returning resources,

attendance tracking, etc.)

Demonstrates willingness to take risks (eg. teach in area of discomfort)

Demonstrates initiative

Demonstrates commitment to scholarship, passion for subject area, pedagogies

and pursuit of ongoing personal and professional development




Ensures lesson plans are provided in case of absence




Responds professionally to events in the learning environment, including

interactions with students, staff, community members, etc.




Demonstrates openness and a learning attitude about the process of becoming a





Comments: (enthusiasm, ability to work collaboratively with colleagues, professionalism in the classroom)
Right from her first orientation day I was enormously impressed by Kyla's enthusiasm and willingness to take initiative. She had
nothing but positive interactions with students and staff, and managed to form a close relationship with our students in the short
time she was at I.E. Weldon. One student told me that she was one of his "favourite teachers ever". Kyla made an excellent
teaching partner, and she always responded to feedback with professionalism, and adapted lessons accordingly - sometimes
before she taught the same lesson to a different class in the afternoon. In addition to her hard work in the classroom, she even
stayed after school twice a week to assist me with our school musical and gamely adapted to what is a demanding schedule.

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