Tues - Reading Lesson Plan

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Duration of lesson

Sunshine State
Core Standard(s)



Language Arts - Reading

1 hour 45 minutes
Smart Board
Were Going on a Trip (Pearsonsuccessnet.com)
Reading Street (Teacher Edition)
Roosters Off to See the World (Teacher Edition)
Flashcard letter Hh (hose and hen)
House Beginning Sound of H worksheets
World Globe
LAFS.K.L.1.1.a: Demonstrate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and usage when writing and speaking.
Print many upper and lowercase letters.
LAFS.K.RI.2.5: Identify the front cover, back cover, and title
page of a book.
SS.K.G.1.2: Explain that maps and globes help to locate
different places and that globes are a model of the Earth.

Students will identify the letter Hh and its sound with

95% accuracy.
After reading Roosters Off to See the World students will
identify parts of a book with 90% accuracy.
Students will be able to identify that the Earth is also
called the world with 90% accuracy.
The teacher will use Hh (hose and hen) flash cards, read
Roosters Off to See the World, and show a globe to identify the
Earth as the world.
Direct Instruction:
After showing the letter Hh (hose and hen) flash cards and
reviewing Hh words the students will be asked to identify the
sound of the letter Hh. The students will be asked:
1. Why is it important to know the sound and letter Hh?
The students will be individually picked to sound out and write
Hh words that the teacher gives them on the smart board and
then asked to create a sentence out of that word.
The students will be given the high frequency words: are, that,
do, down, how, and now and asked to say the words aloud.
Guided Practice:
The teacher will show the globe and explain that the Earth is
also called the world to help students identify the concept word
world. The teacher will also point out the United
States/Florida on the globe.
A student will be picked to read aloud the Concept of the week

Assessment of
learning Outcomes

Accommodations and
Modifications for

What can we learn from our adventures? based on the book.

The students will review and discuss the Amazing Words: world,
lonely, trip, horizon, journey, and homesick.
The students will do a sing-a-long with Pearsonsuccessnet.com
Unit 4 day 1 based on the book and will stand up when they hear
an Amazing Words world and lonely when repeated in the song.
The teacher will use world and lonely in sentences for the
students to get a better understanding.
Teacher will read aloud Roosters Off to See the World. (Teacher
Before reading, the teacher will guide the students on
identifying parts of a book asking:
1. What do you see on the Front Cover?
2. How do we read the text of a book? (i.e. Left to right)
3. What do you think this book will be about?
The students will orally identify parts of the book along with
prediction of the book.
Independent Practice:
The students will be directed to go to centers grouped by 1, 2,
and 3.
Group 1 will read the Decodable Story Hob Can Hit and focus
on concepts of print and reread for fluency.
Group 2 will work on Compass Odyssey at the computers.
Group 3 will practice the beginning sound of H on worksheets.
The groups will rotate every 15 minutes during the 45 minutes.
Students orally sounding out the letter Hh and writing Hh words
on the smart board. Students identifying the parts of the book
during the read aloud. Students reading the Decodable Story to
identify they know the letter Hh and its sound and to
acknowledge their fluency and reading skills. Students
identifying that the Earth is also called the world. Observation
before, during, and after different topics being discussed.
Being able to complete and identify the the beginning sound of
the letter H on the worksheets.
Ask students to give an Hh word and sound it out.
Levels 1 and 2: The flash cards, book, globe, and sing-a-long
are great visuals for the ELL student. Also asking for
clarification during the discussions and having them verbally try
to sound out the letter Hh. The ELL can be shown flashcards in
both their first language and in English if necessary.
Levels 3 and 4: The teacher will ask for clarification of the
letter and sound of Hh. The ELL student will be placed with a
peer buddy if necessary to help complete the worksheet.

Accommodations and
Modifications for

Extensions for Gifted

Possible connections
to other content areas

Modifications and accommodations will be in accordance with

students IEP. One ESE student will be given the Im On Task
chart to verify that he is focusing and following along with the
lesson. Other ESE students will be redirected by asking
questions regarding the lesson if the teacher notices they are off
task. The flashcards and visuals are great hooks for the ESEs in
the class.
Gifted students will be allowed to sound and spell out higher
level words that begin with Hh. They will also be asked to
identify other parts of the book if able to.
Math Use farm animals to create 10 frames and have the
students identify numbers from 11 20.
Science Talk about different types of animals and what their
functions are on a farm.

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