Thematic Unit Lesson 4

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Wesleyan College Lesson Plan Template - Revised 1/2/2014

Educating Exemplary Teachers

Name: Antiqua Johnson

Date: 11/3/14

Title of Lesson: Literal vs. Figurative Language in Vocabulary

Grade Level: 5th
Time Frame: 30 minutes - Lesson #3

EDR: 390

Rationale / Purpose for Lesson:

It is important for students to know and understand that one term could have multiple meanings. It is
important that the students are able to use context to determine the meaning and relationships of words and
word meanings.

Summary of Lesson: (Brief description of the lesson)

The students will define the terms conductor and station using the
dictionary and the context in which the words are used in their social studies
textbooks. The students will identify the similarities and differences between
the words denotative meaning and the way in which it is presented in the
text, providing a slightly different perspective of what the students prior
knowledge influence the students to predict about its meaning.
(Circle the one that applies)

1. Students apply a wide range of strategies to

comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate
texts. They draw on their prior experience, their
interactions with other readers and writers, their
knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their
word identification strategies, and their
understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter
correspondence, sentence structure, context,


1. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.4
Determine the meaning of words and
phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative language such as metaphors and


Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and

technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity,

and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.
d. Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with
students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments

Learner Outcomes / Objectives (What do I


want students to learn and be able to do?)

(How will I know that students have achieved my

objectives/outcomes) Include copies and/or

(Use active verbs---BLOOMS Taxonomy)

Stem: Students will be able to. . .

a.students will be able to predict

word meaning.
b. students will be able to define

descriptions of assessments.

a. students will use prior knowledge

to explain what they believe a given
term mean.
b.students will use the dictionary and
context clues to understand terms.

RESOURCES/MATERIALS/SETTING, AND GROUPS What will I need to teach this lesson

and where will I teach it? If groups are incorporated, how will they be selected and utilized?

Small Groups
Social Studies Textbook
Role Worksheets
Web link:
MOTIVATION How do I increase students interest in the lesson and activate prior knowledge?
How do I set a purpose for the lesson?

Opening (Motivation/Anticipatory Set/Hook/Building or Activating Schema):

The teacher and the students will conduct a whole group discussion reviewing the theme of
the unit: journey, and its relationship to the reading selections encountered in lessons one
and two of this unit. The students will also review what they learned about questioning as a
proficient reader strategy. The teacher will guide this review by asking questions like:
What did we learn about journeys?
How did Harriet Tubmans journey compare to those in the book, How Many Days
to America?

What did we discuss about Harriet Tubman?

What reading strategy did we use?
What is the process and purpose of questioning?
When should we use the questioning reading strategy?
Did anyone ever think to ask or question what is a conductor or station?

PROCEDURES OF THE LESSON How will my students become engaged in the learning process?
What is the best way to use technology to enhance instruction or student presentation of their work?- (Detailed Step-by-

Step Sequence)

1.Opening- the teacher will guide a whole group discussion addressing the material learned
in the previous two lesson of the thematic unit. The teacher will ask guided questions
leading to todays lesson. What is a conductor? What is a station?
2.Defining the Vocabulary- in small groups the students will define the vocabulary terms.
Each group will have a predictor, dictionary analyst, context analyst, spokesperson, and an
the predictor: will guess and write what they believe the terms mean and why
the dictionary analyst: will use the dictionary to define the terms verbatim and using their
own words.
the context analyst: will record the page number and sentence that the terms are found on
in the social studies textbook.
the spokesperson: will verbally discuss the similarities and differences they found in the
word meanings.
the illustrator: will draw a picture of their understanding(s) of the terms.
3.Closing- the class will have a whole group discussion in reference to their findings about
the terms literal meaning and the figurative language.
4.Transitioning- the teacher will present the virtual tour of the underground railroad that
focuses on the terms and other terms used in reference to the journeys along the
underground railroad. This activity will conclude the vocabulary instruction and introduce
the science lesson.
ACCOMMODATION (How will I adapt the lesson to meet the requirements of any special needs
learners, gifted learners, and culturally and linguistically diverse learners?)

There are 11 inclusion students and a co-teacher in this class, and as a result, I will have to
be thorough and precise in my instructions, use guided questions and allot the students
more time to respond and perform.
Differentiation: Address how you will modify any parts of your lesson in at least ONE of
the following areas:
The teacher should
It is important to
The students will
The students will work
begin and transition follow a step by step
be asked to give an in groups according to

throughout the
process with this
attempt to ask
their seating
entire lesson by
group of students. No questions verbally
arrangement to
providing and
steps in the process
and on post-it
complete this
should be omitted.
sticky notes. Not all assignment.
When transitioning
students will be
knowledge. The
from one process or
expected to present
teacher should
concept to another
their questions
provide a solid base the teacher should
aloud, however all
and assure that the
check to assure the
students are
students are fully
students are aware
expected to
aware of the
and fully understand produce questions
material and
the expectations held. in reference to the
concepts that are
being introduced
and performed.
Closure: (How will I end the lesson smoothly?)- (e.g., reflections, brief discussion, questioning, etc.)
The teacher will conduct a whole group discussion about the literal meanings and
figurative language of the terms based on the students research. The teacher should ask
each group spokesperson(s) to verbally explain what their groups found by asking the
following questions:
What did you predict about the word meaning?
What was the definition of the term found in the dictionary?
What was the definition of the term based on the context?
The teacher will use the following link to display the virtual tour of the Underground
(Instructions for finding the webpage)
1. Google virtual tour of the Underground Railroad.
2. Click The Underground Railroad: Escape from Slavery
3. Click begin journey
4. Click Escape tab
HOMEWORK: If homework is assigned, it should be a reinforcement of the classroom assignments.
It should not be a new skill or one that the students are unable to complete.

Name: _______________________


Understanding the Journey

on the
Underground Railroad

As the predictor, you will guess what the term conductor could mean
and give evidence to support your beliefs.
What do you think a conductor is?

Why do you believe this?


Name: _______________________


Understanding the Journey

on the
Underground Railroad

As the dictionary analyst, you will use the dictionary to define the term
conductor verbatim and in your own words.
According to the dictionary, a conductor is:

In my own words, a conductor is:


Name: _______________________


Understanding the Journey

on the
Underground Railroad

As the context analyst, you will record the page number and sentence
that the term conductor is located in the social studies textbook and
define the term in your own words.
The term conductor is found on page: _____________
According to the social studies textbook, a conductor is:

In my own words, I believe a conductor is:


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