Southlands Choir and Recorder Proposal For 2015.16

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Southlands Elementary School

Proposal Choir Classes for 2015.16

(Based on Collens suggestions and experience from the last 2
o Teacher Colleen Cotton
COST $100 / HR: suggested prices:
o $42 Junior choir $4/30 minutes($4 to cover instructor cost+$2 for a
concert fund)
Min of 25 between the 2 groups. Max of 25 per group
o $72 Senior choir $ 7/ 1 hour($7 to cover instructors fee+$2 for a
concert fund)
Min of 15 students
Start Pre-registration in June to see if there is enough interest:
o Wednesdays AM for senior choir Grades 4,5,6,7
o Thursday Lunch for Junior Choir Grades 1,2,3 divided in 2 groups.
No KD but visit to their classes at the end of school year
10 dates per term:
o FALL : Senior Sept-30 October-7,14, 21,28/November-4,18,25/December-2,9
Junior October 1,8,15,22,29/ November 5,12,19,26/ Dec-3,10
o WINTER Senior Jan-6,13,20,27; Feb-3,10,17,24; March 2,9
Junior Jan-7,14,21,28; Feb-4,11,18,225; March 3,10
o SPRING: Senior March 30; April 6,13,20,27; May 4,11,18,25; June 1
Junior March 31; April 7,14,21,28; May 5,12,19,26; June 2
Year registration: 3 postdated cheques for Sep/Jan/ March
2 Concerts in the year: Xmas and end of the year.
1 Community concert in the middle of the year.
Subsidy form PAC

Proposal Recorder Classes for 2015.16

(Based on Olgas suggestions and experience from the last 2 years)
o Teacher: From Mozart School of Music
o COST $52= $5/30 minutes(to cover the instructors fee+ $2/term for
concert fund)
o Minimum of 10 students per class or 20 in total. Maximum of 20 per
o Start Pre-registration in June to see if there is enough interest:
o Wednesdays at lunch
o 2 groups according to experience from grades 1-5
o 10 dates per term (same dates as Senior choir but at lunch)
o Year registration: 3 postdated cheques for Sep/Jan/ March
o 2 Concerts in the year: Xmas and end of the year.
o Recorders provided by PAC or can be purchased for $10
o Subsidy from PAC
Esther Rosillo Pascual

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