Year 1 and 2 Choir First Letter 2015

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21st September, 2015

Dear Parents,
As the students are now settling into the new school year, I would like to share the
following details regarding Little Voices choir. During the first term, this is only
Little Voices
t for Year Please note there are only 40 spaces available for Year Two. If your child is
keen to be involved and happy to commit to attending choir once a week, please
follow these steps. To be as fair as possible, we will hold auditions like last year.
Please note: The auditions are always extremely well attended and not everyone
who attends will get a place. Please make sure that your child is aware of this.

1: Remind your child to attend the lunchtime auditions. They will be able to
eat their lunch first and then meet me at the 2KB box in the undercover area when
the first bell goes at 12:35. They do not need to bring anything to the auditions,
just themselves and their enthusiasm!
2: Once auditions are complete, I will try and let parents know within a week as to
whether their child has secured a place in the choir.
3: Please note- children who had a place in the choir last year, must
audition again.

Dates of auditions
Thursday September 24th - Students from 2KB, 2ZR and 2CM are invited to attend.
Friday September 25th - Students from 2NP, 2SH and 2JS are invited to attend.

Lunchtime 12.35-1.00pm

Children to meet me in the undercover area at the 2KB box at 12:35.

students. There is no choir for Year Ones until after the Christmas holidays. At this
stage, we are only inviting Year Twos to join. More details regarding auditions for
Year Ones will be sent in December.
If your child is in Year 2 and interested in joining the choir, please see the information
below. Practices will be held during lunchtimes. Details will be confirmed later. If you
have any further questions regarding this ensemble, please contact me at
[email protected]
Best regards,
Kathryn Brierley

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