Name of Teacher Candidate: - Alison L. Miller - Mopta Lesson Plan Format (Revised by Kcai)

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Name of Lesson: _Re-Imaging the Renaissance_ Class: _Advanced Art/Portfolio Class_
Grade (s): _ 11th-12th grades_
Name of Teacher Candidate: _Alison L. Miller______________________________________________________ MoPTA Lesson Plan Format (revised by

Because of social media, students are more connected to the world than
any generation that has come before. By appropriating images, ideas,
and artifacts of well-known Renaissance artists and reimagining them
using 21st century technologies that focus on connectivity, students will
gain an understanding of the phrase The Medium is the Message and
what it means for art and society.
Learning Objectives:
Students will.
Studying artists,
art/Understanding art
- Students will view examples of
- Students will view examples of
Renaissance artwork, including selfRenaissance art and artists, artwork
portraits of artists when available.
based on McLuhans ideas, and
postmodern artwork utilizing
appropriation and documentation, as
projected onto a screen from
- Students will choose a Renaissance
- Students will compile their
artist to research - their lives and
Renaissance conversations or
beliefs, artifacts from their time, ideas
interactions in a digital format online
they shared, images they created, etc. (class Tumblr, etc.) to see what type of
response their project will receive.
- Students will discuss postmodern
- Students will utilize Instagram to
modes of creating, specifically
share their 21st century-reimagined
appropriation, documentation,
installation, and McLuhans ideas of
information, medium and

(2-3 sentences about why this

topic is important and relevant to
age group)

List the lessons objectives and

learning outcomes appropriate for
meeting curricular and student
Include objectives for:
studying artists,
art/understanding art
integrating technology
creating/ expressing
evaluating art works
exhibiting art works

Creating/ Expressing
- Students will create or find images
based on the research they have
conducted into their Renaissance
- Students will document these
snippets of the lives of Renaissance
artists by photographing the images
with a smartphone or a tablet.
- Students will post their Renaissance
images on Instagram, tagged with a
class-derived hashtag.

Evaluating art
- Students will discuss relationships
between Renaissance artists, how
these artists would react to each
others images and ideas, and how
connected todays world is compared
to the Renaissance.
- Students will critique their artwork in
small groups.
Students will critique their artwork with
the whole group.
- Students will fill out final reflection
sheets about the assignment.

Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
National Core Art Standards


Identify the Missouri and national

[art core] standards, quality
indicators, and skills addressed for
each objective.


List at least 2 visuals that are

relevant and appropriate to the
lesson objectives.

Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer
Del Sarto

Richard Prince

Barbara Kruger
Shepard Fairey

Jan Van Eyck

Jan Van Eyck


Andrea Del


Andy Warhol

Sarah Charlesworth

Lesson Structure and Daily Procedures


Cindy Sherman

Sherrie Levine

- To begin the lesson, the students will view a PowerPoint presentation that
will introduce students to the work of well-known Renaissance art/artists,
Renaissance self-portraits, the tenets of postmodernism and the idea of the
medium is the message, images that support the assignment, and the
- The students will be introduced to the rubric and final review.
Review of any concepts
- The students will review the how to conduct research on artists.
- The students will review how to set up installations.
- The students will learn/review the vocabulary words appropriation,
installation, and documentation, as used by postmodern artists.
Checking for Understanding
- The students will explain the project to the teacher after it has been
- The students will fill out project planning guides for teacher to approve.
- To begin the lesson, the students will view a PowerPoint presentation that
will introduce
students to the work of well-known Renaissance art/artists, Renaissance
self-portraits, the tenets of postmodernism and the idea of the medium is
the message, images that support the assignment, and the assignment.
- Students will discuss connectivity and social media, contrasting it with
modes of communication during the Renaissance.
- Students will discuss ways in which they could appropriate images from the
Renaissance and transform them into Instagram posts through installation
and documentation.
Students at Work
- Students will work individually and/or in groups.
- Students time will be split among the introductory PowerPoint, discussion,
and working on their project plans and preliminary research.
In progress Assessment
- Students will be asked about their knowledge of postmodernism and
postmodern making practices, the Renaissance, and Renaissance artists.
Clean up
- Students will be warned when they have ten minutes left to work.

Consider the Studio Thinking and

Choice-Based Education Models
here in your strategies for
engaging students.
Link your procedures to your

Students will be asked to clean up when 7 minutes are left before class
Review and Closure
- Students will review vocabulary and go over the goals for the next day.
- To begin the lesson, the students will view art historical images that
contemporary artists have appropriated and used for their own intent.
Review of any concepts
- The students will review the how to conduct research on artists.
- Students will review the goals of the assignment
Checking for Understanding
- The students will turn in project planning guides for teacher to approve.
- The students will brainstorm at least five different images they can create
based on their research and the images they find.
- Students will view and discuss teacher samples.
Students at Work
- Students will work individually and/or in groups.
Students will research their artists and collect data on their lives.
In progress Assessment
- Students will be asked what information they have discovered about their
artists, particularly involving interactions with other Renaissance artists.
Clean up
- Students will be warned when they have ten minutes left to work.
- Students will be asked to clean up when 7 minutes are left before class
Review and Closure
- Students will be asked about the information they have discovered about
their artists.
- Students will discuss ideas for the installations they will create.
- To begin the lesson, the students will view a PowerPoint presentation that

will introduce students to contemporary installations based on art history.

Review of any concepts
- The students will review the goals of the assignment.
- The students will review how to set up installations.
- The students will review the vocabulary words appropriation, installation,
and documentation, as used by postmodern artists.
Checking for Understanding
- The students will explain the project to the teacher and how they are
interpreting the research they have done in order to create installations that
they will document using smartphones or tablets.
- To begin the lesson, the students will view a PowerPoint presentation that
will introduce
students to contemporary installations based on art history.
- Students will watch the teacher create and document a simple installation,
as well as post the results on Instagram with the class-derived hashtag.
Students at Work
- Students will work individually and/or in groups.
- Students will work on building installations and taking photographs.
In progress Assessment
- Students will critique their artwork in small groups.
Clean up
- Students will be warned when they have ten minutes left to work.
- Students will be asked to clean up when 7 minutes are left before class
Review and Closure
- Students will critique their installations and images with the whole group.
- Students will fill out their rubrics/scoring guides.
Resources and Supplies:
Books (author, date, title)

List all resources (book, web, art

supplies, etc.) used in the planning
of and during the instruction of the
lesson(s). Be specific!!

Albrecht Durer

Albrecht Durer
Del Sarto

Richard Prince

Jan Van Eyck

Jan Van Eyck



Andy Warhol

Andrea Del


Cindy Sherman

Barbara Kruger
Shepard Fairey

Sarah Charlesworth

Sherrie Levine

Web (URL and title)

Fine Art Views:
Art and Appropriation -
My Picture Perfect World -
Supplies / Equipment

Variety of found and student-made objects
Instagram & class-derived hashtag

Other (ex.: teacher-made resources)


PowerPoint presentations
Completed teacher samples
In progress teacher samples
Student samples
Planning & Scoring Guides


Overhead projector
Apple TV
Smartphones/tablets (one per student)

In progress assessments:
- Students will be asked what they know about postmodernism, the
Renaissance, and communication in the 21st Century vs. the Renaissance.
- Students will be asked about their knowledge of McLuhans idea of the
medium is the message, postmodernist making ideals, such as
appropriation, installation, and documentation.
- Students will share their in-progress outworks on the projection screen via
Apple TV.
- Students will discuss the installations they have created.
- Students will discuss connectivity.
- Students will pull up their Instagram and Tumblr posts to critique the final
images they created.
- Students will fill out final reflection sheets and rubrics/grading guides.
Plan for critique / exhibit:
- Students will compare their artworks to the Renaissance art/artists they
appropriated ideas from.
- Students will pull up their Instagram and Tumblr posts to critique the final
images they created.
- Artwork will be available on Instagram and Tumblr.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor:
Increase in Rigor:
- Students will create social media conversations based on the real-life
interactions of two or
more Renaissance artists.
The teacher and students will develop an alternative assignment.

List all Instructional and/or

assistive technology incorporated
into the lesson(s) to enhance
instruction and student learning,

List Assessment(s) used before,

during, and/or after the lesson.
Attach 1 tool you can use with
students that you have created for
this lesson/unit.

Identify how you will modify

content, materials and/or
environment to meet the needs of
diverse learners.

If needed:
- Students will be given different questions to focus on during the final
- Students will be given a modified rubric.
Students will be allowed to present information for the final reflection in
an alternative
- Students will be allowed to reach an alternative resolution to the
assignment while following
the typical instructions.
The teacher and the student will develop an alternative assignment.
If needed:
The teacher will provide a worksheet listing the information provided in
the presentation.
The teacher will provide an assignment worksheet, display the
assignment, and present the
assignment verbally.
- The teacher will say and write down the ideas students suggest during the
whole group
The teacher will allow extra time to complete tasks.
Classroom Management:
- The teacher will present the information in a positive manner.
- The teacher will keep the presentation short, use many pictures in the
Powerpoint, and include a few words in the presentation for emphasis.
- The teacher will stop presenting information if students are talking amongst
themselves or otherwise interrupting.
- To keep students on task, the teacher will spend time walking around the
room and speaking with students about their progress as they work on their
- The teacher will reiterate what the students should be considering as they

Identify strategies you will use to

help keep students on task and
actively engaged AND to redirect
inappropriate behavior.
Consider the materials you will be
using, and how they might be

work on their projects.

The supplies will be easily accessible to students and easy to clean up.

- Students will have the opportunity to imagine how people will communicate
hundreds of years in the future vs. today.

Reflection (150 words):

you turn in final copy)

Identify activities for early

finishers that extend students
understanding of and thinking
about the learning objectives by
applying their new knowledge in a
different way.
text PART II for examples

(complete this after lesson has been taught, before

Learning Statement

The Advanced Art Students explored Postmodernism by appropriating images and

ideas from the Renaissance. The students then created installations based on those
images and ideas. The students documented the installations by photographing them
and sharing them on Instagram with a class-developed hashtag. The students then
tracked the interactions the images they shared received.
Images of Student Work (include minimum 4 examples )

If you were to teach this lesson

again, to the same age group, how
would you change the lesson?

MOVA:FAI.1C.HS4 - Select and apply digital/computer media that demonstrate sensitivity and subtlety in use of
media engagement with experimentation and/or risk taking informed decisionmaking *Art software refers to a
program such as Adobe Photoshop.
MOVA:FAI.2A.HS4 - Select and apply sculpture media and techniques that demonstrate: sensitivity and subtlety in
use of media engagement with experimentation and/or risk taking informed decision-making
MOVA:FAI.3A.HS4 - Select subject matter to communicate personal ideas through a series of original, related works
MOVA:FAI.3C.HS4 - Develop a theme through a series of original artworks that communicates personal ideas
Addresses complex visual and/or conceptual ideas Shows imaginative, inventive approach, experimentation, risk
taking, sensitivity and/or subtlety
MOVA:FAIII.1A.HS4 - Discuss the evolution of personal beliefs about the nature of art Discuss how personal and cultural
beliefs influence the interpretation of the meaning, message, or value of a work of art
MOVA:FAIV.1A.HS3 - Use theatre techniques to present information in art (e.g., voice, stage presence, props, video,
script-writing, set)
MOVA:FAIV.2A.HS3 - Explain how historical events and social ideas are reflected in artworks from selected cultures or
historical time periods.
MOVA:FAIV.2A.HS4 - Explain how contemporary events and social ideas are reflected in student artworks
VA:Cr1.2.IIIa - Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and contemporary artistic practices,
following or breaking established conventions, to plan the making of multiple works of art and design based on a
theme, idea, or concept.

VA:Cr2.2.IIIa - Demonstrate understanding of the importance of balancing freedom and responsibility in the use of
images, materials, tools, and equipment in the creation and circulation of creative work.
VA:Pr6.1.IIIa - Curate a collection of objects, artifacts, or artwork to impact the viewers understanding of social,
cultural, and/or political experiences.
VA:Cn11.1.IIIa - Appraise the impact of an artist or a group of artists on the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a society


What is Postmodernism?
What is appropriation?
What is an installation? Can you describe one you have seen?
What does documentation mean when applied to Art?
How do you connect with your friends?
How do you use social media?
How would you explain social media/Instagram to someone who has never experienced it before?


Whose work did you appropriate for this assignment?

List five interesting facts you learned about your artist.
What techniques did you use to make your installations or images?
What/who inspired you to make these images?
What responses did your artwork receive on Instagram/Tumblr?
How do you think sharing these images on social media would have affected the Renaissance artist you
7. In what ways would the world be different today if Instagram had existed during the Renaissance?

Describe what you see.

What is the subject of this painting?
What Elements of Art do you detect in this artwork?
What do you think the Artist was trying to convey through this artwork?
How does this artwork make you feel?
How does the artists meaning come through in the way the artwork was made (materials, etc.)?
How is this artwork relevant to todays world?
How is this artwork effective, and how could its meaning be improved?
9. How do you think people will respond to this work via social media?

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