Oct 2014

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Contributing Writers

Fathi Aden
Malaya Allen
Jawan Bowman
Javoughn Brown
Javon Buford
Gia Carney
Dcoryia Cunningham
Miracle Dawson
Artavis Groves
Deaira Lanier
Marcela Pinedo
Toni Qualls
Erfan Rezai
Leticia Robinson
Toree Sims
Devonte Stephens
Dejana Sullivan
Everette Tuggle
Caitlyn Vannerson
Dwayne Vega
Johnae Walker
Tyler Wolf
Ciera Wordlow

Anne Rodier


[email protected]

Yellow Jacket
Inside this Issue
National Guards Go to Ferguson
Its Good that Police in Louisville
America Incarcerated
Domestic Violence in the NFL
Bullying and Domestic Violence
Society Says What You Are
Is Our Generation Weak Minded?
Pros of a Year Without a Summer
Broadcasting in High Schools?
Social Media + College Future
9/11 National Memorial App
Snack Attack
Why Not Consider Wrestling?
Central Soccer Excels

From Tehran to the USA

My Second Family
What Doesnt Kill You
Video Games Arent Just Play
1964 0r 2014?
My Music
Market Your Music on the Internet
The Burn I Ate
Tylers Journey Across the Stage
Trend the Change
I Am From
Trick or Treat

National Guards go to Ferguson

Toni Qualls
Protests arose in Ferguson, Missouri, when a 17-year-old, Michael Big Mike
Brown, was shot and killed by a Ferguson police officer, Darren Wilson. Protesters
were angry and outraged about the shooting and the heavy police response to
the demonstration. Officials struggled to control the situation and the National
Guards was sent to help restore order. People from different states made their
way to Ferguson to participate in the protest. Because the people were angry
about the situation they tried to take all of their anger out.. but on the wrong
people. Store owners had really no choice but to close up because they were
being broken into and they were losing business.

Protesting in the streets every night didnt bring Michael back and it wont
make the judge sentence the officer any tougher. Louisville can learn a lot
from this situation. If you are going to protest, do it in the right places. A
good place to protest in Louisville would be somewhere where there is a lot
of space, like the waterfront. That way you wouldnt have stores closing up
and losing business because of people being angry.
If you are a police officer always travel with a partner so you wont feel as
threatened in a situation like the one in Ferguson. If police officers travel
with a partner, then it will be way safer for them. If theres a 6 foot person
approaching you and you are way smaller, then they are then you would
want to have someone have your back instead of having to depend on your
If the people in the city of Louisville remember these two things, then it will be a
great and safe city.

If you are ever stopped by the


Think carefully about your words, movement, body language, and emotions.
Do not get into an argument with the police.
Anything you say or do can be used against you.
Keep your hands where the police can see them.
Do not run. Do not touch any police officer.
Do not resist even if you believe you are innocent.
Do not complain on the scene or tell the police they are wrong or that you are
going to file a complaint.

If you are arrested:

Do not make any statements regarding the incident.
Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest.
Remember officer badge & patrol car numbers.
Write down everything you remember ASAP.
Try to find witnesses & their names & phone numbers.
If you are injured, take photographs of the injuries as soon as possible, but
make sure you seek medical attention first.

Its Good that Police in Louisville Dont

Compare to Other Cities Toree Sims
So far this year two unarmed African-American males in their early 20s have been
assassinated by police officers. In Louisville, KY, there have been none so far. Even though
African-Americans in Louisville do act wild and commit lots of crimes, the police handle it in a
non-fatal manner.
From what I have seen with my own eyes, not all Louisville officers handle every violent
situation perfectly, but at least there have been no fatal shootings of unarmed people. In 2011,
at a skating party, there was a mob brawl on Dixie Hwy after the party. To calm it down, police
officers sprayed mace, pointed bean bag guns, and ran us out of the area with paintball guns.
They handled the situation roughly, but no lethal weapons were used.
Last year, at the waterfront, a youth gang was ganging elders on the Big 4 bridge and
breaking into gas stations. Police didnt act with guns at all. The police caught who they could
and put them in custody. At the time, it probably seemed like a good idea to use more force
because there were over 200 out of control teenagers, but the police handled it in a nice and
calm way.
Im not trying to take one side or the other, Im just giving facts. But honestly I can say
that the LMPD does a good job patrolling the Louisville area. So far not one murder by police
has happened this year and I have no doubt that it will stay that way.
Population 258,430 Louisville violent crimes

RATE PER 1,000

























Population 313,914,040 United States violent crimes

RATE PER 1,000

From: http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/ky/louisville/crime/

America Incarcerated
By: Gia Carney
According to the Bureau of Justice, statistics' report about 2.5 million
Americans are in jail or prison. America has the most people incarcerated out of
any country in the world. About 25,000 people go to jail in a day; prisons cost
taxpayers more than $32 billion a year. Every year that an inmate spends in
prison costs $22,000. An individual sentenced to five years for a $300 theft costs
the public more than $100,000. The cost of a life term averages $1.5 million.
Why are there so many people getting incarcerated? Because, we
imprison people that we are mad at instead of people we are afraid of. This
means we lock up people for misdemeanor crimes such as public drunkenness,
resisting arrest, and simple battery. Usually these people stay in jail for a long
time, depending on how serious the crime is. Instead of wasting tax payers
money to keep people in jail, they should have to do some type of community
work for a certain amount of hours.
The people that get put in jail or prison for drug abuse should be put in
some type of rehab so they can get better, instead of being throw into jail. People
who are in prison for mental issues should be put in a place where they can get
help with their problems, and so they can take their medicine. If theyre in prison,
they still have to deal with the demons that they have .
Most of the time, the people who go to jail are repeat offenders, because
when they get out of jail, they only have what they came in with. For example, I
could go to jail with a t-shirt, and purse and that is what Im going to have when I
get out. No job, no place to stay, no money, no medicine if I need it, nothing. So
what is a person going to do when they dont have anything? Get it the only way
they know how, and its probably not the right way. When a person gets out of
prison, they should get a place to stay, a job, and some clothes so they can start
on the right path on a life after jail.
Basically. The government shouldnt lock up people that they are mad at,
they should lock up people that they are afraid of.

Prison Studies, the U.S. tops every other nation in the world.

Domestic Violence in the NFL Toni Qualls

Lately theres been a lot of news going around about domestic violence cases in the NFL.
Ray Rice, a professional running back for the Baltimore Ravens, is now having his career slip
right out of his hands. A tape shows him and his fiance (now wife) getting into a violent
argument on an elevator. Although she spoke out and admitted that she did start the fight, it
still doesnt make it okay.
Im not saying that he had to sit there and take the abuse from her, nor am I saying that
it was okay for a man to hit a female; there were other ways that he could have handled the
situation instead of punching her the way he did. As a man, you are naturally stronger than a
woman, and being a professional football player, he really shouldnt have had a problem
restraining her and moving her away from you. But instead of stopping and thinking of another
way to deal with it, he just acted without really thinking. If he had stopped to think, he probably
would have realized that if he puts his hands on her he was putting his career in danger.
Thats not the only case of domestic abuse that has made it on the news in the last few
years. Im pretty sure everybody remembers the Chris Brown and Rihanna case. Now that was
just as bad, but why was it that Chris Browns punishment wasnt taken as seriously as Ray
Rices? Rihanna had actual bruises and black eyes after that fight. But what happened to Chris?
Pretty much a slap on the wrist. These cases arent any different and they deserve the same
I really do think that it is wrong for men to put their hands on women. For it to take so
long for Rice to get into trouble about it, shows that the NFL really didnt think that it was
important. Rice and Brown are people that our youth look up to. Do we really want them to
teach our youth that its okay for them to hit women, too?


Bullying and Domestic Violence

Artavis Groves
Domestic Violence is violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the
violent abuse of a spouse or partner. Domestic violence is starting to become a pretty common
thing in the NFL with Ray Rice and Ray McDonald. This caused Roger Goodell to establish a new
ruling of a six-game ban for a first-time offense and a life time ban for a second offense, and
now he plans to fix the culture of violence in the NFL.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or
perceived power. Kids who bully use their power such as physical strength, to control or harm
If you think about it, bullying and Domestic Violence are very similar, because people use their
physical strength to hurt or harm someone, like if you hit or hurt your wife or girlfriend. Most
bullying happens when you are a child, domestic violence happens as a adult.
A lot of people that are bullied are damaged mentally and physically. Some victims of bullying
commit suicide and some tell an adult and deal with it. Domestic violence victim mostly stay
with the person who hurts them, like in the Ray Rice case. She married him 30 days after he hit
her because she forgave him or she was scared to leave. It would be better if the women didnt
stay but leave the man.
If you are a victim of bullying, you should tell an adult that you trust to get you help. Domestic
violence victims should call the police for help and leave the person who is hurting you.
Violence is related to certain risk factors. Risks of having unhealthy relationships increase for
teens who:

Believe it's okay to use threats or violence to get their way or to express frustration or
Use alcohol or drugs.
Can't manage anger or frustration.
Hang out with violent peers.
Have multiple sexual partners.
Have a friend involved in dating violence.
Are depressed or anxious.
Have learning difficulties and other problems at school.
Don't have parental supervision and support.
Witness violence at home or in the community.
Have a history of aggressive behavior or bullying

Society says what you are,

Obstacle courses you cant beat.
Chess pawns.
Individuality is lost;
Everyone has a leash.
Todays world says
To be something youre not.
Deaira Lanier
Society tells you what to be and how to be it. If youre a Black girl, you are Ghetto, loud, baby mommas.
Thats what ALL black girls are going to be labeled until they can prove others wrong. White girls love
Starbucks, Uggs, and they date black guys. But who says we have to listen to what they say about us as
individuals, a race or even a country. We can break the chains and become what we want to be if we dont care
to listen. This generation is built and run by society; everywhere you turn, society is screaming something in
your face, telling you to do or be something.
Who says you have to listen?
The average teen, ages 14-18, travels a tough path. Our path includes bullying, violence, social media, peer
pressure and many other things. We dont always know how to fight back verbally, mentally or physically.
Even though we dont seem to pay attention to the things around us, society is killing us off slowly, one teen
after another, because we choose to pay attention to the negative and that gets us down.
As a teenager in 2014, Ive dealt with a few hard rough patches over the years, including attempting suicide, but
Ive gotten better and decided to not pay attention to the negative that society brings. Instead, I focus on the
positive and just that only. A friend of mine decided to be a teen mom because of peer pressure, but she
couldve easily fallen into societys stereotype and dropped out of school. Instead she goes to school, has a
supporting family, and her babys father is in her life. Should she have waited to have kids? Yeah, but thats the
price you pay when youre a teenager listening to society in.
Here are some ways we can break the barrier society has on us:

Pay more attention to the outside world instead of what social media offers to us to pay
attention to.
Stand out! Be you; thats why you were born the way you are, to be an INDIVIDUAL not
to be somebodys puppet or shadow!!
Think Free. Be Free
Dont restrict yourself, go beyond your limitations.
You have a say in what you do, do not let society put a leash on you.

Misery wants company, dont be its guest.

Is Our Generation Weak Minded?

Dejana Sullivan

Yes! I say our generation is very weak minded, and others do, too. Especially the adults.
This generation is full of followers, easy to persuade, and people that seek the most stupidity. We
follow each other in clothing that I really dont understand. We always look for an easy way out
and seek recognition for the dumbest things.
I know youve seen those outrageous people paying and fighting over high priced
Jordans; this is really making our generation look weak. We pay almost $200 dollars for some
shoes that everybody has when there are other shoes out there that look better than Jordans. We
are too worried about getting judged instead of being ourselves. Teens average spending $5,000 a
year of their parents money on clothes and shoes, according to Herald Sun. This is mostly spent
on the name brand clothes that everybody chooses to wear because they see everybody else
wearing them. Thats one act that shows that our generation has too many followers instead of
Additionally, this generation loves to take the easy way out and I dont see why. We have
teens and young adults who dont want to work hard; they want things a quicker way. Some
people would rather sell drugs instead of working hard or going to college just because they want
it now. We have no mental toughness; we begin with a mindset of weakness and laziness,
according to Elite Daily. And its true; we want everything given to us instead of earning it. The
New York Times says, College graduates are jumping into the job market, only to land on their
parents couches. Now the unemployment rate for 16-24 year. olds is a whopping of 17.6
What also kills our generation are the things we seek recognition for on these
unintelligent reality TV shows, like Love and Hip-hop of Atlanta. True, they are entertaining, but
you have to look on the other side theyre not teaching you anything. Most of the things that
we watch each day show negative vibes instead of positive vibes. Todays 8- to 18-year-old's
spend an average of four to five hours each day watching TV according to, Everyday Life. These
negative TV shows affect Americans in violence, smoking, dating/relations, and body image. We
attempt to copy what we see; we watch these shows for entertainment, when actually we need to
watch TV shows that entertain while teaching our generation something positive.
We also reward stupidity on the social websites that we are always on. Teens and young
adults occupy their time on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, etc. Our generation plays monkey
see monkey do when it comes to social networks. We all want to be famous on the internet over
the dumbest crucial things. For example, in Delaware, 3 or 4 teenagers beat up a mentally

challenged man for no reason. But these teens thought they were entertaining others, when,
instead, they were looking ridiculous.
Teens, stop trying to fit in! Be a leader!

Teen Internet Use

93% of teens ages 12-17 go online

69% of teens have their own computer
63% of teen internet users go online every day
27% of teens use their phone to get online
24% of teens with a game console use it to go online

Teen Social Networking Use

73% of teens are on a social network

The average teen has 201 Facebook friends
37% send messages to friends every day
8% of American teens use Twitter

What Teens do on Facebook

86% of social network-using teens comment on a friend's

83% comment on friends' pictures
66% send private messages to friends
58% send IM or text messages using the site
52% send group messages

What Else Happens on Facebook

55% of teens have given out personal info to someone they

dont know, including photos and physical descriptions
29% of teens have posted mean info, embarrassing photos
or spread rumors about someone
29% have been stalked or contacted by a stranger or someone they dont know

24% have had private or embarrassing info made public

without their permission
22% have been cyberpranked

Parental Concerns and Controls

88% of parents know that their teens typically use the internet to communicate with people they dont know in the offline
61% of parents #1 concern with teen social networking is
sharing personal information online
60% of adults think parents should have full control over everything a child does online
47% of parents admit that ensuring their teens are safe
online can be overwhelming
40% of parents worry about their teens social network safety
when online, even at home
34% of parents check their childs social network sites

What Kids Think About Facebook Parental Controls

67% of teenagers say they know how to hide what they do

online from parents
43% of teens say they would change their online behavior if
they knew that their parents were watching them
39% think their online activity is private from everyone, including parents
38% would feel offended if they found out their parents were
spying on them with Facebook parental controls
25% would be shocked and hurt if they found out about spying
20% of kids think their parents have no idea what theyre doing online
18% have created a private email address or separate social
networking profile
10% have unlocked parental controls to disable filtering


Year Round School or Not?

Miracle Dawson

Pros of a year without a summer

Students will gain more knowledge
Many students lose skills over the summer because they dont read or study. I know this for a fact, because my
fellow classmates and I have experienced this before.
More students will be involved
Most students who dont participate dont feel as if they even have enough time to do anything. Year round
school will give them more time for all of the things they want to do.
Students will stay out of trouble
Children tend to get into more trouble over the summer than during a school year. When kids are in school
they have to focus on studying and homework instead of hanging out with bad influence friends. Every kid in
school is one less child caught in the streets.

The real statistics

Did you know that only 2% of students drop out of year round school. Thats nothing compared to a traditional
school year - students that have a summer have a dropout rate of 5% - that is 3% more than year round
school. The year round school test scores are about 10% higher than traditional school year schools. We all
know test scores are important.

Cons of a year without a summer

When youre young youre supposed to enjoy life
School is stressful; we worry about our grades the whole year. This is exactly why we need summers off to
have fun and clear our mind. Remember, a happy life is a healthy life.
Well get no vitamin D
Vitamen D comes from the sun and without the sun, how will we will get the benefits? D strengthens the
immune system and aids normal development of bones and teeth.
Higher rates of SADD
SADD is the abbreviation for Students Against Destructive Decisions. During a school year, students get
stressed and their grades drop. This can lead to giving up on life. This is why we need a summer break.

Pros and Cons of Year Round and Traditional School Programs

Year-Round Pros: (aka multi-track)

3-4 weeks off instead of 2-3 months = better skills retention

breaks often land near traditional holidays when parents get time off from work
short-term childcare often easier to find
eliminates need for summer enrichment programs many families cant afford
more vacation options available for families
multi-track system helps relieve overcrowding in schools
remediation given at different times in academic year (intersession), giving more timely help
to struggling students
teacher and student stress lessened with regular breaks throughout the year
may benefit achievement of disadvantaged students

Year-Round Cons:

teachers and students may have to switch classrooms during the year
limited space availability makes remediation difficult in multi-track schools
additional storage space needed for teachers who are off-track
longer year and more demanding for custodians, cafeteria, maintenance, and administration
parents may have difficulty scheduling childcare for multiple children
limits time for teachers to update skills and earn advanced degrees

Traditional Pros:

its what most of us grew up with (read as: people are afraid of change)
allows time for children to have authentic experiences outside of the classroom
more summer camps and summer activities available to students
more family time away from demands of school
teachers get a real break from teaching and lesson planning

Traditional Cons:

nayre.org reports 2.6 months of learning lost during summer months (though there are plenty
of reports that refute this claim)
finding appropriate childcare can be difficult with many people going on vacation
more time spent on review of previous years material at beginning of school year
teachers get less time to reflect on teaching and students best learning styles
remediation offered in summer is often too little, too late


Jawan Bowman
Broadcasting should be a choice available at Central High School. This could be the most
popular thing in years; we could even start a new magnet.
It is very expensive, though, and would require a grant from the Board of Education.
Even if the board does not give us the money, we might be able to find local support for a CHS
broadcast. Many local television and radio stations might be willing to work with Central. We
can do radio broadcasting, as well as a telecast on YouTube. These casts would be much more
interesting than a regular online news article.
All the students would want to be involved, especially to hear see themselves live. People
all over the city would tune in, as well. We could do informational broadcasts, or funny skits to
lighten up the school day. We could also show highlights of athletics and clubs. Now we need a
teacher who will help us get started!

...while the way journalists do their job is

changing, the fundamentals remain the
same and as pertinent as ever. Journalists
today still need to be able to gather
information and tell a story. Most
importantly, they need to be able to think.

Broadcasting project ideas:

Year-round Projects are stories such as Morning Announcements, Teacher Interviews,
School Sports Programs, School Orientation for New Students, Community History, Video
Yearbook, Corporate and Training Videos, and United Way Presentations. We could
broadcast weather from the station to provide accurate up-to-the-second local weather data for
our area. Students could broadcast finished projects through the internet.

Skills Needed to be a Broadcast Journalist

Knowledge base: An understanding of issues, names, geography, history
and the ability to put all of these in perspective for viewers. It comes from
the journalists commitment to being a student of the news.
Ability to process new information: Sorting, organizing, prioritizing and
retaining massive amounts of incoming data.
Ethical compass: Sensitivity to ethical land mines that often litter the field
of live breaking news unconfirmed information, graphic video, words that
potentially panic, endanger public safety or security or words that add pain
to already traumatized victims and those who care about them.
Command of the language: Dead-on grammar, syntax, pronunciation,
tone and storytelling no matter how stressed or tired the anchor or
reporter may be.
Interviewing finesse: An instinct for what people need and want to know,
for what elements are missing from the story, and the ability to draw
information by skillful, informed questioning and by listening.
Mastery of multitasking: The ability to simultaneously: take in a
producers instructions via an earpiece while scanning new information
from computer messages, texts or Twitter; listen to what other reporters on
the team are sharing and interviewees are adding; monitor incoming video
and yes, live-tweet info to people who have come to expect information
in multiple formats.
Appreciation of all roles: An understanding of the tasks and technology
that go into the execution of a broadcast, the ability to roll with changes and
glitches, and anticipate all other professionals involved.
Acute sense of timing: The ability to condense or expand ones speech
on demand, to sense when a story needs refreshing or recapping, to know
without even looking at a clock how many words are needed to fill the
minute while awaiting a satellite window, live feed or interviewee.

Malaya Allen

Do you think colleges should look at students social media before accepting them into their school? Like it or
not, they do. It gives them a first-hand look at how a student will behave on campus. Its also a way to find out
about personal problems a student has. Looking at students social media sites can also uncover if a student is
using or selling any type of drugs. Maybe there are students getting bullied or are doing the bullying and
colleges dont want those kinds of people roaming around their campus.

Signs of drug use
Gang related activities
Nude pictures
Or giving out too much personal information

Share thoughts, links, photos & more

Contact information
Positive thoughts

If you want to get into college or get a good job, then create a good on-line persona. Otherwise, you will
chase away the very people that you want to impress! Check out this website for some great advice on what
to remove and what to add to your Facebook page:



By: Gia Carney
In honor of 9/11 National
September 11 Memorial & Museum
made an app called Explore 9/11. The
app was created on September 10, and
it has already got raving reviews. It has
been rated 5 stars, people are saying
that it is heart-felt, beautiful, and
touching. I took a little time to explore
the app on my iPhone. I can you tell that

it is an amazing app to download. You

are able to move through the memorial
plaza and inside the Museum. Looking
through vivid photography, powerful
videos, image sliders and audio
recordings from first responders and
survivors. I highly recommend
downloading the app; its totally free.

Picture from: http://www.911memorial.org/apps

Johnae Walker

We all know that school food isnt the best. In fact its the worst. Many students, including myself, have
written many complaints, but for what? If the food still hasnt changed then its NOT going to change. So
my solution is to stop complaining and to just bring in food from home.
Most high schools have vending machines and snack stands. But those are just snacks; it isnt going to fill
you up. And the snacks are NOT cheap. Most of the prices on the snacks have gone up, too. The small
bags of chips that are 50 cents at a store are 75 cents in the machine. It may not seem like much, but it
adds up at the end of every week. At our snack stand we have chips, cereal bars, string cheese, gold fish,
water, Gatorade, propel, rice crispy treats, juice, and regular water. The snacks taste good, but theyre
not all really that good a source of nutrition.
So. maybe you can pack a lunch. At least youll get to eat food that you like. To keep your food cold,
you could freeze your drink and use it as an ice pack. Its also okay to pack something that needs to be
warmed up because there are microwaves in the cafeteria, and also many teachers have microwaves
inside their class and more than likely, theyll let you use it.
Why complain, when you can just bring food? Weve done enough of it! Here are some really easy
recipes to get you started:

Ham & Cheese Pita

2 (6-inch-diameter) pitas
2 teaspoon(s) Dijon mustard
8 slice(s) (about 4 ounces) thinly cut cooked ham
2 ounce(s) (1/2 cup) Jarlsberg light cheese
1. Preheat oven to 475 degrees F. Slice each pita horizontally in
half, and place cut side up on large cookie sheet.
2. Spread 1/2 teaspoon mustard on each pita half. Top each
with 2 slices ham and 2 tablespoons cheese. Bake 5 minutes
or until cheese melts and pitas are toasted. Cut each
sandwich in half to serve.

Recipes from: http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/recipes/healthy/ideas-kids-school-lunches

Vegetable Soup
3 tablespoon(s) olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 clove(s) garlic, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 cup(s) sweet potatoes or yams, peeled and chopped
1/2 cup(s) chopped celery
1 teaspoon(s) turmeric
1 teaspoon(s) paprika
1/4 teaspoon(s) cinnamon
1 bay leaf
3 cup(s) vegetable stock
2 large fresh tomatoes, roughly chopped
1/2 cup(s) chopped sweet red pepper
1 cup(s) fresh or frozen peas
1/2 cup(s) sliced zucchini
1 can(s) (small) chickpeas, drained
1. In a large pot, slowly heat the olive oil and sautee the onions,
garlic, carrots, potatoes, and celery for about five minutes.
Add the spices and stock and simmer, covered, for 15
minutes. Add all the remaining vegetables and chickpeas, and
simmer another 15 minutes. Serve with a crusty country
bread that's good for dunking. It's virtually a meal in itself.

Parmesan Pita Chips

3 tablespoon(s) olive oil
3/4 teaspoon(s) ground cumin
1/4 teaspoon(s) ground red pepper
5 whole(s) (5 to 6 inch) whole wheat or white pitas with
1/2 cup(s) coarsely grated Parmesan cheese
Salt, (optional)
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In cup, with fork, mix oil,
cumin, and ground red pepper.
2. With knife or kitchen shears, carefully split each pita in half.
Brush 1 side of pita halves with oil mixture. Cut each half into
8 wedges. Arrange wedges, oiled-side up, in 2 ungreased 15
1/2" by 10 1/2" jelly-roll pans. Sprinkle with Parmesan, and
salt if you like.
3. Place pans on 2 oven racks and bake crisps 12 to 15 minutes
or until golden, rotating pans from upper to lower racks
halfway through baking for even browning. Cool crisps in
pans on wire racks. Store crisps in tightly covered container
or large self-sealing plastic bag up to 1 week.

Why Not Consider Wrestling?

Javon Buford
Wrestling is not anything anyone expects for it to be, especially if you have never done it before.
Wrestling is the hardest, but also the easiest, sport you could play. You only get out what you put in to it, and
that is what makes this sport so great. There are so many things to learn from the sport, not only physically
but also mentally. Teaching self-control and mental strength, wrestling can be one of the best sports you ever
tried, and anyone can do it.
Wrestling is a very competitive sport. You dont only compete with other schools and other teams, you
also compete with yourself and your teammates. You have to beat the other man on your own team, before
even beginning to face other teams. If you love to compete and push yourself to the highest point, you will
love to be on a wrestling team.
Wrestling is one of the hardest sports to play; just going through the conditioning is difficult. Not just
anyone can stay a part of a wrestling team. It takes the mentally strongest people just to stay on the team
without giving up. The stereotype of having to be the big muscular guy that is really in shape is not the case for
this sport. Mental strength is more important than physical strength; the will to not give up during the hardest
moments is very important in this sport.
Anybody can be a wrestler. It does not take any type of natural skill to become the best. All that is
needed is a heart and a will to win. Most high schools have a wrestling team. I highly encourage you to join it;
it will open plenty of opportunities.

Personal Growth & Development

Mental Toughness

Read more at: http://wrestling.isport.com/wrestling-guides/the-benefits-of-wrestling-whyyou-should-wrestle


Sebastian Francisco

As the bus departed from Central High School on Saturday, September

19, every player was focused on the task ahead of them. No Central
team in the history of the soccer program has ever won a tournament
or even a major tournament. That weekend, Fairdale High School held
the King of the Bluegrass Tournament containing Spencer and
Anderson County; Fairdales own team also played in the tournament.
Centrals first challenge was Anderson County, a very talented team
from just outside of Frankfort. They traveled all the way to Louisville to
face the Yellow Jackets. Central pounded in three goals from striker,
Erfan Rezai , and two assists from Sebastian Francisco. Goalkeeper,
Jama Ali, was only scored on once and had many brilliant saves as the
Yellow Jackets of Central cruised by the Bearcats of Anderson County.
In the championship game against Fairdale High School, in front of their
home crowd, the Yellow Jackets pulled off an upset with goals from
Chris Encarnacion and Erfan Rezai, with assists from Michael Vance.
After the game, the Yellow Jackets were awarded a plaque that is now
at the high school for all to see. I know this makes Coach, Brian
Rambadt happy. He took over the program three years ago, and has
made a complete 360 with the team. Since then, we have played three
other significant games, Fern Creek 4-1 loss, Doss 1-1 tie, and DeSales
2-0 win.

From Tehran to the USA

Erfan Rezai

Most kids grow up sleeping with teddy bears or some kind of special blanket, but I grew up sleeping
with a soccer ball. I am from Tehran, Iran but grew up in Kiev, Ukraine. Since I can remember, I always wanted
to be a soccer player and soccer has been my first priority in life. I started soccer in Tehran; I was only 6 years
old and I played for a club called Persepolis. I played there for 5 months then we moved to Ukraine. In Ukraine,
I played for Dynamo Kiev and learned a lot in there. I love playing soccer and soccer means a lot to me.
Since the day I can remember, I have wanted to be a soccer player. When I was only 6 years old, I
always tried to get my friends to play with me, but they were always busy playing with toys or video games. I
just went outside with my soccer ball and played by myself, The only person who actually would play with me
was my older brother. He also played soccer for a club, and he actually was my role model.
My brother was my number one motivation. He took me to practices and to my games, and also taught
me how to play soccer. Every day after school he would take me to the park and practice soccer. He would
always tell me that he believed in me, and that he would always support me with anything I needed. If it wasnt
for him, I would never have learned soccer.
After only 5 months playing for Persepolis in Tehran my parents decided to move to Ukraine. I was not
happy at all because I liked my club and I had all my friends there. I was afraid that if we moved to different
country, I would not be able to play soccer. I cried a lot and did not talk to my parents for few days, but it did
not change anything. In September, 2003, we moved to Ukraine.
When we got to Ukraine, I was really sad and angry because I thought soccer was over for me. My
brother told me that he would try to find me a place to play, but I did not believe him. I sat home all day in my
room, and played with my soccer ball that I had brought from Iran. I could not play outside because it was
winter and it was really cold. Every day I would pray to God to find me a club that I could play for. A few
months later, just like my brother promised, he found me a club. It was Dynamo Kiev, the best club in Ukraine.
My brother took me there for tryouts, and I was really nervous because I did not want to mess it up. After the
tryout was over, coach came up to me, and said, You are good enough to play. I was really happy that I could
play club soccer again. I played for Dynamo Kiev for about 7 years.
After 7 years playing for Dynamo Kiev and living in Ukraine, my parents decided to move to the USA.
This time I wasnt so sad because I knew that I would be able to find a club to play for. When we moved to the
USA, the first thing I did was search for a club team. After few weeks of searching, I found club LSA. I am still
now playing for LSA, and my dream is to get to University of Louisville and play on the college level.

Follow Erfan on his blog: http://erfanrezai.weebly.com

Rankings of Major World Soccer Teams



Points Confederation


2176 UEFA

Costa Rica

2075 UEFA




1737 UEFA
1728 UEFA
1722 UEFA
1718 CAF

Points Confederation
Rank Rank
1701 AFC
1695 CONCACAF 55
1692 CAF
1691 UEFA
Paraguay 1688 CONMEBOL 60
1685 CAF
Republic of
1685 UEFA
Scotland 1683 UEFA
1680 CAF
Venezuela 1667 CONMEBOL 66
1653 UEFA
1652 AFC
1651 UEFA
Australia 1649 AFC
1643 CAF
Slovakia 1643 UEFA
1638 AFC
Arab Emirates
1634 CAF
1632 UEFA
Cameroon 1631 CAF
1630 UEFA
Uzbekistan 1622 AFC
1613 AFC
1612 CAF
1610 UEFA
Hungary 1608 UEFA
Slovenia 1590 UEFA
1586 CONMEBOL 94

1717 CONMEBOL 47
1710 UEFA



1583 UEFA


1581 CAF


My Second Family
Ciera Wordlow
I consider Black Achievers to be a second family. I say this because you become one with your
peers and your mentors when you participate. You grow to value, love and care for everyone. It
allows you to see the greatness that each and every person possesses inside of them. The
mentors volunteer their time to help make each participant better and show them the way.
This program made me a strong believer in giving back, and I vow to always reach out to help
someone else.
I have been given the opportunity to learn a lot about the profession I want to pursue. For
example, I am going to be a judge. I am currently in the Law and Government magnet where I
have met attorneys and judges. I utilized this time to actually speak with people who are in a
position that I will soon obtain. Some have actually agreed to mentor me, and told me to call
them with any questions or concerns that I have on my journey. That is amazing. I want to
surround myself with those that have an understanding of what I am trying to do and know
how to obtain it. Black Achievers put me in the position to actually network amongst a group of
elite professionals and this has truly kept a fire burning in me to reach my goal of becoming a
judge. Seeing others that have accomplished it, lets me know it is possible for me, too. I
actually still talk to a lawyer that agreed to mentor me from time to time. She is such a helpful
resource, and I am so grateful for her. Being taught by people who actually work in law
definitely benefits me. They let me know about their experiences, mistakes and achievements.
I am supplied with knowledge and one on one time that I would not get anywhere else.
Community Service is also an important aspect of Black Achievers, and to me, as well. We get
out in the community and get hands on. We take on different projects. I always make it a
point to stay involved and aware of the needs of people in my community. For example, I really
enjoy raising awareness to different causes, like the Lupus Walk. I also like getting out in the
neighborhoods and cleaning up through Operation Brightside, which I do with my mother quite
often. I also assisted in mentoring middle school children via the community centers. Being
involved with giving back feeds my soul. It makes me feel great on the inside; that alone, lets
me know I am doing the right thing as a young black lady.
It makes me so proud to be member of the Black Achievers because it is about achieving my
goals, being proud of my ethnicity, my history and my future. Black Achievers makes
participants think about what we want for our lives and provides us with resources and tools to
plan and obtain that.
Some of my closest friends, I met at Black Achievers. It is funny because we have a friendly
competition of pushing one another to do better. We compare grades, which I believe is great.
It keeps us all motivated and pushes each one of us to do our best and stay at the top of our

game. We understand that as young black future leaders, the best thing to do is surround
ourselves with those that are headed in a positive direction, those that motivate us and
understand hard work. I see all of us having great, bright futures, and there is no doubt that
Black Achievers put us on a great path to our goals.
I would recommend all of our youth to become a member of Black Achievers. I have a sister in
the 8th grade and I have encouraged her to join. I know for a fact it will be a great experience
for her. I can vouch from my experience the amazing difference this one program can make in
her life.
As I move forward in my journey of life, I cant help but to be a little sad that this will be my last
year in Black Achievers. All the wonderful memories and experiences that I experienced
through Black Achievers puts a smile on my face.
Black Achievers doesnt just teach you about the career you want to pursue, it also teaches you
how to be a better person in life - period. It teaches us to focus on things that benefit us. We
spend our time brainstorming about the next steps in our lives to push us forward in the right
direction. This is a program you cant go wrong with. If you are seeking knowledge, growth,
responsibility, uplifting others, continuing education, Black Achievers is the place for you.
I thank each and every person who took their time out to make an impression in my life. All of
the staff is reaching out their hand to lift us all up. For that, I feel blessed to be a part of such a
prestige program such as Black Achievers.
When I think of Black Achievers, the first word that sticks out to me is black. The reason I say
this is because I understand my history and know we werent always allowed the opportunity to
educate ourselves in order to achieve our goals. Many died before me for this right and it is my
responsibility to make sure I make the most of it as a young black woman.
The second word I think of is success. I feel like I am surrounded by successful people in my
community who show me that it is possible to be successful myself and motivate me to achieve
Without Black Achievers in my life, I honestly dont know what I would be doing, and I am sure I
am not the only one who feels this way. Thank you for touching lives and assisting with the next
generation achieving, so that we can, in return, touch lives in a positive manner as well.

To learn more about Black Achievers, go to:

Follow Ciera on her blog at:

Everett Tuggle
Have you ever been at the lowest point of your life? Not wanting to do anything or
talk to anyone because the thing you love the most has been taken from you all in a couple
Sometimes I sit in my room and think what I couldve done and change so I could
still be playing the game I love so dearly. It was my 10th grade year during a junior varsity
football game. I remember it like yesterday. We were playing Manual, and our coach called
a simple run play for me right before the half. I was just going to try to get a couple of
yards and head into the locker room for half time, but when the ball was snapped and
handed to me, there was a huge opening down the left sideline that I was racing down. I
headed toward the touchdown, not knowing the safety was coming at me at an angle. He
was catching up to me I so I used my stiff arm to keep him from tackling me and he pushed
me off balance. As I fell, I tried to catch myself. I heard the first snap then I just fell to the
ground. Once I tried to get up and push up off the ground, I heard it again snap. Realizing
I couldnt get up, my teammates helped me.
Riding to the hospital, not being able to finish the game, I was already furious. I was
thinking Id be okay; I was just a broken wrist. Theyd give me a cast and Id be right back
on the field in no time. Was I totally wrong? Yes! When I got to the hospital , the doctor
gave me an x-ray; he came back and gave me the worst news I had ever heard. He told me,
showing me the x-ray, Im sorry to tell you this, but because of how severely you broke
your bone, you wont to be able to play football anymore.
I replied, Youre just talking about this year, right, Doctor?
He said, No, I mean never. I just sank my head to my lap and cried, not knowing
what I would do without football in my life. Football was everything to me; all I knew; I
lived for and loved the game.
I went a couple of months, lost, not knowing what I would do without the game I
loved so much. I tried other sports, but none of them was like football. I even got a job, but
still football would never leave my mind. Shortly after, a man came to my school for
assembly. Ill never forget the words I heard from him. He said, Eventually all of the pieces
fall into place, until then, laugh at the confusion, for the moment, and know that
everything happens for a reason! Right after that, my mom told me she was pregnant. I
didnt believe her at first until I saw her getting bigger and bigger. Then I realized, I have
something to live for from now on-my first sibling.
At that moment, I realized football was good while it lasted, but I have to move on
to bigger and better things in my life now. The biggest thing I learned from this experience
is that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Follow Everette on his blog at:


Javon Buford
Studies show that kids who play video games often do better in school. Many
people see video games as a childish thing and think they are for little kids to do
in their spare time. That is not always the case. Video games can help with school
in a variety of ways. Video games can give players an idea of what life was like
during medieval times, expand vocabulary, and teach more about Greek
Videos games are not always just for entertainment; there are some games
especially made just for learning. There are even websites full of games made for
learning and helping with school. www.cool-mathgames.com is one of them. Not
only computer games teach, but games like, Catherine, on Playstation 3, is a
puzzle game that helps you think quicker.
Video games based on medieval times give players a chance to relive those
moments all over again. Reading books and watching movies about the topic
dont actually give the sensation of being there during playing the games gives.
Games such as Skyrim and fable are very well known games based on
medieval times and are very enjoyable to play.
If you take a Greek mythology class or even just want to know more about
the subject, nothing is better than learning about it through gaming. There are
many games based on Greek mythology, such as God of War and Darksiders.
Video games increase brain power, teach you to multitask and look at multiple
things at once and help you throughout your student career.
Playing more video games can help you in many different ways with school.
I highly encourage you to start playing more and see for yourself. Your grades will

Popular educational games for children and adolescents

Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree

Bot Colony
Carmen Sandiego series
The ClueFinders
Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (a series of two games)
EcoQuest (a series of two games)
GCompris (GPL)
Genomics Digital Lab
Get Water![1]
Gizmos & Gadgets
History of Biology game
Immune Attack
Popular educational games for adults
Inanimate Alice
Bot Colony
I.M. Meen
Food Force
Ko's Journey
Global Conflict: Palestine
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
Math Blaster
Number Munchers
President Forever 2008 +
Oregon Trail
The Typing of the Dead
Quest Atlantis
Reader Rabbit
Close Combat: Marines
The Magic School Bus series
Treasures of the Deep
Tuxmath (GPL)
Storybook Weaver
Swamp Gas Visits the United States of America
Urban Jungle
Conspiracy Code

1964 or 2014?
by Javoughn Brown

Shall we distinguish the difference?

Between 1964s and todays victims,
In addition to racism,
Theyve added a more corrupt system,
Freedom Riders to Facebook post writers.
Shall we continue the fight,
Or continue to sit back behind screen lights?
In 1964, three Freedom Summer Volunteers where headed to Philadelphia, Mississippi to research a
church bombing that had taken place. In the mist of their travels they were arrested for traffic violations. They
were held for several hours and released later that night on June 15, 1964 at 10:30pm. The night that they
were released was the last time they were ever seen alive. They were found on August 4, 1964 in a Mississippi
dam. Local Police refused to prosecute the case, so the Federal Investigators stepped in; out of 21 suspects, 3
were convicted for the kidnapping and murdering of the 3 Freedom Summer Volunteers. That may not hit very
close to home, but this might.
On July 2, 1964 a black teen by the name of James Powell was shot and killed by a white officer for no
reason. Two days later on July 4th, 1964, 8,000+ people took the streets of Harlem, NY. They caused 1 million
dollars worth of damage to the city through setting fires, destroying property, and looting. What happened to
James Powell has just happened again to a boy named Micheal Brown in todays time. The reaction of the
people was similar. Activists, angry at circumstances in 1964, were able to get the Civil Rights Act of 1964
signed. This act provided equal protection under the law for blacks as for whites. Later that year, on October
14, 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolence protest and Civil Rights
Lately, the fight for Civil Rights hasnt been much of a fight at all, just a bunch of lazy people sitting
behind a screen thinking that facebooking or tweeting about the situation would actually help. Instead, get
into the fight. As MLKJ demonstrated, it is very much possible without violence. Todays people and our youth
have resorted to no results, as if we all have accepted the things that are going on. How many activist
meetings have you attended? How many protests for equality have you been a part of lately? Lets leave the
likes and shares on social media and get into the action. No one can change the world we live in until we
change it ourselves.
A wise man once had a dream, a dream that one day came true. We must have our own dream and
passion for this cause, for equality and our rights. We need to fight, fight for the rights we all have as humans,
the rights that all humans deserve.
Weve resorted to no Results,
Violence provoked,
Silence Spoken,
No actions taken,
But we keep on hoping,
Our dreams come true,
And equality comes though.

Follow Javoughn on his blog at:


By Leticia Robinson

Most people look up to celebrities, but my mother is my idol. My mother has taught me
everything I know. From her Ive learned that no matter what life brings you, there is no excuse
not to accomplish your dreams; everyone is as successful as they want to be. I am not a first
generation college student; my mom went to college but my father did not.
All through high school, she was in the top ten percent of her class. She was a
cheerleader and she was also a majorette. While doing extracurricular activities and working
two jobs, she still managed to maintain a 3.8 GPA. She watched her mom battle Lupus. While
my grandfather worked 12-hour shifts at Ford, she had to take care of her two younger
brothers on a daily basis.
Despite everything that was going on, my mom graduated at the top of her class. Being
one of the very few minorities in her school, this was a big accomplishment for her. Because of
my grandmothers illness, she didnt want to travel too far from her home in Cleveland, Ohio,
for school, so she decided to go to the University of Toledo. Her freshman year she received a
call saying that her mother passed away. Being the strong woman that she is, she continued on
her road to success. About six of her friends founded the Sigma Lambda Gamma sorority on the
University of Toledo campus. Sigma Lambda Gamma is a Latina sorority that focuses on
sisterhood and personal development.
Her junior year she met my dad and got pregnant. She finished her junior year at UT and
went back to Lorain to get married. While she was pregnant, my father stole from her, and he
beat her. About a year and a half later she filed for a divorce.
Her last years of school, she attended the University of Cleveland. She was a single
mother and she still managed to get her education so that I could have a better life. She
graduated when I was about four, and to this day I still remember sitting on my grandfathers
lap and watching her walk across the stage. This meant nothing to me at the time, but I grew up
and realized that not going to college was not an option. If a woman in her early twenties, who
had gone to through as much as she, could get her education, I could, too.
I will not have a family until after I graduate, but when times get hard, I will not give up.
I will think about everything she went through for me. Everything she has ever taught me has
made me a better person. Ive learned to never let anyone get in the way of my dreams.
Ambition is the key to these dreams. Without ambition, my mother would not have succeeded,
and without ambition, I will not be able to achieve either. When I achieve my dream career, I
will make sure I give the world back to my mom because she made sure she gave me everything
I ever wanted and needed.

Follow Leticia on her blog at:



Marcela Pinedo

Normal birthday wishes are for a pair of new shoes or a

new game for the Xbox, or even a new phone. But I remember
one year, that instead of wishing for my first Barbie doll, I used
my birthday wish wishing that my family- mom and brothercould have a better, safer, and more comfortable life. For my
family, this meant a house with enough food, and a good
education that could help me to become someone in this
world. The saddest part was that I knew that I wouldnt be able
to make my wish come true thanks to the government of Equador.
Everybody knows that in every single Disney movie there is a fairy godmother who makes
dreams come true. I didnt believe in fairy godmothers since they only exist in movies or in our
imaginations. But April 17, 2011, was the day that I started to believe in miracles. That day was my
first day living in the United States, and the end of our suffering; for me, it was really a miracle. I felt
like my fairy godmother was watching over me. That day was full of joy. We were so excited about
moving to the U.S, but it was also a decision that would change our lives completely. The hardest part
was leaving my moms family, but it was a new dawn, a new beginning of a life without suffering,
without having the struggle of never knowing how my mom was going to bring dinner home.
Naturally, there were consequences to our new beginning; for us, it was the struggle of
learning a new language. The only words I knew when I got here were HI, HELLO, BYE, and THANK
YOU. I basically started from the very bottom. I felt useless; I couldnt express myself at all. I went
from being a talkative person, to a shy person who is afraid of being criticized.
I remember the first day that I went to American high school; it was totally different from the
schools I went to in my country. I remember that day as if it was yesterday, the laughs of other
students because I couldnt speak English and understand what they said. I couldnt express myself.
Sometimes, kids were so rude to me, yelling in the hallway, Go back where you belong! These were
moments that I wanted to give up, give up all the effort that I had put in to get to be where I was, but I
knew it was time for me to stop being selfish, to stop thinking only about myself and to start thinking
about my mom and my brother, too. No matter how hard things could be, I still would have to face
Be a fighter, be a soldier, be a dreamer, but also dont forget to be YOU, my mom told me
over and over. This is your dream, therefore live it as if is the last one. My mom let me that I have
somebody who is watching my back all the time, somebody who believes in me, and that somebody
is the most perfect person who is guiding me in my life; that person is my MOM. She always knows
how to make me feel alive again and give me all the strengths that I need. So I studied days, nights,
months, and years to learn English because, for me, it was the tool I needed to be successful. It took
me at least one year to learn the language, but then I felt like I was able to do anything that I wanted
and this time there was not anything that could stop me from reaching my dream of being a nurse so
that I could finally give my mom and brother the type of life that they do deserve.

Follow Marcella on her blog:


My Music
Devonte Stephens
All my life I have been into music. The first time I heard a musical note I fell in love. Ever
since then, I have not been able to escape the addicting sounds of music. The smooth melodies
and rhythms do one of two things, they either relax me or put me in a hyper type of mood.
Music has become a major part of my life and my daily activities. I feel like I cant live without it,
and that is actually the reason Im going to pursue music as career after college.
It all started around the age of two or three. Growing up around teenagers, a thousand
or more songs were constantly being played. Over time, I eventually got accustomed to the Hip
Hop and R&B styles of music that were brought to my attention. New musicians have come and
gone, but the styles of music have generally remained the same. Throughout the years, I have
listened to more and more music, and though the loud sounds could potentially damage my
hearing, I continue to listen due to the love I have for music.
By the time I was thirteen, I really began to understand lyrics and eventually developed
my own. At younger ages I enjoyed the sounds, but as I grew up, the words and stories, began
to make sense. I realized people were telling stories with creatively rhymed words. It was even
more impressive to learn that the artists had to keep up with the tempo of the beat and
manage breathing while recording. This discovery left my mind blown, and it inspired me to
give it a try.
Becoming a creative musician became my goal, but I had a rude awakening because it
turned out to be way harder than it looked. I made a thousand attempts to do things such as
tell stories, stay on beat, and rhyme creatively using syllables, but it all seemed to make no
sense. This process was very frustrating and challenging mentally, but I knew if I really wanted
to be successful, then throwing in the towel was definitely not an option. After years of practice
and long nights of repetition, writing quality music became far less challenging. People began to
acknowledge my music, and I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing my hard work was at
least starting to pay off.
After mastering music production, I began to receive a little bit of local recognition.
Soon when people saw me, they asked for me to help them with things music related. People
always expected me to perform or entertain them right on the spot, and 85% of the time, I
actually did. At first I had no problem entertaining them, but after a while, they got carried
away and it annoyed me. But through the struggles and adversity, I continued to live my life,
enjoy myself, and do what I do best.
I feel as if music has honestly been a part of me since birth. I have developed an
unbreakable bond with anything music related. It has overtaken me in a way in which it
controls my mood and feelings. I really do have talent and plan to use it to its full potential. I
will utilize it by working, making progress and doing whatever it takes in order to have a
successful music career in the near future.

Follow Devonte on his blog: http://devontestephens.weebly.com

Dcoryia Cunningham
As musicians, we often neglect the credibility of the internet. By doing this, not only are we
creating a delay in our careers, but also in our pay check. We really must use the internet to market
our music.
Music has been a passion of mine for the past twelve years. I must say there have been many
challenges. I have gone from studio to studio, going from broke to broker, and sad to depressed, yet
this has not stopped me! If you are interested in a career in music, you, too, will face challenges
throughout your career, but I'm here to tell you one way to prevent many of these challenges.
You can do this by using the internet! However, the internet is not some quick scheme. It is not a
hop, skip and jump to fame. Posting a link on Twitter to your YouTube video will not bring money in
quickly, instead strategy, consistency, and dedication will. There are many artists who did this who
are now famous. As an example, Justin Bieber did not just upload a video in one day and get
discovered. He uploaded multiple videos consistently, and with each video uploaded, he began getting
more views.
The internet not only exposes you to all kinds of people, but also ideas! There are so many
tips online for musicians. For instance, websites such as taxi.com, hypebot.com, and
musicthinktank.com, have much to offer musicians. The information about navigating the music
business found on these websites can help you boost your career. Most of the information is free! Not
only will you use this information to become knowledgeable, but also for strategies towards how to
market yourself.
Social websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are not the only websites you can use
to share your music. Although these websites are, in a way, a necessity, they are not the only sites to
post your music. There are several more! For example, online platforms such as Reverbnation,
SoundCloud, and Soundclick are very helpful with marketing. These websites are specifically made
for musicians trying to market their music. Not only will you be marketing your music, but many
other musicians will also. This will also allow you to network with other musicians across the world,
which is also branding yourself and making yourself known.
The internet is used every day by major labels in the music industry to promote their artists.
If they can do it, why cant you? Not only do I believe that promoting online is a great way for
marketing, but music executive, Stan Rapp, does, too. For instance, he says, In the 21st century, the
database is the marketplace. This, alone, is why we musicians must use the internet as a marketing
The internet provides so many great services towards independent artists. Social websites, career
advice, and networking platforms are some of the many ways that musicians can use and create
marketing strategies. The internet is now a new world, and in order to experience greatness in your
music career, you must explore it!

Top Artists around Louisville, KY, US

Follow Dcoryia on her blog: http://coyiac.weebly.com

The Burn I Ate

By: Fathi Aden

When I was around the age of six or seven,

and living in Kenya, my cousin decided to ask
me to eat with her. It was not much of a surprise
since she and I were the only ones at home and
I was hungry and tired from playing outside, so I
was grateful.
I went into my aunts kitchen; it is a circle, every part of it covered with fabrics with different
colors, textures, and designs. The kitchen tells a story of its beauty, its owner, and the love my aunt
put into it. Made with 100% sticks, the floor of the kitchen was colored with red dirt, and grayish,
whitish ash. The dirty brown burgico (fireplace where the food and other stuff is cooked), used for a
while but still looking new, was at the left and my cousin sat at the right. The place smelled so good,
like fried rice; just the smell made me feel relaxed. Unlike the U.S., people back home ate from the
same plate together.
I sat down, looking at the rich delightful food. I washed my hands in the water she put aside for
me, and dug into my plate. The second the food touched my mouth, I felt a burn, as though I had put
fire in my mouth. Tears fell out of my eyes, dripping, while I spat the food from inside my mouth. I ran
straight to the room where the water was. It was very cool like the water itself, and was built exactly
like the kitchen, but smaller and not as pretty. It was muddy from my cousin spilling the water gallons and gallons of water, too heavy for a little girl. I did my best to scoop the water into my mouth,
and once I did, I washed my mouth, and tried to make the burn stop. I felt as though I was on fire.
I cried and cried like the end of the world had come. My belly kept on making hat noise it
makes when Im hungry. And my cousin called my name, Fathi. I wondered what she wanted. I went
to her, angry that she had put hot spices in the food. She told me that she had made ne food,
different food, and this time it wouldnt burn my mouth. I was so happy to hear that that I forgot about
the fact my mouth had been burning a minute ago, and that I had been crying a second ago. I trusted
her, like she had never added hot spice to the food.
I sat down, washed my hands, and put the food in my mouth and guess what, it burned; this
was not a new food, this was the same food that had made me cry. I cried that entire day until I fell
asleep. From that day and on, I never ate food with her.

Tyler Wolf
Earth is only a stage, on which we play the melodic tone of our dreams. At least that is what
everyone else does, for I do not have a dream. What I have is far more precious, because it is not an
option, but a future accomplishment. My song is a beautiful metaphor of peaceful chaos in the raging
pond of my eyes in many positions. All people are correct to maintain a dream, but I only maintain a
goal. As the world is my stage, I will perform the song the way that I see fit. Now it is time for me to
raise to center stage and to live my life for the crowd, and more importantly, myself.
This goal that I will achieve is to write, and to live through literacy. I will find my way past the
gates of college and then back into college. I will live out all of my final days in college, but it will be as
a professor. I have gained this passion for education throughout my life and I will play the magical
tune of education. Since my years of middle school, what I have learned has shaped me into who I
am today. The precious thing that sparked my will to achieve was discovering that I am not the saving
generation, but that I am to be a kick start for them.
If one wishes to educate, they must first be educated, and if one wishes to succeed they must
also be educated. I will be part of that bridge to success for the future, as teachers are the saviors of
mankind. My observation of the system has turned up evidence that not nearly enough finances are
allocated to educate people. When I was fourteen, I was invited to work at a Boy Scout summer
camp, named Camp Crooked Creek. While there, my education on the importance of education grew
immensely through watching the scouts and how their knowledge increased in so many ways. At that
point, it became my goal to fix the wretched education system to provide a better future for all of us.
Though it was camp that opened my eyes to the power of education, it was simply my kick start
on my path to understanding. I wage war, not with guns, but with knowledge every day. This is a one
sided war that the system is winning, because people are ignorant of the information they are being
denied, or the work that pushes not for mastery, but for tedious action. I wish to be a soldier in this
war for the youth that are having their potential oppressed by my future career. If society would
accept the power of education and could see its current flaws, then the future would be that much
My life was decided the moment that I realized the true threat to happiness that ignorance
poses. I witnessed it in my own family. Ignorance caused my parents to get divorced when I was
younger. This direct impact on my life has doubled my household responsibility, as well as letting me
see that you do not have to be ignorant to be affected by ignorance.
If one is to look back on my life, they would see a flux of ups and downs. There have been far
more downs and low lighting on my stage than there have been ups and perfect melodies in my life. I
find all of us important, because we all have the potential to succeed; we just need the proper kick
start to get there. If I were alone, my goal would fade into a superficial dream, but every ignorant
person I meet is my motivation to succeed so I can pass on the luck of success through knowledge.

Javoughn Brown

If Change streamed live leaks would you listen to it?

Now a day's were easily influenced,
Negativity is spoken very fluent,
But I speak a different language,
To a broken generation,
They told Ali he'd never make it,
Now the torch has been passed,
To social media slaves named children,
Please leave the name Cassius to be,
Theres no more fight to be free,
Just fighting the next casualty and not to be it,
Lets freeze the tics,
And reflect on how we got here,
No more blaming politics,
Sterlings and Paula Deens,
Because a man once walked and fought with a purpose and a dream,
Weve taken for granted,
The rights that weren't always granted,
Lets leak Change and trend a difference.

I am from
By Caitlyn Vannerson

I am from lost hope and broken dreams,

Nights of crying to sleep.
I am from wanting my momma,
Wanting a dad that doesnt want me,
A dad thats not really my own.
I am from being sacred to fight to fighting to live another day,
Being me no matter what other people say.
I am from not caring who likes me,
Always being alone.
I am from being loud and not knowing it,
Being happy because life is too short to be mad all the time.
I am from being Wiccan for almost a year now,
Celebrating Yule in the winter.
I am from living in the darkness,
Having a dark side most people dont get to see.
I am from moving to a different house every few months,
Always taking care of myself.
I am from never giving up or giving in.
I am from writing poems, songs, and stories.






It's all wrapped up in rags.

The most feared bug.
He'll put a spell on you.
They're in the belfry.
Found in an old house.
Neither dead or alilve.
Found under a bridge.
It'll give you bad luck.
Where a vampire sleeps.
Found in your torso or in a church.

You can find them under the bed.

They flock together.
A scrappy monster.
Re-incarnated corpse.
Often invisible.
Needed to roast marshmallows.
Used to light a Jack-o-lantern.
Fund in your body or in the Science lab.
The most popular vampire.
The scariest thing at the circus.





Equal Opportunity Policies

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Jefferson County Public School District shall not discriminate in recruitment
or employment on the basis of age, color, creed, disability, marital or parental status,
national origin, race, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, religion, or political opinion or affiliation. The District shall promote equal opportunities through a vigorous
affirmative action program as an integral part of personnel policy and practice in the
employment, development, advancement, and treatment of employees of the Jefferson
County Public Schools.
In the Event of Questions
Employees or applicants, report to immediate superior, appropriate personnel
administrator, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate enforcement agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.

Equal Educational Opportunity

Students/Parents or Guardians
No student shall be denied equal educational opportunity for any reason by the
Jefferson County Board of Education because of his or her age, color, disability, parental status, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, or veteran status.
Harassment/Discrimination of any type is not permitted. A student has the right
to attend school free from harassment and should not be subjected to discrimination
for any reason. Schools will strive to ensure that these rights are protected and that
appropriate consequences are provided to offenders.
In the Event of Questions
Students and parents/guardians, report to principal, the Compliance and Investigations Office, or the appropriate government agency if you believe you have experienced harassment/discrimination.
Noncompliance with the above policy and procedures may result in disciplinary

Discrimination Grievance Procedure

The Jefferson County Public Schools Discrimination Grievance Procedure is available at local schools, on the Jefferson County Public Schools Web site at www.jcpsky
.net, or in the Compliance and Investigations Office, C. B. Young Jr. Service Center,
3001 Crittenden Drive, Louisville, KY 40209. Contact Cheryl Walker, Compliance and
Investigations director, at 485-3341, or call or write one of the following enforcement
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Place, Suite 268
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 582-6082
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights
Wanamaker Building, Suite 515
100 Penn Square East
Philadelphia, PA 19107
(215) 656-8541
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights
The Heyburn Building, Suite 700
332 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 595-4024
Louisville Metro
Human Relations Commission
410 West Chestnut Street, Suite 300A
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 574-3631


Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

Employer Offering Equal Educational Opportunities

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