30 04 2014 Sample1 Soa - Risk Only Soa Using Risk Researcher

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17 April 2014

Mr. Client Sample1

Level 4, 81 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Dear Client,

Statement of Advice
Thank you for the opportunity to advise on your financial affairs. We have pleasure in presenting your
Statement of Advice (SOA), which sets out our specific recommendations for your consideration.
This Statement of Advice is based on details of your relevant personal circumstances and forms the basis of
our recommendations. If any information in this report is incorrect, or if you have anything further to add,
please advise us before proceeding any further.
Several steps are involved in designing a strategy to reflect your personal circumstances. The
recommendations made in this Statement of Advice are the starting point of this process and therefore
should only be undertaken after consulting with us.
It is very important that you take full ownership of your financial decisions. To that end, we can assist you
in making the appropriate decisions, but those decisions remain yours. If necessary, please seek more
information and advice from us until you are comfortable to do so.
We look forward to being of service to you in implementing the recommended strategies and assisting you
in the attainment of your personal and investment objectives.
Should you have any queries in relation to the above or should you wish to fine-tune any aspect of the
recommended strategy, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely,

Opex Advice
Authorised Representative
ABC Financial Services Pty Ltd | ABN 111 222 333| AFSL 222333444

Statement of Advice
Prepared for

Client Sample1

Prepared by
Opex Helpdesk
Authorised Representative of
Phone: 1800111111 Fax:
Email: [email protected]

17 April 2014


2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

The scope of our advice ................................................................................................... 1
Your personal and financial position ............................................................................... 2
Your objectives ............................................................................................................... 4
Strategy recommendations ............................................................................................. 5
Insurance portfolio recommendations ............................................................................ 9
Additional information .................................................................................................. 14
Disclosures .................................................................................................................... 15
Actions required by you ................................................................................................ 16
Authority to proceed ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix: Insurance product research .......................................................................... 18
Appendix: Insurance quotations .................................................................................... 19

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

The scope of our advice

This Statement of Advice (SOA) has been prepared based on our discussions and the information you have
provided in the Fact Find. You have asked us to provide you with advice on the following areas:

Analysis of your personal risk insurance needs.

Review of your existing risk insurance policies.

Advice Limitations
During our discussions, you requested that we limit our advice to the scope of advice and the needs and
objectives as outlined in this Statement of Advice. Because of this request, it is important that you are
aware that we have not provided advice on the following:

Your direct share portfolio as you have this managed by your stockbroker, Morgan Stanley, and you
want to continue with that arrangement.
Your retirement funding needs, as you have specifically requested this not be addressed.
Your debt and cashflow management needs, as you have specifically requested these areas not be

Due to the reduced scope of our advice, this SOA may not address all of your issues and needs in respect to
your overall finacial position and retirement readniness.

We recommend you review your cashflow, debt management, and retirmenf funding requirements along
with your insurance position at your next annual review meeting or earlier if your circumstances change.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Your personal and financial position

Current details
Here is a summary of the relevant aspects of your personal and financial details that you have provided to
us. We have taken this into consideration when developing our advice so if any information is incomplete
or incorrect, please advise us before proceeding.

Personal details
Date of birth
Marital status
Australian Tax Resident

01 Jan 1960
Level 4, 81 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Preferred Address

You have not provided details

Current state of health
Private health insurance
Estate planning
Do you have a Will?
Enduring Power of Attorney?
Enduring guardianship?


You have not provided details

Ordinary Wages / Employment income

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Annual Amount

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Mortgage Payments / Mortgage
Term / Accelerate 123AFJ222000
Other Expenditure / Cost of Living


Annual Amount















Lifestyle assets
Liquid Assets / Cash on Hand
Cash at bank
Real Estate / Primary Residence
Life Style / Household Contents
Home contents
Life Style / Motor Vehicle


Investment assets
You have none or have not provided details.

Primary Residence Mortgage / ING


Current Value



Superannuation funds
Divisions (Public





Inc Prot



Pension funds
You have no pension funds.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Personal insurance policies



Asteron Life

Client Sample1

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Life insured




Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Your objectives
Agreed needs and objectives
In preparing our recommendations we have taken into consideration your personal and financial goals and
objectives. These are outlined below:

To protect your family/dependants in the event of death.

To reduce the financial burden on you and your family in the event of permanent incapacity.

To reduce the financial burden on you and your family in the event of a major illness.

To provide an income stream in the event of temporary or permanent incapacity.

Insurance needs analysis

The table below shows the types and amounts of cover required to match your needs and objectives. If any
of these amounts are incorrect, or if you want to vary them, please contact us.
Client Sample1
Requirements - Client
Calculation Mode
Analysis Mode
Hide Null Rows

Present Value

Protection pa

Expenses pa












Capital Requirements
Liabilities to clear
Future Expenditure Required
Future Education Expenses
Medical costs/Recovery income
Provision for Tax




Total Capital Required




Capital Provisions
Disposable Assets
Continuing Income




Total Capital Available




Insurance Needs
Total Cover Required
Existing Cover






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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Strategy recommendations
We recommend you implement the following strategies to assist you achieve your needs and objectives.
Below, we have outlined the benefits to you, how these strategies place you in a better position and the
key aspects you should be aware of. Additional information about these strategies is available in the
Strategy Flyers we have provided to you.

Life insurance
To protect your family in the event of your death, we recommend life insurance of $100,000 on your life.
We recommend you own the cover in your own name and nominate your estate as the beneficiary.
Life insurance pays a lump sum on death, or allows for an early payout for terminal illness that is
expected to lead to death within 12 months.
This level of cover will:
allow your beneficiaries to pay off or reduce the mortgage
protects your long-term wealth accumulation strategy
increase the size of your estate for distribution to your desired beneficiaries.
This level of cover is based on our discussions where we identified and agreed the things you want
to protect. Details have been outlined in the risk needs analysis.
We recommend you own the life insurance in your own name because you have the cashflow
available to meet the premium payments and you want control over the policy, the right to
nominate who receives the proceeds and the right to cancel if the need arises. You also prefer this
form of ownership as the proceeds will be a tax-free lump sum.
The premiums for self owned life insurance are not tax deductible.
If you do not nominate a beneficiary, the proceeds will form part of your estate and will be
distributed in accordance with your Will. Directing proceeds to your estate may provide
opportunity to use a testamentary trust to provide a tax-effective future income for dependants.
Alternative strategy

We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of 'Self-Insurance' via way of regularly

saving the premium amount, and using the accumulated savings (combined with your disposable
assets) to fund the items the insurance would otherwise cover. This strategy was discounted as
your disposable assets when combined with any regularly saved amounts would not provide the
same level of cover until beyond your life expectancy.
We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of establishing this insurance via your
superannuation account. However as you desire control over the policy and the right to nominate
who receives the proceeds.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

TPD insurance
To protect you and your family in the event that you are unable to work again due to permanent disability,
we recommend Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance of $390,000 on your life ('Own'
occupation). We recommend you own the cover in your own name.
TPD cover on your life means being able to pay for health and medical costs, reduce all or part of
your home loan and other outstanding debts, fund long term care needs and protect your longterm wealth accumulation strategy should you be diagnosed with an ailment or suffer an injury
which totally and permanently disables you.
This level of cover will:
provide funding for rehabilitation
provide funding for paid carers and/or modifications to your home or vehicle
assist with repayment of debt
provide a lump sum to invest to generate an income stream
protects your long-term wealth accumulation strategy
This level of cover is based on our discussions where we identified and agreed the things you want
to protect. Details have been outlined in the risk needs analysis.
We recommend you own the insurance in your own name because you have the cashflow available
to meet the premium payments and you prefer this form of ownership as the proceeds will be paid
directly to you as a tax-free lump sum.
The premiums for self owned TPD insurance are not tax deductible.
To qualify for a TPD payment you will need to satisfy the definition(s) in the insurance policy you
Alternative strategy

We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of 'Self-Insurance' via way of regularly

saving the premium amount, and using the accumulated savings (combined with your disposable
assets) to fund the items the insurance would otherwise cover. This strategy was discounted as
your disposable assets when combined with any regularly saved amounts would not provide the
same level of cover until beyond your life expectancy.
We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of establishing this insurance via your
superannuation account. However as you desire control over the policy and the right to nominate
who receives the proceeds.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Trauma insurance
To reduce the financial risk that can result from a major illness, we recommend Trauma insurance of
$100,000l on your life. We recommend you own the cover in your own name.
Trauma (or Critical Illness) cover is designed to pay you a lump sum in the event that you suffer a
specific illness or injury, such as heart attack or stroke, that may not leave you disabled long term
but are traumatic at the time of occurrence. Treatment and recovery and can be life-changing and
Trauma cover on your life means for you, being able to afford the best treatment and care; and for
you, should you be diagnosed with a critical illness.
This level of cover will provide funds to:
meet medical expenses or remodel your home
'top-up' your 75% income protection cover
allow you to take time off work
invest to generate an income.
This level of cover is based on our discussions where we identified and agreed the things you want
to protect. Details have been outlined in the risk needs analysis.
Owning trauma insurance in your own name means that the proceeds from a successful claim can
be paid direct to you as a tax-free lump sum.
The premiums for self owned trauma insurance are not tax deductible.
For a trauma claim to be successful, the diagnosis must meet the policy definition of 'critical illness'
as outlined in the insurance contract.
Alternative strategy

We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of 'Self-Insurance' via way of regularly

saving the premium amount, and using the accumulated savings (combined with your disposable
assets) to fund the items the insurance would otherwise cover. This strategy was discounted as
your disposable assets when combined with any regularly saved amounts would not provide the
same level of cover until beyond your life expectancy.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Income protection insurance

To provide you with an ongoing income if you are unable to work due to illness or injures, we recommend
income protection insurance on your life with a benefit of 75% of salary ($7,500 per month). Your cover
should be owned in your own name.
Income protection cover on your life means, for both of you, having a large percentage of your
income continue to be paid, should you be unable to work for a period of time due to illness or
It pays an ongoing monthly benefit to protect your lifestyle (by assisting to meet your living
expenses and debt repayments) and your wealth (by reducing or removing the need to sell down
assets to generate cash).
This amount of cover is recommended due to your high level of regular expenses and loan
repayments and 75% of employment income is the maximum cover level available.
Owning the policy in your own name is right for you because you have sufficient cashflow to meet
the ongoing cost of the premiums and it ensures any claim proceeds go to you.
The premiums are tax deductible to the policy owner and benefits that you receive in the event of a
claim are treated as taxable income and taxed at your marginal tax rate.
Alternative strategy

We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of 'Self-Insurance' via way of regularly

saving the premium amount, and using the accumulated savings (combined with your disposable
assets) to fund the items the insurance would otherwise cover. This strategy was discounted as
your disposable assets when combined with any regularly saved amounts would not provide the
same level of cover until beyond your life expectancy.
We compared the recommended strategy to an alternative of establishing this insurance via your
superannuation account. However as you desire control over the policy and the right to nominate
who receives the proceeds, also the level and terms of cover available via superannuation were not
as favourable.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd

Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Insurance portfolio recommendations

We recommend the following changes to your insurance portfolio:







Asteron Life


Sample1, Client
Sample1, Client
Sample1, Client






Sample1, Client
Sample1, Client
Sample1, Client
Sample1, Client





Zurich Wealth
Income Replace
Protection Plus
Death & TPD &

Premiums are subject to underwriting requirements and approval from the insurer.
The reasons for our recommendations and the associated consequences are explained below.

Zurich - Zurich Wealth Protection (Owner: Client)


The recommended Zurich Wealth Protection package (Life/TPD/Trauma/Income Protection) has

been recommended as a suitable replacement to your existing cover as this package offers the
'Own' occupation TPD;
A greater range of critical illness conditions;
Is premium competitive (when comparing similar products in the market); and,
Has been given a high financial strength rating.


No death benefit will be paid in the event of death by suicide in the 13 month period from the date
the life new insurance cover commences.
In the event of death by suicide in the first 13 months from the start of your new insurance cover,
the life cover is limited to $10,000.
For a Total and Permanent Disability claim to be paid, the diagnosis must meet the policy definition
of the permanent disability.
For a trauma claim to be paid, the diagnosis must meet the policy definition of the critical illness
which is the subject of the claim.
You will not be able to claim a trauma benefit if you suffer certain conditions within a 3 month
period from the date the policy commences. See the Product Disclosure Statement for details.
As this policy includes a trauma benefit without death cover, it is important to be aware that
survival period of 90 days applies. No benefit is payable is you do not survive this period. See the
PDS for further details.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Alternative products

We compared the recommended product against the our approved products list (including but not
limited to providers AIA, CommInsure, and Macquarie) and your existing policy. However for the
reasons noted above we recommended the Zurich Wealth Protection package. Should you like a
copy of our research (including cost and features comparisons) this can be provided free of charge.
Please refer to our full 'Approved Product List' on our website - www.opexconsulting.com.au.

Asteron - Asteron Life Protect (Owner: Client)


This policy does not offer you the level of cover you require at a competitive price.
This policy does not offer an 'Any' TPD occupation.
This policy has a limited number of critical illness conditions covered.


There will be some changes to your cover with the new policy we have recommended. The changes
to your cover are:
Increased levels of cover;
Increased cover types;
Reduced premiums; and,
Larger list of critical illness conditions covered.
There is no immediate financial cost to replace this policy.
The premium of your existing product is $12,000 per annum and the premium of the
recommended product will be $9,999 per annum.

For additional information please refer to the research in the Appendix and to the Product Disclosure

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Product design features

The product/s we have recommended also need to be tailored to suit your specific needs. We have
included the following design features as part of our recommendations.
Total and Permanent Disability Definition
There are two choices of policy definition for your total and permanent disablement cover. We have
recommended an own occupation definition. Should you be assessed as unable to ever follow your own
occupation due to a disability then the benefit will be paid. This compares with a less expensive any
definition which could be more difficult to qualify for as the insurer would take into account other training
and experience you may have when determining the extent of your disability. This own occupation option
is appropriate for you because you have the cashflow to afford the higher premium and want the more
flexible definition.
Linked Total Permanent Disability (TPD) and Trauma and Buy-Back Benefits
We have linked your Life insurance with your Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) and Trauma benefits, so
if you make a TPD or Trauma claim and are paid out, the other two cover levels will reduce by this amount.
This feature reduces your premium. You can purchase the Zurich Death Buy-Back Option/TPD Buy-Back
Option that lets you buy-back the reduction in cover after a period. We have included this in the
recommended cover so your protection continues.
Income Protection Agreed Value
You can obtain your income protection cover under an agreed value or indemnity option. We have
recommended an agreed value contract because you are able to substantiate your income and you want
peace of mind at time of claim. With an agreed value contract you will be required to provide proof of
income at the time you apply for the cover.
Income Protection - Waiting Period
If your income stops, you have limited ability to meet your living expenses from your own resources so a 30
day waiting period is a sensible option for you. A shorter 14 day waiting period is available with an
increased premium but you have indicated that it will be too expensive for your budget.
Benefits received in the event of a claim are paid monthly in arrears so your first payment would be after 2
Income Protection - Benefit Period
We recommend a Benefit Period to age 65. This is the longest benefit period available and will provide
more comprehensive protection as you will be covered for the potential of long-term injuries or illnesses.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Other features and options

There are a number of other features or options that weve included because they are important to you:
Stepped Premiums
When applying for cover, you can choose either stepped or level premiums. Stepped premiums are based
on your age, will usually increase each year and may be higher than level premiums where the policy is held
for an extended period. We recommend stepped premiums for you because they are lower and more cost
effective for you than level premiums in the initial years and this suits your budget situation.
Other features and options
There are a number of other features or options that weve included because they are important to you:
The Increasing Claims option meets your requirement for income protection benefit payments to
index in line with inflation.
The Superannuation Cover option allows you to receive more than the general maximum of 75% of
earnings at the time of claim.
The Nursing Care benefit and Day 1 Accident option allow for income protection payments during
the waiting period.
The Advanced Rehabilitation Expenses benefit.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Other important information

Suicide exclusion
No death benefit will be paid in the event of death by suicide in the 13 month period from the date the life
new insurance cover commences.
TPD claims
For a Total and Permanent Disability claim to be paid, the diagnosis must meet the policy definition of the
permanent disability.
Trauma claims
For a trauma claim to be paid, the diagnosis must meet the policy definition of the critical illness that is the
subject of the claim.
Trauma waiting period
You will not be able to claim a trauma benefit if you suffer certain conditions within a 3 month period from
the date the policy commences. See the Product Disclosure Statement for details.
Trauma survival period
As your policy includes a trauma benefit without death cover, it is important to be aware that a survival
period of 90 days applies. No benefit is payable if you do not survive this period. See the Product
Disclosure Statement for further details.
When does the cover commence?
Once the insurer has received your application, they will advise what other requirements they have of you.
This can involve having a blood test or a medical examination or they may write to your doctor for a report.
We will let you know what these requirements are as soon as we have been informed.
Your insurance does not commence until the insurer has completed their assessment, approved your
application and issued the insurance policy.
Some insurers provide interim cover in certain circumstances while they are assessing your application. The
terms and conditions of the cover are outlined in the Product Disclosure Statement. You do not pay an
extra premium for this cover.
If your health has changed since you took out your original cover, then it may be more difficult to get new
cover or the premium may be higher. In any event, it is important that you do not cancel any existing
insurance policies until any new policies are in-place.
Depending on your health and circumstances the insurer may specify exclusions of certain events. This
means the policy will not be paid out if the specified event occurs.

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Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Underwriting requirements
To assess your application, the insurer requires the following:

Financial reports including profit and loss, balance sheets and tax returns for all entities for the last
two years
Blood tests for HIV/Hepatitis B and C/Fasting MBA20 (Multi Biochemical Analysis 20)
Medical tests resting ECG
Medical Exam
Personal Medical Attendant Report (PMAR). The insurer will request this report directly from your
General Practitioner.

For your convenience, we will arrange for LifeScreen Australia Limited to contact you and arrange a time
and place convenient for you to undergo your tests and medical examination. Once complete all results
will be sent directly to the insurer with no cost to you.
Existing cover
As you are replacing an existing policy with the recommended policy, you should maintain your existing
cover until the new policy is established to ensure you have continuous cover.
Cooling Off Periods
Life insurance products have a cooling-off period during which you can check that it meets your needs.
Within this period, you can cancel the cover. Details about the cooling-off period are set out in the Product
Disclosure Statement.
Future Review
Over time, your circumstances and need for insurance can change. It is important to regularly review your
insurance arrangements with us to ensure you have the right cover in place to protect you and your family.
Your duty of disclosure
Please note the following information regarding your duty of disclosure to the Insurer. The key elements
The Duty rests with you.
If you believe that something is relevant to the insurers decision to accept the application, you
should disclose it.
The Duty could go beyond the questions in the applications.
Disclosure of information that decreases the risk or is of common knowledge, is not required.
The Duty continues until the policy has been issued.
If prior to policy issue, there is a change in the insureds circumstances (health, occupation, pursuits, etc)
and you believe this change would be relevant to the insurers decision to accept the application, details
should be disclosed.
Future claim payments could be affected if the requirements of the Duty are not followed. If the life
insured and the policy holder are different people, you refers to both of them.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Additional information
For more information about our strategy recommendations, please read the following Additional
Information Flyers that have been provided to you:

Term Life Insurance (1 July 2013)

TPD Insurance (1 July 2013)
Trauma Insurance (1 July 2013)
Income Protection Insurance (1 July 2013)

These flyers provide more information about our recommendations and any associated risks. They may
assist you to make your financial decisions. If you require another copy of any of the above documents then
please let us know. Copies will be provided free of charge.
Whilst every effort has been made to include relevant tax considerations, we recommend you seek
advice from an appropriately qualified tax agent about the impact on your tax liabilities before

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

This section outlines the amounts you pay for our advice and the services provided. We have also shown
the amounts we receive. All amounts are inclusive of GST (where applicable).

Advice Fees


Preparation of Advice Fee


Preparation of Advice Fee this fee covers our initial meeting, fact finding, analysis, preparation and
presentation of the advice contained in this document. This fee is payable by cheque made payable to Opex

Insurance product
Zurich - Wealth Protection Income Replace
Comprehensive, Protection Plus Death &
TPD & Extended Trauma







Any insurance commission is payable by the insurer to from the insurance premiums and is not an
additional cost to you.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Actions required by you

To proceed with our advice, you will need to undertake the following steps:

sign the Authority to Proceed page

complete and sign the enclosed financial product application forms
provide the required identification (e.g. drivers licence; passport; or proof of age card). If you do
not have one of these, we will assist you.

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Authority to proceed
Client Sample1
Level 4, 81 Flinders Street
Adelaide SA 5000

I have read and understood this Statement of Advice (SOA) prepared by Opex Helpdesk and dated
17 April 2014, including the disclosure of fees and commission associated with the implementation
and ongoing management of the recommendations.
I confirm that the information provided by me and restated in this SOA accurately summarises my
current personal and financial position and my needs and objectives. I understand that if any of this
information is incomplete or inaccurate then the advice may not be appropriate to my
I understand that the recommendations in this SOA have been prepared for my sole use and are
current for a period of 60 days from the date of the SOA. I acknowledge that after this time I should
not implement the recommendations without further review from my adviser to ensure they
remain appropriate.
I have received your Financial Services Guide and understood the contents.
I have received Product Disclosure Statements for all products recommended within this SOA and
any Additional Information listed in this SOA (where applicable).

I accept the recommendations offered in this document and authorise Opex Helpdesk to
implement all recommendations.

I agree to proceed as varied below. I understand that by choosing to implement a variation to the
advice we risk making a financial decision that may be inappropriate to my needs.

Client Sample1









Accepted for and on behalf of by:

Opex Helpdesk
Authorised Representative of

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Appendix: Insurance product research

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


Statement of Advice for Mr. Client Sample1

Appendix: Insurance quotations

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2014 Opex Consulting Pty Ltd


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