Samaresh ASM

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Offer/Appointment Letter


Date: 27th Dec’21.
Dear Samaresh Chandra Das ,
With reference to your application and the subsequent discussions you had with us, we are pleased
to extend you an offer to join Careerwill Information Centre Pvt Ltd, on the following terms.
We look forward to your joining in helping us grow the business of the brand ‘Careerwill ’.
. Date of Joining & Work Location: You are requested to join us no later than Wednesday, 5th
January, 2022 . Your work location is a Hybrid Work Model-West Bengal. Company reserves the
right to change your reporting manager or your location, based on business requirements and
you shall need to immediately report to your base of ice, as directed.

. Term: The term of this letter having 7 pages would be for a tenure of 12 months, however it
may be revised post 99 days from your date of joining. This Agreement will expire upon the
completion of this term unless revised in writing at the sole discretion of the company.

. Background Check: Your employment is contingent on your ability to furnish employment

eligibility documents as required. However, if considered necessary, we may conduct background
checks at any time on our own or through a third party and you hereby consent to any such
background checks and undertake to co-operate if requested. This agreement is subject to
validation of any information provided by you and the company can revoke this offer if the
veri ication is failed and the decision of the Company, in this matter shall be inal.

. Employment Relationship: Your employment relationship commences from the date of joining
in the Company and there are following key phases:
a) Incubation Phase: You shall be in an incubatory phase for a maximum of thirty (30) days from
your date of joining. Within this, the company can anytime terminate you in case of you being
absent from duty with or without proper information for more than 1 day(excluding week-off) or in
case you fail to deliver a satisfactory performance in any or all of the speci ied metrics in this phase.
Hence, it is mandatory for you to successfully clear the Incubation phase by achieving the de ined/
communicated metrics, failing which, may lead to cancellation of this offer and/or seizure of any
remuneration for any number of days spent with the organization. The decision of the Company on
incubation clearance and/or termination shall be inal and binding on you.
b) Development Phase(Probation): Your performance will be closely monitored in the incubation
phase and post successful achievement of the milestones, you shall be on a development phase of
99 days from your date of joining, the period of which may/may not be further extended as per the
business requirements.

. BYOD Policy: As a condition of employment, you are required to utilize your own laptop,
android phone, of icial sim card and stable broadband connection for the duration of your

Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

6. Department and Designation:

Department : Sales and Marketing - Careerwill Information Centre Pvt. Ltd.
Designation : Area Supply Manager - B2B - Band 2A

. Performance Metrics and Incentives: You will have to achieve a de ined revenue and non-
revenue metrics within a stipulated time frame to judge your performance during the course of
employment with us. You need to follow the standard work hygiene policy as applicable for the
particular month. Please note that the Company’s incentive policy, its structure and your metrics
may be amended, based on the business requirements and the same shall be conveyed to you as the
company deems it to be suitable. Sales incentives earned will be paid in the subsequent month
based on the company's current incentive policy applicable for a speci ic duration.
. Cost to the Company: Your inancial compensation is INR 804000 per annum including INR
120000 as annual performance pay based on your achieved metrics. Details in Annexure A and B.
. Deductions: The Company shall be entitled to deduct any kind of contractual, statutory and
compulsory deductions from the above remuneration payable to you and any other applicable
penalties as per company policy. The income tax liability with regards to salary and perks will be
yours, and will be governed by the applicable tax laws of the country.

0. Expense Reimbursement: Your aforementioned salary includes a maximum of Rs 6000 per

month which shall be reimbursed as per the expenses if any incurred by you on behalf of the
company or its clients as authorized, in connection with the duties executed by you, and only upon
presenting supporting vouchers/documents and subject to necessary approvals. This shall only
include all normal and related expenses such as travel expenses and work related operating
expenses related to your automobile(mileage reimbursement). The applicable Expense Policy will
be shared post your joining. We operate on a Zero Tolerance Policy if we ind any reimbursement
claim to be non-genuine.
1. Applicability of Company Policy: You shall be bound by any and all policies, procedures,
regulations of the Company, which are presently in force and the amendments made to it. The
management of the Company reserves the right to amend and update the same from time to time
with or without information pertaining to matters including but not limited to of ice and meeting
timings, leave entitlement, employees’ bene its, working hours, misconduct, etc as per the business
needs. All such decisions of the Company shall be inal and binding on you and shall override this
agreement to that extent. Any violation would be subject to immediate disciplinary actions.
2. Leave and Working Hours: You will be required to work for six days in a week and such hours
as necessary for the proper discharge of your duties and are expected to inish your hourly, daily,
weekly, fortnightly and monthly goals/tasks without fail to avoid any disciplinary action. Additionally,
you are entitled to get 1 sick leave in each calendar month and 1 birthday(if applicable) leave during
your development phase.

Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

3. Termination and Resignation:

a) Your employment with the Company is an ‘employment at will’ model. During the tenure of this
agreement, either party can terminate the employment for any reason whatsoever as per the
mentioned terms, In the event you desire to leave the Company, you will be required to give the
Company a minimum notice of 15 days in writing or salary in lieu thereof, and the Company will
be entitled to terminate your services by giving you a 3 days’ notice in writing, or by payment of 1
day salary in lieu of such notice. During the notice period you shall not be entitled to any paid or
unpaid leave and the notice period cannot be adjusted by any accrued leave. The decision of
waiving the notice period lies at the sole discretion of the company otherwise the notice period
has to be served in full, in case of failure to give the above notice period, the Company reserves
the right of 30 day pay recovery and you may stand not eligible to be hired by the Company or its
associates or partners in future.
) In case of deviation or non-adherence to Company’s policies and rules as communicated via
this addendum and also in other physical or digital mode or as the company deems it to inform
provided to you pursuant to your signing of this addendum or if the company terminates your
employment on disciplinary or integrity grounds, including but not limited to embezzlement, fraud,
gross negligence, willful misconduct, Code of Conduct, involvement in criminal act ( inancial or non
- inancial), non-performance for a prolonged period of time, material violation of any of the
company policies, intemperate, irregular in attendance, achieved any of your revenue or
non-revenue metrics through any improper means, commit breach of the terms of your
employment or of any of the stipulations herein contained, you are found to be absconding for 2
or more days from the duties for which you have been hired or for any other reasons causing
grievous loss/damage/disrepute to the Company or its partners or associates, the Company shall
without prejudice to any of its rights under the terms herein contained, be entitled to terminate
your employment forthwith without notice or any inancial compensation for any period and
deduct from your remuneration or other emoluments, if any, then due to you, including the
amount of any inancial loss that the Company may have sustained. The Company also reserves
the right of 30 day pay recovery if such a case arises.
c ) You shall, on ceasing to be an employee of the Company for any reason and in addition to the
obligations under this Non-Disclosure and Con idential Information Agreement, forthwith return
all Company properties, movable and immovable, including all Company information and data in
any form, iles, reports, memoranda, software, cards, door and ile keys, computer access codes,
and such other property which you received or in possession or prepared in connection with your
employment with the Company.
4. Con idential Information: As an employee, you will come into possession of information
con idential to the Company and you agree to keep these con idential at any time during the
period of your employment within the Company. Con idential information includes and is not
limited to; course materials, videos, other relevant documents. You shall not disclose to any
person, nor make copies of such information to any person for any purpose except solely in
connection with your performance in the company, failing to this shall lead to immediate action as
per clause 13.
Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

5. Indemnity: You hereby agree to indemnify and keep indemni ied and hold the Company
harmless from and against any loss, claim, damage, costs, taxes, duties, additions, penalties,
interest thereon or expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred/sustained
or caused to be incurred/sustained by the Company on account of:
a) Any act or omission by you;
b) Contravention of any of the terms, conditions, covenants of this letter or the Non-Disclosure
and Con idential Information Agreement;
c ) Any representation or warranty or information furnished to the Company found to be false;
d) Violation/non-compliance with any laws/rules/regulations while rendering the services;
e) Failure to adhere to the standards/speci ications/policies of the Company.
16. General Provisions:
a) You are required to devote your entire time, attention and effort to the furtherance of the
business of the Company and to continually develop your professional skills in the interest of the
Company and yourself. You shall not, during your employment with the Company, directly or
indirectly engage yourself in or devote any time or attention to any part-time employment or
business or position of monetary interest, other than that of the Company. Further, you shall not
divulge, communicate or pass any information in any form, related to any aspect of the Company
to anyone outside the Company.
) You shall endeavor to uphold the good image of the Company and shall never by your conduct
adversely affect the reputation to bring disrepute to the Company, in any manner whatsoever, even
after separation from the organization. You shall not conduct yourself in any manner amounting to
breach of con idence reposed in you or inconsistent with the position of responsibility occupied
by you. You shall at all times deal with the Company’s money, material and documents with utmost
honesty and professional ethics.
c ) Your individual remuneration is purely a matter between yourself and the Company and has
been arrived at on the basis of our speci ic background and professional merit. The Company
expects that you maintain this information and any future changes to your remuneration, as
strictly personal and con idential.
) This letter constitutes the complete understanding between you and the Company regarding
the terms of your employment with the Company. This supersedes any and all other agreements
made till date, either written or oral, between you and the Company regarding your employment.
) You will not borrow or accept any money, gifts, reward or compensation for your personal
gains from or otherwise place yourself under monetary obligation to any person/client with
whom you may be having any kind of official dealings.
f ) All disputes arising herein shall be governed by the laws of India and the jurisdiction to
entertain and try such disputes shall vast exclusively in the courts of Delhi.

Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

Annexure - A

Name Samaresh Chandra Das

Designation Area Supply Manager
Band 2A
Components Monthly Annually
Basic 10000 120000
HRA 5000 60000
Conveyance Allowance 2500 30000
Other Allowances 30049 360588
Medical Allowance 570 6840
Performance Linked Incentive 0 120000
Reimbursements 6000 72000
Employee Contribution to PF 1200 14400
Employer Contribution to PF 1200 14400
Gratuity 481 5772
Total CTC 57000 804000


Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

Annexure - B


Basic This is the basic salary which is paid monthly and taxable.

40 - 50% of the basic pay and is paid monthly and is taxable; tax
exemption is available subject to submission of original rent receipts and
HRA compliance with other requirements.
It is the portion of salary that you receive against your travel costs to and
Conveyance Allowance fro from office and home and is fixed as per the mentioned amount.
It is that portion of salary that you receive against your few other
Other Allowances allowances.
It is the portion of salary that you receive against your medical expenses
Medical Allowance incurred and is capped at the mentioned amount.
Paid quarterly and taxable; it is based on defined metrics if performance
Performance Linked Incentive is higher, the earning potential is higher.
It is that portion of salary that you receive against your travel costs for
official work, if any. For details, please refer to clause 10 of your offer
Reimbursements letter.
Provident fund contribution is calculated @ 12% on basic salary as
employer's contribution and the same is deducted as employee’s
contribution on the entire basic salary as per the Employees Provident
Provident Fund Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
It is payable as per The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and is calculated
Gratuity at 4.81% of basic salary.


Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

We are certain that you will ind learning, challenge and satisfaction in your association with us.

You are requested to submit a self attested copy of the below mentioned documents within 5 days
of your joining date:

1. Signed copy of this Offer Letter.

2. Signed copy of Pan Card, Aadhaar Card, Driving License and Voter ID/Passport.
3. 10th and 12th Mark sheet and Certi icate.
4. Graduation/Post Graduation–All semester mark sheet and Course Completion Certi icate.
5. Cancelled Cheque/Bank Passbook bearing your name on it.
6. Current/Previous company offer letter, three month’s pay-slip, salary credited bank
7. All previous company’s resignation, relieving, experience letters.
8. Photographs as per the guidelines.

Kindly indicate your agreement with the above mentioned terms and accept this offer, by signing
and dating the duplicate original of this letter and returning them to the Company.

Yours sincerely,

Accept the Offer Letter by signing below

Careerwill Information Centre Pvt Ltd

Human Resource Team ………………………………………

Samaresh Chandra Das

Barsati Floor, 521, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi, Delhi, 110009.
Phone : +91 7082189797 Email : [email protected]

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