Leadership Roles & 3 Tier Plan

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Part 5

Leadership Roles & 3 Tier plan

Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rocks Teacher Leadership and Compensation
plan will be a three-tiered plan that will include the following levels to
assist the district to meet the vision and goals as set forth by this plan:

Attract able and promising new teachers.

Assist and support new staff members.
Retain effective teachers.
Promote collaboration.
Reward professional growth.
Improve student achievement.

Level #1 - Building Team Leader

Will be paid an additional $5000 and seven additional contract
Will maintain a part time classroom engaged in student
instruction, not to exceed 50% of a teaching day
One half of each day will be spent performing teacher leadership
Will provide continuous and periodic observation and guidance in
the classroom
Will collaboration specifically with Level #2 Lead/PLC Teachers,
Level #3 Model teacher, administration, and all other necessary
Will work with administration, curriculum coordinator, and
technology integrationist to develop and provide professional
development and assist teachers with carrying out the Iowa
Professional Development Model (IPDM) by offering training and
learning opportunities, collaboration and implementation, and
ongoing data collection
Will guide and assist the PLC leaders
Will lead the district mentor/mentee program which will allow for
teachers to visit other classrooms for observations
Will work closely with the new teachers in the mentor/mentee
Will assist with parent nights on various topics
Will be responsible for presenting information to the school board
Number of teachers in district
1 Elementary
1 High School
Additional requirements
Must have an understanding of PLC and have attended training

Must have training for mentor/mentee program to lead the

Must attend training to coach staff in the analysis of student data
Must have an understanding of student achievement data and
the ability to create an action plan based on the data from the
Must have an understanding of the IPDM
Must be able to offer support for students performing below
Must have an understanding of students levels of instruction and
the knowledge of interventions or a multi-tiered system of
Must have a working knowledge of the Iowa Core

Length of assignment
No time specified with a minimum of one year renewable if
Level #2 Lead Teacher/PLC Leader
Will be paid an additional $2000 and three additional contract
Will maintain regular classroom load engaged in student
instruction, with the addition of leading weekly PLC meetings
Will assist teacher in adhering to team norms
Will lead the PLC teams in a process of developing and
monitoring the attainment of SMART goals
Will help clarify and add meaning to essential learning outcomes
for each subject or course
Will collaborate with Model Teacher in the mentor/mentee
Will see out and share best practice
Will guide teachers in the direction of classroom exemplary
Additional Requirements
Must have an understanding of PLC and have attended training
Must attend training to coach staff in the analysis of student data
Must have an understanding of student achievement data and
the ability to create an action plan based on the data from the
Must have an understanding of the IPDM
Must be able to offer support for students performing below
Must have an understanding of students levels of instruction and
the knowledge of interventions or a multi-tiered system of

Must have a working knowledge of the Iowa Core

Must be willing to assist with parent nights on various topics

Number of teachers
2 Elementary teachers (1 upper elementary (grades 4-6), 1 lower
elementary (grades PK-3)
4 Secondary teachers
Length of assignment
one year, can be renewable
Level #3 Model Teacher
Will be paid an additional $500 with no additional contract days
Will maintain a regular classroom teaching load engaged in
student instruction
Will continually demonstrate exemplary classroom practices
Will collaborate with other groups in the mentor/mentee program
Will assist with parent nights on various topics
Additional Requirements
Must be a self-directed learner
Must be willing to open their classroom for teacher observation
and instructional practices, this can include new or veteran
Must be confident and willing, when asked, to demonstrate or
share lessons or strategies in weekly collaboration time
May choose to attend PLC training for continued professional
Number of Teachers
Length of assignment
One year, can be renewable
How these roles fit together
The collaboration of these roles is key in the success of teacher and
student learning. In our plan, Level One: Building Team Leader, Level
Two: Lead Teacher/PLC Leader, and Level Three: Model Teacher will
work together designing a mentor-mentee program at our district level.
While the Building Team Leader will be facilitator of the group, the level
two PLC leader will encourage the initiatives of the PLC groups
throughout the mentoring process. Our Model Teachers will present
best practices during mentoring sessions and at other times when
needed for district teachers. All roles will work together to build a
supportive and effective mentoring program.

Parent involvement is another area where all leadership roles will work
together. Parent nights will be organized throughout the year to
encourage a welcoming and supportive culture for our parent
population. We are excited that these grant funds may allow us to
break down barriers in our small rural school situation by opening our
doors to parents in a pleasant, caring, and supportive atmosphere.
All roles will collaborate on Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock PLC initiatives
and analyze student assessment data to create a strong, supportive
multi-tiered system of support. Analysis will include areas of student
strengths and needs. By focusing on these areas, we will improve
instructional strategies across the entire Rudd-Rockford-Marble Rock
teaching staff.

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