Staffing Recomm For Board 2014-15

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FY-15-16 Staffing Recommendations to Board Keith Turner



FY-16 Consideration:

Admin. Recommendation:

Elementary Sections:
Kindergarten (Est.22)


1 Sections


1 Sections


2 Sections

2 = 18.5

2 Sections.


2 Sections

(Currently 1 Sections)

1st Grade / 26
(Currently 2 Sections)

2nd Grade / 30
(Currently 2 Sections)

3rd Grade / 37
(Currently 2 Sections)

4th Grade / 29
(Currently 1 Sections)

5th Grade / 26
(Currently 2 Sections)

6th Grade/31
(Currently 2 sections)

1 Sections


2 sections

2 = 16/15

Reduce 1 FTE at elementary
with 1 section 1st grade
Savings $50,000
We have 27 pre-school
students signed up at this
time. So we will have AM and
PM classes
No Staff Changes Required...
Implement as presented

Specials/ PE/Music/Art
TLC Grant: .5 of one position will fill the lead teacher role at elementary (16-17)
At-Risk funding: Social Worker, 125 FTE Academic / Reading Interventionist At-Risk, .125 Math Interventionist At-Risk

Middle School Staffing Issues

7th - 41

2 section=20/21

Status Quo...

8th - 32

1 section social studies, 1 section science, 1 section

PE, 2 sections reading, Math and LA

Similar to 7th grade

No Staff Changes Required...

Implement as presented

Middle School Exploratory

Computer / Art/Music

High School Staffing Issues


11th- 43
9th 46
TLC Grant for 16-17: will require .5 position as lead teacher from the secondary side. Savings of approx. $40,000 on general fund.
At-Risk funding: Social Worker, .125 FTE Academic / Reading Interventionist/Reading Recovery At-Risk, .125 Math Interventionist At-Risk

Other Academic Areas

12th -40

FY-15-16 Staffing Recommendations to Board Keith Turner

Title I Services

Title I
Evaluate how services are currently allocated

Special Education

Review Staffing Levels Due to Increasing


Admin. Team Support

Will need to support Curriculum / State

Reporting / ETC

Continue to Monitor Title I Funding...

Title I services will likely be modified to support

the MTSS Literacy Program

Possible shift Staffing and Associate Support

from existing staff to assist with increase

K-8 Literacy Committee will

develop recommendations for
future Title I Reading Services

Continue to Monitor

Administrative Team

Tech integrationist- possible funding through TLC grant amendment for 16-17,
Office Staff- ???
Possible Human Resource shared with Nashua-Plainfield would generate $32,000

Activity Program Considerations...

1 Middle school basketball coach for boys and girls

Current Teaching Vacancies

Current Activity Vacancies:


Reduction of Paul Bisgard

mentor/ $18,000 insurance

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