BQC Constitution

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The Constitution

Of the


We the members of the Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC), and subscribing to the regulations and policies of
Bonneville Joint School District #93, establish this constitution to govern the matters within our organization.
Organizations Name and Badge
This constitution establishes Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) as the official name used to refer to this
organization both in official and unofficial matters and documentation. The logo or badge will look like the
following and will be placed on uniforms, signs, equipment, and displays. The Bonneville Quidditch Club
(BQC) reserves the right to redesign and rebrand its club throughout its chartered existence.

Section 1:

The primary goal of the Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) is to provide group participation and
build teamwork skills towards directed physical activity. The organization will promote interest
in the developing sport of quidditch and allow students to continue their desired growth and
knowledge within literary settings. The club will also directly support and build literacy for club
members and promote literacy activities throughout Bonneville High School and surrounding
schools within the district.

Section 1:

Regular membership in this organization shall be open to any registered and enrolled student at
Bonneville High School. Membership is voluntary.

Section 2:

Students must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA to participate. This will be instituted as a check to
maintain that the club does not interfere with the students academics. This will be monitored by
the club President and Vice-President. Any student not meeting the GPA requirement may still
be a club member, but cannot actively participate in a leadership position, practices, games, or

Section 3:

Non-discrimination Clause. Consistent with all applicable federal and state laws and school
policies, this Organization and its subordinate bodies and officers shall not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or in its selection of
members, officers, educational programs, or activities.

Section 4:

All members must subscribe to the ideals of the organization, pay the required dues (when
instituted), contribute and participate in team functions and fundraisers, maintain an attitude
which is conducive to the development of the team, and represent Bonneville High School in an
appropriate and responsible manner.

Section 5:

Any and all dues will be set in place at the end of each year for the following school year. The
dues are to cover the monetary items that the club requires. This includes: clothing/jerseys,
equipment, travel expenses, etc. Dues will not be a determining factor for club membership. If a
member is unable to pay, they will not be turned away from the club or from participation. Dues
are decided, both in necessity and value, by the officers of the club, in conjunction with the
faculty sponsor, and are not required as a part of this Organizations charter.

Section 1:

There will be four (4) leadership positions within the Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC). Those
positions are as follows:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Treasurer
d. Public Relations and Tournament Director

Section 2:

The election of these members will take place at two different times. The elections for President
and Vice-President will be held at the end of each school year to be effective for the following
school year. The elections for Treasurer and Public Relations and Tournament Director will be
held at the beginning of each school year to be effective for that current school year.

Section 3:

The elected positions shall take office at the first meeting in the month of September and will
serve for a full calendar year.
a. Elections for President and Vice-President are held in any week in May, but the
transition will not occur any earlier than the second week in September.
b. Elections for Treasurer and Public Relations and Tournament Director are held in any
week in September, but the transition will not occur any earlier than the first week in

Section 4:

Role of the officers is to include the following:

a. President The president shall act as the head figure, in conjunction with the faculty
sponsor, when dealing with all matters of the US Quidditch Association (USQ) or the
International Quidditch Association (IQA). Beyond that, the President will seek out
and contact all members of the Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) and other
competitive teams. All scheduling and tournament bids should be placed through the
president. The president will also run tryouts if numbers indicate necessary. The
president must be no less than a junior grade-level, and will oversee the overall
function of the club.
b. Vice-President The vice-president shall act as the head to the school as a whole. He
or she will oversee meetings, practices, and matches, in conjunction with the
President and faculty sponsor.

c. Treasurer The treasurer keeps the dues and accurate books of how much money is
available for travel and other expenses that the organization might need to pay for or
gain throughout the year.
d. Public Relations and Tournament Director The Public Relations and Tournament
Director is responsible for recruiting members and getting publicity out to the school
and community. They are also responsible for planning travel and tournament
schedules, in conjunction with the President and faculty sponsor.
Removal and Replacement of Officers
Section 1:

Removal of Officers
a. The removal of an officer requires a 2/3 vote of a quorum following the notification
of the officer in question. Such notification shall be provided in writing no less than
seven school days prior to the vote.

Section 2:

Replacement of Officers
a. At any time the President is unable to continue or complete their responsibilities, the
Vice-President will assume the position.
b. All other elected offices found to be vacant shall be filled by election immediately by
vote of the current body present.
Meetings and House Organization

Section 1:

a. Meetings will be scheduled at a monthly interval and can be called more frequently
by club officers if deemed necessary.
b. The team will meet the day before a scheduled game, invitational, or tournament no
matter if it is home or away.
c. Team practices will be once a week after school (generally beginning at 4:00 pm),
unless decided differently by team captains and House coaches.

Section 2:

a. Quorum will be set at 50% of active, participating members at the time.
b. Anytime something must be voted on, quorum must be met before the vote is made.

Section 3:

a. Depending on club membership, the club shall be divided equally into four (4)
Houses keeping with the theme and styling of J.K. Rowling. Each of the Houses will
create and maintain, in conjunction with the faculty sponsor, their own independent
quidditch team.
b. Within each House, the club members will be chosen to serve either on their House
team or in an alternative capacity (scorekeeper, referee, snitch, etc.). All those that
wish to play will be given every opportunity to play either in practice matches or in
c. Houses are not divided by gender, physical attributes, or by seniority. Each House is
chosen by personality characteristics, also keeping with the theme and styling of J.K.

d. Division into Houses serves as a logistical answer to gameplay. Each House provides
a team which will compete and play against the other House teams. Game scheduling
will be planned, in conjunction with the faculty sponsor, by the House coaches and
team captains.
e. Each House will name their particular quidditch team. The name of the team must
remain the same throughout the yearly season. Quidditch team names are chosen each
year by each respective House no later than the first week of November, and could
remain the same if the House so chooses. The team names are recorded by the Public
Relations and Tournament Director.
Section 1:

The Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) will follow all the rules and regulations of the US
Quidditch Association (USQ) and the International Quidditch Association (IQA), the governing
bodies to the college and high school chapters of quidditch. The Organization will also follow
and use the USQs rulebook as a supplement to the Bonneville Quidditch Clubs rules and
regulations. An updated copy of the rules and regulations may be found on the USQ website or at
any Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) meeting. In instances of conflict, regulations or policies
of the Bonneville Joint School District #93 shall take precedence over the constitution, rules, and
regulations of the US Quidditch Association (USQ) and/or the International Quidditch
Association (IQA).

Section 1:

Bonneville Quidditch Club (BQC) members will be allowed to raise money through sponsored
fundraising activities, events, and sales.

Section 2:

All money shall be spent properly to further the purpose of the organization in its travel,
equipment, dues, etc. It will also be subject to audit and verification consistent with Bonneville
Joint School District #93 school board policies.

Section 1:

All amendments to this constitution require notice of one week prior to being discussed and
voted upon.

Section 2:

All amendments require a 2/3 vote of a quorum for adoption.

Gender Equality

Section 1:

In accordance with Title 9 and Title 9 of the US Quidditch Association (USQ), quidditch
teams will be organized with no less than three (3) males and three (3) females. The seventh
member of the playing team may be either male or female. This maintains the ratio of 3:4 males
to females and promotes gender equality in sports.

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