BMC Change Management 8 1 - User Guide
BMC Change Management 8 1 - User Guide
01-Nov-2013 17:48
Table of Contents
1 Accessing the interface _________________________________________________________________ 13
To log in and access the BMC Remedy ITSM Suite applications _______________________________ 13
2.1.2 Benefits of Best Practice view in the Release Management module _______________________ 21
2.1.3 Best Practice view - Change Request form _________________________________________ 25
2.1.4 Best Practice view - Release Request form _________________________________________ 27
2.1.5 Classic view - Change Request form ______________________________________________ 29
2.1.6 Classic view - Release Request form ______________________________________________ 30
2.2 IT Home page ____________________________________________________________________ 31
2.2.1 IT Home page and its functional areas ____________________________________________ 32
2.2.2 Configuring the IT Home page __________________________________________________ 34
2.2.3 Customizing and using the IT Home page video _____________________________________ 35
2.3 Navigating consoles, forms, and modules _______________________________________________ 35
2.3.1 What happens to data as I move back and forth on the breadcrumb trail? _________________ 37
2.3.2 How does the breadcrumb trail behave with forms in Search mode? _____________________ 37
2.3.3 Can I force a second window to open? ____________________________________________ 38
2.3.4 Which consoles, forms, and modules open in a new window? __________________________ 38
2.4 User interface standards for field labels _________________________________________________ 39
2.5 Icons used in the interface __________________________________________________________ 39
2.6 Using the Change Management Console and the Change form ______________________________ 40
2.6.1 Change Management console functional areas ______________________________________ 41
2.6.2 Company and Console View ____________________________________________________ 44
2.6.3 Change form functional areas ___________________________________________________ 45
2.7 Using the Release Management console and the Release form _______________________________ 48
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Creating a change request at the initiate stage - Best Practice view ______________________ 83
5.1.2 Creating a change request at the Initiate stage - Classic view ___________________________ 86
5.1.3 Creating emergency change requests _____________________________________________ 91
5.1.4 Creating a change request from Atrium Impact Simulator ______________________________ 91
5.1.5 Creating change requests as rollbacks ____________________________________________ 93
5.1.6 Associating custom process flows to a change template ______________________________ 94
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Creating a release request at the initiate milestone - Best Practice view __________________ 190
6.1.2 Creating a release request at the initiate milestone - Classic view _______________________ 193
6.1.3 Specifying the business justification _____________________________________________ 196
6.1.4 Selecting release templates ____________________________________________________ 198
6.1.5 Creating a manifest __________________________________________________________ 200
6.2 Recording the release activities ______________________________________________________ 204
6.2.1 To add or modify work information to a release request when using the Best Practice view ___ 205
6.2.2 To add or modify work information to a release request when using the Classic view ________ 205
6.3 Planning milestone - Planning and scheduling the release request ___________________________ 206
6.3.1 To plan and schedule the release request _________________________________________ 207
6.3.2 Scheduling releases __________________________________________________________ 210
6.4 Managing release management approvals ______________________________________________ 213
6.4.1 Approval processes provided out-of-the-box for Release Management __________________ 213
6.4.2 Understanding the release management approval process ____________________________ 214
6.4.3 Working with release request approvals __________________________________________ 215
6.5 Build milestone - Building a controlled environment for the release __________________________ 216
6.5.1 To build the release __________________________________________________________ 218
6.6 Test milestone - Testing the release __________________________________________________ 218
6.6.1 To test the release __________________________________________________________ 220
6.7 Deployment milestone - Rolling out the release to the business _____________________________ 220
6.7.1 To deploy the release to the business ____________________________________________ 221
6.8 Close Down milestone - Completing release requests _____________________________________ 222
6.8.1 To close down the release ____________________________________________________ 223
6.8.2 To cancel a release __________________________________________________________ 223
6.9 Working with release manifests ______________________________________________________ 224
6.9.1 Related topics ______________________________________________________________ 225
6.9.2 Using Quick Actions on changes and activities _____________________________________ 225
6.9.3 Performing other functions with related release requests _____________________________ 225
6.10 Working with release activities ______________________________________________________ 226
6.10.1 Working on activities ________________________________________________________ 228
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To search for request types and establish the relationship type _________________________ 264
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This section describes how to complete tasks that are associated with the user goals for BMC Change
Accessing the interface (see page 13)
Navigating the interface (see page 14)
Using Global search (see page 67)
Viewing your profile (see page 80)
Using BMC Change Management (see page 81)
Using Release Management (see page 188)
Working with relationships (
Working with broadcasts (
Working with records (
Working with costs (see page 292)
Working with tasks (see page 299)
Working with reports (
Using reminders (see page 331)
Using flashboards (
Using search (
Using social collaboration (
Using BMC Atrium Service Context (see page 359)
Using the Calendar (see page 362)
TMS templates (
Registering time segments (see page 415)
Change notifications (see page 429)
Sending pages and email messages (see page 431)
Managing SLM service targets (see page 434)
Enabling the Change Implementer support group assignment (see page 435)
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<port>: (Optional) Port number (required if the web server is not on the default port)
2. In the User Name and Password fields of the Welcome page, enter your user name and password.
3. Click Login. The IT Home Page ( opens.
The IT Home page opens by default, however, system administrators can configure another home
page ( to open, instead.
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Incident request
Known error
Problem investigation
Release request
Work Order
For information about the benefits of Best Practice view in each application, see Benefits of Best Practice views (
If a procedure description in the documentation differs depending on the view, both methods are
described. Instructions for the Best Practice view are provided first.
The Virtualization Lifecycle Management view is the same as the Best Practice View, and all additional
features provided for the VLM view were incorporated in BMC Change Management 7.6.04.
In the table that follows, the Navigation pane links are not mentioned if they are available from the
Navigation pane in both views, even if the link is accessed from a different group on the Navigation
Classic view
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Classic view
Fields on
Coordinator Group
group and which person is responsible for coordinating the change until it is
Assignment tab:
Support Company
Support Group
Name, Email,
and Site
Several fields on
Requester tab
Type ahead
Menu button enables
selection of group
using organizational
Tooltip displaying
Change Coordinator
Type ahead
Tooltip displaying
Name, Email,
Telephone, and Site
Best practice recommends that that the change coordinator is the same
person who creates the change request. This is why these fields are
automatically completed with the submitter's information if that person has
the functional role of Change Coordinator or Change Manager.
If you leave the fields blank, the Assignment rules determine the field values
after the submission.
Change Location
Type ahead
This field shows the
lowest level of
location information
of the change
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Classic view
This field was moved to the Main view, because the information it contains is
Type ahead
Field label link opens
the Service CI
View Business Service
icon allows you to
display configuration
details of the
selected service
Service context
widget can be
launched to display
essential status
information about
the selected service
Available on the
Navigation pane
under Quick links
Out-of-the-box, the Service field is a required field. This ensures that service
awareness is used for routing purposes and metrics can be tracked by the
selected Service. However, you can configure the field to not be required.
Note: The only services that you can select are the ones that the customer is
entitled to see. Entitlement is based on a Used By relationship with the
Service and the customer, or the organization to which the customer
Adding the Template field to the Main view encourages the use of templates
and enables you to search and report on the changes created by template.
Type ahead
Field on
Classification tab:
Field on
Classification tab:
Note: Standard value was introduced in both views for release 7.6.00 of the
BMC Remedy ITSM suite.
Change Timing
Target Date
(introduced in
BMC Remedy
ITSM suite
Target Date
Target Date
The Target Date is the date by when the change must be completed,
according to the applicable service level targets. Alternatively, the target
date can be a date that is agreed to on an ad hoc basis, per change.
Change Type
Available on Main
No longer available
This field is not used by the majority of customers, so it was removed from
the view. Background processes always set the field value to Change, for
workflow purposes.
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Classic view
Requested By
Field on Requester
Best practice recommends that you review the related incident requests or
known errors, or both, to determine who requested the change, because the
change could have been requested by multiple people.
Support Company
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Support Group
Requested For
Field on Requester
Quick Actions
First Name
Last Name
Work Info
Fields on
Assignment tab:
Support Company
Support Group
Change Manager
Set Assignment
Manager Group
Change Manager
The Manager Group and Change Manager fields contain key change
First attachment
Additional fields
hidden in More
Details expand area:
Work Info type
2nd and 3rd
View Access
Table on Approvers
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Classic view
Time Spent
Fields on
Assignment tab:
Start Time
Start Time
Time Spent (min)
Fields on
Assignment tab:
These fields are used when the change has no tasks associated with it. The
recommended best practice is to always coordinate the implementation of a
change using tasks. This is why these fields are not considered essential.
Support Company
Support Group
Set Implementer
Fields on
Classification tab:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Fields on
Classification tab:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Product Name
These fields were moved to the Navigation pane, because using the CMDB is
a better way to perform grouping, trending, and assignment. This, and
wanting to reduce the registration time of new incident request records,
means that now the product categorization is automatically completed
based on the product categorization of the related service.
Type-ahead available
for all fields.
Auto-complete and
prefill available for
Product Name
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Classic view
Fields on
Key information for change requests includes the fields that were moved to
Change Reason
Classification tab:
Timing Reason
Lead Time
Change Reason
Performance Rating fields are not displayed on the Best Practice view;
research showed the majority of customers are not using these fields for
Field on Date/System
Timing Reason
Field on the
Relationships tab:
Performance Rating
The other
fields are
shown in
other rows in
the table.
Available as the
Financial tab
The two date fields were not considered essential for change resolution or
Not available
Practice view
disabled and
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Classic view
Fields on Vendor
The overall number of fields displayed for Vendor assignment has been
Detail tab):
reduced, and the key fields were moved to the Main view. This was done
because they are part of the key information that should be immediately
Vendor Company
Vendor Group
Vendor Ticket Number
Vendor Group
In the table that follows, the Navigation pane links are not mentioned if they are available from the
Navigation pane in both views, even if the link is accessed from a different group on the Navigation
Classic view
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Classic view
Fields on
Coordinator Group
group and which person is responsible for coordinating the release until it is
Assignment tab:
Support Company
Support Group
Name, Email,
and Site.
Several fields on
Requester tab
Type ahead
Menu button enables
selection of group
using organizational
Tooltip displaying
Release Coordinator
Type ahead
Tooltip displaying
Name, Email,
Telephone, and Site
Best practice recommends that that the release coordinator is the same
person who creates the release request. This is why these fields are
automatically completed with the submitter's information if that person has
the functional role of Release Coordinator.
If you leave the fields blank, the Assignment rules determine the field values
after the submission.
Release Location
Type ahead
This field shows the
lowest level of
location information
of the release
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Classic view
This field was moved to the Main view, because the information it contains is
Type ahead
Field label link opens
the Service CI
View Business Service
icon allows you to
display configuration
details of the
selected service
Service context
widget, which can be
launched to display
essential status info
about the selected
Available on the
Navigation pane
under Quick links
Out-of-the-box, the Service field is a required field. This ensures that service
awareness is used for routing purposes and metrics can be tracked by the
selected Service. However, you can configure the field to not be required.
Adding the Template field to the Main view encourages the use of templates
and enables you to search and report on the changes created by template.
Type ahead
Field on
Classification tab:
Field on
Classification tab:
Business Justification
Target Date
(introduced in
release 7.6.00
of BMC
Remedy ITSM
Target Date
Target Date
The Target Date is the date by when the release must be completed,
according to the applicable service level targets. Alternatively, the target
date can be a date that is agreed to on an ad hoc basis, for each release.
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Classic view
Work Info
Release Type
Field on
Classification tab
The Release Type is used to identify the type of release that is being handled.
Best practice recommends that you review the related incident requests or
known errors, or both, to determine who requested the release. The release
could have been requested by multiple people.
Time Spent
Fields on
Assignment tab:
The Cumulative Efforts field was added in preparation for the automatic
roll-up of time tracked in related activities and changes.
Cumulative Efforts
Time Spent for
Activities (min)
Total Time Spent for
Changes (min)
Table on Approvers
Fields on
Classification tab:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Based on this, access to the fields was moved to a tab, which you configure
to appear or be hidden, according to your organization's needs.
Note: You can specify the operational categorization values for each
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Classic view
Fields on
These fields were moved to the Navigation pane, because using the CMDB is
Classification tab:
(if configured to be
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Product Name
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Product Name
Type-ahead available
for all fields.
Auto-complete and
prefill available for
Product Name
Available on the
Financial tab
The two date fields are not considered essential for the release resolution or
for reporting purposes.
Not available
Practice view.
and read-only.
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Coordinator Group field The Coordinator Group and the Change Coordinator field replace the Change
Assignee fields. Use the Coordinator Group field to select a support group. The support groups that appear
in the menu each have at least one member with a Change Coordinator functional role. From the
Coordinator Group menu, you select the company, the organization, and then the support group. Only the
selected support group name appears in the Coordinator Group field. You can type only a few characters
and press Enter. If a unique match is found, the field is populated with the value or a list of coordinator
groups is displayed from which you can select a value, if multiple matches are found.
Change Coordinator field Use the Change Coordinator field to select a Change Coordinator for the
change request. The people whose names appear on this menu belong to the support group selected in
the Coordinator Group field and have a Change Coordinator functional role. You can type only a few
characters and press Enter. If a unique match is found, the field is populated or a list of change coordinator
belonging to the selected coordinator group is displayed from which you can select a value, if multiple
matches are found.
Service field The Service field relates business service configuration items (CIs) to the change request at
the time it is created.
Template field The Template field encourages the use of templates. For information about the benefits
of using templates and how to select a template for a change request, see Selecting change templates (see
page 94).
Class field The Class field now behaves as the Change Timing field. It specifies the relative urgency of the
change, so that the approvers can assess its magnitude.
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The Best Practice view is recommended for all BMC Change Management users, regardless of their role.
For information about BMC Change Management roles, see User roles in the change request lifecycle (
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Coordinator Group field Use the Coordinator Group field to select a support group. The support groups
that appear in the menu each have at least one member with a Release Coordinator functional role. From
the Coordinator Group menu, you select the company, the organization, and then the support group. Only
the selected support group name appears in the Coordinator Group field. You can type only a few
characters and press Enter. If a unique match is found, the field is populated with the value or a list of
coordinator groups is displayed from which you can select a value, if multiple matches are found.
Release Coordinator field Use the Release Coordinator field to select a Release Coordinator. The people
whose names appear on this menu belong to the support group selected in the Coordinator Group field
and have a Release Coordinator functional role. You can type only a few characters and press Enter. If a
unique match is found, the field is populated or if multiple matches are found a list of release coordinators
belonging to the selected coordinator group is displayed from which you can select a value.
Service field The Service field relates business service configuration items (CIs) to the release at the time
it is created.
Template field The Template field encourages the use of templates. For information about the benefits
of using templates and how to select a template for a release request, see Selecting release templates (see
page 198).
Business Justification field The Business Justification field indicates the business reason for the release
request. It specifies the importance of the release so that the approvers can assess its magnitude.
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The Best Practice view is recommended for all Release Management users, regardless of their role.
The following figure illustrates the Best Practice view.
Release Request form Best Practice view
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The Change Timing field has been renamed to Class field. It specifies the relative urgency of the change, so
that the approvers can assess its magnitude. This field can be found on the Classification tab of the change
The following figure illustrates the Classic view.
Change Request form Classic view
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Customizing and using the IT Home page video (see page 35)
The following figure illustrates the functional areas of the IT Home page.
The breadcrumb bar helps you keep track of the records you are viewing and helps with navigation. For more information about
breadcrumbs, refer to Navigating consoles, forms, and modules (
Global search
Type in a word or a phrase in the search area, and the application will search across multiple forms for records that match your
input. For more information about global search, refer to Using Global search (
Navigation pane
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Depending on your permissions and other installed applications, the following links are displayed. Use them to open consoles for
applications as well as consoles for other features.
Quick Links
AR System Administration
AR System Sample Application
Administrator Console
Asset Management
Atrium Core
Atrium Integrator
Change Management
Change Management Dashboard
Contract Management
Data Management
Foundation Elements
Incident Management
Knowledge Management
Problem Management
Process Designer
Product Catalog
Release Management
Requester Console
Return On Investment
Service Level Management
Service Request Management
Task Management
Virtual Agent
Note: When you run your mouse over the applications, you see a second menu. You can select one of those options to go
directly to a form. For example, roll over Change Management and select Change/Release Calendar. The Calendar screen
and View By
These fields combine to provide a way to indicate the company name and the assigned-to categories filtering the records in the
Console List table.
This button allows you to set preferences for the console list table. You can remove columns, set refresh intervals, reset and save
your preferences.
Console List
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To configure panels
You can select what to display on your IT Home page.
You can configure your panels only with options for which you have permissions.
1. In the panel, click the Show list and run your cursor over the list of options.
2. From the list of work areas for each option, select the one to display (for example, Asset Management >
Software Certificates).
The panel displays your selection.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for your other panels.
To change display on a panel, click the
4. Click the
A dialog box confirms that your customized layout has been saved.
5. Click OK.
When you next log on, you will see your saved IT Home page.
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A dialog box informs you that the default layout for this page will be brought back.
2. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to retain your current layout.
If you click OK, the panels on the IT Home page disappear and the Overview Console is displayed.
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In most cases, when you open consoles, forms, and modules from the IT Home page, they open inside the IT
Home page view. Similarly, if you open a form from a console, the form replaces the console in the view.
If you are working in a hub and spoke environment and open a spoke server record from the hub server,
the spoke server record opens in its own window. Each subsequent spoke server record that you open
from a hub server also opens in its own window. You can open as many spoke server windows as
Be aware that opening a spoke server record on a hub server can take a little longer than it does to open
records in environments that are not configured for the Hub and Spoke capability. This is because the
hub server must first determine which spoke server to connect to and then open the record in separate
browser window.
If you open a related record from a form, the related record opens in the view that was occupied by the form. For
example, if you are working with a problem investigation (the "parent" record) and from the parent record you
open a related incident request, the incident request replaces the parent record in the view. If you then open a
change request from the incident request, the change request replaces the incident request in the view, and so
on. To help you keep track of the records you are viewing and to help with navigation, there is a breadcrumb bar
across the top of the view field.
Not all of the consoles, forms, and modules open in the view area. For example, the BMC Remedy AR
System Approval Central module opens in a new window. When a console, module, or form opens in a
window, it is not added to the breadcrumb bar.
The breadcrumb bar contains links to the records that you opened from the parent record. When you open a
record, the breadcrumb trail expands along the breadcrumb bar to the right, with the new link. If there are more
than six links in the breadcrumb trail, arrows appear at one or both ends of the bar that let you scroll back and
forward on the bar to see links not currently in the view.
The first link in the breadcrumb trail indicates the place from which you started. It can be a console or a form. For
example, if you open a change request record directly from the IT Home page, the first link in the breadcrumb
trail takes you to the change request.
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The last link corresponds to the record currently in the view. If you open a link to the left of the record currently
in view, the system truncates the breadcrumb trail to that link. The history is retained, however, so you can use
the back and forward arrows in the navigation controls to move through the bar one record at a time. There is
also a history of your most recently viewed records, which you can use to move directly to a record. Click the
down arrow to open the history list.
The Forward button is only visible after you move back down the breadcrumb bar by opening a link to a
record that you previously viewed.
If you are viewing a record from the middle of the breadcrumb trail and then branch off to another parent-type
record, the system removes the forward breadcrumb trail from the point where you branched off and starts a
new history from there, using the new parent-type record as the starting point. For example: You open a problem
investigation, then open a related incident request, and from the incident request you open a related change
request. If you go back to the incident request record and then open a second problem investigation, the
breadcrumb bar no longer contains a link to the change request. The breadcrumb trail now shows the original
problem investigation, the incident request, and the second problem investigation. It then shows any related
records that you subsequently open from the second problem investigation.
When you close the parent record, the system removes the breadcrumb history.
2.3.1 What happens to data as I move back and forth on the breadcrumb
If you are entering information into a record and open another record from the breadcrumb trail, the system
prompts you to save the work, if you have not done so. If you do not save the information, the system does not
preserve it on the record and you must re-enter it later.
If someone updates a record on your breadcrumb trail that is not currently in the view, those changes are visible
to you when you open the record again.
2.3.2 How does the breadcrumb trail behave with forms in Search mode?
If you run a search from a form that is in Search mode, the last entry in the breadcrumb trail is the name of the
When you open a record from the search results table, that record does not appear in the breadcrumb trail.
However, if you drill down through that record to open other related records, those related records will appear in
the breadcrumb trail.
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All of the records that you open from a form in Search mode are added to the history list.
To return to the results table, click the name of the form in the breadcrumb trail.
If there is a record in the history list that you want to open in a second window, press the Shift key and
then double-click the entry.
If you are working in a new record that has not yet been saved and open a new child type record (task, activity, CI,
and so on), the system will open a new window automatically to accommodate the new child record. This
prevents the information in the new, unsaved parent record from being lost.
Before you open any of the following consoles, forms, or modules, save the changes to the IT Home
page that you want to keep.
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Bold label
followed by an
asterisk (*)
Field is optional.
Italicized label
System-generated value for this field. Typically this field is read-only for the user.
Label followed by
Additional functionality is associated with this field. Typically, you access this functionality by pressing Enter. For example, you
might press Enter in a field to access a search dialog box or to perform a search based on the value typed into the field.
If a field label followed by a plus sign is also bolded, the field is required. Otherwise, the field is optional.
a plus sign
Note: If you leave the field blank when you attempt to submit the form, the field is highlighted with a red border.
Detail Displays detailed information about the field's content. For example, if you click the Detail icon associated with the Customer
field, the People form appears with information about the customer whose name appears in the field.
Search Searches for field contents. This icon is associated with fields that have the ability to open a search dialog box or form.
Explore CI Opens the BMC Atrium Explorer for the CIs selected in the Service and CI fields.
Clear field contents Clears the contents of the field and allows you to make another selection. It does not delete the record.
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The roles of change manager and change coordinator display the same console, but with different options. The
change management console optimizes your visual work space so that you can track changes quickly and
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You can configure the IT Home Page to display the Change Management console. The change console
provides the Company and View By filters only and by default is configured to display only Open change
The Global search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that match a key term.
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Filter By
This area contains the following fields: Show, Filter By, and Search. These fields combine to provide a way that you can filter the
change records in the Changes table.
glass icon
The Show field has a menu from which you select the basic criteria by which you want to filter the contents of the Change table,
More filters
Broadcast, or
Click this link to open the broadcast dialog box, from where you can view, create, modify, and delete broadcasts.
Displays Open, Waiting Approval, In Progress, and Pending metrics that are calculated when the console opens.
Note: The count of Open requests and the actual number of requests displayed in the Changes table may vary because change
requests with Draft status are also displayed in the change table when viewing Open requests. However, when calculating the total
count of Open records, the number of change requests with status Draft are not included.
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This area contains links to other BMC applications, consoles, and modules. The contents of this area depend on what other
applications and so on are installed. Click the double greater-than sign to open or close this panel.
Changes table
The Changes table displays high-level details about the change records that match the criteria specified in the Company and
Assigned To fields, or that were found by the most recently completed search. The CRQ prefix identifies the change requests. You
can filter the requests in the table by using the Show and Filter By fields.
Opens the New Change form so you can create a new change request record.
Create for
(Hub and
Opens the New Change form so you can create a new change request record, after asking you to identify the company that you are
creating the change request record for. The record is created and submitted on the spoke server in which the company you
identified is defined.
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Displays the details of the change request record selected in the table as a report.
Opens the detailed SMPM change management process diagram, if the full SMPM application is installed. Otherwise, it opens a
Opens the Service Context summary view for the record selected in the Changes table.
Details and
Displays details or related tasks of the record selected in the Changes table.
When selected, contains detailed read-only information about the record selected in the Changes table. To see Details when the
Work Info
Show Tasks
When selected, lets you view tasks associated with the record that is selected in the Changes table. To see Tasks when Details is
showing, click Show Tasks.
Shows requests for a particular company. This field is especially useful in a multitenancy environment.
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All My
Shows the requests that are assigned to all support groups that you belong to. If you belong to more than one support group, the
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Before you begin creating or modifying information in the Change form, you should understand the information
relationships in the different areas of this form. The Change form provides an example of the level of integration
that can occur between the various modules in BMC Remedy ITSM, such as a change request that occurs due to
an incident, a change to a configuration item, or a known error correction as a result of problem investigation.
As you work with the forms and dialog boxes, you might see a plus sign (+) included in a field label. You
can type part of the information in these fields and press Enter. If an exact match is found, the field is
automatically completed. If a selection list appears, double-click the item to put in the field. Using
auto-fill fields and lists is faster, more consistent, and more accurate than typing the information.
You might see additional links in the navigation pane for applications that are installed in addition to
BMC Change Management.
Page 46 of 452
Form area
form header
A navigation aid that contains links to related records that you opened from the current release record.
Back button Takes you back one link in the breadcrumb trail.
Forward button Takes you forward one link in the breadcrumb trail. The Forward button is only visible if you have returned
to a record on the breadcrumb trail that you previously viewed.
Drop-down menu Contains links to all the records that you viewed from the current release record, including records that
are not currently visible in breadcrumb trail.
Home icon Takes you to the IT Home page.
Flow Status
Click the change stages in the Process Flow Status bar to move through the change request lifecycle from the Initiate stage to the
Closed stage.
Opens the View Broadcasts dialog box. For information, see Working with broadcasts (
Note: This option is not available when you are creating the change.
Manage CIs Allows you to manage CIs.
Email System For information, see Sending email (see page 431).
Page 47 of 452
Page 48 of 452
The Release Management console lets you see the most important details associated with release requests (for
example, change requests and activities linked to releases, tasks allocated to release requests, work information,
and important broadcasts). It is designed to give you quick access to the information and procedures that you
need daily so that you do not have to open other BMC Remedy ITSM applications. Finally, if you point your cursor
over the Release ID, tooltip information is displayed. For more information, see Tooltip data shown in consoles
(see page 58).
The following table describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.
Release console functional areas
Console tab
Refresh icon
The Global search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that match a key term.
Page 49 of 452
Filter By
This area contains the following fields: Show, Filter By and Search. These fields combine to provide a way that you can filter the
release records in the Releases table.
glass icon
The Show field has a menu from which you select the basic criteria by which you want to filter the contents of the Releases table, the
More filters
or New
Click this link to open the broadcast dialog box, from where you can view, create, modify, and delete broadcasts.
icon followed by the number of new messages and the message New
Broadcast. When there are new broadcasts, the area also turns red. For more information on broadcasting messages, see Working
with broadcasts (
Note: If you open the Release Management console with no new broadcasts, but the View Broadcast link is red, open the Application
Preferences dialog box and make sure that a Console View preference has been selected. See Viewing your profile (see page 80) for
information about how to view and select Console View preferences.
Displays Plan, Build, Test, and Deploy milestone metrics that are calculated when the console opens.
Page 50 of 452
This area contains links to other BMC applications, consoles, and modules. The contents of this area depend on what other
applications and so on are installed. Click the double greater-than sign to open or close this panel.
The Releases table displays high-level details about the release records that match the criteria specified in the Company and
Assigned To fields, or that were found by the most recently completed search. The RLM prefix identifies the release requests. You
can filter the requests in the table by using the Show and Filter By fields.
Opens the New Release form so you can create a new release request record.
Prints the details of the release request record selected in the Releases table.
Opens the detailed SMPM release management process diagram, if the full SMPM application is installed. Otherwise, it opens a
high-level diagram of the release management process.
Opens the Service Context summary view for the record selected in the Releases table.
When selected, displays the work information table with details about the record selected in the Releases table. It also displays the
Create and View links to create or view release activities from the Release Management Console.
For more information, see Recording Release Activities (
Changes and
Opens the New Change or Activity form so you can create a new record.
Page 51 of 452
Displays details of the release request record selected in the Releases table as a report.
Displays the work information and tasks table with records selected in the Changes and Activities table. You can create or view
release work information on the Work Info tab. You can view tasks on the Tasks tab.
Page 52 of 452
Before you begin searching, creating, or modifying information in the Release form, you must understand the
information relationships involved in the different areas of this form. First, you must create assignment mappings
to assign a release to a Release Management support group, to an individual, or to both. An individual in the
Release Management group must assume the role of Release Coordinator. For information about functional roles
and assignment mappings, see Functional roles and extended application access ( and Mapping
assignments (
The Release form provides an excellent example of the level of integration that can occur between the various
modules available among the BMC Remedy ITSM suite as a release request can occur due to an incident, a
change to a configuration item, or a known error correction as a result of problem investigation.
You might see additional links appear in the navigation pane for applications that are installed in addition to BMC
Change Management.
The Release form has the following functional areas:
Release form functional areas
Page 53 of 452
Form area
form header
A navigation aid that contains links to related records that you opened from the current release record.
Back button Takes you back one link in the breadcrumb trail
Forward button Takes you forward one link in the breadcrumb trail. The Forward button is only visible if you have returned
to a record on the breadcrumb trail that you previously viewed.
Drop-down menu Contains links to all the records that you viewed from the current release record, including records that
are not currently visible in breadcrumb trail
Home icon Takes you to the IT Home page
Flow Status
Click the milestones in the Process Flow Status bar to steps you through the release request lifecycle from the Initiate milestone to
the Close Down milestone.
Opens the View Broadcasts dialog box. For information, see Working with broadcasts (
Page 54 of 452
You use the Activity form to add a set of activities to a release request. You can track release states and requester
information, relate and assign tasks, and enter work log information. For more information, see Working with
release activities (see page 226).
Any other links that are displayed in the navigation pane are determined by the applications that are
installed in addition to Release Management.
Quick Links
Page 55 of 452
Form area
Changes by Priority
Changes by
Changes by
Changes Successful
Page 56 of 452
Flashboard name
Change requests with Status = Closed & Status Reason = Successful grouped by 'Support Group Name'
and 'Categorization Tier 1'
Changes Unsuccessful
Change requests with Status = Closed & Status Reason = Unsuccessful grouped by 'Support Group Name'
and 'Categorization Tier 1'
Not applicable
Changes by Cost/Category
Changes by Cost/Department
Change Requests by
Change Status
Changes by Impact
Changes by Performance
Changes Completed
4. (Optional) Click Refresh to refresh the flashboards, including the date criteria (Start Date and End Date)
specified, and show the change request data that matches the qualifications.
5. Click Set Defaults to open the User View dialog box, where you can save the flashboards which
automatically appear when the Change Management Dashboard form opens.
The list for each Flashboard category shows the available flashboards. In the Duration field, you can select
a time period to show data for the last 7, 30, or 90 days.
6. Click Save.
Page 57 of 452
Page 58 of 452
BMC Service Request Management, when it is installed, replaces the Requester console. For more
information, see Service Request Management (
Page 59 of 452
However, the user might not be an employee. Non-employees can also be requesters, since non-registered users
can also submit service requests. Traditionally, after a requester made a telephone call to a central help desk, a
support staff member logged the request.
BMC Service Desk: Incident Management and BMC Change Management provide user self-provisioning. Using
the Requester Console, requesters can submit, track, and (in some cases) resolve their own requests, and, as a
result, improve the overall efficiency.
BMC Change Management and BMC Service Desk: Incident Management are preconfigured to work with the
Requester Console. However, an organization can set an option to make the Requester Console unavailable.The
Requester Console is the primary interface for requesters to define and view their requests. From the Requester
Console, you can define a request that is submitted to BMC Change Management or BMC Service Desk: Incident
Management. You can also view requests and respond to a survey after the request has been resolved.
The following figure illustrates the key areas on the Requester Console.
Requester Console key areas
Page 60 of 452
Page 61 of 452
in a field label. You can type part of the information next to these fields and press ENTER. If an exact match is
located, the program automatically completes the field. If a selection list appears, double-click the item you want
to put in the field. Using auto-fill fields and lists is faster, more consistent, and more accurate than typing the
Console header
The Global search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that match a key term.
Page 62 of 452
Functional area
This area contains the following fields: Show and Company. These fields combine to provide a way that you can filter the
records in the console table.
The Show field provides a filter by which you can manage the contents of the Console List table. The choices are:
Submitted By Me Shows all records submitted by you.
Assigned To Me Shows all records assigned to you.
Assigned To My Selected Groups Asks you to select one of the groups to which you belong, and then displays the
records assigned to that group.
Assigned To All My Groups Displays the records assigned to or requested for all of the support groups to which you
The Company field restricts the criteria that you choose in the Show field for the selected company. This helps you
manage the number of records returned by the Show field.
Navigation pane
View Broadcast,
or New
Opens the broadcast dialog box, from where you can view, create, modify, and delete broadcasts
When there are unread broadcast messages, this area displays a message: New Broadcasts, followed by the number of new
messages. When there are new broadcast messages, the area also turns red.
Note: If you open the Overview console with no new broadcast messages, but the View Broadcast link is red, open the
Application Preferences dialog box and make sure that a Console View preference has been selected.
IT Home Page
ROI Console
Console List
Displays a form containing detailed information about the selected record in the Console List table.
In a Hub and Spoke environment, when you click View, you open a record directly from the spoke server.
Create for
On a hub server in a Hub and Spoke environment, creates a record after asking you to select a company from a list of
operating companies. The record is created and submitted on the spoke server where the company is defined.
Service Context
Page 63 of 452
Functional area
Opens the Service Context Summary view for the record selected in the console table. For more information about Service
Context, see Using BMC Atrium Service Context (
Note: The Service Context icon is only available on the Overview console when you open the Overview console from the
Applications list.
Search for
Opens a dialog box from which you can select the type of ticket you are searching for. After you select the type of record
from the menu, click the Select button to open a search form specific to the type of ticket you are searching for.
Note: To see activity records and CI unavailability records, you must search for those tickets, because these records are not
displayed in the Console List table.
Using Preferences, you can control the appearance of the Console List table. For example, you can add or remove a column.
Console List
Lists the different types of requests. See Console List table (
Request ID
ID of the request. The prefix identifies each type of request. See the prefix descriptions in the following table.
Parent Request ID
ID of the parent request from which the current request was created, if applicable.
Request Type
Assignee Group
Page 64 of 452
Field name
BMC Service Desk - Assignee
Identifies change requests. To view and define change requests, BMC Change Management must be installed.
Identifies release requests. To view and define release requests, BMC Change Management must be installed.
Identifies tasks.
Identifies solution database entries. To view and define solution entries, BMC Service Desk must be installed.
Identifies incidents. To view and define incidents, BMC Service Desk must be installed.
Identifies problems. To view and define problems, BMC Service Desk must be installed.
Identifies known errors. To view and define known errors, BMC Service Desk must be installed.
Identifies purchase requisitions. To view and define purchase requisitions, BMC Asset Management must be installed.
You can also change the table's contents by using the Show and Company filters at the top of the console:
Show Shows records that either are assigned to you or to your support groups.
Submitted By Me All change requests created by you.
All All change requests, regardless of who created them.
Assigned To Me All change requests assigned to you.
Assigned To My Selected Group All change requests assigned to a specific support group of which
you are a member. If you select this, you are prompted to select the support group.
Assigned To All My Groups All change requests assigned to all of the support groups of which you
are a member.
Company Shows records that are created for the selected company.
If there are more entries than the system can show in the table, use the arrow keys at the right top corner of the
table to scroll through the table.
Page 65 of 452
3. If the Assigned Work table does not refresh with the filtered records, click Refresh to reload the table's
Page 66 of 452
Global search results include information only from the forms that you have permission to access.
That is, you need permission to access an application to have its records appear in the search
The Global search does not include BMC Asset Management CI's .
2. Locate the record you want in the search results table and double-click it.
The record opens in the viewing area and the system updates the breadcrumb trail with an entry for the
record you opened.
As you drill down through the record, each record you open is also added to the breadcrumb trail.
If you want to maintain the contents of the search results table to view later, do not change the
text in the Search field. If you do, when you click the Search icon to return to the search results
Page 67 of 452
table, the search feature will execute a new search based on the changed content of the Search
3. To return to the search results table, click the Search icon again.
3.2 Limitation
Global search results might include external files that have been registered as knowledge base items. If the search
conditions are fulfilled by XML or HTML files that have been registered in this way, the Global Search Results
screen appears distorted due to the tags that are used in XML and HTML files. Additionally, the Advanced search
link on the search results screen becomes unresponsive.
Asset CIs are not included in the Global Search.
Example search
Example results
blocked her
blocking my
firewall will
block access
firewall is
not working
try blocking
his access
Page 68 of 452
Example search
Example results
Note: You do not need to use a wildcard to extend the search for word stems, such as "ed," "s",
and "ing," because word stems are automatically included.
Searches that start with a wildcard character are not as efficient as searches that use an exact phrase or
a trailing wildcard. For example, searching for the term "%block" is less efficient than searching for either
"block" or "block%".
You can use use boolean expressions in your search. Boolean operators include parentheses (), AND, OR, and
NOT. The boolean operators must be specified in upper case; otherwise, they are treated as search strings.
Boolean operators and their results
Example results
firewall OR blocking
group expressions
Global search results reflect both the search terms and the configuration of full text search. Configurable options
that affect search results include case sensitivity, the list of ignored words, thesaurus, and stemming. For more
information about full text search, see Enabling full text search (
Page 69 of 452
This section provides a list of the fields on each form that are indexed for use by Global search. The information in
these fields can be found by Global search.The following topics are provided:
Activity form indexed fields (see page 70)
Help Desk form indexed fields (see page 70)
Infrastructure Change form indexed fields (see page 72)
Known Error form indexed fields (see page 73)
Problem Investigation form indexed fields (see page 74)
Release form indexed fields (see page 75)
Solution Database form indexed fields (see page 76)
Task form indexed fields (see page 77)
Work Order form indexed fields (see page 78)
Field ID
Activity ID
Request ID
Site Group
z2TH WorkLog
Page 70 of 452
Field ID
Assigned Group
Catagorization Tier 3
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Closed Date
Detailed Description
Incident Number
Owner Group
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Reported Date
Service Request ID
Site Group
Page 71 of 452
Field ID
Field ID
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Change Coordinator
Change Manager
Detailed Description
Infrastructure Change ID
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Page 72 of 452
Field ID
Service Request ID
Site Group
Vendor fields
z2TF Work Log Description
z2TH Worklog
Field ID
Assigend Group
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Detailed Description
Known Error ID
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Page 73 of 452
Field ID
Tempoarary Workaround
Vendor Name
Field ID
Assigend Group
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Detailed Description
Problem Investigation ID
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Page 74 of 452
Field ID
Site Group
Temporary Workaround
Vendor Name
Field ID
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Detailed Description
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Release Coordinator
Page 75 of 452
Field ID
Release ID
Site Group
Vendor fields
z2TF Work Log Description
z2TH Worklog
Field ID
Assigend Group
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Page 76 of 452
Field ID
Site Group
Solution Database ID
Field ID
Catagorization Tier 3
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Page 77 of 452
Field ID
Request ID
Site Group
Task ID
Field ID
Categorization Tier 1
Categorization Tier 2
Categorization Tier 3
Detailed Description
Product Model/Version
Product Name
Request Assignee
Page 78 of 452
Field ID
Request Manager
Service Request ID
Site Group
Work Order ID
z2TH WorkLog
Page 79 of 452
Page 80 of 452
Change requests created from another BMC Remedy ITSM application like Incident or Service Request
Management are created in Request for Authorization status.
Page 81 of 452
In addition, BMC Change Management enables any user with Change Submit permissions to enter change
requests. Change managers (and change coordinators) can enter and resolve change requests quickly with the
option to define and relate items before saving the change request.
How you create a change request depends on which view of the BMC Change Management application you use,
Classic View or Best Practice View.
For instructions, see the following topics:
Creating a change request at the initiate stage - Best Practice view (see page 83)
Page 82 of 452
Creating a change request at the Initiate stage - Classic view (see page 86)
Creating emergency change requests (see page 91)
Creating a change request from Atrium Impact Simulator (see page 91)
Creating change requests as rollbacks (see page 93)
Associating custom process flows to a change template (see page 94)
Selecting change templates (see page 94)
Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (see page 96)
5.1.1 Creating a change request at the initiate stage - Best Practice view
The section describes how to create a change request at the Initiate stage when using the Best Practice view of
BMC Change Management.
The record that you create for the selected company is created and submitted on the spoke server
where the company is defined.
In the Initiate stage, the change request initially appears in Draft status. The change request has not yet
been submitted to the Change Management process.
2. Use the following fields to specify the change coordinator:
Coordinator Group Specify the group of people with the Infrastructure Change Coordinator
functional role. This list is populated with groups that have at least one user with a Infrastructure
Change Coordinator functional role.
Change Coordinator Specify the user responsible for the change. The list is populated with people
with the Change Coordinator functional role and who are included in the Coordinator Group
selected. |
3. From the Service field, select the business service configuration item (CI) that relates to the change request
that you are creating.
The Servicefield relates business service configuration items (CIs) to the change request at the time it is
created. Business service CIs are related either to the customer directly or to the customer's company,
organization, or department.
Page 83 of 452
The business service CI is not a physical CI (such as a printer or a router); it is a logical CI. In this
context, a logical CI is a business service that can be provided from one business, or organization
within a business, to another. Service CIs can include customer support, employee provisioning,
web farms, storage, and so on. When business service CIs are created and made available on the
Service field menu, they are related either to a customer directly or to the customer's company,
organization, or department. If you need to have a new business service CI added to the Service
field menu, you must notify a system administrator with Asset Administrator privileges.
If you start to enter fields in the change request and then select a change template, the change
template overwrites any field values that are already present in the change request, including any
relationships or tasks included with the change request.
Specify the relative urgency of the change, so that the approvers can assess its magnitude.
Note: The Class field can be used to categorize a change based the approval process. Each Class can be mapped to a different
approval process, which will drive the status transitions that can be defined as per the organization's requirement.
You have the following options:
Standard indicates a change (for example, a computer upgrade) that is typically preapproved and requires only approval
by the change manager. Standard changes follow the out-of-box change process defined as per ITIL specifications. This
configuration is not provided out of box.
Page 84 of 452
Emergency indicates a change that resolves an incident or problem deemed critical to business continuity and for which
a workaround is not sufficient.
You must configure the Approval Process to follow for Emergency changes.
Expedited indicates that a change has an enterprise-wide impact with an associated risk. If you select Expedited, you
must also select the Timing Reason (for example, Known error correction).
You must configure the Approval Process to follow for Expedited changes.
Latent indicates a change that has already been performed (for example, if a task implementer is assigned to replace the
hard drive on a computer and then decides to upgrade the memory while the computer is open). Latent timing
automatically sets the request status to Completed after you save the change request. The Target Date for a latent
change can be earlier than the current date.
This out of box configuration of latent changes cannot be changed.
Normal indicates a change that must follow the complete change management process. Normal changes are often
categorized according to risk and impact to the organization (for example, minor change low risk and impact,
significant change medium risk and impact, and major change high risk and impact). By definition a normal change
will proceed through all steps of the change management process and those that are categorized as medium or high risk
will be reviewed by the Change Advisory Board (CAB).
The default value is Normal. Out of box a change follows this process.
No Impact indicates a change that has no impact on the infrastructure and requires no approval.
By default, No Impact changes follow the Business Approval - No Impact phase and move to the Scheduled status. Use
this process for preapproved no impact changes where the change is automatically scheduled after the approval phase is
For more information on approval processes provided out of the box, see Approval processes provided out-of-the-box
for Change Management ( .
Specify the extent to which the change affects the business. The default value is 4-Minor/Localized. Impact is often directly
related to the extent to which the service has degraded from agreed service levels. Impact can be measured by the number of
people affected, the criticality of the system affected, and the loss of revenue as a result of the service degradation or
For detailed information about Impact, see Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (
Specify a value that indicates the importance of the change request, and reflects how quickly a change must be implemented,
or the time available to reduce the impact of the change on the business. The default value of the Urgency field is Low.
Use the following factors to determine Impact and Urgency:
Number of customers affected by associated Incidents
Duration and scope of the service disruption
Availability of a solution or workaround
The type of service being disrupted, usually based on the CI involved
Awareness of the future impact on the business
For detailed information about Urgency, see Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (
Specify the importance that you (as support staff) assign to the change request.
Priority indicates the relative order in which to address the changes. It is influenced by considerations of risk and resource
availability, but is primarily driven by the combination of Urgency and Impact. The default value of the Priority field is Low.
For detailed information about Priority, see Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (
The system automatically performs the risk assessment for the change request in the Risk Level field. The risk level is used as a
criterion to determine required approvals. The default risk level is Level 1, which is the lowest level. The highest risk level is Level
Page 85 of 452
Risk assessment involves computing the total risk based on risk related questions and the derived risk factors. For more
information, see Computing risk levels (see page 110).
7. In the Initiate stage of the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow and choose Next Stage.
8. Review the information in the Change Initiation dialog box, and then click Save.
9. By default, a new Work Info record is created that includes a textual representation of the default change
process flow.
The newly created change is assigned to the appropriate group based on the predefined assignment routing. If
there is no appropriate assignment routing, you are prompted to assign the change request manually.
The record that you create for the selected company is created and submitted on the spoke server
where the company is defined.
In the Initiate stage, the change request initially appears in Draft status. The change request has not yet
been submitted to the Change Management process.
3. To enter details about the company and user for which the change request is created, in the Requested for
area, press Enter on the Last Name field search for the appropriate user. The Change Locationcan, by
default, be updated to the selected user's location.
Page 86 of 452
If you create a new change from the Incident or Problem console, the change appears in
Request for Authorization status because the reason for creating the change is already
known. This information has been entered by the Incident or Problem before the new
change is created.
After they are updated, the Requested for fields cannot be modified.
By default, the Requested By fields are autopopulated with the details of the user who creates the change
after the change request is submitted, if the user creating the change does not specify these details. If this
user is not associated to a support group, the Support Company is set to the Location Company of the
user. If this user is associated to a support group, the Support Company, Support Organization, and
Support Group is set to the user's default Support Group.
You can modify the Requested By fields, if required. The Support Company field list is based on the user
selected in the Last Namefield of the Requested By information.
If the selected user does not belong to the support staff group all companies are listed similar to
Change Location companies.
If the selected user belongs to the support staff group this list is restricted to his Support Group
4. From the Service field, select the business service configuration item (CI) that relates to the change request
that you are creating. The Servicefield relates business service configuration items (CIs) to the change
request at the time it is created. Business service CIs are related either to the customer directly or to the
customer's company, organization, or department.
This field lists the CIs created under the Logical Entity > Business Service category. The business
service CI is not a physical CI (such as a printer or a router); it is a logical CI. In this context, a
logical CI is a business service that can be provided from one business, or organization within a
business, to another. Service CIs can include customer support, employee provisioning, web
farms, storage, and so on. When business service CIs are created and made available to the
Service field menu, they are related either to a customer directly or to the customer's company,
organization, or department. If you need to have a new business service CI added to the Service
field menu, you must notify a system administrator with Asset Administrator privileges.
Page 87 of 452
5. (Optional but recommended) Select a template to complete part of the change request.
Change templates are especially useful in any change request that follows well-defined methods for
specific and repeated requirements. Change templates can do more than prepopulate fields; they can also
include CIs and tasks with the change request. BMC provides change templates for virtual machines that
include standard tasks with the change request. For more information, see Selecting change templates (see
page 94).
The template is attached to the change request. The custom process flow associated with the change
template applies to the change request. A new Work Info record is created that includes a textual
representation of the change process flow. In the process flow bar, the options for next and back are
changed to reflect the process flow.
If you start to enter fields in the change request and then select a change template, the change
template overwrites any field values that are already present in the change request, including any
relationships or tasks included with the change request.
6. In the Initiate stage of the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow and choose Next Stage.
The two tabs in the Change Initiation dialog box prompt you to enter required and optional information.
7. Enter the following information in the Required Information tab of the Change Initiation dialog box.
Specify the relative urgency of the change, so that the approvers can assess its magnitude.
You have the following options:
Standard indicates a change (for example, a computer upgrade) that is typically preapproved and requires only
approval by the change manager. Standard changes follow the out-of-box change process defined as per ITIL
specifications. This configuration is not provided out of box.
Emergency indicates a change that resolves an incident or problem deemed critical to business continuity and for
which a workaround is not sufficient.
You must configure the Approval Process to follow for Emergency changes.
Expedited indicates that a change has an enterprise-wide impact with an associated risk. If you select Expedited, you
must also select the Timing Reason (for example, Known error correction).
You must configure the Approval Process to follow for Expedited changes.
Latent indicates a change that has already been performed (for example, if a task implementer is assigned to replace
the hard drive on a computer and then decides to upgrade the memory while the computer is open). Latent timing
automatically sets the request status to Completed after you save the change request. The Target Date for a latent
change can be earlier than the current date.
This out-of-the-box configuration of latent changes cannot be changed.
Normal indicates a change that must follow the complete change management process. Normal changes are often
categorized according to risk and impact to the organization (for example, minor change low risk and impact,
significant change medium risk and impact, and major change high risk and impact). By definition a normal change
will proceed through all steps of the change management process and those that are categorized as medium or high
risk will be reviewed by the Change Advisory Board (CAB).
The default value is Normal. Out of box a change follows this process.
No Impact indicates a change that has no impact on the infrastructure and requires no approval.
By default, No Impact changes follow the Business Approval - No Impact phase and move to the Scheduled status. Use
Page 88 of 452
this process for preapproved no impact changes where the change is automatically scheduled after the approval phase
is complete.
For more information on approval processes provided out of the box, see Approval processes provided out-of-the-box
for Change Management (see page 213).
Defines the importance the requester assigns to the change request and reflects how quickly a change must be
implemented, or the time available to reduce the impact of the change on the business. The default value of the Urgency
field is Low.
Use the following factors to determine Impact and Urgency:
Number of customers affected by associated Incidents
Duration and scope of the service disruption
Availability of a solution or workaround
The type of service being disrupted, usually based on the CI involved
Awareness of the future impact on the business
For detailed information about Urgency, see Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (see page 96).
Identifies the importance you (as support staff) assign to the change request.
Priority indicates the relative order in which to address the changes. It is influenced by considerations of risk and resource
availability, but is primarily driven by the combination of Urgency and Impact. The default value of the Priority field is Low.\
For detailed information about Priority, see Impact, urgency, and priority criteria (see page 96).
Risk Level
Defines the relative risk associated with the change, from 5 (highest risk) to 1 (lowest risk).
The default value is Risk Level 1. The Risk Level is used as a criterion to determine required approvals.
You can click the Risk Info icon to compute the risk level for the request. For more information, see Review and Authorize
stage - Risk and impact analysis (see page 107).
Defines the groups of people with the Change Coordinator functional role.
Note: If the user creating the change has the functional role of a Change Coordinator, the Coordinator Group, Change
Coordinator, and Change location fields are auto filled with the user's details.
Defines the user responsible for the change. The list is populated with people with the Change Coordinator functional role
and included in the Coordinator Group selected.
Note: The Change Coordinator field is found on the Assignment tab.
Location of the company defined for the user requesting the change. Information for this field is related to the Requested By
information provided for the change.
Note: The Change location details are found on the Assignment tab of the Change form.
Categorizes the request according to your organization's change type definitions. This value does not have any associated
Project Change requests that are part of larger scale changes, and usually consist of multiple change requests
related to each other
Page 89 of 452
Change A simple stand-alone change activity
Release Prior to the introduction of the Release Management module in BMC Change Management 7.5.00, this
option was used to classify a change request as a release request. After a release request has been established,
subsequent change records can be related as children or peer requests.
Asset Configuration Change request related to an asset configuration
Asset Management Change request related to managing an asset
Asset Lease Change request related to an asset lease
Asset Maintenance Change request related to maintenance of an asset
Purchase Requisition Change request related to a purchase requisition
Depending on which applications are installed, you might see other options.
Note: Asset type options only apply when BMC Asset Management is installed. It is used for integrations and workflow
between BMC Asset Management and BMC Change Management applications.
8. Click the Optional Information tab, and then enter the following information.
Operational values are data-driven and are defined by the application administrator (for example, Tier 1 is Install, Tier
Product values are data-driven and are defined by the application administrator (for example, Tier 1 is Hardware, Tier
Product Name
Product Name is data-driven and are defined by the application administrator (for example, Dell).
Model/Version is data-driven and are defined by the application administrator (for example, PowerEdge).
Manufacturer is the auto filled with the manufacturer defined for the selected Product.
9. Click Saveon the Change Initiation dialog box to generate the change request.
After you become familiar with Change Management functionality, you can bypass the Change
Initiation dialog box and enter the required information directly into the Change form.
The Initiate Change dialog box automatically closes. You return to the New Change form, and the
newly-created change is assigned to the appropriate group based on the predefined assignment routing.
If there was no appropriate assignment routing, you must manually assign the change request. For more
information, see Working with change request assignments (see page 167).
Most change requests must be approved before they move to the Review & Authorize stage. For
more information, see Handling approvals for emergency change requests (see page 124).
BMC Change Management 8.1
Page 90 of 452
Your application administrator must configure the approval process that bypasses the normal approval
process for emergency change requests. For more information, see Bypassing the approval process for
emergency changes (
Previously, Problem records could not be related to Emergency change requests. You can now relate
Problem records to the emergency change.
Page 91 of 452
The following table describes what you can do in each of the functional areas:
BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console functional areas
CIs for
CIs for
The left column of this table contains the Set CIs State for Simulation field. Use this field to assign an impact state to the CI
selected in the table.
Add CI
Remove CI
Page 92 of 452
Results in
Shows the results of a simulation as a topology, including any impact relationships between the CIs. An icon on each CI
image represents the predicted impact state for each CI, based on the simulation criteria.
Results in
Shows the results of a simulation as a table. The Predicted Status column indicates the expected impact for each CI. To list
only impacted service CIs, click Show Services. To list all impacted CIs, click Show All Results.
Here you choose the source CIs to include in a simulation. You can select one or several CIs, each with
their own simulated impact state.
2. Click Add CIto search for and select CIs to add to the change request.
a. In the Query window, run a query to return the CIs that you wish to include in a simulation.
b. In the results list, select one or more CIs to include in your simulation.
c. In the CIs for Simulation section, select a CI, and then select an impact state in the Set CIs State for
Simulation field.
d. Repeat this step until every CI in the CIs for Simulation section has the impact state you want to
3. Click Simulate Impact to run an impact simulation for the CIs in the table.
You can view the results of the simulation on the Results in Table and Results in Topology tabs. You can
filter the CIs by severity level or other options provided by the Atrium Impact Simulator.
4. To save the simulation, complete the following steps:
a. Click Save Simulation.
b. In the dialog box, enter a name for the simulation.
c. Provide a description of the simulation, such as its purpose, and the source CIs used in the
d. Click OK.
5. To create a new change request, choose Relate to New> Change Request.
The Change form opens. The CIs from the Atrium Impact Simulator are related to the request in the
Relationship tab. Work information is created for the change request, along with a simulation .csv file
For more information, see Working with relationships (
Page 93 of 452
You should create a back-out plan for restoring the IT infrastructure to its initial situation. If the actions
associated with a change request need to be reversed, support staff and managers can create a change request
for the system that needs to be rolled back. This means that impacted systems need to be restored to their
previous status before the change request was implemented.
Page 94 of 452
To select templates
1. Create or open a change request.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
To attach a change template click Quick Links > Select Template on the left
navigation pane.
The change template can be applied in the Draft state, that is, while creating the change request.
3. On the Change Template Selection dialog box, click View to examine the contents of a change template.
The template appears in read-only mode. Viewing a template enables you to see its relationship, its task
and task group templates, and other important features.
You cannot create, modify, or delete change templates in the BMC Change Management
application; you can only view them. You must use the Application Administration console to
create, modify, or delete change templates. Besides change managers, users with Infrastructure
Change Master and Change Config permissions can create, modify, and delete change templates.
Any member of your support group can modify change templates for that group. For more
information, see Creating templates (
Page 95 of 452
Risk Level
Change Environment
Lead Time
Change Reason
Impact criteria
The following table lists the criteria for determining the impact of a change and the approval actions needed to
address the impact:
There is significant business service impact because multiple customers are affected by the change. Considerable human and technical
resources are needed. Management is involved in the decision process. The RFC must be discussed in the Change Advisory Board (CAB)
meeting and approved by the Change Manager. The Change Manager seeks advice on change authorization and planning.
There is clear service impact because at least one customer is affected by the change. The RFC must be discussed in the CAB meeting
and approved by the Change Manager. The Change Manager seeks advice on authorization and planning.
There is little impact on current services because no customers are affected as a result of the change. The Change Manager can
authorize this RFC.
The change can be executed without prior approval from the Change Manager because no customers are affected by the change.
Page 96 of 452
Urgency criteria
The following table lists the criteria for determining the urgency of a change:
Action needed
The change is immediately necessary to prevent severe business impact. Change approval is needed by the CAB or Emergency
Committee (CAB/E-CAB).
The change is needed as soon as possible because of potentially damaging service impact.
The change will solve irritating problems or repair missing functionality. This change can be scheduled.
The change will lead to improvements, changes in workflow, or configuration. This change can be scheduled.
Priority criteria
Priority identifies the RFC importance by correlating impact and urgency, as shown in the following table:
For example, if the impact is Extensive, and the urgency is Critical, the priority is 1.
Page 97 of 452
To enter requester information using the Best Practice view (see page 98)
To enter requester information using the Classic view (see page 98)
Requested for information can be modified only when the change is in the Initiate stage.
By default, the Requested By fields are auto-populated with the details of the user who creates the change after
the change request is submitted. If this user is not associated to a support group, the Support Company is set to
the Location Company of the user. If this user is associated to a support group, the Support Company, Support
Organization, and Support Group is set to the user's default Support Group.
You can modify the Requested By fields, if required. The Support Company field list is based on the user selected
in the Last Name field of the Requested By information.
If the selected user does not belong to the support staff group all companies are listed similar to Change
Location companies.
If the selected user belongs to the support staff group this list is restricted to his Support Group companies.
Page 98 of 452
Type a letter or name into fields with a plus sign (+) on the field label, and press Enter to
automatically fill the field. If multiple choices exist, a selection list or dialog box appears, to help
you enter a name. Otherwise, you receive a prompt if the letter or person is not found.
4. Enter information about the requester in the Requested For dialog box.
5. Enter information into the required Change Location Company field.
The Change Location Company field is especially important in a multitenancy environment. In this field,
you can specify the company, department, or other group that controls access to the change request.
6. (Optional) After you respond to the change requester, click the
The Requester Contacted icon is used to record if the requester has been contacted about the change
request. This data is useful when service providers are organizing their work queue. If you click the
Requester Contacted icon, the hidden Requester Contacted field is set to Yes when you save your changes.
The Requester Contacted icon now appears in Yes
If the change was generated from a service request, workflow in the BMC Change Management application
sets the SLA Responded field on the Service Requests form to Yes.
This field is applicable only if the SLM application is installed.
7. Click Save.
8. The Requested for fields provide details of the company and user for which the change request is created.
To enter this information, search for the appropriate user based on the last name field. The Change
Location can, by default, be update to the selected user's location.
Define the urgency of the change (for example, Normal). For more information, see Creating a change request at the initiate
stage - Best Practice view (see page 83).
Page 99 of 452
Available options include:
- Upgrade
- New functionality
- Maintenance
- Upgrade
- Other
If the request needs to go through the approval process, change reason information can be helpful.
Operational Categorization
Operational categorization is based on a three-tier hierarchy that is configured in the Operational Catalog.
Product Categorization
Product categorization is based on a five-tier hierarchy that is configured in your Product Catalog.
4. Click Save.
Define the urgency of the change (for example, Normal). For more information, see Creating a change request at the
Initiate stage - Classic View (see page 86).
Timing Reason
Define the reason for creating a change request with a Timing of Expedited (for example, Insufficient lead-time). For more
information, see Plan and Schedule stage - Planning the change request (see page 113).
Lead Time
Define the amount of time that you need to prepare for a change implementation.
The system adds Lead Time to the Submit date to determine the Earliest Start date and time. For example, if the Submit
date is 5/18/2010 1:50:29 A.M. and you type 8 in the Lead Time field, the system determines that the Earliest Start Date is
5/18/2010 9:50:29 A.M.
Note: The Lead Time field is available only from the Classification tab of BMC Change Management Classic view.
Define the business reason for implementing the change request. Available options include:
- Upgrade
- New functionality
- Maintenance
- Upgrade
- Other
If the request needs to go through the approval process, change reason information can be helpful.
- Corporate Strategic
- Business Unit Strategic
- Maintenance
- Defect
- Upgrade
- Enhancement
- Customer Commitment
- Sarbanes-Oxley
Note: Select an option based on the classification defined by your company.
Available options include:
- Upgrade
- New functionality
- Maintenance
- Upgrade
- Other
This field is useful when mapping approvers and for reporting purposes. An approver can be mapped for a selected
Define whether you want the change request to take place in a particular order relative to other change requests. For
more information, see Planning dependencies for change requests (see page 112).
Rate the work done by support staff or the manager in completing the change request.
Note: Do not enter information into the Performance Rating field when you are creating a change request. The manager
of the support staff assigned to the change request typically enters this rating after the change request reaches the
Completed status. For more information, see Closed stage - Completing change requests (see page 151).
Operational categorization is based on a three-tier hierarchy that is configured in the Operational Catalog.
Product categorization is based on a five-tier hierarchy that is configured in your Product Catalog.
3. Click Save.
When you create a change request from an existing incident or problem request, vendor information in
the related request is not automatically copied to the change request created.
Vendor Information
Vendor Contact
Enter information about the designated contact person for the vendor company.
3. Click Save.
Planning Notes about a plan to implement a global change throughout your organization.
Implementation Installation and back-out procedures for the change.
Costing and Charging Additional information about the cost of the current CI, incident, change, and so
on. For example, you might want to add a note that the cost of maintaining a CI was split between two cost
centers, or that the cost to implement a change was under budget.
Any user with change related permissions User, Master, Viewer, or Submitter can add or modify work info
from the Change console or the change request in Modify mode. However, only users with Change Master
permissions can add work info to closed Change requests.
In the Classic view user with Infrastructure Change Submit permissions can add, but cannot
modify work info.
If you are using the Best Practice view, you can view multiple work info entries at the same time
by clicking the History icon. When you click this icon, the system displays a pop-up window with
the Notes field entries arranged with the most recent entry at the top (a date and time stamp is
also visible with each entry).
If your user ID has Infrastructure Change Viewer permissions, you can add and modify Work Info
entries, however, you cannot create or modify change requests.
Use the following procedures to add work information about activities performed for the current change request.
To add or modify work information in a change request when using the Best Practice view (see page 103)
To add work information to a change request when using the Classic view (see page 105)
To add or modify work information in a change request when using the Best
Practice view
1. Open the change request.
2. To add new work information, under the Add Work Info details section on the Work Detail tab, enter the
following information:
Notes Enter the details of your work information record.
Attachment Click
to add any attachments related to the work information. You can add up to
three files.
3. Click Advanced to select the work information type and add any additional attachments.
a. From the Work Info Type list, select the type of work information to add.
b. In the Attachment fields, add any additional attachments required for the work information. You can
add up to three files.
c. From the Locked list, select Yes or No to lock the log.
If you select Yes, you cannot modify the work log after you save it. A locked work log can
only be modified by a user with the functional role of a Infrastructure Change Master.
d. From the View Access list, specify the level of access to the work entry:
Select Internal if you want only users with application permissions for BMC Change
Management to see the entry.
Select Public if you want everyone with access to the system to see the entry, including
The information in this note applies to environments that also run BMC Service
Request Management.
When a work note is created in a change request that originated from the BMC
Service Request Management console and is marked as Public, the work note also
appears in the request's activity log in the Request Entry console of BMC Service
Request Management. If the work note is updated, the original work note remains in
the request's activity log, but the updated information is placed in a new entry in the
request's activity log.
If the work note in the incident request is updated and the Assignee marks it as
Internal, the original work note remains in the request's activity log, but the updated
information is not displayed.
4. When you finish updating the change request, under Add Work Info, click Save.
The Save operation adds your entry to the work history.
5. To view or update the entries in the work information, select the work info record and click view
c. Click Save.
7. To view a report of selected activities that you performed against this request, select the records from the
work info table and click report
8. To view the history of when and by whom each of the work information was added, click history
9. Click Save.
To add work information to a change request when using the Classic view
1. Open the Change request.
2. On the Work Info tab click Create.
3. From the Work Info Type list, select the type of work information to add.
4. From the Source list, select the source of this information.
Information sources can include email, system assignment, or the web.
5. Enter the details of your work information record in the Summary and Details or Notes fields.
6. To add an attachment to the record, right-click in the attachment table, and then choose Add.
7. From the Locked list, select Yes or No to lock the log.
If you select Yes, you cannot modify the work log after you save it. A locked work log can only be
modified by a user with the functional role of a Infrastructure Change Master.
8. From the View Access list, specify the level of access to the work entry:
Select Internal if you want only users with application permissions for BMC Change Management to
see the entry.
Select Public if you want everyone with access to the system to see the entry, including requesters.
9. When you finish updating the change request, click Save.
The Save operation adds your entry to the work history. The Show field enables you to filter specific work
entries based on the type of activity that appears in the table.
10. To view a report of selected activities that you performed against this request, select the records from the
work info table and click Report.
11. To view the history of when and by whom the work information was added, click History.
12. To view or update all entries in the work information, click View.
In the Change Work Info dialog box, select the work info record you want to change, update the required
fields, and then click Save.
When you return to the request, refresh the Work Info table to see all the modified records.
As you track and supervise a change request, you move it from one stage to another (for example, from Initiate to
Review and Authorize). When you choose different stages, messages alert you if you need to complete more
fields in the request.
A request should follow the stages in the recommended lifecycle of a change request, as described in
Change request lifecycle ( Manually
setting the status values can disrupt the lifecycle in which you enter information about and resolve the
change request.
If you need to suspend work temporarily on the change request you are working on, select Enter Pending
and an appropriate status reason (for example, Manager Intervention) from the Process Flow Status menu.
When you are ready to continue work on the change request, select Resume from the Process Flow Status
The Change Manager or Change Coordinator can resume a pending change request.
Otherwise, the Status field is updated automatically during the Process Flow.
4. (Optional) Perform the following actions:
See Plan and Schedule stage - Planning the change request (see page 113).
5. Click Save.
You reach the Review & Authorize stage only if an approver is mapped to the Business Approval phase. If
no approvers are mapped to the Business Approval phase, the request moves to the Planning in Progress
status. You should then perform risk and impact analysis during the Plan & Schedule stage. For more
information, see Plan and Schedule stage - Planning the change request (see page 113).
When you are working on a change request, you use the Change form to describe the change and to show which
products and services are affected by the change. Before you can submit a change, you must define the Change
Type, Impact, Risk Level, and Urgency.
You also specify the Class of the change on the Change form.
You also must use the Classification tab to specify the Class of the change.
Selecting these values automatically determines the Risk Level and Lead Time for the change.
For more information and instructions, see the following topics:
Risk assessment (see page 109)
Specifying risk level at the Review and Authorize stage (see page 110)
Computing risk levels (see page 110)
Risk Recalculation (see page 112)
Planning dependencies for change requests (see page 112)
No matter how well-planned or tested a change might be, you must consider the possibility that your
change can create disruptions elsewhere in the IT infrastructure. Do not approve any change request
that does not explicitly plan for the possibility of failure. For more information, see Creating change
requests as rollbacks (see page 93).
When approvers review a proposed change request, they want to see an analysis of potential risks and the impact
of the change request.
During the planning phase, assess the risk of your change request. Risks can include the number of people
affected, financial concerns, loss of productivity due to system or network downtime, resource allocation, and
seasonal considerations, such as vacations, holidays, and weather. Impact analysis needs to be based on how
many people are affected by the proposed change, and where those people are located. Here you can select the
anticipated risk that this proposed change has, from 5 (highest risk) to 1 (lowest risk).
You can also compute the risk of a change request. Risk factors can include a set of questions used to calculate
the risk value. During configuration, your application administrator defines a set of questions that apply to a
specific company, to the operational categorization of a change request, or globally to all change requests, and a
weight for each question. For example, your application administrator can define a set of questions that apply
only to change requests regarding decommissioning virtual machines, if those change requests are identified by
operational categorization.
The support staff assigned to each change request provides the risk value and probability for each question as it
pertains to their specific request. The system calculates the total risk and saves the value in the Risk Level field of
the Change form.
Finally, you can view a report of the total impact of your risk changes.
The Change form includes the following fields for risk management:
Risk Level Enter the anticipated risk that this proposed change has, from 5 (highest risk) to 1 (lowest risk).
Impact Determine the impact of this change based on the number of affected users.
Performance Rating When using the Classic view, in the Classification tab, rate the work done by support
staff or the manager in completing the change request. Usually, the manager of the support staff assigned
to the change request enters this rating after the change request is closed. This field is not displayed in the
Best Practice view.
To configure the risk levels, see Configuring risk assessment (
For more information about how risk assessment is computed, see Configuring risk assessment (
3. In the Risk Assessment Questions dialog box, answer the questions, and then click Save.
These risk questions are defined and created by the application administrator with support and guidance
from the Change Manager. They might be specific to the company or to the operational categorization of
the change request.
If you change the operational categorization of the change request and click the Risk Level icon,
the questions are kept to provide traceability/audit of the lifecycle of the request.
Choose Links > View Risk Report in the left frame of the Change
Choose Advanced > View Risk Report in the left frame of the Change
The Change Risk Report dialog box displays the summary, which includes the questions and responses, the
derived factors, if applicable, and the Aggregate Risk Value. The derived factors section includes the
change impact, change priority, CI impact, and CI priority. The Aggregate Risk Value is calculated based on
the risk questions and responses and the derived factors.
The Aggregate Risk Value does not directly reflect the risk level that you manually entered.
For more information about how the aggregate risk value is calculated, see Sample rating
calculation (
The Change Risk Report includes values of all questions and responses provided during the
life cycle of the change. For example, if you change the operational categorization of the
change request, click the Risk Level icon and provide a set of responses, these questions
and responses are included in the risk report to maintain an audit of the lifecycle of the
Your application administrator can configure the level of enforcement of the change dependency rules.
For example, BMC Change Management can be configured so that users see an error, not just a warning,
if they complete requests out of sequence. For more information, see Configuring change rules (
A change request can include multiple tasks. When a change request is scheduled, the first task is activated and
set to Assigned. When the last task is completed and its status is set to Closed, the request is Completed.
To implement sequence numbers for tasks, see Sequence number in task groups and tasks (see page 307).
5.4.1 Planning the change request at the Plan and Schedule stage
1. Open the Change Calendar.
a. Open the Change request.
b. Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
c. On the Change Calendar, select how many days' worth of change requests and business events to
For more information, see Using the Change Calendar (
2. Register available or unavailable time segments for your business event, operational categorization, or CI.
For more information, see:
Registering time segments (see page 415)
Registering unique business events and operational categorizations (see page 420)
Registering time segments for CIs - Creating a blackout schedule (see page 416)
3. Use the Process Flow Status bar to move the request to Planning in Progress status in the Plan & Schedule
4. Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
5. When planning a change request, use the Date/System or the Dates tab to track the requested, scheduled,
and actual start and end dates of changes.
BMC Software Confidential
The Earliest Start Date is determined by the Lead Time field (in the Classification tab) for the change request.
If it is not already specified, the Requested Start Date is automatically set to the Earliest Start Date.
For example, User A works for a Support Group SG1 for which working hours (shift) are defined as 9:00
A.M. to 6:00 P.M. PST.
When user A creates a change after 6:00 P.M. PST, the Earliest Start Date for that change is calculated
considering the working hours of the Manager Group. Therefore, the Earliest Start Dateshows the 9:00
A.M. the next morning considering Lead Time =0 (in the Classic view). If the user is in different time zone,
that offset is automatically considered.
When adding dates:
If the change status is not Draft, the Class (on the Change form when using the Best
Practice view and in the Classification Tab when using the Classic view) is automatically set
to Expedited with a warning when the Requested Date is earlier than the Earliest Start Date.
When the Class is changed to Expedited, you are prompted to select a Timing Reason.
The Actual Start Date and Actual End Date fields of the change request are populated
depending on the tasks defined in the Implementation phase of the change. The Actual
Start Date is populated when the first task of the phase is activated and the Actual End Date
is populated when the last task of the phase is either closed, completed, or cancelled.
When the Actual Start Date or Actual End Date is earlier than the Submit Date a warning
message is displayed. The message states that the change must be a Latent change for the
Actual Start Date to be earlier than the Submit Date is displayed and the value in the Actual
Start Date field is cleared. This behavior is displayed irrespective of the status of the change
If many tasks are required for the request you are planning, it might be best to create the tasks
before you enter the dates. The Task Dates table displays the task dates and times to help you
determine the start and end dates of the change request. For more information, see Implement
stage - Working with tasks (see page 150).
6. (Optional) Use the Schedule Assist utility to search for available times for the change request.
For more information, see Using Schedule Assist to search for available times (see page 423).
BMC Change Management 8.1
7. In the Change Dates region of the form, provide dates for the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End
Date fields.
If the new dates fall outside the range of the task's Scheduled Dates, changes to the Scheduled Dates (both
Start and End) can result in notifications being sent to task implementers.
The Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date fields are required when moving a change
status beyond Planning in Progress.
However, for no impact changes, or changes that follow a custom process flow that skips the
Planning in Progress stage, you are prompted to enter the Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled
End Date fields when you save the change or move the change to the next stage from the Draft
When the CI Relationships Search dialog box appears, you can search for a CI and then relate it to the
request. For more information, see Working with related configuration items (see page 176).
BMC Change Management 8.1
For more information, see Adding and viewing costs (see page 294).
14. Click Save.
15. Click Next Stage in the Process Flow Status bar to move the change request forward.
When the change request reaches Scheduled For Approval status, it must be approved to move forward.
For more information, see Approval processes provided out-of-the-box (see page 213).
The Collision Detection tool works a little differently with Release Management than with BMC Change
Management. The Collision Detection link does not turn red when a collision is detected. Also, you fix
collisions in the Manifest tab of the release form.
alreadyrun through Collision Detection. The following collision states are detected:
state values
None Found
The change request has been checked for collisions and none were found (green). When running Collision Detection from a
release, changes with no scheduled start or end dates will have a collision state of None Found.
Note: Used primarily with Release Management.
Collision detection has not been run against this change request.
Note: Used primarily with Release Management.
Used only for Activities in the manifest table. Collision Detection does not apply to Activities.
The Change Requests with Identified Collisions section at the bottom identifies the current CI collisions for
the change request. It lists the CI affected, the change request ID, the scheduled start and end dates, and
the ID and scheduled start and end dates of the change request causing the conflict.
The first time that you run the Collision Detection tool, it shows you only the current collisions in the change
relationship or release manifest. After that when you open the Collision Detection tool only new collisions are
shown, if you maintained the default settings (none of the Include Collision State fields are selected). Previously
BMC Change Management 8.1
detected collisions that need corrective action are not listed. You must select the Include Collision State fields
and then click Identify Collisions to see all CI collisions that need corrective action.
If the status of none of the colliding change requests is Detected or Investigating, or if the
colliding change request is not pending collision detection, the collision detection link for
the change is not shown in red.
4. Select or clear collision states as needed, and then click Identify Collisions.
The table displays the collision state of each change request included in the request.
5. To fix the CI collision:
a. Change the collision state from Detected to Resolved.
b. Close the Collision Detection dialog box.
c. Save and close the request.
Collision states are not saved to the database until you save the request.
d. Open the change request.
e. Run Collision Detection again from the request to determine which CIs are causing the collision.
f. Click the Dates tab of the request.
g. Enter a new Scheduled Start Date and Scheduled End Date which does not overlap with the
detected CI collisions.
h. Save and close the request.
i. Open the request and run the Collision Detection tool one more time from the request to make sure
that no other collisions are detected.
Make sure all the Include Collision States options are cleared before you click Identify Collisions.
j. Save and close the Collision Detection tool.
6. Save the request.
BMC Change Management 8.1
The SMPM process model specifies that the best practice is to include an approval after the risk and
impact analysis of a change request.
Submit the change request for approval after you have completed planning the change request and provided all
the information that the approvers require to review the change request.
When the change request requires an approval move to the next stage, the word Approval is displayed on the
Process Status Flow bar. You must approve, cancel, put on hold, or reject the approval from the approval table.
You can configure the approval settings to require one or all approvers. For more information on configuration
options, see Defining roles ( in the BMC Remedy AR
System Approval Server documentation.
It is important to understand that the change manager (or change coordinator) controls the overall progress of a
change request. Change managers submit the requests for approval and monitor the approval process. As a
manager, you might be required to review change requests for approval. You review change requests and provide
approval through BMC Change Management.
BMC Change Management 8.1
The approvers and the approval phase are viewable on the change form.
The approvers and the approval phase are viewable on the Approvers tab.
Approvers are notified when a change request requires their approval. If an approval is reassigned, the new
approver is notified. After reviewing the change request, approvers can approve it, reject it, or put it on hold if
more information is required. When an approver approves the change request, the change request is refreshed
and the updated approval status is displayed in the Approval table on the change form.
In BMC Change Management version 8.1.00, if configured, approvers can approve or reject change requests via
email. For more information on approvals using email, see Approving or rejecting requests via email (see page
When the change request is in the Approval phase, the following fields cannot be modified:
Services CI
Risk Level
Change Location
Change Manager details
Change Coordinator
Operation Categorization
Product Categorization
Financial Information
Any Date fields
An approver might not have have access to the BMC Change Management application to approve a change
request. If the approver's access permission does not allow access the change request, he can use BMC Remedy
AR System Approval Central to approve change requests. For more information on approving change requests
from the Approval Central, see Approving changes using Approval Central (see page 131).
If no approvers are mapped to an approval phase, or the phase is configured for a self-approval, the
change request is refreshed after the approval is complete.
If a technical error occurs when the request is sent for an approval, the change request moves to the Pending
status with a status reason as Approval Error. The change user can restart the change request so that it can be
sent for approval again.
The change request is refreshed when no approvers are found for an approval phase or when an approver
approves the change request.
See the following procedures:
For information about reviewing proposed change requests and providing or denying approval, see
Handling approvals for emergency change requests (see page 124).
For information about reviewing the approval process, see Working with BMC Change Management as an
approver (see page 133).
For information about adding approvers, see Adding approvers (see page 124).
The change manager or the change coordinator can choose to add approvers to the process. The Approval
Status field is set to Approval Required.
If the change manager assigns approvers, the approval process proceeds as usual.
If the change manager does not assign approvers, the Approval Status is set to Approved, and the
change request can be implemented.
If the change request is designated as an emergency and your organization uses the Change Management
Chain approval process, the manager of the Requested For user (in the Requester tab) is the first approver
in the management chain. If the Requested For fields are empty, the emergency approval process is
bypassed. Change managers can add more approvers if appropriate. They cannot delete approvers.
The ability to add someone as an approver is restricted, based on the permissions of the user adding an
approver. If the person adding signatures cannot see the person based on row-level access, they cannot
add them as an approver. But anyone with a record in the People form can become an approver if the
assigner has access to that information.
There are slight differences between ad hoc approvals and the typical approval processes configured by the
application administrator.
If you add an ad hoc approver (for example, Bob Baxter) and an approver mapping does not exist, the
approval server immediately generates an approval signature for the ad hoc approver and Bob is notified
that he must approve the change request. The change request cannot move past the next approval phase
until Bob (the ad hoc approver) approves the request.
If you add an ad hoc approver (for example, Bob Baxter) at the Draft status and an approver mapping
already exists (for example, Mary Mann for the Review phase), the approval server immediately generates
an approval signature for the ad hoc approver and Bob is notified that he must approve the change
request. The change request cannot move past the next approval phase until both Bob (the ad hoc
approver) and Mary (the mapped approver) approve the request.
If the request is already at the Review phase and you add an ad hoc approver where an approver mapping
already exists (for example, Mary Mann), the approval server generates two approval signatures-one for
Bob (the ad hoc approver) and one for Mary (the mapped approver). Also, Bob is notified that he must
approve the change request. The change request cannot move past the next approval phase until both Bob
(the ad hoc approver) and Mary (the mapped approver) approve the request.
For more information about the relationship between approver mappings and approval process configuration
records, see the following topics:
Approval mappings (
Configuring approvals (
The following topics provide instructions for adding approvers:
Adding additional approvers (see page 126)
Adding alternate approvers (see page 126)
Acting as an alternate approver (see page 127)
Adding non-approval notifications (see page 128)
To add approvers
1. Open the change request.
2. Advance through the states of your change request until you reach an approval stage.
3. Click the Approvers tab.
The Approvers table shows the list of approvers generated for the change request. Their signature is
required for approval. You might need to refresh the table to see the lists. The list contains the following
Approval Status Indicates status of work on the change
Approvers Indicates the names of the approvers
Name Indicates either the individual's full name or the support group name
Alternate Signature Appears when someone other than the original signature owner has approved
or rejected the change
4. Click Add.
5. On the Add Approver dialog box, select an individual, or a group to add.
6. Enter the name of one or more individuals or groups.
7. (Optional) To search for an individual, enter a name or initial in the Full Name+ field, and press Enter.
8. Click Save.
You might have to refresh the table field to see all approvers.
9. Click Save.
The approver is notified that they must review the change request.
You can configure alternate approvers only for yourself.
BMC Change Management 8.1
7. Click Search.
The Approval Requests table is populated with the pending requests for the user for whom you are acting
as alternate, instead of your own pending requests.
Notifications are sent to all users present in the selected Support Group. In previous
releases, notification was sent only to users with the Functional role of Infrastructure
Change Approver.
7. Use the Status field to toggle between viewing Pending and Notified notifications.
8. Delete the notifications, if needed.
9. Close the Non-Approver Notifications dialog box when you are finished.
To view notifications
1. Open the change request.
BMC Change Management 8.1
2. Advance through the states of your change request until you reach an approval stage.
3. Click the Approvers tab.
4. Click View Notifications.
The Non-Approver Notifications dialog box appears.
Non-Approver Notifications dialog box
You can use BMC Remedy AR System Approval Central to approve change requests. This is especially important if
your current access permission does not allow you to access the change request. Not all approvers have access
to the BMC Change Management application through their home pages, yet still have the role to approve change
requests before they can move forward.
You must have appropriate permissions to modify a change request to view the change request and
approve it. For more information on roles and permissions, see User permissions ( in the BMC IT Service Management
Approval Central displays all pending change requests that are assigned to you. If there are many requests,
you can filter them by using the fields in the Search Criteria area.
Click the Source ID to view details of the change request.
If approvers need more information about a change request, they can view the request details and add a
question in the approval activity log. Their signature is on hold while they are waiting for the information
and the status is set to More Information.
The BMC Change Management application ships with defined approval processes. Most companies
should not have to define additional approval processes. However, you can use the Approval Process
Configuration form to define additional approval processes for your company. For more information, see
Approval processes provided out-of-the-box for BMC Change Management (see page 139).
In BMC Change Management application administrators can define an approval process in which a series of
people must review and approve a proposed change request or release request. Only after all approvals are
granted can the change request or release request be moved to the next status. A change request goes through
several phases as it progresses through its lifecycle. Approvers are responsible for reviewing their assigned
change requests, and for approving or rejecting them. Approvers are configured by the application administrator
and are responsible for change requests with a specific categorization and location.The application administrator
also determines which types of change requests need approval, and what type of approval process they
require.As the change request moves from one status to another, the default workflow on the change request
queries the approval server to find out which approval process to use, and then executes it.
For example, when a change request moves from the Draft status into the Review phase (shown in the following
figure), the Approval Server checks the Review approval process. If the application administrator mapped an
approver to the Review process, the change request must be approved before it moves to the next stage. Also,
the Class and Timing Reason fields are locked by workflow. You cannot make modifications to the values set in
these fields until the change request is approved and it moves to the next status in its lifecycle.
Change request going through Review Approval in the Review & Authorize stage
The Approve option is enabled in the Process Flow bar when a change request is sent for Approval.
When the user clicks the approve option the change request is approved and it moves to the next status in its
lifecycle. In case of an auto-approval (no approver is assigned), the change form is refreshed to show the updated
Change status after approval.
The Approve option is displayed to all users, even if the user is not an approver for that change request.
If a user, who not an approver for that change request clicks the approve option the following error
message is displayed:
You are not currently defined as an alternate for any user and you are not on
the Approvers list for this approval. (ARERR 45802).
The change manager or change coordinator controls the overall progression of a change request, and can
perform approvals at several points in the change life cycle. For change requests in the Request for Change status
with no approvers, the change manager and the change coordinator can move the change forward to Planning In
Progress, cancel it, or send it back to the requester by assigning it a status of Draft. After a change is planned and
built, the change request is set to a status of Scheduled for Review. Once again, the change manager or change
coordinator has the opportunity to review change plans, schedules, and so on, before moving the change to the
Implementation Approval phase.The following people perform the approval process:
Selects the approval process, and if necessary, modifies the approval rules. Configures the approval mappings. For more
information, see Approval mappings (
Change manager
(or change
Monitors the approval process to make sure that it proceeds as expected. The change manager also determines which types
of change requests need approval, and in some cases, selects the approvers.
Change approvers
Reviews the change request and approve or reject it. If approvers need more information about a change request, they can
request it. Their signature is put on hold while they are waiting for the information and the status is set to More Information.
Checks the status of the change request and follows the approval process throughout its cycle.
Initially, the Approvers table displays all pending reviewers for the current approval phase. The Show list provides
filters so that you can display all approvers or a subset of approvers. The following filters are provided:
Displays approvers who have put the approval of the change request on hold
Displays approvers who have requested for more information to approve the change request
Displays approvers for future stages of the change request, regardless of whether you have configured an approval phase or not. This
filter is useful when a change request must go through multiple approval phases.
Tip: To see which approvers are required for a specific future phase, view the future approvers and sort on the process column.
Displays all approvers for all stages of the change request in approval phases have been configured. This list including approvers who
have already approved or rejected the change request
For each approver, the Approvers table displays the following information:
The approval status, such as Approved or Pending
The value of the approver Self indicates that the request submitter has the required authority to
approve the change request and does not require any additional approvers to take action. This
request is considered to be a self-approved request.
A self approval rule is defined in the approval process for this option.
When an approver rejects a request, all signature lines associated with the request are closed. If
this request is restarted, any ad hoc approver assigned to the request will have to be added again.
Any tasks associated to the change request are not affected when the change is rejected and can
be resumed when the change request is resumed.
When approving the request after it was restarted, users can enter details for restarting the request in the
Work Info.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
Click the Work Details tab and enter details in the Notes field.
Click the Work Info tab and enter details in the Details field.
For more information, see Handling approvals for emergency change requests (see page 124) and
Working with BMC Change Management as an approver (see page 133).
The following buttons in the Change form control functions involving approvers:
Opens the APR:Non-ApprovalNotifications form so that you can view notifications in either Pending or Notified status. Notifications are
listed in the table on the form. For more information, see Viewing and removing non-approver notifications (see page 130).
Note: The same forms allows you to add notifications for the change.
Creates a new individual or group to approve the change. For more information, see Adding approvers (see page 124).
Allows an approver or a change manager or coordinator defined as alternate approvers, to approve the change request. This button is
enabled only if the user is a valid approver for the record. For more information, see Adding alternate approvers (see page 126).
Allows an approver or a change manager or coordinator defined as alternate approvers, to reject the change request. This button is
enabled only if the user is a valid approver for the record. For more information, see Adding alternate approvers (see page 126).
BMC Change Management ships with default approval processes designed out-of-the-box for global use. These
best practice approval processes are already defined for you by default. These processes specify which status
occurs next if a request is approved or rejected, or if no approvers are defined.
Preconfigured approval processes for BMC Change Management
Process (phase)
In the Initiate stage, the out-of-the-box behavior for change requests is that when their Status moves out of Draft status into
Request For Authorization status, the Review approval phase starts.
If the change request is approved, the request moves to the Business Approval phase and its Status becomes Request For
If the change request is rejected, its Status changes to Rejected.
If there are no approvers defined for the request (that is, if no approvers are mapped to the Review approval phase), its
Status changes to Request For Change and requires the change manager or the change coordinator to move the request
If the Class of the change is Latent, it moves to the Completed status.
Approval - No
The Change Ad Hoc approval process is used in the No Impact Business Approval phase with the Change Manager logon as the
first approver. By default, this Ad Hoc approval process applies only to changes with a Class setting of No Impact. No approver
mapping is required to be configured for this phase.
When the change moves through the process flow and Change Manager approves the change in the Business Approval - No
Impact phase, it then moves to the Scheduled status. You use this process for preapproved No Impact changes where the change
is automatically scheduled after the approval phase is satisfied.
If the change is approved, it moves to the Scheduled status.
If the request is cancelled, it moves to the Cancelled status.
If the request is rejected, its status changes to Rejected.
The Review & Authorize stage focuses on risk assessment and impact analysis. The Business Approval Phase starts when the
change request is placed in Request for Change status. The Business Approval phase requires that the business case for the
change be approved before it can move forward.
If the change is approved, it moves to the Planning in Progress status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Business Approval phase, the change moves to the Planning in Progress status and
requires the change manager or change coordinator to move the change forward.
If the request is cancelled, it moves to the Cancelled status.
In the Plan & Schedule stage, the out-of-the-box behavior for change requests is that the Implementation Approval phase starts
when their Status moves into Scheduled For Approval status. At this phase, the system notifies you that the change must be
approved before it can be implemented.
If the change request is approved, its Status becomes Scheduled.
If there are no approvers defined for the change (that is, if no approvers are mapped to the Implementation approval
phase), its Status changes to Scheduled.
If the change request is rejected, its Status changes to Rejected.
Close Down
In the Implement stage, the out-of-the-box behavior for change requests is that the Close Down approval phase starts when their
Status moves into Completed status (with a status reason of Final Review Required). At this phase, the system notifies you that the
request must be approved before it can be closed down.
Process (phase)
If the change request is approved, its Status Reason becomes Final Review Complete. You can then move the request to the
Closed stage.
If the change request is rejected, its Status changes to Rejected.
If there are no approvers defined for the change (that is, if no approvers are mapped to the Close Down approval phase), its
Status is Completed. You can then move the request to the Closed stage.
Approval Administrators can globally approve or reject the change request. This may be required if approvers are not
available or the CAB makes a decision the requires an urgent approval or rejection of a change request. If the change is
globally approved or rejected, the approval status is changed to Closed.
The read-only Next or Current Approval Phase field displays what approval phase the change is in during its life
cycle. The Approvers tab also displays the following important information:
Approval status
Signatures of groups and individuals who must approve the change request
Alternate approvers
Approvals can be generated automatically, based on information captured on the change request. They can also
be generated manually on an ad hoc basis.
Change form Approvers tab
If needed, the application administrator can configure the change request approval workflow according to your
organization's business model. This determines which change requests require approval and what kind of
approval process they undergo.
Multiple Approvers setting to configure this option. For information about modifying the If
Multiple Approvers setting, see Defining roles (
The application administrator can also configure the change management chain (parent-child) approval process.
If the change is configured for the management chain approval process, the requester's manager is notified.
If the change is approved by all approvers, the approval process is complete and the change moves to the next
status. If the change is rejected by any approver, the change is stopped. The change manager or change
coordinator can then cancel the change or update it and resubmit it for approval.
Approving the change request can complete the approval or trigger the next step in the approval process. If there
are several levels of approvers, your approval can send the approval request to the next approver or if you deny
the request the approval process is completed, regardless of whether more approvers are defined.An approval
signature cannot be modified after the request has been rejected, and the approval process is finished. If the
change request is to be implemented, the change manager must first restart the approval process.
For additional information see the following topics in the BMC Remedy Action Request System Approval Server
Creating signatures for multiple approvers (
If the approval process requires a password or requires that rejection of a request includes a business
justification, you cannot use email-based approvals. If this is the case, you must approve the request
from Approval Central.
Approval email notifications are also sent out to any alternate approvers defined for the process.
However, if the approver adds an alternate approver after the email has been sent, the alternate
approver will not receive the email.
The following figures show examples of approval emails. Instructions for approving and rejecting requests via
email (see page 145) are provided after the figures.
Email for a change request approval
The Server Timezone Offset displays the time zone offset information where the BMC Remedy AR
System server is located.
Do not modify the content followed by the #DO NOT MODIFY FOLLOWING TEXT# text in the
You are notified of the success of the approval or rejection by email, as shown in the following figure:
If you attempt to approve or reject a request that is in a state that cannot be changed (approved, rejected, closed,
or canceled), you receive an approval error notification email, as shown in the following figure:
If you receive a Approval Error Notification, click Launch Approval Central to view the status of the request.
At the Implement stage, change coordinators take over responsibility for working on the change request. Change
coordinators are support staff members with specialized abilities who handle the details of the change request.
Change coordinators frequently exercise lead responsibilities based on factors such as location, skill set,
troubleshooting skills, difficulty of the change request, and company (if you are a service provider). In large
companies, the change manager would be responsible for the overall change such as scheduling, but the change
coordinator would perform the day-to-day management of the change request process, for example, building
and reviewing change plans, managing the change implementer, making sure that the change proceeds in a
timely fashion, and so on.
Implementing change requests
For information, see Working with change request assignments (see page 167).
4. Click the Relationships tab.
Define the relationship of the change request to other change requests, CIs, LDAP objects, storage
locations, and so on. For information, see Working with relationships (
For more information, see User roles in the change request lifecycle (
You receive notification of assigned tasks by BMC Remedy Alert, email, and so on. You can also use the Overview
Console or the Change Management Console to view all tasks assigned to you. The table list includes a column
that shows the assignee of the task. Tasks are identified by the TAS prefix. To access the Change Management
console, the task implementer must have Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change User,
Infrastructure Change Submit, or (at a minimum) Infrastructure Change Viewer permissions.
Tasks do not support functional roles; they have their own permission model. BMC Change Management
maps its groups into the relevant task computed groups for access. For this reason, users with
Infrastructure Change Viewer permission cannot update the task assigned to them from the parent
change request. To work on a task with Infrastructure Change Viewer permission, you must also be
assigned a functional role (for example, Infrastructure Change Coordinator) and you must open the task
from the Change Management console.
For more information on task implementers, see Working with BMC Change Management as a task
implementer (see page 299).
If you create a change request and then do not save it before you close it, the tasks you created do not
exist because there is no parent change request.
The Tasks tab shows the tasks that must be performed to complete the change. You can use task groups to
manage changes with many tasks, each having its own schedule, task implementer, and plan. For less complex
changes, tasks are optional. A single change can have an any number of tasks.
Creating and assigning tasks
After a task is assigned to a support group or an individual, the assignee receives notifications to perform the
various task activities based on the change process.
For less complex changes, tasks are optional. If no tasks are created, the change is assigned to a Change
Implementer. The Change Implementer field is applicable only when using the Classic view.
In the Closed stage of the change request's lifecycle, the change manager reviews all the implemented changes
to make sure that each objective was met. A request cannot be closed until all tasks are closed. When all the tasks
related to a request are closed due to success, cancellation, or failure, the requester and the change manager are
notified that the change is resolved.
Change requests can be closed by users with the functional role of a Change Manager or Change
In this final stage, the process of closing the change request varies based on whether the request requires Close
Down approval:
If no approval is required, the requester can set the request to Closed after confirming that the request was
resolved to his or her satisfaction. If the requester does not close the change request within the allowed
response time of it being resolved, the request is closed automatically after a specified period of time. The
Status Reason for the request indicates that the request was automatically closed.
The allowed response time depends on how the application administrator configured the BMC Remedy
Change Management application. The default is 10 days. If the requester is not satisfied with the change
request, the requester can reopen it. The change manager is notified that the request is reopened, and
must respond.
If the request requires Close Down approval, the change request moves to the Completed status with the
status reason Final Review Pending. The approvers approve it and moves the change to the status Final
Review Completed. When moved to the next stage, the change request is set to status Closed with a status
reason of Successful. After IT and the business unit (BU) have completed the review, no further activities
are performed on this request.
Closing change requests
To reach Closed status, you must enter actual start and end dates. You must also enter a performance rating from
1 (the worst rating) to 5 (the best rating) for the entire change process. You should consider all aspects of the
change request's performance. This includes looking at how the change manager performed, how well things
went with this operational Category Type and Item (CTI), and any other risk factors. The performance rating
stored on the request is then used, in combination with previous historical ratings, to compute an overall
performance for each of the risk factors.The performance history of a change manager becomes more
meaningful as more changes are accomplished. The performance rating is an average of the performance of the
assigned manager or the chosen operational CTI. This in turn helps a more accurate risk assessment to be
performed on new requests.
Performance ratings for requests are not rolled into the average performance until the request is Closed.
A request in Completed status does not have the performance rating averaged into the overall rating yet.
When a change request fixes a known error, the owner of the known error is notified, so that its status can be
After a change request is closed, it cannot be reopened.
Additionally, after the change is closed, users with Change Master permissions can update information
within the change record. They cannot, however, update the following fields:
Any date fields
They also cannot add new tasks or ad hoc approvers.
5.8.1 To view the progress of a change request when using the Best
Practice view
1. Open the change request. The Change form provides information about the status, potential risks, and
whether it is escalated.
The left frame of the change form displays the details about who is assigned to the change request as the
change coordinator.
2. View progress details of the change request by clicking the appropriate tab:
Work Detail
View information about each step in the process in the work information history area.
View who is assigned to the change request as change manager.
Review the current stage in the approval process for the change request, including the next approval phase.
Note: The Work Detail tab is displayed when you open the Change form.
View the progress of the tasks associated with the change request.
View all the related change requests, dependent change requests, related CIs, and so on.
View the dates related to the change, time spent on the change and details of the change submitter.
Review the agreed-upon service targets for the request. This tab is visible only if the BMC Service Level Management
application is installed.
View for whom the change request was created. When the change request was created, the change request was
automatically assigned to the appropriate support staff group or person.
Links >
View information relating to cost types, total costs, and the total costs in a specific currency.
5.8.2 To view the progress of a change request when using the Classic view
1. Open the change request. The Change form provides information about the status, potential risks, and
whether it is escalated.
2. View progress details of the change request by clicking the appropriate tab:
View for whom the change was requested and who is assigned to the request. When the change request was created, it was
automatically assigned to the appropriate support staff group or person.
Work Info
View information about each step in the process in the work information history area.
View the progress of the tasks associated with the change request.
View who is assigned to the change request as change manager, change coordinator, or change implementer.
View all the related change requests, dependent change requests, related CIs, and so on.
Review the current stage in the approval process for the change request, including the next approval phase.
Review the agreed-upon service targets for the request. This tab is visible only if the BMC Service Level Management
application is installed.
View information relating to cost types, total costs, and the total costs in a specific currency.
Impacted Areas, which automatically defaults to the change location, must be specified to generate
automatic approval requests.
From the left navigation pane, choose Links > Impacted Areas.
From the left navigation pane, choose Advanced > Impacted Areas.
3. To add a new impacted area, on the Impacted Areas dialog box, complete the required fields and enter any
other information, as needed.
4. Click Add.
You can add as many impacted areas as necessary for a particular change.
5. To delete an impacted areas that you have previously chosen, select it from the table and click Delete.
6. Click Close.
The additional impacted areas are added to the change request.
The View Audit Log function is not available until you create and display the request.
To filter the information shown, you can select the Audit Type to view (for example, All, Change Coordinator, or
From the left navigation pane, choose Links > View Audit Log.
From the left navigation pane, choose Functions > View Audit Log.
3. (Optional) Use the Audit Type list to filter out audit log entries.
4. Click the Notification Audit tab to view notification audit entries against the request.
The audit trail displays all the notifications that were generated.
5. Select a notification audit entry, and then click View.
Entries in the effort log are not system-generated, so you must enter them manually. The list is not in
chronological order.
BMC Change Management 8.1
To track efforts
1. Open the change request.
2. On the Date/System tab, click Update Effort Log.
3. Fill in the Select an Assignee fields.
This information is required to select the individual for whom the effort log is being generated.
4. Fill in the Select Effort Classification fields.
Select an Assessment Type, Phase, and Area. This information is required to show what kind of effort is
being logged, for example, implementation activity.
5. Click Add, and then click Close.
6. Fill in the Enter Effort Time Spent fields.
Enter the number of hours and minutes you worked on the change. This information records where the
time was spent.
As needed, you can adjust the time spent in the Update Assignee Effort Duration section. For
information, see Responding to task reassignments as a change coordinator (see page 281).
You must be the change manager or the change coordinator to modify the effort time.
Time is calculated based on when you click the Start Clock and Stop Clock buttons. For instructions, see To track the time
spent on a change request using the Start Clock and Stop Clock buttons (see page 160).
You can enter the time directly into the Time Spent field. For instructions, see To manually track the time spent on a
With the Update Assignment Log button, you can create an entry in the effort log. For instructions, see Tracking efforts
for a change request (see page 158).
To track the time spent on a change request using the Start Clock and Stop Clock
1. Open the change request and do one of the following:
When using the Best Practice view
Users with Change viewer and Change submitter permissions cannot copy a change request.
Copied information
Copy Requested
For Customer
Copy Impacted
All the impacted areas information that is displayed in the Impacted Areas dialog is copied. For more information see,
Viewing and updating affected areas (see page 157).
Copy Tasks
You will be prompted to enter additional information. For more details, see Copying tasks from another change
request (see page 162).
Copy Related
All related change requests. Related Infrastructure Change Requests with a Dependent relationship type will be
converted to Related To relationships.
To keep the dependent relationship, in the Relationship tab, search for the dependent change request, make a new
dependent relationship and delete the Related To relationship that were copied.
Task Phase settings of the original change is also copied to the new change.
3. Make any modifications to the new request you are creating (for example, changing its priority or timing).
4. Click Start Copy.
The copy function can take several minutes to process.
After the change is copied, the Change form opens in New mode with the newly copied change
information in a Draft status. You now can modify and submit the new request.
5. Save the new copy of the request.
A copied change request is not automatically submitted.
Copied information
The following information from the General tab related to Task Location and the Task Attachments,
except Command field:
Site Group
All related attachments
Requester Information
Copied information
Requester Company
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Support Organization
Support Group Name
6. (optional) Enter values in the following fields under Tasks Details to be overwritten in all copied Tasks:
a. Specify a value in the Summary field.
If you specify a summary value, the Summary field of all the new copied tasks uses this value.
Otherwise, the Summary field of all the new copied tasks uses the values of the source tasks.
b. Select the Priority of the task.
c. You can enter notes in the Notes field.
7. Click Start Copy.
It can take several minutes for the copy process to be completed.
All tasks and child tasks related to that task are copied. After the change is copied, the Change form opens
in New mode with the newly copied change information in a Draft status. Any tasks that are copied are in
Staged status. You now can modify and submit the new request.
8. Save the new copy of the request.
A copied change request is not automatically submitted.
You cannot assign sequence numbers to release requests. To add sequence numbers to tasks, see
Assigning a sequence number to task groups and tasks (see page 164).
complete the current request relative to the dependent request. In this example, you must now complete
the change request (sequence 1) to remove the old software before you can start work on installing the
new software (sequence 2).
Related change requests with sequence numbers (Classic view)
4. Click Save.
5. Return to the original change request using the breadcrumb bar.
6. Save the original change request.
1. Open the change request in the Change form, and then click the Relationships tab.
2. In the Show Related field, select Infrastructure Change.
A list of change requests appears in the table. Changes with a dependent relationship to the current
request are shown as Dependent under the Relationship Type column. The table shows the status of each
request and enables you to monitor the progress of the change request implementation.
3. To view a request, select it, and then click View.
This section focuses on change assignment from the perspective of the change coordinator. But there is
potentially a great deal of overlap in responsibility between the change manager and the change
Responsibilities for change coordinators include both assigning and accepting change requests. You must make
sure that the assignment is correct and accept the change request. If you cannot accept or resolve an assigned
change request, you or your manager can reassign the change request to another change coordinator. If the
change request was categorized incorrectly, you can also reassign it. (For information, see Reassigning change
requests (see page 172).)
Change requests can be assigned manually or automatically. If an assignment definition has not been done for
BMC Change Management, you must assign the change manually. (For information, see Automatically assigning
changes (see page 168).)
BMC Change Management can automatically assign change requests when they are defined. The assignment is
based on the change request's categorization. You can view information about who is assigned to the change
request on the Infrastructure Change form. Where you look for this information depends on whether you are
using the Best Practice view or the Classic view.
Classic view
You can view the Change Coordinator and Change Manager directly
Before you can make any assignments to a Change Manager support group, you must define at least one
individual with the Infrastructure Change Manager functional role.
The application administrator configures to whom the change requests are assigned. Assignment is configured
based on criteria such as the change request's categorization. For example, all change requests that are
categorized as hardware issues might be assigned to the Support-Hardware group. All change requests that are
categorized as software upgrades and originate from California might be assigned to Sonya Software in Santa
Clara. The criteria of the change request together with the application administrator's configuration determines
to whom each change request is assigned.
In the Work Detail tab, click the auto assign icon of the
Manager Group field.
In the Assignment tab, select the option from the Set Assignment using or Set
Implementer using menu.
Assigning the change coordinator using Auto Assign uses the requester's information, the Change Location
information, and the Operational and Product Categorization information about the form to determine an
assignment match.
These assignments are based on routing information stored in the CFG:Assignment form. The CFG:Assignment
form assigns the groups and then Auto Assign assigns the individual. For more information, see the Working with
auto-assignment (
Group Notification A change manager group is notified according to the notification method specified
by each group member's entry in their personal record.
For example, if a change request is assigned to the Support-Software group, each group member is
notified through the notification method specified in their personal record. If Sarah Software has Email
specified as the notification method in her personal record, the notification is sent to her by email. If Bob
Backline has BMC Remedy Alert specified, he is notified accordingly.
For more information, see Change notifications (see page 429).
View changes
assigned to you
1. In the Filter By field, choose Defined Searches > By Role > Change Coordinator > All Changes.
2. In the Show field, select Assigned To Me. All changes that are assigned to you are displayed in the Assigned Change
3. Click a change request in the table. The assigned group and other important information is displayed in the Change
Details and Tasks section.
Note: To view the complete assignment information, open the change request. In the Best Practice view, assignment
details are displayed on the Change form. In the classic view, click the Work Detail tab.
View changes
assigned to your
View all changes
assigned to your
In the Show field, select Assigned to All My Groups. All changes that are assigned to you are displayed in the Assigned
Change table.
This topic applies only if your are using BMC Change Management in Classic view. The Change
Implementer fields were removed from the Best Practice view, since adding tasks to a change
request is a best practice.
When a change request includes tasks, the Change Implementer fields no longer appear on the
Assignment tab.
If change implementer fields have been set, for example in a change template that was used,
change implementers will be assigned and notified about the change request, but this information
will not be displayed in the Best Practice view.
3. To assign a change implementer, use one of the following options in the Set Implementer using field and
then click Set:
My Default Group Assigns the change to you and your default group
My Group List Opens a list of all groups to which you belong. Select the appropriate group from
this list.
Favorite Groups Assigns the change to the typical groups to which your support group assigns
Auto Assign Automatically assigns the request based on predefined mapping
Change Coordinator Automatically assigns the change to the change coordinator and updates the
change implementer field with the change coordinator
4. Save the change request.
The change implementer is automatically notified of the assignment.
Assignment of a change request to the change implementer is applicable only when the change
request does not have any related tasks. When you add a task to the change request, its
assignment to the change implementer is no longer valid.
2. Use one of the following to select who should be reassigned to the change request.
When using the Best Practice view
In the change form select the Coordinator Group and Change Coordinator. On the Work
Detail tab select a Manager Group and Change Manager
3. Click Save.
The Change Manager or Change Coordinator is notified of the reassigned change request.
All reassignment requests appear in the table with other change requests. BMC recommends that
you regularly monitor your assigned work to keep track of any change requests reassigned to you.
2. Select the appropriate change request.
3. Click View.
After reviewing the change request, you can manually reassign the change manager or change
coordinator. When using the Classic view, you have an additional option of reassigning it to the change
4. Click the Assignment tab.
a. To reassign the change request, select the appropriate manager, assignee, or implementer.
b. Select an assignment method (for example, Auto Assign), and then click Set.
5. Click Save.
If you reassign the change request, the new assignee is automatically notified of the changed assignment.
For more information, see Assigning change requests (see page 170).
If validation of tasks performed in that phase is enabled, you must close any tasks activated for
that phase before you can move the change request to the next stage.
11. Continue to use the Process Flow Status bar to move the change request through its lifecycle until all the
tasks are completed and you reach the Closed stage.
BMC Change Management 8.1
2. Tasks in Assigned status can be worked on by the Task Implementer or Assignee. When work on the task
begins, the Task Implementer sets the status of the task to Work In Progress. When the first task's status
changes to Work In Progress from Assigned, the Actual Start Date of the change request is populated with
the current date and time from the workflows.
3. When work on the task is completed, the Task Implementer sets the status of the task to Closed. The
Actual End Date of the change request is populated with the current date and time from the workflows
corresponding to the last task. In the case of task group when all the tasks in the group are closed, the task
group is closed.
If task phase closure is enforced, all tasks of a defined phase must be closed before the change
request can move forward. If any of the tasks are open when the Change Manager or the Change
Coordinator tries to move the request to the next status, the following error is displayed:
This Change Request has at least one open task or task group. Close all
children tasks before setting Change Status to Completed or Closed. (ARERR
If the task phase closure is not enforced:
All activated tasks can be closed at any stage prior to the Completed status of the change
request as the change request moves forward.
New tasks can be added for any phase at any stage of the change request before the change is
The first task is activated when the change status is Scheduled.
The change request moves to Completed status if all tasks are completed.
4. When tasks having the same sequence number are closed, the tasks with the next sequence number are
When a task is created, it is assigned a sequence number that can be updated manually at a later stage.
To record information against CIs, such as CI unavailability, or to relate an problem investigation to a CI, the CI
must be recorded in the BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium CMDB). If you do not
have BMC Asset Management, then BMC Service Desk provides limited ability to manage CIs and inventory.
You can manage configuration items even if your environment does not run BMC Asset Management. To
manage configuration items, including creating and modifying CIs and managing inventory for bulk and
non bulk CI's, you do not need a BMC Asset management license. However, if you are running BMC
Asset Management, then you have access to additional functionality. See the BMC Asset Management
Key concepts ( page for more information about
BMC Remedy Asset Management functions.
To make use of this additional functionality, you will need either Asset Admin or User permissions and a
BMC Remedy AR System fixed or floating license.
The Alternate Data Set field on the Relationships tab defines the dataset that will be used to search
for a CI. For more information about datasets, see Changing datasets (
3. From the Request Type field, select Configuration Item, and then click Search.
4. On the CI Relationships Search form, complete the search criteria tabs with the relevant information, and
then click Search.
Matching results appear in the CIs table.
5. In the Relationship Type field, select the type to relate with the change request, for example, Installs.
For more information on relationship types, see CI relationship types (see page 260).
6. Click Relate.
The original change request and the related configuration item appear in the Relationships tab.
When you relate a CI to a change, the CI's Impacted Areas can be automatically copied into the
change's Impacted Areas, based on the Relationship Type. This allows for impact analysis within
the change record and makes sure that Change Approvers can be generated based on any
Impacted Area Approval mappings related to moves, upgrades, impact, or repairs. In the
SYS:Association Types form, administrators can define whether a particular Relationship Type
copies the CI's Impacted Area to the change.
You can view the configuration information from within BMC Change Management in the Relationships tab of the
Change form.
Select the configuration item from the Show Related list, select the configuration item, and then click View. The
Asset Management Configuration Information form appears, showing details of the configuration.
You cannot define a new configuration item on the Relationships tab. Use the Functions > Manage CIs
on the Change Management console to define new CIs. For more information, see Creating a CI (
5.13.3 Creating a CI
To create a configuration item (CI), you must have Asset Admin permission. If you have Asset User permission and
you are modifying a CI, your administrator must open the appropriate CI, and then relate your support group to
the CI.
There are many different types of CIs that you can create. While the general procedure for creating each CI type
is similar, only the specific fields on the CI form change depending on the CI type.
This topic provides several examples of how to create CIs:
To create a business service (see page 179)
To create a computer system CI (see page 180)
To create a bulk inventory CI (see page 182)
To create an inventory location CI (see page 182)
1. From the Navigation pane of the Change Management console, choose Functions > Manage CIs.
2. From the CI Type list, select Logical Entity > Business Service and then click Create.
3. On the Business System form, type the CI name and description.
When creating a CI name, follow a consistent naming convention. According to ITIL guidelines,
identifiers should be short but meaningful. For example, Payroll or Network. The name can be
followed by a numeric code, such as NETWORK100.
4. Complete the optional fields that appear on the form in a way that is appropriate for the service you are
Optional fields when creating a Service CI
Field name
A customer specified identifier. You can use this to augment the CI Name.
System Role
Additional Information
Users Affected
5. Click Save.
Depending on how your application is configured, after you click Save to create a Service
CI, the Service CI form might be redisplayed in a Modify window.
The People tab referred to in the following procedure does not appear on the Business
Service form until you create and save the CI. The Relationships tab, Outage tab, and
Impact tab also appear after you save the new CI. If the People tab does not appear after
you click Save, then search for and open the CI record as described in To search for CIs
from the console (see page ), and then continue with 6 (see page ).
If you are relating the service to the entire company, then skip 9 (see page ).
9. If you need to relate the service either to an organization within the company or to a department within
the organization, select the organization and, if necessary, the department from the Organization and
Department lists.
Organization If you choose Organization, the service is related to the specified organization
within the specified company.
Department If you choose Department, the service is related to the specified department within
the specified organization.
10. From the Choose a Relationship Level list, select how much of the company will be related to this service.
For example, if you are relating the service to the entire company, then select Company. If you specified
department in the preceding step, then select Department, and so on.
11. Click Select.
12. From the Role list in the Asset Person Role window, select Used By and click OK.
13. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation note.
14. Click Save and then click Close.
When creating a CI name, follow a consistent naming convention. According to ITIL guidelines,
identifiers should be short but meaningful, and for hardware they should not based on supplier
device names. For example, the name can include an indicator of the CI's function (such as
Workstation or Monitor) followed by a numeric code, such as MONITOR100.
In Repair
End of Life
The CI is marked for deletion. You must be a member of the APP-Management or APP-Administrator group to mark a CI
for deletion.
In Inventory
The CI is in inventory but not yet deployed. When you select this status, you are prompted to select the inventory place.
On Loan
Return to
9. Specify whether the CI is supported by selecting Yes or No from the Supported list.
10. Select what impact or urgency this CI will have if it goes down.
11. In the Users Affected field, specify the number of people who use this CI or are affected if it goes down.
12. Complete the other fields in this area.
Field name
Tag Number
The CI tag number. This is the number usually placed on the product by a member of your IT department to track the CI.
Field name
Serial Number
Part Number
System Role
Status Reason
1. From the Navigation pane of the Change Management console, choose Functions > Manage CIs.
2. From the CI Type list of the Manage CI Information dialog box, select Bulk Inventory > Bulk Inventory, and
click Create.
3. In the Bulk Inventory form, complete the following required fields:
Field name
CI Name
Enter the name of the bulk inventory item, for example, Microsoft Windows XP.
Received Quantity
4. Click Save.
1. From the Navigation pane of the console, choose Functions > Manage CIs.
2. From the Type list of the Manage CI Information dialog box, select System > Inventory Location, and click
3. In the CI Name field of the Inventory Location form, enter the location name.
4. Complete the optional fields.
5. Click Save.
system CI (
Create inventory location CIs. For information about how to do this, see To create an inventory location CI
For bulk inventory, specify the received quantity and the inventory locations. For information about how to
do this, see To place bulk CIs in inventory (see page ).
For non-bulk inventory CIs, set the inventory status to In Inventory, and select a location. For information
about how to do this, see To place non-bulk CIs in inventory (see page ).
This section provides the following information about managing inventory:
Managing inventory tasks (see page 183)
Placing non-bulk CIs in inventory (see page 185)
Placing bulk CIs in inventory (see page 186)
Managing inventory locations (see page 186)
To relocate CIs
1. From the Navigation pane of the console, choose Functions > Manage Inventory.
2. Search for inventory in the current location using the Manage Inventory dialog box.
3. Select the CI or bulk inventory item you want to relocate, and click Relocate CIs.
4. For the location where you want to relocate the CI, specify search criteria, and click Search in the Search
Inventory Locations dialog box.
5. Select the location where you want to relocate your CI.
6. In the Quantity field, enter the number of CIs you want to relocate.
7. Click Relocate.
If you do not see a location, make sure that the CI has a CI type of inventory location, and not physical
location. For information about creating inventory locations, see To create an inventory location CI (
You can view the location of all your CIs from the Manage Inventory dialog box.
Relocating CIs
You can relocate CIs or bulk inventory items from one location to another.
To relocate CIs
1. In the Change Management console, choose Functions > Manage Inventory.
2. On the Manage Inventory dialog box, select the CI or bulk inventory item to relocate, and click Relocate
3. From the Location list on the Search Inventory Locations dialog box, select the location where to relocate
the CI, and then click Search.
4. Select the location where to relocate your CI.
5. In the Quantity field, enter the number of CIs to relocate, and then click Relocate.
any user with Release User permissions to enter release requests into the system. But it is typically release
coordinators who create release requests.
Creating release requests at the Initiate milestone
Release Management uses the following terms extensively:
Milestone A grouping mechanism used to identify key points in the release process.
Phase Used for the deployment types, Phased and Non Phased. These are used to identify the
deployment types for releases.
This section provides the following information about creating release requests:
Creating a release request at the initiate milestone - Best Practice view (see page 190)
Creating a release request at the initiate milestone - Classic view (see page 193)
Specifying the business justification (see page 196)
Selecting release templates (see page 198)
Creating a manifest (see page 200)
6.1.1 Creating a release request at the initiate milestone - Best Practice view
The section describes how to create a release request at the Initiate stage when using the Best Practice view of
Release Management.
Enter information into Release Management as soon as it is available to you. You can revise it at
later milestones.
2. On the Release Management Console, click Create to open the Release form.
The Release ID field is automatically filled with an ID number for the release request.
In the Initiate stage, the release request initially appears in Draft status. The release request has not yet
been submitted to the Release Management process.
3. Use the following fields to specify the release coordinator:
Coordinator Group Specify the group of people with the Release Coordinator functional role. This
list is populated with groups that have at least one user with a Release Coordinator functional role.
Coordinator Specify the user responsible for the release. The list is populated with people with the
Release Coordinator functional role and who are included in the Coordinator Group selected.
4. From the Service field, select the business service configuration item (CI) that relates to the release request
that you are creating.
The Service field relates business service configuration items (CIs) to the release request at the time it is
created. Business service CIs are related either to the customer directly or to the customer's company,
organization, or department.
BMC Change Management 8.1
The business service CI is not a physical CI (such as a printer or a router); it is a logical CI. In this
context, a logical CI is a business service that can be provided from one business, or organization
within a business, to another. Service CIs can include customer support, employee provisioning,
web farms, storage, and so on. When business service CIs are created and made available on the
Service field menu, they are related either to a customer directly or to the customer's company,
organization, or department. If you need to have a new business service CI added to the Service
field menu, you must notify a system administrator with Asset Administrator privileges.
The release template can be applied in the Draft state, that is, while creating the release
If you start to enter fields in the release request and then select a release template, the
release template overwrites any field values that are already present in the release request.
Any relationships or manifests included with the release request are not overwritten. Any
additional manifests from the template are added as peers, and additional relationships (for
example, CIs) are included with the release request.
6. (Optional) The target date is the date by when the release must be completed, according to the applicable
service level target. Alternatively, the target date can be a date that is agreed to on an ad hoc basis, per
7. Complete the following fields:
Specify the business requirement for the request. Select an option based on the policies defined by your company. By default
these values are for informational purpose only. You have the following options:
Corporate Strategic
Business Unit Strategic
Customer Commitment
Specify the extent to which the release affects the business. The default value is 4-Minor/Localized. Impact is often directly
related to the extent to which the service has degraded from agreed service levels. Impact can be measured by the number
of people affected, the criticality of the system affected, and the loss of revenue as a result of the service degradation or
Specify a value that indicates the importance of the release request, and reflects how quickly a release must be implemented,
or the time available to reduce the impact of the release on the business. The default value is Low.
Use the following factors to determine Impact and Urgency:
Number of customers affected by associated Releases
Duration and scope of the service disruption
Availability of a solution or workaround
The type of service being disrupted, usually based on the CI involved
Awareness of the future impact on the business
(Optional) Specify the importance that you (as support staff) assign to the release request.
Priority indicates the relative order in which to address the releases. It is influenced by considerations of risk and resource
availability, but is primarily driven by the combination of Urgency and Impact. The default value is Low.
8. Select the Risk Level to indicate the relative risk associated with the release.
The default risk level is Level 1, which is the lowest level. The highest risk level is Level 5. The Risk Level is
used as a criterion to determine required approvals.
9. Select the Release Type for the release request.
You use this field to further categorize the releases that are released into the IT infrastructure.
All components of the release are built, tested and deployed together. You typically use the Full release type if you want to make
sure that the release or version of your application, plus the necessary CI components to run the application, are all linked
throughout the entire process.
Includes only incremental releases and only those components or CIs that need to be included in this release. You typically use
the Delta release type if your application was moving from version 1.0.00 to 1.1.00.
All individual Full and Delta releases are grouped together and form a packaged release. You typically use the Package release
type if you combine several minor and major updates together.
Method to identify and review multiple changes, incidents, and problems that are candidates to target to implement in a release.
The Backlog release type is a grouping mechanism that the CAB uses as their candidates to review for future releases.
Do not manually set the Milestone, Status, and Status Reason fields in the Release form.
When you use the Process Flow Status bar the release request to the next milestone, the value in
the Status field automatically changes, based on the options you select from the Status bar
BMC Change Management 8.1
Enter information into Release Management as soon as it is available to you. You can revise it at
later milestones.
Release templates are especially useful in any release request that follows well-defined methods
for specific and repeated requirements. Release templates do more than simply fill out fields for
you; they can also include CIs and manifests with the release request. For more information, see
Selecting release templates (see page 198).
The Requested By fields are auto-populated with the details of the user who creates the release. If this user
is not associated to a support group, the Support Company is set to the Location Company of the user. If
this user is associated to a support group, the Support Company, Support Organization, and Support Group
is set to the user's default Support Group.
You can modify the Requested By fields if required. The Support Company list is modified based on profile
of the user selected in the Requested By field. For users who are support staff the list includes only Support
Group companies only for that user and for non-support staff the list includes all valid companies listed
under Location Company.
BMC Change Management 8.1
Stage the deployment of the release to a part of the user base. The operation is repeated for subsequent parts of the user
base through a scheduled rollout plan, for example, the release coordinator identifies a set of changes that must be done at
the same time, for example, all changes for Building 1 at Phase 1, all changes for Building 2 at Phase 2, and so on.
You typically use phased deployments when new services are introduced into a store environment in manageable phases
(such as retail organizations).
All changes or activities deployed all at the same time in one operation with no restrictions, for example, a company-wide
rollout of new servers.
You typically use non-phased deployments when introducing an application change, and consistency of service across the
organization is important.
Note: ITIL Service Transition Version 3 describes non-phased deployment as the Big Bang method.
Do not manually set the Milestone, Status, and Status Reason fields in the Release form.
When you use the Process Flow Status bar the release request to the next milestone, the value in the Status
field automatically changes, based on the options you select from the Status bar menus.
8. Select the Release Type for the release request.
You use this field to further categorize the releases that are released into the IT infrastructure.
All components of the release are built, tested and deployed together. You typically use the Full release type if you want to make
sure that the release or version of your application, plus the necessary CI components to run the application, are all linked
throughout the entire process.
Includes only incremental changes and only those components or CIs that need to be included in this release. You typically use
the Delta release type if your application was moving from version 1.0.00 to 1.1.00.
All individual Full and Delta releases are grouped together and form a packaged release. You typically use the Package release
type if you combine several minor and major updates together.
Method to identify and review multiple changes, incidents, and problems that are candidates to target to implement in a release.
The Backlog release type is a grouping mechanism that the CAB uses as their candidates to review for future releases.
BMC Change Management 8.1
9. Select Impact to reflect the extent to which the release affects the business.
The default value is 4-Minor/Localized. Impact is often directly related to the extent to which the service
has degraded from agreed service levels. Impact can be measured by the number of people affected, the
criticality of the system affected, and the loss of revenue as a result of the service degradation or
10. Select the Urgency to indicate the importance the requester assigns to the release request.
Urgency reflects how quickly a release must be implemented, or the time available to reduce the impact of
the release on the business. The default value of the Urgency field is 4-Low.
The following factors can be used to determine Impact and Urgency:
Number of customers affected by associated releases Duration and scope of the service disruption
Availability of a solution or workaround
The type of service being disrupted, usually based on the CI involved
Awareness of the future impact on the business
11. (Optional) To override the priority, select a new Priority to identify the importance you (as support staff)
assign to the release request.
Priority indicates the relative order in which releases should be addressed, for example, Medium. The
priority of the request is automatically calculated for you, based on the Urgency and the Impact values that
you specify. These values are configured in the Release Prioritization form. But you can override the
calculation by selecting a different value, for example, High or Critical.
12. Select the Risk Level to indicate the relative risk associated with the release, from 5 (highest risk) to 1
(lowest risk).
The default value is Risk Level 1. The Risk Level is used as a criterion to determine required approvals.
13. Click Rollup to accumulate the risk level from the related change requests (displayed on the Manifest tab).
The highest Risk Level of all the related change requests is used when rolling up the Risk Level. The risk
rollup is not performed automatically. You can override the risk rollup with a different value.
14. Modify information as needed in the required fields on the General tab, for example, Company, First Name,
and Last Name.
This information is auto-filled, based on your logon. The Company is the organization or group that the
release request is assigned to.
If you type a letter or name into any of the fields with a (+) sign and press Enter, the field is
autofilled. If multiple choices exist, a selection list or dialog box appears, to help you enter a
name. Otherwise, you are prompted if no such letter or person exists in the system.
15. (Optional) Modify information in the required Release Location Company field.
The Release Location Company field is especially important in a multitenancy environment. In this field,
you can specify the company, department, or other group that controls access to the release request.
16. Click the Assignment tab and ensure that the release is properly assigned. You can manually reassign it to
another release coordinator.
a. Select an assignment method (for example, Auto Assign), and then click Set.
BMC Change Management 8.1
BMC Software Confidential
b. Review the Support Company, Support Organization, and Support Group Name (if this information is
not already supplied).
c. Select the release coordinator to whom to reassign the request.
For more information, see Working with release request assignments (see page 245).
17. Click Save to create the release request.
This is the minimum information needed to create the release. You should include additional information
as it is available to you.
18. (Optional) If you need to suspend work temporarily on the release request, use the Process Status Flow
area to move the release request to Pending status. Select Enter Pending and an appropriate status reason
(for example, Manager Intervention) from the Process Flow Status menu.
When you are ready to continue work on the release request, select Resume from the Process Flow Status
menu. The Status field is updated automatically during the Process Flow for other options. For more
information, see Performing additional functions from the Process Flow Status bar (see page 255).
3. Select a Business Justification to indicate the business reason for implementing the release request.
Business justification information is important when the request goes through the approval process. You
use this information to make sure funding is available to implement the release.
4. Categorize the release request by filling in the categorization fields.
When using the Best Practice view
The application automatically assigns the release request to the submitter if they have the functional role
of a Release Coordinator when the request is saved. Assignments are determined by the rules configured
by the application administrator.
5. To create or relate other items to the release request, click the Relationships tab.
You can create and relate release requests to your current release request before it is saved. You can also
create and relate configuration items, change requests, and so on, to the release request.
If you close the new release request before saving, any new items you created as a relationship or
a manifest, still exist. There is no relationship between these new items and the release request
since the release request was not created.
6. Click Save.
Depending on the settings configured by your application administrator, you might see the Release form in
Modify mode. You might also have to open the Release form in Search mode and query for your request.
The release template can be applied in the Draft state, that is, while creating the release request.
BMC Change Management 8.1
3. On the Release Template Selection dialog box, click View to examine the contents of a release template.
The template appears in read-only mode. Viewing a template lets you see its relationship, its task and task
group templates, and other important features.
You cannot create, modify, or delete release templates in the Release Management application;
you can only view them. You must use the Application Administration Console to create, modify,
or delete release templates instead.
Any member of your support group with Release Master, Release Config, or Release User with
Support Group Admin permissions can modify release templates for that group. For more
information, see Configuring release templates (
You can create change requests and activities during all milestones, except Close Down.
You can relate a change request to the release; or you can create an ad hoc change request and activity to add to
the release. The manifest items are grouped in the Order column, for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on. However, the
order does not enforce a sequence for execution.
Manifest support and provide visibility to the milestones of the release. You can configure the application to
enforce that the manifest: changes or activities, included in the release must be completed during that milestone
for the release to move to the next stage. For more information on configuring milestones and exit criteria, see
Configuring phase and exit criteria milestones (
There is no enforcement for when the activity or change can be started.
In a release, the Manifest tab defines the contents of a release for each milestone. You create the associations
between a release and the various release activities or change requests that are necessary to implement and close
Finally, collision detection is automatically run when you save the release. It runs only on new change requests
that you have added to the release.
For more information, see Detecting CI collisions between change requests ( and Working with
To create a manifest
1. Click the Manifest tab in the Release form.
The Manifest tab shows the release activities and changes related to the release.
BMC Software Confidential
2. From the Request Type list at the bottom of the Manifest tab, select Infrastructure Change or Activity.
The contents of the search form depend on the type of application object you chose in the
Request Type list.
Request type
Search Opens the Change Relationship Search form. You use this form to
search for change requests, and then establish a Consists of relationship
change to the release
Create Opens the Change form in New mode
View Opens the change that is related to the release
Remove Removes the change from the relationship with the release; it
does not delete the change
BMC Software Confidential
activity to a release manifest. You can specify the milestone and the phase in which the change or activity
should be grouped.
Manifest Attributes dialog box
You can add multiple change requests to the release and assign them to different milestones.
4. Specify the milestone and phase for the activity or change, for example, Deployment and Phase 1.
5. Click Apply, and then close the Manifest Attributes dialog box.
6. The original release request is displayed. Click Refresh to view the related request types appear in the
Changes and Activities table.
7. Click the up or down arrows next to Refresh, to change the order of items that have been added to the
release manifest.
The manifest items are grouped in the Order column, for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on. However, the order
does not enforce a sequence for execution.
8. Click Rollup next to the Risk Level field to accumulate the risk level, cost, and time from the related change
requests and activities (displayed on the Manifest tab).
The highest Risk Level of all the related change requests is used when rolling up the Risk Level. The risk
rollup is not performed automatically. The release user can override the risk rollup with a different value.
If you need to add change requests or activities at other milestone, you can click Rollup as needed
on demand.
Rollup also rolls up the following information from the changes in the release manifest.
Budget Cost and Actual Cost-Rolls up financial data from change requests and activities into the
release. You can see costs under Links > Financials when using the Best Practice view and on the
Financials tab of the Release form when using the Classic view.
Time-Rolls up time spent (in minutes) from change requests and activities to the Release form. You
can see time spent on the Date/System tab when using the Best Practice view and the Assignment
tab of the Release form.
BMC Change Management 8.1
directs you with messages if there are fields that must be filled in when you move to a new milestone.
You might want to add work information about the following activities:
General Information Notes about the record, for example, you might want to add a note that a particular
CI was deployed, and include the date.
Planning Notes about a plan to implement a global release throughout your organization.
Implementation Installation and backout procedures for the release.
Costing and Charging Additional information about the cost of the current CI, incident, change, or so
on. For example, you might want to add a note that the cost of maintaining a CI was split between two cost
centers, or that the cost to implement a release came under budget.
Any user with release related permissions - User, Master, or Viewer can add or modify work info from the Release
console or the release request in Modify mode. However, only users with Release Master permissions can add
work info to closed Release requests.
If you are using the Best Practice view, you can view multiple work info entries at the same time
by clicking the History icon. When you click this icon, the system displays a pop-up window with
the Notes field entries arranged with the most recent entry at the top (a date and time stamp is
also visible with each entry).
If your user ID has Release Viewer permissions, you can add and modify Work Info entries,
however, you cannot create or modify release requests.
Use the following procedures to add work information about activities performed for the current release request:
To add or modify work information to a release request when using the Best Practice view (see page 205)
To add or modify work information to a release request when using the Classic view (see page 205)
3. Click More Details to select the work information type and add any additional attachments.
4. From the Work Info Type list, select the type of work information to add.
5. In the Attachment fields, add any additional attachments required for the work information. You can add
up to three files.
6. When you finish updating the release request, under Add Work Info click Save.
The Save operation adds your entry to the work history.
7. To view or update the entries in the work information, select the work info record and click View. Under
the Edit Work Info section:
a. Update the required fields.
b. To delete an attachment, click the delete
c. Click Save.
8. To view a report of selected activities you performed against this request, select the records from the work
info table and click Report.
9. To view the history of when and by whom each of the work information was added click History .
10. Click Save.
If you select Yes you cannot modify the work log after you save the record.
BMC Change Management 8.1
When you return to the Release Management Console, you might need to refresh the Release
Information table to display all the modified records.
BMC Software Confidential
b. Select how many days' worth of requests and business events to show.
c. Select Release Requests to view release requests in the calendar.
d. Select the requests and business events for a specific day.
Change Calendar Viewing release requests
When planning a release request, you use this tab to track the scheduled, actual, and deployment start and
end dates of releases.
6. Revise the start and end dates as needed.
7. Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
Click the Classification tab, and then review the business justification.
For more information, see Specifying the business justification (see page 196).
8. (Optional) Perform one of the following actions:
When using the Best Practice view
You can calculate the costs associated with the change request.
For more information, see Close Down milestone - Completing release requests (see page 222).
9. Save your work.
10. Use the Process Status Flow area to move the release request from the Planning In Progress status to the
Build Approval phase.
The release must be approved before it can move forward.
BMC Software Confidential
For more information, see Build milestone - Building a controlled environment for the release (see page
Start Date
For the Deployment milestone, provide the date when the release starts to be deployed to the IT infrastructure.
For the Deployment milestone, provide the date when the release finishes deploying to the IT infrastructure.
End Date
For the Planning milestone, provide the date and time when the release should be available.
Target Date
The target date is the date by when the release must be completed, according to the applicable service level target. Alternatively,
the target date can be a date that is agreed to on an ad hoc basis, per release.
On the Date/System tab, this field is read-only and is automatically set to the target date and time selected on the release form.
This field is read-only and is automatically set to the current date and time when the status of the release is set to Completed.
Scheduled Start
For the Initiate milestone, use this field to specify the date and time at which the release implementation is scheduled to start (the
moment at which the release is planned to be set to the status Work in Progress).
Scheduled End
For the Initiate milestone, use this field to specify the date and time at which the release implementation is scheduled to be
completed (the moment at which the release is planned to be set to the status Closed).
Note: Scheduled start date and end date values cannot be modified when the release is awaiting approval.
Actual Start
For the Deployment milestone, provide the date for when work started on the release.
Actual End
For the Deployment milestone, provide the date for when work ended for the release.
You can use the Schedule Assist tool to identify possible conflicts associated with releases. You can search for
windows of opportunity that your release request can be scheduled around. The Schedule Assist tool helps you
search for available deployment times for the release request based on global business events and CI availability.
When you create a release request that modifies a CI for example, you must upgrade a server you can
schedule a time segment for the CI that shows it is unavailable to the rest of the support staff. If another member
of the support staff wants that CI to be available, they should schedule their own release in a different time
segment. You can perform the tasks listed in the following table.
The following processes are essentially the same for BMC Change Management and Release
Management, with one exception for the Schedule Assist tool. The Release form shows you the CIs
related to the changes in the release manifest. In BMC Change Management, you see the CIs that are
directly related to the change.
For more information, see:
Register unique
1. In the navigation pane of the Release form, choose Advanced > Time Segments >
Registering time
business events
for releases
Business Event.
2. On the Search Business Event/Location Definition dialog box, click New.
3. On the Business Event/Location Definition dialog box, define a unique time segment for
the business event or categorization.
4. Click Save.
5. Click Add to create a time segment.
6. In the Description field on the Business Time Segment dialog box, enter a description for
the time segment.
Understanding server
time, time zones, and
9. In the Duration Type field, select One time (which generates a single occurrence of the
time segment) or Recurring (which cannot span multiple days, but must be scheduled
within a 24-hour period).
10. Enter the starting and ending dates and times for the duration of the time segment.
11. Click Save, and then click Finish.
Registering CI
time segments
for releases
Registering time
2. In the CI Advanced Search form, enter the information necessary to search for a CI and
then click Search.
7. In the Description field on the Business Time Segment dialog box, enter a description for
the time segment.
10. In the Duration Type field, select One time (which generates a single occurrence of the
time segment) or Recurring (which cannot span multiple days, but must be scheduled
within a 24-hour period). If you select Recurring, you must specify the recurrence.
11. Enter the starting and ending dates and times for the duration of the time segment.
12. Click Save to associate the time segment to the CI, and then click Finish.
Use Schedule
Assist to search
for available
The Initiate phase starts when the release request is placed in Initiation Approval status.
If the release request is approved, the request moves to the Registered status.
If the release request is rejected, its Status changes to Rejected.
If there are no approvers defined for the request (that is, if no approvers are mapped to the Initiate approval phase), its Status
changes to Registered and requires the release coordinator to move the request forward.
The Planning phase starts when the release request is placed in Planning Approval status.
If the release request is approved, it moves to the In Progress status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Planning phase, the release request moves to the In Progress status and requires the
release coordinator to move the request forward.
If the request is rejected, it moves to the Rejected status.
The Build phase starts when the release request is placed in Build Approval status.
If the release request is approved, it moves to the In Progress status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Build phase, the release request moves to the In Progress status and requires the release
coordinator to move the request forward.
If the request is rejected, it moves to the Rejected status.
The Test phase starts when the release request is placed in Test Approval status.
If the release request is approved, it moves to the In Progress status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Test phase, the release request moves to the In Progress status and requires the release
coordinator to move the request forward.
If the request is rejected, it moves to the Rejected status.
The Deployment phase starts when the release request is placed in Deployment Approval status.
If the release request is approved, it moves to the In Progress status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Deployment phase, the release request moves to the In Progress status and requires the
release coordinator to move the request forward.
If the request is rejected, it moves to the Rejected status.
Close Down
The Close Down phase starts when the release request is placed in Close Down Approval status.
If the release request is approved, it moves to the Completed status.
If no approvers are mapped to the Close Down phase, the release request moves to the Completed status.
If the request is rejected, it moves to the Rejected status.
You can view the included approval phases on the Status Flow tab of the Approval Process Configuration
form. For information about configuring approvals as an administrator for BMC Change Management,
see Configuring Approvals ( For
information about working with the BMC Remedy Approval Server as an administrator, see Process
administrator overview ( in the
BMC Remedy Approval Server documentation.
The read-only Current Approval Phase field shows what approval phase the release is in during its life cycle. For
more information, see Approval processes provided out-of-the-box for Release Management (see page 213).
Related topics
Approving or rejecting requests (see page 137)
Resubmitting a rejected request (see page 136)
Approving or rejecting requests via email (see page 143)
To view the release requests awaiting approval from the Approval Central, click Pending Approvals under the
Approval Tasks list of the Approval Central.
To view release requests awaiting approval from the Release Management console
1. In the Release Management console, under Counts in the left navigation pane, click Waiting Approval.
The Releases table shows the release requests waiting approval.
2. Select the release request to review, and then click View.
The approver can approve or reject the release request from the Release Request form, or request further
At most companies, the Build milestone is interchangeable with the Test milestone. The Build and Test milestones
are typically iterative processes. Release candidates are built, tested, and frequently kicked back so that they can
be fixed. During the Build milestone, you complete change requests and activities to build and test the release
package. You then find you must add additional change requests and activities to fix bugs, add additional
functionality to the release, and so on.
For release coordinators, the Build milestone is mostly a manual stage to verify that the Build process is
successful. You should use the Release form to update information, revise your plans, add additional
change requests and activities, and so on.
For release coordinators, the Test milestone is mostly a manual stage to verify that the service work is
successful in a controlled environment. You should use the Release form to update information, revise
your plans, add additional change requests and activities, and so on. At most companies, the Test
milestone is interchangeable with the Build milestone.
BMC Change Management 8.1
8. When all the change requests and activities reach Closed status, use the Process Status Flow area to move
the release request from the Deployment In Progress status to the Close Down Approval phase. The release
must be approved before it can move forward. For more information, see Close Down milestone Completing release requests (see page 222).
The Close Down milestone provides the opportunity for reviewers to conduct post-implementation reviews
(sometimes called postmortems) to offer feedback on the effectiveness of the release, and record metrics for
deployment to make sure the release met its service targets. After IT and the business unit (BU) have completed
the review, no further changes or activities are performed on this release. When the requester has verified that
the release request was resolved satisfactorily, the release request can be set to Closed. If the requester does not
close the release request within the allowed response time of it being resolved, the release request is closed
automatically after a specified period of time. The Status Reason for the release request indicates that the release
was automatically closed.The allowed response time depends on how the application administrator configured
the Release Management application. The default is 15 days. If the requester is not satisfied with the release
request, the requester can reopen the release request. The release coordinator is notified that the release request
is reopened, and must respond to the release request. A release request is moved to the Close Down milestone
when it is cancelled.
To close down the release (see page 223)
To cancel a release (see page 223)
No Longer Required
Funding Not Available
To Be Re-Scheduled
Resources Not Available
If all related Changes and Activities defined in the Manifest tab are either Completed, Cancelled or Closed, the
status of the release request is changed to Cancelled, with the status reason as the reason selected and the
release request is moved to the Close Down milestone.
You can create change requests and activities during all milestones, except Close Down.
In a release, the Manifest tab defines the contents of a release at a particular milestone. You create the
associations between a release and the various release activities or change requests that are necessary to
implement and close it.
In the Manifests tab, you can perform the additional functions listed in the following table related release
View the selected item in the Changes and Activities table. Opens the application object form.
Opens the Search dialog box for the specified Request Type.
Opens a window allowing you to create the specified Request Type. You can create an Activity or an Infrastructure Change.
For more information, see:
Working with release activities (see page 226)
Creating related change requests (see page 165)
Request Type
Displays a list of all the available application objects that can be related to a release.
Show Milestone
Show Related
Filters the list of all the available application objects that are related to a release.
Quick Actions
Update Attributes
Infrastructure Change
Get Related Relationships
Update Attributes
Update Attributes
Opens Manifest Attributes dialog box for updating milestone attributes for the relationship.
Get Related
Copies the relationships of the selected record to the release request's relationships. For more information, see
Copying relationships (see page 270).
3. Click Execute.
View the selected item in the Changes and Activities table. Opens the application object form.
Opens the Search dialog box for the specified Request Type.
Opens a window allowing you to create the specified Request Type. You can create an Activity or an Infrastructure Change. For
more information:
Working with release activities (see page 226)
Creating related change requests (see page 165)
Request Type
Displays list of all the available application objects that can be related to a release.
Show Related
Filters list of all the available application objects that are related to a release.
Quick Actions
activities. Activities have their own lifecycle with a series of status transitions, for example, Draft, Assigned, and so
on. You can also establish a sequence of tasks in your activities. Activities are useful when you need to create a
structured sequence of tasks that you must complete to fulfill the release, but these tasks should not be classified
as a change request.
For example, imagine you must release a new version of the Calbro marketing application. One of the work items
that must be completed in the release cycle is training users on the new marketing application. Because training
is not a change request that the Change Management team would complete, you decide instead that training
should be an activity that is assigned, tracked, and completed using the Activity form.
Release Management comes bundled with the Activity form, which provides basic facilities for assignment, status,
work info, and task management. The Release Management integration with the Activity form lets you create any
generic activity that you need to track.
Activity form
You use the Activity form to add a set of activities to a release request. You can track release states and requester
information, relate and assign tasks, and enter work log information.
For more information about the activity assignee role, see Working with activities as an activity assignee
(see page 228).
To work on activities
1. Log in to the Release Management console.
2. Select the activity from the Change Requests and Activities table.
3. Click View. On the activity form, enter information in each of the tabs described in the following steps to
move the activity forward.
4. Click the Assignment tab to review the assignment. If necessary, you can reassign the activity.
For more information, see Accepting activity assignments (see page 238).
5. Click the Work Info tab to enter work information about the activity.
You can track the activity's progress by recording the steps you took to implement it in the work history or
attach a detailed Training Plan. For more information, see Entering activity work information (
change request (for example, approvals), you can use an activity instead. For example, a new payroll application
requires that your user base receives proper documentation and training. Since this requirement is not a change
request that needs to be completed by the Change Management team, the release coordinator creates it as an
Activity using the Activity form, and then assigns it to an activity assignee.
Activities do not typically involve changes to the IT infrastructure.
The activity assignee is typically a member of the support staff and is responsible for planning the activity, for
example, adding scheduled start and end dates; adding work information to the activity, for example, attaching a
training schedule; creating and assigning tasks, for example, the Payroll staff to create training materials, the HR
staff to train the users; and adding financial information, for example, budgeted and actual costs.
For more information, see Activities (
The activity assignee requires the following user permissions:
Release User permission grants general access to the Release Management Console. You can open, query,
submit and modify release requests. Release Viewer permission grants access to the Release Management,
but you can only open and query release requests.
Activity User permission grants general access to the Activity form. The activity assignee will be permitted
to query and modify activity requests.
When you are creating tasks for an activity, you must complete the Company, First Name and Last Name
fields under Requester Information, Company fields under Location information and the Summary field
on the activity form before you include the tasks.
The Tasks tab displays the tasks that are required to be performed to complete the activity. You can use task
groups to manage an activity with many tasks, each having its own schedule, task assignee, and plan. For less
complex activities, tasks are optional. Tasks are created and modified within the activity and are stored separately
within the Tasks form.
A single activity can have an unlimited number of tasks.After a task is assigned to a support group or an individual,
the assignee receives notifications to perform the various task activities when the activity reaches the Assigned
The task dates are also displayed on the Dates tab.Tasks, like activities, go through many status transitions as they
progress. The status in which a task is created depends upon the status of the parent activity.
Your assigned tasks and task groups are listed in the Tasks and Task Groups table on the Activity form. Tasks are
prefixed with TAS and task groups with TGR. You can also view tasks and task groups related to an activity from
within the Tasks tab of the Activity form.
Activity form Tasks tab
You can click the View Flow button to see a read-only view of the task flow in the task group. For more
information about using the View Flow button, see Using CCM tasks (see page 315).
Adding task groups and tasks to activities follows the same steps as change requests. For more information, see
Implement stage - Working with tasks (see page 150).
If you select Yes, you cannot modify the work log after you save it.
f. From the View Access list, select one of the following options:
If you want only users within your organization to see the entry, select Internal.
If you want everyone with access to the system to see the entry, including requesters, select
4. When you have finished updating the activity, click Save.
The Save operation adds your entry to the work history. The Show field allows you to filter out specific
work entries based on the type of activity displayed in the table.
5. To see a report of the activities you performed against this activity, click Report.
6. To display all entries for work information history, click View.
When you return to the Release Management console, you might need to refresh the Change
Requests and Activities table to display all the modified records.
BMC Change Management 8.1
3. In the Budget Cost area, click Add to include an estimated cost for the activity.
This field is read-only. You typically enter this information at the Planning stage of a release.
4. In the Costs dialog box, enter the relevant information in the following required fields:
Cost Center Code Identifies the code name for the business unit or organization within the
company that is charged for servicing the activity. The default cost center is the business unit to
which release coordinator belongs, but you can modify this.
When you select the cost center code, the Company and Cost Center Name fields show the values
attached to the cost center code.
Cost Category This field is automatically filled according to the application you are working in.
Related Cost Enter the rate. You select the Currency from the list. Your administrator sets the
available currencies.
5. Save your changes in the Costs dialog box.
6. On the Financials tab, click View to modify the budget costs.
For information about using other fields on this dialog box, see Adding and viewing costs (see page 294).
7. In the Actual Cost area, click Add to include the final cost for the activity.
8. Save the activity.
3. In the Activity Dates area, specify the following values to assign the activity:
Scheduled Start Date Optionally, enter an estimated start date.
Scheduled End Date Optionally, enter an estimated end date.
You should set the start date and end date to be different from the dates of the parent release.
4. Save the activity.
BMC Change Management 8.1
You must define at least one individual with the Request Manager functional role before you can make
any assignments to a Support Group.
During configuration, the administrator determines to whom the activities are assigned. This decision is based on
criteria such as the activity's categorization. For example, all activities that are categorized as hardware issues
might be assigned to the Support-Hardware group. All activities that are categorized as software upgrades and
originate from California might be assigned to Sonya Software in Santa Clara. The criteria of the activity together
with the application administrator's configuration determines to whom each activity is assigned.
The assignee must make sure that the assignment is correct and accept the activity. If the assignment is not
correct, the request manager can reassign the request.
These assignments are based on routing information stored in the Assignment Configuration form. This form
assigns the groups and then Auto Assign assigns the individual. For more information, see Configuring
assignments ( in the BMC Remedy ITSM Suite
The following topics provide more information about working with activity assignments:
Assigning activities
A activity must be assigned to a Support Group. However, a specific request manager is typically responsible for
the overall activity process.
To assign activities
1. Open the activity.
2. Click the Assignment tab.
Based on the default configuration and requester information in the activity, certain fields might already be
filled. To assign a request manager or assignee, make selections from the Activity Assignee field.
3. If needed, you can click Clear to remove information from Activity Assignee field.
4. Enter the time spent resolving the activity.
5. Save the activity.
The activity assignee is automatically notified of his assignment.
various activity states. For more information about notification preferences, see Customizing support staff
notification preferences (
) in the BMC Remedy ITSM Suite documentation.
Based on the default configuration and requester information in the activity, certain fields might already be
3. To assign an activity assignee, make selections from the menu options.
If needed, you can click Clear to remove information from the Activity Assignee fields.
4. Enter the time spent resolving the activity.
5. Save the activity.
The request assignee are automatically notified of their assignments.
Reassigning activities
If you cannot accept or resolve an assigned activity, you can reassign the activity to another assignee, or you can
ask your manager to reassign the activity. If the activity was categorized incorrectly, it can also be reassigned.To
reassign an activity yourself
You cannot create, modify, or delete activity templates in the Release Management application;
you can only view them. You must use the Application Administration Console to create, modify,
or delete activity templates instead. Any member of your support group with Release Coordinator
permissions can modify activity templates for that group. For more information, see Configuring
activity templates (
Pending If the activity is not assigned, it moves to the Pending status. It can be moved to the Pending
status for any reason, such as pending for information.
In Progress When work on the activity is started, the activity status to In Progress.
Completed When work on the activity is completed, change the activity status to Completed. The actual
start dates and actual end dates must be entered before the status is changed to Completed.
An activity with a status of Completed can be reopened by changing the status to Pending.
Cancelled If for some reason the activity is cancelled, change the activity status to Cancelled.
Closed When the work on an activity is completed and you want to close the activity, change the activity
status to Closed. Once the activity status is set to Closed, the activity cannot be reopened.
The following table describes the valid status transitions for an activity:
Status to which the activity can be transitioned
In Progress
In Progress
Before you can complete the request release, all activities must be closed, completed, or cancelled.
You can define multiple tasks for each activity. The out-of-the-box settings define that tasks are
activated in the sequence assigned to them. All tasks with sequence number 1 are activated when the
activity record reaches the Assigned status. The status of the activity can be changed to Completed
when all tasks defined for that activity are closed. You cannot complete an activity if all the tasks
associated with that activity are not completed.
Configuration settings for activating tasks can be modified by modifying the Activity status for Activation field on
the Configure Activity Rule form. For more information on configuring activities, see Configuring activity rules (
If the parent activity is canceled, all related tasks are closed.
Based on the changes and activities displayed in the release manifest, the Release Costs table shows the
costs associated with the release, and rolled-up costs from the related activities or change requests.
For more information, see Working with release manifests (see page 224).
3. Click Add to attach costs to the release.
If you attach a cost entry to the release you are working on, the Release Costs table does not list a
related request ID.
4. Filter the release costs by selecting from the Cost Category field.
The default (the Cost Category field is cleared) displays all entries. Otherwise, select Infrastructure Change,
Release, or Activity to display costs associated with those entries.
5. Filter the release costs by selecting from the Show field.
All Cost Types (the default value) displays all release and rolled-up costs.
6. (Optional) Click View to view the costs associated with the release, or click Delete to remove them.
You can only delete Release costs from the Financials page of the Release form.
You must define at least one individual with the Release Coordinator functional role before you can
make any assignments to a Release Coordinator support group.
During configuration, the application administrator determines to whom the release requests are assigned. This
decision is based on criteria such as the release request's categorization. For example, all release requests that are
categorized as hardware issues might be assigned to the Support-Hardware group. All release requests that are
categorized as software upgrades and originate from California might be assigned to Sonya Software in Santa
Clara. The criteria of the release request together with the application administrator's configuration determines to
whom each release is assigned.The release coordinator must make sure that the assignment is correct and accept
the release request. If the assignment is not correct, the release coordinator can reassign the request.
You must set a notification rule and define a milestone for it to enable the notification workflow. For
more information on setting notification rules, see Configuring notification rules (
Regularly monitor your assigned work to track any release requests reassigned to you.
To deny the reassignment request, you must reassign it to another release coordinator.
5. Click Save.
If you reassign the release request, the new assignee is automatically notified of the changed assignment.
Related topic
Assigning release requests (see page 248)
If you have management level permissions, you can also update the status of the people in the support
group that you manage.
Release Coordinator
Assignee Group
Deployment Approval
In Progress
Activities work the same way, except that no out-of-the-box notifications are enabled. Your administrator can
easily configure a rule in which, for example, the activity assignee is notified when the Status of the activity is set
to Draft.
For more information, see Receiving notifications of release request assignments (see page 249). For more
information about notification rules, see Configuring notification rules (
On the Work Detail tab, select the Work Info from the table and then click View.
1. Click the Work Info tab on the Release form.
2. Select the Work Info from the table and then click View.
For example, during its Deployment milestone, you can follow the progress of the tasks as they are being
To view the progress of a release request when using the Best Practice view (see page 251)
To view the progress of a release request when using the Classic view (see page 252)
6.14.1 To view the progress of a release request when using the Best
Practice view
1. Open the release request.
The release request form displays details about the release assignments, target date, status, next approval
phase, potential risks, and whether the release request has been escalated.
2. View progress details of the release request by clicking the appropriate tab.
Work Detail
View information about each step in the process in the work information history area.
Review the current stage in the approval process for the release request, including the next approval phase.
Note: The Work Detail tab is displayed when you open the Release form.
View and create associations between releases and other application objects (example - incidents, known errors, changes,
problem investigations, software library items, LDAP objects, CI unavailability and configuration items, and other releases).
View the planned dates, information related to who and when the release request was submitted and by who and when the
release request was last modified.
Review the agreed-upon service targets for the request. This tab is visible only if the BMC Service Level Management
application is installed.
View information relating to cost types, total costs, and the total costs in a specific currency.
6.14.2 To view the progress of a release request when using the Classic
1. Open the release request.
The top part of the release request provides information about the status, next approval phase, potential
risks, and whether it is escalated.
2. View progress details of the release request by clicking the appropriate tab.
View who requested the release request and who is assigned to the request. When the release request was created, it was
automatically assigned to the appropriate support staff group or person.
Work Info
View information about each step in the process written in the work information history area.
View or create associations between releases and other application objects (example - incidents, known errors, changes,
problem investigations, software library items, LDAP objects, CI unavailability and configuration items, and other releases).
Review the current stage in the approval process for the release request, including the next approval phase.
Review the agreed-upon service targets for the request. This tab is visible only if the BMC Service Level Management
application is installed.
View information relating to cost types, total costs, and the total costs in a specific currency.
Entries in the effort log are not system-generated, so you must enter them manually. The list is not in
chronological order.
To track efforts
1. Open the release request.
2. Choose Functions > Track Effort.
3. Fill in the Select an Assignee fields.
This information is required to select the individual for whom the effort log is being created.
4. Fill in the Select Effort Classification fields.
This information is required to show what kind of effort is being logged, for example, actual
implementation activity.
5. Fill in the Enter Effort Time Spent fields.
This information records where the time was spent.
As needed, you can adjust the time spent in the Update Assignee Effort Duration section. For
information, see Managing release effort logs (see page 252).
A request should follow the milestones in the recommended lifecycle of a release request, as described
in Milestones in the release request lifecycle ( Manually setting
the status values can disrupt the lifecycle in which you enter information about and resolve the release
Out of the box, release requests must be approved before they move to the Planning milestone.
For more information, see Working with BMC Change Management as an approver (see page 133)
and Approval processes provided out-of-the-box for Release Management (see page 213).
9. After the release request is approved, use the Process Flow Status bar to move the release request forward
to the Initiation Registered status.
BMC Change Management 8.1
10. Use the Process Flow Status bar to move the release request forward to the Planning Approval phase. The
release must be approved before it can move forward. For more information, see Planning milestone Planning and scheduling the release request (see page 206).
6.15.2 Performing additional functions from the Process Flow Status bar
You can perform the following functions from the Process Flow Status bar:
Additional functions from the Process Flow Status bar
In the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow on the green status and select Next Stage.
The Change or Release moves to the next status or milestone.
1. In the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow on the green status and select Enter Pending.
2. Select appropriate status reason (for example, Manager Intervention).
3. Select Resume from the Process Flow Status bar when you are ready to continue work on the request.
1. In the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow on the green status and select Back.
2. Select the milestone you want to return to, for example, Initiate.
Note: If you use the Back option to move the request to a previous stage or milestone, all required approvals
defined for any stage that is repeated must be performed again.
1. In the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow on the green status and select Cancel.
2. Select appropriate status reason, for example, Resources Not Available. The Change or Release moves to the
Completed or Close Down milestone.
In the Process Flow Status bar, click the arrow on the green status and select Help.
The process flow help is displayed (if it is installed).
This information about relationships applies equally to release requests. Where exceptions exist, these
are noted.
Change requests can be affected by incidents, problems, and so on. BMC Change Management enables you to
define relationships between change requests and other types of requests if the appropriate application has been
The options described in the table below will vary based on the BMC Remedy ITSM applications installed
on the server.
Request type
related to
Other change
When you work with a change request, you can define related requests that address similar issues. For example, a set of related
requests can result from many change requests sent to the service desk by one requester. A set of related requests can also result
from a single request that encompasses several other requests.
You can create a series of dependent change requests, where one must be completed before another request can be started, for
example, a change request to upgrade Microsoft Outlook on the email server that has a Dependent relationship to a change request
to upgrade the operating system. For more information, see Creating related change requests (see page 165) and Relating change
requests (see page 166).
When you work with a change request, you can view a related configuration item (CI). For example, you might be working with a
desktop system that consists of a laptop, mouse, keyboard, and docking station. The CI has information about the specific type of
these CIs. For more information, see Working with related configuration items (see page 176).
When you work on a change request that requires a configuration item that would be unavailable when in use for the change
request, you can view a related CI Unavailability. For more information, see Creating CI unavailability (see page 275).
LDAP objects
Request type
related to
When you work with a change request, you can view related LDAP objects. For example, you might want to relate a change request
to an LDAP server where all the permission rights are stored to enable seamless authentication with Policy Manager. For more
information, see Performing additional functions with relationships (see page 272).
When you work with a change request, you can view or create release requests. Releases can be related to a change request (in the
Relationships tab, or contain the change request in the Release manifest. For example, you might want to create a release request
and include the change in the Release manifest. For more information, see Working with release manifests (see page 224).
library items
When you work with a change request, you can view related storage locations, for example, different versions of Microsoft Office
along with their license contracts. For more information, see Performing additional functions with relationships (see page 272).
When you work with a change request, you might need to work with a related asset configuration. For example, if you are working
on a change request involving a monitor, relate the change to the monitor. You might also want to temporarily assign another
monitor to the requester because work is being done on the original monitor. In this case, you can relate the change request to
both monitor asset records. To perform this procedure, BMC Asset Management must be installed and integrated.
Incidents and
When you work with a change request, you might need to relate incidents and problems. If a change request for a server upgrade
results in connection problems for the people affected by the change, for example, you can relate their incident to the server
upgrade change request as you open the cases. This relationship can provide helpful information to the support staff working on
resolving the incident. To perform this procedure, BMC Incident Management must be installed and integrated. For more
information, see Viewing change dependencies (see page 166). For problem and known error investigation, BMC Problem
Management must be installed.
A change request can be a part of a larger project. This relationship provides information about the project to which the change is
related. To view this option, BMC IT Business Management Suite must be installed and integrated.
Currently, you cannot relate a change request to a Project from the Change form.
For more information about relationships and request types, see Related request types for BMC Change
Management and Release Management (see page 258).
!common:_graphicsLibrary^video_icon.png! (
The Start date and End date values are not displayed in the Best Practice view.
Relationship type
Start date
End date
More information
CI Unavailability
Related to
Start Date
End Date
See Creating CI
unavailability (see
page 275).
Actual Start
Actual End
Related to
Remove Removes the CI from the
relationship with the change or release; it
does not delete the CI
Not applicable
Not applicable
Request type
Relationship type
Start date
End date
More information
Management is
Related to
See Performing
Management is
functions with
relationships (see
page 272).
Start Date
End Date
Actual Start
Actual End
Chg Initiated
Related to
See Creating
related change
requests (see
page 165).
Related to
Initiated by
See Performing
functions with
relationships (see
page 272).
Not applicable
See Performing
functions with
relationships (see
page 272).
Request type
Relationship type
Start date
End date
More information
Related to
See Performing
functions with
relationships (see
page 272).
Start Date
End Date
Start Date
End Date
Related to
Member of
Not applicable
See Performing
functions with
relationships (see
page 272).
When defining a relationship between a Configuration Item and a Change Request, the following options are
Related to Relates the item or request to the Change Request
Upgrades Upgrades the item or items as part of the Change Request process
Repairs Repairs the items or items as part of the Change Request process
Impacts Impacts the item that as part of the Change Request process
Moves Moves an item from one location to another location as part of the Change Request process
Installs Installs the item as part of the Change Request process
Removes Removes an item from the location as part the Change Request process
Changes Changes items as part of the Change Request process
These options are for information purpose which can be used while reporting. You have the option to use them
based on the organizational requirements and processes.
The keyword search is available only when BMC Knowledge Management is installed with BMC
Remedy IT Service Management. If BMC Knowledge Management is not installed, the Advanced
Search is displayed. If the Advanced Search is displayed, in the search window for the request
type, enter information about the search criteria tabs, and then click Search.
For example, if you are creating a relationship to an incident request about a printer that regularly goes
off-line, you might type printer off line.The search scans multiple fields in each record looking for a match,
and returns a list of records that contain any of the words - printer, off, or line in one of the scanned fields.
The type of search dialog box that appears depends on the type of record you chose from the
menu. Try to supply as much information as possible in each type of search to reduce the overall
number of records returned by the search. If, after using a more specific search string, the search
returns too many records, consider using the advanced search. To do this, click Use Advanced
Search, which opens a form in search mode that is relevant to the type of relationship you are
5. From the search results table, select the specific record to which you want to create the relationship.
6. From the Relationship Type list at the bottom of the search dialog box, select the type of relationship you
want to create.
7. Clicking Relate to create the relationship.
The specific list for Select a Relationship Type depends on the type of relationship you are
creating. For example, if you are creating a relationship with another change request record, the
list includes Related to, if you are creating a relationship with an incident request record, the list
includes Related to, Caused, and Corrects. If you are creating a relationship with a known error,
there are two relate buttons: Initiated by and Related to, and so on.
For specific instructions on CIs, see Relating configuration items to change requests (see page
BMC Change Management 8.1
3. Click Search to search for a request type or Create to create a new request.
If you create a new change request, the request is automatically related to the change request when you
save it.
4. In the Search field of the dialog box that opens, type a search string. For example, if you are creating a
relationship to an incident request about a printer that regularly goes off-line, you might type printer off
line. Try to supply as much information as possible in each type of search to reduce the overall number of
records returned by the search.
The type of search dialog box that appears depends on the type of record you chose from the
The search scans multiple fields in each record looking for a match, and returns a list of records that
contain any of the words - printer, off, or line in one of the scanned fields.
If, after using a more specific search string, the search returns too many records, consider using
the advanced search. To do this, click Use Advanced Search, which opens a form in search mode
that is relevant to the type of relationship you are making.
5. From the search results table, select the request with which to define the relationship.
6. From the Select a Relationship Type list at the bottom of the search dialog box, select the type of
relationship to define.
7. Click Relate, and then click OK.
The specific text on the relate button depends on the type of relationship you are creating. For
example, if you are creating a relationship with another change request record, only the Related
to button is displayed. If you are creating a relationship with an incident request record, there are
three buttons: Related to, Caused, and Corrects, if you are creating a relationship with a known
error, there are two relate buttons: Relate With Solution and Relate Without Solution, and so on.
8. Click OK.
9. Close the search window.
The related request types and relationship types appear in the Relationships table. To refresh the table,
click Refresh from the right-click menu.
Basic Search
Categorization Search
Support company, location or user login details based on the user role.
7.5.1 To search for request types and establish the relationship type
1. Open the change or release request from which to define the relationship, and then click the Relationships
2. From the Request Type list at the bottom of the Relationships tab, select the type of application object to
which to relate the current request.
3. In the search window for the request type, click the Use Advanced Search link and complete the search
criteria tabs with the relevant query information (for example, the Deployment Type), and then click Search
The search form appears.
The contents of the search form depend on the type of application object you chose in the
Request Type list.
Supply as much information as possible in the search dialog box to reduce the overall number of
records returned by the search. Matching results appear in a search results table.
4. From the search results table, select the request with which to create the relationship.
5. From the Relationship Type list at the bottom of the search dialog box, select the type of relationship to
create (for example, Related to).
6. Click Relate, and then click OK to close the confirmation dialog box.
The search window closes automatically. The related request is displayed in the Relationships table. To
refresh the table, right-click in the table and select Refresh All in Table.
You can use the Relationships tab to create associations between releases and other application objects, for
example, CI unavailability, configuration items, incidents, infrastructure changes, known errors, LDAP objects,
problem investigations, other releases, and software library items. Relating application objects (such as CIs) to the
release request lets you identify items that the Release Coordinator plans to address in the release.
The relations in a release request are informational only, and are not required to be part of any milestone of the
release request. In addition, the application objects do not have to be Completed or Closed for this release to be
For more information on creating a relationship, see Defining relationships (see page 261).
Change requests or activities that are necessary to implement and close the release are added as release
manifests. These are tied to a milestone of the release and must be completed during that milestone for
the release to move to the next stage. For more information, see Creating a manifest (see page 200).
context of change requests applies equally to release requests. Where exceptions exist, these are noted.
example, you could run a simulation in Atrium Impact Simulator to learn what devices and applications in the
network are affected if you take a specific server offline due to scheduled maintenance or lease returns.
Atrium Impact Simulator is transparently integrated into other BMC applications as an integral part of their
workflow. From BMC Change Management, Atrium Impact Simulator exposes only the features required for the
user, simplifying the user experience.
For more information, see Atrium Impact Simulator analysis for change requests (
The Impact Analysis functionality is not available on the Relationships tab of the Release form.
The Impact Analysis button is enabled only for CIs that belong to Production Data Set (PDS).For
more information on PDS, see Relating CIs to alternate datasets (see page 273).
Running an impact simulation does not relate the results automatically to the change record. You
must click Execute to select the results that should be related.
By default, the change results are defaulted to Yes for relate. Using the column relate, you can individual toggle the
action to No or Yes for granular control. These can be set as a group, using Execute options.
Show Only
Services (click to
Lists only impacted service CIs in the view. This action has no effect on relating.
Lists all impacted CIs in the view. This action has no effect on relating.
These options modify the relate options. They provide a quick way to select groups of CIs to relate or unrelate. You can
Execute button
Click Report
Runs a report that exports all the fields in the simulation. This report can export all fields that are in the new .csv file or
any subset of them.
The report file, which is attached to the change request, provides a history that can be referenced in the future.
Click Cancel
Click Save
Creates the CI relationships between the change request and the selected CIs. The CIs are now displayed in the
Relationships tab. Work information is created for the change request, along with a simulation .csv file attached.
7. Click Close to create the CI relationships between the change request and the selected CIs.
The CIs are now displayed in the Relationships tab. Work information is created for the change request,
along with a simulation .csv file attached.
To see a detailed description of an item in the table, select it, and then click View. Use this feature
to help determine whether to relate the other item to the current change.
5. In the Relationship Type field, select the type of relationship to define, and then click Select.
The contents of the Relationship Type list depends on the type of related item you are using to
define the relationship.
The newly created relationship appears in the Relationships table. For more information, see Performing
additional functions with relationships (see page 272).
Shows all related assets, change requests, incidents, CIs, and so on (if you have the corresponding application
CI Unavailability
Shows the related CI unavailability tied to the change entry. This option is enabled only if BMC Asset Management is
Configuration Item
Shows the related incidents. This option is enabled only if BMC Incident Management is installed.
Known Error
Shows the related known errors. This option is enabled only if you have BMC Problem Management is installed.
LDAP Object
Shows the related problems. This option is enabled only if you BMC Problem Management is installed.
Software Library
Shows the related software library items, that is, the location where the master copy of the software program and its
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the change with the relationship to modify.
2. From the Quick Actions menu, choose Modify Relationship Type, and then click Execute.
3. Modify the required information and then click Save.
Remove a
Copy relationships
to a CI that is
related to the
Relate a change
request to an LDAP
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the change with the relationship to remove.
2. Click Remove.
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the corresponding CI relationship entry from the Relationships
2. From the Quick Actions menu, choose Get Related Relationships, and then click Execute.
3. On the Relationships for Configuration Item dialog box, select the item to relate to the current change. Select a
Relationship Type, and then click Select.
When you work with a change request, you might required to define a related LDAP object. For example, to enable seamless
authentication with Policy Manager you might want to relate a change request to an LDAP server where the permission rights
are stored.
Relate a change
request to an
storage location
When you work with a change request, you might need to define a related storage location. For example, you might need to
view related storage locations, like different versions of Microsoft Office along with their license contracts. Storage locations
are also used by Policy Manager to determine the location of software to deploy.
1. Click the Relationships tab of the Change form.
2. Under Create Relationships, select Software Library Item from the Search list and click the search icon.
3. On the Software Library Item Search dialog, enter the search criteria, and then click Search.
4. From the search results, select the storage location to relate to the change request, and then click Relate.
The change request and the related storage location appear on the Relationships tab.
Production Data Set (PDS) If there is no CDS, the PDS is loaded as the global setting. The PDS value is
taken from the dataset field on the AST:AppSettings form.
Alternate Data Set (ADS) Field on Change form on the Relationships tab that enables you to select a
different dataset other than the CDS or PDS.
For more information about datasets, see Changing datasets ( in the BMC Asset Management
You must understand the following restrictions if you use an alternate dataset when relating CIs:
Configuration items
Data Set
You can select the ADS as needed. After you start working on the change request, the
setting of the ADS is the dataset that you selected last.
PDS is used.
Note: An empty Alternate Data Set field is equivalent to using the PDS.
Alternate Data Set field is locked. If you relates a CI with the ADS, you must save the change
to save the ADS.
Note: There is no database rollback on the relationships.
Configuration items
Data Set
Whatever the
When all related CIs are removed, the Alternate Data Set field becomes editable. If you clear
last value is
the Alternate Data Set field when it is editable, the dataset is PDS.
If all related CIs are
The CDS is the default value, and is used only if ADS is set to CDS when you relate a CI. If you
choose the PDS, you must clear the Alternate Data Set field.
When the status of the change reaches Closed, the change is locked for everyone except the
Change Master. Only the Change Master can make modifications to a change request in the
Closed status, including adding and removing relationships. For the Change Master, the Alternate
Data Set field behaves the same way as when the relationship is not locked.
You can define CI Unavailability entries only if BMC Asset Management is installed.
You can define CI Unavailability entries for a related CI in the following ways:
Directly By clicking the Relate with Unavailability button from the CI Relationships Search form, when
you are creating the relationship with the CI. For more information, see Relating unavailable CIs and
changes (see page 275).
Indirectly By creating the unavailability after the CI has been associated with the change. For more
information, see Defining new CI unavailability for a record - alternative method (see page 277).
When you save the CI Unavailability entry, the CI Unavailability relationship entry is generated. A CI Unavailability
relationship entry then appears on the Relationships tab.
CI Unavailability cannot be tracked directly against CI Components. The Relate with Unavailability
button does not appear on the CI Relationships Search form when you are searching for CIs from a
release request.
a. Select the unavailability type that best describes the down time (for example,
Scheduled Full).
b. Enter the appropriate Scheduled Start and Schedule End dates.
c. Enter remaining information, as needed.
d. Click Save.
You can perform these steps only if BMC Asset Management is installed.
After you select the unavailability class and type, the Priority field is filled based on a
configurable CI Unavailability Prioritization mapping.
4. (Optional) Modify the description identifying the reason why this unavailability is being defined.
5. Enter the appropriate Scheduled Start Date and Schedule End Date.
After you enter the dates into these fields, the system automatically calculates the Estimated Duration.
When a Scheduled Start Date is entered without an Actual Start Date, the Unavailability Status is
automatically set to Scheduled.
6. Enter the Actual Start Date and Actual End Date, as needed.
The system automatically calculates the Actual Duration, based on the actual dates.
When an Actual Start Date is entered without an Actual End Date, the Unavailability Status is
automatically set to Current Unavailability. The Unavailability Status is automatically set to
Restored when the Actual End Date is filled in. After the Actual End Date is set, you can modify it,
but not blank it out.
This type of assignment can be configured to be locked or open. Locked means that the
system selects the Assignment Group from the Configuration Item Contact relationship,
and then locks the fields so that they cannot be re-assigned or manually overridden. Open
means that the system selects the Assignment Group from the Configuration Item Contact
Association and then enables you to select another assignment method.
Cross Referenced Request Assigns the CI Unavailability entry when the CI Unavailability is
generated from either an Infrastructure Change or an Incident. This setting keeps the CI
Unavailability assignment synchronized with either the Change or Incident record assignment.
Manually Lets you assign the CI Unavailability entry manually to any group defined within the
Automated Routing Assigns the CI Unavailability entry automatically to a support group if you do
not assign a support group from the People tab. Automated Routing is configured using the
CFG:Assignment configuration form.
For more information about configuring BMC Remedy ITSM, see Configuring after installation (
8. If you selected Manual assignment, set the assignment company, organization, group, and assignee. The
individual or group assigned to this unavailability record must set the status to Completed after recording
the actual start and end times.
9. Set the Assignment Status to Assigned.
The Assignment Status governs whether the CI Unavailability entry is considered Open or Closed.
Setting the Assignment Status to Completed marks the CI Unavailability entry as closed.
10. (Optional) Click Set From Change Schedule to retrieve the request's scheduled start and end dates and
You can use this button to fill the Schedule Start and End date and times on the CI Unavailability record.
This feature is available only for CI Unavailability records that were generated from a change request (not
release requests).
11. (Optional) Click the CI Status Information tab to change the status of the CI, for example, In Repair.
12. (Optional) Click the Relationships tab to see possible relationships against the unavailability that might
exist, for example, relationships to incidents, changes, or problems. You can also define relationships to
these respective modules.
13. (Optional) Click the Financials tab to define cost entries against the unavailability. This enables you to track
costs associated to the down time.
You must save the CI Unavailability record before you can define Relationships and Financials.
14. (Optional) Click the References tab to see the record identification numbers for any incidents or changes
that might have created the unavailability entry.
BMC Change Management 8.1
15. (Optional) Click the SLM tab to see the service targets and milestones for the restoration of the
unavailability. Service targets and milestones are defined from within BMC Service Level Management.
Escalations can defined to notify the assignment group prior to acknowledgment or resolution breach
16. Click Save to define the new CI unavailability for the record.
Modify CI
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the unavailability entry to modify, and then click View.
2. On the Configuration Item Unavailability form, modify the information as needed, and then click Save.
3. To create a financial cost for the unavailability, click Add on the Financials tab of the Configuration Item. On the Costs dialog
box, enter required information as needed, and then click Save.
The CI unavailability entry represents the entry as seen within the CI Unavailability form. The CI unavailability entry
that appears on the Relationships tab represents the relationship between the Unavailability and the Change.
Delete CI
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the unavailability entry to delete.
2. Click Remove.
Deleting a CI Unavailability entry also deletes all related relationships and cost entries against the unavailability. The
CI Unavailability is deleted if the cross-referenced ID is the change ID.
Broadcast CI
1. On the Relationships tab of the Change form, select the unavailability entry to broadcast.
2. From the Quick Actions menu, select Broadcast CI Unavailability, and then click Execute.
3. On the New/Modify Broadcasts dialog box, complete the required fields and any other information, and then click Save.
The View Access field is used to make the broadcast available on the web (if your Broadcast form is web-enabled and the
View Access is set to Public).
You must have the Broadcast Submitter functional role to broadcast the current change.
To perform these functions, BMC Incident Management must be installed.
As a change coordinator, you might need to assign new assignees to tasks associated with your change. Task
reassignment is performed manually, directly on the Task form.
If you reject the assignment request, set Notify Assignee to Yes and update the work
4. Click Save.
When the task is reassigned, the previous and new assignees are automatically notified of the changed
CI Unavailability
Broadcast CI Unavailability
Get Related Relationships
Modify Relationship Type
Configuration Item
Create New CI Unavailability
Explore CI
Get CI Impact/Urgency
Get CI Product Categorization
Get Impacted Areas
Request type
Get Related Relationships
Modify Relationship Type
Infrastructure Change
Get Related Relationships
Known Error
Get Related Relationships
Modify Relationship Type
LDAP Object
Problem Investigation
Get Related Relationships
Modify Relationship Type
Get Related Relationships
Explore CI
Opens the graphical BMC Atrium Explorer that shows the selected CI's relationship to other CIs.
Create New CI
Relationship action
Get CI
Get CI Product
Sets the current release request's Product Categorization to that defined in the selected CI.
Get Related
Copies the relationships of the selected record to the release request's relationships. For more information, see
Modify Relationship
Modifies the relationship type and enter a new description for the related item.
Show Related Services
3. Click Execute.
Out of the box, you can only define broadcast messages for the Global company.
This option is available only when you select Global in the Company field and set the View
Access value to Public.
You can broadcast a change from the change record. To broadcast the change choose Functions >
Broadcast Change from the navigation pane of the change record when updating the record. If you
define a broadcast message from a change or release, a relationship is generated between the broadcast
message and the change or release.
Authorized authoring groups are defined on the Authoring Groups tab of the New/Modify Broadcasts
You can perform this task only when using the Classic view (
For the changes to take effect, you must close the application and log on again.
For the purpose of data integrity, BMC does not recommend deleting change requests. Deleting a
change request does not delete the underlying related data, such as approvals, tasks, relationships, and
any other dependencies.
First Name
Last Name
Client Type
Select access data for one company but not another, based on the companies to which the person is assigned. The Company
field controls access when configuring people.
5. Optionally, complete the remaining fields, including fields on the other tabs.
6. Click Save.
For change requests that are created by using a change template, costs that are calculated according to
the financial rules are set in the template.
The cost rate template and finance rules are used to calculate task related costs. If not configured, task-related
costs can be added manually. After the task is closed, either the costs that are calculated based on the finance
rule defined or the costs manually entered are added to the cost of the change.
Any CIs related to the change request or its tasks are added into the budget and actual cost if the relationship is
flagged to be included in total cost. You need to manually specify within the relationship record that CI costs
should be included in the total cost of the change.
If there is a CI related to the cost, you can use the Create Allocation option to identify a cost center that will be
charged for the work done on the change. Multiple CIs can be related to the cost. In this case, you can use the
Create Allocation option to define how the cost of the CIs is distributed among the related CIs.
The total costs related to a change request are calculated after the change request is closed. At the time of
closure, a change can involve various costs such as the actual cost of the change itself, the actual cost involved
for a task or CI associated to it, cost of a task related to the change, or other criteria. A change cannot be closed
unless all associated tasks are closed. When individual tasks are closed, their costs are automatically reflected in
the change cost. To include all related costs in the final actual cost of the change request, the total cost of the
change is calculated only after the change is closed.
Select Links > Financials to view the costs related to a change. The total Actual Cost value displays the actual
costs per cost types - that is, Labor, Fixed, Other, and Parts. The cost types provided out of the box are only for
informational purposes and can be used according to requirements. The Change Financials dialog box displays
the total cost based on the cost type for the selected change record.
Time in WIP will not be calculated without effort logs.
On the Cost Financials dialog in the Best Practice view and in the Financials tab in the Classic view, the
calculation of the total costs is displayed when no cost type is selected. After that you can view details of
only a single Cost Type selected from the Show menu. After that you cannot display the total cost of all
cost types are not displayed.
If you have configured multiple cost types, calculations are done only for the first cost type, which is Labor.
Therefore, BMC recommends that you use only Labor cost type.
If you make a mistake when adding a cost entry for example, if you charge too much for a service
you cannot delete the record. However, you can reverse the cost of the record by adding a new cost
record, and then entering a negative value equal to the amount to negate. If you negate a cost, make
sure that you document this in the Description field.
The Financials option is not available when the change request is in New mode or in the Draft
3. To view costs of a particular type, in the Show field select the type of cost to view.
Initially the calculation of the total costs is displayed when no cost type is selected. After that you
can view details of only a single Cost Type selected from the Show menu. After that the total cost
of all cost types is not displayed.
This field is automatically filled with the cost center specified in the Cost Center Code field. The Company field identifies the
company charged for servicing the change request.
Cost Center
Identifies the code name for the business unit or organization within the company that is charged for servicing the change
request. The default cost center is the business unit to which the user logging the change request belongs, but you can
modify this.
When you select the cost center code, the Company and Cost Center Name fields show the values attached to the cost
center code.
Cost Center
This field is automatically filled with the name of the cost center specified in the Cost Center Code field.
This field is automatically filled according to the application you are working in.
Cost Type
Enter the cost type. Options are Fixed, Labor, Other, or Parts. (These values can differ depending on how your application
administrator has configured cost categorizations and the chosen company.)
Related Cost
Enter the rate. You select the Currency from the list. Your administrator sets the available currencies.
Related Units
Enter how many units (for example, hours or minutes) were required to implement the change.
Unit Type
Choose how to measure the cost. Choices are Flat Rate, Hours, or Minutes.
Date the charge was incurred. If you leave this field blank, it is set to the current date when you save the cost.
6. Click Save.
7. Perform steps 4 (see page 295) through 6 (see page 295) for each cost associated with the change request.
The totals for budgeted and actual costs appear at the bottom of the table.
To delete a cost from a change request, select it, and then click Delete.
When you are viewing financials on CIs, only actual costs are shown. As a result, a budgeted
cost that is allocated to a CI appears on the change, but does not appear on the CIs
financial table.
4. Enter missing information for cost type, cost rate, and so on.
5. In the Relate To CIs? field, specify whether to relate the cost to a CI:
Divide evenly between CIs divides the cost between all the CIs (including services) that are related to
the change. Doing so divides the Current Total by the number of related CIs.
Let me allocate to CIs distributes the cost among the different CIs. If you choose this option, the
Selected CI Desc and Allocate To Selected CI fields become active. If you do not have CIs or services
related to this change request, you cannot choose this option.
The Related CIs Count field automatically shows the number of CIs that are related to the change
request. You cannot change this information.
6. In the Relate To CIs table, click the CI to which to allocate a cost.
The ID appears in the Selected CI Desc field.
7. In the Allocate to Selected CI field, enter the amount that to allocate to the CI.
BMC Change Management 8.1
After tasks are assigned, task implementers can start work on their tasks when the change request reaches the
Implement stage. They log their progress as they complete each task. When all the tasks related to a change
request are either closed or cancelled, the change is set to Complete and the requester and manager are notified
that the change is resolved.
The change approver requires Change User permission to access change request and task records. For a helpful
overview of the entire process, see the following items:
Relation of task statuses to change statuses (see page 301)
Using CCM tasks (see page 315)
For more information about configuring and administering the Task Management System, see
Configuring Task Management System (
1. A change request starts in the Draft status. Any related task groups or tasks are in Staged status.
If a change request is cancelled, all the task groups and tasks associated with the change are also
If a task group is cancelled, all child tasks of that task group are also cancelled.
2. The change request moves into the Request For Authorization status and the approval group or approvers
are notified that the change request requires approval for the Review phase.
3. After the change is approved it moves into the Request for Change status and the change manager or
change coordinator is notified.
4. The approval group or approvers are notified that the change request requires approval for the Business
Approval phase.
5. After approval the change is moves to the Planning in Progress status and all people assigned to the
change are notified that the change request is ready for planning.
6. The Status Reason field of the tasks gets updated to Staging in Progress and the task implementers are
notified that the task group or tasks are set to Staged.
7. For taskless changes only the change implementer is notified.
8. When the status reason of all the tasks is set to Staging Complete, the change moves into the Scheduled
for Review status and the change manager or change coordinator is notified that the change request is
scheduled for review. If the change rule is configured to bypass the Schedule for Review status, the change
moves to the next valid status.
This is not applicable when Task Phase Management is enabled. For state transitions of the
change with Task Phase Management enabled, see Change status transitions - Draft to complete
with task phase management enabled (
9. The approval group or approvers are notified that the change request requires approval for the
Implementation Approval phase.
10. After approval the change moves into the Scheduled status. For change requests scheduled as change with
no impact, all people assigned to the change are notified.
11. The status of tasks with the least sequence number is set to Assigned if assignment has been defined and
the task implementers are notified to start working on tasks when the status is set to Assigned. The status
of tasks with no assignment is set to Pending with Status Reason Assignment (Pending for Assignment). If
the least sequence number is assigned to a task group, the status of the task group is set to Work in
Progress, and the status of the first child task is set to Assigned or Pending depending on whether
assignment has been defined.
12. For taskless changes only the change implementer is notified.
BMC Change Management 8.1
13. Task Implementors set the task to Work in Progress when work begins. Task implementers can now update
the task information, and start implementing the task. When the first task is set to Work In Progress, the
Change moves to Implementation In Progress status. Workflow enters required information into the Actual
Start Date field.
14. After last child task is set to Closed, the task group is set to Closed. When the last task of the change is set
to Closed, the change manager, change coordinator, and change requester are notified that the change
request is completed. Workflow enters required information into the Actual End Date field.
15. The approval group or approvers are notified that the change request requires approval for the Close
Down phase.
16. The change manager or change coordinator is notified when the final review is completed.
17. If change request is cancelled, the requester is notified.
7. Update the record (for example, In the Approved By field, enter your name).
8. Wait at least 15 minutes until the TMS:TAS:GetDataInterval escalation fires.
This escalation checks the Automatic interval.
9. Refresh the change request until the status of the task is set to Closed.
If you manually assign a task, the assignee is immediately notified when the task is staged. If
the assignment engine assigns the task, the task is staged but the notification is not sent to
the assignee until the task is activated.
For more information about assignment configuration, see Configuring task assignments (
In addition, special templates were created for the integration with BMC Configuration Automation for
Clients (previously known as BMC Configuration Management). Other templates might have been added
by your application administrator.
5. (Optional) Click View to see more details about the task group or task template.
6. If a relevant task set appears on the list to include with the change request, select it, and then click Relate.
7. Define a numerical sequence of the tasks, as described in Sequence number in task groups and tasks (see
page 307).
8. When you finish adding templates, save the change request.
The scheduled start date for the task. Depending on the configuration that you set for Action On Scheduled Dates Change while
Configuring change rules (, you might see the error message or a
warning when the change request is in between Planning In Progress and the Scheduled status.
Lists the time segment options. For more information, see Registering time segments (see page 415).
Automatically populated with the date and time at which the task is saved after the first task moves to the Work in Progress status
Automatically populated with the date and time at which the task was saved after the status is moved to the Closed status
Automatically populated with the date and time a task moves from the Staged state to an active state.
in Minutes
This value is calculated using the Closed Time value (on the Assignment tab) and the Activate Time value. The value is calculated as
(Closed Time - Activate Time) 60
End Time and Activate Time are measured in seconds and then divided by 60 to display the time in minutes.
Automatically populated with the date and time when the task assignment is saved
Automatically populated with the date and time the task was last modified and saved
Automatically populated with the date and time when the task status is moved to Closed. This field is displayed only after the Task
status is set to Closed.
User Data
Displays the User ID of the person who submitted the task and who last modified the task
After a task is closed, it cannot be reopened.
If the task has related CIs, you can update any CI costs that are affected by this cancellation. See
Working with related configuration items (see page 176).
When you return to the Change form, you might need to refresh the Work Info of Assigned Task
table to see all the entries.
BMC Change Management 8.1
BMC Software Confidential
b. When you finish working on the task, click Stop Clock, and then click Save.
You can use the start and stop clock buttons as many times as needed. Each successive time, the
new time is added to the value in the Total Time Spent field. The time is automatically calculated,
based on when you click the buttons.
4. To manually track the time spent working on tasks, enter the number of hours or minutes in the Time
Spent fields, and then click Save.
The time you entered is added to the value in the Total Time Hours and Minutes fields.
5. To add the tracking information to the log:
a. After you save the information for tracking the time spent on the tasks, click the Assignment tab on
the Task form.
b. Click Effort Log.
c. Enter information into the effort log, and then click Add to Effort Log.
When the change is in Planning in Progress, all the tasks have a status of Staged and a status reason of
Staging In Progress. When all the tasks' status reasons have become Staging Complete, the change
moves from Planning in Progress to Scheduled For Approval.
BMC Change Management 8.1
4. In the Assigned Tasks table, select the task to accept, and then click View.
Tasks are identified by the prefix of TAS. On the Task Management screen, you can click Open next to the
Request ID field to open the parent change request.
5. If you are ready to begin working on the task that is, if the Status field of the change request is set to
Scheduled set the Status field to Work in Progress. This is an important step, because the task then
moves into Work in Progress status. In addition, different escalations occur based on the task's status. If the
task is still in the Scheduled status while you are working on it, an inaccurate escalation can occur.
6. Click the Assignment tab.
7. Enter the time spent. When you are ready to start working on the task, you can use the start and stop clock
or the effort log to keep track of how much time you spent.
8. Click the Work Info tab, and then enter the progress you have made on the task. Optionally, you can add
relevant information to the Task Plans field to describe how you intend to complete the task.
9. Click Save.
If this is the first task to be moved to Work in Progress status, the following changes are automatically
made to the change request:
The status of the change request is moved to Implementation in Progress. This includes all tasks
included in the change request. The change manager is notified of the changed status, and the
requester is notified when the status of the change is set to Scheduled.
On the Assignments tab of the Task form (or Task Dates region of the Change form in Classic view)
the Start Date field is filled with the date and time at which the task was saved.
The Actual Start Date of the task and that of the change request is updated with the date and time of
the status change.
For additional responsibilities (for example, closing a task), see Managing tasks (
You can click View Flow to see a read-only view of the task flow in the task group. For more information
about using the View Flow button, see Using CCM tasks (see page 315).
2. Click View.
3. Modify the task details as needed.
4. Save your work.
deployment jobs that typically do not require ongoing management. Deployment-based tasks include
distribution of:
Commands and scripts
The Task Management Subsystem (TMS) launches verification tasks when it receives notification that a
policy-based task has succeeded. You can verify compliance for policy-based tasks based on a target, package, or
You can configure TMS to launch verification tasks manually or automatically. The system verifies tasks based on
the following criteria:
The compliance percentage of specified targets or software packages
A time window that you specify for completing the task
The Task Flow Viewer uses color codes to illustrate the different stages of the tasks. For example, a blue
stage indicates that its status is Closed, and a yellow stage shows its status is Staged. The Viewer also
shows you the flow between tasks. You can also perform the following functions in the Task Flow Viewer.
Zoom in to focus the view.
Zoom out to expand the view
Click the pan buttons to move the flow around.
7. Select the task to work on, and then click View.
8. On the Tasks form, click the Relationships tab.
9. Search for a Software Library Item. On the Software Library Item Search dialog box, the Storage Location
contains the location of the software. The storage location can either be a physical repository (Fred's top
drawer) or electronic (a folder on your network).
Perform a search for a storage location, select the appropriate record from the search results and then
click Relate.
10. On the Relationship Attributes dialog box, define the relationship attribute, for example, Source.
11. Define the action attribute, for example, Install, and then click Apply. The Storage Location is added to the
change request.
12. Search for a Configuration Item. On the CI Relationships Search dialog box, CIs are the systems where the
software is deployed.
13. Search for a CI, and then click Relate.
14. Define the relationship attribute, for example, Target.
15. Define the action attribute, for example, Install.
BMC Change Management 8.1
When the Storage Location and the CI are related to the task, the relationships are carried over to
the change. If a task implementer wants to select storage locations or CIs related to the change,
use the Get Related Relationships quick action on the Relationships tab on the Task form. A similar
quick action on the Task tab of the Change form to enable the change to relate storage locations
or CIs to a task related to the change entry.
If you have deployed the integrated CCM solution with seamless authentication, the task
implementer can launch the task from BMC Change Management or BMC BladeLogic Client
Automation without having to retype your user ID and password.
BMC Change Management 8.1
18. After you have performed the policy changes in the Policy Manager tool, click Save.
19. Close the Policy Manager window to return to the Task form.
20. (Optional) Review the Work Info about the task.
The work information for the task is updated with the changes performed by the task.
a. Click the Work Info tab.
b. In the Work Info History area, select the Policy Manager entry and then click View.
c. After you view the information, close the Work Info dialog box.
d. Click Report to view an ASCII-format report of the task changes.
The report lists the software installed, if the policy was successful, and so on.
21. In the Status field, set the task status to Closed.
The status reason automatically is set to Success. You can select a different status reason, for example,
Failed or Cancelled.
22. After you have made all your modifications, save and close the task.
23. On the Change form, refresh the children of the task group table.
The status of the first task is marked as Closed and the status of the second task is now Waiting.
24. Open the second task:
a. Select the Check Compliance task and then click View.
b. On the Task form, click Details to view the target and package compliance.
c. Verify the compliance in Policy Manager.
d. Close the Viewer to return to the Task form.
25. In the Status field, set the task status to Closed. You can view the work information for the task as needed.
The task record is updated with the changes performed by the task.
26. After you have made all your modifications, save and close the task.
27. In the Change form, refresh the children of the task group and the task and task groups tables. All tasks and
the task group are marked as Closed.
28. Click Save.
Closed Loop
Automatic task that calls BMC Configuration Management Policy Manager to set up compliance parameters for Closed
Verification (automatic)
Manual task that defines or modifies a policy using Policy Manager. It uses the Relationships feature to add the CI and
Deploy Package
Manual task that deploys a package using BMC Configuration Management Deployment Manager. It adds the CI and
storage location using the Relationships feature on task. Verification of a Deployment Manager task is based on the exit
status of the Deployment Manager job.
Execute Remote
Manual task that executes a remote command using BMC Configuration Management Deployment Manager. Verification
of a Deployment Manager task is based on the exit status of the Deployment Manager job.
Manual task that executes a remote script using BMC Configuration Management Deployment Manager. Use the Task
Attachments table to define the remote scripts. Verification of a Deployment Manager task is based on the exit status of
the Deployment Manager job.
Manual task for manually verifying the status of a target against BMC Configuration Management. Use this task to verify
that a specified target is in compliance with the policies to which the target has been assigned.
Customer Support can only provide limited assistance if you modify predefined reports and have a
reporting problem. In addition, there is no guarantee that BMC Customer Support can solve problems
that result from these modifications. The standard reports included with the BMC Remedy ITSM
application are designed to be used without modification.
If your database does not support the Not Equal To argument in this format: "!=", the content of your
reports can be affected. Reports that have additional qualifications that filter out Group By fields (for
example, 'Department' != "Engineering") also filter out the specified conditions and records that have
Group By fields set to Unspecified or Null. Check with your system administrator to determine whether
your database supports this form of the Not Equal To argument.
Use the following procedure to generate a standard report without qualifications. To generate a report with
qualifications, see one of the following topics:
Using qualifications to generate a report (see page 323)
Using advanced qualifications to generate a report (see page 324)
Export Report
Print Report
12.1.2 Using the web based reporting console to create and run adhoc
reports (video)
Although the concepts and procedures presented in this video are correct, the user interfaces shown are
not current.
5. Select a field name from the Available Fields list, and click Add next to the simple query builder.
BMC Software Confidential
to remove a qualification.
6. Click the down arrow next to the field name listed in the qualification box, and select the appropriate
operator. Enter or select a value for the field in the right column.
If you want to enter the qualification Cost Center = 001, select the Cost Center field, click the down
arrow next to the field and select =, and then enter 001 in the right column.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field that you want to include in the report.
8. When you finish defining your additional qualifications, click Run.
9. If the report displayed is a web report, you can specify the following additional options:
Toggle Table of
Export Report
Print Report
5. Select a field name from the Available Fields list, and click Add next to the advanced query builder. Use the
BMC Remedy AR System query syntax to build your qualification.
6. Construct your qualification by using the various operators provided by the qualification builder.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field that you want to include in the report.
Select the qualification and press Delete to remove a qualification.
8. When you finish defining your advanced qualification, click Run to view the updated report.
Out-of-the-box web reports provided with BMC Remedy IT Service Management cannot be modified
even if the user is an application administrator because the reports are not created using the BMC
Remedy Action Request System Report console. An application administrator, can however, delete these
Shows all change requests grouped by the change manager and scheduled
start date
Change > Risk > Change Risk Report by Scheduled Start Date
Change Risk Report by Scheduled Start Date
Shows all change requests grouped according to their Risk Level and Planned
Start Dates
Shows all the change requests that are related to a Problem record
Shows all the change requests that are related to an Incident record
Report name
Shows all change requests grouped by their change location and sorted by the scheduled start date
Shows all change requests grouped by their change location and sorted by the change status.
Shows all change requests that are related to other change requests, grouped by the parent change
Shows all change requests grouped by requester information and support company information
Shows all change requests grouped by the change Class, previously termed as change timing
Shows all virtual machines with a decommission date proposed for the selected date range
Note: You must have BMC Service Request Management installed to view Service Request related
Report name
Shows all change requests related to virtual machines along with the last approval status of the
Shows all service requests for virtual machines grouped by approval status
You must have BMC Service Request Management installed to view this report.
Shows all change requests related to virtual machines with status Scheduled and a start date
Shows all open change requests related to virtual machines for which the status is not Completed,
Cancelled or Draft
Displays costs incurred for the VM. The costs include cost for change for the VM and VM costs.
Cross-tab report that provides the actual costs incurred by the change location
Cross-tab report that provides the budgeted costs by the change location
Cross-tab report that provides the actual costs incurred by the change operational categorization
Cross-tab report that provides the budgeted costs incurred by the change operational
Cross-tab report that provides the quarterly costs incurred for the VM. The costs include cost of the
change for the virtual machine and the actual virtual machine costs.
Report name
Shows all change requests grouped according to their Impact, Urgency, and Planned Start Dates
Shows all releases with details of Risk and Impact, grouped by their scheduled
start date
Cross-tab report that provides the actual costs incurred by the request
Shows all release requests that have been approved, grouped by their approval
For detailed information about generating reports, see Generating a standard report (
13 Using reminders
Reminders enable you to define notes for yourself and others. You can send them by email or through BMC
Remedy Alert, and you can specify when they are sent.
You can define generic reminders, or you can define reminders that are associated with a specific change request
or task. For example, you can send yourself a note about a specific change request to remind yourself to follow
up on it.
Whether you access reminders from the console or from within a change request determines which reminders
you are able to view:
When you open the Reminders dialog box from the console, you can view all reminders that you have
When you open reminders from within a change request, you can view reminders associated with that
request. This includes not only your reminders but also those created by other users of the application.
You can modify or delete only the reminders that you have created.
This section provides the following topics:
Creating and viewing reminders (see page 331)
Modifying and deleting reminders (see page 332)
Approver functional role are set up as approvers. By default, only one approver in the group must sign off on the approval
before it can move to the next status.
AR login
If you select Individual, this field appears. The logon ID of the user is automatically included when you select the user.
Select the calendar icon to select the date and time for when the reminder needs to be set. By default, the time is set to an hour
ahead of the current time.
4. Click Save.
A confirmation message with details of the notifier and time of the reminder is displayed.
14 Using flashboards
Using the KPI flashboards (see page 333)
Using ROI flashboards (see page 337)
Viewing and displaying data (see page 340)
The BMC Service Management Process Model defines a key performance indicator as, "a vital and
measurable result to track the efficiency, effectiveness, and predictability of a process."
The KPI flashboard component collects the data according to the selected customer company. Each KPI
flashboard contains two graphs that present the following types of information:
Relevant historical data Use this graph for trending purposes. The most recent historical data displayed
in the graph is collected from the previous month. Historical data goes back to a maximum of one year.
Historical data only appears in a graph when that historical data exists in the database. Typically,
new or recent installations, or upgrades, of the ITSM applications might not have historical data
Current, or real time data Use this graph to see what is happening with the business process now. In
most cases, the displayed real time data is collected from the first day of the current month to today's date.
You can also view the individual request records that are reported by the real time flashboard graph. For
example, you can view all of the incident or change request records that are reported by the Incident
Backlog KPI or the Change Backlog KPI flashboard.
KPI flashboards are available only for version 7.6.00 (and later) of the BMC ITSM applications. If you are
running a mixed environment, that is, if you are running some BMC ITSM applications at version level
7.5.01 (or earlier), you see flashboards with only the version 7.6.00 (or later) applications.
For information about how to do this, see Viewing and displaying data (
KPIflashboardLink is the link to the specific KPI flashboard that you want to see.
Click the triangle beside the Process KPI text to open and close this area of the Navigation pane.
Frequency of data
The number of closed change requests with the Status Reason field set to Successful
The total number of closed change requests
This graph displays the number of completed changes with the Timing field set to Emergency.
Time to plan
This graph displays the average time taken for the Status field to be set to Scheduled for Review from the
moment a change is registered.
Time to
This graph displays the average time taken for the Status field to be set to Scheduled from Scheduled for
Backlog of
This graph displays the number of change requests with Change Type field set to Change for which the
Status field is not yet set to Completed.
Variable name
Changes that were closed successfully for the last year (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Total number of changes that were closed for the last year (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Changes that were completed successfully with class "Standard" for the last year (if the
data exists), for the selected company
Total number of changes that were completed for the last year (if the data exists), for
the selected company
Changes that were completed successfully with class "Standard" for the month
Real time
Real time
Graph type
Variable name
Changes that were completed successfully with class not equal to "Standard" for the
Completed emergency changes for the past year (if data exists), for the selected
Real time
Completed emergency changes for the current month for the selected company
Time taken to approve the changes during the past year (if data exists), for the selected
Real time
Time taken to approve the changes for the current month for the selected company
Time taken to plan the changes for the past year (if data exists), for the selected
Real time
Time taken to plan the changes for the current month, for the selected company
Completed change requests for the past year (if data exists), for the selected company
Real time
Completed change requests for the current month, for the selected company
Time to
Time to plan
Backlog of
Frequency of data
This graph displays the number of closed releases with the Status Reason field set to Successful, compared
to the total number of closed releases.
Backlog of
This graph displays the number of releases that do not yet have their Status field set to Completed or higher.
KPI flashboards use variables to fetch the data that is used to create the flashboard graphs for the selected
company. In most cases, you can control what data appears in the graph by choosing to hide or display one or
more of the active variables.
For more information about how to hide or display variables, see Viewing and displaying data (see page 340).
The following table lists the Release Management KPI graph types, the active variable names, and the meaning of
the information provided. This will help you to understand the effects of choosing to hide or display a specific
Release Management KPI flashboards variables
Graph type
Variable name
Releases that were closed successfully for the last year (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Releases that were closed unsuccessfully for the last year (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Releases that were closed successfully for the month (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Releases that were closed unsuccessfully for the month (if the data exists), for the
selected company
Completed release requests for the last year (if the data exists), for the selected
Real time
Completed release requests as of date (if the data exists), for the selected company
Real time
Backlog of
In some cases, if the relative difference between the numbers reported in each graph is large enough,
the smaller graph might not appear on the flashboard. However, a number representing the value of the
smaller graph is always visible.
The information displayed in these graphs helps you to determine the return on investment (ROI) that your
organization achieves from the BMC Remedy ITSM implementation.
To view the ROI console you must have ROI Viewer or ROI Admin permissions.
The ROI data is collected by the ROI flashboard component according to:
The customer company that you select in the ROI console
The date range that you specify in the ROI console
A set of parameters that are configured by someone with ROI Admin permissions
For descriptions of what the configured parameters mean, see BMC Service Desk User documentation and BMC
Change Management user documentation.
ROI flashboards are available only for version 7.6.00 of the BMC Remedy ITSM applications and later. If
you are running a mixed environment, you see only the version 7.6.00 (or later) application flashboards
listed on the ROI console. For example, if you are running version 7.6.00 of BMC Change Management
and version 7.5.01 of BMC Incident Management, you see only the BMC Change Management
flashboards on the ROI console.
BMC Software Confidential
Start Date The start date of the period for which the graph is created. The year of the start date
must be 2000 or later.
End Date The end date of the period for which the graph is created
The companies that you see in the Company list are controlled by your access level.
The remaining fields are completed automatically by the application and are
configurable by the system administrator.
Although you can enter a date range that includes a day of the month, the day of the
month is ignored and only the month and the year are considered. For the purposes
of the system calculations, start date is always assumed to be the first day of the
selected month and year, and the end date is always assumed to be the last day of
the selected month and year. For example, if you enter May 21, 2009, as the Start
Date, and July 10, 2009, as the End Date, the system uses May 1, 2009, as the start
date and July 31, 2009, as the end date.
3. In the ROI Navigation pane, select the ROI that you want to view.
The links to ROI flashboards are based on the BMC Remedy ITSM applications that are installed.
Cost (per
The estimated per hour cost of change used by your organization for creating projections
Effort Input
Estimate (in
The actual value of the Specify Effort Estimate parameter, if that parameter is configured
If you selected the Use Baseline Effort option as Effort Input, the flashboard uses the values specified here. You see the following
Effort (in hours) The estimated average number of hours required to handle change requests, expressed in hours
Unsuccessful Changes (per month) The number of changes that were expected to be unsuccessful
Actual cost. The value is selected from Change form and the configurations. Actual effort (Effort
estimate) is used for calculations.
Actual cost. The values are selected from Change form and the configurations. Baseline efforts
(efforts (in hour)) are used for calculations.
Not all of the flashboards support all of these procedures.
View specific records used to create the real time flashboard data
Use this procedure, for example, to view all of the change request records with the Status Reason field set to
Successful. This does not work on the historical data graph.
Zoom a graph
Use the zoom feature to enlarge a section of the graph. You can also use full screen mode to enlarge the entire
graph as described by View a graph in full screen mode which appears later in this table.
The zoom functionality allows you to closely view each category on the X axis. For example, if the X axis has 5
categories, you can use the zoom functionality to view only 2 categories. The maximum zoom is a single
category. For KPI reports with a single category, the zoom function is disabled.
15 Using search
You can search for records from the application consoles. To do this, you can run a series of predefined searches,
search all of the records using the Search form, or create and save your own custom searches using advanced
This section describes the following tasks:
Managing custom searches (see page 344)
Searching all records (see page 345)
Searching all change request records from a Hub server (see page 346)
Methods of searching records
Reference to instructions
Searching all
search (for
BMC Asset
Search for
computer systems
with specific
components. For
example, you can
search for all
computer systems
running a specific
patch or operating
BMC Atrium
advanced CI
search (for
BMC Asset
Using the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to search for CIs (
The My Searches options is listed only after a custom search is defined.
2. On the Manage My Searches dialog, in the Search Name field type a name for the search.
3. Click Build Search Qualification to open the Advanced Qualification Search Builder dialog box, and then
define the search qualification.
4. From the Keywords or Fields selection boxes, select the keywords or record fields on which you want to
5. To insert operators (+, =, >,<, and so on), click the appropriate operator button. Place literal values between
double quotation marks:
'Urgency' = $NULL$
'Priority' = "High"
If Allen Allbrook is performing an incident request review and he needs to search for incident requests
that meet the following criteria:
Impact => 2-Significant/Large or 1-Extensive/Widespread
Service = Payroll Service
('Impact' = 2-Significant/Large" OR
'Impact' = "1-Extensive/Widespread")
6. Click Select to close the Advanced Qualification Builder, and then click Save.
7. Close the Manage My Searches dialog box.
The search appears in the My Searches list of the Filter by field.
dialog box.
2. Under My Searches, select the search filter that you want to modify or delete.
3. To modify the search filter, edit it as necessary and then click Save.
4. To delete the search filter, click Delete.
5. Click Close.
If the Customer field is configured to search on an attribute other than First Name or Last Name,
you can still search using the customer's name by opening the Additional Search tab and using the
First Name or Last Name fields.
The search criteria are persistent. This means that if you run a search and then close the
application, the next time that you open the application and perform this procedure, the search
criteria that you entered in this step are still present in the search form. They remain until you
change or delete them.
4. Scroll through the table to find the specific record you want.
5. When you find the record, select it to display in Modify mode.
When you open a record from the search results table, it is added to the history list, but not to the
breadcrumb bar. However, any related records that you open from the record do appear in the
breadcrumb bar and get added to the history list.
When you view the record, it opens directly from the spoke server.
For information about configuring social collaboration options, see Configuring social collaboration (
This integration is not intended for chat sessions between end users and IT.
For more information about using chat, see Using chat (
For more information about subscribing to RSS Feeds, see Subscribing to RSS feeds (
Support group users If the conversation is initiated within a record, the list displays users who
belong to the same support group as the chat initiator.
Assigned users The user to whom the record is assigned. This list is displayed when you initiate the
conversation from a record.
Context Users Lists users from the support groups that the user belongs to.
Form name
Support Groups
Requested By
Activity Assignee
Requested By
Asset CI
Manage by Contract
Manager By
Change Coordinator
Change Manager
Coordinator group
Manager group
Assigned group
Owner group
Problem Coordinator
Coordinator group
Assigned group
Form name
Known Error
Solution DB
Knowledge Article
Support Groups
Problem Coordinator
Coordinator group
Assigned group
Assigned group
Owner group
Assigned group
Release Coordinator
Coordinator group
Support group
Assignee group
Work order
Request Manager
Request Assignee
When you launch a conversation from the landing console, a list of context users is
displayed instead of assigned users.
To add a user from another list to your friends list, click the Send buddy request
displayed next to the user's name when you hover the mouse pointer on the user name.
2. Select the user you want to chat with from the relevant list and click the Start Conversation
3. To invite additional users to the conversation, click the Invite Users icon
corner of the chat window. All participants can invite other users to the conversation.
To add BMC Remedy AR System users who are not present in the Friends list, see Adding BMC
Remedy AR System users who are not present in the Friends list (
When the conversation is complete and the chat initiator closes the chat window, the conversation is either saved
as a Work Info entry in the Work Detail tab of the record from which the conversation was initiated, or not saved
at all. This depends on the option you selected when Configuring chat settings (
If the conversation was not initiated from within a record, the conversation is not saved.
16.6.3 Adding BMC Remedy AR System users who are not present in the
Friends list
On the regular form where you have configured the BMC Remedy AR System server to work with the chat server,
create an active link that executes on the CHAT_SET_CONTEXT_REQ Event type. For more information about
events, see the following tables.
This active link sends an event to the AR System Chat Data Visualization field with Event type as
CHAT_SET_CONTEXT_RESP and Event Data as given below:
For example:
ContextUsers= John,Max,Amy;ContextGroups=1,2
ContextGroups=1,2;DisplayName=Resolving an IT ticket;
ContextUsers=John,Max,Amy;ContextGroups=1,2;DisplayName=Resolving an IT ticket;
List of events sent from the AR System Chat Data Visualization field to the parent form
Event name
The Data Visualization Field (DVF) is loaded and is ready to interact. This is not specific to the chat DVM.
No response expected.
Sent to the parent form for the parent form to supply any contextual information. If the parent form
chooses to provide this information, it later raises a corresponding event, CHAT_SET_CONTEXT_RESP.
Sent to the parent form to provide information on the chat progress. No response expected.
A person is joining a chat session. This event occurs as many times as anyone joins a chat session. No
response expected.
A person is leaving a chat session. This event occurs as many times as anyone leaves a chat session. No
response expected.
A person is receiving a chat invitation. This event occurs as many times as anyone receives a chat
session invitation. No response expected.
When the chat widget has a chat conversation transcript available, this event is raised prior to chat
session end, so that the parent form has an opportunity to save the transcript.
List of events sent from the parent form to the AR System Chat Data Visualization Field
Event name
Raised by the parent form's workflow during or after processing the CHAT_SET_SESSION_REQ event.
No response expected.
Indicates to the DVF about things happening on the host form or the application. This is not specific to
the chat DVM.
Gets the chat session text transcript that is accumulated in the chat widget's buffer. This request event
causes the DVF to raise the CHAT_GET_SESSION_TRANSCRIPT_RESP event.
When you create an active link that runs on the Event type CHAT_SET_CONTEXT_RESP, the Start Conversation
window is displayed as follows:
Click here to view a .def file sample that uses the above information through the BMC Remedy AR
System form, "ChatTestForm" and it's related active links. Import this .def file using BMC Remedy
Developer Studio and access the "ChatTestForm" from BMC Remedy Mid Tier to view it.
To add users to the Friends list, hover the pointer over the user name that is not present in your Friends list and
click the Add to Friend list icon that appears to the left of the user name.
Add user to Friend list on the Start Conversation window
(Click the image to expand it.)
BMC Remedy AR System does not allow searching and adding friends without context. For example, to
see how BMC Remedy ITSM Suite has defined context users, see Initiating a chat conversation (see page
For additional information about configuring RSS feeds, see Defining RSS feeds (
2. When prompted, enter your BMC Remedy AR System password. Enter the authentication string, if
applicable, in the Authentication text box.
For details about authentication string, see Configuring the AR System server for external
authentication (
3. Copy the URL of the RSS feed that you want to add to your RSS feed client (for example, Microsoft Outlook
RSS feeds).
4. Replace the user name and password in the URL with the appropriate values.
You are now subscribed to receive updates for the selected RSS feeds.
If the Twitter icon is not displayed, make sure that you configured the twitter integration (see
Configuring the Twitter integration ( and enabled the
Twitter notification functionality (see Enabling chat, Twitter notifications, and RSS feeds (
2. If you are not logged on to the Twitter account, the logon screen is displayed.
3. Log on to Twitter using your account details.
The Twitter website is opened in a new browser window with the Twitter account that was configured for
the broadcast.
4. On the displayed Twitter page, click Follow to receive broadcast messages posted to this BMC Remedy
ITSM Twitter notification account.
For information about sending BMC Remedy ITSM broadcasts using Twitter, see Creating broadcast messages (
BMC Atrium Service Context displays information about the CI related to the record you are currently
viewing. The types of information shown can include new work orders, recently completed changes,
recent open incidents, related outage records, and so on. In addition, you can see CIs that are related to
the business service, which helps you to understand the relationship that the business service has with
its environment.
The time threshold that determines how recently the recent changes, recent incidents, or new work
orders were made or submitted, as well as the criteria used to determine other information types is
configurable. Contact your system administrator for information about how the content of the
information types is determined.
Understanding this relationship helps you to prioritize your incident investigations and align your decisions with
your service level agreements and the overall goals of the business.
BMC Atrium Service Context information is displayed in the Service Context Summary window, which you can
open from a variety of locations. The details that you see from, for example, the incident request form, are the
same details that are shown in the other applications of the BMC IT Service Management Suite and Business
Service Management solution, which ensures that everyone in your organization is working with the same
You can view the Service Context Summary window from one of the following locations:
Application consoles
BMC Asset Management With the record open, from the Quick Links area of the navigation pane, click
Service Context. The Service Context Summary window opens for the selected record.
In BMC Asset Management, BMC Atrium Service Context is available from the Business Service,
Computer System, and Application CI forms.
For information about the Owner field, see Setting up the Owner field (
Below the information panel is a list of the key attributes. Next to each attribute is a counter that shows the
number of active records of that type that are related to the selected service. If you click the counter, another
Service Context Summary window opens with a table of detailed information about the records.
For example, if one of the configured attributes is "Recent Incidents" and the counter shows 3, there are 3
incidents currently related to the selected service. If you click the counter, a Service Context Summary window
opens with a table that shows summary information about each of the incidents.
The information that appears in the Service Context Summary window is configurable. Ask your system
administrator for detailed information about how BMC Atrium Service Context is configured in your environment.
Performance issues occur when you use the Change Calendar in Microsoft Internet Explorer
version 8. Therefore, BMC recommends that you use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or
Internet Explorer 9 for viewing the Change Calendar.
BMC also recommends that you keep the default view as Calendar and time span as Months.
You can configure the maximum number of records that are displayed in the Change Calendar. For more
information, see Limiting the number of records that appear in the Calendar (
If the number of records exceeds the limit that you set, the Change Calendar does not show all the
records. For example, if the limit is set to show 100 records, only the first 100 records are displayed. The
records that are displayed are sorted by start date and the time of the activity.
The following topics provide more information about using the Calendar:
The duration of a Week is equivalent to the 5-day and 7-day periods available in the previous version of
the Change Calendar.
If you want to view additional details for a change or release request, related tasks or manifest, or CI outages, you
can select the event and click the Details flyout menu. The Details pane also displays collision and impact
information for change and release requests.
For additional information about these features, see Calendar functional areas (see page 368).
Predefined filters like Quick Filter, Filter By Related CI, and Filter By Location are listed under Queries >
Predefined Queries on the Filters & Queries pane. These queries have been renamed as follows:
8.0.00 query name
Quick Filter
Quick Search
Filter By Related CI
By Related CIs
Note: The CI ID Search field for this query, has been replaced by a CI Name search field.
Filter By Location
By Location
Filter By Service
By Service
The list displayed under Queries > Predefined Queries depends on the value selected in the Filters menu. If
you select Change Request from the Filters menu, all queries related to change requests are displayed.
Business event settings that were included in the left pane are available from the Settings > Preferences
menu of the new calendar.
Quick links for creating change or release requests are now available from the Applications flyout menu.
Business events can be created only within the Change Management or Release Management console.
The Print and Reports links have been replaced by the Print and Reports icons on the top-right menu of the
Change Calendar.
The Set Defaults link from the Quick links menu is now available from Settings > Preferences.
Because the durations defined in the new calendar differ from the durations defined in the previous
calendar, the Timespan in option on the Preferences dialog box is selected as Days for the duration
of a day and Weeks for the duration of 5 days or 7 days.
When you access your preferences for the first time, the Preferred query selection is displayed as My
default filter and has the value that was configured for Set Defaults in the previous calendar.
To ensure that these queries are migrated to the My Queries section of the new calendar, verify
that either only change-specific or only release-specific field values are populated in the existing
If you created a Quick Filter, Filter by CI, Filter By Location, or Service CI Search but did not select a value
for any of the change- or release-specific fields, the saved search is not migrated.
To ensure that these queries are migrated to the My Queries section of the new calendar, select at
least one change- or release-specific value for the query.
Filters menu
You can choose to view details of change or release requests for the selected duration by selecting the
appropriate option under Filters.
In the Calendar view, you can additionally choose to view business events and outages. In the Eventlist and
Timeline views, these options are disabled.
Queries menu
You can apply additional queries to filter the displayed data by selecting an option from the Queries > Predefined
Queries menu. If you have any user-defined queries, you can select them from the Queries > My Queries menu.
To clear all the additional queries that have been applied, select Predefined Queries > By Status > All Changes.
The list of queries that is displayed depends on the value selected in the Filters menu. If you select
Change Request, for example, all queries related to change requests are displayed.
Any saved queries migrated from an earlier version of the calendar are displayed under Queries >
Predefined Queries.
View requests by the status selected from the list. The following options are available:
All Draft Changes All changes that are in the Draft status
All Pending Changes All changes that are in the Pending status
All Pre-Scheduled Changes All changes with a status earlier than Scheduled
All Open Changes with Extensive Impact All changes in the Open status and with the Impact defined as Extensive
All Open Changes All changes in the Open status
Include an impact location in your search (for example, by Company, region, site group, or site).
You can define, save, and delete your own search criteria based on categories such as change status, approval status, and so on. But you
can further filter requests by choosing options such as product categorization (for example, Software) and assignment (by manager's
name, group, or assignee).
You can view results based on your search criteria in the Calendar by:
Selecting a saved search from the Saved Searches list and clicking OK
Selecting search criteria and clicking OK
You can define a new location search by selecting search criteria and clicking Save Search.
Define, save, and delete your own search criteria based on categories such as status, impact, and so on. You can further filter requests by
choosing options such as operational categorization (for example, Add) and assignment (by manager's name, group, or assignee).
Finally, you can include CI criteria in your search (for example, a CI class such as software).
You can view results based on your search criteria in the Calendar by:
Selecting a saved search from the Saved Searches list and clicking OK
Selecting the search criteria and clicking OK
You can define a new search by selecting search criteria and clicking Save Search.
Run and create quick searches for change or release requests based on basic fields.
On the Quick Search dialog box, you can perform the following actions:
Define your search criteria and click OK to run it or click Save Search to save your selections.
Run a saved search by selecting it from the list and clicking OK.
Delete a saved search by selecting it from the list and click Delete Search.
The duration of a week is equivalent to the 5-day and 7-day periods available in the previous version of
the Calendar.
18.3.3 Legend
The Legend in the left pane of the Calendar displays details about the field values and the color codes used for
each value. It includes the color codes for business events, CI outages, and colliding changes. By default, the
Legend is displayed, but you can click the down arrow to hide the details.
On the calendar, change and release requests and their related tasks and manifest are shown in transparent
color-coded blocks. Although related tasks and activities are shown in the predefined default color, the color
code for change and release requests can be configured. For more information about configuring the field and
colors, see Managing Calendar administrator preferences (
Business events and outages that can be displayed in the Calendar view are shown in solid bars. When you are
viewing collisions, colliding changes are displayed in solid shaded blocks. These colors are predefined and cannot
be configured.
The InfoTip is a subset of the information displayed on the Details flyout pane. To view additional details about a
request or an outage in the Calendar view, click the Details flyout pane.
Details of business events are not displayed in the Details flyout pane.
Impact Analysis Displays all the relationships of the selected impact type from the relationship list
created for that record within the application. You must have run the impact analysis for the selected
record from the change or release application to view this information here. For more information about
impact analysis, see Viewing the impact of CIs on change requests (see page 267).
Opens the request in the application console if you have appropriate permissions
Edit Event
Displays a dialog box in which you can update the summary or the start and end date of the request. Ensure that the edited scheduled
dates do not conflict with existing events.
Displays a light version of Approval Central if you are a valid approver. This version of Approval Central is similar to Approval Central but
does not include the left pane available on Approval Central. As a valid approver, you can approve or reject the request, reassign the
request, and save your changes.
Displays the Service Context Summary window of the service CI associated with the selected request, if any. The summary window
displays the basic details of the service CI. For more information about the Service Context Summary window, see Attributes that are
displayed in BMC Atrium Service Context (
In the timeline bar, click the arrows to change the duration by a day, week, or month, depending on the duration that
you had selected. Click Today to see the data for the current date.
If you move multiple events within the Calendar, click the Save icon to save changes made to all the records. This option
is enabled only if Bulk Modification is enabled.
Note: You can move events within the calendar only in the Calendar and Timeline views.
Click the Print icon to print the displayed data. When you click this icon, the Print dialog box appears. Select the
appropriate printer and click OK to print the data. In the Eventlist view and Timeline view, a preview of the printed data is
also displayed. In the Calendar view, the Filters & Queries pane is also printed.
Click the Report Console icon to launch the Reporting console to create or view reports. You must have the required
permissions to view the Reporting console.
For more information about creating reports, see Working with reports (
Click the Settings icon to perform the following actions:
Set display preferences at a user level. For more information, see Managing Calendar user preferences (
Create or modify user defined queries. For more information, see Creating user defined queries.
Displays data in a calendar view for the selected duration. This view is similar to the Calendar option in Microsoft Outlook. Use this view
for a quick glance of change or release records, business events, and CI outages. For more information about this view, see Calendar
view (see page 374).
Displays a list of change or release requests for the selected duration with basic details like the request ID, summary, scheduled start
date, scheduled end date, status, and service. Use this view for a quick list of all change or release requests. For more information about
this view, see Eventlist View (see page 376).
Displays the ID of the change or release request in the left pane and the related tasks and manifest for the selected duration. Use this
view for a quick list of all the changes and related tasks or releases and related manifest. For more information about this view, see
Timeline view (see page 378).
Displays data for the date selected . In this view, if the event spans more than a single day, the event is displayed on the top of the day
Displays data for the week based on the date selected. A week spans from Sunday through Saturday. In this view, if the event spans more
than a day, the event is displayed on the top of the day view.
The date or date range is displayed in the top pane of the calendar. Click the arrow next to this date to view the
date picker and select a specific date. The data displayed is refreshed based on the date and timeline that you
Select the appropriate options under Filters in the left pane to view details of change or release requests, business
events, or outages for a selected duration. You can apply additional filters to the displayed data by selecting an
option from the Queries menu. To clear all the additional filters that have been applied, select Predefined Queries
> By Status > All Changes.
Change or release requests are displayed in bars with colored outlines. These colors can be configured based on
certain fields. For more information about configuring the field and colors, see Managing Calendar administrator
preferences ( Business
events and outages are displayed in solid bars.
The business events that are displayed can be of two types:
Local Specific to the user's company
Global All business events
By default, level 3 business events are displayed. You can configure the type of business events to view in the
Preferences option of the Settings menu. For more information, see Managing Calendar administrator
preferences ( or Managing
Calendar user preferences (
The outages that are displayed are the defined CI unavailability entries.
The following figure illustrates the Calendar view.
Click the figure to expand it.
View data for the adjoining day, week, or month depending on the duration selected. Click the arrows next
to the timeline bar to change the duration by a day, week or month. To move back to the current date,
click Today on the timeline bar.
Click the +n more... link, which is displayed if a large number of events occur on the same day, to view a list
of all the requests, business events, and outages that are scheduled on that day.
Right-click on a request to open, edit, approve, or view service context information. For more information,
see Viewing the Change Calendar (see page ).
Hover your mouse pointer over an event to view basic information about the event. This information is
displayed as an InfoTip. The fields displayed on the InfoTip can be configured. For more information about
configuring InfoTip data, see Managing Calendar administrator preferences (
Select a change or release request and click the Details flyout pane to view additional details of the event.
For a change or release request, the Details flyout pane also displays collisions and impact analysis. For
more information about the Details flyout pane, see Viewing the Change Calendar (see page ).
Business event information is not displayed in the Details flyout pane.
Drag change or release requests to another date and time. In case of a collision, you can use this feature to
move the request to a date and time that does not collide with existing requests. When you move the
request, the details of the event are automatically updated with the new date and time. A confirmation
message is displayed based on the success or failure of the operation. If you do not have permissions to
modify the request, an error message is displayed.
For a full page view of the calendar, collapse the Filters & Queries pane. Click << next to the title of the
pane to collapse it. When collapsed, click >> in the collapsed pane to expand it.
View data for the adjoining day, week, or month depending on the duration selected. Click the arrows next
to the timeline bar to change the duration by a day, week, or month. To move back to the current date,
click Today on the timeline bar.
Right-click on a request to open, edit, approve, or view service context information. For more information,
see Viewing the Change Calendar (see page ).
Hover your mouse pointer over an event to view basic information about the request. This information is
displayed as an InfoTip. The fields displayed on the InfoTip can be configured. For more information on
configuring InfoTip data, see Managing Calendar administrator preferences (
Select a request and click the Details flyout pane to view additional details of the event. The Details flyout
pane displays relationships for the selected record.
For a change or release request, the Details flyout pane also displays collisions and impact analysis. For
more information about the Details flyout pane, see Viewing the Change Calendar (see page ).
For a full page view of the calendar, collapse the Filters & Queries pane. Click << next to the title of the
pane to collapse it. When collapsed, click >> in the collapsed pane to expand it.
View data for the adjoining day, week, or month depending on the duration selected. Click the arrows next
to the timeline bar to change the duration by a day, week, or month. To move back to the current date,
click Today on the timeline bar.
Click the down arrow next to the request ID to view the related items like tasks, requests, and manifests. All
related items from the Relationship tab of the request are displayed.
Right-click a request to open, edit, approve, or view service context information. Right-click a task or
activity to open, edit, or view service context. For more information, see Viewing the Change Calendar (see
page ).
Hover your mouse pointer over an event to view basic information about the event. This information is
displayed as an InfoTip. The fields displayed on the InfoTip can be configured. For more information about
configuring InfoTip data, see Managing Calendar administrator preferences (
Select a request, or a related task or manifest, and click the Details flyout pane to view additional details of
the event. The Details flyout pane displays relationships for the selected record. For a change or a release,
the Details flyout pane also displays collisions and impact analysis. For more information about the Details
flyout pane, see Viewing the Change Calendar (see page ).
Drag changes or releases to another date and time. The date and time of the event is displayed as a tooltip
as you drag the request. In case of a collision, you can use this feature to move the request to a date and
time that does not collide with existing requests. When you move the request, the details of the event are
automatically updated with the new date and time. A confirmation message is displayed based on the
success or failure of the operation. If you do not have permissions to modify the request, an error message
is displayed. You can also drag related tasks and activities. However, you cannot move them across change
or release requests.
Collapse the ID pane and view only the timeline of the events.
For a full page view of the calendar, collapse the Filters & Queries pane. Click << next to the title of the
pane to collapse it. When collapsed, click >> in the collapsed pane to expand it.
Data source and form associations are created in the Data Source configuration form.
Query Name
Define the name of the query by selecting or entering up to three levels of categorization for the query. The Query Tier fields
allow three levels of categorization for your search queries
Data Source
Select the form that you want to use to build your filter query. The Form list displayed depends on the data source selected.
For Change Management, the following forms are available:
Change and Associations Performs a search of change records and associated records
Change and Impacted Areas Performs a search of change records and related impacted areas
Change Management Main Form Performs a basic change record search
Release Manifest to Change Association Performs a search for change records included within a release manifest
For Release Management, the following forms are available:
Release and Associations Performs a search for release records and associated records
Release Management Main Form Performs a basic search of the release records
Click the (+) icon to add search criteria to the defined filters based on the fields from the data source form. Use the
Advanced Qualification Builder to define the search criteria by using a combination of valid operators, wildcards, and
keywords and fields found on the selected form.
The Advanced Qualification dialog box includes:
Operators and symbols required to create the search query
The Keywords field from which you can select basic BMC Remedy keywords
The Fields option, which displays the database name of the fields available on the selected data source form.
Use the operators, symbols, and fields to create your query, and then click Select to save the query.
For an example about creating a custom query qualification, see Example - Defining advanced qualifications for the
Change Calendar queries (see page 380).
5. Click Save Query to save the new query or updates made to the existing query.
Any new queries that you create are listed under the query tiers that you defined when creating the query
in the Query selection list of the Manage Queries dialog box. Log off and log on again to view the new
queries in the Queries > My Queries list in the Filters & Queries pane.
6. Click Save to save your changes.
BMC Software Confidential
To delete an existing query from the Query Selection list, select it and click Delete.
You can configure your viewing preferences from the Settings menu provided. For more information on
configuring display settings, see Managing Calendar user preferences (
By looking at the Calendar view for a month, Allen can quickly decide that scheduling a major server installation
on a particular day that has multiple events would overload already strained resources. Any day that has fewer
events would be more promising. The calendar displays not only scheduled change or release requests but also
planned outages or business events, giving Allen better visibility of the load for the selected duration.
If required, Allen can switch to the week to look more closely at the week's schedule or select a Day view to get a
more granular view of the data. He can use the arrows next to the timeline bar to move to an earlier or later time
period of the selected duration.
When Allen finds a time when no time segments are blocked, he can decide to schedule the payroll server
installation. The server installation schedule can overlap other software application installations based on the
organization's configuration policy.
When Allen schedules the installation, if the server installation impacts a CI that might be unavailable or required
by another request during that time, the calendar provides an indication of colliding records. He can also view the
Service Context summary for a Service CI related to the change or release request.
Additionally, Allen can select a request from the calendar and view essential details like the ID, status, and so on,
or open the change request by using the Open option from the right-click menu on the calendar. He can click the
Details flyout pane to view additional details including Collisions and Impact.
19 TMS templates
For greater productivity, the Task Management System (TMS) module allows you to create task templates or
group task templates within task group templates. Users can reuse these templates at runtime during the
fulfillment of a change request or while resolving an incident or problem.
During the definition stage, the task administrator can create various templates for later use during the execution
stage. Following are the types of templates:
Variable templates (see page 410)
Task templates (see page 384)
Task group templates (see page 397)
The following figure shows the relationships among the templates you create during the definition stage and how
those relationships are used at runtime during the execution stage. For example, the administrator designs an
advanced task group template (Task Group Template [itsmps:0]) that associates various task templates (Task
Template [itsmps:A], Task Template [itsmps:B], and so on) in the definition stage. The task group template is
designed according to a specific flow: Task Template [itsmps:A] runs first, and then it branches to Task Template
[itsmps:B] and Task Template [itsmps:C]. When they are completed, Task Template [itsmps: D] starts. The
following figure illustrates advanced template definitions in TMS.
Advanced template definitions in TMS
The administrator adds the Task Group Template [itsmps:0] task group template to any BMC Remedy application
that runs on BMC Remedy AR System, for example, BMC Change Management or some other application you
have created.
At runtime, users of the BMC Remedy Change Management application (for example, the change manager) can
select the Task Group Template 0 task group template from inside a change request. The change manager
assigns all the tasks to task users. When the task user begins working on Task [itsmps:A] and finishes it, it is set to
Closed. The next task user is then notified to start on Task Template [itsmps:B]. When all the tasks are Closed or
Canceled, the task group is set to Closed.
To perform procedures in this section, you must have Task Administrator permission. For information,
see Task Management System permission model (see page 383).
labeled Data. This Data tab makes available a pool of fields (for example, Character01, Character02, and so on)
that you can dynamically use with variable templates. The field label was updated to show the new variable name.
If the task template has its Visible value set to No, it cannot be directly selected at runtime.
You can specifically create an ad hoc task to perform some action during a change where no defined task
template is appropriate.
For additional information about creating tasks at runtime, see Viewing tasks at runtime (
Six predefined, best practice task templates are automatically installed with BMC Change Management
for integration with BMC BladeLogic Client Automation. As an administrator, you can predefine
additional task templates to use with BMC Change Management.
For more information, see Creating automatic tasks (see page 304).
The application to which group of templates this one belongs. The menu is data-driven by active records in the Integration
Configuration form. For information, see Configuring integrations (
A description of the variable template's function or any other helpful text for future administrators and designers
The priority of the task template. The priority is applicable during the execution stage.
Indicates whether this template is visible or hidden to the user for selection during the execution stage
3. Click Save.
From the General tab, you can specify commands and their parameters, and if the task template is global or used
by a specific company.
Company information in the Task Location fields. This task template is specific to the company you select.
A Launch Command or Details Command that executes at runtime. Some best practice commands are provided for use
when TMS is being used with the BMC BladeLogic Client Automation applications. Additional commands can be defined for
any other third-party application.
The Region, Site Group, and Site fields are dynamic, which means that the values you can select from these fields are
dependent on the previous selection.
A Launch Command is the TMS_OUT_CMS_POLICYMGR used with the BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Policy
Manager task template.
Field group
A Details Command is the TMS_OUT_CMS_CHKCOMPLIANCE_STATUS used with the Closed Loop Verification task
template to set up compliance parameters for Closed Loop Verification.
For more information, see Application and task integrations.
Attachments that might be necessary for this task template. Attachments might be how-to documents that helps the user
complete the task when the template is used during the execution stage.
Time Out
The timeout value, status, and status reason for the time out. The timeout value is applied to the Activate time field on the
runtime objects. If this timeout value is reached, then the Task or Task Group is set (by an escalation of ten minute intervals)
to the predefined status value.
Note: The clock stops when a Task or Task Group is in Pending status.
The fields in the Time Out section are:
Time Out Value The amount of time after which the task times out at runtime
Unit Seconds, minutes, hours, or days
Time Out Status The status that is set when time out is reached
Time Out Status Reason A corresponding status reason for the status value, if applicable
Both the Launch Command and Details Command on the General tab of the Task Template form are
features that, on the runtime task form, require manual intervention to drive them. In both cases, the user
must click a button.
Only manual task templates should have launch commands. All of the CCM manual task templates
have examples of Launch Command.
Automatic tasks can have a Details Command. Users might get assigned to monitor such a task, and
they might want to do a manual check on an external application, for example, as with the Closed
Loop Verification (automatic) task template for CCM.
For more information, see Predefined task group and task templates (see page 413).
2. (Optional) Click the Define Commands button to view existing commands or create a new command.
Applications for which commands are being defined must be registered in the CAI.
Commands are defined and stored in the Command Automation Interface (CAI) forms. Every command
consists of the following items:
Command Construct a command that is executed at runtime. Commands are static values, for
example, Send.
Parameter Construct a parameter for the command. Parameters are dynamic values that are
defined at runtime from the Tasks form.
For more information, see Command Automation Interface (
Operational Categorization
Product Categorization
3. Click Save.
4. Continue setting up the task template, as described in Defining assignments for the task template (see page
Assignee Company
The company which is assigned runtime tasks from this task template
Process Name
A process name for the task assignment. This is set up in the Assignment Engine for individual auto-assignment.
The organization from the selected company that is assigned this task
Assignee Group
Notify Assignee
Whether the assignee should be notified of the task assignment. The notification method is specified in the
individual's People record.
BMC Change Management 8.1
2. Click Save.
3. Continue setting up the task template form by creating input and output variables, as described in Mapping
input and output variables (see page 410).
A command, which is defined as a menu item. The following automatic commands are available:
Add Fields Field1 gets the value of Field2 + Field3; internal to the TMS module
Check Approval Checks to see if approval has been obtained. Frequency of approval check is based on the interval
defined below. Internal to the TMS module. For more information, see Creating automatic tasks.
Copy Field Field1 gets the value of Field2; internal to the TMS module
Set Compliance Best practice automatic task for BMC BladeLogic Client Automation integration. This command
triggers a filter that has a web service (consuming). However, you must install and configure the full CCM integration to
use this functionality.
Set Decimal Field1 gets the contents of Decimal; internal to the TMS module
Set Text Field1 gets the contents of Text; internal to the TMS module
Subtract Fields Field1 gets the value of Field2 - Field3; internal to the TMS module
A description of the automatic functions of this task, which guides how the template should be created. This field is populated
when you select an automatic command.
Note: Because the Automatic tab is not displayed in the runtime task, the Name, Summary, and Notes fields should describe
what the automatic task does.
Field 1,
Field 2,
Field 3
(If applicable) The names of these fields that the automatic action requires input from or output to; used with Add Fields,
Copy Field, Set Decimal, Set Text, and Subtract Fields automatic commands
Information about how the automatic action should be implemented and how it should behave; used with the Set Text
automatic command
Enter a number to more directly determine the value to be used in an action; used with the Set Decimal automatic command
Sets the AutomaticIntervalTime based on the interval defined, for example, 1. You use it in connection with the Unit field and
the Check Approval automatic command. For more information, see Creating automatic tasks (see page 304).
Field name
Sets the AutomaticIntervalTime based on the unit defined, for example, Days, Hours, or Minutes. For more information, see
Number of times this automatic task is retried in the Number of Retries field. This feature allows an automatic task to be
retried if it returns with a Return Code Value of FAILURE.
2. Click Save.
3. Continue setting up the task template by defining completion qualifications, as described in Defining
qualifications for task completion (see page 391).
If a task's status is set manually at runtime, the settings defined here are overridden.
Done Qualification
A qualification statement that is used to evaluate whether the task is complete. A task is done when it is marked as
2. Click Save.
3. Continue setting up the task template, as described in Specifying financial information (see page 391).
How to measure the cost. Choices are Flat Rate, Hours, or Minutes.
2. Click Save.
3. Continue setting up the task template, as described in Specifying usage information for task templates (see
page 392).
The Usage tab does not appear until you save the task template.
Phone Type
Your company
0 - Phone Contract
c. Click the Assignment tab, and then enter the assignment settings.
d. Click the Input tab, and then map Phone Type as the local input variable to the Character 01 field.
e. Click Add to create the output variable mapping.
f. Save the Task Template form.
4. Create the second phone task template:
a. In the Task Template form, create an entry with the following selections:
2 - Register Phone
Register Phone
c. Click the Assignment tab, and then enter the assignment settings.
d. Click Add to create the output variable mapping.
e. Save and close the Task Template form.
7. Create the task group template.
For more information, see Advanced task group template - Standard type (see page 401).
a. From the Application Settings list, choose Task Management System > Task Configuration > Task
Group Template, and then click Open.
b. In the Task Group Template form, create an entry with the following selections:
Your company
Note: Select Standard, not Sequencing (the default).
c. Click the Association tab, and then add the task templates you created to the list of current
d. Click the Flow tab to define the flow relationships between the tasks.
To bypass tasks, you must configure the output of the previous task to be the input on the next task
in the process flow. You then must qualify some tasks so that a particular selection by the person
working the task determines the task flow.
e. Create the following Flow Relationships:
From Task Group or Task (Predecessor Name)
0 - Phone Contract
0 - Phone Contract
0 - Phone Contract
0 - Phone Contract
2 - Register Phone
2 - Register Phone
2 - Register Phone
To create the flow relationship, you select a task from each of the tables, and then click Flow To. If
you make a mistake, click Remove to delete the relationship.
f. Edit the flow relationship of all the predecessor tasks at level 0 (Phone Contract) that flow to the
successor of the three separate phone type selections at level 1.
For example for the Phone contract to Apple Phone Selection, select the entry under the Flow
Relationships, and then press Edit.
BMC Change Management 8.1
g. Click the Input tab on the Flow Template dialog box, and then map Phone Type as the local input
variable to the Character 01 field.
h. Click Add to create the output variable mapping.
i. Click the Qualification tab, and then enter the following qualification criteria:
'Character 01' = Apple"
j. (Optional) Edit the evaluation and flow criteria, as needed.
k. Create flow qualification criteria for the ATT and Motorola tasks:
'Character 01' = ATT"
'Character 01' = Motorola"
8. Create a sample change request.
9. Add the New Cell Phone task group template to the change request.
10. Use the Process Flow Status bar to work the change request to Implementation In Progress status.
11. Click the Tasks tab, and then click View Flow.
You see how your task flow is branched in the Task Flow Viewer. The following figure illustrates tasks
branched in the Task Flow viewer.
12. View the first assigned task (0 - Phone Contract) in the change request.
13. In the Task form, click the Data tab.
BMC Change Management 8.1
To perform procedures in this section, you must have Task Administrator permission. For information,
see Task Management System permissions (
One predefined recommended task group template is automatically installed with BMC Change
Management for integration with BMC BladeLogic Client Automation. As an administrator, you can
predefine additional task group templates to use with BMC Change Management.
When you are designing your basic task group template, remember that task group templates can
include task templates but also other task group templates. Adding task group templates to your basic
task group template can easily complicate the sequence of tasks offered to users.
3. From the Application Settings list, choose Task Management System > Task Configuration > Task Group
Template, and then click Open.
4. On the Task Group Template form, select Sequencing as the type of task group template.
This type of task group template contains task templates and task group templates where the sequence
can be changed by users during the execution stage at runtime.
If you select the Sequencing (Basic) type of task group templates, the Flow and Operations tabs do
not appear on the Task Group Template form. Data that is not relevant for the Sequencing (Basic)
type is cleared from the form.
5. In the required task group template fields, enter a Name, Summary, and a Company.
6. In the Category field, select the application to which this task group template belongs, for example, BMC
Change Management.
If you are creating a parent object, you must create a configuration record. For more information, see
Configuring integrations (
7. On the Association tab, select the task templates and task group templates that your basic task group
template should contain.
These task templates and task group templates are then associated with the basic task group template. At
runtime, when a task group is generated, the associated task groups and tasks are generated to handle the
As shown in Creating associations (see page 403), you can add tasks to the list of current associations. You
can then click the up or down arrows to order the task sequence (for example, 1, 2, 3, and so on). If you do
not order the task sequence (for example, their default sequence is 1, 1, 1, and so on), users can fulfill them
in any order. For more information, see Creating associations (see page 403).
Defining the sequences of tasks in the task group template
BMC Change Management 8.1
8. Click the Input and Output tabs and add variable mappings.
Variable mappings enable data to be passed in to and out of fields when the task group is executed. To
define variable mappings, you map an existing variable to or from a field. For more information, see:
Variable templates (see page 410)
Mapping input and output variables (see page 410)
9. (Optional) Click the Completion tab.
By default, a task group is considered complete when all the task groups or tasks that it contains have run.
When a task group is complete, its status is evaluated. This status can be either Success or Failed. By
default, the task group is considered successful when all the task groups or tasks that it contains have a
status of Success. If any do not have a status of Success, the task group has a status of Failed or Canceled.
For more information, see Defining Done and Success qualifications (see page 409).
10. Click Save.
Unlike basic task group templates that utilize sequencing, users _cannot_change the sequence at
runtime with advanced task group templates. For a step-by-step procedure to create advanced TMS
workflow that bypasses tasks, see Example of creating task templates with a workflow (
If you select the Standard (Advanced) type of task group templates, the Flow and Operations tabs appear
on the Task Group Template form. These tabs so not appear with the Sequencing (Basic) task group
template. Data that is not relevant for the Standard (Advanced) type is cleared from the form.
A company name. This parent task group is available only to the company you select.
The status of the group task template. The options are as follows:
Active Enables the template for use at runtime
Inactive Deactivates the template. Inactive objects cannot be used at runtime. Usually, you set an object to Inactive
when it is no longer used at runtime, but might be needed again in the future. When it is needed again, you can set it to
Potential Puts the template into inactive status. You can design the template without activating it.
BMC Change Management 8.1
A description of the task group template's function or any other helpful text for future administrators and designers
A priority for the task group template. The priority applies during the execution stage.
Indicates whether this template is visible or hidden to the user for selection during the execution stage
Time Out
A timeout value, a status, and status reason for the time out
The timeout value is applied to the Activate time field on the runtime objects. If this timeout value is reached, the Task or
Task Group is set (by an escalation of ten minute intervals) to the predefined status value.
Note: The clock stops when a Task or Task Group is in Pending status.
The fields in the Time Out section are:
Time Out Value The amount of time after which the task times out at runtime
Unit Seconds, minutes, hours, or days
Time Out Status The status that is set when time out is reached
Time Out Status Reason A corresponding status reason for the status value
Task Group
Attachments that might be necessary for this task group template. Attachments might be how-to documents that helps the
user complete the task group when the template is used during the execution stage.
You can add up to three attachments for each task group template.
4. Click Save.
5. Continue setting up the task group template by creating associations between the task templates and the
task group templates that are contained in this task group template, as described in Creating associations
(see page 403).
Creating associations
When defining a task group template, you select the task templates and task group templates that it should
contain to complete a certain action. These task templates and task group templates are then associated with the
task group template and are called associations. At runtime, when a task group is generated, the associated task
groups and tasks are generated to handle the task group.
All associated tasks and task groups that are built into a task group's flow follow the defined flow at
runtime, unless you set up a Sequencing type of Task Group template.
After you have defined the associations, you can establish how they should interrelate at runtime by creating flow
between them. For more information, see Creating flow for task group templates (see page 404).
To define an association
1. On the Task Group Template form, click the Association tab.
The task group templates and task templates that have been defined are listed in the Available Task Groups
and the Available Tasks tables. If any have been selected, they are appear in the Current Associations table.
2. From the Available Task Groups or the Available Tasks table, select a task group or task template to add to
the task group template you are currently defining, and then click Add.
The task group template or task template appears in the Current Associations table.
Unlike basic task group templates that utilize sequences in the order of tasks, no task
sequence is provided for advanced task group templates.
If you want the same task template or task group template to be used more than once at
runtime, you must add it to the Current Associations table as many times as you want it
used. When you add the same task template or task group template more than once, the
number in the Instance column is incremented to indicate that this is a new instance.
3. To remove a task template or task group template from the Current Associations, select it and then click
4. Click Save.
5. Continue creating the task group template by defining the flow between the associations you just created,
as described in Creating flow for task group templates (see page 404).
All active task group and task templates listed in the Current Associations table that are not identified as
successors also are generated as soon as the task group template is invoked at runtime. These tasks are not part
of the advanced flow and can be fulfilled at any time. Multiple instances of the same task or task group template
without predecessors generate multiple instances of tasks or task groups at runtime.
To have two tasks start at the same time, you can mark them both as Start.
To have tasks or task groups occur simultaneously, you can link the same predecessor to more than one
successor. To have more than one task or task group completed before a successor can start, you can link two or
more predecessors to the successor. All predecessors must be completed before the successor task or task group
can start.
When defining flows, ensure that you do not create loops. Be especially careful if you are linking more than one
instance of the same task or task group template within the flow. Check the instance number of the task or task
group in the Instance Number column to make sure that you are not linking to the same one.
All predecessors must be completed before the successor task or task group can start (unless the setting is
changed to Any Complete in the Flow to Successor when field in the Qualification tab of the Flow Template
You can also create a qualification that is used to determine how the flow should be generated. Qualifications use
data supplied by input variables to determine the flow. Before you define a qualification, you must map variables
to fields on the form. Then you can define the qualification against the fields.
For example, you can use the value retrieved from a question in a variable. The flow from the task loads the
variable into a working field using the flow mapping on the flow details page. The qualification references the
The two special system variables, Predecessor Status and Predecessor Failure Code, are available only
for flow. They do not require input variables to be defined.
All associated tasks and task groups that are built into a task group's flow follow the defined sequence at runtime.
To view any of the task groups or tasks in either of the tables in the upper section of the form,
double-click the task group or task in the list. It is displayed in a dialog box. You cannot make any
changes in this dialog box. You cannot open the Start record. You can double-click entries in the
Flow Relationships table or select an entry and use the Edit button to open a Flow Template form
where you can define properties for the flow.
2. Select Start from the From Task Group or Task table, then select which task template should be the starting
point from the To Task Group or Task table, and then click Flow to.
The flow relationship record appears in the Flow Relationships table.
3. Select a task or task group in the From Task Group or Task table.
4. In the To Task Group or Task table, select the successor task group or task to be generated when the
previous task is completed.
5. Click Flow to.
The flow relationship record is created and is displayed in the Flow Relationships table.
6. If appropriate, define a qualification on the flow to limit when the flow is followed.
For more information, see Defining qualifications (
7. Create as many flow relationships as needed to build the entire flow for the task group template, and then
click Save.
All associated tasks and task groups that are built into a task group's flow follow the defined sequence at
8. Continue creating the task group template by defining input and output variable mappings, as described in
Mapping input and output variables (see page 410).
Defining qualifications
If needed, you can create a qualification that is used in the advanced task group template to determine how the
flow should be generated. Qualifications use data supplied by input variables to determine the flow. Before you
define a qualification, you must map variables to fields on the form. Then you can define the qualification against
the field.
5. Click Add.
The mapping appears in the Input Variable Mapping table.
6. (Optional) Click Clear to remove the field and variable you had selected.
7. Add as many input variable mappings as you need for the flow.
8. In the Qualification Criteria text field on the Qualification tab, build a qualification statement to specify
how the flow should be evaluated.
You can include fields in the qualification statement. For example, if you are building a qualification for a
flow where you want to take another action if the task group fails, you would map the variable to the field
and create the following qualification with the Predecessor Status system variable: 'Predecessor
9. In the Evaluate if Predecessor Failure field, select Yes or No to indicate if the qualification should apply if
the task or task group's predecessor has failed.
10. In the Evaluate if Predecessor Canceled field, select Yes or No to indicate if the qualification should apply if
the task or task group's predecessor has been cancelled.
11. In the Flow to Successor when field, select a value:
All Complete causes the successor flow to start only when all predecessors are complete.
Any Complete causes the successor flow to start when any of the predecessors are complete.
12. Click Save.
Operations are supported only for one of the Closed Status Reason values Success, Failed, or
When you create a statistical operation for a task group, you can use the following operators to gather data from
the associated task groups or tasks:
Calculates the average of a specified field across the associated tasks or task groups
Retrieves the minimum value for a specified field across the associated tasks or task groups
Retrieves the maximum value for a specified field across the associated tasks or task groups
Adds up the specified field across the associated tasks or task groups
Each operation works on a child type of the available Task or Task Group that you define. If using the MIN, MAX,
SUM, AVG, or COUNT operation, select a field from the task or task group template from to collect the data. If
using the COUNT operation, choose a field like Task ID because this always has a value.
For the operation VARIABLE, a variable is selected, and it should be a variable that is written out (output from) of
the child type of this task group.
Finally, select a Result field to store the operation result. The recommendation is to choose from the field pools
on the Data tab in the runtime Task form.
The results from the operations run on the Task Group can be used in the Done or Success qualifications that
determine if the task is completed or the data can be gathered merely for analysis.
At runtime, whenever an associated task or task group is changed to a completed status (Success, Failed, or
Cancelled), the expression is applied and the task group is evaluated according to its qualification statements.
As you are building the expression, consider that fields in which you do not specify a value are considered as
having a NULL value.
Consider the following information when creating an expression:
To calculate all tasks or task groups, you must select a field that has a value. The COUNT operator will
return inaccurate results if the value in the selected field is NULL.
For example, you might want to select the Request ID field (which always has a value) to COUNT all
successful child tasks. If you choose a field that does not have a value in it, the count could be inaccurate.
To calculate tasks or task groups where a particular field has been filled, you can select that field. If the
field has not been filled when the task or task group is completed and the task group is evaluating, it has a
value of NULL. The task or task group are not included in the calculation.
If you are creating an expression for a task group that contains both task groups and tasks and
you want to gather data from both, you must create separate expressions for each. A single
expression can be applied only to either a task or a task group.
4. In the Closed Status Reason field, select a status to include only those items in the specified status in the
calculation. To include all items, regardless of status, leave this field empty.
5. In the From Field field, select the field from which to retrieve or calculate data.
6. In the Result Field field, select the field from the Task Group form that contains the value retrieved or
calculated by the operation, and then click Save.
7. Create a Done or Success Qualification statement that incorporates the Result Field, as described in
Defining Done and Success qualifications (see page 409).
The Usage tab does not appear until you save the task group template.
2. On the Show field, select Task Group Template, Parent Template, or Request Template, and then click Save
The Used By Templates table shows other templates that are using the task group template.
3. Review the information on the System tab of the Task Group Template form. The System tab shows
internal information about the task template.
In the definition stage, the task administrator creates variable templates that are used for mapping in to or out of
fields. Then, during the execution stage, these variables exchange data between the task group, task, or flow at
You can register any piece of information as a variable template. You give it a name and assign it a default value, if
A default value is not required in the variable template. Values in the variables can be dynamically
assigned at runtime.
When data is created at runtime, the instantiation of the variable can have its value modified. However, the
default values of the variable template itself are not modified.
There are three types of variable templates:
Global Used for data that is global to the system and across all requests, for example, in the BMC
Remedy ITSM Suite of applications. Usually this type of variable is not written to, but it can be. These
variables allow general, shared data to be stored across the organization. Examples include the name of
the company.
System Used for characteristics of the entire request that are automatically available. These are usually
pieces of information that are common to all types of requests, but have a unique value.
Local Used for data within a specific context, for example, within the flow of a task, task group, or flow.
Their value exists only within the context in which they are used, not across the request. For example,
although a variable can be used across different task groups in a request, its value is unique for each task
Each variable template has the option to be global or associated with a specific company. If you specify a
company, your variable template can be further classified using a category and subcategory that shows the
integrating system.
The values of variables inside a task group, task, or flow are initialized by the input variables of the task group.
Any task, task group, or flow can access any variable value. If no value exists for a variable, its value is returned as
For example, the Create or Modify Policy with Closed Loop Verification task group template
automatically performs a closed loop" verification to make sure that the task was executed properly. The
advanced task group template here is a container for the two associated task templates. Its main
purpose is to provide flow between the two task templates, which also helps in passing data along for
the variables to use.
The two task templates in the task group template use several variable templates when creating or modifying a
BMC BladeLogic Client Automation policy in the following flow:
1. The Create or Modify Policy - BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Policy Manager task template has an
output variable defined that, at runtime, passes the current Task ID of the task into the Prior Task ID
2. The Closed Loop Verification (automatic) task template has Prior Task ID mapped as an input variable to a
field on the Data tab of the runtime task. When the first manual task completes successfully and the
automatic task is started, the Prior Task ID is passed in and used in this task's processing.
This scenario uses the Prior Task ID as a variable because BMC Policy Manager must retrieve information from the
previous manual task for the automatic task to work successfully.
Four predefined best practice variable templates are automatically installed with BMC Change
Management for integration with BMC BladeLogic Client Automation. As an administrator, you can
predefine additional variable templates to use with BMC Change Management.
If sample data has been installed, you might want to search for existing variable definitions to modify.
BMC Software Confidential
The company to which this task template applies. Select Global if the variable applies to all companies.
The type of variable you are defining. The options are Local, Global, and System.
Note: After you have created and saved a variable template, you cannot change its variable type.
The application to which group of templates this one belongs. The menu is data-driven by active records in the Integration
Configuration form. For information, see Configuring integrations (
A description of the variable template's function or any other helpful text for future administrators and designers
The data value that you want the variable to store by default. You can leave this field empty.
6. Click Save.
You use the task group that contains these two tasks when creating or modifying a BMC Change Management based
policy. This template automatically performs a closed loop verification to make sure that the task was executed
Closed Loop
Automatic task that calls BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Policy Manager to set up compliance parameters for Closed
Loop Verification. It verifies the task automatically against compliance status.
Manual task that creates or modifies a policy using Policy Manager. It adds the CI and software locations using the
Relationships feature on task.
Deploy Package
Manual task that deploys a package using BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Deployment Manager. It adds the CI and
software locations using the Relationships feature on task. Verification of a Deployment Manager task is based on the exit
status of the Deployment Manager job.
Execute Remote
Manual task that executes a remote command using BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Deployment Manager. Verification
of a Deployment Manager task is based on the exit status of the Deployment Manager job.
Execute Remote
Manual task that executes a remote script using BMC BladeLogic Client Automation Deployment Manager. You use the
Task Attachments table to define the remote scripts to be used. Verification of a Deployment Manager task is based on the
exit status of the Deployment Manager job.
Manual task for manually verifying the status of a target against BMC BladeLogic Client Automation. You use this task to
verify that a specified target is in compliance with the policies to which the target has been assigned.
When adding time segments if the client and the server are in different time zones, all dates and times for the
Business Time Segments appear in the adjusted server time. That is, the Start Date, Start Time, End Date, and End
Time on the Business Time Segment form, and the time segments date and times that are shown in the table
appear in the adjusted server time. Other dates and times on the remainder of the form are in the client's time.
For example, your server is in EST and your client is in PST. Adjusted server time is determined converting the time
at the place the Business Time Segment was created to the time at the physical location of the server. For
example, if the client is located in PST, and the server is located in CST, the time shown on the server is increased
by two hours (to include both MST and PST time zones). Similarly, if the client is located in EST, the time shown
on the server is decreased by one hour.
Also, all time segments must be adjusted into the time zone of the client. For example, if the ticket was created in
PST, the details need to be adjusted into PST. If a Time Segment for a server was defined in CST, adjust it into PST
when creating the time segment for the client.
For more information about adjusting for the time zone differences between the client and the server, see Using
time zones ( in the BMC Remedy Action Request
System documentation.
You create times when the current CI will be unavailable or available. This is known as a blackout schedule.
During times when the current CI is unavailable, a CI must not be brought down. The server used by payroll
might have a blackout schedule to indicate that the CI is not available for other tasks (for example,
upgrades or routine maintenance) when paychecks are processed.
During times when the current CI is available, you can schedule the CI for upgrade, maintenance, change
requests, or release requests. This is a scheduled outage. Other users can share this time segment and
conduct multiple requests.
When creating the blackout schedule, you can also specify the levels of availability. For example, you decide that
a specific application service CI must be unavailable to Calbro Services IT during the core hours Monday through
Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PST. You can then schedule routine change requests during the specified Saturday
8:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. maintenance window. More urgent change requests can be scheduled outside the core
As a result, you can set up the following blackout schedule for the application service CI:
Core hours Monday to Friday 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. PST, the CI is listed as unavailable at Level 15.
Everything except Saturday 8 P.M. to 10 P.M. is listed as available at Level 20.
Everything except the core hours is listed as available at Level 25.
For more information about time segments for CIs, see the following topics:
Defining time segments for CIs (see page 417)
Viewing CI relationships (see page 418)
Viewing CI time segments (see page 419)
Relating CI time segments (see page 419)
Removing CI time segments (see page 419)
To define an all-day event, select 12:00:00 A.M. of the first day for the start time, and select
12:00:00 A.M. of the following day for the end time.
13. (Optional) For a one-day event, use the same start day and end day and then select End of Day.
This action sets the End Time to 11:59:59 P.M. When the calculation is performed the end of day is
considered the whole day, including the final second.
14. Click Save to associate the time segment to the CI, and then click Finish.
After you build the blackout schedule for one CI, you can reuse it for other CIs if they have the same
For important information about time zones, see Understanding server time, time zones, and time
segments (see page 415).
3. From the CI Search Results table, select a CI and then click Explore CI.
4. From the Template list of the BMC Atrium Explorer, select the filter to use to limit the data shown in the
relationship viewer.
A filter template specifies a criteria for the relationship information that appears in the relationship viewer.
5. Click Refresh to apply the selected filter template.
The relationship image is reloaded with the selected data. The legend on the right pane shows the
relationship types.
Select Available to define a time segment open for normal use (for example, routine scheduled
Select Unavailable to define a time segment that is not available for any other use (for example, a CI
outage when you shut down a server to add more memory).
10. In the Level field, select a level of 10 or higher.
Change management activities start with a default level of 10, but you can change this level to a number
from 11 through 1000. Level 1 is Workday activities and Level 2 is Holiday activities.
If the schedules for two activities conflict, the event with the highest number takes priority. For more
information, see Understanding levels ( in the
BMC Remedy Action Request System documentation.
11. In the Duration Type field, select One time (which generates a single occurrence of the time segment) or
Recurring (which cannot span multiple days, but must be scheduled within a 24-hour period). If you select
Recurring, you must specify the recurrence.
12. Enter the starting and ending dates and times for the duration of the time segment.
To define an all-day event, select 12:00:00 A.M. of the first day for the start time, and select
12:00:00 A.M. of the following day for the end time.
13. (Optional) For a one-day event, use the same start day and end day and then select End of Day.
This action sets the End Time to 11:59:59 P.M. When the calculation is performed the end of day is
considered the whole day, including the final second.
14. Click Save, and then click Finish.
For information about time zones, see Registering time segments (see page 415).
Removing time segments does not physically delete them or the business event. Instead, it removes the
link between the business event and the time segment.
The Schedule Assist tool is also available on the Release form. For more information, see Specifying the
business justification (see page 196).
Items shown in the Global Time Segments table displayed on the Time Segment Analysis window are based upon
the following criteria:
Start Search Date Range
End Search Date Range
The table shows Business Events and Operational Categorization Location time segments that match the
Operational Categorization, and the Change Location of the current change, and any items that are global. It also
shows items that are an exact match of the Categorization and Location and those above it. For example,
suppose that the Location of the change request uses the following parameters:
Company = Calbro Services
Region = West
Site Group = California
Site = Sunnyvale
After determining the existence of any Location matches, the search would then match any business event
records that match all four parameters or less. If a business event existed for Company = Calbro Services, this
time segment would match also.
The date range also influences which time segments appear. This criterion affects all tables that show time
segments. The table shows any items that intersect the Start Date and End Date search range. If the Start Date
range is 3/1/08 and the End Date Range is 3/15/08, examples of what it might include are the following business
time segments:
Business time segment 1/1/08 to 3/8/08
Business time segment 3/10/08 to 3/31/08
Business time segment 1/1/08 to 7/1/08
For example, you create a normal change request to upgrade the application server. The change manager relates
the application service CI to the change request. Then you use the Schedule Assist tool to determine the next
available window to schedule this change request. You indicate the potential start and end dates, that the
Unavailability times at Level 20 should be used, and that the window needs to be scheduled for 1 hour. When you
click the Find Next Avail Time button, the next available time is displayed, given those criteria. After you locate an
available time, you can schedule that time segment to block out that time so it is no longer available for the next
change request.
Schedule Assist does not enforce that a change request has to be scheduled in certain windows or
prevent you from scheduling a change request during any unavailable or available time. You might have
valid reasons for scheduling a change request during an unavailable window. For example, if you know
System A is down for maintenance from 9:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. on Saturday night, you might schedule
another change request for related System B during that same window since System A would already be
3. Click the
The Time Segment Analysis window is displayed. You use this window to analyze the time segments and
search for available times. The following fields are available:
Set by default to the current date plus 30 days. Use these dates to filter the information in the table fields.
Global Time
Shows all time segments tied to the change. By default, all Time Segments are selected.
Associated CI's
Shows a list of the CIs tied to the change that have an entity tied to CI.
Shows available or unavailable times tied to the selected CI. If one CI is selected from the Associated CIs table and
you press =>, only the Time segment tied to that CI appears. For each additional CI selected on the Associated CIs
table, all the associated time segments to each of the selected CIs appear when you click =>.
If you select Available times as a type, the Use Available button is enabled. Clicking Use Available fills the
Available Start Date/Time+ and Available End Date/Time+ fields from the selected record.
If more than one record is selected, only the first selected record is used to fill the fields. If more than one CI
is selected when you click Use Available, only the first selected record is used.
If there are unavailable times, all times that are selected from the unavailable table, plus the selected global
blackouts on the top, plus the Duration and Level fields are used in the calculation when you use the Find
Next Avail Time button or the Create Next Free Time button (except for those times defined using the
Schedule Time Segment button).
Defines the length and level of the time segment. For example, you can define a level 10 time segment of 2 hours.
Available Start
Factors in the duration you specified and returns the next available time. The time segment is then entered into the
Available Start Date/Time+ and Available End Date/Time+ fields.
If you press Enter in the Available Start Date/Time+ field, the duration is added to the Available Start Date/Time+
field and the Available End Date/Time fields. You can manually set the TS Start Date/Time+ field to a specific date or
time to give a new start Date to find the next available time segment.
Schedule Time
Generates the next available time segment based on all the selected time segments in the tables on the Time
Segment Analysis form. You can then can associate it to a particular CI that is tied to the change request.
Time segments that were created using this button are not included in the calculation with the Create Next Free
Time button or the Find Next Avail Time button. Because the next free time was generated for a particular change
request, the time that was set for the current change is not blocked out.
Closes the window without returning the information to the change request
4. In the Time Segment Analysis window, enter information to define the time segments needed for the CIs.
This enables you to define new time segments for CIs based on selected time segments and unavailable
times of other CIs. In BMC Change Management, you can only define time segments with a duration type
of One Time.
After you define the time segments, the change coordinator or the change manager can schedule the
change request based on the selected unavailable items or based on an Available schedule.
5. Click Find Next Available Time.
Based on all the selected time segments in the tables on the Time Segment Analysis form, the time
segment is entered into the Available Start Date/Time+ and Available End Date/Time+ fields.
6. Click Schedule Time Segment.
7. On the The Associate Time Segment to CIs dialog box, use the following steps to associate CIs to time
a. Select the CI to associate the time segment to.
b. Enter a description of the time segment.
If your server is in a different time zone than the client, make sure you include this in your
description. For more information, see Understanding server time, time zones, and time segments
(see page 415).
c. Click Create Time Segment.
d. Close the dialog box.
The time segment is generated and associated to the CI.
The actual date and time might not be exactly what you specified, if the same time segment has
been selected. If so, the first available time is used for the specified CIs. This functionality is similar to
a calendar system. If you try to reserve a conference room, and you do not book it immediately,
someone might take the room before you book it.
8. Click Next.
The Time Segment Analysis window helps the support person pick a scheduled start date and end date of
the change request. From looking at the time segments, you can try to plan your change around the
specified time segment.
The Time Segment Analysis window redisplays, to enable you schedule dates. The scheduled start date and
end date of the change request does not have to match the unavailable time segments. If you have a time
segment from 1/30/06 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 P.M., your scheduled change does not have to be 1/30/06
from 2:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. The actual change process can be much longer. Your scheduled change might
go from 1/25/06 8:00 A.M. to 2/2/06 8:00 A.M. You might need to perform additional duties to prepare for
the change and then allot additional time afterwards to verify that the change was successful.
Time Segment Analysis window Scheduling dates
The CI's Available/Unavailable Time table shows all time segments associated to all the CIs.
The following fields are available to set the Schedule Start and Scheduled End Date/Time of the change
Set by default to current date plus 30 days. Use these dates to filter what appears in the table fields.
Global Time
If you select Available in the Type field, you can use one of the Available times to set the scheduled start and
end dates.
If you select Unavailable, you can manually enter a date, or use the date based on the information about the
Available times shown for the global time segments.
Use Available
If you select Available times as a type, the Use Available button is enabled. Clicking Use Available fills the Available
Start Date/Time+ and Available End Date/Time+ fields from the selected record.
If more than one record is selected, only the first selected record is used to fill the fields. If more than one CI is
selected when you click the Use Available, only the first selected record is used.
Scheduled Start
Scheduled End
Returns the Schedule Start Date/Time+ and Scheduled End Date/Time+ values back to the change request
Closes the window without returning the information to the change request
21 Change notifications
When a change request moves into a new status, for example, Completed, the application generates
notifications. Based on your group or role, you might receive notifications during various change statuses.
Notifications by groups (see page 429)
Notifications by roles (see page 430)
For more information, see Reassigning change requests (see page 172).
For more information about notification preferences, see Setting notification preferences (
Coordinator group
Support group
Planning in Progress
Request for Authorization
Implementation in Progress
Current status
Coordinator group
Support group
You will not receive a notification when you change the status of a change request, if you are Change
Coordinator, Change Manager, or Change Implementer for that change request. If you are both, the
Change Coordinator and the Change Manager, an event is triggered only for the Change Manager. Other
users will receive notifications normally.
Change coordinator
Change manager
Requested by
Requested for
Change implementer
Planning in Progress
Implementation in Progress
^ 1 No notification is sent to the Requested by user if the Requested by user and the logged-on user are the same
If one or more of these buttons is unavailable, the corresponding field in the record
contains no information.
Email Attachment To attach a single file to the email message, right-click inside the Email
Attachment table, and then click Add. On the Add Attachment dialog box, select the file to attach,
and then click Open.
6. Click Send Email Now.
If you need more information about the service provider, click the button with the globe
icon beside the field. This opens a link that takes you to the service provider's website.
Manual Pager Number If the pager's telephone number is not available automatically from the
paging system, type the pager's telephone number here.
Alphanumeric Pager Message or Numeric Pager Message Type your message in this field. Only
one of these fields is enabled, depending on the recipient's type of pager.
7. Click Send Page Now.
If you want to modify multiple records in one go, select the records that you want to modify, or
click Select All, and then click Modify All. Make the necessary changes, and then click Save on the
top left corner.
8 0 00 365
8 1 00 363
Accessing 45, 52, 315
Active Variables 335, 336, 340
Activities 226, 228, 229, 232, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 238, 239
Activity 239
Activity Assignees 112, 228
Activity Form 54, 70
Add Approver Dialog Box 126
Add Attachment Dialog Box 285, 431
Adding 124, 126, 294, 319, 415
Adding Information 97
Adding Non Approvers 128
Ad Hoc 305
Advanced Ci 210
Advanced Qualifications 324
Advanced Search 45, 52
Advanced Task Group Template 401
Allocating Costs To Cis 297
Alternate Approvers 126, 127
Alternate Dataset 273
Application Administrators 133
Approval 137, 213
Approval Central 131
Approval Levels 142
Approval Process 213
Approval Process Configuration Form 133, 139
Approvals 121, 124, 124, 133, 138, 139, 139, 142, 143, 157, 213, 213, 214, 215, 215
Approvers 124, 126, 127, 130, 133, 142
Approvers Tab 214
Assigned Work Table 64
Assigning 99, 164, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 245, 248, 248, 307
Assigning Change Requests 170
Assignment 173, 310
Assignments 168, 169, 235, 236, 236, 237, 238, 249, 249, 311, 312, 389
Assignment Tab 170, 171, 173, 235, 238, 248, 281, 312
Associate 210
Associations 403, 404
Association Tab 403, 404
Atrium Impact Simulator 267
Audit Logs 157
Authoring Group Dialog Box 285
Auto Assignment 319
Auto Cost 296
Autocost Estimates 296
Automatically Tracking Change 160
Automatic Tab 390
Automatic Tasks 304, 384, 390
Available Times 423
Avg Operator 407
Benefits 15, 21
Best Practice 15, 21
Best Practice View 14, 25, 27
Blackout 416
Blackout Schedule 416
Bmc Atrium Cmdb 418
Bmc Bladelogic Client Automation 315, 319
Bmc Change Management 25, 27, 29, 30, 40, 44, 45, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64,
65, 80, 81, 83, 91, 91, 93, 94, 94, 97, 99, 101, 105, 107, 109, 110, 110, 112, 112, 113, 115, 121,
124, 124, 126, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 142, 146, 148, 149, 149, 150, 151, 155, 157,
157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 166, 166, 167, 168, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176,
177, 178, 183, 183, 185, 186, 186, 186, 187, 187, 188, 190, 193, 196, 198, 200, 206, 210, 213, 214, 215, 215,
216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 225, 225, 226, 228, 228, 229, 232, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 236, 237, 238, 238, 239,
239, 241, 243, 245, 247, 248, 248, 249, 249, 250, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258, 260, 264, 265, 267, 270, 271,
272, 273, 275, 275, 277, 281, 281, 282, 289, 290, 290, 291, 292, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 299, 301, 304,
305, 307, 310, 310, 311, 312, 314, 314, 314, 315, 325, 329, 331, 331, 332, 334, 334, 335, 336, 336, 337, 338,
339, 340, 344, 345, 346, 362, 410, 413, 415, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 419, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 423, 429,
429, 430, 431, 431, 432, 434
Bmc Change Managment 15
Bmc Configuration Management 413
Calendar 362, 363, 365, 368, 374, 376, 378
Change 362, 368
Change Activities 97
Change And Configuration Management 314, 315
Change Calendar 58, 363, 365, 382
Change Class 86
Change Coordinators 40, 45, 81, 146, 167, 168, 172, 245, 249
Change Dashboard 56
Change Dates 115
Creating Templates 86
Customer Field 25
Custom Process Flows 94
Custom Search 344
Custom Searches 344
Datasets 273
Date 107
System Tab 107
Dates 115, 206, 220, 233
Define Related Incident 281
Defining 390, 403, 407, 409
Defining Qualifications For 391, 409
Denying Reassignment 173, 281
Dependencies 112, 164
Dependent Changes 163
Deployment Based Tasks 314
Deployment Manager 314
Deployment Milestone In Release Management 220
Dm 314
Duration 368
Earliest Start 115
Earliest Start Date 115
Effort Log 159
Effort Logs 158, 160, 252, 253
Email 45, 52, 431, 431
Emails 143
Email System Dialog Box 431
Emergency Change 124
Emergency Change Requests 91, 124
Emergency Request 124
Enable 435
Enforcement 112
Evaluating Task Groups 407
Evenlist 368
Example 382
Fields 39
Filters 368
Financial Information 243, 391
Financials Tab 391
Flahsboards 335
Flashboards 333, 340
Flow 404
Flow Tab 404
Flow Template 404
Forms 35, 45, 52, 94, 110, 126, 133, 139, 157, 161, 166, 186, 187, 198, 210, 213, 239, 270, 272, 275, 285,
289, 294, 295, 297, 305, 315, 332, 386, 402, 416, 419, 419, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 431, 432
Generating 323, 324
Global Search 67, 70, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78
Global Variable Templates 410
Group 401
Groups 128, 168, 236, 249, 413, 429
Help Desk Form 70
Icons 39, 86
Impact Analysis 107
Impact Criteria 96
Impacted Areas 157
Impact Field 86, 193
Implementation Approval 213
Implementation Approval Phase 139
Implement Stage 149, 150
Individual 430
Known Error 258
Known Error Form 73
Kpi 333, 334, 335
Kpi Flashboards 334
Labels 39
Ldap Object 258
Lead Time Field 86, 99
Limiting 287
List View 376
Local Variable Templates 410
Location 210
Login 13
Logs 157, 158, 160, 253
Manage Inventory 186
Manifests 200, 224
Manifest Tab 200
Manually Tracking Change 160
Manual Task Templates 384
Manufacturer Field 86
BMC Change Management 8.1
Navigating 14
Navigating Console 35
New Features 365
No Impact 213
No Impact Phase 139
Non Approver 128
Non Approvers 130
Non Bulk Cis 185
Non Phased Deployment 193
Notes Field 99
Notification 168, 236
Notification Audit Tab 157
Notifications 128, 130, 157, 168, 236, 249, 250, 429, 429, 430
Notification Tab 432
Number 287
Opening 45, 52, 315, 386, 402
Opening Flashboards 334
Operational Catalog 52
Operational Catalog Listing 45
Operations 407
Operations Tab 407, 409
Operators 407
Paging 431, 432
Peers 112, 307
People Form 289
Performance Rating Field 99
Permissions 294
Phased Deployment 193
Phases 139, 213
Placing In Inventory 185
Plan Change 113
Planning Milestone In Release Management 206
Plan Schedule 113
Policy Manager 272, 315, 319, 413
Pop Up Messages 288
Predefined 315, 319
Predefined Reports 325, 329
Predefined Tasks 413
Predefined Templates 384, 397, 410, 413
Preferences 273
Printing 291
Priority Criteria 96
Priority Field 86
Problem Investigation Form 74
Process Configuration 213
Process Flow 105, 193, 206, 216, 218, 220
Process Flows 94
Process Flow Status Bar 105, 193, 206, 216, 218, 220
Product Categorization Fields 86
Product Name Field 86
Product Selection 45, 52
Pubme 186, 187, 187
Qualifications 323, 391, 409
Queries 368
Quick Links 54
Reassigning 172, 173, 238, 281
Reassigning Release Requests 247
Records 290, 291, 345
Reference 15, 21, 25, 27, 29, 30, 39, 39, 45, 52, 54, 64, 70, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
78, 239, 258, 260, 293, 307, 319, 325, 329, 335, 336, 339, 340, 401, 413, 429, 430
Refreshing Data 62
Register Categorization 420
Registering 415, 420, 422, 423
Registering Shared Time 419, 419
Registration For Shared Time Segment Form 419
Reject 137
Reject Change 137
Rejected Requests 136
Rejecting 143
Rejections 137
Relate 423
Relate Ci 176, 273
Relate Configuration Items 176
Related 163
Related Change Requests 165, 275
Related Ci 177
Related Cis With Costs Allocated Table 297
Related Incidents 281
Related Predefined Tasks 319
Relate Incident 281
Relating 165, 166, 273, 275, 305, 319, 413
Relationship Attributes 315
Relationships 166, 166, 225, 258, 261, 270, 271, 272, 273, 282
Relationships Tab 176, 258, 261, 264
Release 239
Release Coordinator 30
Release Coordinators 52, 214, 247
Release Effort 252
Release Form 52, 75, 198, 200, 214, 220, 239
Release Management 21, 188, 188, 206, 213, 216, 218, 220, 222, 239, 250, 253, 255, 265, 329
Release Management Console 58
Release Management Kpi Flashboards 336
Release Manager 30
Release Managers 215, 434
Release Manifest Cost 243
Release Requests 138, 188, 190, 193, 196, 198, 200, 206, 210, 214, 215, 215, 216, 218, 220, 222, 224, 239, 243,
245, 247, 248, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 258, 264, 265, 292, 331
Release Template 198, 239
Release Templates 190
Release Type 190, 193
Release Type Field 190
Relocating Cis 183, 187
Reminder Details Dialog Box 332
Reminders 45, 52, 331, 331, 332
Reminders Dialog Box 332
Remove 422
Reports 110, 323, 324, 325, 329
Requested Start 115
Requester 97
Requester Console 62
Requester Contacted Icon 97
Requester Records 289, 290
Requesters 60, 133, 290
Requester Tab 97, 157, 234
Request Types 258
Restart 137
Resubmit Rejected Request 136
Review Authorize Stage 107
Rfc 96
Rfc Date 115
Risk Info Icon 86
Risk Level 110
Risks 86, 107, 109, 110, 110, 190, 193
Roi Flashboards 337, 340
Roles 30, 60, 133, 228, 285, 299, 430
Rollback Change Request 148
Rollback Change Requests 93
Rollup 193
Roll Up Cost 243
Rss Feeds 356
Schedule Assist 417, 423
Search 210
Search Business Event 421
Location Definition Form 421
Search Categorization 420
Search Form 275
Searching 178, 185, 210, 315, 345, 346, 423
Search Inventory Locations Dialog Box 187
Search Location 420
Search Operational Categorization 421
Location Definition Form 421
Search Time 419, 419
Search Time Segment Dialog Box 419, 419, 423
Segment 210
Selecting Status Values 65
Select Template 94
Select Template Dialog Box 315
Sending Notifications 250, 429
Sequence 163
Sequence Field 99, 112
Sequence Numbers 99, 112, 164, 307
Sequencing Type 398
Sequencing Type Task Group Template 398
Service Ci Type 86
Service Context 359
Service Field 25, 27, 86
Service Targets 434
Shared Time 419, 419
Shared Time Segment 422
Shared Time Segments 423
Smpm 45, 52
Social Collaboration 356, 357
Software Library 315
Software Library Item 258
Software Library Items 258, 272
Solution Database 76
Standard Task Group Template 401
Statistical Operations 407
Status 250, 301, 407, 429
Status Field 86, 190, 193
Status Flow 213
Status Flow Tab 139
Status Transition 239
Storage Location 272
Tabs 107, 115, 139, 150, 157, 157, 171, 173, 200, 206, 213, 214, 220, 229, 234, 235, 238, 250, 258, 261, 264,
277, 281, 285, 287, 305, 310, 312, 389, 390, 391, 391, 392, 392, 404, 407, 409, 409, 410, 432, 434
Task 12, 13, 58, 65, 67, 80, 83, 86, 91, 91, 93, 94, 94, 97, 99, 101, 105, 110, 110, 115, 126,
126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 136, 138, 139, 148, 149, 155, 157, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 166,
166, 167, 168, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 183, 185, 186, 186, 187, 187, 190, 193,
196, 198, 200, 206, 210, 215, 218, 220, 222, 228, 229, 232, 232, 233, 234, 236, 236, 237, 238, 239, 243, 247,
249, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 261, 264, 267, 270, 271, 272, 275, 277, 281, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289, 290,
291, 294, 295, 296, 297, 304, 305, 310, 310, 311, 312, 315, 323, 324, 331, 332, 334, 338, 340, 344, 345, 346,
356, 357, 386, 389, 389, 390, 391, 391, 392, 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 409, 409, 410, 417, 418, 419, 419, 419,
420, 421, 422, 423, 423, 432, 434
Task Clock 310
Task Form 77, 305
Task Groups 229, 307, 315, 319, 407, 413
Task Group Template 409
Task Group Template Form 402, 403, 404, 407, 409, 410
Task Group Templates 397, 398, 401, 407, 409, 409, 410
Task Implementers 149, 150, 299, 315
Task Management System 314
Task Phase Management 174
Tasks 137, 143, 149, 150, 162, 229, 281, 299, 301, 305, 307, 310, 310, 311, 312, 314, 314, 314, 319, 384, 389,
390, 391, 407, 410, 413
Tasks And Flow 410
Tasks Tab 150, 229, 305
Task Status Transitions 174
Task Template Form 386, 389, 390, 391, 391, 392, 392, 410
Task Templates 384, 386, 389, 389, 390, 391, 391, 392, 392, 410
Task Time 310, 419
Tempalate Field 25
Template 401
Template Field 27
Templates 94, 198, 239, 319, 384, 397, 410, 413
Test Milestone In Release Management 218
Time 210
Unavailability 275
Unrelate Ci 176
Unrelate Configuration Items 176
Unrelate Incident 281
Urgency Criteria 96
Urgency Field 86, 193
Usage 392, 409
Usage Tab 392, 409
Using 67, 81, 333, 362
Variables 410, 410
Variable Templates 410
Vendor 97
Vendor Contact 101
Vendor Information 101
Vendor Ticket Information 101
Verification Based Tasks 314
Via Email 143
View 378, 422
View Broadcasts Dialog Box 54
Viewing 44, 80, 130, 139, 155, 157, 157, 166, 166, 176, 186, 213, 215, 250, 271, 332, 340, 368, 418
View Profile 80
View Risk Report 110
Views 374
Virtualization Lifecyclce Management 14
Whats New 363
With 319
Work Info Dialog Box 315
Work Info Tab 250, 310
Working 319
Work Order Assignments 236
Work Order Form 78
Work Orders 229, 236