Quality Manual Template Example
Quality Manual Template Example
ISO 9001:2015
Quality Manual Template
This quality manual is the property of Your Company. It must not be reproduced in whole or in part or otherwise
disclosed without prior written consent.
The official controlled copy of this quality manual is the digitally signed PDF document held within our network
server and visible to all authorised users. All printed copies, and all electronic copies and versions, except the ones
described above, are considered uncontrolled copies which should be used for reference only.
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ISO 9001:2015
Quality Manual Template
1 Introduction _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
2 References _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
3 Definitions _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
7 Support __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18
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10 Improvement _________________________________________________________________________________________ 32
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Appendices ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34
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1 Introduction
Your organization has developed and implemented a quality management system (QMS), which uses ISO
9001:2015 as a framework that allows our organization to document and improve our practices in order to
better satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, stakeholders and interested parties.
This manual describes the quality management system, delineates authorities, inter relationships and
responsibilities of personnel operating within the management system. The manual also provides references
to procedures and activities that also comprise our quality management system.
The manual is used to familiarise customers and other external organizations or individuals with the controls
that have been implemented and to assure them that the integrity of our quality management system is
maintained and is focused on customer satisfaction and continual improvement.
Our quality management system meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and uses the Plan, Do, Check and
Act approach to process planning. Our QMS addresses and supports our strategies for the <design,
development, manufacturing, installation and servicing of our products>. <insert your scope statement here.
This should succinctly summarize your products and/or services. A single sentence is all that is required, as
this will be shown your ISO 9001:2015 certificate>.
The following table identifies any ISO 9001:2015 requirements, from Section 8.0, that are not applicable to
our organization as well as providing a brief narrative to justify their omission from the scope of our QMS:
2 References
In addition to ISO 9001:2015 we also make reference to other relevant British and/or international standards
as well as customer specifications appropriate to our products and market.
3 Definitions
This document does not introduce any new definitions but rather relies on the following:
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To ensure that our QMS is aligned with our Quality Policy Managment System
strategy, whilst taking account of relevant KPIs/
Objectives Context Scope
internal and external factors; we initially Metrics
Your organization then monitors and reviews this information to ensure that a continual understanding of
each group’s requirements is derived and maintained. To facilitate the understanding of our context, we
regularly consider issues that influence our context during management review meetings and are conveyed
via minutes and business planning documents.
Internal Issues External Issues The output from this activity is evident as an input to
Market share Customers & suppliers the consideration of risks and opportunities, and the
Employees Markets & competition actions that we take to address them. Refer to Section
Performance Regulatory & statutory 6.1 for more information about our risk and
Values & culture Technological opportunity management framework.
Innovation & knowledge Cultural & social
Although we acknowledge that ISO 9001:2015 does
not require our organizational context to be maintained as documented information, we maintain and retain;
in addition to this document, the following documented information to describe our organizational context:
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7. Minutes of meetings (Management and design review minutes), process maps and reports, etc.
SWOT analysis provides our organization with a framework for reviewing and evaluating our strategies, and
the position and direction of our organization, business propositions and other ideas. Similarly PESTLE
analysis provides our organization with framework for measuring our market and growth potential according
to external political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors.
Interested Parties Needs & Expectations To ensure that our products and processes continue
Customers Price, reliability & value to meet all relevant requirements, we identify and
Distributors & retailers Quality, price & logistics assess the potential impact of any relevant needs and
Owners/shareholders Profitability & growth expectations that may be elicited from the interested
Employees Shared values & security parties. Where appropriate, to ensure that our
Suppliers Beneficial relationships processes are aligned to deliver the requirements of
Regulatory & statutory Compliance & reporting our interested parties; we convert relevant needs and
expectations into requirements which become inputs to our QMS and to our product and service designs.
This document describes our quality management system, delineates authorities, inter-relationships and
responsibilities of process owners and personnel that operate within the system. Although we recognize that
ISO 9001:2015 does not require a quality manual, we have decided to retain and update our quality manual,
as our employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders perceive it to add value to our operations.
This document also demonstrates the relationship between our quality management system and the
sequence and interaction of our key processes. Conformance to ISO 9001:2015 has been verified utilizing a
formal assessment and review process by <insert name of Registrar>.
To achieve this, your organization has adopted the process approach advocated by ISO 9001:2015. Top
management has determined the processes required for achieving the intended outputs. By defining four key
process-groups and by managing their inputs, activities, controls, outputs and interfaces; we ensure that
system effectiveness is established maintained. These key process groups include;
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The controls identified do not absolve us of the responsibility to conform to client, statutory and regulatory
requirements but instead they enhance our capacity to effectively manage our supply chain. The controls
adopted are influenced by the potential impact of outsourcing on meeting customer or stakeholder
requirements and the degree to which control of the process is shared. Outsourced processes are controlled
via purchasing and contractual agreements. Refer to Section 8.4. They may also be assessed by 2nd party
audits and performance data reviews where appropriate,
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A.1 Correlation Matrix
This section provides a matrix to correlate the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 against the relevant sections in
this document and should be used to determine where the new and amended clauses are located.
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PROCESSES Customer Related Prcesses
Quality Management
System Communication
Quality Planning
Design & Supplier Selection &
Development Evaluation
Incoming Continual
Evaluation of Production
Inpsection, Handling Improvement
Compliance Processes
& Storage
Customer Management
Feedback & Review
Customer, Market &
Product & Process
Analyze QMS Stakeholder Feedback Monitoring
Process Data
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