Flat Concrete Floor Work Method - Findotek

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Flat Floor Work Method

Method of Statement

Construction of Flat Concrete Floor


PT. xxxxxx

PT. Findotek

28 Apr 2012
07 Mar 2012
28 Feb 2012
10 July 2011


Rev No

Prepared by

Checked by

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Approved by

Rev 03
Rev 02
Revision 1
First Release

[email protected]

Flat Floor Work Method


1. Introduction
2. Sub-base Slab
3. Concrete Strength
4. Quality Control
5. Pour Schedule
6. Environmental Control
7. Sequence of Works
8. Protection Against Damage
Appendix A : Scope of Works
Appendix B : Method Statement
Appendix C : Equipment List
Appendix D : Specifications of Floor Flatness & Levelness
Appendix E : Inspection & Testing Plan


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Flat Floor Work Method

1. Introduction
Findo Teknik, is a supplier and applicator of high-tech commercial and indutrial superflat floors. We
have well experienced and competent management, reliable supervisors and a team of highly skilled
& experienced workers.
We work hand-in-hand with our principal manufacturers to ensure that we constantly provide the
best quality products and produce remarkable performance at a cost-effective price, tailored to
individual needs.
Our customer are our most valuable asset. Thus, we strive to yield the best return to our customers
investment in terms of quality, time and cost.

2. Sub-base slab
The sub-base for the concrete floor must be construted according to the specification. The
sub-base must be well compacted and well prepared in order to avoid settlement in the

3. Concrete Strength & Properties

The characteristics strength of the concrete shall comply generally with SI or ASTM
standards. Readymix should be of consistent properties and its reply should be stable in
order to achieve high level of floor flatness.
Concrete Grade
Concrete Slump
Initial setting time

: Min 30 MPa
: 11 1 cm (arrival on site) & consistent in quality
: 3 to 5 hours

4. Quality control

The main Contractor, the concrete supplier and floor specialist shall implement quality
control testing throughout the supply of the concrete to the project so as to fulfill the
performance requirements of the specifications
The design mix is to be pre-determined.
The sand silt content should not be more than 1 %.
Air entraining agent is not recommended if floor hardener is to be used.

5. Pour Schedules
Determine the sequence and timing of each pour with consideration of the following : o Detemine area to be poured and finished in each work period.
o Formwork should be made of rigid steel with top level same as floor finishing level.
o Ensure concrete will be delivered in uniform and continuous supply for each
concrete pouring.
o The interval for each truck is to be on time to ensure a continuous flow of concrete.
o Slump test is to be done for every truck.
o Concrete laying shall be in one direction following the floor level.
o The vibrating lazer screed shall move backwards to strike off the access concrete
and flatten the surface to the floor finish level.


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Flat Floor Work Method

6. Environmental Control
The concrete placing and finishing for the floor hardener shall be protected against direct sun light,
rain and strong wind.
Roof and side wall claddings must be installed before the construction of the slab.


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Flat Floor Work Method

7. Sequence of Work
7.1. Set up Lazer Screed
The main contractor shall provide suitable bench marks for setting up of lazer base stations.
The main contractor shall also provide lifting services to unload equipment and shift the
equipment to the floor for the setting up of the equipment.
Setting up of lazer screed shall be done by the subcontractor.
7.2. Initial concrete placement
All concrete to be discharged into the pouring area shall follow good concrete placing
7.3. Vibrating concrete
During concrete discharge, wet concrete shall be vibrated with a poker vibrator especially at
edges or beam area. The vibrator shall be inserted vertically into the concrete.
7.4. Floor finishing consists of five major steps
A. Striking-off
B. Flatness Enhancement
C. Application of floor hardener (where applicable)
D. Floating (Ride-on trowel and power trowel)
E. Trowelling to Dense Smooth Finish
A. Striking-off
Also known as screeding by Lazer Screed is the process of leveling the fresh concrete. It
takes place immediately after the placing and compacting operations. It is important to
have good accuracy in striking to achieve floors flatness and levelness.
B. Flatness enhancement.
The flatness of the floor is further enhances by flat floor tools and equipment. These
equipment includes channel float, checker rod and bump cutter.
7.5. Measurement for floor Flatness (F) Dipstick F Number System
The measurements (FF) are to be done using the Dipstick digital floor measurement
instrument capable of reading to 0.1mm accuracy in accordance to ASTM E1155 and ACI
302 Standard.
7.6. Time of measurement (FF)
Measurement of floor flatness should be made, within 72 hours especially on the first mock
up sample.
7.7. Handover
The completed floor shall be considered handover to main contactor after inspection and
measurement of floor finish. The floor shall be protected by main contractor.

8. Protection Against Damage

The concrete shall be protected from damage due to load overstress, heavy shock and excessive
vibration, surrounding the concrete area particularly during curing period.
Construction load shall not be placed on newly completed floor.
Traffic should be kept off the finished floor for 3 days or longer to avoid surface damages and
scratch marking.

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Flat Floor Work Method

All finish concrete surface shall be protected from damage by construction equipment, materials or
other heavy tools.


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Flat Floor Work Method

Scope of Works
Findo Teknik
1. Planning and coordinating with main
contractor for pouring schedule, size of
casting and joint location.
To discuss on concrete design mix and trial
mix by concrete supplier must be carried out
with the witness of Findo representative.


Supply vibrating screeder, rider trowel and

other equipment for the works


Slump test of each truck to be checked by

Findo, Contractor and Consultant.


Carry out lazer screeding of wet concrete

and do flatness control method with
appropriate superflat floor tools and


Apply floor hardener, where applicable,

after initial setting of wet concrete. Enhance
floor levelness with channel float, checker
rod and bump cutter.
Provide sufficient number of power float
machines and labours for power floating
work .



Main Contractor
Make available floor plan and target
schedule of construction.
Compaction of sub-base & lean concrete
construction, where applicable
Supply & laying of wire mesh,
reinforcements, embedded parts, &
Provide suitable bench marks near to
pour area and confirm in writing prior to
casting of concrete.
Supply and install timber steel formwork
along perimeter or any drop off floor
slab; top level of formwork should be the
final finished level of concrete floor.
Provide lifting equipment to unload, shift
and place the equipment onto area near
to casting floor.
Provide and install dowel bars along
expansion joints in accordance to design
Carry our slump test before placing of
concrete for each and every truck. Ensure
readymix supply is regular without long
break interval.
Supply and laying of concrete according
to good concrete practice. Preliminary
leveling of concrete surface.
Cleaning of slurry by concrete workers on
the both side of panels.
Provide lighting, water and storage area
for material and equipment. Supply and
laying of concrete according to good
concrete pratice.
Provide protection to the floor slab after
handover from Findo.
Provide and placing of curing compound
according to requirement

Use Floor Dipstick to measure floor flatness
and floor levelness and submit Dipstick


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Flat Floor Work Method

Method Statement
This Method statement desribes the construction of flat floor standard of. It briefly outlines the
process and method of the construction : 1

Floor Base
Main contractor must ensure that the floor base is firm and well compacted according to

Floor Preparation
Main contractor must ensure that the floor base be thoroughly cleaned by high pressure
water jet or compressor air. BRC should be at least 50mm lower than the Finished Floor
Level. BRC or reinforcement should be properly supported by chairs at regular interval of
not more than 60 cm. Formwork should set up accurately and secured firmly such that its
top elevation is the same as the final finished elevation of concrete floor.

Roof protection
Building roof covering, gutter, rain water down pipe and side caldding shall be erected
before the commence of flat floor concreting. This avoids the possible negative impact on
the floor flatness & levelness due to rain, sun shine and strong wind.

Datum Point Finished Floor Level

Main contractor must ensure accurate transfer of the reference level of datum point to the
floor contruction area for setting of final finished floor elevation.

Setting up Lazer Transmitter & Lazer Screed

Start up Lazer Transmitter at about 2 m above grade.
Be sure the lazer transmitter is set up in a location that will not have anything in the way to
cause interference.
Establish and set grade on the Mini Screed Grade Rod. Position machine vibrator plate onto
the form.
Make sure both lazer receivers are clear to the transmitter and switch elevation control to
Using the console level indicator, level the machine with the head lift switch.
Machine should be held firmly in this position while setting grade. Any machine movement
will negatively affect the setup.
Near the lazer receiver masts, place the Grade Rod ring on top of plow and hold vertical.
Using raise/lower elevation control, adjust height of plow until the Mini Screed Grade Rod
indicates proper grade.
Once the plow is on-grade, manually lower the lazer received (from top down) until the
LEDs indicate the on-grade signal.


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Flat Floor Work Method

Repeat the process for the opposite side.
If on-grade is not achieved, hold down the respective reset button and tap the manual
switch lower position to match grade on that side.
Switch elevation control to automatic.
Screed approximately 2 m then verify grade and make adjustment if required.

Lazer Transmitter GL522-S

Supply & Laying of Concrete

Main contractor must ensure quality control of the ready-mixed concrete inclusive of
traveling time. Readymix supply should be regular without break interval longer than 25
mins. It must comply with the required specfication and mix-design and be supplied,
inspected, laid and leveled with good concreting practice. Slump test must be carried out
for each & every load of concrete delivery. Appropriate slump must be observed
accordingly. Concrete vibrating poker is to be used.


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Flat Floor Work Method

Vibraing & Initial Leveling by Vibrator Lazer Screed

Vibrate & level the concrete by vibrator lazer screed which is operated by skilled operators.

Bull floating
Spread, float & work to integrate the floor hardener incorporate into the top layer of the
concrete by bull-float at the initial stage and subsequently by power floating machine as the
concrete gradually hardens up.

Floor Hardener Application

Spread evenly floor hardener on semi-hardened concrete. Divide the floor areas into grids
and ensure that appropriate amount of floor hardener is applied evenly onto each area.
Ensure the workers use appropriate foot ware or platform so not to leave shoes mark on the
concrete surface.

10 Initial Flatness Enhancement

After application of floor hardener, float & flatten the floor with channel floats.


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Flat Floor Work Method

11 Floor Surface Flattening
Refined flattening work of the floor surface by hand trowel.
12 Finishing
Power trowelling by riding trowelling machine to the required floor surface finishing. This
machine is heavy so the top concrete surface can be densified.
13 Curing
Apply curing compound according to requirement and specification.
14 Measurement of floor flatness & levelness
Floor measuremnet by certified surveyor, by means of the Dipstick F-number measuring
instrument after the completion of the floor constrution.
The company carried out floor measurement must have the surface profiler measurement


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Flat Floor Work Method






Mini Lazer Screed

1 Unit


Bull Float

2 Units


Checker Rod

1 unit


Bump Cutter

1 Unit


Hand Trowel

2 units


Ride on Trowel

2 Units


Lazer leveling Receiver

2 sets


Floor Dipstick Floor Profiler

1 Unit


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Flat Floor Work Method

Specifications of Floor Flatness & Levelness
According to American Concrete Institute ACI 302.1R-04, Guide for Concrete
Floor and Slab Construction, states that F-numbers define the flatness and
levelness of a constructed concrete floor surface. The flatness F-number (FF)
controls local surface bumpiness by limiting the magnitude of successive 300
mm slope changes when measured along sample measurement lines in
accordance with ASTM E 1155 (Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor
Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers). The levelness F-number (FL) controls
local conformance to design grade by limiting differences in departure from
design grade over distances of 3 m when measured along sample measurement
lines in accordance with ASTM E 1155.
The F-number pair is always written in the order FF/FL. In theory, the range of
flatness and levelness F-numbers extends from zero to infinity. In practice, FF
and FL values generally fall between 12 and 45. The scale is linear, so the
relative flatness/levelness of two different floors will be in proportion to the ratio
of their F-numbers. For example, and FF30/FL24 floor is twice as flat and twice
as level as an FF15/FL12 floor.
As there is manual floor hardener application, the floor specification that is
achievable is FF35/FL25 floor which is defined as flat floor according to ACI

Relationship between F-numbers & Straightedge

As stated in ACI 117R-90, Commentary on Standard Specifications for
Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, the relationship between
straightedge and F-number tolerances for floor flatness is only a rough
approximation because the two methods measure surface properties differently.
As shown in the Figure, four 1/8 in. (3 mm) gaps under a 10 ft (3 m)
straightedge would be a bumpier floor than one with only one 1/8 in. (3 mm)
gap under the straightedge. Both floors, however, would meet the 1/8 in. gap-


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Flat Floor Work Method

under-the-straightedge requirement, while the F-numbers would differ markedly
(see Figure 4.5.6(c) from ACI 117R-90 below).

3 mm

5 mm

8 mm

13 mm


Another problem with using a gap-under-straightedge tolerance is that there is

no nationally accepted method for taking the measurements or establishing
compliance of the surface being tested.
ACI 302.1R-04, Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction, states that
when straightedge



specified, 100% compliance with the

maximum gap requirements is unrealistic. The guide suggests that compliance

with four of five consecutive measurements is more realistic, with a provision
that obvious faults must be corrected.


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Flat Floor Work Method

Sample floor profile with FF 33/FL 29


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Flat Floor Work Method

Inspection & Testing Plan


Inspection Activity / Test


Method of

Level of

Lazer Transmitter

deviation at
30 m


Lazer Screed & Trowel

Formwork Condition
Formwork Top Elevation
before Concreting
Readymix Concrete Slump
at Pour Site
Constant Supply of
Concreting Compaction &
Rough Levelling



within 5 mm

trial start

No fault

level & lazer

rigid & stable

within +/- 2mm

10 to 12 cm

within +/- 2mm

within +/- 2mm

slump cone

Lazer Screeding

Formwork Top Elevation

after Concreting

level & lazer


Finished Concrete Surface



Floor Profiling


break interval <

20 mins
evenly compacted
& levelled

no lamination &
FF 35/ FL 25



Notes :
P : Perform
W: Witness
A : Approve


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