Cooperative Governance - Dr.M.Karthikeyan

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Euricse - EMES Conference

Asst. Professor of Cooperative Management,
Dept. of Cooperatives, Ambo University, P.B.No:511,
Ambo, Ethiopia. Email:[email protected]
Governance in Cooperatives – An

• Governance is normally associated with the government. A State

essentially consists of territory, population, government, and
• A Cooperative society also on the analogy of a State has its defined
area of operation (territory) is constituted by its members (population)
on voluntary and mutual basis for their common good. It is managed by
a board of directors (government) in accordance with its byelaws in
consonance with the cooperative laws enacted by the State. Though a
Cooperative society can’t be equated with the State as the sovereign
power of State is absolute and which cannot be abrogated, yet some
kind of autonomy within the over all frame work would be essential for
any organization like a cooperative to discharge its obligations
Cooperative Governance – A historical

• Cooperation emerged as an anti thesis of the exploitative tendency of

the capitalism. Sir Robert Owen initiated a number of experiments for
making cooperatives as an instrument of equitable economic order.
Rochdale Pioneers also conceptualized the ethos and philosophy of
cooperation and business rules. Over a period of time after the
cooperatives were created, a need for some law was felt to regulate the
working of these cooperatives. Thus, in Europe, the cooperative law
was the creation of the cooperatives. Contrary to this, in most of the
developing countries, the cooperatives were the creation of the
cooperative law. This distinction is important to note to understand the
relative concept of governance of cooperatives in Europe and other
developing countries.
Cooperative Governance – A historical

• Since the cooperatives in most of the Asian and African countries

were established and promoted by the government as an agent of
community development, the governments became active partners in
the management and governance of cooperatives.
• In the Ethiopian context, the existing cooperative legislation and the
government policy require a review for making it more member
oriented, member driven, member friendly and business oriented. It is
the governance of the entire cooperative sector, which should matter
• Good governance emerges through honest application of prevailing
laws and respecting the spirit behind these laws.
Cooperative Governance –
• Cooperative Governance is a pure democratic self-governance system of
managing a cooperative entity based on and in complying with the
principles, values and philosophy of cooperation through the appropriate
and effective organizational structure with conducive culture and ethical
climate, organizational machinery that includes management and
administrative professionals at various levels / layers of functioning
within the parameters of legal of provisions and policy framework of the
government, keeping in view the prevailing socio-economic
environment to change the administrative culture, management and
control systems, and the mind-set and work culture of the members and
work force of Cooperative enterprises.
• - The Author
Cooperative governance structure
Cooperative governance framework
The focus of the Study

• The present study is a unique attempt in

Ethiopian context. The SACCOs are
flourishing like anything and these financial
cooperatives should think of good
governance practices. The study attempts
to analyze the indicators of good
governance practice in selected self-
employed women SACCOs union located
at Addis Ababa.
Objectives of the Study

• To examine the existing governance practices

of the sample SACCO union;
• To identify and analyze the indicators of good
governance; and
• To design good governance framework for the
SACCO union.

• The study was undertaken in Addis Ababa

city of Ethiopia. Survey method was
adopted. The major focus was different
stakeholders of the union and member
• Two stage sampling procedure was employed for the study. The first
stage was, as for study units, the Self Employed Women SACCO
Union, located in Addis Ababa, and all its member cooperatives (20)
were the sample for the study. At the second stage, different
stakeholders – members, board members, representative of member
cooperatives, paid management were selected. Except members of the
SACCO union, other stakeholders were selected on census basis i.e.,
all board members (7); one representative from each member
cooperative (20); and all paid management staff (17) were selected. As
for members, two members from each member cooperative were
selected as representatives and FGDs were conducted on certain
governance issues.
Tools for Data Collection
• Semi-Structured Interview Schedule was
administered among sample stakeholders.
• FGDs were conducted among members of the
SACCO union to explore information on
governance issues.
• Apart from these, Good Governance Issues
Report Card was used to elicit more
information on governance practice of the
Union for grading governance indicators.
Data Analysis
• The collected data from management committee
members, representatives of member cooperatives
and employees were processed and results were
tabulated using simple percentage.
• Since the sample size is very small sophisticated
statistical tools were not used as stated in the
• From among members 4 FDGs were conducted on
certain governance issues and Good Governance
Issues Report Card also administered to grade the
governance indicators.
Findings of the Study
Profile of Union
• The Self-Employed Women’s Savings and Credit Cooperatives Union Ltd is
established in June 2005 by 12 primary cooperatives. The vision statement of the
union is: To see strong cooperative movement in Ethiopia emerging as a major
instrument for achieving gender equality and poverty alleviation. The mission
statement is: To improve the living condition and ensure sustainable development
of self-employed women through provision of full-fledged support to the women’s
cooperatives, transform cooperatives into strong financial institutions and
strengthen the cooperative movement by working together with local, national,
regional and international institutions.

• The union has the objectives: To improve the performance of the member
cooperatives by providing financial and non-financial services; to ensure sustainable
development when the supporting NGOs phase out; to enhance the society’s ability
in rendering adequate service to their members; to find solutions collectively for
problems that member cooperatives cannot solve; to make sure that cooperatives
are governed by the spirit of cooperative regulation; to enhance the cooperative
movement in Ethiopia; and to mobilize members capital for mutual benefits.
Profile of Union
• Currently, the union has 20 cooperative members with 6,002 individual
members. The total number shares held by member cooperatives are 137 worth
of ETB. 137000. The union is rendering services like, savings and credit to
members, provision of loans like housing, school and group loans, administration
of market shelters, organizing trade fairs, exhibition, bazaars, insurance service
on loans, and administrating income generation ventures. Consecutive and
timely education and training on cooperative principles, values, accounting, etc
are also services rendered by the union.

• Currently 7 members cooperatives and 59 individual borrowers got gross loan of

ETB.102130; collection made by the union is ETB.110826.72.; the outstanding
portfolio is ETB. 981303.28 and the repayment rate is 98.0 percent. The
cumulative profit is ETB. 87840.52. Total assets position is ETB. 1820000, net
saving ETB 65450 and the revolving fund ETB. 994000.
Governance Practices in the Union

• Governance Structure of the Union

• The General Assembly - The General Assembly comprises all members of the Union for. According
to the issues, the Assembly convenes regular meetings or special session. Attendance at regular
meetings (usually 85 - 90 percent) is generally high when members have been informed in time, or
when meetings are called to discuss amounts to be purchased or to divide up the year’s profits. The
personal reasons like home activities, small business of the members are the most common reasons
for absences at these meetings. The management committee members usually approach the members
at their home and enquire about the reasons for not attending the meetings, and insisting them to
attend the meetings regularly without fail.
• There are seven management committee members; there is a control committee also. Apart from
these committees, there is an advisory board, which plays a key role in conflict mediation. As
respected members of the union, this group provides a type of moral energy and helps to build the
group’s cohesion and ensure that each member respects their responsibilities.
• The union has a general manager to manage the daily routine affairs of the union. The general
manager is delegated to undertake regular business activities and he is responsible for planning,
implementation of the activities in consultation with and approval of the board. There is a secretary
and four major wings as departments: finance and administration, cooperative support (to support
member coops), business development and loan committee.
Concern about the Cooperative
principles and values

As for the level of concern about the practice of cooperative principles and value,
the majority (85.71%) of management committee members and 85.0 percent of
representatives of member primary cooperatives have high level of concern, and
only 52.94 percent of employees have high level of concern about the practice of
cooperative principles and values. The reason could be that the employees they
concentrate on their work rather than practicing cooperative principles and
values. The women SACCO union is being practicing cooperative principles and
values for good governance system
Concern about the Cooperative
Governance Pillars

The survey revealed that the level of concern about the practice of pillars of cooperative governance among management
committee members higher than that of representatives of member cooperatives. As for level of concern about the practice
of participation, it is revealed that cent percent of the management committee members have high concern; because they
believe in participation leads to success and good governance. As for transparency and accountability, except one
management committee member all others have high concern; predictability only 5 (71.44%) out of 7 members has high
concern. Among representatives of member cooperatives, 80 percent have high concern about the practice of participation
as a pillar of governance; transparency and predictability 70 percent; and accountability 75 percent as high concern. The
employees have moderate and low level of concern about transparency, predictability and accountability; but somewhat high
concern about the practice of participation as a pillar of governance. The general manager as an employee has high concern
about the practice of all pillars of governance whereas all other employees (secretarial and sub staff) have moderate and low
level of concern except a few with the concern about participation.
At the outset, this women SACCO union is adhering to cooperative principles and values; has more concern about the
practice of pillars of cooperative governance.
Good Cooperative Governance Indicators

• The awareness of the leaders and members about the principles,

philosophy and the basic values of cooperation; the difference between
cooperatives and other kinds of organizations; the consciousness of
the board members about their duties and responsibilities; the extent of
delegation of powers to the chief executives; the smoothness of the
communication channels between the chief executive and the board,
between the chief executive and members, and members and board;
the accountability of the elected representative and professional
managers; the accountability and answerability of members; the level
of transparency in the decision making process; participation of
members in all respects of the helm of affairs of the cooperatives; the
aim of attaining the objectives of the cooperative enterprise; and the
relationship with the external environmental factors which influence
the operations of the organization
Governance Issues Report Card
• The Governance Issues Report Card was administered among the members (both
individual member of the union and selected members from primary member cooperatives)
of the women SACCO union regarding certain issues related to cooperative good
governance. This good governance report card is the simplest and best way to participate
and improve the governance system of cooperatives. This good governance issues report
card can be administered among any type of stakeholder in cooperatives. During FGD
among members, this card was used to elicit more information about the good governance
indicators in women SACCO union. Based on the issues on governance of women
SACCO union the results were explored from among members and given in Table.

• The scales used were grade 1 to grade 5. First grade is very good (85% - 100%); second
grade is good (65% - 84%); third grade is fair (50% - 64%); fourth grade is poor (35% -
49%); and fifth grade is very poor (below 35%). Almost all the issues related to
cooperative good governance as good governance indicators were chosen to administer the
governance issues report card shown / listed out in the table. Under each governance
indicator four issues were addressed and scores were given. The percentage was arrived by
using the simple formula: Percentage = Total score / 20 X 100. After arriving at the
percentage for each indicator of good governance, the overall grade for good governance
was prepared and given in the table.
Overall Grade for Good Governance in
Women SACCO Union
• The governance indicators such as, cooperative principles and values,
delegation of power and authority to general manager, transparency,
participation in meetings and business, relationship at all levels, recovery rate,
consensus orientation, and auditing of accounts of the women SACCO union
have scored first grade (very good) while governance indicators like, awareness
of leaders, cooperative proclamation, board duty and responsibility, decision
making, accountability, planning, implementation and control, strategic vision,
elections and voting, committees, risk management, and financial stability and
profitability have scored second grade (good). The governance indicator social
responsibility is given third grade (fair) because of moderate concern about
social responsibility. The concentration on business may be the reason for this
grade given by the members. The overall governance as an indicator of good
governance has scored second grade (good).

• By seeing the results out of Good Governance Issues Report card, it is indicated that the overall
governance of the women SACCO union is “good” and it is suggested that the union should work
for getting the grade very good in cooperative governance.
During FGDs among members,
they reported:

• We participate in all affairs of our cooperatives at the

maximum possible manner, if any absence in the meeting,
the committee members along with the general manager used
to come to members’ (absentees) house and enquire the
reasons. Though we have appreciated the governance system
of the union, some of the indicators like accountability, risk
management, social responsibility, and decision-making need
to be concentrated to increase the grade of such governance
indicators. Otherwise the overall governance system is good in
our cooperatives and union.
Design for Good Cooperative Governance in
the Union
• The union has adopted a mixed governance model i.e., traditional, policy governance, corporate,
constitutional representational of models focus on structure and functions; representational theory
(democratic model), stewardship theory (partnership model) of focus on motive and behaviour; and
blend of both guideline based and principle based governance models. The general manager is
delegated to perform the union’s activities. He is doing everything on behalf of the board by
following stewardship theory (partnership model) based governance. He is committed and sincere in
his duties and responsibilities. The employees are also supporting him in all tasks of the cooperative
union. The union has committees for various purposes and they follow the traditional governance
model, but sometimes they follow policy governance model where the committees are not given due
weightage. The primaries (20 coops) are members and their representatives are with board and
various committees and in this context, the union adopts constitutional representational governance
model. Democratic model of governance is adopted in terms of meetings, decision-making process,
elections, etc. Moreover, the union follows more prescriptive and less prescriptive based on the
situations and the context of doing business.

• Observing this, the Women SACCO Union may go for redesign its governance system thereby it can
be more successful. The appropriate governance model can be evolved and designed to suit all
situations and based on their business activities. The committees can be given powers and the
general manager can be delegated with the same functions, and democracy must be maintained as
such. They can blend and merge traditional, stewardship and democratic models and come up with a
redesigned model for more success of the Women SACCO union.
• However, the women SACCO union is an
example of good governance model / framework.
Successful and sound business activities,
participation of stakeholders, transparent financial
management and cooperative governance
influence the success of this Union. It can be a
model women cooperatives union, which practice
good governance for creating a better standard
for other cooperatives in the country.
Thank You

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