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Stima Sacco Society Limited

(Revised 2012)

Stima Sacco Society Limited




LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as the Society), and its area of operation shall be in the
Republic of Kenya.


The registered office of the Society shall be at Stima Sacco Plaza, Mushembi Road, Parklands,
Nairobi and its Postal address shall be: P.O. Box 75629 City Square 00200, Nairobi, Kenya.
Any change of address of the Society shall be furnished to the Commissioner for Co-operative
Development, (hereinafter referred to as the Commissioner), the Authority and t the members of
the Society within 30 days of such change.


(1) In these By-laws, unless the context otherwise requires, words or phrases shall be
defined/interpreted in accordance with the Co-operative Societies Act No. 12 of 1997, Co-operative
Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2004 and the Co-operative Societies Rules, 2004 made
thereunder and shall include their subsequent amendments. The By-laws shall also be in accordance
with the Sacco Societies Act, 2008 and the Sacco Societies (Deposittaking Sacco Business),
Regulations 2010.

The Chief Executive Officer or CEO refers to the Chief Executive Officer of the
Annual General Meeting means an annual general meeting of the Society specified as such
in the notice calling it and which must be held every calendar year.
Apex Society means a Society formed at the national level by the cooperative movement in
Kenya and registered under the Co-operative Act to promote cooperative development and
represent the interests of co-operative societies locally and internationally.
Area Service Centre means a central place or other approved offices from where members
of area electoral zones may access loans and other authorised services.
Authority means the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority.
Board of Directors or the Board means the governing body of the Society to which the
management of its affairs is entrusted.
Branch means any physical premises, other than at the Head Office, at which the Society
transacts business, but does not include Area Service Centre as defined herein.
CAK means the Co-operative Alliance of Kenya Limited, the apex Society in Kenya.
Capital means the permanent members equity in the form of common stock and includes
all disclosed reserves, retained earnings, grants or donations.
Common Bond shall mean any unifying factors that bring the members together. In this
context, it shall include individuals or organisations approved by a General Meeting.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

k) Co-operative Act refers to the Co-operative Societies Act No. 12 of 1997 and
(Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2004 and the subsequent amendments.
l) Core capital means the fully paid up members shares, capital issued, disclosed reserves,
retained earnings, grants and donations, all of which are not meant to be expended unless on
liquidation of the Society.
m) Date of Dissolution means the date on which the Commissioners order cancelling the
registration of the Society takes effect.
n) Delegate means members representative elected in accordance with these By-laws.
o) Deposits means a sum of money received or paid on terms under which it shall be repaid,
with or without interests or a premium, and either on demand or at a time or in circumstances
agreed by or on behalf of the member making the payment and the Society.
p) Dispute means a dispute within the meaning of section 76 of the Co-operatives Act.
q) Dividends means the share of the Societys surplus allocated to members or an amount of
the profit the Society pays to its shareholders.
r) Electoral Zone means a cluster of members in a certain location eligible for representation
by a delegate in accordance with these By-laws.
s) Financial investments shall mean investments in government securities, shares and stocks,
deposits in institutions licensed under the Banking Act and other licensed cooperative
t) General Meeting means Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the
u) Governance Charter refers to the Society document that sets out the authority,
responsibilities, membership and operations of the various arms of governance of the Society.
v) Head Office means the registered office of the Society.
w) Institutional Capital means disclosed reserves, retained earnings, grants and donations, all
of which are not meant to be expended unless on liquidation of the Society.
x) Liquid funds means cash and deposits with a maturity of not more than 30 days.
y) Management refers to person(s) who are appointed to positions of responsibility and are in
charge of the day to day running of the Society.
z) Member in good standing means a member who is current in of his loan repayments and
required contributions to the Society and has not in any way acted in a manner which is
potentially damaging to the Society and has fully complied with its policies and rules.
aa) Member means a person admitted to membership in accordance with these By-laws and the
Societys Membership Policy.
bb) Members of the immediate family includes, but is not limited to, a spouse or other
family members living in the same household or under the direct influence of the officer,
member or employee of the Society.
cc) Minors shall mean persons who are not yet 18 years old but who benefit from some of the
products and services of the Society.
dd) NACOS means national cooperative organisations.
ee) Net Surplus means the amount of income in excess of expenses of the Society. It is the
amount computed before any allocation is made for members dividends and/or interest to be
paid on shares.
ff) Nominee means a person appointed by a member in accordance with clause 18 of these
gg) Officer means a director or any other person holding a designated title, who carries out or is
empowered to carry out functions relating to the overall direction of the Society or takes part
in the general management thereof.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

hh) Personal representative means a person who is entitled, under the Law of Succession Act,
to administer the estate of a deceased member of the Society.
ii) Regulations means the regulations made by the minister in charge of cooperative
development, and includes the Sacco Societies (Deposittaking Sacco Business) Regulations,
2010 and subsequent amendments.
jj) Rules mean the rules made by the minister in charge of cooperative development and
include the Co-operative Societies Rules, 2004 and the subsequent amendments.
kk) Sacco Act means the Sacco Societies Act, 2008 and the subsequent amendments.
ll) Sacco means savings and credit cooperative society.
mm)Savings means deposits payable on demand.
nn) Share means the amount representing a members portion in the equity of the Society as a
oo) Special General Meeting means any general meeting of the Society which is not an annual
general meeting.
pp) Special Resolution means a resolution passed by two thirds of the members present and
voting at a general meeting of the Society.
qq) Supervisory Committee means an oversight committee elected at a general meeting and in
accordance with these By-laws.
rr) The Society means Stima Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited.
ss) Tribunal means the Co-operative Tribunal established under Section 77 of the Cooperative Act.
tt) Commissioner means the Commissioner for Co-operative Development and Marketing
appointed under Section 3 of the Co-operative Act and includes any person on whom any of
the powers of the Commissioner have been conferred in accordance with the Co-operative
Societies Act (Amendment) Act, No. 2 of 2004 .
(2) Where the masculine gender is used, it shall also refer to the feminine gender.
(3) Any questions or dispute concerning the interpretation of these By-laws or any matters not
provided for therein, errors and omissions, shall be referred to the Tribunal.

To be a market leader in the provision of member-driven financial services.

To empower members by providing quality and sustainable financial solutions.


The objects for which the Society is established are to:

a) Promote thrift among its members by affording them an opportunity for accumulating their
b) Create a source of funds from which members can borrow at fair and reasonable interest rates.

Stima Sacco Society Limited


Provide an opportunity for each of its members to improve their respective economic and
social conditions.
Provide members with credit for purposes of providence, production or both.
Offer complementary savings and credit services and other financial products and services to
the members in response to theirs changing needs and preferences.
Ensure safety and soundness of the members funds through appropriate risk management
Ensure the progress of its members by educating them continuously on the proper use of
financial products and services.
Perform the functions and exercise the power designated for savings and credit cooperative
societies under the applicable law for the benefit of the members.

For the attainment of the above objects, the Society may do all acts and things that are permissible
under the Co-operative Act, the Rules, the Sacco Act and Regulations and these By-laws, provided
that delegates at general meetings approve such acts or things either specifically or generally.
The objects of the Society shall generally be in accordance with the cooperative values and principles.

In order to achieve the objects for which it is established, the Society shall practice the following
cooperative principles:
a) Voluntary and open membership;
b) Democratic member control;
c) Economic participation by members;
d) Autonomy and independence;
e) Education, training and information;
f) Cooperation among cooperatives; and
g) Concern for community in general.
The Board of Directors and Management shall endeavour to provide timely information, promote
cooperation and understanding amongst members and with other cooperative institutions locally,
nationally and internationally.


a) The Society may become a member of any national or international organisation that may
best serve the interests of the Society.
b) The Society may enter into partnerships with organisations, institutions and such other
service providers approved by the Board of Directors.
c) The Society may form or participate in such subsidiaries as may be of benefit to its members.
d) The Society shall recognise the fact that such membership and partnerships are vital for the
safety of its transactions and in the interest of its members.

Stima Sacco Society Limited


The following persons, institutions or groups that applied for registration of the Society and have
fulfilled the membership conditions in accordance with these By-laws shall be eligible for
a) Original members, who signed the application for registration, provided that they comply
with these By-laws.
b) All persons, institutions and groups who thereafter apply for membership, and fulfill
conditions of these By-laws.
c) Employees of:
Kenya Power and Lighting Company.
Kenya Electricity Generating Company.
Energy Regulatory Commission.
Kenya Electrical Trade and Allied Workers Union.
Stima Sacco Society Limited and its subsidiaries.
Stima Investment Co-operative Society Limited.
Ministry of Energy and its allied institutions.
(viii) Rabai Operations and Maintenance Limited.
Geothermal Development Company.
Kenya Electricity Transmission Company.
Rural Electrification Authority.
Tsavo Power Company Limited.
(xiii) Wartsila East Africa Limited.
(xiv) Ibera Africa Company Limited
Or Power4 Company Limited
(xvi) Power, energy and utility related national and international companies incorporated
in Kenya.
(xvii) National and international oil companies incorporated in Kenya.
d) Business entrepreneurs and institutions approved by the Board.
e) Contractees of companies and institutions under category (c) above.
f) A person who is a resident within or occupies land within the Societys area of operation.
g) A person who is in employment, occupation or profession which falls within the category
or description of those in the energy and allied sectors.
h) A member of the immediate family of a Society member.
i) A nominee of a member of the Society.
j) Any other person employed by an organisation registered in Kenya, capable of making
regular contribution to the Society and fulfill loan repayment requirements.
All eligible persons shall become members in accordance with the Membership Policy of the


An eligible person may be admitted to membership if he/she possesses the following
a) Is within the field of membership.
b) Is not less than eighteen (18) years of age, if a natural person.
c) Is not a member of another salary-based Sacco in the country.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

d) Is not, directly, a money lender or carrying out such activities detrimental to the objectives of
the Society.
e) Is of good character.
f) Has regular income from employment, business or trade.
g) Has paid the prescribed entrance fee and at least one share.
h) Has accepted the objectives of the Society, the obligations of members and other conditions
as stated in these By-laws.


a) Every applicant for membership shall complete an Application for membership form,
and shall provide such further information and documentation as may be required.
b) Upon admission, a member shall be given a membership number, entered in the members
register and a members personal file opened.


a) An applicant shall be admitted to membership on being accepted by a simple majority vote
of the Board of Directors, but shall not qualify for the rights and privileges of membership
until he has paid an entrance fee as may be prescribed in the Membership Policy and paid in
full for at least one share.
b) There shall be two categories of membership.
Category A membership shall be the original members and those falling within the
composition of membership under By-law 9 (a), (b), and (c).
Category B membership shall be business entrepreneurs, family members, groups,
institutions, contractees and any other member falling under By-law 9 (d) to (j).


a) The Board of Directors may refuse membership to any applicant by giving him reason(s) for
the refusal in writing, provided the person whose membership has been refused, if aggrieved
by the decision, shall have the right to appeal to the next general meeting through a delegate.
b) Any such appeal must be supported by at least 50 delegates and upon payment of a fee as
may be prescribed in the Membership Policy. The decision of the General Meeting on the
matter shall be final.


Subject to these By-laws, policies, standards, values and procedures, all members shall have the right
to use the Societys services and exercise the rights established by the Co-operative Act, the Rules
and these By-laws. Members rights include, but not limited to:
a) Receiving, periodically and regularly, or upon request, and at least once a year, a statement of
accounts containing the individualised record of his credit and debit transactions.
b) Attending and participating in elections within the electoral zone. Each member shall have
one vote irrespective of his/her total shareholding.
c) Electing representatives to attend and participate at a general meeting.
d) Electing or be elected as an officer of the Society, unless otherwise prohibited by any other
law or these By-laws.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

e) Using the Societys services according to the policies and procedures approved by the Board
of Directors.
f) Submitting projects or initiative to the Board of Directors, for the improvement of the
Societys services.
g) Appointing a nominee.
h) Participating in the sharing of the Societys surpluses.
i) Accessing all legitimate information relating to the Society, including internal regulations,
registers, minutes of the General Meetings, Supervisory Committee reports, annual accounts
and inventories, investigation reports, at the registered office of the Society, subject to the
Societys policies and regulations in force at the time.
j) Voting on all matters put before the electoral zone.
k) Enjoying all other rights as prescribed by the Co-operative Act and the Rules.


In accordance with the Co-operative Act, members of the Society are obliged to:
a) Be faithful and honest in all their dealings with the Society.
b) Observe the law, the rules and these By-laws whenever transacting any business with the
c) Observe the code of conduct and ethics for the Society, and in particular desist from any
corrupt practices in all dealings with the Society.
d) Refrain from engaging in the business of money lending in competition with the Society.
e) Protect the image of the Society and avoid unnecessary publicity, incitement or careless talk
that can injure the reputation of the Society.
f) Inform the Chief Executive Officer in writing of change of their electoral zone whenever
they occur.
g) Pay their debt obligations to the Society without fail and save regularly with the Society.
h) Seek cooperative education to improve their awareness and enlightenment on cooperative
i) Attend meetings and education forums and take part in decision-making.
j) Inform non-members and encourage them to join the Society.
k) Identify problems affecting the Society and suggest solutions.
l) Participate in the Societys projects, both physically and financially.
m) Make use of the services of the Society as stated in its objects.
n) Comply with these By-laws, the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules, Regulations and
resolutions of General Meetings.


a) The Society shall provide a periodic statement of accounts containing a record of the
members transactions with the Society.
b) In the case of a member with a loan or other credit facility in service, the Society shall
provide a detailed statement of account every six months or on such shorter interval as the
Board may determine.
c) The Society may, at the discretion of the Board, provide the statements or other documents
to a member by electronic means, including through email.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

a) Any member who willfully acts in violation of these by-laws or regulations made there under
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand shillings (Kshs.20,000) for each
offence, notwithstanding any other action that may be taken against him in accordance with
the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules, Regulations, these By-laws or any other law.
b) The Board of Directors of the Society shall have powers to hear and determine matters
relating to any alleged violation of the By-laws by members. Any member aggrieved by the
decision of the Board may appeal to the General Meeting, whose decision shall be final.
Provided this provision should not prejudice a members right to refer the matter to the
Tribunal, if the issue constitutes a dispute.


a) Every member may nominate one or more persons in order of priority to whom upon his
death, his deposits or any other interest in the Society shall be transferred. Appointment of
a nominee by a member shall be in writing and signed by the member in the presence of two
attesting witnesses.
b) The name(s) of the nominee(s) shall be entered in the members file. A member shall have
the right to change his nominee(s) but any such change or alteration must be in writing and
signed by the member and two witnesses.
c) The records of nominee(s) shall be transferred to the members register.
d) Disputes regarding shares, deposits or any other interests of a deceased member shall be
referred to the Tribunal.


Upon notification to the Society of the death of a member, the nominee(s), or in his absence, the
legally appointed personal representative, shall be paid the value of the deceased members deposits
or interest within reasonable time subject to:
a) Submission of the deceased members copy of death certificate, and a copy of the national
identification card or passport of the nominee.
b) Recovery of all outstanding debts not covered under any insurance programme.


a) Members with no liability or outstanding obligations on their accounts and no outstanding
collaterals or guarantees for other members loans may withdraw from membership at any
time, without losing vested rights.
b) In spite of losing their status as members, individuals who have withdrawn from
membership but still have outstanding loan balances or outstanding guarantees for other
members loans shall remain responsible for their respective obligation, unless an alternative
arrangement, which is acceptable to the Society, is made.

Stima Sacco Society Limited


a) A member may, at any time, withdraw from the Society by giving a 60-day written notice,
during which time the Society will settle his accounts and refund his deposits after settling
any outstanding liability with the Society.
b) A member who is withdrawing shall pay to the Society a withdrawal fee from his deposits as
may be prescribed in the Membership Policy.


Membership in the Society shall be terminated upon:
a) Voluntary resignation by the member.
b) Death of the member.
c) Expulsion from membership.
d) Becoming certifiably insane.
e) Acting contrary to the relevant provisions of the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules,
Regulations and these By-laws.
f) Ceasing to hold the eligibility qualifications for membership stated in these By-laws.
g) Withdrawing all his deposits and transferring his shares.
h) Being declared bankrupt by a court of law.


The Board of Directors may suspend a member, subject to expulsion by the General Meeting, who:
a) Fails to meet the requirements stated in the Rules.
b) Willfully fails or refuses to comply with the Societys By-laws, policies and contracts and
persists in such refusal or failure.
c) Willfully defaults in the repayment of loans or advances due for a period exceeding six
d) Fails to save regularly.
e) Is found to have willfully furnished false particulars in his dealings with the Society.
f) Acts in any way detrimental or prejudicial to the Societys interests or for other just cause.
g) Is convicted in a court of law of a criminal offence involving dishonesty or imprisonment
for any other offence for three months or more.
h) For any other reason approved by the General Meeting and/or as may be contained in the
Societys Membership Policy.


a) Upon formal and written announcement and proof that a member has committed a violation
punishable by suspension or expulsion, the Board of Directors shall provide written notice
to the member, stating the reason(s) for the suspension and proposed expulsion, and grant
the member thirty (30) days to prepare a defence, if any, provided that no suspension shall
exceed twelve (12) months.
b) Upon expiry of the 30 days and taking into consideration the members defence, the Board
shall initiate an administrative inquiry and act on its findings within fifteen (15) days.
c) A member so expelled by the Board shall have the right to appeal at the next General
Meeting, provided the notice and grounds of such appeal have been filed with the Honorary
Secretary not less than 30 days before the date of the meeting.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

d) A member so suspended or expelled loses voting rights and cannot attend Society meetings,
unless invited by the Honorary Secretary in writing.
The decision of the General Meeting on such expulsion shall be final. Provided such a member shall
have the right to appeal to the Tribunal if the issue constitutes a dispute.


The following conditions must be observed by members who withdraw from the Society and wish to
rejoin later.
a) Where a member wishes to withdraw from the Society, he will be required to give the
Society a 60-day written notice of his intention to withdraw.
b) No member shall be allowed to withdraw from the Society unless his outstanding loans are
repaid in full or the loan balances can be fully offset against his deposits. Such a member will
also have to satisfy the Society that all the loans guaranteed have been paid in full or
alternative guarantees have been provided.
c) A member who withdraws will be required to clear all his outstanding loans and provide
alternative guarantors for loans guaranteed.
d) A member who has withdrawn from the Society may be allowed to rejoin after a period of
not less than two months of the withdrawal.
e) A rejoining fee may be charged in addition to the normal entrance fee and as may be
prescribed in the Membership Policy.



a) A member shall pay an entrance fee within one month after approval of membership or as
may be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. The entrance fee shall be
as prescribed in the Membership Policy.
b) The entrance fee is not refundable and shall not earn any interest.

a) The nominal value of each share shall be Kshs.100/= and every member shall hold at least
one share in the Society, subject to the minimum shares as shall be stipulated in the
Membership Policy. No member shall, however, hold more than one-fifth of the total shares
of the Society.
b) A member may purchase shares by installment provided that where the Board has set a
minimum installment amount that each member should comply with, no member shall be
permitted to contribute an amount lower than that set.
c) With the approval of the Board of Directors, a member may at any time transfer his shares
to another member. Such transfers must be in writing and shall be recorded in the Societys
books at the nominal value.
d) All transfers must be registered with the Chief Executive Officer, and no transfer shall be
valid unless so registered. A transfer fee to be determined by the Board of Directors shall be
paid to the Society by the transferee.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

e) The Society shall maintain capital adequacy as required by the Regulations.

a) The Society shall have a written Savings Policy to guide the operations of savings, deposits
and shares.
b) All withdrawable deposits shall attract interest at a rate prescribed in the terms and
conditions of the deposit.
c) The amount accumulated in the non-withdrawable deposit accounts may be used as
collateral against borrowings and shall be refunded only when a member withdraws from
membership, provided the member has fully repaid all his debts and obligations, and is free
from any guarantee.
d) A member may be refunded the amount saved in his non-withdrawable deposit account
within 60 days after giving a written notification of his intention to withdraw membership
from the Society.
e) Non-withdrawable deposits shall attract interest at a rate to be determined by a General
a) The liability of a member shall be limited to the nominal value of his shares.
b) In the event of liquidation, where available funds are insufficient to pay the full nominal
value of the shares held by the members, the funds shall be distributed pro rata among the
shareholders according to the amount of shares held by each.
c) The estate of a deceased member shall be liable for the debts owed to the Society as they
existed at the time of his death, unless otherwise covered under any other existing scheme in
the Society.



The funds of the Society shall consist of:
a) Entrance fee as shall be provided for in the Membership Policy.
b) An unlimited number of shares of Kshs.100/= each subject to By-law 27(a).
c) Deposits or loans from members or non-members.
d) A reserve fund as required by the Co-operative Act and such other reserves as may be
established with the approval of the Board of Directors.
e) Any surplus resulting from operations of the Society.
f) Withdrawable and non-withdrawable deposits.
g) Funds obtained from other lawful miscellaneous sources.


The funds of the Society shall be applied for the promotion of the stated objects and purposes of the
Society as set forth in these By-laws and as determined or approved by the General Meeting.


Stima Sacco Society Limited


a) The Society may borrow from non-members, subject to the maximum determined by the
General Meeting, which shall be notified to the Commissioner and the Authority.
b) The Society may borrow up to 25 per cent of its total assets in the execution of its duties.
c) For the necessary security of any loans accepted by the Society under paragraph (a) above,
the Society may grant a charge over its assets.


Money paid in or out on account of shares, deposits, loan interests, fees or fines shall be
evidenced by an entry in the members personal account or issuance of an official receipt in the
name of the Society.

The Societys expenditures shall be within the budgetary allocations and limits approved by the
General Meeting.
a) The Board of Directors shall formulate a Liquidity Policy to monitor liquidity for the Society in
accordance with the Regulations.
b) The Board shall put in place a contingency plan to handle liquidity matters. The plan shall
include procedures for making up liquidity shortfalls in emergency situations and back-up
liquidity strategy for circumstances in which the normal approach to funding operations are

a) Subject to the provisions of Section 47 of the Co-operative Act, and approval of the Board,
the Society shall pay to the Reserve Fund a minimum of one-fifth of its net surplus resulting
from the operations during the financial year.
b) The Reserve Fund of the Society shall be invested or deposited in the manner provided for
in Section 45 of the Co-operative Act and the Rules.
c) The Reserve Fund shall be indivisible and no member shall be entitled to claim a specified
share of it.
d) On dissolution of the Society, the Reserve Fund shall be applied in the manner provided in
the Co-operative Act and Rules.
a) The Society shall have a written Investment Policy consistent with the relevant provisions of
the Co-operative Act, Rules, the Sacco Act, Regulations and any other applicable laws.
b) The Society shall only invest in non-earning assets or property and equipment, real estate
and financial investments to the extent permitted by the Regulations.


Stima Sacco Society Limited



Subject to the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, the Rules and Regulations, and approval by the
delegates, the net surplus resulting from the operations of the Society during any financial year shall
be disposed of as follows:
a) Not less than one-fifth (20 per cent) shall be credited to the Reserve Fund.
b) The balance may be disposed of as the Board may decide and approved by the Annual
General Meeting, including but not limited to:
i) Paying dividend on shares at a rate recommended by the Board of Directors and
approved by the Annual General Meeting.
ii) Paying honoraria to officers of the Society as may be approved by the Annual
General Meeting.
iii) Being carried forward to a general reserve, including the appropriations account.
iv) After making the required allocation to the Reserve Fund, applying a specified
amount of the remaining net balance to any charitable purpose as may be
recommended by the Board of Directors.
v) In any other way as may be determined by the Annual General Meeting.
c) Detailed policies and procedures shall be provided by the Board of Directors regarding
payment of dividends.
d) Payment of interest on deposits shall be based on the terms and conditions provided in the
Savings Policy.



a) The Governance structure of the Society shall comprise the General Meeting that has the
overall control of the Society, the Board, management, staff, elected Area Service Centre
officials and delegates.
b) The members of an electoral zone shall elect their representatives (delegates) who shall
constitute the General Meeting. Provided that in the interest of maintaining the operations
of the Society, the Board of Directors may delegate authority or appoint the Area Service
Centre officials to provide loans and other services at a designated Area Service Centre.


The Society shall have as many electoral zones, Area Service Centres and branches as
may be established by the Board of Directors from time to time.
The members of each electoral zone shall be represented by such number of delegates as
may be provided for in the Membership Policy and elected in accordance with these Bylaws.
The Area Service Centre shall provide loans and other services to members in
accordance with these By-laws and applicable Society policies.
Branches shall offer all services as may be offered by the headquarters and in line with
the Societys operational policies and procedures.


Stima Sacco Society Limited


Every member shall belong to one electoral zone and one Area Service Centre, provided
that a member may be served at the head office or any branch.


The Board shall establish the electoral zones and review them annually on recommendation by
management. The review shall, among other things, consider geographical location of the members,
category of memberships and members characteristics. All electoral zones shall have a minimum of
one (1) delegate and a maximum of ten (10) in case of category A membership and five (5) for
category B membership, provided that:
a) The minimum number of members to qualify for an electoral zone shall be ten (10) under
category A membership and fifty (50) for category B membership.
b) Every fifty (50) or part thereof for category A or one hundred fifty (150) members or part
thereof for category B membership shall qualify for at least one delegate.
c) Area Service Centres, irrespective of the number of members, shall have a minimum of four
(4) delegates.


a) Where mandated and appropriate, accept and process loan applications according to the limits
prescribed by the Board of Directors.
b) Provide their recommendations on loan applications to be considered by the Management or
Board of Directors.
c) Receive complaints from members and where necessary forward them to the Management for
d) Provide any information about the status of the member that may affect the Society.
e) Participate in General Meetings, and other functions of the Society held at their respective Area
Service Centres.
f) Provide indemnity to the extent of the allowable imprest limits of their respective Area Service
a) The delegates shall be elected for a term of one year and may be eligible for re-election. Provided
that sitting Board and Supervisory Committee members shall not be subjected to elections as
delegates until their terms of office lapse.
b) Area Service Centre officials shall be elected by the delegates from their respective electoral
c) No member shall be eligible or qualified to be elected as a delegate if he/she:
Is not a member of the Society.
Is an undischarged bankrupt.
Is of an unsound mind.
Is an employee of the Society or its subsidiary.
Has not attained shares and deposits above Kshs.250,000/=, or any other amount
approved by the General Meeting from time to time.
Has not attained a minimum of O-level of education or its recognised equivalent.
Has been a defaulter for six months or more.
Provided that the Board may grant a waiver on item (v) above where all members of a particular
electoral zone are new.

Stima Sacco Society Limited


It shall be the responsibility of every delegate to:
a) Attend General Meetings when convened, in order to exercise their democratic rights and those
of the members they represent.
b) Attend education forums organised by the Society for members or delegates.
c) Notify the headquarters on issues related to deceased members.
d) Educate members about the Society matters in general.
e) Recommend and forward membership withdrawal cases to the Society for processing.
f) Advise members on proper loan utilisation and the importance of loan repayments.
g) Act as a liaison between the Society and its members.
h) Elect committed and visionary leaders as officials of the Society.
i) Market the Societys activities and enhance its corporate image.
j) Perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be directed by the Board of Directors from
time to time.


The supreme authority of the Society shall be vested in a general meeting of delegates elected in the
manner prescribed in these By-laws. The delegates shall have the right to attend, participate and vote
on all matters during the meeting. Such a meeting shall be held in the manner prescribed in the Cooperative Act as follows:
a) The Annual General Meeting shall be held within four months of the close of the financial year
to undertake such other businesses as laid down in the Co-operative Act and as shall appear in
the notice convening the meeting.
b) The General Meeting of the Society shall be convened by giving at least fifteen (15) days written
notice to the Delegates.
c) The Chief Executive Officer shall take all possible and usual steps, such as announcements at
public meetings, posting a notice on the Societys notice boards, an advertisement in the local
newspapers or newsletters, to inform all persons entitled to attend of the date and main business
of the meeting. All written notices shall include a statement of the business to be dealt with.
d) The Society may use modern information and communication technology and send notices to
members electronically in such form as emails and short text messages. Such form of invitation
shall not invalidate a meeting.


A Special General Meeting of the Society may be convened:

By the Board of Directors or the Commissioner; or
Within 15 days on receipt of a written demand from at least 120 or two thirds of the delegates,
whichever is less.
Any business not completed at the Annual General Meeting may be taken up at a subsequent
Special General Meeting, or at the next Annual General Meeting.
For a Special General Meeting requested by the delegates, the signed request must state the object of
the meeting. The request shall be deposited in the registered office of the Society.


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Except when convened by the Commissioner, the presence of at least one quarter of the total
number of delegates or 50 delegates, whichever is less, shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of
business at a general meeting. When a quorum is not attained, the National Chairman shall adjourn
the meeting and fix a date within one month of the adjourned meeting, which shall be advertised as
prescribed in these By-laws. If at the subsequent meeting, a quorum is again not attained, the
National Chairman shall declare the meeting open with those present, not more than one-half hour
after the advertised time of the meeting.


Delegates may take action to remove a member of the Board whose term of office has not
expired as long as the vote of no confidence is supported by at least three quarters of the total
number of delegates in the Society.
Amendments of these By-laws shall be made by a resolution of majority of members present
or voting at a general meeting.
Any other motion shall be approved by a simple majority of votes.


A decision taken by a General Meeting shall be binding on all delegates and members present, absent
and objecting.


The National Chairman or in his absence, the National Vice-Chairman shall preside at every General
Meeting. In their absence, any Board member elected by a majority of the delegates present shall
preside, failing which any member elected by a majority of those present shall preside.


Before attending or voting at a general meeting, delegates shall be required to produce evidence of
their membership and eligibility as delegates.


The supreme authority shall vest in the Annual General Meeting, which shall be constituted by
delegates. The Annual General Meeting shall have the powers and duties prescribed in Section 27(5)
of the Co-operative Act. At the General Meeting, delegates shall:
Consider the minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising therefrom.
Consider the annual reports and accounts and the auditors reports on the activities of the
Society during the past financial year.
Subject to these By-laws, decide the disposal of the net surplus resulting from operations of
the Society during the past financial year.
Confirm or otherwise, actions taken by the Board of Directors and give directions to the new
Board where necessary.
Consider appeals against the expulsion of members and refusals of membership by the Board.

Stima Sacco Society Limited


Elect, suspend or remove members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee,
provided that proper notice and the purpose of the meeting have been given in advance.
Fix maximum liability, which the Society may incur in loans.
Approve the estimate of expenditure for the next financial year following the Boards Annual
General Meeting.
Receive the inspection notes of the Commissioner and the Authority, if any.
Fix honoraria, if any, for officials.
Transact any other business of the Society for which seven (7) days notice shall have been
given prior to the meeting.

Provided that the newly elected Board members may not take office until all the items of the
meetings agenda have been concluded.

a) All business discussed at a general meeting shall be recorded in a minute book, which within one
week of the meeting, shall be signed by the National Chairman and at least one other Board
member present at the meeting to verify that in their opinion, the minutes are a true and
complete record of all important matters which were discussed or decided at the meeting.
b) At the next meeting, after approving any alterations or variations, which shall be written
immediately below the above signatures and not as alterations to the original record, the meeting
shall, by resolution, authorise its National Chairman to sign and date the final record.

a) The Society shall operate under a delegate mode of representation.
b) To facilitate services to members countrywide, the Board shall establish Area Service Centres
and electoral zones and circulate or cause to be circulated a list of such centres and zones to
all members for their information.
c) Every member shall belong to one electoral zone, based on his place of employment or
business, from which he will participate in elections. It is the members responsibility to
inform the Board of any change of electoral zone.
d) The term of the delegates shall be one year, provided they are eligible for re-election
e) Area Service Centre officials shall be elected by the delegates from the area electoral zones.
f) The delegates so elected shall represent their electoral zones at all General Meetings.
g) For best services to members and effective management of the Society, the Board of
Directors and Supervisory Committee members shall be elected from among the Nairobi
County delegates.
h) Within fourteen (14) days of their election, the names and addresses of all persons elected to
office shall be forwarded by the Chief Executive Officer to the Commissioner and to the
i) A candidate who is evidently known to engage in bribery, corruption, undue inducement of
other members, or an election malpractice of any description, shall stand disqualified
regardless of the seat he seeks.
j) The following procedure shall be followed during voting:
i. All elections shall be by secret ballot, show of hands, or queuing.
ii. No member shall be entitled to vote by proxy.


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iii. No member, irrespective of the number of shares or deposits held by him, shall
have more than one vote.
k) The presiding officer shall spell out the minimum requirements for election to the members
or delegates prior to conducting any election.
a) The Board shall on an annual basis appoint a Nomination Committee that shall vet all
candidates seeking to be considered for election.
b) The Nomination committee shall comprise five members, two representatives from the
ministry in charge of cooperatives serving as chairman and member respectively and the
Chief Executive Officer as secretary. There shall also be one Management staff and a
person from a recognised and relevant professional association, both of whom shall serve
as members to the committee.
c) A 21-day notice shall be provided for interested candidates to present their names for
d) The Society shall comply with the regulations and guidelines from the Authority and the
Governance Charter in respect to the electoral process.




The Board of Directors shall be elected by and from the delegates and shall comprise a
minimum of five (5) and a maximum of nine (9) members, including the National Chairman.
b) The Executive Board shall include the National Chairman, National Vice-Chairman,
National Treasurer and Honorary Secretary, all of whom shall be elected from the members
of the Board.
c) Subject to clause 75(e), the Chief Executive Officer or his appointee shall be an ex-officio
member of the Board of Directors and any Board committee of the Society.
d) The Board may appoint ad hoc committees with specific terms of reference and time
frames to address specific issues. Such committees shall be entitled to allowances at the
prevailing rate.
e) The Board of Directors shall meet not more than twelve (12) times in a financial year and
not more than two months shall lapse between two consecutive meetings.

The Board of Directors shall deliberate and be informed about the condition of the Society
in order to provide oversight guidance and policy direction to the management.
g) A member of the Board who fails to attend three consecutive meetings, without reasons
acceptable to the Board, may be suspended.
h) Quorum shall be five (5) members. In case the National Chairman and the National ViceChairman are absent, a chairman for the meeting shall be elected from among those present.

(1) The Board of Directors may make such rules not inconsistent with these By-laws, as they may
deem necessary for the conduct of the Societys business. Any such regulations shall be recorded in
the Minute Book and shall be posted on the Societys notice board, and shall come into force when
and as determined by the Board.
(2) Each decision taken by the Board shall be made through a written resolution, and no action may
be taken on a decision purported to be by the Board unless the same is evidenced by a written
resolution duly signed in accordance with the Governance Charter.


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a) No member shall be eligible to be elected as a Board or Supervisory Committee member unless

he has been an active member of the Society for at least 36 continuous months.
b) The Board and Supervisory Committee members shall be elected for a term of three (3) years,
subject to one third retiring annually on rotation, except for the National Chairman and the
National Vice-Chairman, who shall retire at the end of the third year. The retiring members
shall, however, be eligible for re-election.
c) Members of the Board and Supervisory Committee shall be elected from among the delegates of
the Nairobi County.
d) No member, other than those under the Category A of membership, shall be eligible to be
elected to the Board or Supervisory Committee; however, every member shall be eligible to be
elected as a delegate to represent members of their respective electoral zone.
e) No member shall be eligible to be elected to the Board or Supervisory Committee if he:
Is not a member and an elected delegate of the Society.
Is less than 25 years of age.
Has not attained a minimum O-level of education or its recognised equivalent.
Is an employee of the Society or is receiving any payment from the Society as
remuneration, salary or other payments save for dividends on shares or interest on
Is a Board member in another deposit taking sacco.
Is a member of a society with similar objectives as Stima Sacco.
Lends money on his own account.
Is an undischarged bankrupt.
Is of unsound mind.
Has been adversely named by the Commissioner or the Authority in an inquiry report
adopted by a general meeting for mismanagement or corrupt practices while being a
member of the Board.
Has been involved in mismanagement of the affairs of another institution.
Has been convicted of any offence involving dishonesty or is sentenced to
imprisonment for a term exceeding three months.
Has been convicted of any offence under the Co-operative Act or Rules.
Is a person against whom any amount of money is due under a decree, decision or order
or is pending recovery under the Co-operative or the Sacco Act.
Is a member of an existing Board of Directors and, becomes delinquent and does not
make good the default within a period of thirty (30) days.
Has not attained shares and deposits above Kshs.500,000/=, or any amount approved
by the General Meeting from time to time.
Has a level of patronage of the Societys products and services which falls below the
minimum prescribed in the Governance Charter.
xviii. Does not conform to minimum qualification standards established in the Governance
f) The elected officials shall be required to undergo a fit and proper test with the Authority and
provide indemnity within two weeks.
g) The elected officials shall comply with the Governance Charter.


(1) The Board, which shall consist of non-executive directors, shall direct the affairs of the Society
and shall be the governing authority and subject to any directions from the General Meeting. Its

Stima Sacco Society Limited

procedures, powers and duties shall be as prescribed in the Co-operative Act, the Rules and the
Governance Charter and in particular, it shall:
a) Observe in all its activities the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules, Regulations and these Bylaws.
b) Generally direct and monitor the affairs of the Society.
c) Admit new members to the Society.
d) Establish appropriate policies, including but not limited to Human Resource Policy, Credit
Policy, Investment Policy, Savings Policy, Liquidity Policy, Pricing Policy, Information
Preservation Policy, Dividend Policy and Risk Management Policy.
e) Ensure that true and accurate records and accounts are kept of the Societys money, and its
properties, capital reserves, liabilities, income and expenses.
f) Decide the amount and kind of surety, bond or other security, which shall be required of the
Chief Executive Officer and any other officer or employee having the custody of, or handling
funds or property of the Society.
g) Cause returns to be filed as may be required under the relevant laws.
h) Cause to be prepared estimates of the Societys income and expenditure, including recurrent and
capital estimates for approval by the General Meeting at least three (3) months before the end of
the preceding financial year.
i) Cause to be kept proper books of accounts prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards.
j) Display audited accounts in a conspicuous place at the registered office and branches at least two
(2) weeks before presentation of the accounts to members at the General Meeting.
k) Ensure that the Society makes adequate provisions for known and probable losses likely to occur
as required by the regulations.
l) Ensure that the Society maintains a positive image within the industry and the economy as a
m) Draft or cause to be drafted the Internal Regulations which shall include all matters which have
not been taken care of in these By-laws to ensure smooth functioning of the Society.
n) Approve interest on members loans and deposits and other tariffs from time to time.
o) Lay before the Annual General Meeting a balance sheet and final accounts and budget for the
following year.
p) Recommend to the Annual General Meeting the dividend and interest rates to be paid on shares
and deposits.
q) Fill vacancies occurring in the Board and its committees.
r) Determine the Societys electoral zones, Area Service Centres and branches.
s) Authorise investments of the Society and make capital expenditure.
t) Authorise the conveyance of the Societys property.
u) Authorise borrowing and lending operations of the Society in accordance with the Co-operative
Act, the Sacco Act, Rules and Regulations.
v) Designate a depository or depositories, for the funds of the Society.
w) Submit proposals to the General Meetings and provide information necessary to enable the
delegates to deliberate and take appropriate actions.
x) Employ, terminate and fix compensation of staff in accordance with terms and conditions of
service of the Society.
y) Impose fines on errant members.
z) Approve transfer of shares between members.
aa) Review monthly delinquency reports and supervise the collection of loans to members and
authorise write-offs of uncollectible accounts.
bb) Where appropriate, affiliate and maintain liaison with the national and international apex
cc) Elect the Societys representatives in national or international cooperative organisations, or apex
societies of which the Society is a member or affiliate.

Stima Sacco Society Limited

dd) In the performance of their duties, employ the services of such experts as they may consider
necessary for proper discharge of their duties.
ee) Perform such other duties as are necessary to preserve the sound management of the Society.
ff) Perform their responsibilities with diligence, taking into account the obligations set out in Part X
of the Regulations.
gg) Perform or authorise any action consistent with the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules and
these By-laws, unless specifically reserved for the General Meeting.
(2) The directors shall perform their duties collectively as a Board and shall adhere strictly to the
Governance Charter.


a) In the conduct of the affairs of the Society, the members of the Board of Directors shall
exercise the prudence and diligence of ordinary men of business and shall be held, jointly and
severally, liable for any losses sustained through any of their acts which are contrary to the Cooperative Act, the Sacco Act, Rules, Regulations, these By-laws or the directions of any
General Meeting of the Society or any other applicable law.
b) In pursuance to Section 27(b) of the Co-operative Act, every Board member shall file an
indemnity of 0.2 per cent of the Societys total assets within fourteen (14) days of his election.
c) Every Board member and other officers of the Society shall within thirty (30) days of being
elected, declare their wealth to the Commissioner.
a) Every officer of the Society shall comply with Governance Rules.
b) The Society shall prepare a Code of Conduct as set out in the Rules, Regulations and best
c) Any officer who violates the Societys Code of Conduct commits an offence and the Board
shall take the necessary action in line with the provisions of the Regulations.


a) Every Board member and employee of the Society shall be required, before taking part in any
business transaction which the Society may be about to discuss or initiate, to disclose any
personal interest in the matter and shall not take part in any discussion or vote upon that item of
b) The Board member or employee shall withdraw from the discussion unless it is determined that
the individual has relevant information to provide. Failure to divulge this information may result
in removal from office or termination of employment.


a) The executive officer, members of the Board of Directors and employees of the Society shall
hold in the strictest confidence all transactions of the Society with its members, and all
information, respecting their personal affairs, except to the extent deemed necessary by the
Board of Directors in connection with the loans and the collection thereof.
b) In case of breach of confidentiality, besides the resulting action for damages, the responsible
party shall be removed from office or their employment terminated.
c) No executive officer, Board member, or employee of the Society shall in any manner participate
in the deliberations upon, or determination of any issue affecting his own financial or personal

Stima Sacco Society Limited

interest. In the event of disqualification of any such executive officer, Board member or
employee, he/she shall withdraw from such deliberation or determination, and the remaining
qualified Board members at the meeting, if constituting a quorum, may exercise with respect to
the matter, all the powers of the Board of Directors.


a) The Board of Directors may delegate in writing to an officer, Board committee or employee of
the Society such of its duties as it may deem fit.
b) Nothing in (a) above shall absolve the Board of Directors from its responsibility of running the
affairs of the Society in a proper and businesslike manner. The Board of Directors must ensure
full control.


a) All business discussed or decided at the Board meetings shall be recorded in the Minute Book
which, within one week of the meeting, shall be signed by the chairman of the meeting, and at
least one other Board member who was present to verify that in their opinion, the minutes are a
true and complete record of all important matters discussed or decided at the meeting.
b) At the next meeting, after approving any alterations or variations, which may be written
immediately below the above signatures and not as alterations to the original record, the meeting
shall authorise the Chairman to sign and date the final record.
c) The Chief Executive Officer may designate an officer who shall offer secretarial services to the
Board and shall be present at all Board meetings, take accurate minutes and records of
deliberations and keep such records as directed by the Chief Executive Officer. An officer
designated under this clause shall not participate in Board deliberations, shall have no voting
right and may be advised to stay away from a Board meeting if in the opinion of the Board his
presence is not desired during that particular meeting.


a) The Board shall, within seven (7) days after each Annual General Meeting, elect the
National Chairman, National Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, and the National
Treasurer and reconstitute all Board committees.
b) The Board of Directors may delegate to the Board committees such of its powers and duties
under these By-laws, as it deems fit and proper, provided that the Board shall remain
c) The Board of Directors may appoint committees as it may deem reasonably necessary
provided that the Board Committees shall consist of persons drawn from amongst the
Board members.
d) The National Chairman, National Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, and the National
Treasurer shall act on behalf of the full Board of Directors between Board meetings and
when the Board is not in session. A meeting of the four board members shall form a board
committee recognised under these By-laws.
e) The quorum of a meeting of any Board Committee shall be two members.
f) Subject to clause 75(e), the Chief Executive Officer, and in his absence, the acting Chief
Executive Officer shall sit in all Board and Board Committee meetings together with other


Stima Sacco Society Limited

Management staff as may be appointed to facilitate effective deliberations. The CEO and the
management staff shall be ex-officio members without voting rights.
g) Each Board committee shall, unless the Board determines otherwise, be comprised of not
more than three members.
h) Subject to clause (i) below, a Board member shall not serve in more than two committees.

A member serving in the Audit Committee shall not be entitled to sit in any other committee
of the Board.


Subject to clause (i) above, a Board committee may co-opt other members of the Board
where necessary for purposes of transacting a particular business.


The Board Committees shall perform such other duties as may be specified in the
Governance Charter.
In discharging its obligation, members may rely on the honesty and integrity of the Societys
senior executives and its outside advisors and auditors, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
The Committee members shall exercise their business judgment to act in what they
reasonably believe to be in the best interests of the Society and its members.



a) A member of the Board of Directors or any other Board Committee shall cease to hold
office if he:
Ceases to be a member of the Society.
Becomes ineligible for any other reason(s).
b) Unless an exemption has been granted by the Commissioner, all Board members shall lose
their seats in the next Annual General Meeting of the Society if they fail to cause the
accounts of the Society in respect of the Societys business for the previous year to be
audited within four (4) months of the close of the financial year and presented to the Annual
General Meeting.
c) If a member of the Board fails to attend three consecutive meetings without acceptable
reasons, or otherwise fails to perform his duties in his position as a Board member, the
Board may co-opt a delegate as a replacement.
d) Where a member of the Board is out of station for a period exceeding six months and is,
therefore, unable to perform his/her duties, his/her position may be declared vacant and
the Board may co-opt another delegate to fill the vacancy.
e) A person elected into a board of a cooperative union or apex society on the basis of his
elected position shall cease to hold such a position at the apex body upon ceasing to be a
Board member of the Society.


a) The Board of Directors may by majority vote remove any Board member who violates the Cooperative Act or Rules, these By-laws or for any other good or sufficient cause. No person may
be removed by this By-law until the person has been informed in writing of the reason for his
proposed removal and has been given the opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors.
b) The Board of Directors shall by a majority vote of its members then holding office appoint a
member of the Society to fill the vacancy. Appointments under this section shall be valid only
until the next General Meeting of the Society, where the members shall elect a Board member to
serve for the remaining term.


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a) The National Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the delegates and the Board. He shall
perform such other duties as the Board of Directors, not inconsistent with the provisions of the
Co-operative Act, the Rules and these By-laws, may direct him.
b) The National Vice-Chairman shall perform the duties of the National Chairman during his
absence, and shall perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may direct.

The National Treasurer shall have a financial management background as shall be stipulated in the
Governance Charter. The powers and duties of the National Treasurer shall be to:
a) Generally manage or cause to be managed the financial affairs of the Society in a competent and
efficient manner.
b) Cause to be maintained full and complete records of all assets, liabilities, income and expenses of
the Society.
c) Ensure the safekeeping of the Societys money, securities and books of accounts.
d) Ensure that all payments and expenditures are duly authorised.
e) Ensure compliance with the regulations and all directives of the Board.
Provided that within fifteen (15) days after the close of each month, the National Treasurer shall
cause the preparation and submission to the Board of Directors financial statements showing the
position of the Society at the end of each such month.


The duties of the Honorary Secretary are to:

a) Ensure the proper record of minutes of the Board and General meetings.
b) Ensure the communication of notices of meetings.
c) Display the audited accounts in a conspicuous place at the head office and branches at least two
weeks before presentation to the members in a general meeting.
d) Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Board of Directors.


a) The Finance and Investment Committee shall provide oversight on behalf of the Board, over all
finance and investment matters.
b) The Finance and Investment Committee shall consist of not more than three members, with the
Chief Executive Officer and Head of Finance as ex-officio members. The Head of Finance shall
be the committees secretary.
c) The duties and responsibilities shall be as provided in the Governance Charter.


a) The Human Resource Committee shall be vested with the duties and responsibilities of
governing and directing the human resource function of the Society.


Stima Sacco Society Limited

b) It shall comprise not more than three members, with the Chief Executive Officer and the Head
of Human Resource as ex-officio members. The Head of Human Resource shall be the
committees secretary.
c) The duties shall be as provided in the Governance Charter.


a) The Business, Strategy and Technology Committee shall be vested with the duties and
responsibilities of providing oversight, on behalf of the Board, over all business, strategy and
technology matters at the Society.
b) The Business, Strategy and Technology Committee shall consist of not more than three
members. The Chief Executive Officer and the Head of Marketing, Business Development and
Strategy shall be ex-officio members of the committee. The Head of Marketing, Business
Development and Strategy shall be the committees secretary.
c) The duties and responsibilities of the Business, Strategy and Technology Committee shall be as
prescribed in the Governance Charter.


d) The Credit Committee shall provide oversight on behalf of the Board, over the Societys credit
administration, credit policy formulation as well as matters relating to debt recoveries.
e) The Credit Committee shall consist of not more than three members, with the Chief Executive
Officer and Head of Credit as ex-officio members. The Head of Credit shall be the committees
f) The duties and responsibilities of the Credit Committee shall be as provided in the Governance


a) The Audit Committee shall be duly constituted by the Board of Directors to review the
financial condition of the Society, its internal controls, performance and findings of the
internal auditor and to recommend remedial actions. The Committee shall meet regularly or
at least once every three months.
b) The Audit Committee shall consist of not more than three directors. The Head of Internal
Audit shall be the committees secretary.
c) At least one of the Board members shall be conversant with financial and accounting
d) The chairman of the Board shall not be a member of the Audit Committee.
e) The Chief Executive Officer shall not be a member of the Audit Committee but may attend
committee meetings on invitation. He may not vote during any such attendance.

The Audit Committee shall report to the Board on measures taken to implement
recommendations and corrections of findings reported.

g) The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee shall be as prescribed in the
Governance Charter.
h) The Audit Committee shall carry out its responsibilities diligently and shall, in the
performance of its duties, have regard to Regulation 57 of the Regulations and the Sacco

Stima Sacco Society Limited


a) There shall be a Supervisory Committee consisting of three (3) members who must not be
employees of the Society or serving on the Board or any other Committee of the Society. The
Supervisory Committee shall be directly answerable to the General Meeting.
b) The Supervisory Committee shall be elected by the delegates at the Annual General Meeting.
The Supervisory Committee shall:
Not be employees of the Society, members of the Board or any committee.
Be drawn from among delegates of the electoral zones within the Nairobi County.
Have experience in audit, accounting or general management as shall be stipulated
in the Governance Charter.
c) The term of the committee members will initially be three (3) years, with one third (1/3) of them
retiring yearly on rotational basis.
d) A member who leaves the Board shall not be eligible for election as a Supervisory Committee
member until after one year.
e) The Supervisory Committee members shall within seven (7) days choose from among
themselves a chairman, secretary and a member.
f) The minimum qualification standards, duties and responsibilities of the Supervisory Committee
shall be as prescribed in the Governance Charter.
g) The Secretary of the Supervisory Committee shall prepare, maintain and keep custody of the
records of all actions taken, including written evidence of any audits performed by the
h) Without intervening in the administrative functions, subject to its control and supervision, the
Supervisory Committee shall be responsible for Societys compliance, internal control and
i) The Supervisory Committee shall not perform the duties or exercise any of the powers of the
Board of Directors of the Society.


a) The Board of Directors shall have powers to appoint paid employee(s) to carry out such duties
as may be required by the Board of Directors in accordance with the terms and conditions of
b) All appointments shall be done in a transparent manner and in line with the Human Resource
c) The Board of Directors may require all employees of the Society to provide such indemnity as
and when deemed necessary.


The Society shall have a Chief Executive Officer and Secretary to the Board. The Chief Executive
Officer shall be responsible to the Board for the operation and administration of the Society on a
day-to-day basis while paying attention to:
a) The implementation and adherence to the policies, procedures and standards.
b) Systems that have been established to facilitate efficient operations and communication.
c) The planning process that has been developed to facilitate achievement of targets and objectives.
d) All staff matters, particularly human resource development and training.
e) Adherence to the established code of conduct.
f) The Co-operative and Sacco Acts, Regulations, Rules, By-laws and any other applicable laws.


Stima Sacco Society Limited


The powers and duties of the Chief Executive Officer shall be assigned by the Board of Directors
and in particular shall include to:
a) Manage the affairs of the Society in a competent manner.
b) Attend Board meetings and the Annual Delegates Meetings in an advisory capacity but have no
voting rights.
c) Advise the Board and other Committees on the framing of the Societys policies and
programmes and implementing them after approval.
d) Supervise the work of all staff and ensure that the business of the Society is conducted in a
proper manner.
e) Ensure that proper books of accounts, records and returns are kept and that regular financial,
statistical and operational information is prepared and submitted to the relevant Board
Committees, Board of Directors, the Authority and to the ministry in charge of cooperative
f) Be responsible for the security of the funds and assets of the Society.
g) Ensure that all statutory deductions are correctly calculated and that all amounts due and the
necessary returns are submitted by the due date.
h) Prepare and analyse on a quarterly basis the Societys business plan and budget.
i) Represent the Society in business transactions and any other transaction authorised by the Board
of Directors.
j) Provide information required by the Supervisory Committee in time.
k) Advice the Board of Directors on new positions arising at the Society, and the revision of salaries
for all the Societys staff.
l) Implement recommendations set forth in the audit reports and those issued by the Supervisory
m) Ensure, on a monthly basis, that the accounting records are in balance and the individual
accounts subsidiaries are up to date and the income statement, balance sheets, and delinquency
lists are complete and correct.
n) Ensure that the accounting records are maintained in accordance with internationally accepted
accounting standards.
o) Ensure that adequate insurance is in place, if available, for all employees, officials and property of
the Society.
p) Direct and supervise the administration and processing of loan applications.
q) Establish a pricing strategy for products and services.
r) Assist the Board of Directors with determining acceptable types of collaterals that can be used to
secure the Societys loans.
s) Ensure there is adequate liquidity to meet loan demands, savings withdrawals and operating
t) Ensure drawing up and updating of job descriptions of each employee.
u) Ensure implementation of the Societys policies and procedures.
v) Ensure implementation, without delay, of all decisions of all the Societys Committees and the
delegates meetings.
The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that members of the Board are frequently and adequately
appraised about the operations of the Society through presentation of relevant Board papers as
provided for in the Governance Charter, the Regulations and as the Board may decide from time to


Stima Sacco Society Limited



a) The Board shall set and regularly review policies and procedures for savings, credit and other
services to ensure that they are always in conformity with financial regulations and the interest of
the members.
b) The Board shall establish appropriate policies and procedures, including but not limited to
Accounting and Finance Manual, FOSA Operations Manual, Human Resource Policy, Credit
Policy and Procedures Manual, Investment Policy, Savings Policy, Asset Liability Management,
Liquidity Policy, Information Preservation Policy, Capitalisation, Reserves and Dividends Policy,
Risk Management and Internal Control Policy, Governance Charter and Code of Conduct
Policy, Training Policy, Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity Plan, Marketing Plan,
Procurement Policy, ICT Policy and ATM Procedures-Sacco Link and Pesa Point, Branch
Expansion Policy, and Product and Process Innovation Policy.



The Society shall keep up-to-date and in a proper business-like manner such books and records as
the Co-operative and Sacco Acts, Rules and Regulations may require from time to time.
The following books shall be kept by the Society:
a) A register of members showing in respect of each member:
The name, age, date of application for membership, address and occupation.
The date on which he ceased to be a member.
Particulars of his nominee, if any.
b) A minute book giving details of proceedings of the Board and Supervisory Committee
c) A minute book giving details of proceedings at the General Meeting.
d) A cash book giving details of all monies received and all monies spent or paid out by the
e) A ledger, containing such accounts as are necessary, to properly record the transactions of
the business of the Society.
f) A personal ledger for each member showing his/her transactions with the Society.
g) A stock control ledger.
h) A register of charges showing, in respect of every charge created by the Society, the amount
of the charge and the person entitled thereto.
i) A register of loans to members showing in respect of each loan the name of the borrower,
the amount borrowed, and the purpose of the loan, the due date of repaying, and the date
the repayment is made.
j) Such other books and records as the Board of Directors may decide, the Commissioner or
the Authority may prescribe.


Executive officers or Board members shall not receive from the Society any payment, except for
sitting, travelling, subsistence or other allowances as may be prescribed, while working on the

Stima Sacco Society Limited

Societys business or honoraria from the net surplus as allowed by these By-laws or any other legal
payment as determined by delegates at a General Meeting of the Society.

a) The Annual General Meeting shall select and approve an auditor from the names presented
to it by the Board. The Board shall ensure that the auditors presented to the Annual General
Meeting are selected from a list of auditors approved by the Authority.
b) The Society shall submit to the Authority the name of the selected external auditor within
thirty days after the Annual General Meeting together with an extract of minutes appointing
the external auditor.
c) After every three years, the Society shall appoint a new external auditor for purposes of this
clause. Subject to any law in force, the Society may appoint an external auditor to serve
beyond three years. Nothing in these By-laws shall be construed to prevent the Society from
appointing a new person as an external auditor before the lapse of three years.
d) The Auditor shall present the audited reports of the Society to the Annual General Meeting
only after the accounts have been submitted to the Authority in such form as prescribed.
e) The Society shall pay such audit and supervision fees as the General Meeting may authorise
the Board to determine in accordance with the relevant laws.

The Society shall pay the assessed annual premiums to the Deposit Guarantee Fund.


The Financial Year of the Society shall be the same as the calendar year (from 1st January to 31st



a) The National Chairman, National Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, National Treasurer, Chief
Executive Officer, the Head of Finance or such other signatories as may be authorised in writing
by the Board shall be signatories on behalf of the Society. The internal regulations shall detail
which signatories are authorised for particular documents.
b) The documents of the Society shall be deemed official where they carry the official stamp and
signatures of the designated signatories referred to above.


a) The Society may adopt and use a Common Seal bearing the words Stima Sacco Society
Limited and shall be kept securely under lock and key by the Chief Executive Officer or

Stima Sacco Society Limited

duly designated officer for that purpose and shall be used only by, and in the presence of the
officers authorised to sign documents on behalf of the Society.
b) A register of all sealed documents shall be maintained by the Society.



a) The Authority may carry out inquiries and inspections into the affairs of the Society in
accordance with the Sacco Act and the Regulations.
b) All books of accounts and other records shall at all times be available to the members and the
Board. A copy of the Co-operative Act, the Sacco Act, the Rules, Regulations, Registration
Certificates, these By-laws and a list of its members, excluding details of nominees, shareholdings
and loans, shall be available for inspection by any person free of charge at all reasonable times
during business hours.
c) Creditors may also inspect the register of charges without a fee.

a) The Society may be dissolved in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Co-operative
Act, Sacco Act, Rules and the Regulations.
b) In the event of Liquidation, the assets of the Society shall be realised, all liabilities shall be paid,
all savings shall be refunded to the members and any surplus or deficit thereafter shall be
apportioned to each member in proportion to the value of each members shares at the date of

Any disputes arising out of these By-laws or concerning the business of the Society and its members
shall be referred to the Tribunal.

92. DEBT
a) In case of debts due to the Society from a member or debts owing to a member or past member
of the Society, a general meeting of the Society may, at its discretion, issue such instruction to the
Board of Directors for liquidation of the debts as may be necessary or refer the dispute to the
b) The Society may request the commissioner to intervene in case the employers fail to remit
deductions from members salaries on expiry of seven (7) days from the date of such deductions.


The Society may be subdivided into smaller units or be amalgamated with any other Society in
accordance with the Co-operative Act, and subject to any approvals required by law.


Stima Sacco Society Limited


These By-laws may be amended in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Co-operative Act,
Rules and these By-laws, provided no amendment shall become effective until it is approved by the
General Meeting and registered by the Commissioner.


The Society may make available, upon request, a certified copy of these By-laws from the registered
office of the Society, upon payment of a fee not exceeding its actual cost to the Society. For purposes
of this provision, a copy of the By-laws shall be deemed duly certified, provided it is endorsed in
compliance with these By-laws.

We, the undersigned officers of the Society named herein, do hereby accept and adopt these By-laws
for and on behalf of Stima Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited together with any
changes or alterations that have been initiated or signed by us.


National Chairman



National Vice-Chairman

National Treasurer



Honorary Secretary



Chief Executive Officer



Certified that the foregoing By-laws of the Stima Savings and Credit Co-operative Society Limited
have been approved by me and duly registered



Fredrick F. Odhiambo


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