Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

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Created by Jessica Hinchey DAILY LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE (CORE)

Grade: 6th Grade
Number of Students: 16
Unit/Theme: Tuck Everlasting

Date developed

Preliminary Information
Date of Lesson: 6/15/2015
Course/Subject: ELA

Where in the unit does this lesson occur?

Beginning of the unit
Middle of the unit
End of the unit

Estimated Duration: 60 Minutes
Structure(s) or grouping for the lesson (underline any
that apply):
Whole class
Small group
Other (specify)

1. GOALS: What are your goals for student learning, and why are
they appropriate for these students at this time?
Big Idea or Concept Being Taught
The students will learn how to integrate technology into their presentations.
They will be learning about setting, characters, theme and chronological order. They are also going
to be in groups so they will be learning how to cooperate with their peers.
Student Learning Goal(s)/Objective(s):
(Identify 1 or 2 goals for students; below your goals state how you will communicate the goals to
Students will use technology to demonstrate settings, characters, theme or chronological order
with their peers with 90% accuracy.
Students will collaborate together to use technology to complete their assignment and help the
rest of the class to understand more about the book with 90% accuracy.
(List the Common Core Learning Standards or other discipline-specific standards addressed in this
Common lesson.)
ISTE Standards:
1. Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
2. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and
contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
digital environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of
media and formats
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
Common Core Standards:
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.

Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that
preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under
Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and
demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

2. ASSESSMENT: How will you know and document the extent to

which students make progress towards or meet your goals?
Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning
(How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal[s], and/or
how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal[s]?)
I have a rubric that the students will be graded on at the end of this project. Each student will
have this rubric to follow as they begin their assignment. I will see if the students are making
progress by walking around and checking on their progress.

3. THE LESSON: How will you support students to meet your goals?
Launch/Hook/Anticipatory Set
(How will you get the lesson started? What questions, texts, inquiry, modeling, and/or other
techniques will you use to engage students?)
The students will have already of read the book Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt. I will break
the students into four different groups. Each group will be assigned a different topic from the book
and do a mini project on it and then present it to the class.
When the students get into their groups, before I let them begin their assignments I will have
already done one of each of these assignments. I will model for the students my examples so they
have an understanding of what theirs should look like. Each of the groups will get to see an
example of the way their individual projects should look like, that way they have a little direction
of where to begin.
Group 1- Setting
The students will create all the major setting that was in the story by using an online website They will share this with the whole class when they have
completed all the major setting from the book.
Group 2- Characters
The students will generate the characters on this website based on the evidence from the book.
Group 3- Theme
The students will make a wordle. The students will choose words that help describe or support
the theme of the story and they will create their wordle.
Group 4- Chronological Order
The students will make a time line about the events that have happened within the book on the
online timeline that I have found.

Explore/Instructional Strategies
(How will students engage with ideas/texts to develop understandings; what questions will you
ask; how will you promote question generation/discussion; how will you address the academic
language demands? Detail your plan. Note: For math lesson plans, please write or attach every
task/problem students will solve during the lesson.)
The students will be pulling information right from the text, and use it in another way to explain it

to the students. I will explain to the students that they are not making up information about the
characters, setting, theme or events, but they are taking that information straight from the text.

(How will you bring closure to the lesson?)
The students will close this lesson by presenting their assignment and teaching it to the class. I
will be grading their presentation based on the rubric that I have given the students. Along with
my grading, the students will also be grading themselves.
(How will you address the needs of all learners in this lesson, i.e., how will you respond to diversity
among students in such areas as prior knowledge, ability level, learning needs, cultural
background, and English language proficiency?)
Cultural Background- The students can tie in their own themes that relate from this book to their
ELL- The students will be working in groups, so other students may assist this student if they do
not understand something.

Resources and Materials

The book "Tuck Everlasting"

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