Reducing The Existing Time of POD System: Project Charter

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Reducing the existing time of POD

Project charter
Revision #1.0

Project overview......................................................................................................3

1. Project purpose........................................................................3
2. Project scope.......................................................................3
3. Project objectives................................................................3
4. Outstanding issues....................................................................4
5. Approvals............................................................................... 4
6. References..........................................................................4
Project approach......................................................................................................5
7. Project Deliverables and Quality Objectives.....................................5
8. Organization and Responsibilities..................................................6
9. Dependencies..........................................................................6

Plans for Support activities........................................................6


Project Facilities and Resources..................................................7


Risk Management...................................................................8


Process Options and Deviations..................................................8




Project Control......................................................................8


Quality Control Activities.........................................................9


Project Schedule....................................................................9


Project Effort Estimate...........................................................10


Project Cost Estimate............................................................10


Project overview
1. Project purpose.
The main purpose of this report is about analysis of desired tate and current state of providing
premenant overdraft of Peoples Bank Sri Lanka. from this project Peoples bank will have a
understand how does the other banks have been changed their process in oder to provide their
service immidiately in order to compete with their rivals, what are the features to be
emphasized, how they should motivate their employee in order to make the competitive
Peoples bank has requested to give recommendations in order to reducing the existing time of
POD system by getting a practical knowledge on that process. As a trainee, to execute the task I
agreed with the client to grant the ultimate results with founding and the project is expected to
last not more than 5 months and will result in a better understanding of employee requirements
by the Peoples Bank.
2. Project scope.
The project scope is as follows.
In the scope
Process starts and finish as per the system chart.
Selecting staff members in Peoples Bank Senkadagala Branch.
Having discussion with the employees and practical involvement.
Out of the scope.
Discussion with the customers.
3. Project objectives.

The objectives of the project can be mention under standard, performance

and condition.
Standard: - Identifying the factors to reduce time in POD system
Performance: - By collecting data through employee survey
Condition: - Measuring the level of employee satisfaction.
4. Outstanding issues.

The client takes more time to approve the project proposal than expected time.

It was very difficult to continue the discussions while the loans officer is working because
there is only one loans office who is handling all the POD activities and the Loans

Difficult to handle the POD process by one officer.

5. Approvals
Mr. R. kodithuwakku

the project leader and Mr. Rathnayake project manager will give the

approval to this project in its first release.

Approval of this document will be confirmed through the distribution of the document to all
project stakeholders and to the publication of the document on the project deliverable File.
After referring by stakeholders, the final approval for the charter will be approved by Mr.
S.Ariyarathne - Client and Mr. Rathnyake - Project Manager.

6. References.

No such references.

Project approach
7. Project Deliverables and Quality Objectives.
Statement files
Current account statements.

Proposal with relevant documents.
POD files.
Application numbers.
Crib report.
Inspection files.
Valuation report.
Evaluation committee decisions
Business income report.
Prepared POD limit.
Credit limit after checking
Approved POD limit
Legal documents
Approved Securities
Mortgage bond,
Granted POD

8. Organization and Responsibilities.

All the responsible Project team members and staff members are allocated according
to the activities identified in the Gantt chart. Quality Control of each activity should be done
by the responsible person that accomplished and if the activity is not up to the standard an
action should be taken immediately.
9. Dependencies
The most critical dependency within the scope of this project is our reliance on timely and
effective communication and support from the client and the customers and staff members.
We also have dependency with the technical team provided by the bank
in order to do the updates for the branch teller system and give facilities
to work online to the computer machines for the employees.

10. Plans for Support activities.

Training programs: - All the staff members must have training sessions regarding
advantages of using new technology in order to gain the competitive advantage for the bank
before starting to use newly upgraded computerized systems and other facilties.
Practical sessions: - once the new systems have been installed there should be trial sessions
to start using new systems. For that Top management must provide circulators regarding new
systems. There should be an IT consultant to each regional office/ branch to help the officers
to use this new system.

11. Project Facilities and Resources.

Men (M1 )

Machines and
Equipments (M2)

Loans officer (a1)

Loans officer (a2)
Branch manager (b)
Inspection officer (c1)
Inspection officer (c2)
Regional manager/ Asistant general

manager/ Asistant regional manager (d)

Legal officer (e)

Pen (f)
Computer (g)
Printer (h)
Fax (i)

Material (M3)

Notepad (j)
Statement files (k)
Applications (l)
Documents (m)
POD register (n)
Legal documents (r)
Inspection file (o)
Business income report (p)
Mortage report (s)
Securities (t)

12. Risk Management.

The risk of whether the staff members are providing the reliable

The risk of availability of resources.

13. Process Options and Deviations.

Process options are done through System Chart.

14. Stages.
This project is being conducted in a staged approach, with each successive stage
including additional levels of detail. The stages for this project are:
1. Identifying the problem
2. Grant the approval from the top management to carry out the project, after identifying the

Carry out a situational analysis based on ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Standards
Design the ideal management system and identify the constraints
Design the PMS and develop the 3W program
Implementation of practical management system through 3W program
Generate the report
Provide the solution to the problem

15. Project Control.

The controlling process of this project is consists with two dimensions,
such as checking and actions. Process checking empowers to active the
monitoring mechanism developed in the current management system.
Because the weakness and the conditions are met in the checking
process. In here the checking process include following activities.
Set QQTC for each activity
Measure QQTC of each activity
Identify the gap
Choose the right response to bridge the gap.
16. Quality Control Activities.
Controlling of this project is done by checking the activities and the data entered to the POD
process. This is very important in order make correction of the data and activities which are
consist with mistakes. Because the ultimate result should be accurate and confidential process.
17. Project Schedule.





1 2

1. study the process.

2. work under the loans
3. Handle the prcoess
4. identification issues
from the current process
and raising the


5. Develop the new process

and chart make the
6. Study and involve with
the instalation of process
7. study about the results of
this process

18. Project Effort Estimate.

Team Member/Role

Estimated Effort (in days)

Mr . Ranjith Kodituwakku (Project leader)


Mr. Rathnayake (Project manager)


Mrs .E.M.I.M.K. Ekanayake (Project assistant)

30 days

Mrs nirusha (Team member)


Mr. Welagedara (Team member)

50 days

Mr. Nalin

40 days

19. Project Cost Estimate

When the proposal has been approved by the client to carry in the project, 30% will be getting
from the total of the project cost.
When complete the project successfully, the other 70% will get.

The following questions are being used in order to analyze the Gap between the current
management system and the desired management system.

Who are the beneficiaries from the intended system? (external/internal customer)
What are the requirements of external/internal customers? (outputs)
What is the purpose of the intended system? (outcome)
What are the resources available for the intended system? (inputs)
What is the system boundary? (scope)
What is the process to transform the resources (input) to achieve the objective (outcome)

of the system? (transformation)

7. How to compare the desired results (objective) and the achieved results (objective) and
identify the gap? (stimulus)
8. How to respond with the resources to bridge the above gap for having the desired results?
9. How to establish records to provide evidence of conformity to above requirements?
(control of records)
10. How to audit the above steps to ensure the continual improvement? (System audit)


Appendix 2 system chart

Appendix 3 Gantt chart.



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