03 Multiphase Flow
03 Multiphase Flow
03 Multiphase Flow
As oil and gas well construction and eld development become more complex, the
need for more sophisticated ow simulation methods increases. New generations of
multiphase ow simulation tools are helping operators construct wells, pipelines and
processing facilities safely and efciently and optimize long-term eld production at
minimal risk and maximal prot.
Increasingly sophisticated ow simulation models have been developed to meet the needs of
operators as they open new frontiers. These models are vital for helping drilling engineers overcome well design challenges and production and
facilities engineers to understand and anticipate
ow conditions as they seek to extract hydrocarbons from deeper, more remote and geologically
complex reservoirs.
Flow simulation is a well-established means
by which engineers approximate the multiphase
ow behavior in a well, production system or
pipeline. Using mathematical models built into
specialized software programs, ow simulations
yield representations of the steady-state and
transient ow of oil, gas and water that might be
encountered in a real-world network of wells,
owlines, pipelines and process equipment. The
output of these simulations guides operators
eld development decisions in determining the
number of wells to drill, the location of such wells
Oileld Review
May 2015
Relief well
No control,
waterhead pressure = 0
Blowout well
Fracture pressure
> Flow simulation for well control. To regain control of a blowout, operators
often use a dynamic kill operation. Well control specialists kill the well using a
uid density that will contain the well but not fracture the formation. While
keeping the annulus and the drillstring of the relief well lled with uid, the
BHPmonitored through annular and tubing pressure gaugesis controlled
through the uid ow rate into the relief well. Flowing frictional pressure
supplements the hydrostatic pressure of the kill uid injected through the relief
well (red arrows) and up the blowout well (blue arrows). Because these
operations include produced uids and kill uids, they can be modeled with
multiphase ow simulators. The Pann is annular pressure, Phyd is the
hydrostatic pressure created by the kill uid, P 1 is the frictional pressure drop
caused by ow in the annulus of the blowout well, Ptbg is the tubing pressure
in the relief well drillstring and waterhead pressure is the pressure exerted by
the weight of a column of water from surface to the relief point.
Oileld Review
Pressure information
of State
F lo
a ti
in f
May 2015
A Brief History
The vast majority of produced uids do not
come to the surface in a steady, single-phase
stream. Rather, production is a complex and
ever-changing combination of hydrocarbon uids
and gases, water and solids owing together at
nonuniform rates.
The basis for multiphase ow design and
operation is uid dynamics.6 The driving force
behind the earliest oil industry simulation tools
was multiphase ow system designers need for
accurate estimates of the pressure, temperature
and liquid fractions in wells and along pipelines.
One fundamental approach to modeling ow
behavior in oil and gas systems is the two-uid
model, in which designers assume only two uid
phasestypically a liquid and a gasare present.7 Other models extend this treatment to
include uids that coexist in more than two
phases such as a gas, oil and water phase.
Separate phases can ow in a pipeline in three
stratied, continuous layersa gas layer on top,
an oil layer in the middle and a water layer at the
bottom of a pipeline. A phase can ow in each of
the three layers. For example, some of the gas is
transported through the pipeline in the upper gas
layer, while the rest is transported as gas bubbles
dispersed in the oil and water layers.
The multiuid model consists of mass,
momentum and energy conservation equations.8
Often, mass conservation equations are written
for each phase. Momentum conservation equations are written for each of the continuous
layers, whereas energy equations can be written for the total uid mixture or for each of
the layers. In the case of a two-phase, two-layer
ow model, a total of six differential equations
are written.
Solving this set of equations requires development of closure laws, which are necessary relations that must be added to the conservation
equations to allow their calculation (right). One
basic closure law is the equation of state of the
uid, which is a thermodynamic equation that
provides a mathematical relationship between
uid properties, such as density and viscosity, to
two or more state functions; state functions
include temperature, pressure, volume or internal energy associated with the uid.
This relationship can be obtained by consulting precalculated tables of uid properties as
functions of pressure and temperature, assuming
a constant total chemical composition at each
pipe location and at each point in time.9
Functional relationships are also afforded
through the study of black oil formulations, in
which uniform uid properties are used, or
through full compositional analysis of reservoir
uid samples, in which individual uid properties
are used for each hydrocarbon component.
Another set of basic closure laws includes laws or
equations that relate the friction factors to velocities, pipe geometry and physical properties of
the uid.
The rst simulations were performed in
steady-state models in which uid properties
such as ow rate, density, temperature and composition were assumed to remain constant over
time at a given point in the system. Steady-state
models thus perform a mass, energy and momentum balance of a stationary processone that is
in a local equilibrium state. While ow parameters may change upstream or downstream of the
particular point in the system, that point remains
in a state of local equilibrium if the uid always
has the same properties, regardless of time.
Since their introduction into the oil and gas
industry nearly 30 years ago, steady-state simulators have evolved signicantly. For example, the
PIPESIM steady-state multiphase ow simulator
allows engineers to predict a range of ow challenges that hinder production optimization, from
the occurrence or formation of asphaltenes, wax
and hydrates to carbon dioxide [CO2] -induced
corrosion and ow-induced erosion.
Steady-state simulations provide systems
designers a method for quickly estimating ow
results at a specic set of conditions and yield
near-immediate insight into how changes in system conditions will impact production. However,
because they operate on the fundamental principle that ow parameters do not vary with time,
steady-state simulators are not applicable for
transient ow phenomena simulation.
Offshore Development
Subsea Tieback
> Models for the life of a project. The OLGA simulator models transient multiphase ow throughout a project life cycle. The software has become the
industry standard for all multiphase eld development, from drilling the rst wells for an offshore eld to developing subsea tiebacks to modeling ow into
onshore processing facilities.
The transient simulation from the OLGA simulator also accounts for the ow regime within
the modeled section of borehole or pipe.19 For
two-phase gas-liquid ow, the structure of multiphase ow falls into four basic ow regimes:
stratied ow, consisting of two separate and
continuous uid streams: a liquid stream owing at the bottom of the pipe and a gas stream
(usually with entrained liquid droplets) owing above the lower stream
annular ow, consisting of a regime in which a
thin liquid lm adheres to the pipe wall and a
gas stream containing entrained liquid droplets ows internal to this lm
dispersed bubble ow, consisting of a continuous liquid ow with entrained gas bubbles
hydrodynamic slug ow, consisting of stratied
ow punctuated by intermittent slugs of highly
turbulent liquid (next page).20
Initial testing of the mathematical model
using data supplied by SINTEF showed that the
simulator did an adequate job of describing bubble and slug regimes but was less accurate in predicting stratied and annular ows. In vertical
annular ow, the simulator predicted pressure
drops that were as much as 50% too high, whereas
in horizontal ow, the predicted liquid holdups
were too high by a factor of two in some cases.21
Scientists rened the model to account for the
presence of a droplet eld moving at approximately the same velocity as the gas phase, which
describes the ow regime in stratied or annular
mist ow. Mathematical models within the
dynamic multiphase ow simulator also include
continuity equations for three uid phases: a gas
phase; a liquid phase consisting of oil, condensate
or water; and a liquid droplet phase consisting
of hydrocarbon liquidoil or condensate
dispersed in water. These continuity equations
Oileld Review
are coupled through interfacial friction, interfacial mass transfer and dispersions such as oil in
water. Modelers track dispersions by means of a
slip relation, which is the dimensionless ratio of
the velocity of the gas phase to the velocity of the
liquid phase.22
The conservation of mass equations can be
written to account for several components and
uid types, including full chemical composition
tracking, the presence of scale and corrosion
inhibitors, drilling uids, wax, isotopic tracers
and solid particles. A model capable of simulating ow in particle beds was introduced in the
2014 release of the OLGA simulator.23
The OLGA simulator also expresses the conservation of momentum for three continuous layers, yielding separate momentum equations for
the gas layer, which may contain liquid droplets,
and for oil and water layers. One conservation of
energy equation in this model treats the energy
of the system in terms of the combined mixture of
the uid phases and assumes that each phase is
at the same temperature. An equation of state,
one for each uid layer, provides the functional
relationship between the uid volume and its
pressure, temperature and composition.
The simulator selects the particular ow
regime for the model based on the minimum slip
criterion.24 For given supercial velocities, the
simulator selects the ow regime that gives the
lowest difference, or minimum slip, between the
gas and liquid linear velocities. In the 2000s, the
OLGA High Denition (HD) model was developed
by starting with 3D models for frictional forces for
stratied water, oil and gas ow in a circular pipe
and deriving 1D wall friction models as well as 1D
interfacial friction models that have 3D accuracy.25
These mathematical models, applied together,
account for the real-world complexities of multiphase ow in production systems that may include
multilateral wells, pipelines, articial lift systems,
processing facilities and ow control equipment
such as chokes and sand control devices.
Analysts use mathematical models to compute
solutions using numerical methods or algorithms.
These methods take advantage of advances in
computer processing power and speed to create
digital solutions that simulate real-world ow
phenomena at a ne level of detail.
Numerical methods begin by dividing the
overall uid stream in the pipe into small, discrete grids or cells. Each cell has its own values
of pressure, temperatures, uid compositions,
densities, ow rates and uxes.26 Solving the
May 2015
Stratified flow
Annular flow
tial equations and algebraic equations that represent the model. However, since the equations
may exhibit strong nonlinearity and have to be
constrainedthe total uid volume must be
equal to the pipe volumethe solution methods
must be designed carefully.
Input parameters
t = t + t.
Calculate the thermophysical
parameters at N section
Designate boundary conditions
Save results
N = N + 1.
Is N = Nmax?
Is t tmax?
> Steps for solving two-phase ow models for stratied ow in a condensate-gas pipeline. Steady-state
models (left) begin by dividing the pipe section into smaller sections (N) and inputting the boundary
conditions for pressure (P ), temperature (T ), liquid velocity (L) and gas velocity (g) at the initial point
of the pipeline. The model uses these initial conditions to solve the continuity equations in the rst
section (N = 0) and to calculate values for pressure, temperature and uid velocities in that section.
These values are used as inputs into the next section (N + 1), and the process repeats until the nal
section the other end of the pipeline, Nmax is reached. A similar process is followed in the dynamic
model (right), but an additional iterative step accounts for changes to uid properties and ow
parameters and boundary conditions with time (t ). Because the ow equations are nonlinear,
performing iterations to reach a solution with acceptable accuracy is usually necessary.
Principles in Action
When applied to eld operations, dynamic multiphase ow simulation plays an important role in
scientists understanding the likelihood and severity of generating uid-related by-products such as
hydrates, wax, scale and emulsions in a production system. Design engineers use such simulations to predict the occurrence of these species in
the actual eld system and then test various
design alternatives that are aimed at minimizing
their impact. Ideally, such simulations are performed before the production system is built, thus
allowing the operator to design and construct a
production systemfrom the wellbore to the surface processing equipmentthat will keep these
ow assurance challenges to a minimum.
Chevron used dynamic multiphase ow simulation to help manage ow assurance and operational risks in its Lobito-Tomboco subsea eld
in Block 14, offshore Angola (next page).28 The
development comprises three subsea centers
tied back to the Benguela Belize (BB) compliant
tower.29 Both the Lobito and Tomboco reservoirs
contain light (31 to 32 degree API), low-sulfur and
low-acid crude that has little asphaltene and
naphtha content.
Chevron engineers were challenged to design
a robust production system for this eld that
would economically transport the produced uids
from subsea wells to topside while sufciently
mitigating anticipated operational and ow assurance risks. To maximize production from each
subsea center, water injection would be required
to sweep and provide pressure support to each
well. In addition, as water cut increased, the operator would have to implement gas lift. Additional
challenges were expected in the form of ow
assurance risks that included the formation of
hydrates, scale, wax and corrosion by-products as
well as the occurrence of sanding and slugging.
The operator rst assessed its exposure to
ow assurance risks by collecting and analyzing
oil and water samples from the reservoirs. This
analysis included uid pressure-volume-temperature characterizations and a comprehensive
assessment of the uid compositions from each
reservoir.30 Using the OLGA ow simulator, modelers employed the resulting output of this analysis to develop various thermohydraulic models,
which study hydraulic ow in thermal systems.
The operator produced the following thermohydraulic models: individual wellbore and owline,
production system of each subsea center and of
the entire integrated production system with the
wells and owlines.
Oileld Review
May 2015
BB compliant tower
Center C
Center B
Center A
> Chevron subsea eld. In the Lobito-Tomboco subsea eld, three subsea centers (A, B and C) are
located in approximately 396 to 550 m [1,300 to 1,800 ft] of water and are tied back to the Benguela
Belize (BB) compliant tower, which is in approximately 390 m [1,280 ft] of water. Each center is
connected to the tower via one 10-in. owline (green), which carries production from the wells to
the tower, and via one 8-in. test line (red). The subsea system capacity is 115,000 bbl/d [18,300 m3/d].
This volume lls the Lobito-Tomboco production module on the BB platform and the available
80,000-bbl/d [12,700-m3/d] light oil production train on the BB platform. The subsea system capacity
also allows for production from future subsea centers in the nearby development areas. (Adapted
from Song, reference 28.)
Ras Laffan
200 km
150 mi
Production platform
Processing plant
Previously existing pipelines
Dolphin constructed pipelines
Jebel Ali
Abu Dhabi
Al Ain
> Dolphin Energy in Qatar and the UAE. Dolphin Energy is involved in every stage of the gas value chain,
from production of raw natural gas at its two offshore platforms to processing at its onshore Ras Laffan
plant to transmission of natural gas by export pipeline to the UAE. The company also distributes the
gas to customers across the UAE and to Oman.
Oileld Review
> Pig Tracking Advisor in OLGA Online. In the Pig Tracking Advisor module of OLGA Online, the operator is able to see a display of a subsea production loop
and the subsea template (top, yellow). The connection to the topside processing facility includes the pig launcher receiver. When a pig is launched into one
of the legs of the production loop, its location is marked by an icon visible along the production loop. Operators are also able to monitor pipeline proles
(bottom left), including liquid holdups, elevation proles and calculated variables (bottom right) such as estimated arrival time at the receiver and current
location and velocity of the pig.
Kitan field
4,000 km
2,000 mi
> Kitan eld. The Kitan eld (left ) is located about 200 km [124 mi] southeast of East Timor and 500 km [310 mi] northwest of Australia. Oil and gas ow from
Kitan subsea Wells 5 and 3 and Well 2sidetrack 1 to a oating production, storage and ofoading (FPSO) vessel (right). Oil and gas ow from the seaoor
to the FPSO (top right) via exible production lines (black, bottom ), whereas gas-lift gas is delivered through separate owlines (red) from the FPSO to the
wellheads (black). The control unit (yellow) distributes commands from the FPSO to the well centers via a main umbilical cable (yellow and black).
May 2015
East Timor, the Kitan eld consists of three subsea intelligent wells, subsea owlines, risers and
one oating production, storage and ofoading
(FPSO) vessel. Three wells were completed and
cleaned up prior to the FPSO arrival on location.
Intelligent completions were installed at similar depths in three wells to control ow from an
upper and lower zone. The upper zone for each
well was perforated at a measured depth of
between 3,344 and 3,367 m [10,971 and 11,047 ft];
the lower zone was perforated between 3,384 and
3,394 m [11,102 and 11,135 ft]. Downhole ow
control valves with eight choke positions
fully opened, fully closed and six intermediate
control ow from each zone. Downhole gauges
were deployed to monitor pressure and temperature for each zone.
Because of the remoteness of the eld location, the operator needed assurances that the
cleaned up wells would perform as required prior
to deploying the FPSO. The dynamic ow simulator was used to model the intelligent completion
and several preselected well cleanup scenarios in
which cleanup time, pressure and temperature at
various points of interest and ow rates were
altered to determine their impact on cleanup.
The objectives of the study were to estimate the
required ow rate and duration to unload the
Pressure, psi
Time, h
> History matching of pressure. The actual measured pressures recorded at the lower downhole gauge
in one of the Kitan eld wells (green) are in reasonable agreement with the pressures obtained by the
OLGA simulation (red); the largest difference measured between them is 1%.
34. A base oil is the continuous phase in oil-base drilling
uids. In the case of well cleanup at Kitan, the base oil
was pumped downhole to displace the brine that had
been used during the well completions operation.
35. For more on dynamic modeling: Nordin NAB, Umar L,
Aziz IABA, Nas S and Woo WK: Dynamic Modeling of
Wellbore Pressures Allows Successful Drilling of a
Oileld Review
Depth, m
Equivalent circulating density, specific gravity
May 2015
The OVIP OLGA verication and improvement project, for example, began in 1996 as a
three-year study designed to verify the simulators output against eld data provided by oil
company participants, which included Statoil,
Saga, Norsk Hydro, BP, Elf, Total, Agip, Exxon,
Conoco and Chevron. The success of this initial
project, which included ne-tuning the models to
more closely match eld realities, led to a series
of subsequent OVIP project JIPs. The project has
run continuously since its inception. The 2013 to
2015 OVIP members include BG Group, BP,
ExxonMobil, Gassco, Eni, Repsol, Saudi Aramco,
Shell, Statoil, Total, Woodside and PEMEX.
The OVIP project main objective is to serve
as a platform for sharing knowledge about how
OLGA simulator predictions compare with eld
and laboratory data. The project also serves
as a means of sharing ow assurance expertise
between its member oil companies. Members
provide, from their OLGA Online systems, eldwide operational data that has been collected
over long time spans. Last year, one member
supplied the OVIP project group with detailed
measurements from eight onshore and offshore
pipelines. At present, another member is planning experiments covering the entire operational
range of a 34-in. [86-cm] diameter offshore gas
condensate pipeline.
Another JIP, known as HORIZON I, started in
2004 with industry participants including IFE,
Chevron, Eni, ExxonMobil, Statoil and Shell. The
project develops models to better simulate ow
conditions in greater reservoir and water depths,
longer owlines and more challenging temperature and pressure environments. This project
was followed by the HORIZON II JIP, which ran
from 2008 to 2012. The original JIP participants
were joined by Total and ConocoPhillips in
Horizon II. HORIZON II was aimed at expanding the modeling capacity of the OLGA simulator
for long distance gas condensate transport and
long distance transport of oilwell streams. These
projects resulted in new software modules that
have expanded features for the OLGA simulator;
these modules are in use today for longer and
deeper pipelines and processing systems around
the world.
Future developments promise to extend the
reach of multiphase ow simulators even further
by tying them into reservoir modeling, drilling
and production optimization software systems.
The ultimate objective of this work is to provide
operators with a seamless, start-to-nish view of
their production systems for better control of
long-term eld development costs and production potential.