Developing Podcasts For Students: Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Developing Podcasts for Students

Donna M. Delancy
EDD 7007 CRN 50211
Principles of Distance Education

Nova Southeastern University

June 24, 2015

Lesson Title: Developing Podcasts for Students

The goal of this lesson is for faculty members that teach all disciplines at a
North Texas Community College (NTCC) to create podcasts for students. This lesson
provides an example to assist the faculty member with developing podcasts. Podcasts
are electronic recordings that present a single concept lesson to listeners using audio and
still or motion media, it can last between 3 to 10 minutes (Simonson, 2007). No longer
do students need to utilize a lab that will have pre-recorded lessons at the institution.
Podcasting is the new teaching aid, which allows student to listen to pre-recorded
lessons. In this lesson, the pre-requisite skills necessary for this podcast workshop are
1) the ability to create slides using PowerPoint software with text and graphics or
images; 2) being able to open software programs by using a desktop shortcut, create or
locate images such as JPEG or GIF files; and 3) write sentences to provide background
information about each participant for students enrolled in courses.
The intended audience for this workshop is for faculty members that teach all
disciplines at NTCC. The faculty members have experience with many types of multimedia software, recording devices, and the Internet.
Learning Objectives
The participants will navigate a step-by-step process to create a selfintroductory podcast successfully for use with students. Participants will be instructed
on how to use a step-by-step process to produce a self-introductory podcast. After the
learners have received instruction on the step-by-step process, they will follow the steps

in order to produce their self-introductory podcast back at their individual workstations.
Learners will have the opportunity to transfer learning when they develop upcoming
instructional podcast for students enrolled in future courses.
A Blackboard site will be used for the instructional videos, text images, and links
to external websites. Various instructional media will be utilized to build and present the

Internet will be used to locate images related to the individual creating the

MS PowerPoint will be utilized to develop three slides of introduction.

Captivate will record the voice narrative for the three slides created.

Surveymonkey will be used for the pre-assessment and post-assessment. This will
be done to compare the faculty members knowledge before the lesson and after
the lesson using a KWL strategy (what students KNOW, what they WANT to
know, and finally what they have LEARNED) (Ogle, 1986).

Google forms as the course evaluation, which provides feedback about the lesson
from the participants.

Activities and Timeline

Title of Activity

Video 1
Activity 1

Participants will complete a preassessment Surveymonkey link in
the Blackboard site to determine
what they know and what they what
to learn. (KWL strategy)
Participants will watch a video
about Captivate basics
Participant will locate 3 digital
image Use those images to create
PowerPoint slide
Write basic narration of one
to accompany digital images onto
the template
*To be created later at the
participants workstation.

Allotted Time
2 minutes

3 minutes
4 minutes

Video 2



Participants will watch a Captivate

podcast, which is a finished example
using images, PowerPoint, and 3 basic
Students will take a post lesson survey
using Surveymonkey to demonstrate
what they have learned in the lesson,
completing the KWL strategy.
Participants will complete a survey to
provide feedback about the lesson
using Google Forms.

2 minutes

2 minutes

2 minutes

Assessment Plan
Assessment of the faculty members will be gathered in the pre-assessment and
post assessment using multiple choice and fill in the blank survey questions. The results
of the pre-assessment will provide information on what the participant already knows and
the results of the post-assessment will provide information on what the student learned
from the lesson. The techniques for developing Captivate podcasts are intended to guide
future instruction that can be used to develop future online class material.
Evaluation Plan
The course evaluation will allow participants to provide feedback for
improvement of the lesson. The survey will be a Google Form and will use a five point
Likert scale. The survey will allow additional comments to be made using the comment
sections of the Google Form.

Simonson, M., (2007). Podcastingor Seeds floating down from the sky. Distance
Learningfor Educators, Trainers, and Leaders, 4(2), 102-103.
Ogle, D. (1986) "K-W-L: A teaching model that develops active reading of expository
text. The Reading Teacher 39: 56470.

EDD 7007: Lesson Plan Peer Feedback Form

Donna Delancy

Lesson Title

Developing Podcasts for Students

Peer Reviewer

Linda Rivers

1. Overview of the lesson,
including its topic and goal
2. Description of the audience
for which the lesson is intended
(1 pt.)

Topic-Developing Podcasts for Students
Goal- goal of this lesson is for faculty members that

teach all disciplines at a North Texas Community

College (NTCC) to create podcasts for students.
for this workshop is for faculty members that teach
all disciplines at NTCC (description addresses the
audiences skill level)


3. One or two learning

objectives, stated in behavioral
terms (1 pt.)

Lesson objective behavior- create a self-introductory


4. List/description of the media

you propose to include in the
lesson and your rationale for
selecting them (2 pts.)

Media list is present

5. List of activities (that is, what

the student will do to complete
the lesson) that includes a
minute-by-minute timeline (2

Timeline present

6. Assessment plan (that is,

how will you test the student to
ensure he or she understands
the content of the lesson) that
relates to your objective(s) (1

Assessment plan present

7. Evaluation plan (that is, how

you will allow the student to
provide feedback to you about
the lesson). (1 pt.)

Evaluation plan present

8. Peer review feedback and

indication of changes made (if
any) (1 pt.)

Peer-review provided

9. Quality of writing (The paper

is clearly written, with proper

Academic writing level

spelling and grammar). Points
may be deducted.
Additional comments

DMD - Made a spelling correction per Linda Rivers

Lesson Plan (10 points)

As the first step in designing the final course project (see below), the student will create a brief
lesson plan that will include the following elements:

an overview of the lesson, including its topic and goal

a description of the audience for which the lesson is intended
one or two learning objectives, stated in behavioral terms
a list/description of the media you propose to include in the lesson and your rationale for
selecting them
5. a list of activities (that is, what the student will do to complete the lesson) that includes
a minute-by-minute timeline
6. an assessment plan (that is, how will you test the student to ensure he or she
understands the content of the lesson) that relates to your objective(s)
7. an evaluation plan (that is, how you will allow the student to provide feedback to you
about the lesson).
Before submitting the lesson plan to the instructor for grading, share it with at least one classmate
for feedback. Include that students commentsand indication of any changes you made as a
resultwith your completed document.
Note that this is a plan/outline for your final project in this course, the Web-based Lesson about
Distance Education. The primary purpose of the plan is to ensure that you give adequate thought
to the design of your lesson before moving to the development stage. The secondary purpose of
the plan is to ensure that you do so early enough in the term so that you have time to do a good
job on the lesson. The tertiary purpose is to provide an opportunity for the instructor to provide
oversight and feedback.
Submit completed lesson plan to the instructor via e-mail. Please use a descriptive title in your
emails title line, such as your name plus lesson plan.
Grading guidelines for the lesson plan
1. The paper is clearly written, with proper spelling and grammar
2. Each element identified in the assignment is present, sufficiently detailed, and
3. Assuming that the above conditions are met, one point will be assigned for lesson plan
elements 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. Two points will be assigned for elements 4 and 5. One point
will be assigned for classmates feedback and discussion of changes made (if any).

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