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Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059.

With 10 figures

Taxonomy of the heavily exploited Indo-Pacific sandfish

complex (Echinodermata: Holothuriidae)
Department of Invertebrates, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000
Brussels, Belgium
Australian Institute of Marine Science, PMB No 3, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia
The WorldFish Center, c/o SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community, B.P. D5, 98848 Noumea
Cedex, New Caledonia
Research Associate, Australian Museum, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
Global Taxonomy Initiative, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Vautierstraat 29, 1000
Brussels, Belgium

Received 5 September 2007; accepted for publication 18 October 2007

Two commercially valuable holothurians, the sandfish and golden sandfish, vary in colour and have a confused
taxonomy, lending uncertainty to species identifications. A recent molecular study showed that the putative variety
Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra var. versicolor Conand, 1986 (golden sandfish) is a distinct species from, but could
hybridize with, H. (Metriatyla) scabra Jaeger, 1833 (sandfish). Examination of the skeletal elements and external
morphology of these species corroborates these findings. The identity of H. (M.) scabra is unambiguously defined
through the erection and description of a neotype, and several synonyms have been critically re-examined. The
nomenclaturally rejected taxon H. (Metriatyla) timama Lesson, 1830 and H. (M.) scabra var. versicolor (a nomen
nudum) are herein recognized as conspecific and are allocated to a new species, Holothuria lessoni sp. nov., for
which type specimens are described. The holotype and only known specimen of H. aculeata Semper, 1867, has been
found and is redescribed. It is considered to be a valid species. Taxonomic clarification of this heavily exploited
species complex should aid its conservation and permit species-specific management of their fisheries. 2009
The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: conservation biology Holothuria aculeata Holothuria lessoni sp. nov.
Holothuria scabra Holothuria scabra versicolor Holothuria timama nomenclature.

Some 20 large sea cucumber species in the order
Aspidochirotida are fished commercially throughout
the Indo-Pacific. We suspect, however, that this is an
underestimate of the actual number of aspidochirotid
species exploited because several species are poorly
defined taxonomically. This absence of sound taxo-

*Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected]
Current address: Beechcroft, Norwich Road, Scole, Norfolk
IP21 4DY, UK.


nomic research to provide unique, stable and universal

scientific names (e.g. Mace, 2004) is a hindrance
to successful conservation and management plans.
Clarity over scientific nomenclature is of particular
concern for the conservation and management of these
species. For example, current moves to add some of
these species to the CITES annexes are hampered by
insufficient knowledge of their taxonomic status. Here,
we clarify the taxonomy of the Indo-Pacific sandfish
group, consisting of species so heavily exploited (for
local examples see Lovatelli et al., 2004; Uthicke &
Conand, 2005) that they face local to global extinction
if no conservation measures are taken.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059


Sandfish are, next to the teatfish, the most commercially valuable of tropical sea cucumber species.
Whereas the identity and scientific names of teatfish
species have become increasingly clear thanks to
taxonomic studies (Rowe & Gates, 1995), and biogeographical and genetic studies (Uthicke, OHara &
Byrne, 2004), the sandfish group remains taxonomically chaotic. Irrespective of this scientific malaise,
fishermen and traders from various places in the
Indo-West Pacific commonly distinguish two kinds of
sandfish: the sandfish (sensu stricto) and the golden
(or spotted) sandfish. The scientific names that have
been attributed to these two forms are unfortunately
not unambiguous. In general, the sandfish is denominated Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra Jaeger, 1833,
whereas the golden sandfish is referred to by a
variety of scientific names such as H. timama Lesson,
1830, H. aculeata Semper, 1868 or (most commonly)
H. scabra var. versicolor Conand, 1986. The availability and validity of the latter scientific names has not
been dealt with in a conclusive, taxonomically and
nomenclaturally sound study. This partly results from
the fact that it was long thought that the Indo-Pacific
golden sandfish was merely a variety (Conand, 1986)
or at best a subspecies (Conand, 1989) of the common
Indo-Pacific sandfish.
A recent genetic study, using both nuclear and
mitochondrial markers, however, demonstrated that
the Pacific golden sandfish warrants separate species
status and that its three colour forms are conspecific
(Uthicke, Purcell & Blockmans, 2005). In the present
paper we review the taxonomy of the Indo-Pacific
sandfish complex and assign correct scientific names
to its different species. These unambiguous and stable
names will allow for easy reference and thus engender better protection, for instance, by facilitating their
addition to one of the CITES annexes or by installing
species-specific fisheries regulations.


The bulk of the study material originated from the
shallow reef flat of lot Matre (2220.4S, 16624.8E),
New Caledonia. On animals located at random, body
length, papillae (dorsal) length and depth of dorsal
body wrinkles were measured in situ, taking care not
to disturb the animals. Some specimens were subsequently anaesthetized in 5% magnesium chloride for
4 h, transferred to 100% buffered alcohol for 1 day
and transferred to 70% buffered alcohol for permanent storage. Type material of H. lessoni and H.
scabra was fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde for
about 3 months, prior to permanent storage in 70%
buffered alcohol. Original fixation of H. aculeata is
unknown; at present it is stored in 70% buffered


alcohol. Type material of H. lessoni and H. scabra was

selected in agreement with Article 75.3.6 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN),
i.e. as nearly as practicable from the original type
For further comparative studies, we examined
other material from the collections of the Royal
Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels
(RBINS), the Zoological Museum of Moscow State
University (ZMMSU), the Muse national dHistoire
naturelle in Paris (MNHN), Naturalis in Leiden
(RMNH), the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory in Darwin (MAGNTD) and the Natural
History Museum of London (NHM).
Morphological observations and measurements
were made following the conventional methods
described by such workers as Rowe & Doty (1977)
and Massin (1999) and compared with results from
recent genetic (Uthicke et al., 2005) and ecological
observations. Partial 16S mtDNA sequences from H.
scabra specimens from New Caledonia and Australia
have previously (Uthicke et al., 2005) been deposited
in GenBank (accession numbers AY509130136).
Partial mitochondrial 16S sequences of H. lessoni
sp. nov. from New Caledonia and Australia were
previously lodged in GenBank (Uthicke et al., 2005)
(accession numbers AY509142146 as H. scabra versicolor, name on sequences to be changed to H.
In the citation lists of each species, the sign ss
indicate that the species is mentioned on the indicated page and also on subsequent ones.



Ordo Aspidochirotida Grube, 1840

Familia Holothuriidae Ludwig, 1894
Genus Holothuria Linnaeus, 1767
Subgenus Metriatyla Rowe, 1969


(FIGS 1AD, 3AG, 4AH, 5AC)


Holothuria timama Lesson, 1830: 118, pl. 43;

Lampert, 1885: 94; Thel, 1886: 240; Clark, 1963:
383ss; Opinion 762, 1966: 15ss; Melville & Smith,
1987: 301.
Holothuria timana (lapsus calami); Panning 1931:
117; Cherbonnier, 1951b: 396; Cherbonnier, 1951a:
295, figs 1ar, 2ag.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) timana; Rowe & Gates, 1995:
295; Marsh & Morrison, 2004: 339.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 1. AD, Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni sp. nov. A, holotype (the covering fine layer of sand was gently
brushed away); B, holotype (top) and paratype (bottom); C, black form (IG 30768/5); D, mottled form (IG 30768/4). E, H.
timama Lesson, 1830, original drawing; F, H. timama Lesson, 1830, remaining fragment of holotype. Photographs A &
B by C. Massin, C & D by S. Purcell; E & F by Y. Samyn.

Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra; VandenSpiegel,

Ovaere & Massin, 1992: 168, figs 2, 3AE, 4AG (non
H. (M.) scabra Jaeger, 1833).
Holothuria scabra var. versicolor Conand, 1986: 19;
Conand, 1991: 170; Conand & Byrne, 1993: 3ss;
Conand, 1998: 1180, text fig. + map; Conand, 1999:
10ss; Forbes et al., 1999: 38 (colour plate); Hamel
et al., 2001: 146ss, fig. 4B; Conand, 2004: 14, fig. 1(4);
Baine, 2004: 120; Rasolofonirina, Mara & Jangoux,
2004: 137; Tuwo, 2004: 51; Uthicke et al., 2005: 261ss,
fig. 1BD; Purcell, 2005: 31, fig. 2b; Ivy & Giraspy,
2006: 28ss, figs 14.
? Holothuria scabra var. versicolor; Schoppe, 2000:
119 (colour plate); Pouget, 2005: 23.
Holothura aculeata; Cherbonnier, 1951a: 298 (non H.
aculeata Semper, 1868); Catala, 1979: 245, fig. 91
(colour plate) (non H. aculeata Semper, 1868); Rowe &
Gates, 1995: 295 (cited as a synonym of H. timana
(sic) (= H. lessoni sp. nov.).

Holothuria (Metriatyla) aculeata; Rowe, 1969: 160

(partim, records from East Indies only); Clark &
Rowe, 1971: 176 (partim, records from East Indies
only); Marsh et al., 1993: 64; Marsh, 1994: 11.



Type material
Holotype H. lessoni sp. nov.: RBINS IG 27754/179,
Hansa Bay (Madang Province, Papua New Guinea),
muddy bottom with sparse seagrass bed, 6-m depth,
coll. C. Massin 01.x.1990.
Paratype H. lessoni sp. nov: RBINS IG 27754/180,
same data as holotype.
Holotype H. timama Lesson, 1830 (buccal apparatus
only): MNHN EcHh 544, Waigeo Island, substrate
and depth not given, coll. unknown.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 2. A, Holothuria (Metriatyla) aculeata Semper, 1868, holotype; B, H. aculeata, original drawing; C. Holothuria
(Metriatyla) scabra, non-type material, New Caledonia (IG 30768/1); D, Holothuria cadelli Bell, 1887, lectotype; E,
Holothuria gallensis Pearson, 1903, original drawing; E, Holothuria cf. gallensis Pearson, 1903, drawing by Selenka, 1867
as H. tigris Brandt, 1835; G, Holothuria saecularis Bell, 1887, paralectotype. Photograph A by A. Martynov; B, DG by
Y. Samyn; C. by S. Purcell.

Non-type material
RBINS IG 27598/133 (1 specimen): Hansa Bay
(Madang Province, Papua New Guinea), muddy
bottom with sparse seagrass bed, 11 m depth, coll. C.
Massin 13.x.1989.
RBINS IG 27598/135 (1 specimen): Hansa Bay
(Madang Province, Papua New Guinea), muddy
bottom with sparse seagrass bed, 10 m depth, coll. C.
Massin 13.x.1989.
RBINS IG 30768 (6 specimens; labelled RBINS IG
30768/2 to 30768/7): lot Matre (New Caledonia),
sandy bottom with sparse seagrass bed, 0.52 m
depth, coll. S. Purcell 23.ii.2007.
Q004089: Ashmore
121520S, 1225930E, stn. 935 (Australia), 1 m
depth, coll. L. Vail 10.iv.1987.



Hansa Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea.

The name lessoni is given in honour of Dr R. P. Lesson
who, in 1830, was the first to recognize and describe
the species under the name Holothuria timama
(Fig. 1E). However, as the name timama, as published
in the binomen Holothuria timama, is suppressed
(ICZN Opinion 762, 1966), it can no longer be used to
denominate this species.



Indian and Pacific Ocean; for details see Table 1.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 3. Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni sp. nov., holotype. A, calcareous ring (R, radial plate; IR, interradial plate);
B, buttons of dorsal body wall; C, tables of dorsal body wall; D, large table of dorsal body wall; E, tables of ventral tube
feet; F, buttons of ventral tube feet; G, perforated plates of ventral tube feet. Scale bars: A = 5 mm; BG = 50 mm.



Gross morphology: Large holothurian; preserved

adult specimens 2025 cm long, 810 cm wide; living
adults commonly around 2535 cm long, but occasionally up to 48 cm long. Body slightly flattened, with
distinct ventral sole, rounded extremities. Mouth
ventral, surrounded by 20 large tentacles (counted
indirectly by number of tentacle ampullae). Papillae
around mouth prominent in live specimens, but difficult to distinguish in contracted specimens as is the
case with most of specimens at hand. Anus terminal,

without anal teeth, five groups of anal papillae

present. Dorsal surface brown-beige, with or without
black patches which are sometimes surrounded by a
white margin (Fig. 1A, B); some specimens completely
black (Fig. 1C) or mottled with black and beige-brown
(Fig. 1D). Tube feet as brown or black dots covering
bivium. Contracted specimens with few transverse
ridges. Ventral surface white to beige, or grey in the
black colour variants, with deep longitudinal, median
groove, darker than rest of surface. Tube feet brown
or black, spread evenly over trivium. Blotchy variants

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 4. Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni sp. nov., holotype. A, perforated rods of ventral tube feet; B, perforated
plates of ventral tube feet; C, perforated plates of dorsal tube feet; D, perforated plates and rods of dorsal tube feet; E,
tables of dorsal papillae; F, reduced end plate of a dorsal papilla; G, perforated plates of the anal papillae; H, perforated
plates of cloacal wall. Scale bars: A, D & G = 100 mm; B, C, E, F & H = 50 mm.

occasionally have black patches ventrally. Undisturbed animals from Papua New Guinea covered dorsally by thin layer of sand. Body wall smooth to the
touch, 1015 mm thick in contracted specimens. Calcareous ring very stout (Fig. 3A), radials twice as
wide as inter-radials, radials with deep anterior
notch. Tentacle ampullae 2050 mm long in preserved
material. One Polian vesicle, 3037 mm long in preserved material. Stone canal single, very long, 150
190 mm long in preserved material. Gonad well
developed, with numerous, very long, non-branching

tubules. Longitudinal muscles flat, wide, margins not

attached to body wall, slightly curled upwards.
Cuvierian tubules absent.
Ossicles: Dorsal and ventral body wall with tables and
buttons: buttons 4060 mm long, nodulous, with 34
pairs of small holes (Fig. 3B); tables generally
5080 mm high, with spiny, quadrangular disc,
5570 mm across, with one central hole and one circle
of 410 peripheral holes, spire of four pillars with one
cross-beam ending in large crown of acute spines

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 5. Holothuria (Metriatyla) lessoni sp. nov., holotype. A, rods and small perforated rods of the cloacal wall; B,
tentacle rods; C, detail of the extremities of large tentacle rods. Scale bars: A = 50 mm; B = 200 mm; C = 100 mm.
Table 1. Distribution of the golden sandfish, H. (M.)
lessoni sp. nov., based on scientific literature and credible reports


New Caledonia
Papua New Guinea
Torres Strait
Great Barrier Reef
Moreton Bay
Western Australia
East Indies
East Africa (Kenya)

Conand 1986*, Catala, 1979

VandenSpiegel et al., 1992
SU, T. Skewess pers. comm.
Rowe & Gates 1995
Uthicke et al., 2005*
Marsh et al., 1993
Tuwo 2004*
Clark & Rowe 1971
Aumeeruddy & Payet, 2004*
Conand 1999*
Samyn 2003

*As H. scabra var. versicolor; as H. timana; as H. scabra;

as H. aculeata.

(Fig. 3C), crown of spines can be as wide as table disc.

Dorsal body wall with additional, few, large tables,
discs up to 110 mm across, with several circles of
holes; spire reduced (Fig. 3D). Ventral body wall with
few tables. Ventral tube feet with tables, buttons,
perforated rods and perforated plates: tables as
in body wall (Fig. 3E); buttons mostly nodulous
(Fig. 3F), similar to those of body wall, but some
smooth, large buttons, 6080 mm long, with 34 pairs
of large holes (Fig. 3G) also present; perforated rods,
115265 mm long, with small central perforated
process (Fig. 4A); perforated plates, 85280 mm long,
with smooth or spiny edge (Fig. 4B). End plate highly
variable in size, 130500 mm across, composed of
several pieces perforated by irregular holes. Dorsal

appendages with perforated plates (Fig. 4C), buttons,

tables and rods; buttons smooth or nodulous with 34
pairs of holes; perforated plates with two rows of
holes (Fig. 4D); tables as in body wall, 5580 mm
across (Fig. 4E). End plate 130250 mm across, sometimes very reduced (85 mm across, Fig. 4F) or absent.
Anal papillae with tables, buttons and perforated
rods: buttons and tables as in body wall but tables
slightly larger (7085 mm across); rods, 150310 mm
long, with well-developed central perforated process
(Fig. 4G) and median longitudinal line. Cloacal wall
with large spiny perforated plates 60130 mm across
with 9 to more than 30 holes (Fig. 4H) and irregular
spiny rods, 60130 mm long (Fig. 5A). A few rods may
be present at the base of the suspensor muscle close
to the cloaca. Tentacles with rods, 60650 mm long,
slightly curved with spiny irregular extremities
(Fig. 5B, C). Gonads, longitudinal muscles, intestine
and respiratory tree devoid of ossicles.

It is usually possible to distinguish between the
species lessoni and scabra in the field (no field data
for H. aculeata are available) based on colour patterns, form and length of papillae/tube-feet and
presence/absence of wrinkles in the body wall (see
Table 2). As these characters are known to show some
variation (see below), the identification of each species
must rely on the study of the ossicle assemblage. The
most striking differences are: (1) the edge of the disc
of the tables in H. lessoni has a spiny rim, whereas H.
aculeata and H. scabra have tables with a smooth
rim, and (2) the cloacal wall of H. lessoni has irregular rods, while these are lacking in H. aculeata and
H. scabra.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059


Coloration is highly variable in this species, and
does not alone differentiate it from its close congeners
H. aculeata and H. scabra (cf. descriptions below).
The typical coloration pattern for H. lessoni varies
from uniformly black (IG 30768/5) to brownish with
distinct black patches surrounded (IG 30768/4) or not
(IG 30768/2 and IG 30768/3) by white. Two of the six
specimens in the lot from lot Matre (New Caledonia)
were collected because they were of the phenotype
(as identified by S.P., who also identified samples for
the previous study) previously identified as hybrids
between H. scabra and H. scabra var. versicolor (= H.
lessoni sp. nov.) (Uthicke et al., 2005). One of these
specimens (IG 30768/7) is uniform beige with transverse darker bands and thus it is somewhat closer to
the coloration of H. scabra; the other (IG 30768/6) is
grey with black blotches and thus resembles somewhat the blotchy colour variant of H. lessoni (cf. also
Uthicke et al., 2005; Fig. 1E, F). Examination of the
ossicle assemblage of these two specimens agrees
with the results from the molecular study and we
thus also consider these to be hybrids of H. scabra
(HS) and H. lessoni (HL). The beige-coloured specimen (IG 30768/7) presents table discs that are predominantly smooth (= HS-like), but occasionally also
spiny (= HL-like) and has its cloacal wall filled with
perforated plates with few large holes (= HS-like) and
rods (= HL-like). In the grey-coloured specimen (IG
30768/6), the edge of the table disc is smooth (= HSlike), and the cloacal wall has perforated plates with
numerous small holes (= HL-like) but no rods (= HSlike). Colour pattern (transverse stripes) is more characteristic of H. scabra whereas dark blotches are
more characteristic of H. lessoni.


1868 (FIGS 2A, B, 6AM, 7AC)
Holothuria aculeata Semper, 1868: 84, 277, pl. 24, pl.
30, fig. 19a, b; Lampert, 1885: 78; Thel, 1886: 235;
Lampert, 1896: 55; Mitsukuri, 1912: 140; Pearson,
1913: 52ss; Srne, 1937: 26; Clark, 1963: 383ss.
Holothuria (Holothuria) aculeata; Panning, 1935: 80,
fig. 65ac.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) aculeata; Rowe, 1969: 160
(partim; only the record from the Philippines); Clark
& Rowe, 1971: 176, pl. 28, fig. 1 (partim, only the
record from the Philippines).



Type material
Holotype (labelled Unicum on the original label):


Non-type material



Bohol, Philippines.



Literature accounts (cf. synonymy above) suggest

that this species is present in the Philippines
(Bohol) and in Vietnam. However, the record from
Vietnam has not been seen by us and thus remains

Gross morphology: Medium-sized holothurian; preserved specimen 95 mm long and 35 mm across,
cylindrical, with transverse ridges; dimensions in
life 22 cm long and 6 cm wide at mid body (according to Semper, 1868: pl. 24). Mouth ventral, surrounded by (at least) 17 brown tentacles and a
collar of well-developed papillae. Anus terminal,
anal papillae not observed. Colour in alcohol: dorsal
surface cream with irregular brown dots, ventral
surface whitish, tube feet deep brown (Fig. 2A).
Colour in life (according to Semper, 1868): ventral
surface uniform whitish; dorsal surface darker,
somewhat reddish with irregular dark brown
patches; tube feet darker than background colour
(Fig. 2B). Dorsal appendages not aligned in rows.
Ventral tube feet sparse, spread evenly over trivium.
Body wall gritty to the touch, 49 mm thick. Original dissection of holotype makes observation of calcareous ring detrimental to unique specimen.
Tentacle ampullae short, 710 mm long. Polian
vesicles, two, very large (19 and 20 mm long). Stone
canal, single, large, 12 mm long. Gonad branched.
Longitudinal muscles very large, thick, lateral sides
not attached to body wall, margins heavily curled
upwards, giving muscles U-shaped form. Respiratory
trees present. Cuvierian tubules absent. Digestive
tract missing except a small part of anterior dorsal
Ossicles: Dorsal body wall with tables and buttons:
tables with disc quadrangular, smooth, perforated by
four central holes and one circle of peripheral holes,
pillar short, united by one cross-beam ending in
crown of short blunt spines (Fig. 6A), majority of
tables 50 mm across and 30 mm high, few large ones
with two circles of peripheral holes and up to 80 mm
across (Fig. 6B); buttons with 34 pairs of holes,
very knobbed, 4060 mm long (Fig. 6C). Dorsal tube
feet with tables, few buttons, perforated plates and

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 6. Holothuria aculeata Semper, 1868, holotype. A, tables of dorsal body wall; B, large table of dorsal body wall;
C, buttons of dorsal body wall; D, table of dorsal papillae; E, perforated plates of dorsal papillae; F, rods of the dorsal
papillae; G, buttons of dorsal papillae; H, table of ventral body wall; J, buttons of ventral body wall; K, table of ventral
tube foot; L, buttons of ventral tube feet; M, perforated plates and rods of ventral tube feet. Scale bars: AM = 50 mm.

rods: tables as high as wide (5060 mm) (Fig. 6D);

buttons very similar to those of body wall (Fig. 6G);
perforated plates up to 150 mm long (Fig. 6E); rods,
100190 mm long, with central perforated process
(Fig. 6F). End plate made of several pieces and more
or less 400 mm across. Ventral body wall with tables
(Fig. 6H) and buttons (Fig. 6J); very similar to those
of dorsal body wall but nearly all the buttons with
three pairs of holes and smaller (3040 mm long)
than dorsally. Ventral tube feet with tables,
3065 mm across (Fig. 6K); large, sparsely knobbed

buttons, up to 70 mm long (Fig. 6L); and perforated

plates (Fig. 6M); end plate, 300350 mm across, in a
single piece. Smooth large buttons intergrade with
small-perforated plates. Cloacal wall with small perforated ossicles (4065 mm long), with 24 very large
perforations, very often spiny (Fig. 7C). Tentacles
with rods, 40470 mm long, strait with spiny, sometimes forked extremities (Fig. 7A, B). Longitudinal
muscles and suspensors of cloaca lack ossicles.
Gonads, intestine and respiratory tree not examined
for ossicles.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 7. Holothuria aculeata Semper, 1868 holotype. A & B, tentacle rods; C, ossicles of cloacal wall. Scale bars:
A = 100 mm; B & C = 50 mm.

Despite several records in the literature (cf. synonymy list above), either as a valid species, as a
misidentified species or as a synonym of H. timama
Lesson, 1830 (= H. lessoni sp. nov.), virtually no information directly attributable to this form subsequent
to the original description of H. aculeata exists. This
is due, at least in part, to the fact that the type
material of H. aculeata was considered lost (cf. Rowe
& Gates, 1995) as it could not be located in any of the
German museums that hold type material of Semper
(C. Lter, pers. comm.). However, through Drs A.
Smirnov and A. Martynov, we were able to locate the
material in the ZMMSU. To our knowledge, this specimen the holotype as the label bears the denomination Unicum is the only available voucher. This
implies that our knowledge of the intraspecific variety
of this species is non-existent.
The holotype presents irregular dorsal black areas
as do some specimens of H. lessoni sp. nov. In spite of
this, the body wall ossicles of H. aculeata are closer to
those of H. scabra than to those of H. lessoni.
However, H. aculeata differs from H. scabra by the
colour pattern (dorsal surface with dark irregular
patches versus uniform grey green colour, respectively), by the large tables of the dorsal body wall (up
to 80 mm across with normal pillars versus up to
120 mm across with reduced pillars, respectively) and
by the ossicles of the cloacal wall (4065 mm across

with 24 holes, versus 80140 mm across with 417

holes, respectively). Moreover, the longitudinal
muscles of H. aculeata are much thicker than those of
H. scabra, regardless of body size.
Holothuria aculeata differs from H. lessoni in
the diameter of the table crown, which is always
smaller than that of the table disc, and by the presence of short blunt spines on the table crown (long
and acute for H. lessoni). The ossicles of the cloaca
of H. lessoni are also much larger (60130 mm
long) than those of H. aculeata. Moreover, the
ossicles of the cloaca of H. lessoni are perforated by
numerous holes (9 to more than 30) and are very
The fact that H. aculeata has only been identified
with certainty from the type, and that none of us
has seen this species in the wild, suggests that it is
either rare or endemic to the Philippines. The possibility that it is another form of hybrid between H.
scabra and H. lessoni cannot be excluded until
further vouchers allow better characterization of the
variation in this taxon. Also, given that H. scabra
and H. lessoni both have successfully been produced
in aquaculture (James et al., 1994; Lovatelli et al.,
2004; Ivy & Giraspy, 2006), it should be investigated
whether hybridization between these species is possible. Morphology and genetics of such putative
hybrids should then be critically compared with H.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 8. Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833, neotype. A, calcareous ring (R, radial plate; IR, interradial plate); B, buttons
of ventral body wall; C, tables of ventral body wall; D, tables of dorsal body wall; E, buttons of dorsal body wall; F, large
table of dorsal body wall; G, buttons of ventral tube feet; H, tables of ventral tube feet; J, perforated rods of ventral tube
feet; K, end plate of ventral tube foot; L, perforated plates of ventral tube feet. Scale bars: A = 5 mm; BH, L = 50 mm; J
& K = 100 mm.


(FIGS 2E, 8AL, 9AD, 10A, B)
Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833: 23; Semper, 1869:
120; Panning, 1935: 80, fig. 66af (list of references
before 1935); Cherbonnier, 1980: 647, fig. 16AL (list
of references before 1980); Massin, 1999: 30, figs
22al, 23 (map), 110f (colour plate) (list of references
before 1998); Hamel et al., 2001: 129ss (list of references before 2000); Hamel, Battaglene, Mercier, 2001:
349; Marshall, Milledge & Afonso, 2001: 45ss;

Mercier, Battaglene & Hamel, 2001: 357; Morgan,

2001: 6ss; Uthicke & Benzie, 2001: 109ss; Battaglene
et al., 2002: 31ss; Kinch, 2002: 5; Kithakeni & Ndaro,
2002: 163ss; Chen, 2003: 20; Dance, Lane & Bell,
2003: 495ss; Ramofafia, Byrne & Battaglene, 2003a:
658ss; Lane & VandenSpiegel, 2003: 148 (colour
plate); Ramofafia et al., 2003b: 281ss; Aumeeruddy &
Payet, 2004: 241; James, 2004: 385ss, figs 17; Purcell
& Kirby, 2006: 54ss; Uthicke & Purcell, 2004: 520ss;
Eeckhaut et al., 2004: 312ss; Hasan, 2005: 491ss;
Purcell, 2005: 31, fig. 2a; Rasolofonirina et al., 2005:
62ss; Shiell, 2005: 8; Mmbaga & Mgaya, 2006: 3ss;

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Figure 9. Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833, neotype. A, tables of dorsal papillae; B, buttons of dorsal papillae; C,
perforated rods of dorsal papillae; D, perforated rods of anal papillae. Scale bars: AD = 50 mm.

Figure 10. Holothuria scabra Jaeger, 1833, neotype. A,

perforated plates of cloacal wall; B, tentacle rods. Scale
bars: A = 50 mm; B = 100 mm.

Purcell, Blockmans & Agudon, 2006: 238ss; Purcell,

Blockmans & Nash, 2006: 284ss.
Holothuria (Holothuria) scabra; Panning, 1935: 80,
fig. 66af; Domantay, 1936: 399.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra; Rowe, 1969: 160, fig.
20ac; Clark & Rowe, 1971: 178, fig. 87H, pl. 28, fig.
15; Gibbs, Clark & Clark, 1976: 138; Cherbonnier,
1980: 647, fig. 16AL; Cherbonnier, 1988: 135, fig.
55AO; Massin, 1999: 30, figs 22al, 23 (map), 110f
(colour plate); Bussarawit & Thongtham, 1999: 35;
Samyn & Vanden Berghe, 2000: 24; Schoppe, 2000:
118 (colour plate); Lane et al., 2000: 489; Samyn,
2003: 50, figs 19AE, 53D (map), pl. 3A (colour plate);
Hamel et al., 2001: 129ss; Paulay, 2003: 578; Putchakarn & Sonchaeng, 2004: 425; Thandar & Samyn,
2004: 255; Marsh & Morrison, 2004: 303, 339; Samyn,
VandenSpiegel & Massin, 2005: 15; Samyn, Appeltans
& Kerr, 2005: 108ss.
Holothuria (Halodeima) scabra; Mortensen, 1934: 6.
Fossothuria scabra; Domantay & Conlu, 1968: 170.
Holothuria (Mertensiothuria) scabra; Kumara, Cumaranathunga & Linden, 2005: 25.
? Holothuria tigris; Selenka, 1867: 333, pl. 19, figs
7072 (non H. tigris Brandt, 1835).
Holothuria saecularis Bell, 1887b: 534, pl. XLV, fig. 6.

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



? Holothuria gallensis Pearson, 1903: 203, pl. 3, figs

4650 (I); Daniel & Halder, 1974: 419.
Holothuria (Microthele) tigris Brandt, 1835: 55.
Holothuria (Metriatyla) ocellata; Mukhopadhaya,
1988: 6 (non H. ocellata Jaeger, 1833).
Holothuria (Cystipus) rigida; Mukhopadhaya, 1988: 7
(non H. rigida Selenka, 1867).



Type material
Neotype of H. scabra (designated here): RBINS IG
28251/36, Panikiang (Sulawesi, Indonesia), reef flat
at low tide, coll. C. Massin 30.viii.1994.
Four syntypes of Holothuria cadelli Bell, 1887:
NHM 1886.6.26.8692, Andaman Islands, coll. Dr
Anderson, date unknown; the largest specimen
(180 mm long) is here designated as lectotype.
Two syntypes of Holothuria saecularis Bell, 1887:
NHM 1866.4.13.5, Angola, coll Dr Welxitch, date
unknown. the largest specimen (180 mm long) is here
designated as lectotype.
Non type material
RMNH Ech 6081 (one specimen): Panikiang
(Sulawesi, Indonesia), reef flat at low tide; coll. C.
Massin 30.viii.1994.
RBINS IG 28767 (ten specimens from aquaculture):
Vonavona lagoon (Kohinggo Island, Western Province,
Solomon Islands), 2-m depth, coll: J. F. Hamel
RBINS IG 30768/1 (one specimen): lot Matre
(New Caledonia), on a sandy bottom with sparse
seagrass beds at 1-m depth; coll: S. Purcell 27.ii.2007.



Panikiang, Sulawesi, Indonesia.



According to the literature (HL. Clark, 1946; Rowe &

Gates, 1995; Massin, 1999; Hamel et al., 2001) this
species has a wide Indo-West Pacific distribution:
from the Red Sea and coast of East Africa to Raratonga (Cook Islands) but it is apparently absent from
Hawaii, the East Pacific and along the Pacific American Coasts. Present comparative studies, however,
indicate that the sandfish from the Indian Ocean (cf.,
among many others, James & James, 1994; Samyn,
2003; Rasolofonirina et al., 2004; Conand, Dinhut &
Roland, 2005; Pouget, 2005) are possibly not conspecific with those from the Pacific. Only further com-

parative study with more material from the Indian

Ocean will determine whether this is the case.



Gross morphology: Medium-sized holothurian; preserved neotype 175 mm long and 40 mm wide. Body
arched dorsally and more or less flat ventrally; one
median longitudinal groove ventrally. Mouth ventral,
surrounded by 20 short tentacles. Anus terminal with
anal papillae. Dorsal surface grey-green with transverse greenish bands (Fig. 2C). Ventral surface greywhite, speckled with dark tiny dots corresponding to
tube feet. Body wall gritty to the touch, thin (23 mm
thick). Calcareous ring with radial plates twice as
wide as interradial pieces. Radial pieces with deep
anterior notch (Fig. 8A). Stone canal single, 20 mm
long. One Polian vesicle, 32 mm long. Tentacle ampullae nearly as long as Polian vesicle. Longitudinal
muscles thin, flat with free extremities. No Cuvierian
tubules. Gonads not observed. Respiratory trees
simple, reaching up to calcareous ring. Digestive tract
with a long loop, filled with coarse sand.
Ossicles: Dorsal and ventral body wall with buttons
and tables. Ventrally buttons very numerous, comparatively large, 4075 mm long (Fig. 8B); tables rare,
4055 mm high with disc 6095 mm across, quadrangular, smooth, perforated by one central hole and one
circle of 816 peripheral holes; spire of four short
pillars united by one cross-beam, and ending in a
crown of blunt spines (Fig. 8C); crown never as wide
as table disc. Dorsally, tables very similar to ventral
ones (Fig. 8D); buttons nodulous, 4050 mm long, with
34 pairs of holes (Fig. 8E); a few large buttons with
57 pairs of holes (Fig. 8E). Dorsally, a few large
tables (Fig. 8F), 8090 mm across (up to 120 mm across
in other specimens) with numerous holes and with
reduced pillars. Ventral tube feet with nodulous
buttons, 4090 mm long (Fig. 8G); perforated rods,
110175 mm long (Fig. 8J); and tables, 50100 mm
across (Fig. 8H), very similar to those of body wall;
end plate 400460 mm across with a second layer
(Fig. 8K), and surrounded by spiny perforated plates
(Fig. 8L). Dorsal papillae with few rods (Fig. 9C) and
numerous buttons nearly all with three pairs of holes
and similar to those of tube feet (Fig. 9B); tables rare
(Fig. 9A) or absent; end plate more or less 270 mm
across, comprising several pieces. Anal papillae with
tables, buttons and rods; rods slightly curved, 130
200 mm long with few perforations at extremities and
sometimes 12 central perforations (Fig. 9D). Tables
60100 mm across with a quadrangular, spiny disc
and often an irregular crown of spines. Cloacal wall
with large spiny perforated plates 80140 mm across
with 417 holes (Fig. 10A); most of the plates with

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059


46 large holes. Tentacles with spiny rods 80440 mm
long, slightly curved (Fig. 10B). Ossicles absent in
longitudinal and suspensor muscles of cloaca, digestive tract and respiratory tree. Gonad of neotype
missing; non-type specimen (RBINS IG 30768/1) with
gonad that is devoid of ossicles.

The neotype of H. scabra has a particularly thin body
wall in comparison with larger specimens of the
species. This body wall thickness is in agreement with
the lengthweight relationship of H. scabra. Specimens grow generally to 150170 mm in length; larger
specimens become heavier by an increase of body-wall
thickness (Pitt & Nguyen, 2004). Colour in live specimens can be quite variable. Entirely black morphs
have been observed on Australias east coast; these
were genetically indistinguishable from the green to
grey morphs (Uthicke & Benzie, 1999). We also
observed specimens with chocolate brown dorsal sides
from Bali (Indonesia; S. Uthicke unpubl. data). Black
morphs of H. scabra are also quite common in New
Caledonia (S. W. Purcell, pers. observ.).
The species Holothuria cadelli Bell, 1887, H. gallensis Pearson, 1903 and H. tigris Brandt, 1835 have
been included in the synonymy at least since Pannings (1935) report. Considering the confusion surrounding the true concept of the species scabra, as
demonstrated above, the type series of cadelli was
re-examined. Type specimens of both gallensis and
tigris have not been located, although the original
descriptions have served well in understanding their
external morphology. The type specimen of a fourth
species, H. saecularis Bell, 1887, listed by Panning as
a valid species (but poorly described) has also been
examined and we herein are able to commit it to the
synonymy of H. scabra.
To clarify the relationship between each of these
species and H. scabra we briefly discuss them, in
alphabetical order, below.
Holothuria cadelli Bell, 1887
Decision for synonymy: Panning (1935).
Type data: Four syntypes, NHM 1866.6.26.8692 with
type locality Andaman Islands; largest specimen
(180 mm long, NHM 1886.6.26.86a) here designated
as lectotype; paralectotypes with collection numbers
NHM 1886.6.26.86bd.
Taxonomic description (see also Bell, 1887a): Type
material well preserved, well relaxed. Largest specimen 180 mm long and 40 mm wide at mid body. Body
cylindrical with rather fusiform extremities, espe-


cially posteriorly. Ventral side flattened, dorsal side

somewhat arched. Mouth ventral; number of tentacles could not be determined. Anus terminal, surrounded by anal papillae. Tube feet dispersed without
apparent order over bivium and trivium. Body wall
rough to the touch, only 1 mm thick. Calcareous ring
with radial pieces with well-developed posterior bifurcation and more than twice as long as the interradial
plate. Tentacle ampullae large (> half body length);
number could not be determined. Polian vesicle
single, large (> half body length). Stone canal(s) and
madreporite(s) could not be found. Gonad present,
very large, extensively ramified. Longitudinal
muscles narrow, not attached laterally. Cuvierian
tubules present.
The ossicle assemblage, with very low tables and
nodulous small buttons, together with the distinctive
morphology of the calcareous ring and the presence of
Cuvierian tubules leave no doubt that H. cadelli must
be removed from the synonymy of H. scabra. Instead,
the species clearly belongs to the holothurian subgenus Theelothuria. We prefer not to assign its specific
status until a complete taxonomic revision of
Theelothuria is carried out.
Holothuria gallensis Pearson, 1903
Taxonomic decision for synonymy: Panning (1935).
Type data: Status and whereabouts of three syntypes
undetermined; type locality Reef Galle, Ceylon (= Sri
Taxonomic description: Cf. Pearson, 1903: 203,
pl. III, figs 4650.
Remarks: As the types of this species have thus far
not been located Pearson provides no indication as
to where they have been deposited (Calcutta?
Madras?) it is difficult to judge whether H. gallensis
is indeed a synonym of H. scabra. Fortunately, the
description is rather accurate and thus serves as a
guide. Pearson (1903: 204) notes that The yellow
transverse stripes on the dorsal surface and the mottling on the ventral side are very characteristic. H.
scabra as defined here through the neotype, however,
does not present yellow but greenish transverse
bands. Whitish bands have, however, been described
for H. scabra by various authors. Selenka (1867), for
instance, describes and superbly illustrates them for
at least one of the specimens he identifies as H. tigris
Brandt, 1835, but from which of the localities he lists
[Carolinen (Martens), Zanzibar, Amboina, Java] it has
been collected from is not clear. More recently other
authors also illustrated this coloration pattern as
being typical of H. scabra (among others: James et al.,
1994: 5, fig. II, 6, fig. III, 32: fig. XV; James & James,

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



1994: 26, fig. XI; Conand, 1999: 23, pl. 3F; Samyn,
2003: 149, pl. 3A). It must be noted that these illustrations all are of specimens from the Indian Ocean.
The taxonomic status of H. gallensis will remain
doubtful until more material from the Indian Ocean
becomes available for morphological and molecular
determination. If the Indian Ocean form does prove to
represent a valid species then the name gallensis is
the oldest subjective synonym available, but needs to
be stabilized, taxonomically, by the establishment and
description of a neotype.
Holothuria tigris Brandt, 1835
Taxonomic decision for synonymy: Panning (1935).
Type data: Status and whereabouts undetermined;
type locality Uleai Is., Caroline Archipelago.
Taxonomic description: Cf. Brandt, 1835: 55 (in
Remarks: The original description clearly states that
the dorsum has transverse dorsal stripes that can be
interrupted. As this conforms with H. scabra, H. tigris
best remains a junior subjective synonym.
Holothuria saecularis Bell, 1887
Type data: Two syntypes, NHM 1866.4.13.5 with type
locality Angola; largest specimen (150 mm long, NHM
1866.4.13.5a) here designated lectotype; paralectotype with collection number NHM 1866.4.13.5b.
Taxonomic description: Cf. Bell, 1887b: 534, pl. XLV,
fig. 6.
Examination of the gross morphology and the
ossicle assemblage leaves no doubt that this name
should be put in the synonymy of H. scabra. The type
locality (Angola, West Africa) is, however, very problematic as this implies that H. scabra is also present
in the Atlantic Ocean. We can only conclude that this
is an error of Bell.
Remarks: Bell (1887b) stated that no tables were to be
found; our (re-)examination, however, did reveal
tables, in size and shape identical to those of H.

It is remarkable that the taxonomy of one of the most
valuable of tropical commercial species has remained
so chaotic, despite recent monographs on the species
(Bai, 1980; Hamel et al., 2001). The main problem has
been the lack of name-bearing types for two of
the three Indo-Pacific sandfish species now recog-

nized, which has led to a lack of understanding

of the original concept of those species based on
erroneous, subjective identifications from original
The golden sandfish has in the past been referred
to under the infrasubspecific name Holothuria
(Metriatyla) scabra var. versicolor, proposed by
Conand (1986) on the basis of comparative ecological
and reproductive studies. Conand erected this name
because her data suggested that studied populations
were different from H. (Metriatyla) scabra Jaeger,
1833, although ossicle assemblages appeared
broadly similar. Later Conand (1989) raised the
variety versicolor to subspecific rank. Uthicke et al.
(2005) utilized allozymes and 16S mtDNA sequence
data to show that H. scabra and H. scabra var.
versicolor are distinct, but young biological and phylogenetic species and suggested that H. scabra var.
versicolor should be raised to species rank. However,
as versicolor was named as a variety (=an infrasubspecific name), it is not available for a specific name
(ICZN Art 15.2), nor can it be raised by subsequent
action (such as elevation in rank) except by a
ruling of the Commission (ICZN Art 45.5). Moreover,
as neither the criteria of publication (ICZN Arts
79) nor the provisions of availability (ICZN Arts
1020) were met, the name versicolor is a nomen
The next, apparent, available name for the golden
sandfish, cf. above, is Lessons (1830) H. timama.
This, also, is unacceptable, however, as the name had
been suppressed in 1966 (see Opinion 762, 1966),
following a case submitted by Clark (1963) in order to
defend the validity of the species Holothuria aculeata
Semper, 1868, which was thought, at the time to be
threatened following Cherbonniers (1951b) rediscovery of and redescription of H. timama. Cherbonnier
(1951b) considered aculeata to be a synonym of
timama. It is all the more unjustified, and confusing,
that as recently as 1995, Rowe (in Rowe & Gates,
1995) appeared to have overlooked Opinion 762
(1966) and to have resurrected timama on the basis of
Cherbonniers (1951b) conclusions. This error has
been followed by both Samyn (2003) and Marsh &
Morrison (2004).
Although it is possible to request, through a new
ruling of the ICZN, the reinstatement of a suppressed
name, we believe this would be unwise as the only
remaining, and purported, type material of timama is
a virtually unidentifiable anterior, internal fragment
(including the calcareous ring and associated tissues,
see Fig. 1F); the name H. timama is thus a nomen
dubium (ICZN Art 75.5).
As there are no other available synonyms or type
specimens from which to establish a named species,
we have provided a new name, Holothuria (Metri-

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Table 2. Morphological characters distinguishing the three species discussed


H. lessoni

H. aculeata

H. scabra

Body length
Body shape

250480 mm
Distinctly flattened
Beige-brown or black,
mottled or blotched,
lighter ventrally
No transverse body
wrinkles, or only on
average 0.5 mm
(0.3 SD) deep
Black, bordered by a black
Numerous (30 cm-2)

95 mm
Mildly flattened ventrally

150200 mm
Mildly flattened ventrally


Grey-brown, grey-green, or
black, with or without
dark transversal bands
Transverse body wrinkles,
on average 3.1 mm
(0.7 SD) deep

Long, on average 3.2 mm

(0.8 SD) (range:
2.04.4 mm)
5570 mm
Up to 110 mm

Not applicable

External coloration

Body wrinkles (living


Coloration of dorsal
Distribution of dorsal
Length dorsal appendages
(living specimens)
Table: disc edge
Table diameter
Large table with reduced
Table height
Table crown
Perforated plate of cloaca
Rods of cloaca
Anal papillae rod shape

5585 mm
Large, acute spines
60130 mm, 9 to > 30 holes
Present, 60130 mm
Numerous, with large
central perforated process

atyla) lessoni, with a type specimen collected close to

the type locality of H. timama.
Finally, we have also established the correct name
for the sandfish as Holothuria (Metriatyla) scabra
Jaeger, 1833 by describing a neotype specimen, which
unambiguously establishes its taxonomic identity.
Further investigation is required to determine
whether the Indian Ocean form fits within the
concept of scabra that we have defined or requires
recognition as a separate species, for which the name
Holothuria gallensis Pearson, 1903 may be available.
Of further interest is hybridization between H.
scabra and H. lessoni, initially suggested after intermediate phenotypes had mtDNA from either of the
two species (H. lessoni as H. scabra var. versicolor),
and allozyme (as nuclear markers) frequencies intermediate between them (Uthicke et al., 2005). Further
statistical analyses of those data suggested that all
hybrids investigated were from the F1 generation,
and no further gene exchange between the two
species was detected. Intermediate phenotypes (from
the same location) investigated here with morphological data supported the hypothesis that the species are

Not applicable

Deep brown
Sparse (15 cm-2)

4555 mm
Up to 80 mm
4045 mm
Small, blunt spines
4065 mm, 24 large holes,
Anal papillae not observed

Light grey, bordered by a

whitish circle
Sparse (20 cm-2)
Short, on average 1.5 mm
(0.3 SD) (range:
1.22 mm)
6095 mm
Up to 120 mm
4555 mm
Medium, blunt spines
80140 mm, 417 holes
Few, without large central
perforated process

Table 2 summarizes the main characters that allow

recognition of the three species treated here.

We thank the many people who have helped us with
collecting information and making type material
available. In particular we would like to express our
gratitude to Dr N. Cominardi of the MNHN for granting us access to the sandfish types deposited in her
museum, Dr A. Cabrinowic for providing access to
type material in the NHM, Dr C. Lter of the ZMB
and Dr A. Smirnov of the Zoological Institute of
Saint-Petersburg for helping us in the search for the
type of H. aculeata, Dr A. Martynov of the ZMMSU
for the loan of the holotype of H. aculeata, Dr D.
Lagunov of the Manchester Museum for carrying the
type specimen of H. aculeata from Russia to England,
and Drs A. Polaszek and S. Tracey of the ICZN for
clarifying a nomenclatural issue. The expedition to
Papua New Guinea was financially supported in 1989
by the Belgian Fund for Basic Research (grant no.
209001.86) and by the Royal Belgian Institute of
Natural Sciences, and in 1990 by the King Lopold III

2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155, 4059



Fund for Nature Exploration and Conservation, by

the Fund for Scientific Research-Flanders (project G
2908-90) and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural
Sciences. Generous support to C.M. and Y.S. came
from the RBINS, three Synthesys projects (Fr-TAF
1665, Fr-TAF 1570, GB-TAF 1666) and NSF PEET
project (DEB-05297924). We thank H. Gossuin for
assisting with fieldwork in New Caledonia, which was
funded by ADECAL. This is Contribution No. 1828 of
the WorldFish Center. The Belgian National Focal
Point to the Global Taxonomy Initiative is warmly
thanked for its financial and logistic support to Y.S.
Finally, we thank Dr G. Paulay of the University of
Florida for critically reviewing an earlier draft of this
manuscript, as well as two anonymous referees for
their valuable comments.

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