Scholastic Reading Facts

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Facts About Kids and Reading


Only one-third of all students entering high school are proficient in reading
only about 15 percent of African American students, and 17 percent of Hispanic students.
(NAEP Reading_2009)
Two thirds of eighth graders do not read at grade level (proficient).
(NAEP Reading_2009)
There is a significant economic reading gap for students: only 16 percent of students
eligible for free or reduced lunch programs are proficient in reading, compared to
42 percent who are not eligible. (NAEP Reading_2009)
Boys lag behind girls in reading proficiency in all 50 states in some states by as many as
10 percentage points. (Center for Education Policy)
Between 1971 and 2004, the NAEP scores of 12th-graders showed no improvement. Further,
the 2005 scores of 12th-graders were generally lower than their counterparts in 1992.
(Alliance for Excellent Education)
Only 31 percent of college graduates have high level literacy skills.
(2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy, cited by The New York Times)
47% of students who took the ACTs in 2009 did not meet the ACT College
Readiness for the Reading section of the ACT Benchmark. (the ACT)
A study conducted in 2005 revealed that 33% of non-college students and 29% of
college students who participated in the study felt inadequately prepared for reading
and understanding complicated materials. (Achieve, Inc.)
In a 2005 study, 70% of 300 surveyed college instructors felt that students were
unprepared to understand college level reading and comprehending complex materials.
(Achieve, Inc.)
The 2009 SAT results revealed that students who had four or more years of English
and Language Arts study scored over 100 points more in Critical Reading, Writing and
Mathematics sections than students who had one year or less training. (The CollegeBoard)
In 2008, California reported that only one-third of students who graduated from California
public schools were prepared to go to a 4-year college.
(The Center for Future of Teaching and Learning)

Facts About Kids and Reading

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice (2001) reports that 82 percent of prison inmates are high
school dropouts, and a very high proportion of them cannot read.
(Adolescent Literacy: A National Reading Crisis)
More than one third of all juvenile offenders read below the fourth-grade level.
(Adolescent Literacy: A National Reading Crisis)
Every school day in America, 3,000 students drop outthe majority of them are poor
readers. Students with below grade level reading skills are twice as likely to drop out of
school as those who can read on or above grade level.
(Adolescent Literacy: A National Reading Crisis)
About one-third of all first-year college students took a remedial course in reading or math in
2007-2008. Students taking remedial reading classes in college had only a 17 percent chance
of graduating, according to 2004 DOE data.
(U.S. Department of Education data, cited by USA Today)
Forecasts that by 2018, 63 percent of all jobs will require at least some postsecondary
education. Employers will need 22 million new workers with postsecondary degrees and
the report shows that we will fall short by three million workers without a dramatic change in
course. This translates into a deficit of 300,000 college graduates every year between now
and 2018. (Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce)
Forecasters have predicted that if static literacy levels continue, then by 2030 the entire
Literacy Level distribution of the U.S. population will have decreased, creating an American
workforce that is unequipped and unskilled to work in the demanding global market.
(Educational Testing Service)
In 2008, the California State University System, the largest university system in the country,
recorded that more than 60% of its incoming freshmen students required remedial
coursework in English. (The Center for Future of Teaching and Learning.)
It was estimated that a single states employers will have to pay almost $40 million a year to
provide remedial training in reading, writing, and mathematics to its employees if the current
trends in secondary school preparation continue. (Achieve, Inc.)
The United States placed 16th out of 21 OECD (Organization of Economic Co-Operation and
Development) countries surveyed for high school graduation rates.
(Educational Testing Service)

Facts About Kids and Reading

Among adults at the lowest level of literacy proficiency, 43% live in poverty. Among adults
with strong literacy skills, only 4% live in poverty. (First Book)
Low literacy costs $73 billion per year in terms of direct health care costs. This is equal to
the amount Medicare pays for physician services, dental services, home health care, drugs,
and nursing home care combined. (The National Center for Family Literacy)
One in every 100 U.S. adults 16 and older is in prison or jail in America (about 2.3 million in
2006). About 43 percent do not have a high school diploma or equivalent and 56 percent
have very low literacy skills. (The National Center for Family Literacy)
If the male graduation rate were increased by only 5 percent, the nation would see an annual
savings of $4.9 billion in crime-related costs. (Alliance for Excellent Education)
The average annual income for a high school dropout in 2005 was $17,299, compared to
$26,933 for a high school graduate, a difference of $9,634. (Alliance for Excellent Education)
If the students who dropped out of the Class of 2009 had graduated, the nations economy
would have benefited from nearly $335 billion in additional income over the course of their
lifetimes. (Alliance for Excellent Education)
Unless major efforts are made to improve education attainment of US citizens, personal
income will decline over the next 15 years by 2022. (Educational Testing Service)
There is a distinct correlation between the Literacy Levels (1-5, 5 being the highest literacy
level) and participation in the workforce. While only 49% of Level 1 adults report being
active in the workforce, in comparison 77% of adults in Level 3 and 91% of adults in Level 5
are participating in the workforce. (2005) (Educational Testing Service)
It is suggested that adults that place amongst the lower literacy levels are not only
less-skilled for the changing employment environment, but are given less opportunities to
engage in programs to acquire requisite skills and job training. (Educational Testing Service)

Facts About Kids and Reading

Children who grow up in homes where books are plentiful go further in school than those
who dont. Children with low-education families can do as well as children with
high-education families if they have access to books at home.
(Family scholarly culture and educational success: Books and schooling in 27 nations)
When children are provided with 10 to 20 self-selected children's books at the end of the
regular school year, as many as 50 percent not only maintain their skills, but actually make
reading gains.
(Bridging the Summer Reading Gap, by Anne McGill-Franzen and Richard Allington)
Children living in poverty, on the whole, have a greater summer learning loss than do
children from affluent families, and those students living in poverty who did have gains over
the summer, had smaller gains than their peers whose families had higher incomes.
(McGill-Franzen and Allington)
Ensuring that books are available to any child at any time of the year will be a good first
step in enhancing the reading achievement of low-income students and an absolutely
necessary step in closing the reading achievement gap.
(Ameliorating summer reading setback among economically disadvantaged elementary
students, Richard Allington, April 2007)
If a child reads as much as one million words per year, they will be in top 2% of all children
on standardized reading tests. If a child reads as little as 8000 words per year, they will
be in bottom 2% of all children on standardized reading tests. Therefore, if you read 3,000
words every day you will be in the top 2%. If you read 20 words every day, you will be in
the bottom 2%.
Students who read widely and frequently are higher achievers than students who read
rarely and narrowly. (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)
Reading a lot is one of the most powerful methods of increasing fluency, vocabulary,
[and] comprehension. (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)
Children learn an average of 4,000 to 12,000 new words each year as a result of book reading. (Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)
Independent reading is a major source of reading fluency.
(Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)

Facts About Kids and Reading

Wide and frequent reading of trade books increases a students reading achievement.
(Scholastic: Classroom Libraries Work!)
Research has found a relation between the amount of time that children read for fun on their
own and reading achievement.
(Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts).
Children in classrooms without literature collections read 50% less than children
in classrooms with such collections. (International Reading Association).
Studies have proven that increased family engagement in educational programs is linked with
increases in child reading achievement and other academic successes (such as high school
graduation rates.) (Pre-K Now)


In 2006, UNESCO reported that there are still 132 million young people worldwide
that are unable to communicate in a written language. (UNESCO)
According to the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, there is an estimated 774 million
illiterate adults in the world, in which 64% are women. (UNESCO Institute for Statistics)
From 2001 to 2006, 8 countries have recorded an increase in their average reading literacy
scores, 6 reported decreases. And the U.S. and other remaining countries reported no change.
(National Center for Education Statistics)
Around the world, 775 million adults are illiterate. (UNESCO)

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