Steel Column Bases Under Biaxial Loading Conditions
Steel Column Bases Under Biaxial Loading Conditions
Steel Column Bases Under Biaxial Loading Conditions
JULY 2014
Edited by
Partial reproductions of this document are allowed on the condition that the Author is
mentioned and that the reference is made to Integrated Masters in Civil Engineering
2013/2014 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of the University of
Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2014.
The opinions and information included in this document represent solely the point of view of
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To my family
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I want to thank Dr. Miguel Castro that, not only, accepted to be my tutor immediately but also helped
me to take care of everything so that I could go abroad. Indeed, he always helped me to find the best
solution and kept me interested in going further.
I would like also to thank Prof. Frantiek Wald who allowed doing my dissertation at the Czech
Technical University in Prague. Without him this amazing opportunity would not be possible and, for
that, I will never forget him. Moreover, he provided me many resources that allowed me to understand
the topic and to put everything together.
A special thanks belongs to Ing. Zdenk Sokol that was always available to help me. He transmitted
the knowledge I needed to fully understand the subject and took care of me the whole time I was in
I am much grateful for the support that Nuno and Antnio gave me with ABAQUS. Without them I
would not be able to finish my model.
Thanks to Lukas, who I shared my desk the time that I was working in Prague and always tried to help
me even when he didnt know how.
I am also thankful to Norberto, the one who was always there for me, especially in the worst times.
To my family who supported me the whole time I was studying and always made an effort so I would
have everything that I merited. They are one big part of my life and I want to thank them, not just for
my studies, but for everything. Without them I would not be who I am and would never get to where I
To all the friends that crossed my way during my journey at the university, they made these five years
become unforgettable.
The main goal of this work is the development of a procedure that would allow obtaining the moment
capacity of a column base under combined biaxial bending and axial force.
The component method prescribed in EN 1993-1-8 for the design of column base connections is firstly
described. The method allows the calculation of moment capacity and initial stiffness of the joint
under combined axial force and bending about the major axis.
A numerical model is developed in ABAQUS and validated with data obtained from experiments
carried out at Brno University of Technology. The tests included strong axis bending and biaxial
bending of a simple column base. Then, the column base model is subjected to bending about the
strong axis, with a proportional loading, and the obtained results (moment capacity and initial
stiffness) are compared with the component method results.
Afterwards, an analytical model for the design of column bases subjected to weak axis bending is
introduced. A moment-moment interaction curve is proposed that allows obtaining the resistance of
column bases under out-of-plane bending.
The procedure for obtaining the resistance and stiffness of the column base subjected to weak axis
bending is achieved by modifying the existing component method so that it is suitable for this type of
loading. The interaction curve is created based on the resistances for bending about the main axes. The
validity of the proposed model is checked against the results obtained from nonlinear analysis
performed in ABAQUS.
KEYWORDS: steel structures, column bases, component method, weak axis bending, biaxial bending.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho o desenvolvimento de um procedimento que permite a obteno
do momento resistente da base de um pilar metlico quando sujeita a flexo desviada composta.
Em primeiro lugar, o mtodo das componentes proposto na norma EN 1993-1-8 para o
dimensionamento bases de pilares descrito. O mtodo permite o clculo do momento resistente e da
rigidez inicial da ligao carregada segundo o eixo principal de maior rigidez (i.e., fora axial e flexo
segundo o eixo forte). Este analisa os componentes principais separadamente e, em seguida, procede
assemblagem das suas caractersticas para obter o comportamento da ligao.
Apresenta-se o desenvolvimento de um modelo numrico no programa ABAQUS, o qual validado
com resultados obtidos atravs de ensaios experimentais realizados na Brno University of Technology.
Os ensaios incluram flexo segundo o eixo principal e flexo desviada de uma base de pilar simples.
Posteriormente, a base do pilar deste modelo sujeita a flexo segundo o eixo forte e os resultados
obtidos (momento resistente e rigidez inicial) so comparados com os resultados do mtodo das
De seguida desenvolve-se um modelo analtico para o dimensionamento de bases de pilares sujeitas a
flexo segundo o eixo fraco. Propem-se tambm uma curva de interao que permite obter a
resistncia da ligao quando sujeita a flexo desviada.
O modelo analtico baseia-se na modificao do mtodo das componentes proposto na norma
EN1993-1-8, de modo a ser adequado para este tipo de carregamento. A curva de interao criada
com base nos momentos resistentes da flexo segundo os eixos principais. O modelo validado com
resultados obtidos de anlises no lineares efetuadas no programa ABAQUS.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: estruturas metlicas, bases de pilares, mtodo das componentes, flexo segundo o
eixo fraco, flexo desviada.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................................... i
RESUMO ................................................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. v
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1
OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 3
BASE PLATE............................................................................................................................... 4
ASSEMBLY............................................................................................................................... 26
Stiffness ................................................................................................................................. 29
NUMERICAL MODEL...................................................................................... 35
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 35
ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................................... 37
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 47
Stiffness ................................................................................................................................. 56
CONCLUSION........................................................................................................ 75
Figure 2.1 - Column bases: a) Exposed column base, b) Embedded column [2] ................................... 3
Figure 2.2 Elements of exposed column base [3] ................................................................................ 4
Figure 2.3 - Outstand width (c) representation [5] ................................................................................... 4
Figure 2.4 - Base plates types of behavior [3] ......................................................................................... 5
Figure 2.5 Types of anchor bolts: a) cast-in-situ anchor bolts, b) hooked bars, c) undercut anchor
bolts, d)bonded anchor bolts, e) grouted anchor bolts, f) anchoring to grillage beams [5] ..................... 6
Figure 2.6 - Components of column base with anchored base plate [5] ................................................. 7
Figure 2.7 - Characteristics of the component [9] ................................................................................... 8
Figure 2.8 - Moment-Rotation curve of the joint [9] ................................................................................. 8
Figure 2.9 a) Tensile zone and equivalent T-stub for bending moment in strong axis [9]; b)
Schematic representation a T-stub [10] .................................................................................................. 9
Figure 2.10 - T-stub separated from the concrete block [10] .................................................................. 9
Figure 2.11 Beam model of T-stub and prying force Q [7] ................................................................. 10
Figure 2.12 - Equivalent length of anchor bolt [2] ................................................................................. 11
Figure 2.13 - Failure modes of the T-stub in contact with the concrete foundation [2] ......................... 11
Figure 2.14 - T-stub without contact with the concrete foundation [2] .................................................. 12
Figure 2.15 - The design resistance of the T-stub [10] ......................................................................... 13
Figure 2.16 - The yield line patterns: a) circular patterns, b) non-circular patterns [7] ......................... 14
Figure 2.17 - Geometry and distances of the tension zone .................................................................. 15
Figure 2.18 - Stress distribution in the grout [5] .................................................................................... 18
Figure 2.19 - Design distribution for concentrated forces, adapted from [12] ....................................... 20
Figure 2.20 Distribution of forces in the compressed T-stub [11] ...................................................... 20
Figure 2.21 - Area of the equivalent T-stub in compression: a)short projection; b) Large projection [12]
............................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2.22 - Flange of a flexible T-stub [11] ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 2.23 - Behavior of an anchor bolt loaded by shear [14] ............................................................. 25
Figure 2.24 - T-stubs under compression [1] ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 2.25 Mechanical models of resistance for bending about the strong axis [1] ......................... 26
Figure 2.26 - Equilibrium of forces on the base plate in case of a dominant bending moment ............ 28
Figure 2.27 - Mechanical models of stiffness for bending about the strong axis, adapted from [1] ...... 30
Figure 2.28 - Mechanical model in the case of a dominant bending moment ...................................... 30
Figure 2.29 - Moment-rotation curves for non-proportional loadings and proportional loadings [15] ... 33
Figure 2.30 - Proposed classification system according to the initial stiffness [16] .............................. 34
Figure 3.1 - Components of the model: a) column welded to the base plate; b) concrete block; c) bolt
and head of the bolt ............................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3.2 - Material behavior used in FEM analysis for column, base plate and anchor bolts [18] ..... 37
Figure 3.3 - Assembly of the column base connection .......................................................................... 37
Figure 3.4 - Mesh of the column base assembly ................................................................................... 39
Figure 3.5 - Test set-up [17] .................................................................................................................. 41
Figure 3.6 - Bending moment-rotation diagram of specimens 1 and 2 subjected to axial force and inplane bending moment and calculation according to EC3 [17] ............................................................. 42
Figure 3.7 - Bending moment-rotation diagram of specimens 3 and 4 subjected to axial force and outof-plane bending moment [17] ............................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3.8 - Force on anchor bolts measured with force washers (FW) and straing gauges (SG) [17] 43
Figure 3.9 - Comparison of moment-rotation diagrams for strong axis bending ................................... 44
Figure 3.10 - Comparison of moment-rotation diagrams for out-of-plane bending (26,56) ................. 44
Figure 3.11 - Moment-rotation diagram for strong axis bending with proportional loading (e=-0,250m)
............................................................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.1 - Applied moment in the column base .................................................................................. 47
Figure 4.2 - Components of column bases under bending about weak axis ........................................ 48
Figure 4.3- Tension zones and equivalent T-stub for bending moment in turn of the weak axis,
adapted from [9]..................................................................................................................................... 49
Figure 4.4 - Group yield lines [9] ........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.5 - Straight yield line [9] ........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 4.6 Effective area of the compressed T-stub .......................................................................... 53
Figure 4.7 - Column flange in compression ........................................................................................... 54
Figure 4.8 Loading cases for calculation of the moment capacity about the weak axis .................... 55
Figure 4.9 - Mechanical models of stiffness for bending about the weak axis ...................................... 56
Figure 4.10 - Linear Mz-My Interaction curve ......................................................................................... 57
Figure 4.11 Elliptical Mz-My interaction curve ..................................................................................... 58
Figure 4.12 - Determination of the moment capacity ............................................................................ 58
Figure 4.13 - Moment-rotation diagram for weak axis bending with proportional loading (e= -0,250m)59
Figure 4.14 - Mz-My interaction curves for e=-0,250m ........................................................................... 60
Figure 4.15 - Mz-My interaction curves for e=+0,250m .......................................................................... 61
Figure 4.16 - Mz-My interaction curves for e=infinite .............................................................................. 61
Figure 4.17 - Design of the column base............................................................................................... 63
Figure 4.18 Compressed T-stub ......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 4.19- Mz-My Interaction curve (worked example) ...................................................................... 73
Table 2.1 - Effective length of a T-stub in case of bending about the strong axis [7] ........................... 16
Table 2.2 -Factor and its approximation for concrete [11] ................................................................. 22
Table 2.3 - Design moment capacity Mj,Rd of column bases [1] ............................................................ 29
Table 2.4 - Rotational stiffness for column bases [1] ............................................................................ 32
Table 3.1 - Comparison of numerical results with experimental results for strong axis bending .......... 45
Table 3.2 - Comparison of numerical results with experimental results for out-of-plane bending
(26,56) .................................................................................................................................................. 45
Table 3.3 - Comparison between numerical results and analytical results for strong axis bending with
proportional loading (e=-0,25m) ............................................................................................................ 46
Table 4.1 - Effective length of a T-stub in case of bending is weak axis .............................................. 51
Table 4.2 - Comparison between numerical results and analytical results for weak axis bending with
proportional loading (e=-0,25m) ............................................................................................................ 60
Table 4.3 - Data of the joint ................................................................................................................... 63
Upper case
- Coefficient of friction between the base plate and the grout layer
- Length [mm]
Lower case
- Length [mm]
Length [mm]
Eccentricity [mm]
Height [mm]
Latin symbols
- Material coefficient
Deformation [mm]
Poissons ratio
Stress [MPa]
Rotation [rad]
The primary objective of this dissertation is to evaluate the structural behavior of column bases under
biaxial loading conditions. Therefore, there was an effort for obtaining a procedure, based on the
component method described in EN 1993-1-8[1], which would allow the designers to get the joints
moment capacity for biaxial bending. Thus, the work presented in this dissertation was divided into
the following tasks:
Literature review about column bases and the component method (for bending about the
strong axis);
Searching for existing experiments on column bases that are suitable for comparing with
the component method;
One of the most important structural elements in steel structures is the column base, especially when it
is designed for resisting bending moments. The loads applied in the column have to be transferred by
the anchor bolts and the base plate to the corresponding foundation.
Despite its important role, there is not much concern about their design. This normally leads to
expensive and often inappropriate solutions. Bad solutions could also lead to a big risk for the safety
of the structure.
This chapter presents the most common design of column bases as well as the main elements of it.
Besides that, the most significant characteristics of these elements are also described.
Regarding the study of the behavior of column bases under strong axis bending, the method that is
currently in use is the component method which is described in Eurocode 3 [1]. This method will be
fully described at the current section of the work. The classification of these joints according to
resistance and stiffness is also introduced.
Figure 2.1 - Column bases: a) Exposed column base, b) Embedded column [2]
The main elements of exposed column base plates, also known as anchored base plate, are (see Figure
column foot;
base plate welded to the column foot;
mortar layer;
anchored bolts;
concrete block (foundation).
Sometimes the joint can be reinforced using stiffeners. In addition, if necessary, the joint could be
added with a shear resisting key (shear lug).
A base plate is a steel sheet that is welded to the column. Its main purpose is to increase the contact
area between the column and the concrete block, which will decrease the stress in case of compression
and prevent crushing of the concrete. Another function is to transfer the possible tension in the column
to the anchor bolts.
The welds are made around the whole cross section of the column and they can be designed according
to EN 1993-1-8 [1].
The most common shape of base plates is rectangular and its dimensions are determined by the
effective area method. The method takes into account the area required to transmit the compressive
forces under the base plate at the appropriate strength of the concrete [4]. The calculation of the area is
based on estimation of the effective width or outstand width, c (see Figure 2.3).
Regarding their strength, base plates are roughly sorted according to whether the thickness is smaller,
equal to, or greater than that required to form a plastic hinge in the plate [3]. In Figure 2.4, the three
types of base plates and their expected deformed shapes are illustrated.
Rigid plates, or thick plates, are the strongest ones but the most likely to present a non-ductile
behavior due to fracture of anchor bolts or the development of crushing and spalling failure of the
grout for large rotations [3]. Flexible plates, or thin plates, have a ductile behavior, in which the
inelasticity is concentrated in the base plate itself. In the case of semi-rigid plates, the failure is due to
the anchor bolts as well as the base plate.
The contact between the steel plate and the concrete block is provided by the mortar layer allowing the
transition of shear forces from the column to the concrete footing by the friction between themselves.
Its thickness is usually taken as 0.1 (max 0.2) the width of the plate [2].
In the construction process of exposed column bases, this element is the last to be materialized. A
specific space between the base plate and the concrete block is left to be later filled with the mortar.
Sometimes, the base plate has holes so that the air stuck in the process of inserting the grout can
escape, usually when the base plate is thick [6].
The concrete block is the foundation of the column which function is to transfer the loads to the
ground and they are dimensioned according to specific soil conditions.
The method for their design is based on calculation of the effective rigid area under the flexible plate.
The bearing strength of concrete is recalculated into the design value of compressive strength, fcd [2].
The main purpose of the anchor bolts is to hold down the column by transferring the tensile loads to
the corresponding foundation. These loads may appear in form of pure tension or tension in one side
of the column caused by a bending moment.
There are various types of anchor bolts, as shown in Figure 2.5, and they should be chosen according
to the appropriate conditions. The most common ones are the cast-in-situ anchor bolts and hooked
bars, since they are the most economic ones. Anchoring to grillage beams embedded in the concrete
foundation is designed only for column bases loaded by large bending moment, because it is very
Figure 2.5 Types of anchor bolts: a) cast-in-situ anchor bolts, b) hooked bars, c) undercut anchor bolts,
d)bonded anchor bolts, e) grouted anchor bolts, f) anchoring to grillage beams [5]
To avoid brittle failure, the collapse of the anchoring should be avoided and the collapse of anchor
bolts is preferred. For seismic areas, the failure of the column base should occur in base plate rather
than in the anchor bolts because the plastic mechanism in the plate ensures ductile behavior and
dissipation of energy [7].
The bolt resistance is easy to estimate (can be found in EN 1993-1-8 [1]) but the anchoring resistance
calculation is very complicated and not convenient for practical design. Each anchoring has a different
failure mode and consequently a different type way of calculating the resistance. This essay will not
focus on this matter.
The concrete block failure for the in-situ-cast anchors is prevented by concrete reinforcement or by
limited pitch pmin=5d (minimum value is 50 mm) and the edge distance emin=3d (minimum value is
also 50mm) [2].
Nowadays, the most common method for analyzing steel and composite joints is the component
method. This method basic principle consists in determining the complex non-linear joint response
through the subdivision into basic joint components and each one contributes to its structural behavior
by means of resistance and stiffness.
The component method also allows the designers to take options more efficiently where the
contribution of each component can be optimized. Thus, the main advantage of the component method
is the possibility to analyze an individual component no matter the type of joint [8].
The joint components are usually independent of each other and their behavior is easy to describe.
They are generally divided by the type of loading (tension, compression and shear), obtaining the
following main components (see Figure 2.6):
Figure 2.6 - Components of column base with anchored base plate [5]
These components are related to the column bases with open sections and anchored base plates,
however the component method is also applicable for other types of column bases if the right
components are chosen.
The most relevant mechanical properties of the components are: resistance, Frd, stiffness, K, and
deformation capacity, Cd. With these parameters it is possible to obtain a curve that reproduces the
component behavior, see Figure 2.7.
The assembly procedure consists of combining the mechanical properties of each component to obtain
the joint behavior, which can be reproduced by the moment-rotation curve. As it is shown in Figure
2.8, the rotational stiffness, sj, corresponds to a secant stiffness in the moment-rotation curve and the
initial stiffness, sj,ini, corresponds to the initial slope of the curve (elastic phase) [10].
M Rd
M Sd
3 Rd
S j.ini
Figure 2.8 - Moment-Rotation curve of the joint [9]
The joint is classified in terms of resistance and stiffness with the purpose of simplification of the joint
behavior under the frame analysis.
The final step is the modeling, which is required to determine how the mechanical properties of the
joint are taken into account in the frame analysis.
When the column base is loaded with a bending moment, the anchor bolts in the tensile zone are
activated to transfer the applied force and the column base is deformed. This deformation consists of
the elongation of the anchor bolts and bending of the base plate. The failure of the tensile zone can be
caused by: the yielding of the base plate, the failure of the anchor bolts or a combination of both
phenomena [7].
The behavior of this component is described by the help of a T-stub model based on similar
assumptions as used in beam-to-column connections. However, there are some differences between
their properties and behavior that have to be taken into account. The column base plate has different
requirements from the base plate in the beam-to-column connections since it is designed primarily for
the transmission of compressive forces, which leads to a thicker base plate and longer anchor bolts.
The influence of pad and bolt head might be higher.
In this procedure, the tension part is replaced by a T-stub with a width corresponding to the effective
length, leff, see Figure 2.9, so that the loading capacity of the T-section is identical to the resistance of
the corresponding component.
Figure 2.9 a) Tensile zone and equivalent T-stub for bending moment in strong axis [9]; b) Schematic
representation a T-stub [10]
When analyzing this model, two cases should be considered according to the presence of prying
action. In the first case, the bolts are considered as flexible and the base plate as stiff. When loaded in
tension, the plate is separated from the concrete foundation (see Figure 2.10). In the other case, the
edge of the plate is in contact with the concrete and prying occurs, which means that the bolts are
loaded by additional prying force, Q.
The boundary between these two cases, of prying or no prying, has to be determined and the length of
the bolt is an indicator of this phenomenon. However, not all the bolt length is subjected to
deformations. Therefore, an active length of the bolt needs to be calculated and compared with the
minimum length required to exist prying forces.
To find this limit, the case of prying is studied and beam theory is used to describe deformed shape of
the T-stub [10] (see Figure 2.11).
The deformed shape of the curve is derived from the following equation:
After writing the above equation for both parts (1) and (2), by the application of suitable boundary
conditions, the equations could be solved. The prying force, Q, is derived from these solved equations
as [10]:
The boundary between prying and no prying is defined by the previous equation when n=1.25m.
Therefore, the minimum length for no prying is:
- Equivalent length of the T-stub determined by the help of Yield line method, presented
in following part of the work
The equivalent length of the anchor bolt, Lb, is calculated according to Figure 2.12 as:
In EN 1993-1-8 [1], three collapse mechanisms of the T-stub are described (shown in Figure 2.13).
These modes can also be used for T-stubs in contact with the concrete foundation [7].
Figure 2.13 - Failure modes of the T-stub in contact with the concrete foundation [2]
Figure 2.14 - T-stub without contact with the concrete foundation [2]
In Mode 1-2, after large deformations of the base plate, the contact between the edges of the plate and
the concrete foundation can develop again [7]. Thus, the bolts are subjected to additional traction loads
until failure is obtained by Mode 1 or 2. However, to reach the resistance necessary for collapse in
these modes, very large deformations are observed which is not acceptable for design. The additional
resistance between Mode 1 and Mode 1-2, which is represented in Figure 2.15, is disregarded.
Thereafter, in case of no contact of the T-stub and the concrete the failure results either from the
anchor bolts in tension (Mode 3) or from yielding of the plate in bending (Mode 1-2).
The following formulas associated to each resisting mechanism can be found in Table 6.2, cl.
of EN 1993-1-8 [1]. For modes 1 and 2, the European code provides two methods of calculation, but
this work is only going to focus on method 1.
Mode 1:
Mode 2:
Mode 3:
Mode 1-2:
Since mpl,Rd is the plastic bending moment capacity of the base plate per unit:
The plastic moment capacity for Mode i (i=1,2,1-2), Mpl,i,Rd , is this value multiplied for its according
leff,i :
The Ft,Rd is the design resistance of a single bolt and it is given by (EN 1993-1-8 Table 3.4):
In summary, the design resistance FT,Rd of the T-stub for the case of prying action is:
In the design procedure, the appropriate effective length should be chosen according the failure mode
of the T-stub. The smallest value obtained for the possible yield mechanisms of each mode is used
when characterizing the T-stub.
The yield line patterns are divided in two groups (watch Figure 2.16):
Circular patterns leff,cp;
Non circular patterns leff,nc.
Figure 2.16 - The yield line patterns: a) circular patterns, b) non-circular patterns [7]
The main difference between them is related to the influence of prying forces. For example, if prying
forces have influence in the calculation of the T-stub resistance, only the non-circular patters can be
developed. Thus, the patterns are taken into account in the failure modes as follows [7]:
Mode 1: Prying forces do not have influence on the development of plastic hinges in the base plate.
Thus, both circular and non-circular yield lines can occur in this mode.
Mode 2: First, the plastic mechanism develops in the base plate, closer to the web of the T-stub, which
leads to contact between the plates edges and the concrete block. As a result, prying forces are
developed in the anchor bolts leading to the fracture of the bolts. Therefore, only non-circular patterns
are possible in mode 2, since they are the ones that allow development of prying forces.
Mode 3: This mode does not include any yielding of the base plate, thus, no yield patterns are
Mode 1-2: Since prying does not occur in this mode, both circular and non-circular patterns have to be
taken into account.
Summarizing, the effective length is:
Mode 1 (index p=prying)
Mode 2
Finally, Table 2.1 indicates the formulas of the effective lengths for typical base plates (i.e. two bolts
at the tension zone) in cases of prying and no prying, organized by circular patterns and non-circular
patterns. It includes only cases where the bolts are located on the flanges side, no yield lines are given
for corner bolts.
The formulas of the prying case can be found in Table 6.6 of EN 1993-1-8 [1] and the ones of no
prying case were taken from [7] where similar mechanisms for the case of no contact are introduced.
All the illustrations of the mechanism were taken from [9] and the symbols used represent distances,
see Figure 2.17. There are also formulas for the inside bolts, however this paper will only focus on
exterior bolts.
ex m
0.8a 2
Figure 2.17 - Geometry and distances of the tension zone
Table 2.1 - Effective length of a T-stub in case of bending about the strong axis [7]
Prying case
No prying case
The stiffness of the T-stub is determined through the deformation of the base plate in bending and the
deformation of the bolts in tension. As for resistance, its calculation depends on whether there is
contact or not between the edges of the base plate and the concrete foundation. The method for its
calculation is described in [7].
When prying does not occur, the formula of the plate deformation is:
And the effective length of the T-stub for elastic behavior is assumed as [7]:
Then, stiffness coefficients of the base plate and the bolts are obtained (they can be found in Table
6.11 from Eurocode 3 [1] as K15 and K16, respectively):
For the case of prying, the stiffness coefficients were obtained through the deformed shape of the
beam model from Figure 2.11. They are as follows (this also can be found in Table 6.11 of Eurocode 3
Finally, the stiffness of the component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension is obtained:
The component base plate in bending and concrete in compression represents the compressed part of
the column base connection. Its resistance depends mostly on the bearing strength of the concrete
under concentrated force and it is calculated by replacing the flexible plate by an equivalent rigid
plate. This is done by considering the effective area that corresponds to the footprint of the column.
The grout layer is also considered in the resistance calculation of this component since it has influence
on it. Other important factors which influence the compression resistance are: the concrete strength;
the compression areas; the relative location between the base plate and the concrete block; and the size
of the concrete foundation.
The concrete in compression is mostly stiffer in comparison to the anchor bolts in tension. Thus, the
stiffness behavior of column base connection subjected to a dominant bending moment is dependent
mostly on elongation of anchor bolts. The deformation of concrete block and base plate in
compression is only important in case of dominant axial compressive force [10].
The design model for resistance of the component base plate in bending and concrete in compression
is described in [11] and is in accordance with cl. 6.2.5 of EN 1993-1-8 [1].
The resistance of this component, FC,pl,Rd, expecting the constant distribution of the bearing stresses
under the effective area, is given by (can also be found in cl. 6.2.5(3)):
Where beff and leff are the dimensions of the T-stub rigid plate, which is equivalent to the flexible base
plate of the component, and fjd is the design value of the bearing strength of the concrete (loaded by
concentrated compression), which is determined as follows:
There, j is the joint material coefficient and it represents the fact that the resistance under the plate
might be lower due to the quality of the grout layer. The value 2/3 is used in cases where the
characteristic resistance of the grout is at least 0.2 times the characteristic resistance of concrete and
the thickness of the grout layer is 0.2 times bigger than the smallest dimension of the base plate. In
case of a high quality grout, a less conservative procedure with a distribution of stresses under 45 may
be adopted [11], see Figure 2.18. If the layer thickness is superior to 50mm, the characteristic value of
its resistance should be at least the same as the concrete foundation [1].
And FRd,u is the design resistance for a concentrated compression determined according to cl.6.7(2) of
EN 1992-1-1 [12]:
And Ac1 as the corresponding maximum spread area obtained by considering the geometry conditions
imposed by cl.6.7(3) in EN 1992-1-1 [12] (see Figure 2.19):
Figure 2.19 - Design distribution for concentrated forces, adapted from [12]
The equivalent width c of the T-stub is then determined assuming that no plastic deformations will
occur in the flange of the T-stub [11]. The formula for its calculation is derived by equating the elastic
bending moment capacity and the acting bending moment on the base plate. The distribution of forces
in the compressed T-stub is represented in Figure 2.20.
Therefore, the elastic bending moment per unit length of the base plate is:
And the bending moment per unit length acting on the base plate is:
When the moments are the same (formula (2.50) is equal to (2.51) ), means that the plate reaches its
bending resistance and, therefore, the equivalent width is obtained [11]:
The effective lengths (beff and leff) of the equivalent rigid plate are obtained so that the T-stub resistance
to compression is the same as the component it represents. When the projection of the compressed
component represented by the T-stub is less than the effective width, c, these lengths are obtained by
adding c to the dimensions of the flange, as shown in Figure 2.21b). However, when the projection is
short (Figure 2.21a) ), the part of the additional projection beyond the width c should be ignored.
Figure 2.21 - Area of the equivalent T-stub in compression: a) short projection; b) Large projection [12]
The method for predicting the stiffness behavior of the T-sub under compression is described in [11],
which is based on assumptions similar to those made for the component resistance, i.e., the flexible
plate is replaced by an equivalent rigid plate. First, the deformation of the rigid plate is expressed and
then, the flexible plate is substituted, based on the same deformations of the rigid plate.
Regarding the elastic stiffness, it is influenced by the following factors [2]:
However, the influence of the block size can be neglected in practical cases [11].
About the rigid plate, when it is loaded with compression, the rectangular plate is pressed down into
the concrete block. This leads to a deformation of the plate, which can be determined by theory of
elastic semi-space:
Lr, ar
Table 2.2 lists values for dependent on the Poisson coefficient of the compressed material (
for concrete). The table also provides the approximation for , which is given by
Table 2.2 -Factor and its approximation for concrete [11]
Approximation as
The following step is to express the flexible plate by means of the equivalent rigid plate based on the
same deformations. For this purpose, half of a T-stub flange in compression is modeled as shown in
Figure 2.22 [11].
Assuming that independent springs support the flange of a unit width, the deformation of the plate is
expected to behave according to a sine function [11]:
Where cfl is the length of the flexible plate that is in contact with the concrete foundation, see Figure
The uniform stress in the plate can then be replaced by the fourth differentiate of the deformation
multiplied by EIp [11] (data related to the flexible plate, see Figure 2.22, where
From the compatibility of the deformations, the stress in the concrete part should be:
Where heq is the equivalent height of the concrete under the steel plate and it is assumed to be:
Hence, combining equations (2.57)(2.81), (2.58), (2.59) and (2.60), the flexible length is obtained:
The equivalent rigid length, cr, is expressed so that the uniform deformations under the rigid plate
result in the same force as the non-uniform deformations under the flexible plate:
The factor , which is the ratio between heq and cfl, needs to be estimated. Thereunto, the equivalent
height heq can be represented by
, where ar is equal to tf+2cr. In addition, it is assumed in [11] that,
for practical T-stubs, the factor can be approximated to 1,4 and that tf is equal to 0,5cr. Hence,
through expression (2.60) and (2.62):
Then, the equivalent rigid length for practical joints is obtained from formulas (2.61) and (2.62),
(Ec 30000MPa and E 210000MPa):
It is important to notice that these effective lengths are only valid for means of stiffness.
Finally, the stiffness coefficient is derived from the deformation of the component, considering the
influence of the quality of the concrete surface and the grout layer. This influence is taken into account
by using a stiffness reduction factor equal to 1,5 [11]. Thus, the component stiffness is expressed by
(see Table 6.11 from EN 1993-1-8 [1]):
The compression resistance of the column flange and the adjacent compression zone of the column
web is taken from cl. of EN 1993-1-8 [1].
The design resistance is then:
The design model for shear resistance is given in cl. 6.2.2 of EN 1993-1-8 [1]. The model considers
that for column bases that do not have any special element for resisting shear forces (e.g. shear lug),
they are transferred by friction between the plate and the grout and by the anchor bolts.
By increasing horizontal displacement, the force will also increase until it reaches the friction capacity.
After that, friction resistance stays constant with increasing displacements while the load continues to
be transferred by the bolts.
Because the grout does not have sufficient strength to resist the bearing stresses between the bolts and
the grout, considerable bending of the anchor bolts may occur. This leads to the development of
tension in anchor bolts, see Figure 2.23. The horizontal component of the increasing tensile force gives
an extra contribution to the shear resistance and stiffness. The increasing vertical component gives an
extra contribution to the transfer of load by friction and increases resistance and stiffness as well [14].
Where Cf,d is the friction coefficient between the base plate and the grout layer (for sand-cement
mortar Cf,d =0.20). The Nc,Ed is the design value of the normal compressive force in the column. Only
the anchor bolts in the compressed part of the base plate may be used to transfer shear force.
Therefore, if the normal force applied in the column is a tension force, the friction resistance is zero
Regarding the design shear resistance of an anchor bolt, Fvb,rd bolt, it should be taken as the smallest
value of:
F1,vb,Rd, the design shear resistance of the anchor bolt ( calculate according Table 3.4 of
EN 1993-1-8 [1]);
F2,vb,Rd, the bearing resistance for the anchor bolt-base plate (formula from cl. 6.2.2 (7) of
EN 1993-1-8 [1])
The resistance of column bases under simple compression is obtained according to cl. of EN
1993-1-8 [1]. The model assumes that the resistance is given by three equivalent T-stubs which do not
overlap each other: one T-stub for the column web and two for the column flanges, see Figure 2.24.
The design resistance Nj,Rd is obtained by adding the individual design resistance FC,Rd of each T-stub
(calculated according to subchapter
2.3.6 ASSEMBLY Bending resistance
When analyzing the joints resistance, special attention should be given to the serviceability and the
ultimate limit states. For the ultimate limit state, the failure load of the connection is important but, at
this load large deformations of the joint and cracks in the concrete are expected. As a result, it is
important that, under service loads, the concrete will not fail. This would lead to cracks first, then,
with time, to a corrosion of the reinforcement of the concrete wall and, finally, to a failure of the
construction [10].
Based on the combination of acting loads (axial force, NEd, and bending moment, MEd), see Figure
2.25, three patterns can be identified:
Figure 2.25 Mechanical models of resistance for bending about the strong axis [1]
Pattern 1 dominant compression axial force and no tension in the anchor bolts. The collapse of the
connection is due to the concrete failure. (Figure 2.25a)
Pattern 2 dominant bending moment leading to tension in one anchor bolts row and compression in
the concrete. When collapsing, the concrete strength is not reached and the failure is due to yielding of
the bolts or due to a plastic mechanism in the base plate. (Figure 2.25c and d)
Pattern 3 dominant tension axial force which leads to tension in both rows of anchor bolts. The
collapse is due to yielding of the bolts or because of a plastic mechanism in the base plate. (Figure
The calculation of the column base resistance Mj,Rd, based on the plastic force equilibrium on the base
plate and applied in cl. of EN1993-1-8 [1], is described in [15]. The equilibrium is made by
considering two reaction forces (FC,Rd and FT,Rd) combined according Figure 2.25. The compression
force is assumed to be located at the centre of the compressed part and the tensile force at the anchor
bolts row or in the middle when there are more rows or bolts.
The tension resistance, FT,Rd, is calculated as presented in subchapter (for prying case or no
prying case, respectively):
The compression resistance, FC,Rd, is taken as the minimum value of the resistance of the component
concrete in compression and base plate in bending, Fc,pl,Rd (subchapter, and the resistance of
the component column flange and web in compression, Fc,fc,Rd (subchapter 2.3.3):
For simplicity, only the contribution of the concrete under the flanges is taken into account for the
compressive capacity, Fc,pl,Rd (T-stub 2 from Figure 2.24, corresponding to the web, is omitted).
The method distinguishes between the resisting parts according to their location: right (index r) or left
(index l); which makes it easier to apply to non-symmetric joints.
Neutral axes
Figure 2.26 - Equilibrium of forces on the base plate in case of a dominant bending moment
The example of tension on the left and compression on the right (Figure 2.26) will be used to explain
how the formulas of the Table 6.7 of EN 1993-1-8 [1] were obtained. It is important to note that, when
the axial force is a tension force, the value of, NEd, is positive. When it is a compression force, NEd
assumes a negative value.
From the equilibrium equations:
However, according to Eurocode 3 [1], the moment capacity of the joint is calculated for a given
This case is valid for situations in which NEd>0 and e>zT,l or NEd 0 and e -zC,r.
Table 2.3 has all the formulas required to calculate the bending resistance of column bases for each
situation presented in Figure 2.25. The calculation of the lever arms is calculated in agreement with
the same figure.
Table 2.3 - Design moment capacity Mj,Rd of column bases [1]
Lever arm z
NEd>0 and zT,r <e 0
NEd 0 and e>zC,l
NEd 0 and zC,r <e 0
and Stiffness
The process for calculating the bending stiffness of column bases can be found in cl. 6.3.4 of EN
1993-1-8 [1] and is described in [15]. The procedure is based on the deformation stiffness of the main
components and it is compatible with beam-to-column model. The difference between these two
methods is that, in column bases, the normal force has to be introduced.
Thus, the mechanical model used for the calculation of the stiffness will depend on the combination of
the acting loads. Therefore, similarly to the resistance case, there are four possible basic collapse
modes, as shown in Figure 2.27.
Figure 2.27 - Mechanical models of stiffness for bending about the strong axis, adapted from [1]
As it has been mentioned above, this calculation method accounts for the contribution of the axial
force. Therefore, the initial stiffness is calculated for a given constant eccentricity, e. This means that
the method assumes proportional loading (normal force and bending moment increase in the joint by
the same ratio e). In addition, the eccentricity, ek, at which the rotation is zero, is also considered in
the process.
Figure 2.28 - Mechanical model in the case of a dominant bending moment
The stiffness estimation of the components needed for the procedure was described in previous
sections of this work (stiffness of the tension component, kT , is presented in subchapter and
stiffness of the compressed component, kC, in subchapter
The method is now described for the example shown in Figure 2.28. The elastic deformation of the
base plate is expected and deformations of tension (T,l) and compression (C,r) parts are calculated:
Hence, the eccentricity, ek, under zero rotation is obtained through expression (2.91):
The bending stiffness of the base plate depends on the acting moment:
By knowing that
, the initial stiffness of the column base is derived based on the above
formula [15]:
The non-linear part of the moment-rotation curve (where 2/3Mj,Rd <MEd Mj,Rd) is represented by the
stiffness ratio, :
Here the coefficient is obtained from Table 6.8 of EN 1993-1-8 [1]. For base plate connections it
assumes the value of 2,7.
This means that for the elastic part of the curve =1 (MEd 2/3Mj,Rd).
In conclusion, Table 2.4 presents the expressions for obtaining the rotational stiffness for the cases
shown in Figure 2.27.
Table 2.4 - Rotational stiffness for column bases [1]
Lever arm z
Rotational stiffness Sj
NEd>0 and e>zT,l
It is worth noting that there is also the possibility to compute the stiffness for cases of nonproportional loading. Non-proportional loading means that the axial force is applied to the column
base first, and then the bending moment is applied (i.e. constant normal force and variable
eccentricity). However, this is not expected to happen in the reality of steel structures. Nevertheless,
most of the experiments done for this kind of joints are made with this type of loading.
Figure 2.30 shows the difference between the moment-rotation curves for proportional loading and
non-proportional loading. As it is easy to understand, the stiffness in the case of non-proportional
loading is higher than in the case of proportional loading. This is due to the presence of the axial force
in the column, which keeps the base plate in contact with the concrete in case of low bending
moments. Only when the axial force and the moment have the same value (MEd=ek NEd), the rotations in
the joint are identical for both loading cases (rotation is zero) [16].
For this type of loading, where the axial force is applied first, the initial stiffness is derived according
This means that for these cases, the initial stiffness is calculated the same way as regular joints, like it
is described in EN 1993-1-8 [1] cl. 6.3.1(4).
Figure 2.29 - Moment-rotation curves for non-proportional loadings and proportional loadings [15]
The classification according to resistance can be found in EN 1993-1-8 [1] cl 5.2.3. The joint is
classified as pinned, full-strength or partial-strength. When the design moment capacity of the joint is
lower than 25% of the design plastic moment capacity of the column, the joint is nominally-strength
(pinned). Whereas the full-strength joint has the design moment capacity superior to the design plastic
moment capacity of the column connected to it. This means that the column has the full capacity to
absorb all the acting loads, thus the plastic mechanism will happen in the column and not in the joint.
In addition, there is an intermediate state where the joint is named as partial-strength joint. In this case,
the plastic mechanism can develop in the joint resulting in a more ductile behavior and consequently a
redistribution of the internal forces.
In summary, the joint is classified as:
Pinned if Mj,Rd<0,25Mpl,rd
Partial-strength if 0,25Mpl,rd
Full-strength: if Mj,Rd >Mpl,rd
Depending on the structural system (sway or non-sway frames), different rigid stiffness boundaries for
the classification of column bases may be derived. Derivation of the boundaries is based on a
sensitivity study of the structural system to the variation of the rotational stiffness properties of
column bases [16].
The limits that allow the classification of a joint as rigid are described EN 1993-1-8 [1] cl.
In case the joint is part of a non-sway frame (where the bracing system reduces the horizontal
displacement by at least 80% and where the effects of deformation may be neglected), the joint is
classified as rigid if:
0 0.5
0.5<0<3,93 and Sj,ini 7(20 -1)EIc/Lc
0 3,93 and Sj,ini 48EIc/Lc
Where 0 is the slenderness of a column in which both ends are assumed to be pinned; Ic and Lc are the
inertia of the cross section of the column and the height of the column, respectively.
For all the other cases (sway frames), the joint is rigid if:
Sj,ini 48EIc/Lc
A schematic representation of the boundaries between rigid and semi-rigid joints for both cases, sway
frames and non-sway frames, is shown in Figure 2.30. For the sway frames, a particular value of the
slenderness was chosen for the illustration 0 = 1,36).
Figure 2.30 - Proposed classification system according to the initial stiffness [16]
In this chapter the behavior of column bases subjected to strong axis bending is studied through the
Finite Element Method (FEM). The main goal is to compare the results provided by the FE model with
the results provided by the component method for a proportional type of loading (i.e., axial force and
bending moment increase by the same factor, representing a constant load eccentricity).
The ABAQUS software was selected for this purpose and the geometry and boundary conditions of
the numerical model were chosen to best simulate a column base used in experiments carried out at
Brno University Technology [17]. This would make possible validating the model by subjecting it to
the same types of loading used in the experiments (strong axis bending and biaxial bending with nonproportional loading) and comparing the moment-rotation diagrams obtained by the model with the
corresponding experimental diagrams.
Thus, after validating the model, the column is subjected to strong axis bending, with a proportional
loading, to obtain the moment capacity and initial stiffness of the joint and then compare them with the
results provided by the component method.
The concrete block is made of grade C16/20 and its size is 1500x1000x400mm. The holes for
introducing the bolts were represented (see Figure 3.1b).
To prevent unnecessary geometry complexities, the anchor bolts of steel grade 8.8 were modeled with
a cylinder shape which diameter was chosen so that it corresponds to a tensile area of 220mm2. This
area is considered because in the experiment the bolts were milled off so that the strain gauge could be
glued to its surface. The bolts are fully connected to steel plates of grade S235 and size 60x60x20mm
(see Figure 3.1c), which means that only one part was created for bolts and these plates.
Figure 3.1 - Components of the model: a) column welded to the base plate; b) concrete block; c) bolt and head of
the bolt
The non-linearity was considered in the material properties of the numerical model. The stress-strain
relationships for the structural steel components (column, base plate and bolts) were considered to be
quadri-linear [18], as it is shown in Figure 3.2. The modulus of elasticity for steel, E, is considered to
be 210GPa and the Poissons ratio, , 0,3. For steel grade S235, the yield stress is 235MPa and the
ultimate stress is 360MPa. For the bolts, the yield stress is 660MPa and the ultimate stress is 830MPa.
The tangential stiffness after the yield point is taken as 2% of the initial modulus of elasticity until the
strain 11y is reached (p). The ultimate strain, u, is equal to 120y.
The nominal values were chosen for the definition of the steel material because steel components were
not tested in the experiment to find their real values.
Figure 3.2 - Material behavior used in FEM analysis for column, base plate and anchor bolts [18]
Since the failure of the column base connection tested in [17] was never due to the concrete, but
always due the steel components, a simple stress-strain curve was chosen for the concrete material in
order to overcome convergence problems. Thus, a bi-linear relationship is considered with
corresponding youngs modulus, ultimate stress and Poissons ratio of 20,9MPa, 22,6MPa and 0,2,
The components of the joint were modeled as solid 3D deformable elements. Therefore, each part
instance presented its own coordinate system. The assembly was made by arranging the parts in a
single unit through the relevant position constrains and translations. Figure 3.3 shows the assembly of
the connection parts.
The assembly module puts everything together but does not establish contact between the elements,
even if their surfaces are together. Thereby, the contact must be defined by creating surfaces for the
regions that will be together and assigning them the correct contact properties, so that the stresses are
transferred through the elements.
One of the most difficult aspects of modeling column bases joints with FEM is to find the appropriate
parameters to define the properties of the major contact interfaces: the head of the bolt with the base
plate upper surface; the base plate lower surface with the concrete upper surface; and the anchor bolts
lateral surfaces with the surfaces inside the holes of the foundation.
The interface between the base plate and bolt head was considered as a surface-to-surface contact of
finite sliding with Coulomb coefficient of 0,3, defined for sliding resistance [18]. For the normal
behavior, the hard contact was chosen and the separation after contact was permitted. This allows
that the pressure is transmitted through the surfaces, as long as there is contact between them. The
same method was applied to the interaction between the base plate and the concrete block [18]. In
order to model the interaction between the bolts and the concrete, the lateral surfaces of the bolts were
tied to the surfaces inside the concrete holes, which will prevent the bolts to have relative
displacements with respect to the concrete. This assumption is only possible to take when concrete
failure around the bolts is not expected, which is the case of the experiment.
The boundary conditions describe the behavior of the assembled parts in terms of displacement and
rotation during the analysis steps. Thus, the only element which has been assigned boundary
conditions was the concrete block which is assumed to be fixed to the ground at the bottom only.
Thus, all degrees of freedom of the bottom surface of the foundation are constrained, whereas all the
degrees of freedom on lateral sides are released.
The loading on the model was introduced by two types of loads: one vertical and one horizontal. The
vertical load, N, was carried out by pressure which was applied at the upper surface of the column.
This load will cause an axial force on the connection. The horizontal load, F, was applied by surface
traction on the top of the column, which will cause a bending moment at the column base. The angle
of the resulting horizontal force with the z axis of the column is 0 for the case of strong axis bending,
and 25,56 for the case of out-of-plane bending.
Regarding the analysis steps, for the validation of the model by the comparison with the experimental
results three steps were created: the initial step where the boundary conditions and the contact
interactions are established; step-1 where the vertical load, N, with resulting value of 400KN is applied
in its entirety; and step-2 where the horizontal load, F, increases until failure of the connection.
The model was used for analyzing the results provided by the component method described in
Eurocode 3 [1]. Thus, since the method is only suitable for column bases subjected to proportional
loading, which is not the case of the experiment, different steps were created for this matter: an initial
step which is the same as the one for validating the model and step-1 which included both loads,
vertical and horizontal. These loads assumed values so that they would increase until failure by a
Meshing is one of the most important features of FEM in order to achieve good accuracy of the stress
distribution with a reasonable analysis time. To avoid unnecessarily increase the degrees of freedom of
the various part instances, the structured mesh had varying densities according the interest of the
regions, being denser around the places where there are stress concentrations (see Figure 3.4).
In the model, an 8 node brick with 3 degrees of freedom (C3D8R) solid and continuum element type
was chosen to model all the components of the joint. If these elements are fine enough, they provide
better results for high nonlinearities and plate warping that might develop due to the creation of prying
forces during the analysis, than the 20 node brick elements [18].
existing experiments, almost all of them focused on in-plane bending (bending about the strong axis of
the column). There are some about weak axis bending but almost none focusing on biaxial bending.
Therefore, it is very difficult to find suitable experiments in column bases under weak axis bending or
biaxial bending with valid geometry for comparing the component method described in Eurocode 3
Recently, Brno University of Technology performed tests on a basic type of column base [17], simple
enough to be analyzed by the component method. The tests included strong axis bending as well as
out-of-plane bending and the main purpose was to analyze the real behavior of statically loaded anchor
Thereby, at present part of the work, this experiment will be explained and the test results are studied.
Then, the numerical results are presented for the same types of loading of the experiment and
compared with the experimental results.
This experiment is part of a research program which focus is the development of a simplified
engineering model of steel or steel-to-concrete joints of a structure that should require only the most
necessary parameters, geometry and short duration of solution. Therefore, the aim of the study is to
find the parameters that mostly influence the precision of the results and the ones that can be
neglected, to simplify the model as much as possible but with similar accuracy. These parameters have
to be based on experimental research and that is why these tests were performed.
The article where the experiments are presented includes the description of specimen, where the join
components are described as well as the loading of the joint, and the test results for weak axis bending
and biaxial bending. In the case of strong axis bending, the article also includes a brief comparison
between the experimental results and results provided by the component method.
Four specimens consisting of reinforced concrete pad, cast-in anchors and steel column were subjected
to a constant compressive force and an increasing bending moment. The geometry and materials used
were the same for all the specimens.
The cast-in anchors were made of threaded rods M20, of steel grade 8.8; corresponding nuts and steel
plates with dimension 60x60x20mm and a hole in the middle, which served as a head of the bolt; and
big washers to cover the holes in base plate. Strain gauges and force washer were introduced in the
bolts. Therefore, parts of the thread on the anchor bolts in tension were milled off so the strain gauge
could be glued to the bolts surface [17]. Thus, the tensile area was reduced (As=220mm2).
The concrete used was C16/20 and the dimension of the concrete block was 1500mm of length,
1000mm of width and 400mm of height. 136 days after the set-up of the experiment, nine testing
specimens (which were prepared with the same concrete at the same time as the blocks used in the
test) were tested. The average of the compressive cube strength and the modulus of elasticity were
22,6MPa and 20,9GPa, respectively.
The base plate with 20 mm of thickness was welded to bottom and of column HEB 240. Its
dimensions were 330x440 mm. The joint was improved by adding a shear lug which was welded to
the bottom of the base plate. This component was IPE 100 with length 100mm. All these elements
were from steel grade S235.
Figure 3.5 shows a schematic detail of the test set-up.
Two types of forces were applied separately to the joint by loading actuators. The axial force was
applied first and kept constant at 400KN and then an increasing horizontal force was applied. The
horizontal load was applied in the height of 1.83m above the base plate which caused bending moment
and shear forces in the column base.
Specimens 1 and 2 were subjected to in-plane bending and specimens 3 and 4 to out-of-plane bending.
The biaxial bending of the last specimens was provided by a rotation of 26.56 along the vertical axis
(see Figure 3.5).
The moment-rotation curve obtained for the case of bending about the strong axis (specimens 1 and 2)
is shown in Figure 3.6. The moment capacity of joint 1 was approximately 195KN.m and 183KN.m
for joint 2. The initial stiffness was calculated from the difference between My=100KN.m and
My=20KN.m, and the results were: for joint 1 sj,ini=9,32MN.m/rad and for joint 2 sj,ini=10,77MN.m/rad.
In the same figure the moment-rotation curve is calculated through the component method described
in Eurocode 3 [1]. According to that essay [17], the design moment capacity is My=128KN.m for an
axial force NEd=400KN and the initial stiffness is sj,ini=22,17KN.m/rad. Thus, by the analysis of these
results, it is proved that the component method is very conservative in terms of resistance since there
is an error of more than 30%. Regarding the stiffness, both experimental exhibited approximately half
the stiffness estimated with the component method.
Figure 3.6 - Bending moment-rotation diagram of specimens 1 and 2 subjected to axial force and in-plane
bending moment and calculation according to EC3 [17]
For the case of joints 3 and 4, Figure 3.7 shows the moment-rotation diagrams measured in: the plane
of bending (curve ); in the strong axis plane (curve y) and in the weak axis plane (curve z). The
moment capacity, for each joint and curve, is approximately: M3=165KN.m, M3y=148KN.m,
M3z=74KN.m, M4=175KN.m, M4y=157KN.m and M4z=78KN.m. In addition, the measured initial
stiffness is: sj,ini,3=5,5MN.m/rad, sj,ini,3y=5,3MN.m/rad, sj,ini,3z=6,7MN.m/rad, sj,ini,34=6,9MN.m/rad,
sj,ini,4y=6,7MN.m/rad and sj,ini,4z=9,5MN.m/rad.
Figure 3.7 - Bending moment-rotation diagram of specimens 3 and 4 subjected to axial force and out-of-plane
bending moment [17]
It is important to refer that in all the cases the steel failure (combined failure of the base plate and the
anchor bolts) was governing the ultimate resistance of the joint despite that the concrete pad exhibited
many cracks [17].
The behavior of the bolts was also studied in the tests. Thus, it is represented in Figure 3.8 the results
of the forces on the bolts from joints 1 and 2, measured by force washers and strain gauges. The forces
from the strain gauges were obtained by multiplying the measured strain by the modulus of elasticity
(E=210GPa) and the reduced cross section of the bolts (As=220mm2). The moment that the bolts start
to yield can be noticed when the results of the strain gauges start to differ from the results of the force
For joints 3 and 4, the results of the forces on the bolts were not published because the measurements
were not accurate.
Figure 3.8 - Force on anchor bolts measured with force washers (FW) and straing gauges (SG) [17]
The experimental results presented were used to validate the numerical model by the comparison of
the moment-rotation diagrams, which are represented in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 for strong axis
bending and out-of-plane bending (26,56), respectively. As previously explained the model was
loaded in two different stages: first the axial force is applied and only then the bending moment
increases until failure of the joint.
As it clear, there are slight differences between the model and the reality which are related to the
assumptions made for the material properties and for the connections between the elements. The most
significant difference is related to the shape of the curves end, where the experimental curves shows a
sharp decrease due to failure of one of the bolts which does not happen in the numerical curves. This is
associated to the diagram chosen for representing the material properties of steel where this decrease is
not taken into account. Furthermore, there is a disagreement on the ultimate strain in which the model
shows a larger strain for the case of strong axis bending and a minor strain for the case of out-of-plane
bending. This is also due to the material properties of the model. Nevertheless, this is considered not to
be a problem for obtaining proper results of the model.
Joint 1 - Experiment
Joint 2 - Experiment
Numerical model
Rotation [rad]
Figure 3.9 - Comparison of moment-rotation diagrams for strong axis bending
Joint 3 - Experiment
Joint 4 - Experiment
Numerical model
Rotation [rad]
Figure 3.10 - Comparison of moment-rotation diagrams for out-of-plane bending (26,56)
Concerning the failure of the model, it was always the same as the experiments, in other words, the
collapse of the joint was always due to a combined failure of the base plate and the anchor bolts. The
point when the steel components start to yield can be found in Figure 3.9 and Figure 3.10 where the
slope of the curves changes, right after the initial length which corresponds to the initial stiffness.
Regarding the moment capacity and initial stiffness obtained by the model, Table 3.1 and Table 3.2
show the comparison between the numerical results and the experimental results for the cases of
strong axis bending and out-of-plane bending, respectively.
Table 3.1 - Comparison of numerical results with experimental results for strong axis bending
Joint 1
Joint 2
Numerical results
Ratio Num./Exp.average
Moment Capacity
Initial Stiffness
Table 3.2 - Comparison of numerical results with experimental results for out-of-plane bending (26,56)
Joint 3
Joint 4
Numerical results
Ratio Num./Exp.average
Moment Capacity
Initial Stiffness
Regarding the joint resistance, the model provides accurate results since the error is less than 10%
(ratio for strong axis bending is 0,92 and 0,93 for out-of-plane bending). Concerning the stiffness,
numerical results are a bit higher that what was expected (1,42 and 1,27 times higher than the
experimental results). However, this difference could be explained by the modulus of elasticity chosen
for the steel components. While the concrete used in the experiment was tested to find its real value,
the same was not done for the steel components and the design value was selected to characterize the
same (210GPa). Nonetheless, the real value can be lower than that (between 190GPa and 210GPa)
which would significantly decrease the joint stiffness value. Another explanation would be related to
the connections between the elements. In the numerical model, components base plate, welds and
column are fully tied which is not what happens in reality.
In conclusion, despite the differences between the model and the experiment, the model gives
adequate results for resistance which is the main focus of this work. Thereby, the model is considered
to be accurate.
numerical results, as well as their ratio. The calculation of the analytical results can be found in Annex
1 of this work.
Rotation [rad]
Figure 3.11 - Moment-rotation diagram for strong axis bending with proportional loading (e=-0,250m)
Table 3.3 - Comparison between numerical results and analytical results for strong axis bending with proportional
loading (e=-0,25m)
Analytical results
Numerical results
Ratio Analyt./Numer.
Moment Capacity
Initial Stiffness
As it is clear, the component method is very conservative in terms of resistance. Therefore, the
solution provided by this method is safe but not economic which should be a concern in further
studies. Regarding the stiffness, the method provides results almost twice bigger than the numerical
model, similarly to what happened with the comparison with the experimental results. Thus, the
calculation of this parameter should also be improved.
The aim of this chapter is to develop a method that provides the moment capacity of column bases
under combined biaxial bending and axial force. Therefore, a Mz-My interaction curve should be
generated for a constant load eccentricity, e= MEd/ NEd, based on the moment capacities My,Rd
(resistance for strong axis bending) and Mz,Rd (resistance for weak axis bending).
The procedure to determinate the moment capacity for bending about the strong axis was presented in
the Chapter 2, which is in line with the component method described in EN 1991-1-8[1]. This method
depends on the geometry of the joint and on the eccentricity of the acting loads.
Since the European code does not provide guidance for characterizing the behavior of the joint when it
is subjected to bending about its weak axis, a method to compute the moment capacity and initial
stiffness for bending about its weak axis is introduced. This procedure is also in accordance with the
component method and is based on similar assumptions as the ones made for the strong axis bending.
Furthermore, this method also depends on the acting loads since the load eccentricity is required for
the calculation.
Although both procedures referred above are independent, it is considered that the eccentricity, e,
necessary for their calculation, is obtained for the acting deviated moment, M,Ed (see Figure 4.1):
e= M,Ed/NEd. The acting deviated moment is calculated by the square root of the some of the squares
of the acting moments My,Ed and Mz,Ed:
Thereby, knowing the values of these resistance parameters (My,Rd and Mz,Rd), the interaction curve is
determined, and the moment capacity of biaxial bending is obtained.
A worked example is presented at the end of this chapter.
However, the tension and compression components behave differently from the case of strong axis
bending. Therefore, they have to be properly characterized. On the other hand, the component anchor
bolts in shear is expected to work the same way. Thus, this component will not be studied in this part
of the work.
Anchor bolts in shear
Base plate in bending and anchor bolts
in tension
Base plate in bending and concrete in
Column flange in compression
Figure 4.2 - Components of column bases under bending about weak axis
After studying the main components, their properties are assembled together to obtain the resistance
and stiffness of the joint, similarly to what was explained for the case of bending about the strong axis.
When the column is subjected to bending along the z axis (weak axis), if the magnitude of the moment
is enough, the bolts in the tension zone will be activated and the base plate will deform. Therefore, the
tension part is simulated by a T-stub with corresponding resistance, which is provided by giving the Tstub an equivalent length, see Figure 4.3.
Figure 4.3- Tension zones and equivalent T-stub for bending moment in turn of the weak axis, adapted from [9]
The collapse modes of the T-stub are described in Chapter 2 of this essay. The T-stub is expected to
behave similarly, the only difference is in how to properly calculate the effective length so that the Tstub has the same tensile resistance as the component it represents.
Regarding the stiffness calculation, the process is the same as for the case of bending about the strong
The T-stub resistance is calculated according to the presence, or not, of prying action. Therefore, the
boundary of prying has to be defined (see subchapter 2.3.1):
If Lb (also defined in subchapter 2.3.1) is bigger than Lb*, prying does not occur on the T-stub. If not,
prying forces exist.
With this information, the design resistance, FT,Rd, is obtained according to the possible failure
mechanisms, which are described in Section, as well as the formulas to obtain their resistance.
The T-stub resistance for the case of prying is given by:
Where, FT,i,Rd(i=1,2,3,1-2) is the design resistance of the failure mode i, and it is calculated according
to equations (2.6), (2.7), (2.8) and (2.9), respectively.
With the exception for mode 3, the resistance of the failure mode depends on the effective length of
the corresponding mode. Thus, the procedure for its calculation is explained in the next section.
This method assumes that the tension force acts at the line of the bolts. Hence, the lever arm of the
tension component is:
Where p is the distance between the bolts on the side of the flange, measured according to the y-axis,
see Figure 2.17.
The effective length is the required length of the T-stub so that its resistance is the same as the
component it represents. The method for obtaining this length involves the study of the possible yield
lines of the component. It considers that at impending collapse, yield lines are developed at the
location of the maximum moments [2]. Only the smallest effective length of the possible collapse
mechanism is taken into account, which corresponds to the lowest failure load.
The effective lengths will be calculated based on the ones proposed for the strong axis bending. The
main difference is that, in case of weak axis bending, only one of the two bolts located on the side of
the flanges will be in tension. Therefore, it is not possible to develop group yield lines, i.e. yield lines
connected between bolts. These cases correspond to mechanisms 2 and 5 from Table 2.1 (see Figure
Furthermore, it is important to note that the yield lines only develop in the tension zone. Therefore, the
collapse mechanism where a straight line appears on the side of the flange (mechanism 7 from Table
2.1, see Figure 4.5) is not possible to occur because one part will be in compression.
Hence, there remain only four possible mechanisms for this type of loading, two with circular patterns
and two with non-circular patterns. Since for these mechanisms the yield lines are individual, in other
words, there is one yield line for each bolt in tension, the effective lengths are equal for both types of
loading, even though the bolts in tension are not in the same side of the column base.
Table 4.1 shows illustrations for each mechanism (adapted from [9]) and the corresponding effective
lengths, for the case of prying and no prying. The parameters needed for the calculation correspond to
distances related with the bolts position, which are represented in Figure 2.17.
Table 4.1 - Effective length of a T-stub in case of bending is weak axis
Yield Mechanisms
Prying case
No prying case
The effective length is then chosen as the smallest value of the possible mechanisms for each failure
mode. For Mode 1, where prying exist, both circular and non-circular patterns can occur. Therefore, its
effective length is calculated as follows:
In Mode 2, where the plastic mechanism develops due to a combined failure of the base plate and
bolts, only non-circular patterns are expected:
In case of no prying action, both circular and non-circular patterns are considered (Mode 1-2):
Even though the moment is applied at a perpendicular direction, the base plate is expected to deform
in a similar way as in the case of bending about the strong axis. Therefore, the stiffness coefficients of
the base plate and the bolts are obtained from the same expressions.
Thus, in case of no prying action, the expressions are as follows:
The behavior of the component is studied across a T-stub that simulates the flexibility of the base plate
with an equivalent rigid plate. The method considers that compression stresses are transmitted by the
footprint of the column which corresponds to an effective area. In the case of bending about the strong
axis, the area is considered to be the one around the flange. However, for the type of loading that is
under investigation, at least a part of each flange is under compression. Therefore, a different approach
needs to be taken when studying the column base bending in turn of its weaker axis.
To fully describe the resistance of the component, the bearing strength of the concrete block under the
base plate needs to be estimated. The procedure for its calculation was previously described in this
essay. Finally, the resistance is defined by the compressed area and the concrete strength.
As for the tensile component, the procedure for the stiffness calculation is the same as for the case of
bending about the strong axis, the only difference is in the calculation of the effective area.
The resistance of the component is given by the effective area and the bearing strength of the concrete:
Where fjd is the bearing strength and its calculation is described in Section
The model presented in Chapter 2 considers that the effective area is always the same and equal to the
footprint of the flange in compression. However, such a simple assumption cannot be taken in this
case since only a fraction of the flanges is in compression. Therefore, the effective area will be
calculated based on the location of the neutral axis for the case of full resistance of the tension part.
This means that this method is only suitable for cases where the resistance is governed by the tension
NEd zc
f jd
Neutral axis
Effective Area
Thus, the compressed effective area, Aeff , required to match the tensile strength, is obtained by the
equilibrium equation in the vertical direction (see Figure 4.6):
To fully define the effective area, its dimensions are determined. For that, the width, c, is necessary
(the procedure for its calculation is defined in subchapter
The effective width of the T-stub, beff, is determined according to the limitations presented in Figure
The effective length is calculated as a function of the effective area, taking into account that it cannot
cross the z axis of the joint:
Where bc, hc and tf are the width, length and thickness of the flange of the columns cross section,
respectively; and b is the length of the base plate.
The stiffness coefficient is calculated using the same expression derived in Section
However, the geometry of the component, beff,s and leff,s, is different. The effective width beff is simple
to obtain, by adding the equivalent rigid length to the thickness of the flange. On the other hand, the
effective length leff,s will depend on the position of the neutral axis . Therefore, the length of the flange
that is in compression needs to be calculated and then the equivalent rigid length is added to that.
Thus, the effective width beff,s is given by:
The compressed length of the flange (lc) is obtained through the effective length of the resistance
calculation (leff):
When the column is subjected to bending about its weak axis, only one part of the flanges is in
compression. Therefore, the compression resistance of the column, when exposed to this type of
loading, will be calculated considering that the neutral axis coincides with the symmetrical axis of the
cross section, see Figure 4.7.
Neutral axis
Where bc is the length of the connected column and Mc,Rd the design moment capacity of the column
cross section.
According to EN 1993-1-1[13] cl. 6.2.5(2), the design moment capacity, Mc,Rd, is equal to design
plastic moment capacity, Mpl,Rd :
Four possible loading cases are proposed for the calculation of the moment capacity of the column
base when subjected to weak axis bending. One case is when a dominant tensile force occurs and all
the bolts are in tension (Figure 4.8a). Another one is the opposite, where there is no tension in the
anchor bolts because a dominant compression force is acting on the column (Figure 4.8b). The two
other cases are the ones where a dominant bending moment is acting on the column base (Figure 4.8c
and d).
The parameters required for the calculation of the moment capacity, Mj,Rd, are:
The load eccentricity, e=MEd/NEd;
The resistance of the tension part, FT,Rd (described in Section;
The resistance of the compression part, FC,Rd, taken as the minimum of Fc,pl,Rd (see Section and Fc,fc,Rd (see Section 4.2.3);
The lever arms z, zc and zt, calculated according to Figure 4.8.
The method for its calculation is in Table 2.2 of this work.
zc,l zc,r
zt,l zt,r
zc,l zt,r
zt,l zc,r
55 Stiffness
The initial stiffness of the joint is calculated according to the four possible loading cases shown in
Figure 4.9. To fully describe it, the stiffness of the main components is required: the tension
component stiffness, kT (calculation procedure in Section, and the compression component
stiffness, kC (method of estimation in Section 0).
In addition, the lever arms have also to be considered. They are calculated according to Figure 4.9,
assuming that the tensile force is applied at the bolts row and that the compression force acts at the
center of the compression zone.
Table 2.4 from this work presents the formulas to estimate the rotational stiffness of column bases
under bending about the strong axis. However, it also works for bending about the weak axis if the
correct parameters are chosen (kT, kC, z, zc and zt). Therefore, the procedure for obtaining the rotational
stiffness, for the current study case, can be done according to that table.
zc,l zc,r
zt,l zt,r
zc,l zt,r
zt,l zc,r
My [KM.m]
However, this approach is far from reality. Hence, there is the need for investigation on order to reach
for a more realistic interaction curve that will also contribute for a more economical design of column
base connections.
Therefore, it is known that a good approximation would be an interaction defined by a curved line. In
addition, due to the double symmetry of the joint, the tangent of the curve at the points where it
intersects the main axes must be perpendicular to those. Thus, a shape that verifies these criteria is an
ellipse and its function is given by:
Knowing that a is the ordinate of the point where the curve intersects the x-axis and that b is the
coordinate of the point where the curve interests the y-axis, the equation of the study case can be
obtained by:
Figure 4.11 shows the difference between the linear curve (red line) and the elliptical curve (blue line).
It is easy to understand that a whole range of joints would be neglected for the case of the linear curve,
as it is shown by the stripped area.
My [KN.m]
Figure 4.11 Elliptical Mz-My interaction curve
Proceeding, with the shape of the interaction curve defined, it remains to explain how to obtain the
final moment capacity from the curve. This is done by intersecting the curve with a line which is
described by the following function:
Where is the angle between the applied moment and the strong axis, see Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.12.
My [KN.m]
Finally, the distance from the origin of the diagram to the point obtained by equating formulas (4.26)
and (4.27), gives the moment capacity value for bending in any direction ():
For the validation of the procedure for studying the behavior of column bases under weak axis
bending, the moment-rotation diagram was drawn for a particular eccentricity (e= -0,25m), see Figure
4.13. The moment capacity and the initial stiffness of the numerical model were obtained by this
diagram and are presented in Table 4.2, as well as the analytical results. The analytical calculation can
be found in Annex 1 of this work.
Rotation [rad]
Figure 4.13 - Moment-rotation diagram for weak axis bending with proportional loading (e= -0,250m)
Table 4.2 - Comparison between numerical results and analytical results for weak axis bending with proportional
loading (e=-0,25m)
Moment Capacity
Analytical results
Numerical results
Ratio Analyt./Numer.
Initial Stiffness
The ratio of the moment capacity is very similar to the one obtained by the comparison between the
component method described in Eurocode 3 (strong axis bending) and the numerical model, which
was 0,46 (see Table 3.3). Thus, the proposed model seems to be acceptable. However, like for the case
of strong axis bending, the model is very conservative.
Regarding the initial stiffness, the analytical result is closer to the numerical result than what was
observed for the strong axis bending. In this case the ratio was 1,40, and for the strong axis bending
case the ratio was 1,85 (see Table 3.3).
Like previously explained, three different curves were obtained using the numerical model, for three
different eccentricities: e= -0,25m; e= +0,25m; and e= M/0= . For each case, another curve was
represented with the same shape as the one proposed in the analytical model (elliptical shape), using
the moment capacities for bending about the strong and weak axis bending obtained by ABAQUS.
Furthermore, for the same three eccentricities, three curves were determined by the analytical model
(calculation in Annex 1, 2, and 3).
Figure 4.14, Figure 4.15 and Figure 4.16 show the comparison between the curves for the
eccentricities e= -0,25m; e= +0,25m; and e= M/0= , respectively.
My [KN.m]
ABAQUS curve
My [KN.m]
ABAQUS curve
My [KN.m]
Observing the three diagrams, it is concluded that the selected shape for the interaction curve of the
analytical model is appropriate. The green lines, which are the proposed elliptical curves drawn from
the moment capacities of the main axis obtained with ABAQUS, are almost coincidental with the red
lines, which are the curves obtained by the moment capacities of different loading planes, also reached
by the numerical model.
The blue lines, which are the analytical curves, are a lot smaller than the numerical curves. This is due
the conservative values that the component method provides. Thus, the analytical curve is also
The data of the joint was chosen based on the experiment that was presented in this work. The
geometry of the column base is the same as well as the material properties. However, the loading is
considered to be proportional, i.e., the axial force and bending moment increase by the same factor
(constant eccentricity). To obtain the design values, safety factors are considered as: M0=1,0;
M2=1,25 and c=1,5, in line with what is proposed by Eurocode 3.
The column HEB240 of steel grade S235 is loaded by a normal force NEd= -200KN and by a bending
moment M26,56,Ed =50KN that is deviated from the strong axis by an angle =26.56. Thus, the
corresponding eccentricity is
. The steel grade of the base plate is also S235
and its thickness is 20mm. The concrete block size is 1500x1000x400mm and its grade is C16/20. The
connection between the base plate and the concrete is carried out through four threaded rods of steel
grade 8.8 with 20mm of diameter and an embedment depth of 250mm. The head of the bolt is made by
steel plates with 20mm thickness.
The remaining dimensions can be found in Figure 4.17 and Table 4.3 shows a resume of the data
needed for calculation.
e a ec
HEB 240
Base plate
Steel S235
Steel S235
Grade 8.8
235 MPa
235 MPa
22,6 MPa
830 MPa
210 GPa
210 GPa
20,9 GPa
210 GPa
440 mm
1500 mm
HEB 240
240 mm
330 mm
1000 mm
20 mm
240 mm
20 mm
400 mm
220 mm
10 mm
50 mm
380 mm
250 mm
17 mm
85 mm
680 mm
20 mm
1,06x10 mm
50 mm
335 mm
1,126x10 mm
30 mm
1,053x10 mm
3,923x10 mm
4,984x10 mm
160 mm
The resistance of the main components will be calculated separately and then assembled to obtain the
bending resistance of the joint.
Resistance of the component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension
Starting with the tension component, the anchor bolt lever arm needs to be defined (considering that
fillet weld is awf=8mm):
The T-stub length calculation depends on the fact if there are prying forcers or not, therefore the
effective length needs to be checked:
As it is shown above there are no prying forces, so the effective length for each mechanism is given
The resistance of the T-stub in tension is verified for the two possible failure modes for the case of no
prying. First step is to calculate the plastic bending moment capacity of the base plate:
In Mode 3, the tension resistance of the bolts needs to be checked. According to [1] that resistance is:
Since there are two anchor bolts in tension, the resistance of this mode is:
And the lever arm of the tension part is the distance from the bolts row to the column axes of
The next step is to calculate the bearing strength, but first the influence of the grout needs to be
Since the grout as no influence, the joint material coefficient, j, is 2/3. Thus, the bearing strength is
calculated on that basis:
The width of the strip, c, that replaces the flexible plate into a rigid plate of equivalent area, is
calculated from:
This corresponds to the case of a dominant bending moment with tension on the left side and
compression acting on the right side (NEd 0 and e -zC,l).
The resistance of the tension part is:
The compression part resistance is taken as the minimum resistance of the components column flange
and web in compression or concrete in compression and base plate in bending:
As for the resistance, the initial stiffness of the joint is calculated based on the stiffness of the main
Stiffness of the component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension
The stiffness coefficients of the component are calculated on the basis of whether there are prying
forces or not. As demonstrated in the resistance calculation of the same component, there are no
prying forces, so the bolt stiffness coefficient is calculated as follows:
The stiffness is calculated for a specific eccentricity, consequently the eccentricity, ek, at which the
rotation is zero, is needed:
At last, the bending initial stiffness is obtained for the previously calculated eccentricity (e= -250mm):
About the classification according to stiffness, the joint is evaluated in comparison to the column
bending stiffness. For column length Lc=2m and cross section HEB 240, the relative bending stiffness
Then, the designed column base can be classified as semi-rigid whether it is used in a sway or nonsway frame because (for a particular value 0 = 1,36):
At first the resistance of the main components will be introduced and then assembled to get the
bending capacity of the joint.
Resistance of the component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension
As it was previously checked, there are no prying forces for a bolt active length Lb=220mm. Therefore,
the effective lengths for each possible mechanism are given by (with mx=40,9mm):
Then, the resistance of the T-stub in tension is verified for the two possible failure modes for the case
of no prying (mpl,Rd=23,5KN.m as previously demonstrated):
Mode 1-2
Thus, the design compression resistance of the compression part of the flange is:
The compression part resistance is taken as the minimum resistance of the components column flange
and web in compression or concrete in compression and base plate in bending:
bending moment with tension on the left side and compression in the right side (NEd 0 and e -zC,l),
the joints resistance is calculated by:
About the classification according to resistance, the joint is categorized as partial-strength because:
Stiffness of the component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension
As it is known, there are no prying forces, so the bolt stiffness coefficient is calculated as following:
But the effective length is different. Thus, the compressed length of the flange (lc) is needed:
Stiffness is calculated for particular eccentricity, consequently the eccentricity ek, at which the rotation
is zero, is required:
Ultimately, the bending initial stiffness is obtained for the previously calculated eccentricity
(ey= -250mm):
For the classification according to stiffness, the relative bending stiffness of the column needs to be
calculated. For a column length Lc=2m and cross section HEB 240:
The designed column base is semi-rigid in sway frames as well as non-sway frames (0 = 1,36)
The moment capacity for the deviated direction is obtained by equating the function of the curve to the
function of the line which is deviated from the strong axis by an angle =26,56:
Figure 4.19 shows the interaction curve and the representation of the moment capacity.
My [KN.m]
This dissertation focused on the analysis and design of column base connections. Special attention was
given to the most common method used for studying steel joints and composite joints, which is the
component method. The procedure was analyzed in detail to fully understand its foundations.
Moreover, experiments suitable for comparing with this method (i.e., experiments on a simple column
base) were searched. Thus, tests performed by Brno University of Technology were found and
described in this essay.
The component method, which is described in EN 1993-1-8, considers that joints can be characterized
as a set of individual components. Thus, the main components of column bases were identified and a
closer look was made to their individual behavior. The tension component is modeled as a T-stub and
its effective length is the main characteristic of the component. This is a very difficult parameter to
obtain as it demands an extensive knowledge of the subject. With regard to the compression part of the
joint, the most important parameter is the bearing strength of the concrete when subjected to a
concentrated force.
A numerical model is created using a Finite Element software (ABAQUS), and validated with
experimental results. The model was then subjected to bending about the strong axis and the results
were compared with the component method. The comparison revealed that the component method is
very conservative in terms of estimating the resistance of the joint. However, the initial stiffness was
proved to be almost twice smaller than that obtained from the numerical analysis. The numerical
model was also used in the validation of the proposed analytical model.
A model for predicting the column base behavior under weak axis bending was proposed. The model
is in accordance with the component method for strong axis bending. The differences between the
model for weak and strong axis bending were identified. The component which differs most is the
tension component since not all the yield mechanisms are possible in this case. Regarding the
component in the compression, the effective area is calculated according to the position of the neutral
axis instead of considering that this area is always the same, independently of the acting loads (like
what happens in the strong axis bending).
The analytical model allows to estimate the moment capacity of the joint for bending in any direction.
This was made possible by the help of an interaction curve between the moment capacities of the joint
for bending about the main axes assuming an elliptical shape.
Finally, the analytical model was validated by the comparison with the numerical model. At first, the
column base model in ABAQUS was subjected to weak axis bending with a load eccentricity of
e= -0,25m and the results were compared. Then, the column was subjected to various loading planes
with three different eccentricities (e= -0,25m; e= +0,25m and e= ) and an interaction curve was
drawn for the three cases.
The comparison for the weak axis bending proved that the model is accurate but also conservative in
terms of resistance, like for the case of strong axis bending. Regarding the initial stiffness, the values
of the analytical method showed a smaller ratio than for the case of strong axis bending. However,
they were still much higher than the numerical results. Therefore, further studies should be performed
aiming at dealing with this issue for both strong axis bending and weak axis bending.
It has been found that the proposed shape for the interaction curve is appropriate since it provides
consistent results with those obtained with the numerical model. Once the analytical curve is obtained
by moment capacities that are very conservative, the analytical curves are also very conservative.
In conclusion, the proposed analytical model may be considered for practical design. However, further
validation should be carried out in the future. It is suggested that the model is applied to a large
number of column base cases and that the estimates obtained with the analytical model are compared
with the results from FE analyses. It is also suggested that the FE model presented in this dissertation
is further improved in order to account for a more realistic behavior of the concrete side of the joint
under tension.
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Base plate
Steel S235
Steel S235
Grade 8.8
235 MPa
235 MPa
16 MPa
210 GPa
210 GPa
29 GPa
440 mm
1500 mm
HEB 240
830 MPa
240 mm
330 mm
1000 mm
20 mm
240 mm
20 mm
400 mm
220 mm
10 mm
50 mm
380 mm
250 mm
17 mm
85 mm
680 mm
20 mm
1,06x10 mm
50 mm
335 mm
1,126x10 mm
30 mm
1,053x10 mm
3,923x10 mm
4,984x10 mm
160 mm
Thus, the joint material coefficient j is 2/3 and the bearing strength is:
Effective length:
Effective width:
Effective area:
The component resistance depends on the plastic bending moment capacity of the column:
For the calculation of the bending resistance, the load eccentricity needed:
This corresponds to the case of a dominant bending moment with tension on the left side and
compression in the right side (NEd 0 and e -zC,l).
The tension part resistance is:
Effective lengths for the possible mechanism for the no-prying case (mx=40,9mm):
The bearing strength calculation is presented above (fjd=30,962MPa), as well as the width of the strip
(c=31,8 mm).
Effective area of the compressed T-stub:
The interaction curve is defined by the following function (see Figure 1):
Mz [KN.m]
My [KN.m]
Base plate
Steel S235
Steel S235
Grade 8.8
235 MPa
235 MPa
16 MPa
210 GPa
210 GPa
29 GPa
440 mm
1500 mm
HEB 240
830 MPa
240 mm
330 mm
1000 mm
20 mm
240 mm
20 mm
400 mm
220 mm
10 mm
50 mm
380 mm
250 mm
17 mm
85 mm
680 mm
20 mm
1,06x10 mm
50 mm
335 mm
1,126x10 mm
30 mm
1,053x10 mm
3,923x10 mm
4,984x10 mm
160 mm
Thus, the joint material coefficient j is 2/3 and the bearing strength is:
Effective length:
Effective width:
Effective area:
The component resistance depends on the plastic bending moment capacity of the column:
For the calculation of the bending resistance, the load eccentricity needed:
This corresponds to the case of a dominant bending moment with tension in one side and compression
in the ohter side (NEd 0 and e zT).
The tension part resistance is:
Effective lengths for the possible mechanism for the no-prying case (mx=40,9mm):
The bearing strength calculation is presented above (fjd=30,962MPa), as well as the width of the strip
(c=31,8 mm).
Effective area of the compressed T-stub:
The interaction curve is defined by the following function (see Figure 2):
Mz [KN.m]
My [KN.m]
Base plate
Steel S235
Steel S235
Grade 8.8
235 MPa
235 MPa
16 MPa
210 GPa
210 GPa
29 GPa
440 mm
1500 mm
HEB 240
830 MPa
240 mm
330 mm
1000 mm
20 mm
240 mm
20 mm
400 mm
220 mm
10 mm
50 mm
380 mm
250 mm
17 mm
85 mm
680 mm
20 mm
1,06x10 mm
50 mm
335 mm
1,126x10 mm
30 mm
1,053x10 mm
3,923x10 mm
4,984x10 mm
160 mm
Thus, the joint material coefficient j is 2/3 and the bearing strength is:
Effective length:
Effective width:
Effective area:
The component resistance depends on the plastic bending moment capacity of the column:
For the calculation of the bending resistance, the load eccentricity needed:
Effective lengths for the possible mechanism for the no-prying case (mx=40,9mm):
The bearing strength calculation is presented above (fjd=30,962MPa), as well as the width of the strip
(c=31,8 mm).
Effective area of the compressed T-stub:
The interaction curve is defined by the following function (see Figure 3):
My [KN.m]