Defaunation in The Anthropocene

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Defaunation in the Anthropocene

Rodolfo Dirzo,1* Hillary S. Young,2 Mauro Galetti,3 Gerardo Ceballos,4
Nick J. B. Isaac,5 Ben Collen6
We live amid a global wave of anthropogenically driven biodiversity loss: species
and population extirpations and, critically, declines in local species abundance.
Particularly, human impacts on animal biodiversity are an under-recognized form of
global environmental change. Among terrestrial vertebrates, 322 species have
become extinct since 1500, and populations of the remaining species show 25%
average decline in abundance. Invertebrate patterns are equally dire: 67% of
monitored populations show 45% mean abundance decline. Such animal declines
will cascade onto ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Much remains unknown
about this Anthropocene defaunation; these knowledge gaps hinder our capacity
to predict and limit defaunation impacts. Clearly, however, defaunation is both a
pervasive component of the planets sixth mass extinction and also a major driver of
global ecological change.

n the past 500 years, humans have triggered

a wave of extinction, threat, and local population declines that may be comparable in
both rate and magnitude with the five previous
mass extinctions of Earths history (1). Similar
to other mass extinction events, the effects of this
sixth extinction wave extend across taxonomic
groups, but they are also selective, with some taxonomic groups and regions being particularly
affected (2). Here, we review the patterns and consequences of contemporary anthropogenic impact
on terrestrial animals. We aim to portray the scope
and nature of declines of both species and abundance of individuals and examine the consequences
of these declines. So profound is this problem that
we have applied the term defaunation to describe
it. This recent pulse of animal loss, hereafter referred to as the Anthropocene defaunation, is not
only a conspicuous consequence of human impacts
on the planet but also a primary driver of global
environmental change in its own right. In comparison, we highlight the profound ecological impacts
of the much more limited extinctions, predominantly of larger vertebrates, that occurred during
the end of the last Ice Age. These extinctions altered ecosystem processes and disturbance regimes
at continental scales, triggering cascades of extinction thought to still reverberate today (3, 4).
The term defaunation, used to denote the
loss of both species and populations of wildlife
(5), as well as local declines in abundance of
individuals, needs to be considered in the same

Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

94305, USA. 2Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine
Biology, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa
Barbara, CA 93106, USA. 3Departamento de Ecologia,
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP, 13506-900,
Brazil. 4Instituto de Ecologa, Universidad Nacional Autnoma
de Mxico, AP 70-275, Mxico D.F. 04510, Mexico. 5Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC) Centre for Ecology
and Hydrology, Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford,
Oxfordshire, OX10 8BB, UK. 6Centre for Biodiversity and
Environment Research, Department of Genetics, Evolution
and Environment, University College London, Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT, UK.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]


sense as deforestation, a term that is now readily recognized and influential in focusing scientific and general public attention on biodiversity
issues (5). However, although remote sensing
technology provides rigorous quantitative information and compelling images of the magnitude, rapidity, and extent of patterns of
deforestation, defaunation remains a largely
cryptic phenomenon. It can occur even in large
protected habitats (6), and yet, some animal
species are able to persist in highly modified
habitats, making it difficult to quantify without
intensive surveys.
Analyses of the impacts of global biodiversity
loss typically base their conclusions on data derived from species extinctions (1, 7, 8), and typically, evaluations of the effects of biodiversity
loss draw heavily from small-scale manipulations
of plants and small sedentary consumers (9). Both
of these approaches likely underestimate the full
impacts of biodiversity loss. Although species extinctions are of great evolutionary importance,
declines in the number of individuals in local
populations and changes in the composition of
species in a community will generally cause greater
immediate impacts on ecosystem function (8, 10).
Moreover, whereas the extinction of a species often
proceeds slowly (11), abundance declines within
populations to functionally extinct levels can occur rapidly (2, 12). Actual extinction events are
also hard to discern, and International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) threat categories
amalgamate symptoms of high risk, conflating
declining population and small populations so that
counts of threatened species do not necessarily
translate into extinction risk, much less ecological
impact (13). Although the magnitude and frequency of extinction events remain a potent way of
communicating conservation issues, they are only
a small part of the actual loss of biodiversity (14).
The Anthropocene defaunation process
Defaunation: A pervasive phenomenon
Of a conservatively estimated 5 million to 9 million animal species on the planet, we are likely

losing ~11,000 to 58,000 species annually (15, 16).

However, this does not consider population extirpations and declines in animal abundance
within populations.
Across vertebrates, 16 to 33% of all species
are estimated to be globally threatened or endangered (17, 18), and at least 322 vertebrate
species have become extinct since 1500 (a date
representative of onset of the recent wave of extinction; formal definition of the start of the
Anthropocene is still being debated) (table S1)
(17, 19, 20). From an abundance perspective,
vertebrate data indicate a mean decline of 28%
in number of individuals across species in the
past four decades (fig. S1, A and B) (14, 21, 22),
with populations of many iconic species such
as elephant rapidly declining toward extinction (19).
Loss of invertebrate biodiversity has received
much less attention, and data are extremely
limited. However, data suggest that the rates of
decline in numbers, species extinction, and range
contraction among terrestrial invertebrates are
at least as severe as among vertebrates (23, 24).
Although less than 1% of the 1.4 million described invertebrate species have been assessed
for threat by the IUCN, of those assessed, ~40%
are considered threatened (17, 23, 24). Similarly,
IUCN data on the status of 203 insect species in
five orders reveal vastly more species in decline
than increasing (Fig. 1A). Likewise, for the invertebrates for which trends have been evaluated
in Europe, there is a much higher proportion of
species with numbers decreasing rather than
increasing (23). Long-term distribution data on
moths and four other insect orders in the UK
show that a substantial proportion of species
have experienced severe range declines in the
past several decades (Fig. 1B) (19, 25). Globally,
long-term monitoring data on a sample of 452
invertebrate species indicate that there has been
an overall decline in abundance of individuals
since 1970 (Fig. 1C) (19). Focusing on just the
Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), for which
the best data are available, there is strong evidence of declines in abundance globally (35%
over 40 years) (Fig. 1C). Non-Lepidopteran invertebrates declined considerably more, indicating that estimates of decline of invertebrates
based on Lepidoptera data alone are conservative (Fig. 1C) (19). Likewise, among pairs of
disturbed and undisturbed sites globally, Lepidopteran species richness is on average 7.6
times higher in undisturbed than disturbed
sites, and total abundance is 1.6 times greater
(Fig. 1D) (19).
Patterns of defaunation
Although we are beginning to understand the
patterns of species loss, we still have a limited
understanding of how compositional changes in
communities after defaunation and associated
disturbance will affect phylogenetic community
structure and phylogenetic diversity (26). Certain
lineages appear to be particularly susceptible to
human impact. For instance, among vertebrates,
more amphibians (41%) are currently considered
25 JULY 2014 VOL 345 ISSUE 6195


threatened than birds (17%), with mammals and

reptiles experiencing intermediate threat levels (27).
Although defaunation is a global pattern,
geographic distribution patterns are also decidedly nonrandom (28). In our evaluation of
mammals (1437 species) and birds (4263 species), the number of species per 10,000 km2 in
decline (IUCN population status decreasing)
varied across regions from a few to 75 in mammals and 125 in birds (Fig. 2), with highest
numbers in tropical regions. These trends persist even after factoring in the greater species
diversity of the tropics (29, 30). Similarly, most
Fig. 1. Evidence of declines in invertebrate abundance. (A) Of all insects with IUCN-documented
population trends, 33% are declining, with strong
variation among orders (19). (B) Trends among UK
insects (with colors indicating percent decrease
over 40 years) show 30 to 60% of species per order
have declining ranges (19). (C) Globally, a compiled index of all invertebrate population declines
over the past 40 years shows an overall 45% decline, although decline for Lepidoptera is less severe
than for other taxa (19). (D) A meta-analysis of
effects of anthropogenic disturbance on Lepidoptera,
the best-studied invertebrate taxon, shows considerable overall declines in diversity (19).

of 177 mammal species have lost more than 50%

of their range (9).
The use of statistical models based on life history characteristics (traits) has gained traction as
a way to understand patterns of biodiversity loss
(31). For many vertebrates, and a few invertebrates, there has been excellent research examining the extent to which such characteristics
correlate with threat status and extinction risk
(3234). For example, small geographic range
size, low reproductive rates, large home range
size, and large body size recur across many studies
and diverse taxa as key predictors of extinction

risk, at least among vertebrates. However, these

extinction models have made little impact on
conservation management, in part because trait
correlations are often idiosyncratic and contextdependent (31).
We are increasingly aware that trait correlations are generally weaker at the population level
than at the global scale (31, 35). Similarly, we now
recognize that extinction risk is often a synergistic
function of both intrinsic species traits and the
nature of threat (32, 3437). For example, large
body size is more important for predicting risk in
island birds than mainland birds (34) and for

Percent of insect species

Percent decrease over 40 y




> 0%


> 10%
> 20%






> 30%
> 40%








Global index of invertebrate abundance

Effects of disturbance on Lepidoptera




Overall effect

All other invertebrates






Diversity lower in Diversity higher in

disturbed areas
disturbed areas

Fig. 2. Global population declines in mammals

and birds. The number of species defined by IUCN
as currently experiencing decline, represented in
numbers of individuals per 10,000 km2 for mammals and birds, shows profound impacts of defaunation across the globe.


25 JULY 2014 VOL 345 ISSUE 6195 SCIENCE

tropical mammals than for temperate ones (36).

However, increasingly sophisticated approaches
help to predict which species are likely to be at
risk and to map latent extinction risk (38), holding great promise both for managing defaunation and identifying likely patterns of ecological
impact (39). For instance, large-bodied animals
with large home ranges often play specific roles
in connecting ecosystems and transferring energy between them (40). Similarly, species with
life history characteristics that make them
robust to disturbance may be particularly competent at carrying zoonotic disease and therefore
especially important at driving disease emergence
(41, 42).
The relatively well-established pattern of correlation between body size and risk in mammals
creates a predictable size-selective defaunation
gradient (Fig. 3) (19, 36, 43). For instance, there
are strong differences in body mass distributions among mammals that (i) became extinct
in the Pleistocene [<50,000 years before the
present (B.P.)], (ii) went recently extinct (<5000
years B.P., Late Holocene and Anthropocene),
(iii) are currently threatened with extinction (IUCN

category threatened and above), and (iv) extant species not currently threatened (Fig. 3),
all showing greater vulnerability of largerbodied species. The myriad consequences of
such differential defaunation have been quantified via the experimental manipulation of the
large wildlife in an African savanna (Fig. 4
and table S3), revealing substantial effects on
biodiversity, ecological processes, and ecosystem
Multiple unaddressed drivers of defaunation
The long-established major proximate drivers
of wildlife population decline and extinction in
terrestrial ecosystemsnamely, overexploitation,
habitat destruction, and impacts from invasive
speciesremain pervasive (18). None of these major drivers have been effectively mitigated at the
global scale (14, 18). Rather, all show increasing
trajectories in recent decades (14). Moreover, several newer threats have recently emerged, most
notably anthropogenic climate disruption, which
will likely soon compete with habitat loss as the
most important driver of defaunation (44). For
example, ~20% of the landbirds in the western

Size-differential defaunation
Frequency of extinction (median value highlighted)


25 percent













Body mass (kg)

Fig. 3. Extinction and endangerment vary with body size. Comparing data on body size of all animals
that are known to have gone extinct in Pleistocene or are recently extinct (<5000 years B.P.) shows
selective impact on animals with larger body sizes (median values denoted with black arrow). Differences
in body masses between distributions of currently threatened and nonthreatened species suggest
ongoing patterns of size-differential defaunation (Kolmogorv-Smirnov test, K = 1.3, P < 0.0001) (19).
[Animal image credits: giant sloth, C. Buell; others, D. Orr]


Consequences of defaunation
Because animal loss represents a major change
in biodiversity, it is likely to have important effects on ecosystem functioning. A recent metaanalyses of biodiversity-ecosystem function studies
suggests that the impact of biodiversity losses
on ecosystem functions is comparable in scale
with that of other global changes (such as pollution and nutrient deposition) (9). However, most
efforts to quantify this relationship have focused
largely on effects of reduced producer diversity,
which may typically have much lower functional impacts than does consumer loss (49, 50).
Efforts to quantify effects of changes in animal
diversity on ecosystem function, particularly terrestrial vertebrate diversity, remain more limited (19, 51).
Impacts on ecosystem functions
and services
We examined several ecosystem functions and
services for which the impacts of defaunation
have been documented that are either a direct
result of anthropogenic extirpation of serviceproviding animals or occur indirectly through
cascading effects (Fig. 5).


hemisphere are predicted to go extinct because

of climate change by 2100 (45). Disease, primarily
involving human introduced pathogens, is also a
major and growing threat (46).
Although most declining species are affected
by multiple stressors, we still have a poor understanding of the complex ways in which these
drivers interact and of feedback loops that may
exist (7, 11). Several examples of interactions are
already well documented. For example, fragmentation increases accessibility to humans, compounding threats of reduced habitat and exploitation
(47). Similarly, land-use change is making it difficult for animals to expand their distributions into
areas made suitable by climate change (25, 48).
Feedbacks among these and other drivers seem
more likely to amplify the effects of defaunation
than to dampen them (11).

Insect pollination, needed for 75% of all the

worlds food crops, is estimated to be worth
~10% of the economic value of the worlds entire food supply (52). Pollinators appear to be
strongly declining globally in both abundance
and diversity (53). Declines in insect pollinator
diversity in Northern Europe in the past 30
years have, for example, been linked to strong
declines in relative abundance of plant species
reliant on those pollinators (54). Similarly, declines in bird pollinators in New Zealand led to
strong pollen limitation, ultimately reducing
seed production and population regeneration
(Fig. 5H) (55).
Pest control
Observational and experimental studies show
that declines in small vertebrates frequently
lead to multitrophic cascades, affecting herbivore
abundance, plant damage, and plant biomass (56).
25 JULY 2014 VOL 345 ISSUE 6195








Fig. 4. Results of experimental manipulation simulating differential

defaunation. As a model of the pervasive ecosystem effects of defaunation,
in just one site (the Kenya Long Term Exclosure Experiment), the effects of
selective large-wildlife (species >15 kg) removal drive strong cascading consequences on other taxa, on interactions, and on ecosystem services (81).
(A) In this experiment, large wildlife are effectively removed by fences, as
evidenced by mean difference in dung abundance (T1 SE) between control
and exclosure plots. (B) This removal leads to changes in the abundance or
diversity of other consumer groups. Effects were positive for most of these
small-bodied consumersincluding birds (B-R, bird species richness; B-A,
granivorous bird abundance), Coleoptera (C), fleas (F), geckos (G), insect
biomass (I), rodents (R), and snakes (S)but negative for ticks (T). (C)
Experimental defaunation also affects plant-animal interactions, notably

Cumulatively, these ubiquitous small-predator

trophic cascades can have enormous impacts on a
wide variety of ecological functions, including food
production. For example, arthropod pests are responsible for 8 to 15% of the losses in most major
food crops. Without natural biological control,
this value could increase up to 37% (57). In the
United States alone, the value of pest control by
native predators is estimated at $4.5 billion annually (58).
Nutrient cycling and decomposition
The diversity of invertebrate communities, particularly their functional diversity, can have
dramatic impacts on decomposition rates and
nutrient cycling (5961). Declines in mobile species that move nutrients long distances have
been shown to greatly affect patterns of nutrient
distribution and cycling (62). Among large animals, Pleistocene extinctions are thought to have
changed influx of the major limiting nutrient,
phosphorus, in the Amazon by ~98%, with implications persisting today (3).








25 JULY 2014 VOL 345 ISSUE 6195




Plant-animal interactions


Effect size (In(E/C)

Number dung piles

Large wildlife

Cascades to other consumers

Effect size (In(E/C)


Effect size (In(E/C)



Functions and services



Di C-D


altering the mutualism between ants and the dominant tree, Acacia
drepanolobium and driving changes in fruit production (FP), ant defense by
some species (AD), herbivory of shoots (He), thorn production (TP), nectary
production (NP), and spine length (SL). (D) Large-wildlife removal also
causes major effects on ecosystem functions and services, including changes
to fire intensity (Fi), cattle production in both dry (C-D) and wet (C-W)
seasons, disease prevalence (D), infectivity of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi
(AMF), photosynthetic rates (Ph), and transpiration rates (TR). Data in (B) to
(D) are effect size [ln(exclosure metric/control metric)] after large-wildlife
removal. Although this experiment includes multiple treatments, these
results represent effects of full exclosure treatments; details on treatments
and metrics are provided in table S3. [Photo credits: T. Palmer, H. Young,
R. Sensenig, and L. Basson]

Water quality
Defaunation can also affect water quality and
dynamics of freshwater systems. For instance,
global declines in amphibian populations increase algae and fine detritus biomass, reduce
nitrogen uptake, and greatly reduce wholestream respiration (Fig. 5E) (63). Large animals,
including ungulates, hippos, and crocodiles,
prevent formation of anoxic zones through
agitation and affect water movement through
trampling (64).
Human health
Defaunation will affect human health in many
other ways via reductions in ecosystem goods
and services (65), including pharmaceutical compounds, livestock species, biocontrol agents, food
resources, and disease regulation. Between 23
and 36% of all birds, mammals, and amphibians
used for food or medicine are now threatened
with extinction (14). In many parts of the world,
wild-animal food sources are a critical part of the
diet, particularly for the poor. One recent study

in Madagascar suggested that loss of wildlife as a

food source will increase anemia by 30%, leading
to increased mortality, morbidity, and learning
difficulties (66). However, although some level of
bushmeat extraction may be a sustainable service, current levels are clearly untenable (67); vertebrate populations used for food are estimated
to have declined by at least 15% since 1970 (14). As
previously detailed, food production may decline
because of reduced pollination, seed dispersal,
and insect predation. For example, loss of pest
control from ongoing bat declines in North America are predicted to cause more than $22 billion
in lost agricultural productivity (68). Defaunation
can also affect disease transmission in myriad
ways, including by changing the abundance, behavior, and competence of hosts (69). Several
studies demonstrate increases in disease prevalence after defaunation (41, 42, 70). However, the
impacts of defaunation on disease are far from
straightforward (71), and few major human pathogens seem to fit the criteria that would make
such a relationship pervasive (71). More work is SCIENCE



% carion removed



Rate litter resp

(ug C-1h-1)

Rate decomp
(% dry weight loss)

% seeds dispersed


Carrion removal

Litter respiration and decomposition

Seed dispersal







Carbon cycling

No juvenile plants

% Fruit set

limitation index

Pollination and regeneration

Proportion dungremoval



Soil erosion and cattle forage

Forage biomass



Soil erosion indicator



Carbon flux
(ug C kg soil-1day-1)

Seeds dispersed


Dung removal

% seedlings trampled

Suspended particulate
organic matter

Stream respiration
(g O2m-2d-1)

Water quality and stream respiration







Fig. 5. Consequences of defaunation on ecosystem functioning and services. Changes in animal abundance from low (blue, L) to high (red, H) within a
region have been shown to affect a wide range of ecological processes and services (19), including (A) seed dispersal (flying foxes), (B) litter respiration and
decomposition (seabirds), (C) carrion removal (vultures), (D) herbivory (large mammals), (E) water quality and stream restoration (amphibians), (F) trampling of
seedlings (mammals), (G) dung removal (dung beetles), (H) pollination and plant recruitment (birds), (I) carbon cycling (nematodes), and (J) soil erosion and
cattle fodder (prairie dogs).

urgently needed to understand the mechanisms

and context-dependence of defaunation-disease
relationships in order to identify how defaunation will affect human disease.
Impacts on evolutionary patterns
The effects of defaunation appear not to be
merely proximally important to the ecology of
affected species and systems but also to have
evolutionary consequences. Several studies have
detected rapid evolutionary changes in morphology or life history of short-lived organisms (72) or
human-exploited species (73). Because defaunation of vertebrates often selects on body size, and
smaller individuals are often unable to replace
fully the ecological services their larger counterparts provide, there is strong potential for cascading
effects that result from changing body-size distributions (74). Still poorly studied are the indirect
evolutionary effects of defaunation on other species, not directly affected by human defaunation.
For example, changes in abundance or composition of pollinators or seed dispersers can cause
rapid evolution in plant mating systems and seed
morphology (75, 76). There is a pressing need to

understand the ubiquity and importance of such

evolutionary cascades (77).
Synthesis and ways forward
This Review indicates that a widespread and pervasive defaunation crisis, with far-reaching consequences, is upon us. These consequences have
been better recognized in the case of large mammals (78, 79). Yet, defaunation is affecting smaller
and less charismatic fauna in similar ways. Ongoing declines in populations of animals such as
nematodes, beetles, or bats are considerably less
evident to humans yet arguably are more functionally important. Improved monitoring and
study of such taxa, particularly invertebrates,
will be critical to advance our understanding of
defaunation. Ironically, the cryptic nature of
defaunation has strong potential to soon become
very noncryptic, rivaling the impact of many other
forms of global change in terms of loss of ecosystem services essential for human well-being.
Although extinction remains an important evolutionary impact on our planet and is a powerful
social conservation motivator, we emphasize that
defaunation is about much more than species

loss. Indeed, the effects of defaunation will be

much less about the loss of absolute diversity
than about local shifts in species compositions
and functional groups within a community (80).
Focusing on changes in diversity metrics is thus
unlikely to be effective for maintaining adequate
ecological function, and we need to focus on predicting the systematic patterns of winners and
losers in the Anthropocene and identify the traits
that characterize them because this will provide
information on the patterns and the links to
function that we can then act on.
Cumulatively, systematic defaunation clearly
threatens to fundamentally alter basic ecological
functions and is contributing to push us toward
global-scale tipping points from which we may
not be able to return (7). Yet despite the dramatic
rates of defaunation currently being observed,
there is still much opportunity for action. We must
more meaningfully address immediate drivers of
defaunation: Mitigation of animal overexploitation and land-use change are two feasible, immediate actions that can be taken (44). These actions
can also buy necessary time to address the other
critical driver, anthropogenic climate disruption.
25 JULY 2014 VOL 345 ISSUE 6195


However, we must also address the often nonlinear impacts of continued human population
growth and increasingly uneven per capita consumption, which ultimately drive all these threats
(while still fostering poverty alleviation efforts).
Ultimately, both reduced and more evenly distributed global resource consumption will be necessary to sustainably change ongoing trends in
defaunation and, hopefully, eventually open the
door to refaunation. If unchecked, Anthropocene
defaunation will become not only a characteristic of the planets sixth mass extinction, but also
a driver of fundamental global transformations
in ecosystem functioning.




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G. Powney, F. Pedrosa, and M. Pires helped in providing or
analyzing data and producing figures. P. Ehrlich, T. Young,
S. Vignieri, and two anonymous reviewers read a previous draft
and offered constructive comments. Butterfly Conservation, the
British Dragonfly Society, Bees Wasps and Ants Recording Society,
the Ground Beetle Recording Scheme, and Bird Life International
provided access to unpublished data. We thank Conselho Nacional
de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico, Fundao para o
Desenvolvimento do Unesp, Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do
Estado de So Paulo, NERC, Joint Nature Conservation Committee,
NSF, and Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico for financial
support. Vector images are courtesy of University of Maryland
Center for Environmental Science.
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S6
Tables S1 to S3
References (80167)


Reversing defaunation: Restoring

species in a changing world
Philip J. Seddon,1* Christine J. Griffiths,2 Pritpal S. Soorae,3 Doug P. Armstrong4
The rate of biodiversity loss is not slowing despite global commitments, and the depletion
of animal species can reduce the stability of ecological communities. Despite this
continued loss, some substantial progress in reversing defaunation is being achieved
through the intentional movement of animals to restore populations. We review the full
spectrum of conservation translocations, from reinforcement and reintroduction to
controversial conservation introductions that seek to restore populations outside their
indigenous range or to introduce ecological replacements for extinct forms. We place the
popular, but misunderstood, concept of rewilding within this framework and consider
the future role of new technical developments such as de-extinction.

ecent analyses have shown that the rate

of biodiversity loss has not slowed despite
global commitments made through the
2002 Convention on Biological Diversity
(1). Projected future extinction rates for

terrestrial species might exceed current rates

of extinction (2). A key component of biodiversity loss is defaunation, the loss or depletion of
animal species from ecological communities
(3, 4). Such losses can reduce the stability of SCIENCE

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