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Kindergartenhandbook 2015 2016

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Lochearn Elementary


Welcome to Lochearn Elementary School!

It is hoped this kindergarten handbook will be kept throughout the year as a
helpful tool that provides information about our program and answers
questions you may have.
Kindergarten is a very special time in a childs life and we as teachers are
very pleased to be part of your childs learning journey. It is important to
create a partnership between home and school. You are your childs first and
most important teacher. We look forward to working with you and your child
to create a positive partnership that builds a love of learning.
Kindergarten teachers can be reached by phone at school (403-845-3721) or
you can consult the school web site @ //sites.google.com/a/wrsd.ca/lochearnschool/ or staff email.

Everything You Need To Know About Kindergarten!

Quick Reference:

What does my childs day look like? ....p 3,4,5

What will my child learn about? ...p
How will my child be evaluated?.........................................p
How can I help my child experience success?.......................p
What can I supply for the kindergarten program?......................p

What does my childs day look like?

Daily Schedule:
Times: Our full day program runs Monday/Wednesday or
Tuesday/Thursday and some Fridays from 8:54 am to 3:33 pm. The
kindergarten Fridays do not alternate due to accommodations for the school
division calendar, however all kindergarten children attend the same number
of hours in the school year. Please consult your colored calendar to
determine the Fridays your child will attend.

Bus Students: Parents that require their children to ride the bus must
complete the necessary form by mid June or contact the Bus Barn @ 403845-4255.
Students arriving on buses will be met by a staff member in the bus lanes
and accompanied to their classroom. Students will also be assisted at the
end of the day to ensure they are on the right bus to go home. If your childs
transportation changes at any time please indicate this change. Your child
will need to know their route number not the bus number.

Non-Bus Students: Students who are dropped off at school or walking

should arrive between 8:40 and 8:50 am. Students will be dismissed at
3:33 pm.
If there is someone else picking up your child or a change in routine, please
indicate this in writing in your childs agenda.


If your child is ill or absent from school please contact the

http://wrsd.schoolconnects.com to report your child's absence/late. If you need

to take your child out of school early, write a note in your childs agenda and
sign them out at the office when you come to pick them up.

Contact Information: If there are name, address, or phone number

changes or changes to the emergency contact during the year, please notify
the teacher and the office as soon as possible.


Our school day is divided into three large blocks of learning time with
two eating times and two outside play times. Please pack your childs
healthy lunch in such a way that your child will be able to budget their food
for two eating times. Due to allergies in our school we ask that parents do
not send peanut butter or nut products to school.
Lochearn School also has Hot Lunch day sponsored by our Parent
Advisory Council once a month as well as a milk program. Order forms go
home with your child. Parents are welcome to join us for Hot Lunch
day. Times and dates are included in the monthly school calendar.
Our program offers daily physical education as well as two outside
recesses each day. Please ensure your child is dressed for the weather
with footwear and coats that the children can manage easily. We also ask
that you send a complete change of clothes in a labeled ziplock bag to keep
at the school just in case.

Medication: If your child requires medication to be administered at

school, a permission/request form must be completed and returned to the
school office.

The agenda is a communication tool between school and home that
travels back and forth in your childs backpack. Home notes will be placed

in the agenda informing you of Literacy and Numeracy objectives as well as

events and deadlines that are important for kindergarten.
Parents use the agenda to write in information the teacher may need
to know regarding your child at the school. Included in the agenda is a
pocket in the front for forms and papers as well as your childs home reading
Students returning their agendas each school day with their book will select
a new book for the home reading program.

What will my child learn about?

Character Education:

Lochearn School uses a character and leadership concept based on work by

Stephen Covey called Be Green to describe positive behaviors that
promote success for all in a respectful environment.
Consistent language is used throughout the school to assist all students in
understanding and complying with our seven basic guidelines. Daily draws
and monthly awards are given to children who exemplify the 7 Habits of
Being Green.
All monthly award assemblies are held @ 12:00 and will be scheduled
on our monthly calendar. All parents are welcome to attend our monthly
assemblies. If your child is receiving an award you will be notified in
advance and your childs picture will be taken and printed in The

Seven Habits for Being Green At Lochearn School

1) Be Proactive Be a leader of your choices and behaviors
Accepts responsibility for own behavior
Acts respectful and courteously towards others
Displays a positive attitude (carries own weather)
2) Begin with the End in Mind Think about how you would like
something to turn out before you get started
Keeps things neat and organized
Uses time effectively
3) Put First Things First Work first then play
Completes assignments promptly
Pays attention in class
Shows positive attitude toward learning
4) Think Win-Win Everyone can win its not me or you, its both of us
Demonstrates unselfish attitude
Works well with others
Respects school and personal property
5) Seek First to Understand Then to be Understood Listen first and
talk second
Listens to others
Demonstrates kindness to others
6) Synergize Together is better (Learning Together We Excel)
Cooperates with others
Participates in classroom activities
7) Sharpen the Saw Have balance in your life (body/brain/soul/heart)
Shows respect for self
Makes positive relationship choices

Learning Philosophy:

At Lochearn, the staff uses teaching strategies that encourage children to be

powerful partners in their own learning. These SMART Learning strategies
are based on theories developed by Susan Close. The children are
encouraged to ask questions and are supported to find the answers through
inquiry questions as well as to be guided through sharing new ideas and
working with others.
In kindergarten the children are made aware of how their brain works and
are encouraged to think about how they are thinking. Working with partners
and small groups to build, explore and play are the ways kindergarten
children are guided through the curriculum in an age appropriate, center
based learning experience.

Kindergarten Curriculum:
Alberta learning has an outline of objectives that are required to be explored
during the year. How we cover those objectives are based on training and
experience as well as the needs and interests of our students.


Literacy and numeracy skills are infused throughout the program in as many
ways as possible to create engaging, and meaningful experiences for the
children to become independent with reading, writing and number skills.

At all times we work hard to provide the appropriate level of challenge to

address the spectrum of learning levels in each class so all children
remain engaged and involved in their learning.
For literacy basics we use a Canadian program called Fun Family Phonics
as a basis for letter and sound recognition. We incorporate printing practice
through a developmentally appropriate program called Handwriting without
Tears and build phonemic awareness using Words Their Way.
Numeracy skills are structured using a resource from Nelson as well as
Power Ten, by Trever Caulkins. Numeracy skills are also supported in
kindergarten by play centers such as sand, blocks and water that require
children to explore and utilize knowledge about comparisons, measurement,
geometry and number.

Other Curricular Areas:

The curriculum for kindergarten considers the development of all aspects of
a child including citizenship & identity, personal and social responsibility,
environment & community awareness, physical skills & well-being and
creative expression. These areas are embedded into daily structure of the
kindergarten program.

Special Events:

Library is held once each week. Your child will use a book bag supplied by
the school to help keep track of the library books they borrow. Please help
your child remember to return books. If books are not returned new ones
cannot be signed out. Lost book fees are $15.00.

Fieldtrips and special days will be scheduled with plenty of notice and are
planned according to curricular connections. Information can be found in the
Home Note closer to event times. If the classes are leaving the school
grounds for any reason we must have parental signed permission. Please be
sure to sign and return the forms so your child is able to participate.
Kindergarten students participate in the Lochearn School Concert in
December, they ice skate in January (so will need skates) and have a bused
fieldtrip in June.


We celebrate each childs birthday on the school day that it falls closest to.
You are welcome to bring a special snack to share with the class. Summer
birthdays will be celebrated in June.

Scholastic Book Club:

Every month we will send home a Scholastic Book Club Catalogue for you
and your child to look over. If you choose to order, please make your cheque
payable to Scholastic Books. Please do not send cash.

How will My Child Be Evaluated?



Lochearn School uses a method of assessment and reporting that involves

the students, parents and teachers. Each kindergarten child is provided
with a 3 ring binder that holds work samples, assessments and a reporting
page called a portfolio. As the child progresses through each year of school
at Lochearn, the last term from each grade will be left in the binder. By
grade five there is a body of work documenting six years of growth for your
There are 3 reporting terms in kindergarten, November, March and
June. Parents and students are made aware of the specific skills or
objectives for the work that is included in each reporting term through goals
called I Can statements.

I Can Goals:
At the beginning of each month we will include the top three main goals for
literacy and numeracy in your childs agenda. These goals will also be
posted in our classroom.
Other goals and skills will be taught as well but the identified goals will be
the ones that are targeted and assessed that month and will be included in
the portfolio during the specified term.

Progress Indicators:
The categories that are used to describe the progress your child is making
are as follows:

Demonstrates superior performance and in-depth
understanding of learning outcomes
Demonstrates consistent performance and understanding
of learning outcomes

Not Yet

Demonstrates inconsistent performance and understanding

of learning outcomes
Demonstrates minimal performance and little
understanding of learning outcomes

Faces are used to better communicate to the children how they are
progressing and to help them set personal goals for improvement.
Parent/Student/Teacher conferences are held to share the successes for
Term 1 in November and Term 2 in March.
At the end of every school year we host a graduation ceremony to celebrate
the success of your childs learning journey in kindergarten.

How Can I help My Child Experience Success?

Set Up For Success:


As your child is adjusting to kindergarten it is important to support them by

creating a positive environment at home that connects home and school.
The following are a few suggestions that can set your child up for success:

Take time to talk with your child

Have regular routines for bedtime, meals and hygiene
Encourage self-help skills / independence /self-control
Read, read, read to your child everyday
Assist and monitor your childs choices about clothes, snacks,
activities and screen time (TV, computer, & digital devices)
Expect your child to clean up after him or herself after eating and
Get Involved in your childs school life
Volunteering At Lochearn School:

Volunteers are active at Lochearn in the classrooms, during special events

and programs and on the Parent Advisory Council (PAC).
Volunteers are required to have a criminal record check and a child welfare
check done prior to working in the school. Cover letters can be picked up at
the office to ensure there is no cost to you.
Volunteers are necessary in kindergarten. Often our most exciting
learning experiences cannot occur without more adults to help out.
If you have younger children at home, it is preferable that you arrange
childcare for them during volunteer times within the classroom due to safety
concerns and space.
Special events and programs you can help with could be book fairs, milk
program, hot lunch program, or special days during the year. It is
often the special talents you have that can enrich the school experience for
our students if you are willing and able to share them.
Our Parent Advisory Council meets the first Thursday of every month


What can I supply for the Kindergarten Program?

School Fees:
There is a cost of $40 due at the end of September helps cover the cost
of field trips, agendas, visiting performers, exhibitions, and guest speakers.

Supplies do not need to be labeled as we share all materials however,
labels should be on lunches, water bottles, backpacks, inside shoes and

This document is intended to be helpful in answering questions you may

have about kindergarten at Lochearn School.
We look forward to a smooth partnership between home and school as we
embark on this very exciting first year of school.

The Kindergarten Staff

Lochearn School


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