GB Letter To Im 1 Parents 2015-2016

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2015 2016 School Year

Integrated Math 1
Dear Gunning Bedford Panthers and Parents:
Welcome to the eighth grade! My name is Kenya Wilkinson. I am the eighth-grade
mathematics teacher on Team 8B at Gunning Bedford Middle School. I am originally
from Greenville, South Carolina. Being the GRITSGirl Raised In The Souththat I
am, I attended Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. Additionally, I attended
the University of Delaware where I received my masters degree in Educational
Leadership. I have fifteen years teaching experience in middle-level mathematics.
Thirteen of those fifteen years were spent teaching eighth grade. This year will be my
eleventh year teaching in the state of Delaware and I am fortunate enough to will have
done all eleven years at GB. I look forward to another opportunity to enlighten more
young minds with math.
Please feel free to contact me via e-mail at [email protected] or via
the phone at (302) 832-6285 ext. 4080.
Notebooks: All student assignments are to be dated, labeled by page number, and written
neatly in pencil. All work must be shown on all written assignments or no credit will be
Grading Policy:
Students will earn a letter grade based on their class work, homework, and assessments.
These categories are weighted. A students grade for the marking period will be based on
the following percentages for each category: Assessments are 70%, Classwork is 20%,
and Homework is 10% of a students overall grade. Assignments should be submitted on
time. Late work (unless resulting from an absence) submitted within 5 school days after
the due date will receiveat maximuma 75. Work submitted after the five days will
receive a 70. Assignments that are not submitted by the last call date will earn an I
which equates to a 50.
Class Work: Class work includes, but is not limited to, completion of daily class
activities including group work as well as independent practice and performance on
formative assessments, for example, exit tickets and/or notebook quizzes.
Homework: Please encourage your child to study each night. Mathematics is not
difficult; however, it does require problem-solving thinking. Since homework
is practice, most assignments are based on effort and completion; however,
some assignments will be collected and graded for accuracynot just

completion. Assignments will be given three to five days a week. These assignments are
expected to be completed by the beginning of the next class.
Sign up for IM 1 Math Remind by texting @3612b to (484) 577-2232.
Quizzes and Tests: Open-ended assessments will be given periodically throughout each
unit. Open-ended test questions will be administered at the conclusion of each unit and
will incorporate all of the major concepts covered in the unit. Students will be afforded
an opportunity to re-take a teacher (not district) assessment. This may be done on
Thursdays after school. Arrangements must be made in advance with the teacher to stay.
Honors Projects: Honors projects are made available at the interim of each marking
period. They are due on a date designated by the teacher. This date is usually within a
week of the end of each marking period. This is an independent assignment outside of
the regular curriculum. Students are expected to complete research for this project on
their own; however, they may seek clarification and/or limited guidance.
For marking periods 1 and 3, students MUST complete the social studies and ELA honors
projects. During these marking periods, math and science honors projects are optional.
For marking periods 2 and 4, students MUST complete the math and science honors
projects. During these marking periods, social studies and ELA are optional.
When an honors project is optional, the projects count as extra credit for students that will
not have an A for the end of that marking period. Students may earn up to 3
percentage points which will be added to their final marking period grade. Students that
will have an A at the end of that marking period will receive honors recognition on
their report card.
Make-up Work Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to make up any and all
missed work within two school days of absence. Any missed assignments may be
found at the back of the room in the area labeled Missed a DayFind It Here. The
assignments must be done OUTSIDE OF CLASS unless given specific instructions to the
If the student is absent due to a school-sponsored activity, the student is responsible for
turning in assignments due to the teacher BEFORE the absence and for making up work
and tests that are given during an absence.
If a student is present on the day a test or quiz is announced and absent on the day of the
test or quiz, he/she must be prepared to take the test or quiz on the day of his/her return.
Procedures for Non-instructional Routines:
1. The homework is posted on the board. It is located under HOMEWORK. The
students are expected to write their homework assignment in their agenda everyday.
2. All work turned in to the teacher for grading is to be written in pencil only unless
otherwise informed. THIS IS A PENCIL ONLY CLASS!
4. Students will need to write a pass in their student handbooks/planners to go any place
outside of the classroom once the class has begun. NO AGENDA, NO PASS!


Students will need a note from an administrator or another teacher to be excused for a
tardy. Students who are tardy to class will sign the Tardy Sheet at the front of the
classroom. Three tardies to class will result in a detention. The fourth tardy will
result in a referral.

School Rules for Student Behavior:

Learning and good citizenship are the most important goals at Gunning Bedford Middle
School. Students at GB therefore are expected to behave in a responsible manner, which
is appropriate for a positive learning environment. The expectations for student behavior
on Team 8B have been outlined in the team letter. The expectations for student behavior
outside of this classroom are located in the Code of Conduct.


Kenya Wilkinson, M.Ed

Please indicate that you have read the syllabus for IM 1 by signing below and returning this
portion of the paper to Ms. Wilkinson in room 408 by Friday, August 28th.

Students name____________________________________________Period_______________
(Please Print)
Students signature________________________________________________________

Parents Name___________________________________________________________
(Please Print)
Parents signature____________________________________________ Date__________

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