Yr 10 Re Revision

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Yr 10 RE Revision

Term Three
The Holy Sprits action though Conscience and the

Come Follow me pg 163 198
1. What is a persons conscience?
2. The Conscience is a persons most secret core and sanctuary
Explain this statement.
3.What are Human Heart questions? Use examples in your answer.
4. Explain the three elements of any moral decision.
5. What is Natural Law?
6. What is Divine Law?
7. What is a sin?
8. What conditions need to be present for a sin to occur?
9. What are the four principles of conscience? Explain how they help us
make decisions on moral issues.
10. Explain how the following factors can challenge our conscience:
Social trends
Peer pressure
Strong emotions
Illicit substances
Mental health issues
Inadequate moral information
The Holy Spirit and the spread of the Catholic Church
Come Follow me pg 199 244
11. What is the Magisterium?
12. Explain the four qualities of the church.
13. How did the Holy Spirit help the spread of the Catholic Church?
14. Who are the following people and how did they help with the
spread of the Catholic church?
15. What was the Great Schism?
16. Describe how the Catholic church expanded beyond Europe

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